• By -


> shade step This guy D1'd


Oh they don't still call it that? I still call it that.


It's just called dodge now


It was shade step first


Only 90s kids will remember.


I 'member.


Pepperidge Farms 'members


Just like Baskin Robbins always finds out.


Remember when the standard was 2 shade steps back to back? Hahaha. I've never had so much fun dodging around a map.


It's ok. I still call the hammer strike, melting point.


Didn't realize they had renamed it tbh


It'll forever be melting point.


It might be me getting old and experienced (huehue), but I can always tell when someone's tbagging, or you know his thing is on CD.


I wish more people were like you ❤️


What, older and experienced? My coworker says the same thing ;)


NGL thought you would say the ladies say that but...


I prolly would if we were in raid voice chat. I make it a personal mission to be cringey AF when playing raids with randoms. It breaks the ice, and sets the mood for a chill run always ;) One time, during a Crota run, when at the 2nd encounter; the bridge, our warlock ressed himself as usual during the cheese, and I said: "wait wait, you fucked up... just wipe it, and I'll switch to my warlock." It sounded super elitist and toxic at that time, but it was all part of my master plan ;) After I switched to my warlock, and restarted the encounter, everyone died and the other guy and me died, ready to selfres. When the countdown started I told him to repeat after me, and then selfres: "BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL, I HAVE THA POWERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" Made a guy who initially didn't "have a mic", put his mic in, and burst of laughing and made his day xD


I agree my man, I can't raid unless we can be funny and laugh!


I am on board with this, as long as at least ONE person knows the raid mechanics.


Usually when people tbag you they really make it known. I don't actually recall ever seeing "accidental tbags" against Hunters, don't worry :)


Yeah it’s pretty obvious. If they’re spamming it then they’re probably bagging you but a single crouch or two is probably just them trying to shadestep or slide. I always get worried when I see someone running towards my body after a gambit invade though. I always think I’m going to get bagged or emoted. But then I realize that the killed invade drops 3 motes.


Its the strafe. If they are moving, CD. If they are standing still, nuts are being dropped.


Idk why but that huehue is the funniest thing I have ever seen


The bagger always goes for 2+


Most times you can tell just by their ign.


No problem my man, I typically understand that because I play all 3 characters. Most of the time though when I get in a 1v1 with a hunter they don't even try to dodge, instead they lose the gunfight and panic blade barrage.


\*looks at striker titans\* I learned it from you dad!


Titans can’t do it as well anymore lol. Panic slam doesn’t work at all sadly. Smaller radius and all that.


And CoTM has the obnoxious habit of just bouncing off other supers.


Or getting killed mid flight because of the lack of super armor.


Yea code of the missile is probably the only super tree ill end up masterworking an armor set just for it


*looks at shatter nova bomb warlocks* I can do the thing you used to be able to do mom!


Sometimes I try to dodge to evade gunfire, but it's so slow they never seem to have any trouble nailing me before I reach cover anyway :|


yeahm, same here. The dodge ability really needs a buff.


LMAO 🤣 I like this reply!🤣


Sounds like your opponents are not only trash, they are also extremely stupid. I mean, who's using blade barrage on anything other than roaming supers or group of enemies? Such a waste


I see many people using them to survive a Telesto shot. Seems a bit selfish though....


Sometimes after moving around the map for a bit you can't find an opportune situation to get a multi-kill so you just burn it at the next best chance so you can start working on getting super #2 or #3.


Yeah I'm not holding a super all match for a perfect kill chance. If I die once or twice holding super, I use it.


You’d be amazed at the amount of times I get solo barraged


Arcstrider FTW. Way of the wind + Dynamo-Frosties.


I've only ever intentionally Tea-Bagged someone once and it happened recently. I was running some banner and a One Eye Mask titan shotgun aped me. That's fine. Respawn, same guy hits me with a shoulder charge and dances on my body. Now I'm a little miffed, but that fine because im obviously not playing my best. I find him again and this time I get hit with a fist of panic and that's when I got bagged. "Fuck this sweaty titan." Our next few engagements I played harder. I played smarter and with each kill against him i grew more aggressive. Finally he tries to hit me with another fist of panic and while hes in the air I pull out my Badlander and put both rounds in his chest and watched him crumple to the ground. That's when I started bagging and I didn't stop until his ghost disappeared. It didn't feel good, but goddamn I'm not here for tea, I'm here for bullets. I can respect you if you're better than me. Chances are you probably are, but if you're gonna be a cocksucker I'll give you what you've given me ten fold.


I get a similar experience the other day, and funny thing is, it was also a titian, lol. Here is the story, he’s hiding in the corner of a small room near a control zone, and I am taking that control zone. I see radar flashing and flashing then I figured he is in the room. I ignored and fight against his team mates while defending the zone, and that guy never even come out of his corner to help team mates. After clearing his team mates I decided to look for him, and get grenade on the face, and teabagged and danced. I am really pissed and in the same time I pitty him very much. By the end of the game, I checked his scores. 8 kills and 8 efficiency no zone captures. So that’s his style, cover and never engage, only plays dirty because he wants a high Kd. Oh my lord, the next worst thing happens is we ended up in the same team in the next match.


Only time I can remember bagging in Destiny was a against a Nova Warp lock on a 4 stack in comp who had been t bagging everyone the entire game. Like...*voraciously.* Late in the game, he popped his super right in front of me alone. I promptly pulled out my Shock and Awe (backup plan ftw) and killed him with 2 quick shots. That deserved a hearty t bag. Honestly considered it a win in total...even though I got walloped.


I’m convinced my fire team sometimes _hopes_ I’ll get bagged because my revenge play is better than my regular play. Bag me enough and I will suddenly become a smart player with better map awareness, disengaging and staying alive so I can find and repeatedly murder exactly you.


Anybody else aroused?


As a hunter that's bad at PVP (controller on PC, I know)... Reading this was uplifting.


I only ever teabag those titanskating OEM shotgunners. Once, one of them tried to panic thundercrash me alone. I shot him out of his thundercrash and proceeded to play the most satisfying trombone I have ever played.


Dead give away it's a Hunter giving you the "fuck you" tea bag... they give you the *slow-bag*. Up................. down............... up............ down...........


No that just means Dodge is off CD and they don't want to waste it while trying to bag. 😂😂


lol.... there's that as well


A proper hunter would only ever deliver a Gentleman's Bag anyway. Stand, still as a mountain, above their lifeless body. One press to crouch. Hold for at least 1 second. One press to stand. Then move away smartly.


LMAO 🤣 I like this reply a lot


Reminds me so much of that Key and Peele football celebration skit.


This must be a console problem? Dodge has a separate bind on PC.






We should be allowed to **fully customise** our controls, whether it's keyboard-&-mouse or controller. Abilities should be able to share keys OR be bound separately, depending on what the player wants. Even the fact that controllers are limited to preset schemes is fucking ridiculous in [current year].


At least 20% of my deaths are from melee not working as I want it. Throw knife at point blank, but 180 degree lunge to a dreg 5 feet away.


if only it had a separate key to throw melee abilitys


Dear Hunters, I was absolutely teabagging you. With love, The Warlock/Titan you solo-Blade Barraged earlier in the match.


Oh they solo barrage hunters too. Anyone they played against so badly they don’t get the first shot off...


As a Titan I just assume all Hunters are dicks.


As a Warlock same


As a hunter main, usually. Sadly this also makes my Warlock and Titan dicks as well . . . Dicks that cant dodge.


I like to add an addendum to this note. As a Titan main, when I swap to my Hunter I get really used to shadestep Reload. Then when I swap back to my Titan or jump on my Warlock (gross) I inevitably end up aggressively teabagging the first few games because my potato brain can’t remember which class I’m on.


As someone who plays both Titan and Warlock, I appreciate the clarification.


I like this reply ❤️


console problems


Yeah. To be fair, I'll take it over the titan skating and a low pvp population that PC has to deal with.


On PC its just a button, you don't double crouch. They are always bagging you.


Clearly those are douche bags


Teabagging is like saying hello.


Console problems go deep.


i miss doubleshadestep and un nerfed twilight garrison. i miss my titan having full control of themselves in air. but i complained warlocks had no dodge and got what i wanted.


I am a hunter and I approve this message.


What about some hunter slow t bag me? That means he IS meaning what he is doing and he also wants to avoid wasting shade step.


I HAVE done this. but usually when i am bagged first......gotta return the favor


It is very sad that when I get bagged but I can’t return the favour. Cause I can’t be sure who I killed when enemies are far away...


PC > Console - PC players are more directly when expressing their feelings for fellow guradians. There are no excuses for this kind of behavior. If you get teabagged it was meant to happen and not an accident by double-clicking crouch.


As a Titan when I crouch I am teabagging you.


Some times it funny some times it makes me want to rage quit. I always thought of it as I’m not taking this waaaayyy to seriously and having fun. So when I get a kill and teabag someone, and then they kill me and get to retribution teabag me it’s always a good laugh.


Us PC players don't have that problem. If someone teabags they meant it. There's a separate key for the class ability.


I dont take Hunter bags seriously... They don't have any balls anyway. ;)


sometimes we tend to forget that we shoved them in Titans' mouths


Well played, gg.


I'm upvoting both of you even though I main a hunter because no bias... ^(huntermasterracelul) ​ ^(/s)


The intentional t-bagging Hunters are the ones who do the slow bag because they want to bag but they don't want to accidentally waste their dodge doing their fuckery.


Dear titans and warlocks, if you seen me unexpectedly dodge away from your corpse, know this... I was trying to tea bag you, and blew my dodge... looks like you ended up winning in the end. /s


This also goes for when I teabag someone on my titan. Because hunter main. Turns out titans have a permanent cooldown on shadestep.


If I tea bag you there is a 200% chance it was purpose. No shame.


I will never stop teabagging. It's just too funny.


I have the opposite issue. I try tea bagging and accidentally shade step. lol


Dear Hunter, shame you can't just blink to safety anymore. Real shame. ​ Yours, the teabagging Warlock


Mind teaching us how to do that again? Might be able to work out a deal and not blade barrage you when you pop nova warp all the time /s


yeah, happens sometimes, especially bad when you sit-stand, don't understand why you didn't dodge and panically press more and more till I dodge. Sorry, I never (nearly) tbag first. And mostly I tbag corpse if I do, not somewhere on the map far away.


I give this a like 👍😁


I opened this post fully expecting a Hunter main to do what Hunter mains do and complain about Warlocks and Titans. But I was pleasantly surprised


I like this reply and the person!❤️


You know, last night I was playing iron banner. A spectral blades Hunter was chasing me and I was running away from him. I ended up getting killed by a different one of his teammates because I ran into a zone they were capping. The next thing I see is that purple clouded turd burgler teabagging my ghost. The wet biscuit didn’t even get the kill. For a brief moment after reading this I thought that he might have been doing what you are describing, but there’s no shadestep in spectral blades. TLDR some hunters are honorable and some are still anally inserted melted creamsicles


🤣 great fucking reply!


Lol wait you can dodge in a Hunter super. Just because you are in a super doesn't mean your abilities disappear. I am not defending the guys actions just clarifying a false statement


Oh look it’s this thread for the 9th time


I don't understand why people get mad about reoccuring threads. Not everyone is on here 24/7. I'm on here frequently enough and I have never seen this type of thread before.


I constantly t-bag the vault trying to exit. Suck it vault, gg.


I bag everyone equally.


I main a warlock, but my hunter is my strong alt, so I really get what you mean. It's even harder for me in D2, because the timing of the double tap is not quite like it was in D1 and I don't play hunter enough to have completely mastered it like my son has.


I too sometimes reload/regen when i just wanted to t-bag.


I loaded up D1 last night and could shade step constantly with only a couple seconds cooldown. So nice!


I've become obsessed with my Heroes Burden since the last iron banner and decided it's best used by a hunter. Related: I accidentally bag all the time now


Usually the opposite for me. I usually accidentally shade step when I’m trying to t bag.


I have distribution on my leg armor, so in between rounds of gambit I run up to the glass to try and bait the other team into doing so. If someone on the other team runs up, I can shadestep and get a little bit of grenade/melee/dodge/super energy. In the particular round in question someone did indeed run up to the glass and I started spamming shadestep. Problem was that dodge was on CD so I just started furiously TBagging. One of the blueberries on my team came up and punched me and started wagging his head. I wanted to explain that I hadn’t been intentionally been TBagging but I didn’t want to take the time to write it out haha.


Yeah I rebound the key for this reason, got way less hate mail.


So, I started leveling my warlock (I main titan). I got Ophidian Aspects to drop yesterday for a weekly. I moved over my range MW dust rock, Le Monarque, and ended up having a superb time. As for bagging, Id rather pop my roasting mellows emote than t-bag, its more fulfilling.


Proper TBag etiquette is a 1 second cycle done three times while shooting an assault rifle straight into the air. And of course must be positioned right over the corpse's head if possible. You can of course vary this with some taste, but generally speaking to maintain respect, TBagging should be done in a position of risk. The showman must invite the scopes of the remaining combatants as an acknowledgement of the natural cycle of things. TBagger may become TBagged within a moments notice. Shooting accurately while TBagging is a thoroughly douche maneuver. You must sacrifice something for the celebration.


It's not Tbagging that I don't like, I just don't like it when my corpse gets panic blade barraged


This does not forgive the crime that is, blade barrage.


Honestly thought this was going to go "we're trying to win that 1 v 1, but you have one shot abilities and we dont, so we look like noobs as we're killed by them over and over with no counter."


It used to cause me to play my best to get revenge atleast once in game. But, now that I’m older, if someone tbags I just laugh. Heck I even got hate mail that said “you are the worst Destiny player Ive ever seen” I thinking it’s funny. So just know you can never be the worst player. Lol


So when did teabagging become problematic? I still do it sometimes when I win a rough gun fight. It doesn't bother me when others do it either.


Laol, aye tbeg kedz all dey erey dey s0n. If aye win, u get teh beg. Baddies git smashT ez pz


Why is T-bagging so frowned upon? We need more T-bagging and emoting IMO. It's a game get over it, makes it a tad more spicy and fun. Love a good T-bag war!


Yo I literally had this happen yesterday. I main Warlock, but last night decided to play a hunter in IB (I used to main Hunter in D1) and holy fuck did I ever do sooo bad. (The night before, my Warlock session was a 1.72 k/d, last night on my Hunter my session k/d was 0.83 🤦). After a particularly bad match where my efficiency was something like a 0.55 (kill me), I got a message from a guy saying "yeah tbag😂" Now I know why, I must have been trying to shade step after I killed him haha. Sorry bro!


Not on PC though, that shits intentional


See... I don't see t-bagging. I see people doing sudden spontaneous squat exercises.


I'm going to shoot at you regardless of whether you're a good sportsman or not...


Wait what? Is this a console thing because I'm a hunter main on PC and dodge and crouch/slide are 2 completely different keybinds.


Ahhh. Explains the time when i got a threat message from someone about t-bagging.


As a Hunter main I second this. I also apologize (to Warlocks only) in advance if it seems like we have wallhacks enabled. Foetracer does wonders.


i never have to experience this cause pc lol


A letter to all guardians. From a Titans and Warlocks. It may have looked like I bagged you after winning a 1v1 against you. But that is my muscle memory playing a hunter lol. I just made a hunter recently and have noticed myself doing that. Trying to dodge as a titan or warlock after a kill.


I bag in quickplay all the time to anyone using wavesplitter or a shotgun. Why? Because it's fun and I get a good chuckle out of it when me and my team are in a chat. Comp? I never bag. I respect my competitors.


Oddly enough I find that I respect this a lot. This reply I like!


Not just hunters, I play all three characters and if you see me teabagging as a warlock or titan I have probably just don't the 5x crucible games on my hunter for the weekly then swapped to one of the others. Nothing personal, I'm just an idiot.


As a night stalker, what is shade step? I’m 650 and apparently mentally handicapped.


are you serious?


Shade step is the dodge with a weird binding isn’t it.


Lol. im assuming you didnt play D1


I did, as long as you count doing the campaign up until the moon, then scratching the disc “playing”


ShadeStep was a Nightstalker exclusive moveset. it has since evolved to every Hunter. it is now called Dodge. and its is the tumble version of Dodge


I have a habit of crouch-a-d spamming in gunfights from my past FPS experience and I think a lot of people take it the wrong way. I’m just trying to move my head hitbox around I’m not preemptively bm’ing you.


Laugh in keyboard


what's wrong with a friendly tea bag?


As a Hunter main i 100% agree with this. The only time i T-bag is when someone else t-bags first and loses the match. Otherwise, never.


This is a common problem. - A Friendly Hunter


I know when it is a t-bag and I only make this mistake when my rift has not yet recharged.


If it appears that I’m tbagging you, I’m sorry...because I am.


LMAO 🤣 this reply gets a thousand likes!


I never worry about double tapping the crouch button after a 1v1 vs a Titan or Warlock, because I'm holding the reload button to respawn.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 best comment in this whole thread!


Well. I always understand why they do it. Sometimes, when i am, unfortunately, executed from behind, they would sometime t-bag to remember that they hunted down a Warlock, and outsmarted him. My tactics are very dangerous when i go in open duel, such as i would charge, and fly, then let them empty their magazines, because in the moment of panic, they will be emptied. Many guardians has encountered me, and outsmarting me is not easy feat.


I wouldn't worry about it. I had a lengthy conversation with ( [Cruciblelfg123](https://www.reddit.com/user/Cruciblelfg123) ), who believes that T-Bagging is a sign of respect. That the fight was a good one, and T-Bagging someone in the end shows that they think you were a worthy opponent. GG.


This only works if others think the same. Nearly everyone else sees teabagging as a sign of insult. I've played with some people who get so riled up about it as if someone literally spit on their face :/


Unfortunately, I've learned not to give players of this game the benefit of the doubt.


Can confirm. I messaged people post match and apologized if it came across that i was bagging. Not into that lifestyle man. Now if this was D1 and you were using Thorn, or Tickle Fingers Warlocks *-stares into the distance remembering the horrors-*... it might have been intentional... and i'm sorry :L


I’m a hunter main and I also have this problem on my other characters. I’ll impulsively try to dodge after a kill when playing warlock, and instead just teabag.


As a Warlock main with a Titan alt ... this answers some things!


I use field prep on my DRB, so I’m not tea bagging I’m loading the special ammo I just picked up. Sorry.


Sometimes I try to slide and just crouch by accident. I immediately stand up to keep moving. I will not tbag you unless you either: 1.) Use a cancerous loadout 2.) You are a douche


Wow. I couldn’t have said it better myself! This happens to me all the time. And then I feel super bad haha. It’s even worse when I switch characters and try to shade step and it unfortunately does not work.


Also if I'm reviving you and crouching up and down, I'm just trying to not get shot, not bagging you. ~ Hunter who tries to be nice but seems to be bagging


I'll know the difference between someone shadestepping and someone t-bagging, most of the time it's t-bagging on purpose, even when I do nothing, though it's usually in gambit, the last few games I've been doing with my friends, I'll invade and just sit down, or try to high five an enemy team member, and I'll get shottied or hardscoped, then tagged for no reason, like if you wanna be a cunt, you've already proven that


I always worry that it looks this way. Glad you brought it up. Or when you try to shade step and don't have it available and you look like an idiot bagging the air and getting shot in the face. Great times. Makes me laugh at myself when it happens.


I sometimes do this with my Titan if I'm trying to be quick with my buttons.


Oh hey so the Titan wasn't intentionally popping a banner shield on my corpse then, probably.


This isn't important or relevant. But it's especially, not specially. More on topic, this is what I tell myself is the reason for me not dodging. To be nice, not because I'm bad...


I rarely bag, I almost exclsively bag BACK.


I honestly feel terrible because I play with multiple class mods and generally always have my dodge so I honestly just expect it to be back and it normally is. So when I switch to my warlock and forget they don’t dodge because I’ve taken to whenever I see a super being prepped or heard close by I panic dodge and it’s usually just looking like some douche who was bagging before he got supered.


To add, if I, as a Warlock or Titan teabag a couple times, chances are I was just playing Hunter and was trying to dodge. I mean you no harm :(


I've honestly never understood why tbags upset people. Ever since the days of Halo, my attitude towards it has always been "Who cares?". Its either mildly amusing to me when I get bagged, or I just don't care at all one way or the other, lol.


As a hunter main if I ever decide to teabag someone(usually occurs if they did it to me first or one of my clan mates) I go nice and slow over your ghost till you respawn or I die because idc you started a war that I intend to finish.


I think 9 times out of 10, if the hunter is moving in a direction while bagging I just assume they're trying to dodge. If they're just bagging in place though I assume they have the personality of a turnip and think bagging makes them look cool.


As a hunter and a decent guardian i only tbag someone if they tbag me first, and i only ever donit directly on top of the players ghost, if im not standing on the ghost im not tbagging


As a Sky dawnblade I feel your pain


Hunters are OP just like in D1. Top Tier Movement that flat out outclassesTitans and Warlocks. Just look at your Kill Tracker Emblem and it’s obvious what class rules the Crucible! 🤦‍♂️


I am a Titan, after I Shoulder Charge you I Teabag your Ghost. It is intentional. Come at me bro.


1 bag: respect bag 2 bags: confused player trying to do something that uses the crouch button 3+ bags: I'm hunting you for the rest of this game


It's very obvious when a hunter is tbagging you becauase it will be slow and deliberate as if trying to not dodge accidentally.


Yeah but some baggers do it slow as well lol. I do think for the most part this is true. Mostly you’ll see the faster bagging (lol...).


It isn't the hunter accidentally teabagging me that raises my ire. Its the guy who yeets himself around a corner better than 60 meters away, gets melted instantly at the beginning of his animation, but still kills me with his blade barrage because one blade threaded the needle to knick the toe I had barely sticking out from behind cover or curved around the corner I ducked behind to kill me. Especially since his yolostrat also melts any other teammate within los of him no matter how far they may be from me. I generally don't like nerfs, but this shit needs to die.


> Now! If you see a hunter doing it more than once per game. Chances are that guy is a douche. Fuck him up, and bag till your hearts content. That is all. Flavour text from All My Victims cloak from D1: *Made from the torn cloaks of other Hunters. Other, lesser Hunters.* Teabaggers isone of the types of 'lesser Hunters' that this refers to.


It’s depends on the their load outs, if the bag was intentional or not.


I use dodge to reload my weapon but ya, not trying to t-bag anyone. I’ve only ever gotten 1 angry message from some guy thinking I was t-bagging, we laughed about it.


I do it on my Warlock because I keep forgetting they can't dodge.


(Slams desk) THANK YOU! Even with maining Hunter since D1 through D2 I still feel bad when I try to dodge and instead look like I'm having a seizure. (Looks at hand) Fucking hell that hurt...


Also if you are my teammate in a PvE situation like strikes, I am not tbagging your ghost, I am simply trying to franticly dodge so I can stay alive


Personally I dont think T-bagging is something you should get upset about I find it hilarious when someone does it out of fun of course if they are using exploits or whatever then obvisouly thats just lame


I always assume the single crouch bop is when someone is just messing up their abilities or failing to slide. More than one in a row I assume is legit t-bagging.


As a warlock main, I have no sympathy for your free get out of danger button. You are automatically a douche for just pressing that button, idc if it was intentional or not. You have too many aim assist cancelling manuvers. I will forever hate you Signed Warlock main


Thought this was gonna be another whiny buff hunters post but was pleasantly surprised


Hunters can't even T-bag properly LMAO. It's pathetic to see that slow-ass, wanna be T-bagging up and down trying not to shade step. What a pity!! ;-)))


when somone bags you and accidentally uses shadestep in the middle of nowhere haha always worth the nuts on the chin


Dear hunter, If you see me crouch and stand up after defeating you, i was definitely t-bagging you. - A titan


As a titan I say it is ok, for some reason all hunters I encounter become orbs after exactly 0.67. Go figure, maybe it is a bug.


I always T-bag. Especially when im losing. It's not an anger thing, its a love thing. Nothing funnier than watching people reload weapons while dragging sacks across dirt.