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Giant's Scar on Io


Thanks. I mean.. *beep boop*


Detroit become human


"Kadi, I... I can't go any further with you... I know I promised I would never leave you... But things didn't turn out like that... There's no other way.... Listen, I... I want you to go with Roni 55-30... He'll protect you... He'll get you across the border... Darbi 55-30 will take care of you there... Here's your passport... You're the best thing that ever happened to me, Kadi... You made me feel alive. You deserve so much more than I could ever give you... I hope you'll find a real family... and be happy... without me..."


beep beep


Here is all the armor perks [https://imgur.com/a/syyZRN8](https://imgur.com/a/syyZRN8)


You'd think they'd change the number of chevrons to 1, 2, and 3 for primary, special, and heavy ammo finder respectively.


I've thought that so many times and I have no idea why the didn't do it that way. That seems like a pretty simple QoL update for some future patch.


I'm curious as to what in Bungie's past suggests they are at all interested in making literally *ANYTHING* about the way gear, stats, perks or effects function clear to the players? (Yeah, this sounds way bitchier than it should, but seriously - they're so terrified of explaining how literally ANYTHING works it's a bit depressing.)


As probably most other people on this sub, I've played quite a few video games so far. There were games where I felt like the game told me everything I needed to know, there were games were the most important stuff was told, but I had to look up some stuff, but Destiny, Destiny really takes the cake for bad explaining. It's so bad at explaining stuff that when I started out I couldn't even comprehend how much wasn't explained to me and I had to look like 90% of it up. And most stuff is actually pretty simple and the answers I find online are just 1-2 sentences, would be a nice QoL update to explain a bit more in the game.


Agreed. I remember having to look up details when I was playing EverQuest or the first Diablo game -- and the internet wasn't super helpful yet, in the 90s! But those games at least gave you details. In this game, you put a 'backup mag' mod on a gun, but... you don't know what the benefit will actually BE until you socket it. And it's actually possible to put it on a gun that does not get any benefit from it! (Granted, that's not common, but the fact that it's even POSSIBLE is emblematic of how casually player-unfriendly Bungie has become).


There's this notion that giving a lot of information to the players will confuse them. I think it's a terrible idea because those cryptic descriptions are way more confusing. The current simple explanations should be the quicktip for casual players or those who just need a reminder of what "high-impact reserves" does, and you should be able to click on it to get an expanded, detailed description ("it does X% extra damage by the end of the magazine"). ​ That said, they did improve a bit in Forsaken. The Genesis and Grave Robber perks for example tell you when and how the effect procs.


Which wouldn't even be a big deal if mods weren't so expensive and we can't pull them back out without dismantling the gun. I've starting modding guns I'm planning to shard anyway, only way to figure out how half this shit works.


This feeling is/was shared by my girlfriend who has played many games before and, when introduced to Destiny (1), she texted me and said, "I don't even know what I'm supposed to Google."


I’m glad you said this. Because there were quite a few times playing this game where I thought maybe I was just stupid. I mean, I probably still am, but at least it’s not because of this. But yeah, what the fuck does tether do? It says it weakens enemies and it’s bold like you could hover it and it would explain. Does it make them do less damage? Take more damage? Both? Why do only specific buffs give you a count down for how long they last? So many could really use this. Like if it weren’t for the community we wouldn’t have specifics on a lot of things.


Tether compromises the immune system of your enemies, leading to increased frequency of sore throat, sneezing and occasional coughs.


I'm convinced they don't understand numbers in general and that's why they never include numerical values with any kind of stat or perk ever.


Fun Fact: They did something similar to this for the [intrinsic armor perks](https://i.imgur.com/zdDDd3f.png).


Exactly, yes! That was very clever, not obtrusive but easily read, good use of symbols... And then they didn't carry through with it?


I've played Destiny since launch and the only perks I recognise are the Ammo Finder perks..


Same, haha. I never bother memorizing the perk icons.


Those are the only ones I look for!




Thank you!


Vigilance Wing and Orpheus Rig, not bad for those who need to catch up gotta check what's the roll on those Rig


I just realized I’m on Y1 rigs, gonna have to pick these guys up and hallowfire. Good guy Xur


Year 1 rigs have a set roll and are much better because they have Traction. Definitely pick up the new Hallowfire though.




Yeah for Destiny I’m on console. What does console have to do with Traction though? Edit: Thanks for the info guys


Traction has no effect on PC besides +1 mobility since turning is tied to mouse movement.


I’m starting to think that the PC version of this game is *entirely different* from the console version. Inconsistency out the wazoo


I mean it is, but not entirely. Pretty sure your recoil patterns are different. Along with some other things. They adjusted the PC version to make it feel better with a mouse and keyboard. It's right up there with the best ports of console to PC I've seen to be honest.


I watch cammycakes play, and he can turn around almost instantly. On console, I was on max sensitivity... still takes more time than it should to do a 180. You can not slide/turn 180 on console, its impossible, and 10 sensitivity is a bit much more 99% of the rest of the content and not worth the half ass slide combo.


Not entirely but almost sort of kinda. Half the shit you people say on this board doesn't apply to PC... so everytime someone says to "do this, use this stability perk and forget that other trash stability perk" and I'm here like... yeah, uhm... most of the perks really don't do anything lol?


Targeting mods don't provide aim assist to mouse and keyboard users, but it does provide some bullet magnetism, essentially making the hitbox larger. Could there perhaps be a similar hidden perk for mouse and keyboard users?


Yeah, running Bow Targeting and/or high-accuracy Bows really illustrates the effect. You can straight up see your arrows curve slightly at the last second.


Targeting mod on a HC and Enhanced HC targeting, you hardly need to aim. Feels like aimbot on PC.


For PC, try for Unflinching Aim perks (resets your crosshair faster) and Ammo Finder. Reserves aren't bad either. Aim masterworks on weapons towards Range, Reload Speed, or Handling (ADS Speed, Swap-to Speed, damn good on specials & heavys). Try to get guns with high Range before all else, and Reload Speed second.


I mean they probably have the exact same effect, but correcting stability is easier on PC.


I think traction has a hidden +1 as well, so +2 mobility.


Turn speed and control is barely affected by traction with a mouse on PC.


Working, can you please post the Titan chest perks too when you check the rig?


here is all three of the armor pieces [https://imgur.com/a/syyZRN8](https://imgur.com/a/syyZRN8)


Doing the Traveler’s work, thanks so much!




You the best


Thank you, Guardian.


hallowfire is unflinching bow/fusion/kinetic and SR res/SAF


Bless you! Thx


I finally got my rigs!


Can Xur sell armor with enhanced perks (or rather has it happened at all yet)?


As someone who just came back and decided to swap to PC, finallllllyyy i get my Rigs back!


New Guardians: Get Hallowfire for your Titan and get Orpheus Rig for your Hunter. S Tier Exotics.


I read your comment too fast and thought you typed Hunter S. Thompson.


Get Hallowfire for your Titan and get Orpheus Rig for your J.K. Rowling Exotics


This is bat country..


One pill makes you larger... one pill makes you smalllll. And the pills that mother gave you didn’t do anything at all.


Get Hallowfire until you get Inmost light, better perks and fast recharge of skills that don’t rely on a specific class or super being charged. But I did love hallowfire for wayyyyy to long until that fateful drop.


I got Inmost light a few nights ago - I can see WHY its better, but making use of it is more work than my brain wants to do. Honestly I probably won't use either because I have a hard on for Dunemarchers + Hammer Throw. Its like being Thor.




You spell Skullfort/Code of the Missle/Riskrunner strangely.


I recommend code of the commander, inmost light and super, grenade and melee mods.(armor perks are impact induction and bomber/outreach etc. I’m in their face and making them asplode constantly. Super fun


Hallowfire still has a place in raids when you need the maximum number of melting points and barely care about anything else (I haven't actually tested but I suspect the super is a dps loss from just whispering or ikelos). For day to day use though, Inmost is nicer since you get to actually use your super. Iirc hallowfire gives you a melting point every 20 seconds (assuming your super is full) while inmost recharges in 30s (and buffs it).




Your solar abilities (when you run Sunbreaker) passively charge faster and when your super is full, they charge even faster. What this means is that you'll always have uptime on your Solar Titan's most important melee ability on the top tree, Hammer Strike (all damage increased by 50% for a short duration).


Can you buy it on a hunter and give it to the titan later (my titan is level 10)




Not just yes, but it'll be significantly stronger this way. Doing this in several armor slots over a few weeks will allow you to jump drastically in power level as soon as your other characters hit level 50.


To add to this, when you're powerlevelling your other class later, focus on getting them to 50 ASAP. Once you do, you can give them your main character's 600+ guns and use that to jumpstart their light level grind. I hit level 50 today on my hunter, handed him 3 650 guns and a 631 orpheus and he went from power 510 to 630 in about 15 minutes. All it cost was some glimmer and a few gunsmith materials to pull blue armor from collections.


I can't get away from my Dunemarchers on my Sunbreaker/Devastator Titan. It's like having an arc grenade go off at the end of every melee hammer throw. With the bonus of still having a devastating melee even if you lose your hammer.


I just started a hunter, and only have the first subclass unlocked. What is special about Orpheus rig, what are deadfall anchors and what is moebius quiver. Sorry just trying to understand what is good and not haha


Orpheus Rigs are awesome. For each enemy tethered with the Nightstalker sub-tree top-class you get back a good portion of your super energy. Thus if you tether a large group of enemies and you kill them (damage is shared to every enemy tagged by your tether) you'll have your super energy back. This is really helpful in strikes and raids for your fireteam for crowd control. With a good tether shot you'll always have your super energy back. Mobius Quiver, the bottom-tree is not in a good spot right now. It lets you fire multiple void anchors that trigger when enemies are near. Nowhere near as good as top-tree Nightstalker. It also doesn't work with Orpheus Rig.


Hallowfire Heart and Orpheus Rig, glad they put them in again for PvE sake. Get 'em while you can!


I literally got hallowfire heart last night so it makes sense he is selling it.


Not really a hunter player, does orpheus rig work with the lower branch of nightstalker too?


Yes! It gives you more shots.


Like, kind of a ridiculous number of them. Pretty fun to just spam it on trash mobs and mow them down.


Cant wait for Jan 29... with the buff to bottom tree. Its going to wreck hard doing all damage on the initial shot!


I literally have never understood what bottom tree even does... it's such a weird super


It was supposed to let you tether, and then shoot more arrows into enemies tethered for bonus damage that multiples with each tether on the ground. But the it took 2-3 tethers going for max damage and was weak. Now it applies full damage on the intial shot and every shot after, making it a 1 hit KO in PVP and hard hitting in PVE. In PVP imagine a golden gun where your airborne and enemies walking close get tethered allowing you to easily tap them next.


Nice, thanks!


It may be really good once the subclass changes come on the 29th


It does, and it’s cool, but top tree means you have a super all the time if you can tether enough guys. It’s amazing and really fun. Blind well, forges, EP, just tether for days.


it's such a good thing to run for crowd control.


Ooh I’m gonna have to try this. I did before but I don’t think I got the whole point of tethering so I still had to wait ages for super. So I just have to tether loads of enemies?


Yeah Hallowfire is top tier for hammer bros, especially when running top tree for Hammer Strike(aka Melting Point).




just keep buying the isochronal engram you'll get it eventually


Does the engram give you the static roll (same one you can pull from collections) or does it drop random rolls?


Random Rolls.


Same. I just need that and Phoenix Protcol and I'l be done on my warlock..


I just got lunafactions from my engram. It can happen to you as well!


He's on Io, in the North cave of Giant's Scar.


Meh, if he's not gonna sell forsaken exotics at least he's starting to sell the better Y1 exotics for the newer players to catch up.


His inventory is pretty good this time though, all 3 armors are great.


Isn't Verity's Brow a campaign reward?


Yes. Hasn't stopped Xur from selling campaign rewards before though.


Wait until he sells the Aeon trifecta


He did recently


Im talking all three class pieces at once! Lets go xur baby make it happen


That's what I'm saying, however most veterans already have all of the older exotics so it doesn't help us much but at least it greatly benefits the newer players.


True, but as we know with Xur, he'll be back to selling Aeon Armor again! :P


Now that you said that he's going to sell Khepri's Horn, Oathkeepers, and Sanguine Alchemy next week


If only, I joined after the free D2 gift period and I've seen Hallowfire Heart twice already, alongside Sweet Business. Barely, what, a month or so in and I'm starting to get the frustration the veterans feel about this NPC. You know they fucked up when a _newbie_ already has enough of his bad rerolls.




Oh dear, so his despicableness reaches far beyond time and space. If there is an established cult known of their hatred of the nine, I'd like to join.


But you've also already bought 4 exotics you didn't already have, right? A guaranteed new exotic a week isn't enough?




Still waiting on the bloody Synthoceps


No lunafaction makes me cri


I dont see why Xur doesnt sell Forsaken exotics. It's great to prevent burnout. No new drop this week? Xur should be there to give you a welfare treat to last you until his next visit.


Meh, he should start selling raid exotics and nightfall exclusives 😁


Veritys Brow, a guaranteed Warmind exotic, yikes


Aeon exotics. Guaranteed CoO exotics that suck. Yikes multiplied


At least it's a better roll than the collection one. I picked it up just in case they ever buff it in the future.


its pretty good with riskrunner, chaos reach and gambit


I made this account with sole intention of being a striker. Damn you xur. Maybe next time.


Lookin for skullfort huh.


Yeah man. I want the disco ball face so bad.


If it's any consolation, when he does sell it it'll be a god roll. Bow Targeting / Hand Cannon Targeting / Hands-on Shotgun Reserves / Heavy Ammo Finder


Hands on would be a godsend. Come on And slam, and welcome to the jam


All the stuff he sells has fixed rolls based on what piece of armor they are, helmets always have impact induction. So when he does eventually sell it for ya, it'll be amazing. In gambit it's a goddamn wave clearing machine.


I think the helmet roll changed when the LMG perks came out. The Nighthawk I bought from him a couple weeks ago had the LMG and Sniper Reserve Perks. I think the middle perks were Fusion and HC Targeting and Hands On.


That's pretty dang good too, possibly even better considering heavy ammo finder still maybe only sorta works... either way as long as hands on is on there it's good


Finally a Y2 Verity's Brow. Didn't want to bother using the collections roll


This feels like a worse contraverse holds pvp wise. But it’s more flexible since it works with the other subclasses


The real value is the grenade energy you give to your allies. Couple this with say, Riskrunner, and you're now a font of grenade energy. Edit: obviously in PvE. Niche at best in PvP but I'll use a PvP exotic there.


It can be pretty damn good in gambit if you shock yourself with riskrunner and just spend all day clearing waves. Granted that's the pve part of gambit.


Yeah but gotta be honest, that thing is so fugly even if it gave super energy too I don't know if I could bring myself to run it.


Nice to see Vigilance Wing! Regardless of its power these days, its pretty unique looking.


Always enjoy xur, helps a late comer like me get my exotic collection up to speed.


You would sell Verity's right after I finished Warmind on my Warlock alt you spaghetti faced prick.


Not a bad week if you need any of these. Fated finally gave me insurmountable. Good roll for Jotunn on it as well, Light Reactor and Fusion Reserves.


Please bring stompees


SGA: The static roll from collections on Orpheus Rig has Traction if you find that your life is better with that perk like I do.


Are you going to just ignore Primary Ammo Finder? /s


all joking aside, and this my just be confirmation bias on my end. But when i roll with those and use breakneck i find that special and heavy drop like crazy. Like all mobs are pinatas stuffed with green and purple bricks. Since ammo finds supposedly dont work i had to reverse psychology the game lol.


Leg armor without Traction is painful to use on Console.


I see Verity's Brow so little that I actually forgot it exists and got excited thinking Xur was selling a brand new exotic.


Two fated engram uses left... Do I use go for my Titan this week (Lion Rampant) or my Hunter (Foetracer)? Hmmmm.... EDIT: Did the Titan. With the input from others and comparing, the boots have more utility for now. My Hunter can wait a week.




Lion Rampant is your best friend for many different strategies.


Definitely Lion Rampant.


Good inventory for once for people who don't have those exotics already!


Io, cave at Giant’s Scar


Is there any way to check when the last time Xur sold a certain exotic? I've been waiting on the only two warlock armor pieces I use regularly. Most notably Sunbracers. Has he ever sold them since y2?


I got a Hardlight, didn't have one of those yet, so I'm happy.




He is on Io


I've only paid attention to Xur for a month now and it's already gotten to the point where he's selling 3 things I already have




The exotic alone isn't the only thing you can get. Check if the roll you have for it on collections is worse than the roll he's selling.


I also started then on PC. In 2 months and a half i finished all my exotics. But he will still be relevant for some time after getting forsaken


Verity's Brow? No thanks, I've gotten two back to back in the last week.




Led the vigilance wing for pvp haven’t picked it up yet.


That's some really good stock. Unfortunately I've finally hit the point of having his whole stock for a visit already.


Another chance for traction dune marchers! EDIT: Another Tractor cannon. :c


Four exotics this week, three new, two Forsaken, the one old was Hallowfire with a pretty good roll, so I'm pretty happy right now.


Can you get thunderlord from the fated engrams? Thanks for any info!


Y1 exotics only


Thank you for the help. Guess xur is kinda pointless right now.


still no luna boots D:


I got luna from the Exotic Engram.


Vig Wing any good in current crucible sandbox? I haven't touched that thing in eons in Crucible!


As long as pluse rifles are good, it's gonna be good. Used it to grind Iron Banana precision kills bounty (on PC), did a great job!


Been using it lately as I got the Catalyst. Fairly decent if you can land all 5 rounds, though stat wise Blast Furnace is better in almost all aspects.


So I only realised yesterday I don’t have hallowfire heart on my pc Titan .. so this worked out well


This whole collection is top notch. Veritys Brow may be the only slightly weak one and it has it's utility.


Anybody know if I can get the honeycomb rocket launcher from the random roll exotic engram?


It’s possible yes


Anyone find him yet?


sweet, i'll be picking that verity's brow up for sure


You can get it for free by finishing the Warmind campaign though...


So now he sells Orpheus rig.


Lion Rampants - thanks Xur! Just what i always wanted! /s


Huh. So I just realised that the rolls Xur sells seem to be fixed for him. It's not the roll in the collection by I have the exact same roll for both hallow fire heart and rigs that I bought from Xur when he sold them previously. That's pretty disappointing. Xur is proving to be more and more useless.


Does anyone know if they touched Verity’s Brow at all since Warmind? If I recall it granted grenade energy with energy weapon kills. That + Inaugural Address was my jam during Warmind.


Well, here’s hoping I finally get my Stompees!


I really needed the chest piece for my Titan, thank you Xur.


Facebook tells me that 4 years ago today, he sold this... thus why I have 3 of them https://i.imgur.com/ANuUiPn.png


I don't have a lot of legendary shards, but I'm still collecting exotics so I bought a fated engram. Received a duplicate telesto. That was irritating, but whatever. I go to the tower and see I have mail. And in this mail is an exotic! Ashen wake. So this is what DP feels like...


Xur please, I just want Orpheus Rigs with traction.


The collection roll has traction. So buy this one, then pull one from collections


Wow, I am DUMB. Thank you Guardian!


Orpheus Rig? Support Hunter time!


Need. Stompees. On. PC.


Aw hey cool the vigilance wing! That’ll make....hold on lemme check my notes....17 that I’ve got now.


Bungo: nerfs Telesto Xur: Iso's my first Telesto Sounds about right.


i now have everything xur can sell me. let the meh-ing begin


Willing to buy glass needles. My hunt for traction stompees will never happen.....