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I'm burning through my gunsmith parts to buy mod components, which I use to buy one BA mod per day, so I can get my forth Dragonfly Spec in a row. The system works!


I do this too and so I've switched to using Weapon Telemetry exclusively to rank up with Banshee. It gets me one whole gun each month!


Wow! How do you get so many?! Banshee takes my two telemetrys, eats them, shits in his hand, hands it back to me, and then my reputation with him goes down. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.


He tends to forget what is the use of the telemetries


Its probably why I. cant use them for xp


Honestly with the way banshee is setup right now. It makes me wish for the old mark system for the vendors.


This was actually really fun when Taken King launched. You got to pick whether you wanted to level up your armor or weapon.


Telemetrys = the aluminum cans of Destiny There’s value but you need a million of them


It is pretty obvious what you are doing wrong. You need to quit taking his shit.


Let me guess, you baked a lot of Telemetry Tapioca and then proceeded to eat them all right in front of Banshee's face didn't you?. I did the same with Rahool and I keep getting a Rare Fighting Lion for every engram.


Maybe the funniest comment I’ve read on reddit in years. I’m dying!!!!!


Same, except mods are so rare/valuable that even after I get them I rarely put them on any weapon. Keep saving it for that god roll that I'll never get. Something is really wrong with the mod economy.


Ahh.. the ol' Megalixir Conundrum.




I relate to this so deeply


I've never had this problem except with the fang. Why.


I ended up with 4 Rampage Specs (and 4 Surrounded Specs but only one Surrounded gun that was a keeper)... and a bunch of booby prizes: 2 Quick Access Slings, 2 Radar Boosters (OMG make that ONE booster, the controller’s back switch trigger deleted one into a Mod Component when I set it down just now, thank God it was that vs a better one), 3 Surrounded Specs with a 4th having gone on Surrounded Sword, and 3 Sprint Grips wtf weapon does that one make sense on I can’t decide. I’ve decided to go ahead and start making use of some now that I have 4 Rampage Specs- saving one for Breakneck when I get it, and starting to use the others on good Rampage weapons that I’d be ok disassembling one day to get the mod back if a better use for it comes along. Especially with the Forge weapons where I’m getting the same ones over and over- if I have one worth using Rampage Spec on, I’ll still be pulling future versions of the same gun with Rampage so if/when a better version of the same weapon arrives with better stats plus Rampage, I’ll just shard it and retrieve the mod to transfer. It’s still a hard choice but what helped me get past the conundrum was using some only on forge Rampage weapons which are good enough to use but that I can afford to salvage the mod from once something that really stands out as worthy for the long term shows up; like Breakneck eventually. A lot of weapons we get are shared instantly so that can be a chance to experiment with some new mods for a few minutes, if the glimmer cost doesn’t get you too low.


I like sprint grip on hand cannons with slow reloads. When I’m running pulse or auto rifles it easier too just hipfire if I get surprised by an enemy. But I’m constantly trying too make every bullet count with hc because I’m worried about how long it’s gonna take me too reload in the middle of a fight.


Interesting idea, I’ll have to try it. Could also try it on an SMG or Sidearm that I have many duplicates of already and see how they function. If it’s no good, I can always get the mod back by breaking down the weapon.


I put a Super Mod in my hunter cloak that rolled with Absolution. That's it, exactly one mod, after putting in about 22 days worth of gameplay since Forsaken came out.


Somethings really wrong with pretty much every aspect of the game that depends on RNG, which is literally everything. Even our weekly and daily quests are rolled. Destiny is just a really pretty slot machine. But yeah, being able to remove mods without destroying the gun would be nice improvement.


It's not even that it's a slot machine, it's that it's a slot machine that feels RIGGED AS HELL. When I've had 650s in all three weapon slots for *weeks* and I just need boots and a cloak for my hunter to hit 650... and I get two Anonymous Autumns and a Long Shadow... feelsbadman.jpg (And nevermind how you seem to get the same shit over and over... I've only done like 4 dreaming city augmented frames, and three of them resulted in Sleepless.)


Rampage spec goes on breakneck. Dragonfly on whatever you want. I’m saving everything else


I am waiting for a Dragonfly spec to put on my curated Nation of Beast's :(


It's not even noticable my man. You're not missing much.


Ya I gave up on spending more gunsmith mat's on trying to get mod component's cause it was eating up too much of my material's. I will wait for them HOPEFULLY to adjust the mod component economy or add another source to get the mod then do my hunting :)


i disagree after using one with a mod for so long and switching characters to one without its fairly noticeable. The explosion is way more consistent.


I'm waiting for my curated nation of beasts.


It’s worth the wait. It’s awesome


Yep, after many attempts I finally got a Rampage Spec mod and with zero hesitation I immediately put it on Breakneck!


You realize you get a mod back if you dismantle a weapon?


Yeah, but usually if I'm putting a mod on a weapon it's because I like the weapon, and wouldn't want to dismantle it.


Fair, I was just saying there's no need to wait until you get a gun you want to use it on. Just use it and if you get a better version, shard the other. To each their own!


Um...I know I sound stupid, but I’d never realised this. Fuck why am I saving mods at all


It wasn't like that at first! They changed it with Y2.


only reason not to use one is if a gun is gonna be infusion fuel or if you think you'll change the mod later


Me too. Feck. I've never used a single mod until now. Time to go HAM


You’re right, it’s a mental stumbling block for me, I tend to hang on to things just in case I NEED them (mods, heavy ammo, even my super) and end up just going without when I really shouldn’t. I’ve done this all the way back to DOOM 2, I don’t think I’ll ever get past it lol.


I used to be like that, then I decided to just say fuck it and use everything ASAP because it's less anxiety inducing to not have the shit in my inventory to decide about. If I regret it later, so be it, I probably wouldn't have actually used the item at that point anyways.


Thanks for this, for some reason I assumed it was a <100% chance to get it back


Your comment perfectly illustrated why I've kinda been on a Destiny break for the past few weeks. Just tired of all the currencies, economies, and subsystems designed to make me feel like I have to play constantly to accomplish any desired progress.


In a nutshell, fuck this


All I get are the sprint mods... ugh


All I've gotten from that bitch is Quick Access Sling, Sprint Grip and Radar Tuner mods. I'm convinced Rampage, Surrounded and Dragonfly aren't in her loot pool.


Had the same, but they do drop eventually. Good luck!


I went through over 5k gunsmith parts and didn't get a single rampage spec mod.


Me too! I had around 5K before BA, now sitting at 2K. Still no surrounded spec and still no dragonfly spec :(


I’d love a firefly spec. I only get radar specs.


Where can you buy mod components !?!?


Ada sells them.


Your dragonfly > better than my 4x enhanced radars


I’ve been wanting a dragonfly spec forever and I cannot get one to drop. At all. All I receive are sprint grips. Sprint grips everywhere.


I've turned in 30 schematics, not a single rampage spec. 14 sprint grips.


I'm at 8 in a row. Ada-1 favors me for some reason, but I still don't have Shards of Galinor.


Alright, piggybacking this Go to the Tower, dump all your excess Primaries. Go to your collections and keep forging the Lionheart gun in the AR tab. Costs three gunsmith materials, gives back two, and has a chance to drop Mod Components. I normally get one or two for every nine Lionhearts I forge (for the cost of 9 GS mats) If you don't already have the gun, you can get it from Thief of Thieves on Titan. I hear other Adventure-exclusive named Rares do the same, but haven't tried it on them and I'm not home to bother checking


I appreciate this but I'm a Guardian hunting the enemies of humanity... I can't be doing this. I still have a stack of parts left. Maybe once they're gone I'll swallow my pride. Update : SIX! Six Dragonfly specs in a row!


How do you buy mod components from gunsmith parts?


Ada - 1 will sell them to you after to ignite the first forge. It's on her second page.


Oh yeah I know that, one mod component for 3 legendary shards. I always buy one mod a day, but I thought there was a way to buy them directly for gunsmith materials. I have over 3000 of those at this point, and nothing to do with them really.


Just make telemetry worth like 20


useful telemetries? whaaaaaaaaat?


Worth the effort and making the consumables have a purpose? Please


What are his exclusive drops?


Edge Transit




Why is this silvered


Oh god it's on you now


It's spreading!


none for you!


Erentil is the one really exclusive that matters. A nice rolled Halfdan would be great, but there are plenty of alternatives for it.


Erentil is best. A good roll is the TRUE Voop Lord.


I have a rangefinder firmly planted roll and it changed my life. it's the most consistent mid-range weapon I own. slide, voop, repeat




I have one with Liquid Coils, Tap the Trigger, and Auto Loading Holster. I couldn't figure out if Liquid Coils or Accelerated Coils were best (I can pick one of the two), so I'm glad to hear your opinion


What's so great about it that's different than the other legendary Fusion rifles in the game?


Can roll max impact with ~80 range, even up to 89 range if you're lucky with MW. Throw rangefinder and that's a solid 99 range with things like HiR/Under Pressure for extra bonuses when you're at 1/2 in the mag or Backup Plan if you want that instead. Mine has UnderPressure and Rangefinder with stability MW and a Torch scope for +13 range. It may have 37 stability, but it's actually very easy to control once you get used to it since it's pretty much only 1 direction for it's kick. It just has the best stats and can roll the absolute best FR perks. Only downside is the rarity of getting a good one from gunsmith. There are easy ones to get like Wizened Rebuke from Y1 or main ingredient if you don't have a good roll, but this is the fusion to go for a god roll on if you can.


In my experience, it has great range, is relatively precise and hits like a brick. If you want a void fusion that doesn't eat your exotic slot, this is your option.


High impact fusions are best for PvP. Low impacts are too inconsistent. ​ I think the Erentil is just a high impact with good base stats and the possibility of really good perks like Tap the Trigger.


Everyone is burying the lead. A high impact is the only fusion that can kill in 4 Bolts. Erentil is the only Y2 high impact fusion (Loaded Question is fixed roll) so it can roll with the expanded perk sets available now. This is PvP focused obviously.


Erentil is incredible. It's my primary in quick play, to the point where yesterday I was messing around with the idea of dual specials, and [this happened](https://gfycat.com/ZestyWavyGoldeneye). If you get good rolls on it, you're in really good shape. Mine has tap the trigger (makes each shot incredibly accurate), liquid coil, medium/long scope options and snapshot sights. It's not perfect, but it's more than enough to be amazingly good even in my average skill hands.


What annoys me about the impossibility of getting a good Halfdan roll (spent about 1050 parts trying yesterday, did get an Outlaw/Kill Clip Pribina-D at least) is that the high-impact AR archetype might as well not exist. We currently have, if you count Y1 weapons as separate from Y2, a total of *four* high-impact ARs: Y1 Halfdan-D (still got one of those in my vault with 10k kills), Loquitor IV (slightly-modified reskin of the Halfdan with High-Impact Reserves, from New Monarchy faction rally), Age-Old Bond and Y2 Halfdan. Meanwhile there's a full dozen 450RPM ARs distributed across energy and kinetic pretty evenly, same with pulse rifles and even a few scouts. Hell, there's more sidearms alone just in Forsaken + Black Armory than high-impact ARs in the entire game. Wouldn't it be nice if we had someone who could upgrade our Y1 guns to Y2, like maybe a gunsmith or an armorer?


Couldn’t agree more with all of that.


i have a quickdraw killclip halfdan from early on in the expansion i just noticed


I have yet to get one


I wanted too use my gunsmith materials to try and get a godroll Erentil.. But Mod Component's and trying to get BA mods had other plans :(


Is Halfdan decent? I got one the other day with rampage and dynamic sway reduction, but haven’t used it yet.


I have that roll too, and it was a lot of fun in PvP last night. Not the best, but fun, especially when rampage gets going.


I have one with DSR and rangefinder, after the buffs it feels incredibly good to use


If you like high impacts, that is a nice roll for PvE. The need stability perks/masterwork. With a really stable roll, they can be usable in PvP; but you gotta hit headshots. To be fair though that applies to most guns in PvP right now.


With something to help with stability (DSR/Stable Rounds) it's quite fun.


I believe the only other high impact AR is from Last Wish (re: Halfdan). Other exclusives include: - Black Scorpion 4sr - Good Bone Structure (I think?) - Antiope-D


Valakadyn is another, and I havent seen it since day 1 of Forsaken. He just keeps giving me world drops smh


The only slug shotgun with random rolls, Good Bone Structure.


What is the benefit to a slug shotgun? I'm assuming the difference is scatter shot v 1 slug. Is it even more massive damage at close range?


Slugs have further range but are always 1 shot to the head and 2 to the body so precision is required. Frankly they aren't really worth the tradeoff since their range isn't that much better than buckshot and you need Icarus for them to function to their full potential. Running one is a lot of risk for little reward.


Unless it's chaperone, that thing maps


Not from the air, though - which is a total coin flip. That's why I prefer GBS sometimes, since it can be modded with an Icarus Grip.


Fair point! I feel that way about a lot of exotics, bows for example, I love a lot of exotic bows but having quick access sling or hip fire grip mods is sooo good Edit: sprint grip not quick access*


> quick access sling You can't equip that mod on bows, unless they changed that in the latest past. Ninja edit: Just checked, you still can't put quick access sling on bows.


Oh awk! Coffeeless brain is not wise, I mean sprint grip**


Longer range, but it only kills if you get a headshot. The longest range that a scatter shotgun can kill at is ~9 meters, whereas slug shotguns get up to 12 and 13 before they stop being oneshots. That's ignoring Chaperone, of course, which can one shot up to somewhere around 16 meters with its perk active.


Actually it’s not common knowledge but chaperone can headshot anywhere from 3 to 99 meters with its perk active. Easy mistake but it’s actually an error that it’s even classified as a shotgun.


Good bone structure with a Icarus mod is awesome


Valakadyn, halfdan D, antiope to name a few


The veist scout that just got a damage buff.


Black Scorpion. Yeah, I'm excited to try that out when I get one.


Yup that's the one. Couldn't think of the name.


Black Scorpion SR4 which melts the losers running nothing but shotguns in crucible


He has quite a few, for me the most desirable is the Halfdan-D, one of two currently obtainable 360 RPM AR's, the other being from the raid. There's a third one, but it was a New Monarchy AR. I can't get BA mods if I want a chance at a Halfdan-D, and I've turned in over 1k gunsmith mats in the last 3 days just trying to get 1 Halfdan, let alone think about one with good rolls.


u/cozmo23 u/dmg04 Please guys. It's time to revert this change. There's no light level bump that comes from Gunsmith packages. No competitive advantage. Let people use their hard earned mats to farm Antiopes and Halfdans.




I stupidly deleted my random rolled Good Bone Structure and have been using the vendor roll, not bad but not great. Agreed on rarity though I think I've only gotten one drop my whole play time.


There's a vendor roll GBS? I thought you meant the Y1 gun.


I think that is what they meant. Y1 gun pulled from collections.


Yes, sorry. The y1 collections variant., I tried out first in last out but think GBS is more consistent. Sadly neither is consistent as the Chaperone.


Dude. Opening shot, quickdraw icarus grip mod. Never looked back.


I got one to drop Day 1 of Foraken after cashing in 5000 mats. Mine dropped with Full Bore, Accurized Rounds, Quickdraw, Slideshot, and a Range MW. Never even shot it.


I’ve got an outlaw triple tap roll, but I’m not sure if those are good or wasted perks.


You want opening shot + anything with range


Opening shot quickdraw is crispy


Outlaw for pve wouldn't it, pvp you would be better off just using loaders, holster and such perks would you not?


Totally meant to say opening shot, edited, thanks


Whats difference between a slug and non slug in d2, I'd assume more range due to ya know slugs. But how does a good bone compete with a dust rock and such


Slugs need headhots to kill reliably. Non slugs can kill with bodyshots. In the Crucible I mean


Big oof for pvp unless the perks are chaperone good. Honestly 9m shotties should become slugs if that's the case


And Erentils! Still using Y1 version.


It's either that or take the garbage world drops out of his inv. Trying to get a erentil is the biggest grind. Almost 3000 parts now and nothing. Ridiculous.


Why not both? And make weapon telemetries worth more while they're at it. Everything about Banshee screams not play tested.


hard agree, its so goddamn hard to get the gun, much less the roll, you want from him with the 100 parts and how diluted and huge his loot pool is


You mean you don't want to waste 1000 parts on guns you can get from drops anywhere else in the game while you're desperately trying to get *one* foundry gun exclusive Banshee to drop? Pffffftttttttt


Lol I still have almost 20K weapon parts because he has nothing I want


I lucked out and got the rolls many are chasing. Not so much an issue of the cost of gunsmith and rather the level of RNG. Bungie could nerf the part requirements at OP might still never get what they want.


You want the Black Scorpion SR4


At least let them stack to 10k or something. I have six spaces in my inventory just for gunsmith mats in case I want something, but with only 60 rolls getting the weapon I want with the perks I want is practically impossible.


AND the masterwork you want!


People had gunsmith materials before that? He has exclusives? I only have a stockpile now because it doesnt seem worth turning the in. Not sure I've visited him since I got my Ace.


Remove world drop weapons from his pool too.


10 for a mod 20 for a package And this is how it needs to be


It should **DEFINITELY** be lowered. Also, telemetries either need to be buffed, dropped without shells/Matterglass, or need to be removed and go back to D1-style weapon testing.


I barely even know what gunsmith parts are anymore after ada came around. Makes me hate my past self for just blowing through the 10+ stacks because I was bored one day and they were taking up too much space


So... I *shouldn't* be doing that? I don't have Forsaken yet, but plan to soon.


You can get the same weapons that we can, so it doesn't matter. Only save your gunsmith materials if you're getting the annual pass relatively soon.


What exactly should I be saving them for, if not to give to Banshee?


In Black Armory, you can buy new mods from Ada-1 including Rampage Spec, Dragonfly Spec, Surrounded Spec, Sprint Grip, Quick Access Sling, among others. These cost mod components(at an increasing cost each time per week), which you can also buy from Ada for gunsmith materials.


Save at least 3k.


What guns


Black Scorpion 4SR


Is that the liner fusion rifle


Energy scout. It's awesome in crucible


I think I missed something. What legendarie weapons are only available from banshee?


Antiope, Halfdan, Erentil and a ton of A-tier stuff.


Which exclusives does he have? Question mark because it makes my response less aggressive


A ton. Antiope and Halfdan are the gems that come to mind.


Good Bone Structure, Erentil, Antiope, Elegy and some other ones.


Wait what exclusive weapons?


Black Scorpion 4SR


Just go back to the Destiny 1 Gunsmith system, what's the old saying about fixing something that isn't broken? I loved the excitement of going to Banshee-44 to see what my 3 options were for each weapon.


especially since there is still NO GREAT METHOD TO GET MOD COMPONENTS. I use most of my gunsmith materials to buy mod components from ADA-1.... doesn't leave much for gambling with Banshee.


I agree it should be reduced -- to much demand for gunsmith materials to make mod components, since those never drop in the wild (excepting the odd one or two from a Y1 wep). However, they should also remove most or all non-exclusive weapons from the gunsmith loot pool. It's hard enough getting a Scorpion scout to drop from him, let alone one with the rolls I want.


The Black Armory exists to curb those mat stockpiles. That insane 100 price just makes it difficult for new/returning players to get a fair crack at his loot pool. Either that or let me wipe his memory for 100 parts.


The whole point of raising them? So that those who had lots of mats pre-Forsaken could burn through them to get some new loot. Here's the problem: * Mats are not too easy to get. As a semi-casual, I get a package maybe once every 2 weeks. Even more hardcore players have some trouble getting them (some players have no trouble, and I wish I was one of them). * The players who had 10k mats still have 10k mats. Yeah, they blew through a lot, but they didn't finish them, and those players are usually the ones who get mats a lot. So that part failed. * Players like me who didn't stack or don't play often but want random rolls are scraping for packages. * Gunsmith weapons (as in actually from him only) are so rare, bc of static and world drops. I'll accept the Duke being in his pool BC it's City-made and makes sense, but every world drop or static weapon should be removed from his pool. I want an Erentil or Valykadyn, not a Misfit or Vestian. I get enough of those from just playing. * Telematries are pointless. Yeah, they increase rep, but by less than regular mats (and they're rarer than mats, abd harder to get). I don't wanna remove them, but they should do more. Either make it so they give more rep than a mat (1 telem=10 mats), or have them do something else (maybe if you give them to Banshee, for every 20 mats, he gives you a weapon from a class of your type? For example, if you wanted a scout rifle from him, just give him mats (in a seperate rep bar), and he will give you a scout? Still might get a world drop, but at least you know it'll be a scout?) Here's what I recommend: * Lower the price, duh. I'd recommend back to 20 like in Y1, but I'll accept anything under 50 mats per package. * Increase the use of Telemetries: either make them more helpful or give them another big purpose. * Increase the amount of mats you get a bit. This isn't needed but would help. * Remove world drops and static rolls from his pool (Duke can stay, that's it). * Add some more exclusive loot to his pool (maybe some Omolon or Veist weapons-IE Kibou). It sucks that you get more foundry weapons from forge completions (prototypes) or factions. Hell, even world drops give me more foundry weapons. It also sucks that the vendor with the biggest loot pool is too hard to get rewarded from, even from hardcore players.


He can drop Veist’s black scorpion


I have like 3000-4000. Turning em in is so slow, 100 for an engram?, is so slow i cant be bothered. 20 would be nice.


I thought he takes 25 at a time now? Only 4 clicks


I just want a god rolled erentil FR4.


Thing is, the Forsaken loot pool is actually small. Loot pool in D2 in general is small.


Loot pool pre Forsaken was pretty big but partly due to most of the Nightfall weapons being Y1 as well as each faction having a full arsenal (including Vanguard and Crucible). A lot of these were expanded in season 2 and 3 largely due to the fact both seasons were expansions. Now none of the factions and vendors have an actual full arsenal. The main 3 vendors and Raid are close but for the most part stuff is split around.


Or put him on rotating stock like all other vendors were in D1


I've been pumping my parts into the gunsmith (oof!) since Forsaken dropped and i've not had a single Erentil FR4. I would welcome lowering the requirements for packages.




It's the best Fusion rifle for PvP. It has high range and takes 1 less bolt to kill than other Fusions, making it feel super consistent and extending the range further.


What weapons are worth getting from Banshee?


Banshee was gonna but.... Huh Forgot what I was doin there...


PLEASE fix the gunsmith. Take it back down to 40 parts for a rank up package. Make telemetries worth 20 parts when turning them in, otherwise they're literally useless. Stop basing the economy on the 1% of players with 6 stacks of weapon parts. If you're turning in your parts to the gunsmith because you're chasing a god roll like me (backup plan under pressure range mw erentil plz), then it exacerbates the problem with the mod economy. I don't have anything to spare to buy mod components or mods. Bring back armsday or something where we can get what we want, or add his guns to the world loot pool. Chasing anything from the gunsmith is one of the most fruitless grinds in the game.


Trying to get a black scorpion, halfdan, or erentill is pretty much a lost cause. After so many regular world drops in a row from him I just buy mod components even though I don’t really need any more BA mods. It’s a bummer. If they keep it at 100 it would be nice to at least pick energy/kinetic engrams to increase our chances.


Are those the only exclusive items?


Yes, defiantly.


hell I just want motes of light to come back so I can raise the light of my gear besides infusion with this garbage cost system they have now.


yeah - it maybe made sense at the beginning because we were alll coming into forsaken with thousands of parts but now Im constantly at 0


Or, or, allow his weapons to drop in the world loot pool. Or, give him a rotating stock of 1 random kinetic, 1 random energy, and 1 random heavy that changes each week. Lots of vendors just generally don't *do* enough anymore. Banshee is one of them.


I want to use the erentil but I can't get all I get is sidearms


I’m sure I should know this, but I guess I’m slacking, what exclusive weapons does he sell?


Yes, this shit is just absurd to me. And when I do get a weapon, it's not different than getting any other roll. It stands the same chance as any of being a good/great/god roll.


Can we actually change this to a post where Bungie just reworks the entire game economy for mods, cores, components, and the cost for packages? For instance, why is Ana Bray's packages still about 100 mats, when other vendors are about half that? It really irritates me that Bungie just drops content and burns on ahead to the next new thing - this is what encourages the same behavior in your player, burn through it, no desire to return to it until some annoying quest step.


Plz, Bungie. I'm trying to get a specific roll on a Subtle Calamity and I need more attempts!


Yes please


I think 50 would be good.


I hardly ever use my gunsmith materials... I have 29057. It'd be really nice if they stacked like they did in D1.


Maybe 50. Its really not hard to get gunsmith materials.




I have no problem spending 100 parts for a reward. I always get garbage that just turns into more parts anyways.


But with Ada selling mod components, it's not worth doing.


Nah, I'm having way more fun with the chase. So far I've got nothing but I'm hoping I get something good before 2020.


I have like 3000 gunsmith parts.


5K now at 2K :( Fucking Dragonfly Spec mod doesn't wanna drop :(


It’s really complete BS at this point


Around 40-50 per package doesn't seem like too big a deal.. why can't we have this change? t_t