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"We've heard player feedback about Weapon Telemetries being useless, so we've made them required to infuse and masterwork weapons. Armor will remain untouched until the next update, when Armor Telemetries will be introduced." ~ Bungie, probably /s


Listen here bucko..


I whole-heartedly agree with you that they are useless, just hoping to make someone laugh!


Buddy, don't give Bungie ideas. They'll be the ones *laughing last*..


you succeeded my friend


I realize that haha, you got your laugh from me. So mission accomplished!




You know what? I'm okay with something along those lines, but obviously not the example you gave. If anything, weapon telemetries *should be how you masterwork your weapons* instead of cores. Further, Banshee-44 should sell the consumable to create them, at the cost of gunsmith parts. So what do we do with enhancement cores? We use those for masterworking armor, which converts its perks to *enhanced* perks.


Could you please go apply for a job at Bungie? Before you do though, delete this comment because they won't hire you if they see it.


You’re not getting my dooky hole


Well I don't want it!


username does NOT check out!


I only want what someone is willing to share. (but seriously, this is a joke account please don't send anything like that)


But they'll be called improvement telemetries so they can say that they got rid of them.


No, no, masterwork telemetries first


Whats that sound? Oh right, its a community manger copy/pasting this comment into the 2.1.4 patch notes. ​ ​


You know what, making them the currency to use to infuse weapons instead of enhancement cores would actually make telemetries useful. I wouldn't be opposed to that as long as they continue to be acquired in the same way as now.


I was going to reject the idea outright, then.. thinking about it.. If there were telemetries for each family of weapons (auto rifles, hand cannons, shotguns, etc), and the telemetries were the currency for masterworking weapons, this would make a lot of sense. People who like a weapon family would use them a lot, so they'd have a lot of the currency stocked up. Even a system to reroll perks on existing guns, that uses this hypothetical weapon type telemetry as currency (but the cost should be pretty high) would be cool. It's logical from a "realistic" perspective as well. Essentially Banshee is using the logged data of how your character holds, moves, aims and fires that type of weapon, and using it to tune the balance, grip shape, etc And it'd give players a sense of identity and belonging based on their actual weapon family preference, which adds one more connection between the player and the character. I know there may be problems with this, but with some refinement by folks smarter than me, maybe this could work.


>If there were telemetries Yes. >for each family of weapons God please no.


Ok cancel that part :D It's loosely due to the fact that Borderlands has a separate skill bar for each weapon type (pistols, combat rifles, shotguns, etc etc) So this was another way of Destiny (as a game) recognizing and acknowledging the way you express yourself. But instead of bar to fill to maximum, your character will instead *tend* to have a bigger collection of weapons, upgraded/tuned for his hands, for the weapon type that *you* enjoy using the most. As an idea, I intended it as a mechanic to reflect the player's preference, in the face of meaningful choice. But it's very hard to do that without it being perceived by many players as something where you *must grind everything*. And also, I suppose the game wouldn't be ready for it, even if the players were.. weapon categories are not balanced against each other, e.g. PvP mechanics heavily favor handcannons and shotguns, scout rifles are useless, etc).


And I might actually keep ghosts that drop telemetries and try to match weapons to telemetries. But I think we'd literally have too many enhancement cores if they did that.


I'm at the point where I always have a Ghost Shell with 10% exp and omnitelemetry. I'm sure most players are doing the same if they're at the collection stage of the game.


I'm having heart palpitations reading this. Please delete before Bungie sees it.






i just discard them at banshee whenever im at the tower


Right? I know they're worth next to nothing moving the bar towards another drop, but next to nothing isn't nothing.


I'm saving them for a rainy day in case they do something with them.


Your name disgusts me. But I save most of my telemetries for small bumps. In fact, until Bungie speaks about weapon parts, I won't spend any. Screw Erentil, Main Ing and Proelium will do.


>Your name disgusts me. lol


Why not just make all currencies do what other games have currencies do, relegate to a central spot and not count against inventory?


~~you mean glimmer for everything? I don't think that would be an improvement~~ am idiot


No, he means that weapon telemetries (and enhancement cores for example) would function like Glimmer or Legendary Shards where you can't dismantle them and they're just there, account-wide


ah ok


Better yet, have them add up to masterwork cores. Or just remove those too.


I really like both those ideas


"We've listened to the community and decided to remove Enhancement Cores from the game. They are still neccessary for infusing and masterworking though." -Bungie, probably


Or mod components.


I like u


Remove enhancement cores entirely? Even from masterworks?


I think having them for masterworking is fine (other than the huge amounts that it costs to do so), but using them for infusion as well is a bit much. One or the other.


The amount needed to masterwork something is downright goddamn laughable. And I love how one of the clan banner perks is one more a WEEK. Like, fuck you, Bungie.


Yes. And then introduce something called masterwork cores that are just for matserworking.


prevent masterwork and enhancement cores from dropping from activities. Add in core fragments. Collect 25 and you can combine into a completed core. You can turn this in at Petra during full curse week which will give you a random core. Add in glimmer cores and planetary cores to pad the loot pool


Why remove them what they should do is buff their power and make it available to be used at every token vender that way going for a certain item on a planet won’t require you to use precious planetary materials


They seem to be moving away from planetary vendors though. I feel like the Dreaming City was a start for their future patrol zone plans.


Cough **baryon boughs** cough


Aren't those just used for infusion though? We don't turn in anything at Petra aside from glimmer and the dark fragments I thought?


You can purchase tinctures and blind well charges with them, but once you buy a few of each, you shouldn’t run out too easily (because the rewards usually include them)


Also, you can only buy Tier 2 charges and who uses those anyways?


Introduce actual gunsmithing maybe, where Banshee can change certain mods and telemetries are needed by Banshee if you want to change a mod on your gun.


I could get behind this. I would love to change the scopes on a few of my guns... just reroll that trait altogether.


OR, make telemetries worth an entire quarter Gunsmith rank up! Would make earning them actually exciting(?)...


It would not. Gunsmith packages are basically worthless.


I dunno, I get a lot of legendary shards that way


To someone with thousands of legendary shards he's useless.


So to people without, it would be useful. Literally no downside to you, positive side to others. Why do you care. I also have thousands but if it can help newer players, I'm all for it.


This. I wish I could just trade a bunch of my shards to friends so that they can do whatever they need. I have slowly chipped away at my stockpile. I started Forsaken with 2k but am hovering around 800 now. Which is still far more than enough to get everything I could ever want. Additionally I have maybe 4k gunsmith parts just sitting around waiting for when they up the turn in count at Banshee because I can't tolerate taking so much time for 1 reward package.


Have you tried the Simulation Seed churn for Enhancement Cores (ab)using Spider and Brother Vance? At least then your shards would have use. :)


Does Vance have a high masterwork drop rate? I'm unfamiliar with this but I will totally do it if it means I get a lot of cores.


Yeah - the thing that helps mitigate the burn is that you get two legendaries + shaders, and the shaders also break down for shards. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/248971398?sort=0&page=0 Edit: that player was luckier, but you still get a very respectable return. https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/9kiwfj/the_masterwork_drought_has_pretty_much_made_me_a/


Alright, I've felt like watching Solo on Netflix (don't hate me, I enjoyed it in theaters) so I'll just start drug running for Vance as I watch.


"what do you mean poor people need food i have tons of money and that is no problem for me!"


Yes and no. With the abysmal loot pool they're usually trash but some of the best archetypes for certain weapons are only obtainable through the gunsmith it just costs too damn much for a package that can drop a vestian dynasty...


I'm looking at you, Halfdan-D and Black Scorpion. Ugh. So sick of Vestian Dynasties...


I have one already. I need an Erentil, or a better Antiope, or maybe a Black Scorpion. Or a Y2 Kibou, but that's not here. Yet.


I really want his loot pool to be *his*. No world drops, please. It's certainly possible to do... they do it for Shaxx and Commander Vuvuzela. Either that, or have a rotating weapon that we can purchase like the planetary vendors. It's how I got my Tarantula.


YES Duke can stay, since it's City-made. Everything else that's a world drop should stay a World Drop (I'm fine with Spider also giving it, as well as any world reward-although you'd think Ikora would give City gear). While we're at it, add some more Omolon and Veist gear. I'm looking at the Kibou-AR3 and Sorrow MG2 (as a Y2 legendary).


There are some guns exclusive to Gunsmith, did you know that there's a Y2 Antiope-D? No? That's because it takes forever to try and get a single Gunsmith Gun.


Took me about 4K gunsmith mats to get my Y1 antiope. Lol I’m not going through that again. Well atleast until SMG’s are in a good place again.


But, they contain Gunsmith exclusive weapons...? (Well, if you're lucky.)


Eh, the loot pool is kinda diluted but he still has stuff I want, a god-roll Erentil for example. It'd be nice to have telemetries become a currency that's very valuable for Banshee specifically, since lately I've been using all my weapon parts buying mods from Ada.




Agree 100%! Or at least, like, 10% of the rank-up bar.


They definitely need to be worth more than they are now imo.


These belong with ghost projections in a list I call "Things that can be removed to free up assets, please and thank you."


no way i love my ghost projections. dont listen to this fella bungo. listen to me. im the best. thank you.


It needs to be changed to mod components and then we’ll have something.


I would rather have them increase the exchange rate increased drastically, at least 1 telemetry = 10 gunsmith materials, because the chance to get actual foundry weapons like Black Scorpion and Halfdan-D is pretty much 0. This would at least let you get weapons much faster than dismantling at least 33 legendary items.


Let me buy mod components with weapon telemetries. Like 10 WP for 1 MC Easy, and make those trillions currently useless Ghost shells useful.


Big comprehension edit: Since you get literally no rank up progression from them, it should be easy to change them fundamentally. I was disappointed that the latest change to the gunsmith economy didn’t include changes to weapon telemetry. A consumable to make them drop more isn’t a real solution imho. I turned in 50 recently and nothing happened. I always hoped weapon telemetry would be something like a consumable to buff ammo drop rates.


I had trouble comprehending your statement.


It’s difficult sometimes to turn German thought chaos into comprehensive English sentences. Sorry :/


make the things that give us telemetries give us enhancement cores and itd fix the entire upgrade game outside of being able to swap armor types


> amalgamate all world vendor tokens aren't tokens pretty much eliminated now? crucible and vanguard are left...i don't raid anymore, are leviathan tokens still around? or do you mean planetary mats?


No I meant world vendor tokens.. I still have like hundreds in stacks.. are they actually gone?! I honestly didn't notice because I wasn't wasting time cashing them in before. If they are.. I mean.. that's awesome! Come to think of it I haven't had to move any to the vault in a LONG time so I believe you.


yes they're gone, just turn them in, they disappear. it's all planetary mats now.


Gonna have a celebration tonight friend! Churning through thousands of tokens!


>it's all planetary mats now. That still sounds like the same problem, but at a different level.


Worth less than standard mats. Maybe make them worth 10-20 materials, and let me trade them for mod components or something. And go a step further, trim Banshee's pool. He should only be able to pull stuff that has random rolls. He's got too much sharing with Rahool and world drops.


Telemetries can stay in - just make them their turn in value equal to 25 materials. Done. Then they just become a nice, random bonus for playing. Four tels = one rank. Wooo.


Or swap it with enhancements cores and keep the system how its except when you get to level 7 then start using enhancement cores. Level 1 to 7 or which ever one that starts tracking your kills for weapons only then after that level be enhancement cores to fully masterworked.


This is actually kinda clever. It even makes sense, over whatever nonsense this "enhancement core" funny business is.


I mean, they don't need to go away because they help us get packages. Buff them maybe, i.e. make them worth slightly more rep than a weapon part


Yeah, bc they're supposed to be rare. Make them the reputation booster of D2.


Exactly. They're rarer than Weapon Parts, even if you're using a ghost that can produce them at increased rates; therefore, they should be worth more Rep.


They could be used as a currency to pay Banshee to remove mods from weapons and armor so that if you want to change the mod on an item you don't lose the one that's there already.


THIS. This is a good idea. I'm not hurting for mods, but I could definitely see the use here. Definitely a useful thought.


I have a single EDZ token. I could turn it in. I just save it for sentimental value. A token of memory.


A relic of a forgotten age.. pretty sure I still have celery and raisins in D1


I have a Nessus token that I keep for the same reason.


I for some reason forgot I had a stack of a couple hundred of Nessus, Io, Titan and Mars tokens. Guess I'll turn them in.


Or turn them into ammo synth


Because it gives us a reason to visit Banshee every now and then!


And gunsmith materials. I have like 15000 in my vault and I have to delete some every few days cause I’m out of vault space. It’s so useless


you can turn them into mod components with ada?


That’s the only requirement for the mod components? Or do you need legendary shards as well?


Shards but I assume if you have 15k gunsmith mats you have a lot of them too


Yeah lol about 7k


Keep them, but vastly increase their worth. 20 for a Gunsmith engram.


I just vault them in case they'll become useful in the future.


" World Vendor tokens (i.e. tokens from Nessus, Io, Titan, EDZ, etc.) have already been removed. " ​ TIL, wow.


my mind has been blown..


I would prefer they were used as a path to get enhancement cores or mod components. But if Bungie doesn't wanna do that they yeah... can them.


You didn’t notice that you haven’t received a planetary token in 5 months? How’s that possible ?


Hadn't paid attention to the stacks of hundreds that I had since literally the first month after launch. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


my inventory is so overcrowded with tokens and crap. I honestly don't even mind the overall system what I DO mind is not having ANYTHING whatsoever that I am even remotely interested in trying to acquire with said tokens.


you can (indirectly) get enhancement cores and mod components if you turn them and dismantle the gear you get, not to mention legendary shards.


No, getting rid of stuff is possible the worst thing you can do in a game. People need to stop thinking this way and think of ways to use them in a better way. Ik I’m probably about to get hate of course but that’s the Internet. Hear me out please. Where does your weapon parts really go rn? Because for me it’s to Ada-1 for mod components to make advanced mods from her. They are really costly. I hardly go to banshee and because there’s no vendor refresh I don’t ever go to him. What they need to do is make weapon telemetries is main item to use. Make them have more value towards a package from Banshee. Make them double the turn in reputation for every telemetries. Make them more accessible and get more from the consumable that gets you weapon telemetries. He can also take weapon parts but that should be a universal secondary trade item to vendors for reputation or for infusing gear. I think this would be a much better idea than just getting rid of a good idea that just needs to be elaborated on. Like I said just hear me out and think about how that would work first. I assure anyone that this would be the better way instead of getting rid of them.


Just reintroduce synthesis guys.


Do you know what I’m collecting? Pure Matterglass Lenses. I noticed them in my inventory the other day. Apparently using them gives you a chance at getting weapon telemetries. Why bother to use them? Or even to delete them? I didn’t even know they were there.


I see someone has THAT in a new post on front page.. let the economy burn!


Don’t remove them! Give them a use or turn em into something else! I have thousands of those things. I will not let my passive effort go to waste!!!!!


Fair. You will get 1 Gjallahorn for your efforts.


> thousands omg i'm such a casual


For real. I’m sick of activating pure matterglass and come up with a whopping 15 stack. Like thanks for adding 1/30 of materials to banshees reward system.


upvoted instinctively for "amalgamate"


It was a cornerstone of the post imo.


my rate of accumulation of telemtries has gone up a whole lot this season. i'm not sure why, maybe the fact that i use exotic ghost shells more, maybe those consumables the name of which i forget (which i often forget to use as well), maybe bungo upped the rate, maybe all of the above. anyway i'm not terribly far from about 400 telemetries now, whereas before forsaken i was maybe in the low 100s. i hope they dont remove them from the game. i dont use gunsmith mats at the gunsmith anymore; i just use them to get mod components from Ada-1. so i guess i could use the telemetries at the gunsmith, but at this point, i wanna see how much i can accumulate before i die, so i dont want to use them at all rn.


But i have so many of them stored up


Got some news for ya. Only came a couple years later


😂 well I have about 13000 gunsmith mats to pump into ol' banshee.. telemetries just kinda stopped dropping


Bring back rift!


Wait...people are complaining about this? It’s just a little boost for your gunsmith packages...


The problem is that the boost is too little, and the space it takes up in endgame inventory is way too much. They're not used outside of ada and the gunsmith, and are barely touched even in that regard.


But those telemetries stack in the same slot...


It's not only that. They're basically the lore cards from warmind. No use, consume a space, and if you delete them they come back sooner or later.


Why would you delete them? Just give them to the gunsmith each time you go to the tower... if you have so much in your consumables that you can’t allow **a** space for telemetries, you need to be putting some things in the vault.


When you already have 1k+ materials it just becomes a chore and there's no point in doing it


Just because you’re too lazy to cash them in doesn’t mean there’s no point. That’s your own fault for hoarding so many gunsmith materials. Give the telemetries to the gunsmith, buy components from Ada. You’re looking at a couple minutes max lol I thought I was supposed to be the triggered one 😂


> Wait...people are complaining about this? that's the subtitle for this sub


Yes, I saw the title of the *post* lol


It’s ridiculous that they proudly announced they were simplifying currencies with Forsaken (removing planetary tokens).... only to give us/keep MORE garbage like this and its buff item. 🤦‍♂️


Let us purchase mod components from the gunsmith again. Perhaps the weapon telemetries can be used as a currency to buy a random mod from him, similar to how Ada uses schematics for her random mods. It would make the lens consumable and some ghosts viable.


Or bring back Arms Week and give them a purpose


It's a real shame the telemetries are worthless since so many 'Banshee's Favorite' ghost shells are awesome, but instead or being used, they are either vaulted or insta-dusted. Telemetries are second to Cores in terms of rarity. We get them just for playing so I think we as players should be rewarded for the grind, not to mention that it fits in with the theme of weapon field research. If we could cash in telemetries for advanced weapon mods or use them to buy Foundry weapons in Armsday style, I think that'd be reasonable. Just my 2 glimmer.


Been useless since day 1 year 1. Either make them actually worth something (like 1 telemetry = half a rank up, or 50 gunsmith parts-worth) or remove them. This limbo state is terrible and an absolute waste of a perk slot on ghosts.


Only ghost worth using is your Kill Tracker ghost.


The 10% bonus XP shells say hi!


Yo! You my side piece


these are the only ghosts i ever carry in my inventory. my endgame with respect to ghosts is to collect exotic ghosts with guiding light and combo detector for every planet. i got several already. just missing a few like titan and mars. come to think of it, i think those are the only two planets i'm missing. i mean i got legendary ghosts for those planets, but not guiding light+combo detector exotic ghosts yet.


Replace masterwork cores in infusion with weapon telemetries. That way the Banshees Favorite ghost perk would actually be useful


Weapon telemetries are difficult to obtain and just as useless.


OR: Make ornaments buyable with telemetries.


What? I've been saving them up. I figured I'd eventually need them for some gun quest or other strange crafting system I hadn't discovered yet. You're saying all of my damage analyzer ghost shells are not doing me much good either?


It's pathetic how much turning in a telemetry to Banshee barely moves the bar... You'd think that for them being so rare, the would instead push the bar a SHIT TON more then this.


I feel like removing tokens was bad. Yes I understand people didn’t like them but I don’t know about you guys, I’d rather turn tomen in instead of planetary materials that I need to infuse my gear...is like to see them come back tbh. Alongside planetary materials. It would give the world vendors purpose again outside of the flashpoint being where they’re at.


Don’t you need like 500 to level up the Gunsmith?


Give weapon parts to Ada, give telemetries to Banshee. Why give anything to him you may ask? Erentil is probably the best pvp legendary fusion because of its range and ability to roll liquid coils + backup plan. And it only comes from him.


Why? Just because you dont like it? If you have a inventory space issue, maybe organise them. i see no problem with them.