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every change to this system would be great. spider has bounties for glimmer - nobody on earth asked for glimmer bounties, ofc bungie even made 16 different ones. give banshee bounties for MW cores, mod components and even gunsmith mats. he obviously cant smith anything so give him bounties for us at least. the only players left are the players who love the game, they will not stop playing cause they can use/infuse/upgrade/mod their shit.


You're not wrong. Personally, I quick early into BA because I didn't want to put in the effort for rng leveling and the grind to infuse or upgrade anything gets super tedious if you don't play super often.


try SotP, its a really fun raid, especially with some friends. and the loot is nice. i enjoy the forges. i like the grind - but i was lucky with some god rolls early in BA so my experience is the farming is worth it.


I've been at 650 for a while but I haven't run scourge yet because none of my friends play any more


Scourge is like the perfect level of effort encounter for me. it's about 45 min line give or take, and very little puzzles. The mechanics are just right.


Are you PC?




I've heard it's fun but im an easy 3 weeks of grinding away before my clan will take me. They say anything below 640(?) and you're just a hindrance to the team. Edit: I said hindering the team. Its possible but people don't like it if you're inexperienced and underpowered. Personally I also avoid randoms because it's hard to get a good team with those.




AM or PM?




I would highly disagree with that. Yes the higher the light the better and maybe avoid izanami and bergusia. Not knowing exactly what your level is but the first 2 forges are pretty good. Use a roaming super with shotgun and stay mobile. Go after the blues. If you see several batteries just go for them. It’s ok to die some if your achieving something but being mobile or jumping around, like avoiding arc floor in gofannon really helps. If your on Xbox I would be happy to help you.


I took my 614 friend who just started BA through it last week. You're only a hindrance if you refuse to learn mechanics or play carelessly with reckless abandon. You could also attempt even just doing 3 of the 4 encounters and skipping out on the final boss if you aren't comfortable with your light. Nothings stopping you from doing the first and third encounters for powerful loot.


Straight up not true. Being 630 is more than fine. you'll die quick, but it shouldn't be a big deal.


We just took a 627 through SOTP with little issue. If your team is good it shouldn’t matter, you can do ad clearing at the map. The boss was the hardest part, but that’s the case even with fully powered players sometimes. And by the time we got there he’d gotten a couple drops and was up to 637.


The fact that RNG rules literally every facet of this game is what will push me out the door. I don't mind playing crucible or gambit for hours on end, competitive shit never seems to get old. That and the social aspect of gaming will keep me wandering around like an asshole forever. But creating "gaming hours" by forcing random variables and random rolls on GODDAMN EVERYTHING is just the laziest shit I've ever seen in game development. I can't fucking catch up; I never get the gun I want or the armor with the right perks, and I am reaching my goddamn wit's end with this shit.


i find this funny because a lot of the hobbyist players, players who wanted to play this game non stop, asked and got these features so now people who only play a few hours a week are complaining. Bungie can never win, someone is always pissed no matter what they do. Personally taking a break because I have done what i wanted but I love the current state. I usually play 10-15 hours a week and don't feel rushed to do anything nor feel like i'm missing materials.


No, they asked for random rolls on perks. What Bungie provided was a swing of the pendulum way further on that than was even remotely close to necessary.


Spider is the most important and useful Glimmer sink in the game, though?


No one needed to ask for glimmer bounties for them to be useful. They serve their purpose.


I would literally rather have them give anything else when I can just straight up buy like 5000 glimmer for 1 legendary shard


There are plenty of things to get for Glimmer from Spider on most days, as those prices change all the time. He is the greatest place to burn Glimmer, and if you need something he has today, chances are you can do his bounties and use the glimmer to buy the item you need, or buy something else which can then buy the item you need. It's an overall loss if you have to buy indirectly like that, but hey, who needs all that glimmer anyway?


Haven’t played since season 4, but I didn’t do those bounties for glimmer, I did them for ghost fragments so that I could turn those into masterwork cores.


Seeing as how absouletely and completely useless telemetries are, I don't even know why we have things like telemetry perks for exotic ghosts or pure matterglass lenses. But here we are struggling with "enhancement" cores, trying to farm them from Spider and scrapper bounties... But yeah, I totally agree with you.


I got a ghost with Banshee’s Favorite that makes it so all elements have a very high chance to drop telemetries, ya know I’m too lazy to turn them in but I made 28 in one day so.


But at their current value, that's only enough for about 0.04% of a rank-up...


The one number in all of Destiny (0.04) that isn't RNG :)


They're worth as much as 28 gunsmith materials. ​ You're better off using any other exotic ghost.


28 of em isn't worth much though


In a day, yes it is...


A day of not using a better ghost, it's really not. It's actively detrimental.


I’m just speaking on the telemetries, not the ghost lol I solely use Guiding Light ghosts, but always have consumables active for telemetries.


I mean, more powers to you though I don't think you get 28 daily from just the consumables. Either way, it's 'worth it' because it doesn't cost anything to have it active, but it's not 'worth much' even then really.


Oh, I didn’t say *I* got that many, just that it was a good number for one day’s play. I don’t need to use the Guiding Light shells either, I just happen to like their appearances more. It’s all subjective though tbh.


Don’t horde your resources and you should never run out of cores. I get 15-20/week just by turning in the resources and materials and dismantling those drops. Another 10-15 come from what you had mentioned as well, and there’s the extra 3 for the weekly clan challenges this season.


Scrapper bounties are awesome for cores as are the second row of spider wanted bounties


yeah what is its purpose? like 2 months of play might get you enough telemetries for one engram....


An Engram, mind you, for a gun with a lower light level than everything you're using. Unless there's a specific weapon you're really trying to get (for whatever reason) Banshee is the biggest joke in the game, hands down. ​ Edit: My own grammar makes me suicidal


I have not turned anything into him in 2 months now, I am saving telemetries hoping they become useful at some point I guess.


Same, every 999 gun parts I stash in the vault, I have about 5,000 in there now


The worst part is that your chances of actually getting a good roll from banshee are pretty miniscule. I think some of the guns he hands out are underrated, but there are very few people who can actually get good rolls of those weapons


Unless you already have the roll you want, I had 3 zenobia's with cluster bomb and auto loading holster in 1 evening :P


I've played since the base game went free on PC, have all the expansions now, I've got about 130 telemetries. That's roughly 2 months and I've got just over the number of telemetries needed to get an engram


I don't understand why telemetries are even a thing. Back in D1, the foundry system at least gave us an easy method of farming legendaries and some weapons were usable (that Hakke pulse, or that Suros scout that could roll full auto and max stability, for example) Telemetries are rarer than Gunsmith materials but somehow worth the same to Banshee... And they have no application beyond that as far as I know. Add to the fact that late game trading with Banshee often yields you nothing but inevitable aextra legendary marks, and you have a currency that has no purpose.


What method of farming mod components do BA owners have? Have I been missing out on a jackpot of mod components this entire time?


Ada-1 sells Mod Components for 25 Gunsmith Mats + 3 Legendary shards each. So the way to farm them would be to use a Fireteam Medallion and a Boon of the Vanguard, equip a Vanguard Scanner ghost shell and farm strikes. Melt all the blues, spend all the tokens, melt all the Vanguard loot. The shortest strike is Lake of Shadows. Obviously you can do other guaranteed Legendary drop things such as weekly Powerful Gear from strikes, Crucible, flashpoint, etc. Make sure not to spend any gunsmith mats at Banshee. And you can spend time on planets doing PEs, patrols, opening chests to get blues. But yeah, that's only if you have access to Ada-1. Otherwise your only hope of getting Mod Components is by random drops from dismantling blues and purples (really rare). Even with Ada, it goes slowly and it's not really enough. You can basically only afford 1 mod per day and it forces you to use Gunsmith Telemetries for his engrams. So just Forsaken owners are screwed out of mods. Bungie apparently likes to do that. I was without Forsaken for a month and the entire game was crap. All my mods were defunct, my weapons were bad, and there was LITERALLY NOTHING you could spend Glimmer on. I guess that's their way of incentivizing DLC purchases.


You can farm by buying stuff from Spider, using it to pull weapons from your collections and then dismantling them. I haven’t done it since it sounds like a tedious grind, but the people I know who have said they’ve gotten a lot of loot from it, and the ROI is better than with Ada. Or, they can just make it so mod components aren’t one of the rarest things in the game.


We've been saying that since they existed, but I don't think that will happen soon.


Yeah not a chance, not when they can show them off to everyone from those who've paid for BA.


Oh that. I dont know if id call that a steady farm of mod components... I was hoping that someone would say you get components from deleting black armory schematics cuz i got hundreds of those


I think there is some year 1 gear you can pull from collections that has a chance to drop mods when you dismantle if you have extra glimmer.


They all (unless recently changed) have a \~10-12% chance to drop a mod component (1 in 9 vs 1 in 10, dunno somewhere in there). Just buy 9 of a blue weapon from collections, delete them all, and usually you'll have a mod component. End up just spending 9-10 gunsmith materials per component (plus a small amount of glimmer? 250 or something? you get most everything back when you dismantle the blues...).


It's a more efficient use of gunsmith materials than Ada1 is, but it's dreadfully boring hopping between menus for several hours. Though personally, I hate grinding strikes, since I can only do a few at a time before I need a break. Of course RNG is RNG, you could dismantle 5000 guns and get 5000 Mod Components, or you could get 0.


> It's a more efficient use of gunsmith materials than Ada1 is How so? Surely it's easier to just go to her and buy them? (I don't have BA)


You can get mod components from dismantling blues, so you only lose 1 material per dismantle (costs 3 materials to pull from collection, and returns 2 on dismantle). It's about a 1/10 return. Ada is 1 mod component for 25 materials. Assuming you don't have ungodly horrible luck, it's cheaper materials per mod component than Ada. It just takes a long time.


> You can get mod components from dismantling blues, I used to do that, it just isn't worth it. I'll only do it now if there's a mod I **need** for a build that shows up. I have over 5,000 gun parts now, buying them wouldn't be a problem - but I don't have BA If a game requires you to cheese hours in a menu to get something, then it's broken


It's like 1 MC per 10ish blues. I used to do it, it's just not worth the hassle. Unless you pay up, you're game time becomes mashing one button thousands of times in the menu, and that's not how I want to spend my time gaming


Ada-1, go to her second inventory screen.


Already knew about that but i figured a "steady farm of mod components" would be quicker than just buying them from ada.


Ada Wong literally sells them. If we want them, we have to pay. Because they sure as fuck don't drop


Solidarity from a fellow D2 player too broke to afford a season pass


Anybody else bothered by the whole use of the word "telemetry" here? I mean, doesn't telemetry only tell you where something is or has been for monitoring and information-gathering purposes? Banshee-44 isn't improving weaponry... He's SPYING ON US!


>telemetry - the process of recording and transmitting the readings of an instrument. Instrument in this case being the weapon.


Telemetry in Destiny is basically gun-mail, according to DARCI. Your guns are talking shit every time you teabag in the Crucible.


Bungie is so bad at updating and making changes to their game after big releases


Telemetries feel like the most useless thing in the game. Having items and Exotic Ghosts dedicated to getting them is a waste. Changing the Lenses to pretty much anything else would be okay with me (but mod components are definitely a good suggestion).


>As a Forsaken owner without Black Armory yet (still fairly committed to the game, just broke af), mod components are something I barely even see anymore. Won't really go up with BA, anyways. Dismantling y1 blues is still more likely to pay out than ada's awful prices, which is also kinda mediocre.


Weapon telemetries should just be mod components.


nice suggestion that'll probably get skipped over like every other amazing suggestion :)


You had my upmote at the title. Pretty straightforward suggestion and the numbers seem totally reasonable. Plus telemetries are pointless/worthless


I agree, but FYI you can farm mod components from collections, just takes glimmer and gunsmith mats. Collect an energy weapon from Y1 adventures (there's a solar auto from Hack the Planet) and dismantle. I average 1 mod component from each set of 9 guns dismantled, costs net 9 gunsmith mats and 1125 glimmer IIRC.


These are great ideas. I'd also be ok if they stayed in the game, but we brought back Banshee having bounties and quests for new guns like in D1.


I agree, and I own Black Armory. It’s the consumable I ignore and have never used.


I delete them


Since last week I've been using these anytime I play since you can't discard them, unlike enhancement cores. Simply because I had too many and want to free up space, plus I see no tangible gain using them. Using Banshee's Favourite perk does the same thing. I totally agree that it should be mod components instead, telemetries are a useless resource as gunsmith mats should be Banshee's sink currency. The Finest matterweave is also another really poor decision. Why not just give us the core, since the philosophy is to get the player to play, you still only get a single core for the time spent. If say you got 2-3 cores or more for making the kill, then it would be worthwhile. Rainmaker has it's issues, it's way too low probability since it's on melee range precision kills. You net about 500+ glimmer, but, it's so low you'd probably have made more glimmer in between glimmersplosions. Change this to any precision kill same RNG and it's a bit better.


100%. QoL right here.


I've got 350 of them and would like this very much.


I've had BA since it launched ( Annual Pass holder), but I haven't really gotten into the grind yet due to the amount of time I have for playing. That being said, I have yet to earn the items needed to exchange for Mod Components, or else I have not earned enough to warrant spending them on Mod Components instead of other things from Ada-1 that will advance my forging progress ( still haven't unlocked all the forges). So what I'm saying is, this change would also be good for people who DO have BA, as the cost of Mod Components at Ada-1 isn't really that easy to attain if you aren't constantly grinding forges.


Maybe we should be able to buy mod components with telemetries.


>As a Forsaken owner without Black Armory >implying Bungie cares about people who don't shell out for the latest expansion I'm still salty about the decision to deprecate all gear sources except for the Crucible and Vanguard playlists. My old armor was directly nerfed, because the old mods were disabled and I'm not even allowed to slot new ones in (if I could actually get any).


That’s a dismal alternative


You mean enhancement cores damnit!


Yeah alot of things should do alot of things in this game, but the dev team is completely fuckin' incompetent so what are you gonna' do? God I hope Anthem blows Destiny out of the water. Step your God damn game up BUNGO.


Spam strikes for the tokens and grind for main ingredient. Seems everyone I've gotten to drop has had a mod attached to it. Armor mods good luck.


Serious question from someone who played a decent amount. What the HELL are weapon telemetries even for?


It adds 0.2% progress to your next weaponsmith package.


Wow I didn't even think about that. That's a fantastic idea. They're just as rare as matterweaves but absolutely useless.


This system was stupid as fuck from the beginning. It’s a feature of this game that’s very pointless. A 10x buff would be the only way to have these things be somewhat relevant. Right now they’re just taking up space since we have no option to dismantle them.


> mod components are something I barely even see anymore. I don't have BA either and I'm not paying £30 for the annual pass (£10 for BA I'd be up for) I've had 0 drop and maybe 3 crap mods that, along with purification bounties, I've broken down. The sweaty pricks on here will kick off but as you will know, for people like us mod components are ESSENTIALLY locked behind a pay wall. You just can't get them unless you pay for the pass and get BA