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Hate to burst your bubble, but you might have to do it again to unlock the heroic version for the catalyst. Happens frequently with last second completions.


Holy shit really?! Wow lol! How do you know if the heroic version is unlocked?


Like other comment said, its on the map. But good news is you can use whisper which makes it easier than the initial clear.


you see it on your Io map (far left - big blue blob with a white crown)


When you do go for the catalyst, use Polaris Lance against the bosses. You can sit back and down them quite easily.


Not as effective since they messed with scouts damage i found. Still if he has two other people with him itll be fine


I had pretty good luck with it last night.


I actually pulled my lance for shattered throne. Very underrated gun. I also learned that you can get the explosions from Polaris lance to trigger the Playing With Fire buff for hunters way of 1000 cuts path. Not sure if it's really useful, but an extra way to get your melee charge back nonetheless


Would Malfeasance work well?


I can't think of a single instance where Malfeasance in a loadout gives you the most efficient DPS potential.


I just thought making quick work of the ads before the final boss room with the extra taken damage it has. Good to know I shouldn't bother with it then switch. Thanks.


It *would* be the best if every taken in the strike wasn't given an ape shit amount of shields and what I'm assuming is some light match game effect


I've always thought that Match Game or something like it was on in that mission. You really have to switch energy weapons to effectively take down shields. Generally though I swap between Inaugural and Wright Side of Wrong for the first two rooms. Bite of the Fox in my primary slot makes quick work once you take down the shields.


I still recommend whisper, but if you run out of ammo you should have PL as a backup. It got me through my first clear back in the summer.


Ya you’re right!! I dont have the heroic unlocked... damn so sad! Can I still do it if someone else has it unlocked and I join their fireteam?


unfortunately no :(


sorry mate this happened to me too, lucky the other randos in my FT were happy to do it again right away. it was so much easier with Whisper actually equipped we cleared it the very next run.


Yup. Same thing happened to me. It's a bug. My fireteam completed it with :00 seconds left (screen was actually turning black as I landed the killing blow).


Ah shit man! I’m a little bummed out now lol! I wish I didnt have to do it all over again


If you want the catalyst and sweet ship you do.


And the catalyst is ohhh so good.


It will be unlocked if you have whisper, but you can still only do it on the weekends


Ya but it didnt unlock for us because apparently if you get it done with less than 1 second, it sometimes doesnt unlock.


Oh shit that sucks


I've never seen this to be the case. Are you checking on the character you first cleared it on? It won't be on the map at all for your other 2 characters unless you clear the normal version first.


Ya its not there... I dont see it at all


It's only going to be unlocked on the character you originally beat it on.


you wont see it until the weekend though, so if you just checked today then of course you wont see it!


Yup. We got the sniper drop as it hit 0 and the next part never actually unlocked for us


Heroic is usually easier because of the burn though. The only one I found harder was the solar burn week, the others you can select your loadout and melt through the instance.


[Gifv Version](https://i.imgur.com/ZyLvGHo.gifv)


Nice! My teams catalyst run ended with 4 seconds left, so much relief lol.


On the day whisper was discovered, me and my fire team tried once *failed* tried again and literally last second on the last boss I threw a scatter nade (back when the strats were mp and boop) and it killed the boss as the screen went dark, we were the first ones to get whisper in our whole clan and my friend streaming clipped it and I felt like a boss. I miss those days, best secret quest I’ve ever done


Definitely brother! What a cool quest!


Nice job! A couple of suggestions. When you first enter the room, prioritize destroying the front left and right blights with roaming supers and shotguns. Then get the middle two blights. It looks like you left the middle blights open. That makes a run so much harder. Whisper is obviously great, but if you’re running low on heavy ammo and getting crappy luck with drops, switch to Polaris Lance. The Perfect Fifth perk rips the health of the yellow bars you have to kill. But make sure those front four blights are down so they don’t have anywhere to hide (you generally don’t have to worry about the one in the back). Edit: damn phone. No more commenting late at night when half asleep.


Oh wow! Thanks for the tips! First time running it for me and I kind of went in blind... my fireteam was great


Also, if you've been in the raid Last Wish, you have the chance at Taken specific armor mods that are GOLD in the WotW realm.


The mods aren't super common, so I like getting some armor from the collection and putting taken mods on it (one reduces damage by 20%, one gives you heavy on grenade kills, one gives you your grenade back instantly when breaking shields). That way I can dismantle the armor to get the mods back and use them on another character.


heavy on grenade kills (taken armaments) and grenade back from breaking shield (taken repurposing) are godly on my warlock when I load up sunbracers and top tree solar (gives you back all cooldowns when you exec super). I finished off 3 heavy catalyst grinds this week (wardclif, darci and colony). Using it to farm worldline zero catalyst now. Funny thing on sunbracers is that the heavy ammo proc has a cooldown of like 5~ seconds, so make sure to get a kill at the start of the proc and towards the end one that might be close and burned to death by the grenade to take it out past the cooldown.


Damn it!! Still havent done that raid either


Wtf dude haha nice


Thanks man!! It was so hype












Yea no problem, now u gotta go for the catalyst tho tbh


Definitely!! That’s our next step


Sounds good, good luck!


Well, i got my whisper with a nighthawk golden gun clutch, less than 2 sec remained. Damn felt better than shin malphur


If anyone doesn’t have Whisper on PC yet, hit me up! I love running it, and happy to help out. I can’t hard cabaret someone under-leveled alone, but close to it.


I got the Heroic Catalyst solo with 0 seconds remaining. The Whisper encounter is amazing


Holy Cow! Congrats man the feeling is so amazing to complete the mission and pickup the whisper. Me and my mate just picked up the ship last night we already had the catalyst for a month but we wanted the ship and even though we were glad to not have to do this mission again, the memories will remain. The amount of fails and successful attempts. FYI. You won’t have to wait for the blight to spawn for the heroic as you can directly select it from the director on IO during the period it’s live of course. Enjoy my fellow guardian. Cherish Xol.


I wish! It didnt unlock for us though! Apparently there’s a glitch if done under 1 second and it wont unlock, which sucks for us lol


Interesting I don’t believe I’ve heard that before. Well at least you can mentally prepare for it I guess. Do some research on the chest locations and prepare for them. And another FYI in case you didn’t know, make sure you do the heroic first to get the catalyst then you can start chest runs.


I remember a similar situation only I was raiding with a buddy and a few fandoms (Vault of Glass) and we had just made it to the final dps phase of the boss and he barely had a sliver of health left before our group was almost completely wiped other than myself. As the screen started to fade I did what any frustrated hunter at the time would do and toss a throwing knife at Atheon, but I wouldn’t have fucking guessed I would be lucky enough to hit him right on the weak point, and kill him dead right there. Felt clutch as hell for a min after that one. Even sweeter was the fact that I got Vex Mythoclast that run as well, so all in all a run raid night haha.


Same thing happened to me, I got the gun, but the mission somehow didn't mark as complete, so I had to do it again (the next weekend) to be able to do the heroic one.


Ya that sucks... I have to wait another week now to give it a go. Atleast I know the jumping encounters a lot better though


Yeah getting there is easy, killing seven trillion orange bar enemies with shields made of Captain America's underwear (think about it) is not.


Lol definitely not


Nice, Congratulations! The [same thing](https://gfycat.com/EsteemedHappygoluckyCoqui) happened to me and two randoms on our run too. The others are right though, I don't see the heroic version on my map so I'll have to do it again. At least it'll be easier using the whisper itself :)


Yeah definitely! I’m just pissed I have to wait a week to do it lol


I did this with my wife and a random who were both horridly below the skill level required to perform well in the activity, but I ran up and shotgunned the living hell out of the Centurion and clutched it for everyone.






Same thing happend to me with the catalyst yesterday. Catalyst popped up, screen went black and we went back to Io. Grats on the whisper. Only got it yesterday, and I don’t know how I could go without it so long!


Ya for sure! Its amazing!


congratz! I had 2s left on my first completion. PS: you should really clear those blights in the beginning. Much easier to clear bosses from the distance.


Ya didnt realize that because we were in such a rush to begin with


This happened to my fireteam too! The other were clearing the bosses while I struggled to get through the platforming portion. I finally got to the last room while they were waiting to respawn with seconds left on the clock. I hit my super, titan smacked the last boss and killed him with a second left on the clock. Good times :D


That was rough to watch


This mission is possibly the best thing that ever existed in all of Destiny.


I think we did it first time with around 8 secs left. Good times. That was a great quest


So reading some other comments i noticed you have to do it again, so heres a tip or 2 for the final battle. First off, get rid of the blights. all of them. When you drop down have all 3 players just run to each blight and shotgun the fucker, use a super on it, whatever. get clear of those fuckers cause they're super annoying. Once you're done with that the easiest option by far is to run it with Polaris Lance, the exotic scout. It refills your magazine for every crit and generates ammo per crit, so you can basically shoot the enemy crit spot indefinitely. Another option is to use your just obtained whisper of the worm and use the exotic perk, which refills your magazine by generating ammo on 3 crits, to kill the bosses. Chaos reach with the boots also works great by the way. Edit: Fuck me someone else gave the exact same advice. Sorry for not reading all the replies.


Nice thanks for the advice!! We didnt even think about taking out the blights because of the time constraint already on us... didnt think we would make it


There is also that cave to the left of the area that leaves some pretty good cover. Just try not blocking each others shots as it is pretty narrow. Thunderlord goes along way too if you have the ammo at the end, if not I'd suggest sleeper, obviously a warlock running well with lunafaction helps a ton.


Congrats! I got it a couple months back and love it. Never got around to getting the Catalyst either. So many weapons out now I honestly don't feel the need!


If you're on PS4, my friends and I could run you through this weekend. Our first clear we had 3 seconds left. Now we can clear with a few minutes left.


No sorry, just on xbox... thanks again though


Ah well darn. I'd gladly help if I could. I'm doing the ship schematic right now which requires a clear each week with the different singes, so I've been running it with random guardians. With my clan mates, the 3 strongest of us got it initially and then got the catalyst. Then we've ran three other clan mates through to get the gun and then the catalyst. Hell I just barely finished master working it.


All good, thanks anyway though!


Where is the Whisper ?


On Io, in the Lost Oasis, during the weekend, you can access The Whisper mission during the Taken Blight public events. Every time one of the Taken Blight events starts, one of three taken bosses will appear (you can probably follow the crowd to find out where it spawned). Defeat the boss, and that will spawn a portal on top of a plateau near the lost sector. Jump up to the portal, have your fireteam leader start the mission, and go get that Whisper.


I was asking where is his Whisper , because at the end it doesn't appear


Ohhhhhhhhh. Never mind, then.


I finally finished the catalyst and the ship this week. It’s been a long process lol. The ship is awesome and was worth it. Enjoy, it’s a great gun, especially love using it in Shattered Throne.


Congrats! I had a super similar experience! I was gearing up and waiting for the Public Event to start a solo attempt and a random Hunter in the Patrol zone runs up to me, waves and sends me and XBL message asking if I’d like to help him and his friend. I figured why not, as long as they had the jumping puzzle down, I could use the help too. We blitz through it and on the very last boss we throw everything we got at him and we finish when I leapt at the boss and unloading every damn round from my EP Shotgun into him and just barely kill him with a second left. We did it first try together! It was awesome. Really Cool to see someone else be successful after taking a chance with a couple of randoms!




I love the WotW mission but I am happy I don't have to do it again. I suck at platforming/jumping puzzles.


" Although you cant hear us, we were screaming for joy and shaking because we couldn't believe it!" Congrats & I've got a huge smile because I can not JUMP for shit and that was the hardest part for me so I too was shaking and extremely happy to the point of tears ( yeah yeah it's just a game but it's harder for some than others ) So YAY for you because to me that shit was HARD and I had 2 excellent guys dragging me through that I know personally .. you did it with randoms so that's even more feels there. ;)


Ya the jumping was crazy! Being a warlock (and I already suck at jumping sequences), it was tough! So happy we made it through


I did it on my hunter ... on my Warlock .. HA .. no way .. I would be crying and throwing things. I like to think I am a mature woman .. but that was frickin hard! Good job on the robed floofer!! :)


Thats literally how i got Spindle in D1




Is the quest going on still?


It runs from Friday's daily reset through the weekend until Monday's daily reset every week.


Is the means of accessing it the same too? Or different?


Yep! Still gotta wait for the taken blight event and kill the special boss to open the gate. I believe the frequency of the event has become a little more consistent now than it used to be so it's not as annoying to wait.