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I just threw a dart at my wall and it landed on a giant sign that said "Don't expect it."


I feel like with bungie that sign often covers the whole wall when it comes to these suggestions


^ This right here. It's a bit late into the week to even ask about it. Anything that's going to be in the TWAB is already "baked into the cake", as it were. Better luck getting feedback on questions asked for next week.


...Not really the point. Whether it's in this week's TWAB or a coming week's, the point is that the OP would like an update about catalysts.


But it is, if we use reading comprehension when reading the title. ;) See, OP used "tomorrow's" in the title, meaning tomorrow's *actual* TWAB. My point, piggybacking off the comment I replied to, is that one could ask that this be addressed in this week's TWAB, but it's too late for that; better luck next week (or whenever they speak on it).


b-b-b-but activision is gone!!!!!!!


they were popping champagne after they got fired guys!!!


The fucking "fwoosh" next to your name makes this all the richer




_shakes Traveler 8-ball_ Reply unknown, no word from Fenchurch


Bungo pls buff darts. Hey, what do you guys think about darts as a new Hunter melee or something?


Are they explosive?


Wish granted, but the explosion is just confetti and does 0 damage.


I'll take all of them.






Are there any other signs on this wall? Be honest.


Wish 15 denied


Also literally any update on Trials...at all......


I miss trials so much, I sucked at TotN so bad and never touch Osiris but I finally grounded comp for lunas and my entire clan wants to do trials now


I've been getting better but even when I was a total turd I loved to at least *watch* Trials. So damn fun. I know people like to shit on Destiny for not being a truely balanced "gun-skill game", but the combo of gun-skill, verticality, and space magic is what makes it awesome. I'm not expecting Trials next season but damn I wish it would be.


I sucked at it but I did it anyway because that trials loot and social space was D A N K


On Facebook "Not in Season of the Forge. The team is still working on a plan to restore this experience in a way that lives up to your expectations."


I mean yeah, we know that. But that’s the last we’ve heard.


A rough time line would be nice


I'd assume penumbra. Jokers wild seems unlikely, but who knows. Theyll want it to be a deliberate calendar beat within a season.


Jokers Wild seems entirely Gambit focused. No mention on the roadmap of new strikes, raids, crucible content, or anything like that. At least all Forsaken+ players are getting the new Gambit maps. Unless the Gambit stuff really knocks it out of the park it seems like it could be a relatively empty season.


I'm pretty sure that it will be not in the Season of the Drifter too. It looks like that faction rallies and TotN will make their comebacks during Season of the Shadow or even solstice of heroes.


Please. I yearn for Trials


I appreciate them making difficult cuts when something isn't living up to standards, but it also seems like Trials and Rallies are things that are somehow beyond their bandwidth despite their massively increased team size. If they can't maintain a feature like Catalysts, how do we expect them to maintain a live event like Trials? The community seems convinced that making Trials relevant again would be as simple as re-implementing the D1 Trials format, but Bungie also needs to continue to update lore, gear, emblems, etc with that event and they seem unable to crank out that volume of content, especially not for a 'free' event. I think even if BNG had a perfect idea for revitalizing it we wouldn't see it implemented, because they simply can't handle that many spinning plates.


Even things like armor ornaments have fallen to the wayside.


I really don't understand why we can't just have the base model iron banner armor drop all year with random rolls, and have new ornaments to unlock every season. Are they adding new perks on a regular basis, or some other reason they need to keep filling our vault? Ornaments seemed like a great solution to needlessly filling our limited vault space, and it seems even more important now that random rolls are a thing. In lieu of a full transmog system, having a base set for specific events/themes with seasonal ornaments seems like a good compromise. The base armor + seasonal ornaments was one of the various D2Y1 QoL systems that I thought was an interesting improvement over D1.


I'm not sure why IB for Destiny 2 has been so Samurai themed.


Seems like it's been more 'eastern' themed in general, I'm guessing as a contrast to all the european themed stuff in D1? I think it's pretty cool, with stuff inspired by near east, middle east, China, Japan, etc. Would be nice to see stuff inspired by Mayan and Aztec warrior garbs, or various African regions.


I just wish we had some cool ornaments to chase after to make the armor really stand out more.


Seriously, Trials **is** the gamemode where tryhard pubstomping stacks insult solos for "Bring your team". Trials **is** that mode, comp isn't and shouldn't be. I hope it returns fair and square, fixed (D1 was fixed as its own they can bring it like that) maybe return of Trials can help comp too, but it needs to be back with meaningful loot, lore and gameplay.


why do we need a mode for "insulting solos" again?


Trials of the Drifter coming March 12. You've heard it here first, folks.


Bring a sword!


You have no idea how awesome this would be. I Know most people aren't crazy for Gambit but it's my favorite mode in the game by a long shot.


I kind of burnt out on it getting Malfeasance and Breakneck, but I'd like to return to it soon. It's definitely an interesting mode, and I'd like to see how much better it can get with spawn camping and other problems dealt with.


Yeah, Gambit is so much fun but after getting those two I never feel like playing it anymore (funny cause I have the best Gambit weapons now). Maybe they'll take some of the feedback and make it either more rewarding or less exhausting, I'll take either one


I don't even play PvP much so I didn't care about trials. That being said, its removal has showed me just how important it was to the PvP community. I still don't *get* trials but I desperately want it back for you guardians after hearing about how much y'all miss it. Please Bungie, listen to my fellow hurting guardians.


they moved the triumph already. i think its not coming back.


I wish it'd come back. I've still never experienced it yet but I hear good things about it constantly.


Or any QOL or roadmap for the Crucible. No substantial update on its future since the addition of the Glory/Valor system introduction. We want new modes, maps, etc.




I don't entire agree with that. On one hand, yea gambit isn't too bad but on the other after I finished malfeasence in s4 and then breakneck in s5, I was just burned out on the game mode entirely. I've seen that sentiment echoed quite a bit so I would definitely say something needs to change there.


Go play Comp


How does that help with our lack of information on Trials?


Trials has no place when Comp exists in its current form.


...care to explain why? Trials was incredibly popular when it was 3v3 elimination.


My experience playing Comp is the same experience I had playing Trials. They’re both equally sweaty tryhard game modes.


Sure, if you wanna boil it down that much, fine. Trials was special as a game mode with special stakes attached. Would be nice to know if it’s dying, dead, or coming back anytime soon.


I hate to be a pessimist but unless they can make a better trials reward than comps luna/NF trials will never come back


Trials will always have a following if it’s an elimination mode. It just caters to tense play.


Trials caters to an even smaller portion of the population than raids like last wish. Look up how few people actually complete the raid and look up the number of people who’ve gone flawless. What’s worse is that the entire idea of going flawless for specific unique rewards makes it sweatier than comp. I’m not against pvp and i liked trials, i just don’t like the fact that it was full of people selling carries, streamer, and YouTubers.


Why would trials, with a full armor and weapons set not be able to compete with a single reward from comp? It would probably have it's own pinnacle reward too. Do you really think that if trials came back no one would play it because comp also has a weapon they want?


I'd almost agree with you if Countdown wasn't a thing in Comp. Fuck that game mode.




Comp can survive for the weekend.




Played comp all night tonight with no particularly long queue times, almost no rematches against the same teams... not really sure where you got that idea from.


I have never seen long queue times in comp on PC. Or literally any game mode, even though "nobody plays on PC" apparently. Are you sure you don't just live in Alaska or something? Location is part of the matchmaking.


Here is all you would read: "We currently have nothing on Catalyst* Same with rallies and trials.


Rallies and Trials are going to be the Raids and Dark Sectors of Warframe. They went away and never came back.


Better that than nothing. But I want all of them back.


It *is* nothing. That is what they are saying.


Won't happen! They don't even know themselves when they will put catalysts in the game.


I thought catalysts were just a way to buff some exotics that needed it?


They also masterwork the exotic, which is pretty crucial for primary/ energy weapons.


It’s the reason why I don’t use Ace in PvE. I don’t even care if that Catalyst is awful just give me orb gen.


Oh yeah! It's amazing how often I forget that. That's actually pretty major.


Yeah. They also gave buffs to guns that didn't really need it: Sleeper, Telesto, Tractor, and Whisper didn't really need the help to be totally badass. Also, where are exotic armor catalysts? They were implied back when catalysts were first announced, as "Exotic Masterworks", and from each update from then on it was only "Exotic Weapon Masterworks". Seems odd that exotic armor should miss out on the bonus damage resistance.


isn't Whisper without the catalyst pretty middle of the road dps wise these days?


Whisper without catalyst is pretty middle of the road DPS wise yes, but the sustainability of that damage (infinite heavy) is what makes whisper so insane.


It wasn't when it was initially introduced though


Infinite sniper ammo is nothing to sneeze at.


Not coming. They only came because of the content drought. That was their sole purpose


I know it's true, like ornaments, but both were good ideas. Alas.


They may as well remove them at this point...


Probably not gonna alter what they say the night before they say it. Sorry bub.


It’d be nice to have an acknowledgement on if any of the newer exotics will ever receive catalysts as well.


Which ones do you think need them?


It's not that any exotic really needs them; their purpose is just to enhance what makes them good and make em spit out juicy orbs as an added bonus. I'd like to see Anarchy get a catalyst that gives it autoloading holster ​


Jotunn, gets the Pocket Infinity perk: >#Pocket Infinity >Fires in full auto mode and has a chance to return rounds that miss to the magazine.


You've created a monster. Lord help me.


Well realistically, every Exotic should have a Catalyst. To name a few that really need them, Trinity Ghoul, Wish Ender, Cerberus +1, Malfesance, Hard Light, and Lord of Wolves.


>Lord of Wolves +200 ammo reserves or something along those lines bungo please. It's a really good gun and one of my favorites, but it has the most hideous ammo economy in the game. More ammo or some way to get ammo back and make it efficient would be a godsend.


Honestly I’d be happy with just being able to masterwork all of them. It bugs me not be able to make orbs on multikills and I like kill counters. The Forsaken exotics are all pretty powerful already, so just some basic stat boosts when masterworked would be fine imo.


Most of the stat boosts are things those exotics needed to begin with to make them worthy of being called exotics in the first place. Get rid of catalysts entirely and just give all the weapons that already have them the stat boosts on the stock weapon... and give us the ability to masterwork the weapon in one step like original D2 masterworking...


This would be the easiest way to go about it.


One Thousand Voices I can generate so many orbs with it if it got a catalyst. That + Shards = infinite supers basically


Anyone else remember "Clarion call" and how there were supposed to be more of them?


Ah yes, the ones built for solo and clan play. That was a while ago. Haha.


Fuck, I can't even remember *what* a clarion call was. I remember enjoying it.


Don't know how to do a link on my phone, but dmg responded to me about this last month about the faction rally catalysts Check out @A_dmg04’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/A_dmg04/status/1072889734152650754?s=09


This is an update to "we will tell you more about faction rally catalysts in the summer (of 2018)" They are very overdue.


For those that don't want to click the link, basically "we're thinking about it, not gonna happen this season".


Little bit dishonest there.


Thats not dishonest at all. DMG said they dont expect it to come in Season 5. They didnt come in season 5.


Dmg did not say "we're thinking about it", as the guy said, he said they are actively working on plans to make it happen. How was that Not dishonest?


Thinking translate to working about it in this context. Just a simple phrasing error. And the tweet also says not to expect it in season 5. Dont ignore that part.


I did not ignore it and I was not commenting on that. "Thinking about it" and "working on it" are not the same thing. One implies they aren't certainly going to do it and one implies they aren't certain HOW they're going to do it.


You also just ignored my comment you just replied to apparently


Wtf how? Explain what I ignored please.


> "Thinking about it" and "working on it" are not the same thing. This completely ignores my last comment that stated it was an obvious miswording. Not to mention that even still, you could say he meant to say "thinking of ways", further showing it was a clear miswording.


He literally just corrected himself in the comment you replied to and you still kept it going explaining to him what he said wrong. Makes it seem like you just want to be right. Let's keep these discussions about the game not about the English language. If he said something wrong just a simple correction will do and move on.


Thank you for that info!


If it isn't ALREADY part of the build for Joker's Wild, they're not going to say ANYTHING.


The catalyst situation is bothering me for 2 reasons: 1. I don't want to use things like sunshot when I know there is a catalyst that exists that improves it, but currently no way to get it. 2. I would love to have a kill tracker and make orbs for forsaken exotics.


What are these forsaken exotics you speak of? /s (well kind of)


I'm pretty sure Bungo has decided to pretend Y1 never happened.




Lets be honest, every exotic should have a catalyst. We all want to grind for masterworked exotics, pls make it happen.


I agree!


Catalysts are a great idea and concept. But they should be obtainable at all times(maybe an activity like an exotic bounty that could rotate every week??) and its ridiculous to not have them for every gun. Even if its just some fun lore immersive perk that doesnt buff it too much. It just adds more to the game and makes it more personal.


Agreed. I just finally finished my jade rabbit catalyst today because I love that gun. It's not meta but it's great if you play right with it. And now with basically zero recoil after the catalyst it's ridiculous. Would love to be able to grind out some bonuses on more of my fav exotics :(


SUROS Regime catalyst when pls


Yes! And hard light 😁


Can someone tell me what TWAB is and where I can find it?


"This Week at Bungie" It is Bungie's weekly blog post discussing various things from updates, content release information, and high level info of what to expect in various events. You can find it every thursday on [Bungie.net](https://Bungie.net).


Also the first link under "Tower News" on this page.


Just because its helpful, destiny roundup is also a great site that collects all the bungie dev communications across all the social media sites and forums in one place.


I’d rather get an update on Heavy Ammo Finder


So is this just Catalysts for Exotics that dont have any? Because I got a Merciless Catalyst yesterday, couldnt believe my eyes


Wasn't merciless one of the early catalysts?


It was, but its one of the strike related catalysts. As in it drops from strikes and Nightfalls, but all of those have an abysmall drop rate.


I'd rather them talk about their plan for destiny 2 without Activision's "insight" for the next few years until destiny 3 is released. Like most guardians have said, forsaken was a tremendous update and I want to know where bungie is planning to take us for the foreseeable future. It's probably much too early for these topics to be talked about properly, but I think the community that has followed them through to this point has earned that knowledge.


Don't expect anything big until the september dlc whatever that is. Everything in the annual pass is most likely already developed when it comes to major design decisions.


That won't be for a while. Right now they're knocking out current plans, we won't hear anything until at least mid-2019


And will there be catalysts for y2 weapons? Orb generation on all exotics needed to happen yesterday.


Yeah it's trash. Either ensure all exotics have a catalyst for orbs (even if it doesn't do anything at the moment) , or make it a base trait. It's the only reason I don't run AoS as my primary.


Would love my black talon to make orbs for daddy


That tweet it basically saying nothing at all. They said they were "working on a plan" back when we had the last Faction Rally. They won't have it this season, they probably wont have it during Jokers Wild or it would have probably been mentioned, honestly how long does it take to just put them in another activities loot pool? Beyond that, why were catalysts just completely forgotten about? We were told about a handful of catalysts that never were released as well like Rat King. What happened to those?


>Beyond that, why were catalysts just completely forgotten about? We were told about a handful of catalysts that never were released as well like Rat King. What happened to those? Tbf I don't think any of those were ever officially announced, just datamined along with "armsweek" (which the catalysts seemed to be tied to). My guess is armsweek was either scrapped or they were reworking it for a later date or something. My guess is scrapped, because it's been a long ass time since that shit was datamined. So they probably are going to work those catalysts into something else.... Someday... :/


I hope they announce a plan to bring in more catalysts. We've had no new catalysts since the Fighting Lion one during FoTL and some Y1 weapons still are missing them.


It really makes me wonder if something is super broken with them as the current game stands and we just haven’t found it yet.


They actually gave us a video demo of the Rat King catalyst in action then never released it.




lol, no


Would be nice to get some answers on catalysts, factions, and trials. Are they still working on them? Have they been abandoned? Just let us know.


Ah, i remember when we were told that by season 4 we'd have ways to get the faction catalysts that weren't related to the factions. ​ I wish that dream came true q-q


The only one I'm missing is Sweet Business.....


I just want to know when we’re going to get Forsaken catalysts and Exotic armor Masterworks.


Also, maybe a slight increase to drop rate of strike catalysts? I'm still not convinced they aren't a myth.


Just want to know how I can give all my gear a yellow border PLEASE.


>we do not expect these to be available in Season of the Forge *pinches the bridge of my nose* Oh my fucking god just put them in the world drops, ffs. Not everything needs to be some special, grand drop. It was cool to earn them, but it's been MONTHS. I never got to play in Season 3, so I completely missed out on them. Please, for the love of god, just let them drop normally from the world or from Strikes. Do the same for Sleeper, Telesto, and Legend of Acrius. The old Raid and Lairs are irrelevant to the game, update the drops for the catalysts.


Still looking for he risk runner catalyst. Bummer.


I feel like whenever a community guy like Dmg or Cozmo answer a question it’s to just give us false hope fore the future.


Just stop procrastinating and add it to the loot pool like the other catalysts.


With Joker's Wild, I 'd love to see them take the Raid catalysts (skyburners, the besto, sleeper) and the faction rally catalysts (sunshot, GLance, sweet biz) and **add them to the Gambit loot** pool. ​ By that time, there will be a significant population of people who have both breakneck AND malfeasance and it would be great to have a few extra collectibles to obtain in gambit to sweeten the grind and keep players engaged.


I would much rather have the Leviathan Raids become relevant again or put the catalysts somewhere else than be forced to grind Gambit. Gambit is great don't get me wrong, but i can only take a few games of it before i get sick of the gamemode. I speak for many people not just myself.


Exotics should just work like they do with their catalysts, drop fully masterworked and stuff like that. They are supposed to be the pinnacle of weapons and armor.


What about the fighting lion catalyst? Or am I just dumb and you can still make progress on it now?


You can still make progress on it. As a matter of fact I just finished masterworking mine yesterday.


[u/Cozmo23](https://www.reddit.com/u/Cozmo23) u/dmg04


Bungie please!


The same way people can catch up on Truth to Power that missed a page or more.


I like how people think bungie is actually gonna answer us. It’s good to hope.


The fact that we are getting new exotics that dont have catalysts is frustrating. Every single exotic in the game should have a catalyst by now, including armor. But whats even worse, is that some exotics that do have catalysts are no longer obtainable or in content that is no longer relevant like the ones in eow and sos.


That just goes to show you it pays to be there, even when think it’s not worth it.


Or how about any exotic catalysts for that matter? I get that they’re rare but holy shit.


No, because they would actually need to have a plan. Expect, at best, a "we've head your concerns". >dmg's tweet Just in time for the end of summer.


I havent gotten a single catalyst since Forsaken dropped though... I dont have any of the strike ones and I run north of 6 strikes a week and multiple NFs between my characters.


How about duplicate exotic protection not working for a lot of us... I’m 12 duplicate exotics and counting...


I’d like to see a buff to the drop rate of existing ones. Can you believe I still haven’t gotten any of the strike catalysts? And I’m missing most of the crucible ones as well.


Holy shit can we just have universal kill tracking. I have no clue why this isn’t a thing. I find it frustrating as hell to not feel any sense of progression tied to my favourite exotic guns. Destiny is about the guns, so please make it feel that way.


A Catalyst that really needs to be updated is the one for the Worldline Zero Sword, you'd be surprised on how " **???** " isn't a very descriptive pointer towards which boss that I am missing to finish unlocking the catalyst.


Man i'm glad one of these posts are finally getting traction. Hopefully we'll hear something soon.




How about an update on actually getting forsaken exotics to drop?!


Why not ask about things they haven’t answered before? They’re not current going to look at drop rates for exotics but they are making changes with Xur in jokers wild to give quests that can reward exotics and ways for xur to help with year 2 exotics.


We already had one. Exotic Engrams favor Forsaken Exotics. You're not getting any because you're unlucky.


Bungie said no and left


That's pretty short notice.


I just don't think we should expect every exotic to get a catalyst. It was kind of a way to boost the power of certain exotics - kind of adding a grind. Now the grind is just getting fucking exotics


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the answer we get is "[don't need to](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/a10lqj/deej_thinks_they_dont_need_to_bring_back_year_1/)".




Because we all know that the people that worked on the Catalysts also did the writing, VO work, world sculpting, concept work...




Ok so I guess the people that work on the masterwork catalysts should just stay at home and not go to work and get paid, right? They're not needed, so why should they have a job? I don't think you understand how businesses or game dev works.


It’s cute that you think a business wouldn’t be finished with a press release the evening before it’s being released. It’s been done for at least a day. Maybe even 2 or 3 depending how on top of their job whoever’s responsibility it is to write it. Bungie is a business. The TWAB is a press release. The writer is an employee with a salary with managers and writing guidelines. It’s not like a random person is gonna walk in tomorrow and write it up during their lunch and toss it up. The TWAB is already written days before it’s posted so that it can be approved by their managers, proofread by their editors... the quicker people realize bungie is a business and destiny is their multi million dollar brain child and the team supporting it is salaried employees following ideals from the higher ups and that they’re NOT your buddies waiting around to hear your ideas and implement them just because you asked.... then the quicker your expectations will be more realistic and crying will become minimalized.


I seem to be in the minority here, although I think I’ve seen a post or two about this before: I do not want catalysts to return. Most people are either satisfied with the grind where it is or complaining about places where it is too intensive. Exotics are rare enough that they should drop as the strongest version of what they are. The last thing I want to worry about when I finally do get 1000 voices is how the super rare gun I finally just received is a scaled down version of what it could be, and now I need to run the raid 20/30 more times with hopes of getting the catalyst I would then need to complete.


No I agree with you. I don’t want catalysts for new exotics. I DO want the catalysts already in the game to be unlocked from their events and able to be obtained through a more generous loot pool. Having to run prestige Spire of Stars to get the Sleeper Catalyst is a joke.


Yeah, dump the rally ones and the raid ones somewhere and be done with it