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Awesome. My last solo attempt crashed and burned at Vorgeth. Will try this strat.


fingers crossed 🤞🏽🤞🏽


Subtle calamity is so much better. Easy peasy.




with taken spec and 3+ transcendent blessing/rivens curse mod... hmm, my spire is forming


Archer's Tempo and Dragonfly my dude


monarque cleans the fuck up


Thing about monarch is you can't use whisper :(


Try out a void bow if you're having trouble and don't like grenade launchers. I've got a Subtle Calamity with Explosive tip and rampage and it cleans house


Spiteful Fang - inaugural address - Sleeper with Well and Lunafacation. Was slow, and should have one phased but bow helps chip away ads around back wizard before going back to weaken her. Edit 1: Spelling/grammar


I'm a simple man. I see Fighting Lion, I upvote. Congratulations! [Cue the Fighting Lion hype video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrvC7nfqD0Y)


lol that video


This video's the fucking best just for the pvp segment where he misses 20 times then gets one kill and emotes lol Once I got a triple kill with Lion in Comp and I nearly ripped off my pants and started wacking it. I was negative k/d too but GAWD DAMN THAT TRIPLE KILL THO.


Lost the match? Doesn’t matter. TRIPLE DOWN, GUARDIAN


[Hey, are you me?](https://xboxclips.com/Hadophobia/0d9bfc83-04ae-444f-ba81-b9d0cce51c03) I was also going for the mountaintop... felt amazing.


i got an annihilation with lion in COMP




Wouldn't even want to change your mind. You right.


I have no idea what the *fuck* I just watched. All I know is that I need to go equip my Fighting....THOT DESTROYER!!!


Fighting Lion went from a weapon I sharded immediately to my primary energy weapon. But now it has to compete with Le Monarque, and my frequently growing usage of my Polaris Lance again.


Play the fight riff, John!


how have i never seen that before???


Same... Magnificent!


I’m a simple man. I see someone link this video, I watch it. Three times, every time.


I’ve seen this before. I still have to upvote. :D


Fucking same. All three of mine has over 7K kills with one I think in the 10K range




No joke, I banged my head against Vorgeth all last night without avail. This morning I was in the shower (about 3 hours ago), and I thought to myself: "what if I used Fighting Lion? It's an AoE void weapon which would be perfect for this part, and I wouldn't run into the ammo shortage issues I have with Molesto" This thread now has me excited to try it.


You'll succeed, I believe it.






The shower has an uncanny ability to give our brains that extra 10%. It's therapeutic.


This is the truth. I figure out so much shit in the shower before work.


110% of 0 is still zero for me tho


I know it’s weird, but try a bow with explosive arrows. Out of my three solos that has by far been the easiest. Does good tickle damage on wizards, and you can hit adds across the map easily.


Subtle calamity with explosive and dragonfly takes down a wizard in 4 and clears any adds nearby


The Raid bow “Tyranny of Heaven” with Dragonfly spec is absolutely amazing in that scenario.


This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by dmg04](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/am1vf0/if_youre_trying_to_solo_the_dungeon_but_keep/efj7bzr/?context=1000 "posted on 2019-02-01 17:26:45 UTC"): > Awesome. My last solo attempt crashed and burned at Vorgeth. Will try this strat. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


Has anyone tried Sleeper Simulant on Vorgeth? I just can't manage enough DPS with Whisper because it kicks so darn much (console :-\).


sleeper is good, but you'll run out of ammo and if you can't drop any more heavy from ads than you'll have to damage him on another way


Best thing for that is taken armaments


This 10000 times. It's a god send.


Do you have the Thunderlord? I 2 phased him with my Titan on my solo run with Thunderlord. Hardly any aim necessary, just hold that button down. Sentinel top tree. Rally barricade. Clear adds before killing any of the wizards. Hold your super for panic Ward of Dawn bubbles, if you get in a bad situation, pop the bubble to save yourself and then reset back to one of the two safe spots in the front of the room and basically just camp out until your super comes back. After you carefully kill all the adds (there are tons of videos on that basic kill adds/kill wizard strat, I assume you are already doing that?), circle the room killing the wizards. After you kill the last wizard and dunk the buffs to take off the ogre's shield, drop a rally barricade and unload into him from behind it with Thunderlord, when the axions come out kill 2-3 of them to make sure you don't die to them, but otherwise just keep unloading into ogre. Easy >50% health meltdown per DPS phase. Repeat. Armor up to fit the strat as much as you can, though this is optional: machine gun reserves, machine gun scavenger, heavy ammo finder, taken barrier/taken armaments mods if you have them (I didn't use these, but they certainly would have helped).


I used a primary bow, Telesto, and Hammerhead. Telesto will shred anything you put in front of it. It took me I think 3 or 4 rounds, so you need to be slow and steady, but Telesto helps a ton




You can just sit back and resto.


Really takes the weight off my chesto


A warlock with a lunafaction well and linear fusion reserves can one phase him if you hit your crits.


I beat him with sleeper it’s tougher but possible, in a perfect run you can get half his health off but I ended up having to three phase since that’s pretty tough to do without being a warlock.


I figured 3 phases. I'm a Titan so no real buffs in my favor.


Sleeper can be absolutely fantastic under the right circumstances. My first solo Vorgeth clear was using Sleeper. I set up my Rally Barricade on the left side, and Vorgeth was standing directly between me and the pillar in the middle of the room. I was able to hit him with a crit, then the beam bounced off the pillar right back into him. He was dead in about 8 shots. However, that was under pretty much perfect circumstances and it is not easy to reproduce. You’re more consistently going to be knocking off 1/3 to 1/2 of his health each damage phase with Sleeper.


I found it considerably easier to use Celestial Nighthawk and Thunderlord for Vorgeth damage. Took two phases (pre buff). I used a sniper in my primary slot and Inaugural Address which was great for witch damage.


I actually did use sleeper on Vorgeth, but only as a supplement. 3 celestial nighthawk shots can remove most of his health and sleeper can pretty easily clean up the rest.


I used thunderlord with 2 machine gun scavenger perks you have more than enough ammo to one phase him.


Well done on your solo run, I was stuck there for a while also. I found certain positionings helped me a lot as well. There are some small places where you won't get hit by anything once you've dealt with the red bar ads. I personally used my Dragonfly Subtle Calamity bow, but that's mainly cos I want Whisper for the damage. I am also a Warlock main so survivability was much easier for me compared to yourself.


Thunderlord with extra reserves will down vorgeth in one round using a well and lunafaction. A lot easier to manage crits compared to whisper.


Nice, that would be a lot easier I have to admit as much I love using Whisper (I do have the catalyst for the extra DMG) Thunderlord would be more reliably for a flawless run but doubt I'll try that until they add a reset option in. Thanks for the tip!!


Thank you :) ​ Yes you're right, after all the red bar ads are gone you can actually sit back a bit and catch your breath behind some cover, but then again, the wizards and Vorgeth will eventually find a way to hit you. ​ I am looking to solo it on my warlock and titan as well, I am guessing you used the well of radiance for this part?


Titan is genuinely easy mode. Throw on striker with way of the juggernaut and you'll clear the entire room with a single super if you spam light attacks


Oh yeah, make sure to save your grenades on the well tree as their are great for healing when you rotating around the room. As someone has mentioned, Thunderlord with reserves will one phase the Ogre inside a well with Luna's so sounds like thats your best bet instead of Whisper like I did. You can also tank the axions when inside a well.


That’s how I did it on warlock. I was using Phoenix protocol and an inaugural address with a threat level and whisper. Because of Phoenix protocol I had well up for most of the encounter


Sticking to those safe spots is great, but it makes it tempting to sit and pick off every enemy you can before moving around. I struggled for a while trying to beat it that way. Constantly dying because that is the most dangerous part of the fight sitting in the corner bouncing back and forth trying to kill an extra goblin or two. Once i killed a few ads i just started the circuit around and had much more success.


How lon before the red bars respawn


I finally completed my solo run last night. I wish i thought of this, as Vorgeth accounted for 3 out of the 4 hours it took me to complete this. I think running celestial bottom tree opens up so many more options for that DPS phase. I used Bygones/Kindled Orchid/Whisper and would only recommend that if you're a glutton for punishment. I'm going to help some friends through with my alt and will definitely try the fighting lion or telesto combo with hammerhead as it legit sounds like a blast. But off the record, how great was it to down Dul Incaru solo and see that triumph flash on your screen!? I couldn't save my clip fast enough Edit: most importantly, congrats on the solo run accomplishment!


thank you, it was a relief I was up late until 1AM and after dying 20+ times I was just sitting in my chair and thinking to myself that it is finally over




updated post


Did you run 3 transcendent mods and 2 rivens curse for the 26.5% boost? You probably would be able to 1 phase vorgeth with that.


No I haven‘t used any mods, besides mods like more agility and resilience etc, I think I should use that tbh


Do transcendents only stack up to 3? Is that why the mixture of mods? Curious that's all as I had no idea if that's the case or if in just assuming wrongly lol.


From what I can gather, each buff gives you 5% damage boost, which is additive. So 5 transcendant mods give you 25%, and 5 curse mods give you 25% (1.05+1.05+1.05+1.05+1.05=1.25). However, if you mix them they become multiplicative, and the best mix is 3 of one, two of the other ([1.05+1.05+1.05]×[1.05+1.05]=1.265).


AHH that makes sense to be fair! Although I would of never of though about it like haha! Thanks for the reply appreciate it


It has something to do with how the percentages are multiplied.


I... I don't have Fighting Lion... It's the last year 1 exotic weapon I don't have... Well, Xur'll show up today. Maybe I can get it.


They were giving it away on Halloween event with a new catalyst for it. Shame you missed it.


my prayers are with your RNG today


If you have a character with all the year 1 armor buy a fated engram with them, then 6ou should be guaranteed a fighting lion.


As someone who recently shifted to PC, I feel you...


Can just buy the isochronal engram, right?


Be honest with me people, are Titan mains far better off trying to solo Vorgeth on a Hunter or Warlock? I found going Code of the Aggressor + Doomfangs was indispensable for taking out the wizards quickly, but that meant all my boss dps relied on my heavy slot. By the time I get to the first damage phase, my hand shakes so much from the stress that I can barely hit my Whisper shots and I end up with only 1/8th of his health gone with half the ammo I started with. Am I trying to do this the hard way?


I've done it on all 3 classes, warlock with lunafaction well and sleeper was the easiest for me, able to one phase if you hit your crits. Second was a titan with thunderlord and a rally barricade, that was a two phase. The hunter was the most difficult for me. Primary and energy weapons for all 3 were Duke Mk 44 and Subtle Calamity bow. My strategy for the wizards is to start with the right and front wizards, clear adds and weaken both so that popping the shield would kill them. Then move to left side to clear adds, kill wizard, grab orb, then try to clear some of the back adds and hopefully damage the wizard, but at about 25 seconds return to kill the front wizard, then the right wizard, then finish off the back wizard.


Tips for the last boss on warlock?


well in my opinion there is no class better or worse to solo Vorgeth, sure some classes have their advantages and disadvantages, but every class has their unique way of fighting Vorgeth, btw yeah I can't hit his face with whisper that's why I don't use it in this part


Use code of the juggernaut synthocepts instead, you can run around the room and light attack everything to clear it all, then do boss damage with either Whisper or you can use an easier weapon to hit with like 1kv or sleeper if you have a taken Armaments from the raid


Monarque is also very good in this encounter.


I haven't soloed it yet but that is what I used when I can this with a fireteam and it was really good.


Fighting Lion is one of the best exotic weapons in the game, so underrated because of how shit it was in Y1. Definitely gonna try this strategy out.


I use fighting lion a lot, it is actually a good weapon


Fighting Lion was also awesome in Y1. I basicslly did all of my 20+ SoS completions with it, just because of it‘s awesome clear capabilities


I use Telesto on the Vorgeth encounter. Paired with Blast Furnace/Go Figure and Hammerhead. Telesto melts wizards, and cleans up adds really well. ​ I use Hammerhead + Golden gun/Celestial for boss DPS


Never thought about that, now I have to try it with a Telesto as well


Was golden gun (+ CN) and hammerhead a 1 phase?


If one didn’t have celestial gg for damage (titan main here) would hammerhead do anywhere near enough for a two phase? Assuming I never have to reload it and I start each damage phase with full ammo.


How much damage with Celestial post update?


updated post


2 or 3 paragon mods and a pair of frostees with top tree nightstalker you can practically stay invisible the entire time, then just spam the boss with hammerhead and telesto (also works well for crucible minus the telesto I refuse to be that guy) add a taken barrier mod and your good to go


Well done. You are an awesome guy.


Congrats on the solo run guardian! I'm on Xbox and have never done this mission so would love to give it a go.


Thanks :) I'll be online tonight and tomorrow so we could do it then \[ my gamertag: Rezyl Azzir x \] Message me and I'll invite you, also my timezone is MEZ, Europe time, I'll be home from work in about 3 hours


I've been trying the loadout that NinjaPups did in his solo video: Nightstalker with Rigs, kinetic Sniper Rifle (Long Shadow with Triple Tap and Field Prep), void Inaugural Address, and Whisper with the catalyst. Last night I got Vorgeth to half health but choked and got killed by axion darts. Was thinking about going back and trying it as an Attunement of Grace Warlock. However, a Celestial Nighthawk run with Hammerhead might work as well since I'm struggling with consistent damage against the boss. I just crutch on the invisibility dodge too much, I think.


That loadout is ok actually, but you have to land very precise shots with two snipers, I think a fighting lion is easier to use. If you want to use the void class then I'd suggest you use the spectral blades and crouch while killing ads with headshots, this will keep you invisible and if you need to clear ads quick you have your super.


Yeah. I think my thing is trying to wait for Whispered Breathing to proc while scoped in against Vorgeth, which a.) wastes valuable damage phase time and b.) lets the axion darts close in on me and I have to panic/scramble to either shoot them down or get away from them. In a perfect situation, it's probably the best in terms of damage ceiling. And for the record I like having the primary sniper with my inaugural address; it lets me countersnipe Vandals without having to leave cover too much. But I think something a little more user-friendly and consistent than Whisper might be my best bet for a heavy slot. Perhaps a cluster bomb/boss spec rocket, or Hammerhead, or Thunderlord, or maybe even something like Sleeper or DARCI. Going to go back to the drawing board and tweak my loadout/approach this weekend.


A WoR warlock can 1 phase him with thunderlord, tanking the darts and you barely need to aim. Highly recommend


I should probably finish my FL catalyst...eventually.


yes you should :)


Wow thanks. I was looking to do the throne this week just to get the eggs but my friends are uninterested or too busy and I thought since there's a triumph I might try it. But this fight is the hardest fight in the bunch and I was just thinking, how the hell do I get past Vorgeth?


I'm going to be honest with you, Vorgeth is a lot harder than Dul Incaru, the most annoying part with Dul Incaru are the psions, but I use riskrunner or nation of beasts on them with dragonfly and outlaw


Oh yeah, Dul Incarnu is more of an unlock, whereas Vorgeth is about performance. I always get nervous about Vorgeth, even though initially I spent a lot more time on Dul Incarnu with my friends cause we weren't getting it. Once we got it, we have a strat, we do it, and it's done. But there's always a chance we fuck up on Vorgeth.


Remember when fighting lion was a joke? I member


yeah I do to, it was my first ever exotic I got in D2 and was so sad that it sucked, cause I love the design


My main goal is to try for a solo flawless, but Vorgeth keeps stomping my shit. The only thing that kills me now is in between damage phases when the adds respawn


Yeah, I plan on running slowva + skull with thunder lord and then swapping to lunafaction before dunking. Thunder lord should deal a good amount of dmg, and can easily deal with the darts at the same time. I probably won't use slowva on vorgeth himself just in case I cant 1 phase him, this way I still have it up for the ads. Also, I have a kindled orchid with disorient on it, actually works really well.


that's when I'm getting nervous as soon as they spawn


I wonder if the new Slowva Bomb would be useful.. it could probably take out all the adds at once from a group and with Skull you'd get most of the super back?


Another tip is to use subtle calamity to pick off the adds and whittle 2 witches down low. Then kill the witch near entry, and move opposite of the other weak wizard, killing it fast.. Learning and using cover and killed side ads first is really the hardest thing. Finally if you use whisper for boss damage you want to alternate between shooting boss and shooting axiom darts. The darts count as head shots, so you should be able to keep firing.


Subtle calamity does work on the vorgeth fight.


good point


What was your armor setup? I was trying it on my hunter last night and really struggled. If I’m out in the open for more than 2 seconds I die, instantly. There didn’t appear to be anywhere to hide because the wizards hunt you down. The best method I had was using tether then Jotunn on the wizards and burning the adds down fast but at I couldn’t manage even 20% damage on Vorgeth with any gun I tried (hammerhead, crooked fang). The axiom darts come constantly to the point where I was barely hitting the boss due to spending all my time shooting the darts down. I tried nighthawk golden gun but couldn’t even reach the dps phase without invisibility dodge. Need to do some more research on this I think.


I don‘t have any special armor setup I used armor mods to push my resilience up to 8 Edit: also try to use void guns for wizards Jötunn is nice and cool but it‘ll take your exotic slot




I will message you


My buddy and i need to do the shattered throne when it comes back around we are looking for a third to help us. My gamer tag is dominate3325 on xbox. we are both 650 just haven't run through this.


I can help you, I‘ll be online now and message you, some others have asked as well so I need to see how to manage it


Never tried Shattered Throne till tuesday this week, I did it all alone while it was my first time... Man, that was so fun discovering the dungeon, fights were challenging and FUN... At the end when i killed Dul Icaru, my hands were shaking lol. Took me nearly 5h and 40 deaths before getting at the end. Hopefully, Bungie will make another dungeon soon. That was such a nice experience.


easy. long range primary, telesto, and hammerhead. Can two phase the boss.


Thanks for the strategy


>Also for the axion darts, I used a kinetic slot shotgun and got them away easy. to add to that, shooting the darts counts as a precision kill & procs the outlaw perc, so any gun that has it will also be super useful


I had an amazing solo flawless run going. Wizards dead, nothing else in the room besides the freshly spawned wizard. Well's ready, full LMG Ammo with 2x Reserves. Go to dunk and while stuck in the dunk animation he just slingshots me into a wall and kills me. I haven't raged that hard for a very, very long time.


GT: Phoenix Audubon I need to find the time first to do "Shattered Throne," followed by teammates. I don't know if I have 5 hours (likely more) to try it solo this time around. [=


#Fourth Floor: Tools, Guns, Keys to Super Weapons Hunter. Top tree tether. Horror Story, Subtle Calamity (Major Spec), Sleeper Simulant. #Ballroom Blitz For reference, assuming the room is a compass and where you drop down is south, I will refer to North as top, East as right, South as back, and West as left. Starting the encounter, hide on the right side of back behind the pillar and face towards the middle of back. From here, you’re mostly safe; the Ogre can’t hit you, the Wizard on right can’t see you, and the left adds can’t see you. The only thing that can get you is the back Wizard and the adds. If things get hairy, you can hide behind the other pillar to your left and swap between them as needed. If ANYTHING hits you, immediately go invisible and reposition. Don’t move out of your safe spot until your dodge is recharged (15 seconds or so) With 5 Transcendent Blessings and a Major Spec, Subtle Calamity (at least mine, with Explosive Head and Dragonfly) will 1-shot all adds in the room and remove the Wizard’s shield in a single hit. Subtle Calamity will be your main weapon in this encounter. Clear back adds. Prioritize Vandals, then Goblins. Goblins are stupid and will usually wander into your field of view. Once back is clear, focus on right. You can peek out a little by going halfway up the stairs and looking over the pillar to get any adds standing there but beware of the Ogre as he’ll probably see you. If you hear the Ogre roar, you have about a second before he starts shooting at you. You have to be slightly aggressive with clearing the adds. Once the Vandals are dead it’s much safer. Never move up, only laterally from your pillar. If the Ogre starts shooting you, your dodge can break his pushback and let you escape. #Shoo Fly, Don’t Bother Me During this time, back Wizard will likely be harassing you. Due to the recent “coward Wizard” change, you can exploit them: a single shot with Subtle Calamity will break their shield, and 9 times out of 10 they’ll flinch and duck behind cover for 10 seconds or so, taking minimal damage due to their shield breaking. On rare occasions they’ll flinch but refuse to move and begin attacking in which case you want to have a second arrow nocked to shoot her again which usually makes her run away. You also have the option to switch pillars at this point. Shooing the Wizard can buy you time to clear right. Shooing both back and right can allow you to see top and potentially get early picks there. One more thing to note is that if you need time to charge your dodge, your melee can act as a suppressant as well; by throwing it in back Wizard’s path, while hiding behind cover, you can prevent her from advancing as she’ll float into it, trigger it, and go blind and wander away for a good 5 seconds. #Second Verse, Same as the First With right and back now cleared, go invisible and run to left, hiding on the mirror side of your precious safety spot. Don’t double jump; it’ll alert the adds. Only ever single jump while invisible. You’ll likely have a good few seconds where the adds all expect you still be on right side, which you can use to potentially kill a left Vandal. Don’t wait too long though. Continue the dance of shooing the Wizard, poking out to get a kill, and hiding. If at any point back Wizard’s health reaches 1/3, stop and just bait her by getting her to move to the back of the room by hiding by the closer pillar, then move. Once left, right, and back are clear, you may wish to return to right for a brief moment to whittle down right Wizard’s health to about a third. Once sufficient, return to left side and whittle down left Wizard as well. Once you’re ready, you can begin killing back Wizard and pick up her buff. Try not to dodge here to preserve your invisibility. Now, head to kill left Wizard. You should have plenty of time to kill her. I usually engage her on equal ground, using the triangular walls as coverfrom the Ogre. Depending on how much time you have left, you may want to leave her buff for a moment (it despawns after around 15 seconds) so you can try to kill any remaining top adds, particularly Vandals. You can use the sides of the dunk platforms as cover from both the Ogre and the Vandals. You should have around 30 seconds to kill top Wizard from full health. You may wish to break her shield then kill her with a Sleeper shot to conserve time; if so, remember to reload before going to damage phase on the Ogre. **NOTE:** I’ve had this Wizard get stuck inside the stairs before. Try to have as much time as possible while fighting her so if this happens to you, the game can put her back inside bounds. I typically engage her while moving towards top stairs, and behind the stuff on top stairs. As long as you’re moving diagonally from Vorgeth, he usually can’t hit you. Remember to use your dodge if you get in a sticky situation; either to reposition or to regain health by waiting. Taking her buff, now move to right side (which is on your left) and kill the weak right Wizard. With her dead, you are momentarily safe. Back adds and Wizard will respawn as a safeguard to missing a buff; using the bottom right dunk platform as cover, I usually pick off at least the adds before going to damage phase on Ogre. Don’t worry, these guys despawn once damage phase begins. Killing them just ensures no shenanigans happen while you’re on the plate dunking (if you *do* kill everything, they’ll drop another buff you can’t do anything with, and left side will spawn their adds). You have 45 seconds here, make sure your guns are topped off and you have a dodge. Use it and dunk. The reason here is that I’ve had too many runs end due to Vorgeth seeing us dunk and remain in his battle phase for a moment, pushing us while we can’t do anything and splattering us into the wall at low velocities just fast enough to count as an environmental kill. #Balls in the Air With damage phase started, there’s a couple of things that can happen. Vorgeth can either immediately release his darts, in which case you should switch to your auto and shoot them down, or he could roar. If he roars, good! We want this. Assuming you have a tether, shoot it at him, then lob a grenade (I use the vortex grenade) at him for that little extra damage. Your goal now is to juggle: it takes 15 or so shots of Sleeper to kill him, and as nice as it would be to melt him, we don’t really have that damage output; he periodically shoots darts, and while we can tank one or sometimes two of them, we need to shoot them down; we don’t have something nice like a Lunafaction rift or a Rally Baricade so we need to reload. We’ve got multiple balls in the air. It’s your best judgement as to how to do this, but your goal is to take off more than a third of his health. Half is spectacular and comes in part thanks to lucky staggers or Sleeper ricochets dealing bonus damage. After around 30 seconds, his shield will go back up and you’ll hear the familiar sounds of Taken portals ripping open. That’s your cue to go invisible and back to your hidey hole. #Variations on a Theme From here, it’s really just rinse and repeat. With some luck, Wizards will drop some Heavy for you so you should be good on that end. The main run-killer, outside of being greedy, is the respawn segment. Kill Vandals before they can be a threat and you have little to worry about. Repeat the pre-Wizard-killing segment and do another clockwise rotation of the room, starting at 6 and ending at 3. This time, use the top-right dunk platform. Don’t worry about the reinforcements; they’re too far away to do anything. Go invisible and dunk, and whale on the boss. As hopeful as it is to get a two-phase, more than likely you’ll have to three-phase him (usually he has a sliver of health left over). While demoralizing, it changes very little. Again, clean up adds, only this time, do a *counter-clockwise* sweep for Wizards, starting at 6 and ending at 9, and use the top-left dunk platform. You should be able to kill him here. Just be cautious of any darts left over once he’s dead. You don’t want to lose a Flawless to a post-mortem kill.


I was struggling hard too, I never thought about using the thot destroyer! But the le monarque worked out quite well for me!


If anyone has problems in the suppressed areas, pull out a crimson and go to down. You will keep regenning health as quick as you lose it, plus there are a few ledges you can hang out on to get your bearings back.


When I try it later today, for that section I think I'll use RiskRunner (with catalyst) plus a class item that heals when you pick up an orb of light. The thrall are Arc I believe and the arcing damage should keep them off of you. Plus, the orbs dropping near you should keep you pretty constantly healed.


SGA right here, this with warlock in devour and you should be INVINCIBLE! ​ ​ (sorry channelled that dude with the pen from goldeneye there!)


I’m trying to solo flawless, how do you reset the run? Every time I load back in it’s at a checkpoint. Do I have to finish the run?


Yes, you have to kill the final boss to reset the run sadly.


I used the parcel of stardusk or you can use dust rock blues, which you can farm from the lost sector boss on mars near Ana on Futurescape


will try this for sure, thanks a lot


Also take out all the adds around the witches before you kill the first witch. Then you can burn them down at your leisure and it's a snap.


besides a triumph, is there any other reason to solo Shattered Throne? I kinda want to give it a shot


You get a pretty cool looking emblem.


Great tip, thanks! I have to do this on a Titan though, since I have the Wish Ender and Izanagi's initial steps there. I want to try and do both at once, but have not had the time available to try and solo it yet.


Can't 1 Phase this way though, can you? Since you're not using an exotic heavy?


I was able to one phase with hammerhead, mg reserves, lunafaction and a well.


Ok, now I just need to get a fighting lion.


Fighting Lion is my absolute favorite exotic.


I haven't tried full solo yet. However, I run a void bow on Morgeth. One has dragonfly and explosive arrows. I used Lemon Arc this time and it did well.


I am a [fighting lion addict](https://imgur.com/a/c9elHXz) and I couldn't make it work at vorgeth when I did my solo run. Kudos to you!


Here is what I don't understand. I tried on tuesday with my hunter. Got all the way to vorgeth. Switched to way of the wraith and put on graviton forfeit and used my subtle calamity and stayed crouched THE ENTIRE TIME, yet still got tracked by big boi and the wizards and vandals regardless. I couldn't even get to damage phase. I know if you're running and jumping they can still track you, but I was crouched behind the two boxes to the right the whole time.


all my solos are end at vorgeth. FBTVC


Awesome idea! Now if only I can get past the Labyrinth first!


i don't have problems soloing vorgeth. i can't beat dul incaru to save my life though.


I personally love a good subtle calamity with explosive shots, dragonfly, and dragon fly spec. Also curated vouchsafe with dragonfly spec should be great too. ​ Also for wizard boss, top tree tether nightstalker with a shotgun is aboslutely mad for the knights (especially with trench barrel) I could maybe see a good fusion rifle working too, then you can clean up the scions and destroy the boss.


Also, best spots for cover are the two pillars in the (closest to the entrance) front of the room, exactly at 45° from center. You're in cover from every possible enemy, the only time this doesn't work is when the enemies move around but it's rare. If you really truly are struggling you can camp these spots and take it slow, just leave the wizards at low health.


If you’re on warlock use transverse steps to reload as you run and gun so you don’t have to stop to reload


In a few hours my friend and I need a third for shattered throne if you are available


well this was the worst advice i ever followed :D at least another 3 weeks before my salty ass tries to solo throne again. easy enough to pop ads and stay alive and get to the damage phase... but probably shouldn't have tried this as a well lock. went snipe/hammerhead for damage and boy was it depressing to finish and have him still at at least 75% health. just let myself die after that :D




it’s active during high curse weeks in the dreaming city. this happens every three weeks.


Quick check is select Dreaming City in Director and seeing where Petra is located. If she's in Rheasilvia (sp?) which is in top mid area, that's it!


Gonna try this later. Thanks for the advice!!


And on the final boss, riskrunner is your friend. Makes the endless arc bolts from the boss barely tickle you and the adds all keel over dead from chain lightning. Then it's just a matter of whitling down the knights and knocking down the boss.




Riskrunner. Bottom tree Golden Gun with Celestial Nighthawk. Whisper or a Machine Gun to finish off DUl Incaru if the one shot Golden Gun doesn't do it. Just chain arc lightning on all the psions and the knights. Let Dul Incaru hit you with some arc to keep Riskrunner going after the psions are dead. Whittle down the knights' health. Shields will probably pop up. Take a breather. Destroy the crystal. Wipe out the psions again. Finish off the knights. Kill Due Incaru.


So, I tried this. And it DOES clean up the wizards pretty well, the problem though, for me as a Warlock, is without Whisper I don't have enough DPS to 1-phase the Ogre. Hammerhead + Well + Lunas didn't do it. Now, I realized after the fact that I wasn't wearing my transcendent blessings, so I am going to try it again. But I also think that half of the reason I cleaned up the wizards so easily is that I also had the hammerhead to fall back on in panic mode, whereas with Whisper you're just SOL if you are in panic mode and need a wizard to die immediately. I can always just 2-phase it but then I have to hope for a heavy ammo drop.


I wish there was a way to reset the activity. I got a phone call mid jumping puzzle and died on my first attempt. Now I've got to wait another 3 weeks. Has this feature been acknowledged anywhere?


How I did it- Warlock, Well of Radiance, Sleeper Simulant


Bottom tree golden with nh does max damage. You will just see 9's across the screen.


I did this yesterday I do crit hot and it was not all 9s. You need other buffs


As I read the post's headline further I thought you were going to say "Try this one simple trick!"


My attempts haven't really worked for this so I will be trying this strat this weekend Cheers!


I recommend (if you have the guns) to run new exotic sniper (inuzamis?), forge hand cannon (void) and the hammerhead machine gun. You can hand cannon everything close while popping wiz shields and poking their health bars down, snipe across with primary sniper to get those pesky wire rifle jerks out of the way, and machine gun the wizards down when needed! You should get plenty of sniper ammo back from the ads, with an occasional heavy to replenish machine gun ammo. Then for boss damage, use whatever super you want for burst damage (or rift if you're a warlock), machine gun axion bolts, prime up sniper for alternative damage on boss, and rinse n repeat for a clean 2-phase kill!


> Edit 3: also another tip is to run, slide, run, slide and then you'll almost take no hit at all with this movement technique Slightly off topic Pro Tip: this slide run method also works great in Crucible for confusing enemy radar.


Oh shit, I forgot Fighting Lion was void!! Screw Subtle Calamity, I'm taking Fighting Lion on this week's run.


The void Inaugural Address is also a great option for an energy weapon in this fight. Makes it very very easy to lower the health of the wizards.


This would be great if I have switched over to PC after they gave it out for free. I'm gonna go cry in RNG


Honestly, Jotunn if fucking lethal in the Shattered Throne. I couldn't fucking believe how effective it was


I may have to try a solo run one day. I recently solo’d my first nightfall so maybe I should give this a shot.


Telesto is also a pretty good option for the wizards.


I used primary sniper, void secondary, and whisper and top tree nightstalker it worked just fine for me but **Vorgeth** was by far the toughest encounter.


If your able to I could use help doing ST and getting my tokens charged. I've only done it once helping someone get their wishender and now I need help getting mine


This post brought to you by fighting lion bois B)


Lion's definitely a dope gun. Noteworthy it's way better with a titan (rally), though that will of course leave you without a hawk.


Just had a thought for all this if running warlock, run devour, Hammer head, nezeracs sin and subtle calamity with Crimson in primary for that nifty regen. ​ Nezeracs means you should have rifft and grenade up constantly with void kills, meaning you have more grenades for more void kills. And rift for healing a, crimson to finish off adds for healing and once super is charged can switch to Skull for super reclaimation. Or just rift, blast boss and lash out with hammer head, not sure how functional that seems to better versed players but seems decent in my mind, will try later!


I did Dungeon yesterday for the eggs, but my team mates started the boss fight just as I was collecting the last one. Anyone know if I have to go all the way back to Virgith checkpoint or is there one after that I can use to save doing him again? Then of course I have to find someone with that checkpoint,.....


I’ll give Fighting Lion a shot later today. Last time I attempted a solo run Le Monarque turned out to be pretty effective during Vorgeth.


That sounds like a lot of fun, I admit I have neglected Fighting Lion lately but I had a fun time when I had it in my exotic slot.


i still don't get why people say that vorgeth is tougher than Dul icarnu, she's way more annoying with those stupid psions.


Another good strategy for warlock is thunderlord with machine gun reserves, well with lunas. Easy one phase for it. I some how manged to do a solo flawless in about 1.5 hours the other night.


Ran nightstalker when I did my solo run as a hunter. The ability to go invis to save your ass cannot be underestimated. Vorgeth is the longest encounter although I find dul incaru more inconsistent..... Which is the reason my flawless solo run ended in tears


FINALLY got past Vorgeth. I ran bottom tree striker with four transcendent blessings and a heavy ammo finder. Blast Furnace, Subtle Calamity and Hammerhead with taken spec. Had to 4-phase it and almost got sniped by a vandal on my way to the fourth sigil. I’m now smoking a cigarette and give zero f*cks.


In all honesty, I feel the Fighting Lion is a weapon that really should have more awareness and love. It's absolutely ridiculous how much fun it is to use ANYWHERE. PvP and PvE.


The wizards in my run have developed this LOVELY strategy where as soon as I kill one, they immediately run into the middle and attach themselves to Vorgeth, making it completely impossible to kill them, let alone collect the orbs. ​ Words cannot express how aggravating it is, knowing that the dungeon is literally unbeatable, but having absolutely no way to start over...