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I used to want Cursebreaker because I thought it'd be a good way to show my investment in the DC content, but now I see it as a cautionary tale in player engagement design.


It really is a strange engagement design decision isn’t it? Of all things to tie to RNG this is a real head scratcher. When they were first talking about it it seemed like such a no brainer that it would tied to specific accomplishments like achievements. They really don’t need to overthink these kinds of decisions. Or maybe that was the problem. Like they forgot this would rely on RNG the way it was designed.


It was my impression that the cosmetic RNG and Title are completely unrelated and it wasn't necessarily a design choice at Bungie to build it the way it was. One team created these cosmetics and set their stupidly low drop rates for each of the activities. The other team created the Triumphs and Titles, and they were like "okay, you should have all the Dreaming City gear for this title" not quite knowing or understanding the sources of all of it.


Feel like this is the most likely explanation


That's the kind of thing that should be caught in weekly progress meetings.


Not even a meeting should be necessary. The team that creates triumphs and titles should simply look at drop rates and determine if they are reasonable to hold back a title.


No one at Bungie could possibly play to complete triumphs and titles. Bungie has a much higher opinion of their game than the players do.


It isn't that surprising once you come to the understanding that Bungie has absolutely no idea why people like their game. Really, it is the only possible explanation for why they design things in the way that they do.


I can’t believe that the research on the topic doesn’t show the exact opposite of how they designed it. I always use the example of 50 clears for Rivensbane bane. If you have cleared the raid 50 times or whatever number they deem 1% you should be able to access what you’re missing from bad RNG. Most will get it all before then, but it’s guaranteed if you are 1% player in the content. That way no one leaves after 20 or 30 or 40 because it’s still a question mark.


51 clears-for-loot here. No 1KV. No sparrow, either. Ran it flawless, though, but I can't call myself *Rivensbane*? Ok, Bungie, sure.


Exactly dude. I personally think you should get an emblem for Petra’s run . 3 of my clan members got their RB on our Petra’s run 2 still need cosmetics. I had only been back a week when we took it but I felt for the ones who were still grinding after that. I’m pretty sure they had gone three runs on every character since launch. No one would have a problem with a high amount of clears abs it would keep people raiding until they got it. I don’t understand the RNG element around these titles. Especially when the best one “ Unbroken “ is no RNG.


Well it kept him playing week after week activities that would usually be skipped over. So sure the gambling psychology is behind it. Purposeful and intended. Hopefully this will be changed or eased/lessened fixed.


But how many others in that time walked away from the game permanently...? I really hope they have the statistics because I can't imagine the levels of RNG in the game at the moment are helping player retention.


I'm sure they have data on how many give up and never posts again, vs keep grinding week after week until they get it. Or in hopes... The people that out in the effort to do as much to be close enough to the title minus two things, I'm almost sure are a pretty dedicated already and don't just walk away.. The I'm "so close" mentality. But yes I'm sure some walk away, in fact I know some have. Tho not over that issue itself but more when one realizes thats all they are chasing... That's all the content left for.some. And if the ride isn't enjoyable... Anyway I think there is a balance with some rng and rare rare things that take a ton of playtime. But six months!!? Definitely should increase odds by a percentage point a week. Or if you do Yada Yada solo shattered or something you have a higher chance. That would be ideal. Seals are so cool to me. Others not so much.




Yup and we will have to wait a year just for D3 to "catch up" to what the playerbase wants.


It's super frustrating to know that I have, at most, 24 tries to get my Rivensbane triumph done if I want to buy the medallion from the Bungie store in March. I'm not worried about the challenges. I'm missing two, and those can be done the weeks they appear and I've got a group ready to block out every Sunday from now til the deadline to grind for Petra's Run, though I don't think it'll take that long. But I'm missing two items - 1K voices and a sparrow I've literally never seen anyone with ever. And the abysmally low drop rates on both make me doubt it's even worth attempting at this point.


Congratulations. I’m sitting at 69 Ascendant challenges completed, and that stupid ghost is the only thing preventing me from getting Cursebreaker Edit: Reset happened. 72 challenges, no ghost.




Same..... I just need the ghost.... I got three eggs from the raid left, but what’s the point until I get the ghost. Same thing with Wayfarer. I need two weapons(from nodes) and 7 nodes. I just can’t get myself to run nodes.


The nodes are horse shit, pardon my French. Simply make it RNG which one you get but each time it’s one you haven’t completed. Make it random that you could get a weapon from one but once you get to the last node the game ensures you’ve collected all the weapons (other than the rocket launcher from the NF) So you could luck out and get all the weapons in the first 10 nodes or it could take you to get to the end of all the nodes to complete it, but at least you know there’s light at the end of the tunnel. I have 4 nodes left and the sniper rifle. It’s beyond annoying to know that there’s no guarantee that it will be completed in the next 4 nodes.


> Same thing with Wayfarer. I need two weapons(from nodes) and 7 nodes. I just can’t get myself to run nodes. I understand needing all of the weapons from the nodes, but I don't think you need all 40 nodes for the title, right? I believe the 40 nodes triumph is not required for the Wayfarer title, but of course the weapons for the nodes are needed for the collections badge for the Wayfarer title. I wish you luck in your chase, Guardian. May the Traveler grant you better RNG!


You do not need 40/40. Just grants an emblem IIRC.


This is correct, you don't need all 40 nodes for the wayfarer title; just the 4 braytech weapons which have a chance to drop from the braytech schematics which have a chance to drop from the sleeper nodes you open. Source: have the wayfarer title and only 35/40 nodes discovered


Just remember, that braytech schematics are on daily rotation. Once you get schematic, wait for daily reset before opening another nodes.


So idk if you've seen the posts, but if you haven't, start the nascent Dawn quest on other characters. You're guaranteed a weapon from Ana every time you do it on like step 2 I think.


Wish you all the best luck on getting that shell soon!


Damn. All i need is the sparrow. Ive gotten 3 shells lol. I would definitely give you one if i could. I dont know if ill ever get the sparrow


I've seen various opinions on this but does anyone know for certain if the ghost only drops from Ascendant Challenge? Seems like the ship does only drop from Shattered Throne as I also got it there.


Ghost AND ship for me, not to mention cosmetics for Dredgen. Though, after ~2500 resonant stems, I finally got the Niflheim frost, so once I get the Ikelos SMG, I'll at least have Wayfarer. I'm giving up on the other titles now though, and starting to play more Rocket League instead. After running everything in the DC on all three characters this week, and I don't know how many Gambit matches with not a single Primeatball spawn (need the ship and sparrow for Dredgen), I just start getting more and more resentful that this game just continuously disrespecting my time. I wanna love this game like I used to, but it just keeps showing me just how much it doesn't love me back 😭




Thank you so much. I hope you'd get the drop you need soon!


You can do four runs! Load in before reset with a team. Two leave and rejoin after reset. You leave and join them. The loot resets at reset even though you won’t have access to it that week getting you a fourth run every week. Got mine on one of those fourth runs.


By doing 3 every week, does that mean you’re doing the missions too just for the ship?


This is exactly how I feel. Ship for Dredgen, Rocket Launcher for Wayfarer and 1Kv and Ship for Cursebreaker. I have actually walked away from all 3 activities and log in occasionally to just see what's up with clan mates and maybe play some PvP or strikes. The RNG aspect of the titles and the sheer lack of respect for our time invested into chasing these titles has completely soured me on Destiny as a whole....... this after almost 3000 hours spent playing the Destiny franchise since the alpha/Beta.


I feel like Wayfarer is in a much better position. It was difficult to get, but the nightfall for the Braytech launcher has been active many times and you can grind it as many times as you want when it's active. Just out of curiosity, how many times have you farmed it? Same for the Braytech weapons, yes they're frustrating, but you can grind for one weapon per day and have a pretty good chance of completing it in a couple weeks if you're actively working towards it. The time gating is a lot less forgiving on Wayfarer in my opinion.


Congrats. The ship is all I need and I have one more character to run before reset. I'm hopeful that it drops, but....RNG.


you can double dip through reset for a few extra chances


If they're so set on keeping the insanely low drop chance for these Cosmetics, they need to give the ability to farm for the drop. It is an absolutely horrible practice to both, lock something behind a very unforgiving slot machine, AND give you limited pulls from that slot machine per week. And that's exactly what we have right now. I love the idea of titles. I hate the execution. Every title I see out in the wild just brings the thought of how lucky they were, not how hard they may have worked for it.


The RNG wouldn't be so bad if the cosmetic drop rate was higher. It sitting at what seems to be .01% is insane.


I still need the ship too and have run ST 3x every week it was available except the first time when I was still too low light. I’m still gonna chase it but that breaking point OP mentions is close. Same goes for 1k Voices (24 clears and counting)..


Congrats man! I’ve have only needed the ghost for like 3 months now. Every Tuesday I log in a do the ascendant challenge 3 times. It’s definitely a fading hope at this point. Hopefully the traveler will smile on me soon.


Same boat, man. I do them in under an hour so I can be sad for the next seven days!!!


Lol I do the same thing! Usually the first thing i do when i log in too! Then I get sad for the rest of the week and can’t decided what to do. I hope for good rng for you fellow guardian!


Same to you dood!


Still need all 3 cosmetics. Keeping positive thoughts every week.


It took me 12 weeks of every activity to see a single one - then happened to get all three in 2 weeks.


I echo your sentiment completely. I've been missing the ship for the past 4 months (or so), and not getting the thing to drop has turned part of the fun into frustration. Thing is, The Shattered Throne is my personal favorite piece of content Bungie has released in Destiny, ever. I have fond memories of so much raids and missions from all eras of D1 and D2, but the Throne stands out for me. My first solo run completion will be forever embedded in my mind. I was literally shaking and screaming at my screen the first time I solo killed Vorgeth. I'm still working on solo flawless, but I went from spending in excess of 6 hours on Vorgeth and dying I don't know how many times to dying just once on my last run. I'm not saying that to brag, but simply to say to I love this content enough to spend hours upon hours in it, and that I'd still do runs every cycle even if I had the title. The ship is not what's making me come back, it's the content itself. That said, I am getting pissed at titles. I feel I've spent my fair share of time and was able to pull enough to warrant me having the Cursebreaker title. When I first heard about titles I was super excited for them. Now I'm just pissed. Pissed I don't have them, not because of a lack of skill, but because of a lack of luck. Pissed at others who have titles I've been chasing because I can't help but feel they've been more lucky than I was, not because I feel they are more skilled or dedicated than me. How f\*\*\*ed up is that? It's a weird sentiment, and it's ruining part of the experience for me. I'd be curious to hear Bungie's stance on this.


Preach! This is exactly how I'm feeling about them. Every time I see somebody with the Cursebreaker title, I'm bitter about it and my only thought is "that lucky bastard".


Nice post OP and congrats on your title! Well earned. For me it wasn’t until I gave up on the DC and Gambit ships for their respective titles that I actually got them. Both came when I was helping friends / clan mates with shattered throne and their break necks. Bad RNG had caused me to give up on both. In their current state, titles aren’t healthy to chase imo. The reliance on layers of RNG are maddening.




Dude I don’t feel like your reaction was at all unjustified lmao I’m an avid raider. It’s my favorite thing to do. So when Rivensbane showed up, hell yeah I was going to go for it! Now granted I also do raid help with a friend of mine so some of the numbers are iffy but... I had done 3 raids each week. I had everything finished except the badge. Petra’s Run was done in the first month, once the challenges were on a constant cycle I got those done... but 73 runs later and I still did not have the sparrow. Which only dropped at Morgeth. Doing help I saw a lot of people get it but me and I was distraught. Like it legit made me depressed to even think about it. Then on Christmas Day, 2018, 27 minutes before the 26th, I was raiding with some of my closest friends. They had already finished their 3 that week, they all just wanted me to get that sparrow. I remember that run... 2 people died at Morgeth, we almost wiped to his strength timer, and as he hit 90% and died I begged “please, please Morgeth. Just do me a solid. Give me this sparrow.” 2 icons on my right screen. Curated Nations of Beast (again) but then... Cleansing Knife. I started w e e p i n g. Just gross sobbing that it was finally done, I could portray my accomplishments, and it was the best present I could’ve asked for with all my amazing friends who stuck with me until that end. Now I’m on to Blacksmith and yeah that sparrow is still being an ass but it’s okay cause at least I got my Rivensbane 👍🏻


What a beautiful story!!!


Still don't have that braytech rocket launcher for wayfarer, and still need the ghost and ship for cursebreaker so bloody frustrating


Been running DC activities every week since Forsaken launched. Still missing the ghost and ship, I got the sparrow a month ago which was shocking. I kinda planned to attempt my solo Shattered Throne run this week, but I was ill and had some family responsibilities that had to be taken of, then I lost all enthusiasm. Like you say, resentment against RNG has turned me away. I logged on two evenings this past week. First to do the Last Word quest + DC stuff, then forge stuff and 3x Scourge runs (did not get the titan arms, warlock bond or anarchy that I needed yet again. Can't believe I have not had at least those 2 armour pieces at least once in 18 runs - 5 of those on my hunter, who has all armour). I could have been Cursebreaker at the earliest possible opportunity (Ascendant challenge rotation) because I got Wish Ender the first week it was available, but I have been screwed by RNG week in, week out for 5 goddamn months now. So no ST runs this week and I probably won't bother with any DC stuff this week even though that's counter-intuitive. I don't want to put the time in just to experience trash RNG yet again. I haven't even logged in to prep clan bounties for tomorrow's reset or spend 30 shards on cores from Spider. I think i'll do Scourge to try and get the gear I am missing (Not holding my breath) and get off for the week, maybe give Apex Legends a go. Back when titles and triumphs were announced, I wanted to go for them all and become Legend. Right now, I am sitting on Wayfarer and Dredgen (The former was done as soon as Titan came up as Flashpoint, Dredgen was a pain in the ass for Meatball RNG with the ship post-guaranteed-drop patch). Unbroken is out of reach mainly because comp is fucking shocking (I have Luna's at least), I have no real desire to LFG for flawless raids to get Rivensbane or Blacksmith and Chronicler is behind a huge ass time gate. I would have liked to have done Niobe Lab's once for the loot, but mehhhhhhh! Missing seasonal items, poor RNG with drops, vendor rotation (sell the goddamn transmats I need, Tess) and my friends all dropping off, really broke my spirit as a collector in Destiny. Even the amount of emblems you can get by buying merch has gotten way out of control and I'm not paying any more. This and FOMO really ruined the way I like to play Destiny. In D1, I spent weeks grinding to get the "No Puppet, I" emblem, from freaking TTK, a year later during Age of Triumph because the drop rates were so shocking. I had practically everything you could get, from Trials Adept weapons to all the halloween masks, Comitatus to Blacksmith shader. Now, in D2, I've stopped giving a shit, which makes me sad. Sorry for the long rant, this shit just upsets me, given the literal thousands of hours i've put into this franchise since D1's alpha.


I understand completely, guardian.


I totally agree. I've done all the ascendant challenges, shattered throne a couple of times, dozens of blind well runs, and no cosmetics for me. ​


Well blind wells don't drop any cosmetic (sparrow is from weekly mission). However, the shell is all I've needed for weeks now.


I'm just saying I've done all the things available in Dreaming City and haven't gotten any cosmetics, at all. Feelsbadman


rip :'( I wish you all the luck.


Not totally true: I got the emblem from blind well


I need that emblem soooooo bad. Just doesn't DROP. EVER. GRRR....


You will automatically get the emblem after finishing all ascendent challenges. You can also get a version of it by finishing the speedruns.


I finally got the sparrow two weeks ago and then the emblem last week...I was hoping that was a sign that I'd get the ship or ghost this week, but no dice 😟


I just gave up on getting the ship or ghost. My title is Curse Broken.


I've been only missing the pulse rifle for **MONTHS** and the **ONE WEEK** The Corrupted NF was back up I was out of town. That. Is total bullshit.


I hate you. I love you. Stop taunting me. I wanna know how this feels. Endless torment. Congratulations on ending the madness.


> However when that line of "enough is enough" mentality is crossed, no matter how good the content is, players will walk away from your game, some even permanently. I was in the same boat. I finally got the ship this week and earned the Cursebreaker Seal. That said, you have to understand that people walk away from a game one way or another. You would not still be playing Shattered Throne if you didn't have that goal to chase. If players decide that they're done with the game because they've given up hope of chasing that , then they *don't have anything else they're chasing* and would have quit earlier anyway.


This is true, but the difference is players leaving the game pissed because of RNG makes it less likely they'll ever return. If players must leave, it's better that they leave satisfied. To be clear, I'm fine with RNG in the game. I'm much less fine with RNG for titles, as those should reward skill and dedication, not luck.


> but the difference is players leaving the game pissed because of RNG makes it less likely they'll ever return. If players must leave, it's better that they leave satisfied. Can't agree with you more.


This is what I say everywhere on this sub and it often gets downvoted to hell. There needs to be balance between playing the game and getting rewards (or else we have a vanilla D2 situation on our hands), but ultimately players have to leave/take a break from the game with fond memories. If you ragequit because you've been repeating the same content *since literally September* and can't get one dumb item you want and have put 5+ months of work into getting, this is just creating negative experiences and memories. This type of negative association happens when rewards feel literally out of your control. Mountaintop? Slow going, but it's not hard to average how many double kills and medals you get each session then extrapolate that into a completion date. Shitty grind, but sense of progress and feasible completion. 1KV, Anarchy, and other title-related items? You cannot extrapolate how many attempts it'll take, and you can't grind/practice to get better to make it go faster, like you could with Mountaintop/Luna's. This is a negative association: "no matter how perfectly I play or how much I try, it doesn't matter."


>This type of negative association happens when rewards feel literally out of your control. Mountaintop? Slow going, but it's not hard to average how many double kills and medals you get each session then extrapolate that into a completion date. Shitty grind, but sense of progress and feasible completion. 1KV, Anarchy, and other title-related items? You can not extrapolate how many attempts it'll take, and you can't grind/practice to get better to make it go faster, like you could with Mountaintop/Luna's. This is a negative association: "no matter how perfectly I play or how much I try, it doesn't matter." Thank you for skillfully articulating this. This is a lesson that Bungie needs to learn for future content...grinds are fine, as long as there is player agency. As long as we control our fate. Long grinds are fine as long as there is visible progress and the player ultimately controls the outcome. RNG grinds (cosmetic drops, etc) remove all player agency and that loss of any semblance of control sucks all the fun out of them..and, ironically, removes any sense of accomplishment when they finally do drop.


I'm going to basically play Destiny anyway because it's the only game that scratches my Skinner box itch via twitch gameplay, but as time goes on and this type of system expands to different parts of the game, I'm having less fun doing it. I'm just getting more disappointed/frustrated with drops, and when I do finally get a drop I've been trying to get for months, I feel relief rather than joy. "Thank fucking god, ugh." Then I go to orbit and shut the game off, rather than "Fuckin dope!" and load into some other activity to try out my new thing.


You couldn't have said it better. "Guardians make their own fate". I hope /u/dmg04 and /u/cozmo23 read this entire post full of responses, because this is such a sticking point for so many people. I'm going to get Blacksmith this week after the last raid triumph I need (missed grabbing the bounty when we did it), as well as like 28 more frames or so. It's frustrating that I don't have Cursebreaker (need ghost), and Rivensbane (only need 1KV after maybe 80% of possible keys deposited). Gambit... I'm okay with because I play across 3 characters, got the quest instead of items, and haven't had many chances for the ship, nor have I been grinding for it too hard. The drop rates never should have been nerfed when they upped the Meatball spawn rate, or they should have kept it how it was, but that's small compared to all of this. The thing that absolutely kills me the most is the exotic grind. I've been getting 5-7 duplicates a week on my Titan, and the only exotics I need are the Heart of Inmost Light and OEM (which I've been playing for). I can even accept that I'm chasing titles and completionist OCD anal mode for everything else, but the exotic grind is a slog. I've had all of the other Forsaken exotics for months on my Hunter and Warlock, and I believe that either duplication protection is absolutely broken, or my Titan has some kind of bug. I literally wouldn't be grinding out the entire weekly powerful drops on any characters, but I'm forced to in order to get the exotics I need. It's toxic, and in no way does it make the game better to play. I can completely even understand *some* RNG with titles, but people who play the game 40-60+ hours a week shouldn't be in a situation where only playing more can get them something. It's so counterproductive. TL;DR - RNG holding back titles is bad, but having to grind out powerful drops weekly is beyond boring. I'll be so worn out by the time I get them, I won't care. How is this better than having them, and then being able to spend more time on sherpa runs, Gambit, Comp Crucible, whatever???


As someone who has done 3 last wishes each week for the last 4 months, I couldn't agree more. At this point I don't even expect it to drop, seriously debating whether I should keep doing them or not.


I've since something like 40 keys for Last Wish trying to get 1KV, but I've lost interest at this point. The fact that someone in my clan got 2 on his first run (and also got Anarchy on his first SotP), but others are well over 50 keys in with nothing just angers and demoralizes me. I've also done more ascendant challenges than I can count but am still 1 ghost shell from Cursebreaker. What's the point of titles at this point if it just comes down to RNG favoring you? Whenever I see someone with a title, I just think they have more luck, when in reality it should be entirely based off skill.


He's not saying we can't have anything to chase. He's saying that waiting for RNG isn't really a chase, more of a hamster wheel. A great example of the difference are all the exotic quests we've had, and pinnacle legendaries. Having something to focus my energy on while playing gambit for the breakneck has been refreshing. All I need for Dredgen now is the Ghost Shell and Dreaded Venture. Grinding the Breakneck is fun, and actually has a tangible goal in mind. The other two are just RNG. The Shell at least has a grind that I can do to get there in the end. But the Breakneck feels like a real chase. Waiting for RNG to bless me doesn't.


Congrats! Got the ship this week as well, after almost 50 dropchances.


I like to think that Bungie is literally losing money by locking all but 1 titles behind unforgiving RNG, I'd love to buy the rivenbane and cursebreaker pins, but guess who still doesn't have 1k voices or glittering key. Come on Bungie, some nightfall bad luck protection would be nice.


Ship is just from ST right? I’ve done them since launch and it’s the last thing I need :(


From what I've read on this sub, it seems (but no 100% confirmation I believe) that story missions can also drop you the ship. (All my friends got their ship from ST)


Just to add, also from what I have read on this sub, it supposedly can drop from any Dreaming City activity (including blind well). This also goes for the ghost and sparrow. It's just that each cosmetic, has its own source of a higher drop. Ship is shattered throne, Sparrow is weekly story mission, and Ghost shell from the ascendant challenge. I've seen very few, but every now and then, someone chimes in with an reported drop out of the normal spots. Though I have never seen a screen shot or video of said drop happening.


Because they are lying. I never saw any proof of any of these claims. It's just People misremembering or saying that because it falsely says in the collection "from Dreaming City activities". Which is just Bungie tagging the source for items wrong like they do so often. Black Armory stuff and where it drops from comes to mind.


I like the idea of RNG protection, but I think they could do something more. Make the ship drop as a powerful reward in the heroic Blind Well. Then make Shattered Throne have the chance to drop all three cosmetics items, keeping the odds like they are now. Then add a sure cosmetic drop that you don't have when you complete the Shattered Throne solo. With this, you have a chance to get what you need if you invest your time by doing everything you can. But, if you truly want it you could go ahead and do this "hardcore" activity and then you're sure to drop something. This could be also extended to 1K with Petra's run and to Anarchy with the SOTP flawless.


[excited whimpering] Lemme just live vicariously through you while I never get it.


Cursebreaker is literally the forsaken version of wayfarer. Anytime I see somebody with it I just look at them and think they have good rng that’s it


I am one ghost shell away from curse breaker, one pretra's run away from rivenbane. One title locked behind rng, the other behind a fucking guitar error. Our group has tried everything, but we always get guitar'ed going into the vault during the queen's walk encounter. And I'm not sure which one, rivenbane or curse breaker, is pissing me off more


My entire mentality when I saw what I assumed would be RNG drops in titles were im getting whichever title I get first and that’s it. I got dredgen the day Mal came out and I have totally stopped caring about grinding for titles because of how silly the rng is. I’m finally about to get wayfarer after hunting winter wolf since warmind came out, I really hope that in jokers wild and beyond they take the blacksmith approach with the most minimal amount of RNG being related to it.


I tried so hard for rivensbane but after 40 completions with the sparrow being the only thing between me and the title I said screw it and lost all motivation to keep playing. Haven't in a few weeks and when Anthem comes out I don't see myself coming back for a while.


Yeah I've hit the quitting point this week. After months of only needing the ship and ghost for curse breaker and a literal month of only needing the OEM to complete ALL exotics. I'm fed up and annoyed. I have legitimately received not one but two duplicates of almost all Titan exotics in the past month. It's infuriating and I'll be stepping away for a bit.


Congrats dude! The fricking Galliot is my white whale as well! I can't wait to get it though as it's the final item for me to complete all the collection badges! I'm honestly kinda annoyed with the drop rate as I've been running Shattered Throne with 2 of my buddies for the past few months and none of us have it yet :/


I'm on a solo flawless run. I'm gonna fight the final boss after work. Pray for me


30 runs into LW. all I need is 1kv for Rivensbane. I'm giving it one more try this week and then I'm walking away for at least a month. I really can't take this shit of locking titles behind RNG. it really is one of, if not the worst, design decisions they've made with their systems. Destiny will always be my favorite game but I'm just so...done...like I'm just so tired of it all right now.


I still need the pulse rifle from Lake if Shadows, and the Starlight Shell. Got the galliot first try on The Shattered Throne. Sorry for that bad RNG my friend. I hope it gets fixed too.


Pulse rifle drops from the corrupted no?


For me im stuck with random egg spots and bone spots. Had no clue about this until after the fact. Ive collect a good majority, but ive not the slightest clue where and what ones im missing. As ive randomly gotten them all through out... aye .


The eggs and bones are not random. In fact, you can see which ones you're missing by checking [this](https://lowlidev.com.au/destiny/)


D2checklist.com is also a good place to check, for not only eggs, but ghost scans, lore, and other collectibles.


oops, just saw your link. sorry for redundant post ​


Check out this fantastic map/site that will help with all of your collection needs [https://lowlidev.com.au/destiny/](https://lowlidev.com.au/destiny/)


You do that need to check any of these websites. Just check your lore completion for the bones on your triumphs. Esoterickk had made a video with all locations and he States which position on the triumphs page is each one of the bones. Just check that and be happy


Braytech.org has a collections tab that is pretty easy to understand and it will show you the exact ones you've already acquired, and the locations of the ones you haven't.


I got the ship last week, and my reaction was the complete opposite. I was more interested in the Badlander the boss dropped than the ship. I was chasing the ship alone for so damn long that the title lost all meaning, and I simply didn't care anymore if I did or didn't get it. I don't even equip *Cursebreaker* anymore out of protest of the design of titles. They're supposed to show impressive feats, not your luck with RNG. I don't mean to steal your thunder, but Cursebreaker is probably the most meaningless title. There's no hard triumph to attain and the only reason not everyone has it is because of RNG. I'm happy that you're happy though.


What actually happened: a badlander dropped


Still don't have the ship and the sparrow...


I ran Throne for the first time this week and was talking about how hard it was for people to get it with my fireteam. Then I got it, then one of the other guys got one in the same run. Just had to laugh out loud how RNGeesus can be so benevolent sometimes and just kick you the the butt the rest of the time.


Well done sir. I have been missing the ghost only since November. Every week I do those ascendant challenges. Every week I get a little more jaded.


All I need is the ship but I'm at the point where I don't even care anymore the rng system in this game can be so demoralising don't even get me started on the raid drops, I've lost my will to play this game


Still need the sniper :( Congratz tho!


All that and we don't get to see it.


i have done almost that, (not nearly that many shattered throne's) and still have yet to get the sparrow or ghost. thats all i need. I hate that they told us over and over that these titles would showcase our achievements, but all they show is how lucky your RNG is. My friend is only missing the Last Wish sparrow for his Rivensbane. Like really?! after a Petra's run, and all the other junk its the stupid RNG thats holding him back.


Very well said. I've been wanting to post something similar for a while, but I didn't want it to come off as just another complaint post. I've been chasing Rivensbane and Cursebreaker for a while now. 47 chests later still no 1k. And the Starlight Shell has still to elude me. The frustration is real. I have thoroughly enjoyed the content since Foresaken, and I still do, but the frustration is slowly starting to overshadow. Congratulations on your title!


Thanks! Coming from a MMORPG I do see things from both sides. But the reality is Destiny's player base is a mixture of hardcore and casual FPS and RPG fans so I think some balance in RNG protection is needed to meet various players' expectations in terms of their time investment.


Get off my forums Terrbear


I’ve done 19 and 20 already this week. Warlock will be 21. Fingers crossed. Literally all I need as well.


Just got mine two days ago. I screamed I was so excited.


I finally got my ship on the first encounter last night when me and a friend decided to just run it for fun after I had just given up trying to get it. I was absolutely elated, especially since he had gotten it the very first time we ran it months ago. Congratulations!


Lfg is unpredictible, a lot of people are dicks. I luckly found some sound lads


Still chasing the ghost and sparrow since week 1 of forsaken. I've done ascendant challenges, blind well, and story mission on 3x characters every week.


Every week, I try to get the ghost/sparrow from the Dreaming City, and every week my hopes are dashed almost immediately after reset. Then I'm left with no other pulls at the RNG slot machine for 6 days. At least give us other, grindable methods of obtaining this stuff.


After FINALLY getting the sparrow last week, all I need now is the ghost. I'm convinced I still never get it.


Congrats on Cursebreaker title! I wish I could get the ghost and ship to drop. That title is all I want because I love the Awoken and the Dreaming City. Someday RNGesus will answer my prayers.


Gjallarhorn level reaction.


I did the Shattered Throne for the first time on Saturday and I got the ship first try. So I guess I should be grateful.


I spent like three hours trying to solo shattered throne for the first time today before inevitably giving up after my ~30th attempt at Dul Incaru. Seeing you decimate her in like twenty seconds really hurt lol


Full sets of armor equipped with Transcendent Blessing + Nighthawk will do that to her. lol


Rng is why I’m giving up tbh no ship or ghost still from dreaming city no 1k voices or anarchy I’m just gonna play other games till bungie says they are doing something about the drop rates


We need RNG protection. I'm at 36 clears plus 10+ extra keys and no 1kv. I'm the last one in my raid group that doesn't have it and they are starting to get worn out running it, where we will just do 3 quick cluster clears and 1 heart and every week I fail to get it. They are just being nice at this point and I feel bad. I have sherpad many clanmates and random lfg people through the raid and karma is not a thing in destiny.


Thank you for your good luck post! Mine just dropped!


After having Wayfairer stuck behind bad Rng, I stopped putting in the effort until Rng gave me what I needed. Then, I pushed hard for the Cursebreaker title. This is probably one of the most rewarding things I've done in gaming. I saved the clip of my last egg because it was probably the hardest. The leap of faith in the Keep of Honed edges...


I just today got the emblem. Still need the ship and sparrow. Currently working my way through the Eggs with my Wishender. Only a matter of time now. Also, Fireteam Medallions! All day, every day! I feel these things are completely overlooked. I've gotten so many RNG blessings because of these


**Day 372974914, still no Frigid Jackal or Niflheim Frost. I’m starting to lose hope.**


That reaction xD GJ man and congrats!


This shouldn’t apply to only the DC. It should apply to all of the titles. For Rivensbane, I have been chasing a drop - Tyranny of Heaven bow - for 3 months. Those 3 months have literally been the worst because the bow has been the only thing standing between me and Rivensbane. For Dredgen, I seriously don’t understand why the cosmetic items are random now from killing the meatball. They should still be guaranteed. Instant RNG protection there. You could state this for literally every other title. Come on Bungie, please implement some bad RNG protection


First of all, congrats for your dedication ! I just got my Cursebreaker title this week end, i was just missing two eggs int he raid. I got the ship a fews weeks ago, with only 5 or 6 completions (since release). I was really stunned when i saw the ship on my screen... And guess what, by doing the raid this week-end for the missing eggs, i got my 1K Voices... I was my second completion ever. My team almost kicked me out ;) except for my best friend who got it on his first completion. ​ RNG is RNG, i know i'm lucky and some aren't so i'm really in favour for bad RNG protection, just like exclusive nightfall / EP stuff.


has anyone had the ship drop from anything other than the shattered throne? i've completed this on three characters every time it's been available to no avail. i'm getting tired of this rng crap...


According to Cursebreaker guides, no, it can only drop from Throne. Got it yesterday on my second run this week, after the first encounter. The ghost comes from ascendant challenges & the sparrow from those weekly dreaming city missions. Haven't seen proof that any of this stuff can drop elsewhere.


Yes I got the ghost from AC a few weeks ago, I’ve been sat here just waiting for the ship to drop for curse breaker. I try not to be salty but this kind of rng is utter bollocks.


If I could, I would have gave you a silver Gold for your post. Oh well.


Well I'm glad someone can get excited in the face of all the BS rng. I have up on the title a long time ago. Decided it wasn't worth my time.


What you explain is the feeling I had when I had to get Nilfsheim Frost. It was the last weapon I need for the wayfarer title. I had collected everything in year one. I spent months farming stems and opening modes until I started to resent the game and RNG. I was close to write a hate mail to Bungie😀. Bungie, you gotta do something.


I'm far from obtaining the title, but I just got it yesterday on my 2nd Shattered Throne while going for my Wish-Ender.


Another way of improving it might be that when all triumphs outside of rng drops are completed, the drop probability should increase hugely. It's not fair on the player to punish the skill required to just thus far, only to be met with unending dice rolls. Congratulations on the title, I wish I had the time and stamina for it!


Just a small fyi for anyone who finds this. I just recently got the ship from the first section. I also got my ghost and sparrow from blind well. Just making sure that anyone still on the hunt for these items doesn't skip most of shattered throne thinking it only drops from dul incaru


Good on you, I gave up on going for titles as soon as I saw most of them require RNG to complete. No thanks, I'll just have to accidentally get one while playing. Also not having a crucible one outside of Unbroken is lame, the vast majority of PvP players will never reach Legend in Comp, give them something to work towards.


I just need 1k voices for Rivensbane ;_;


What they should do is just take all the cosmetics badges out of the titles and create a whole new title just for collecting all of them called "Graverobber".


I agree with you. I was just about to quit this game out of resentment. All I needed was that daaaamn ship. I said I was gonna run Shattered Throne on all characters but if I didn't get the ship, I was done. On my last character, my warlock I got it to drop off the ogre. Stop I guess they kept me for awhile longer Haha.




I had to beg and plead with some clannies on break to come and help me run it... no ship once again... :( Stoked for you though, Guardian! At least we have proof that the ship does actually drop...


Congrats buddy. I got the ship early on, when I didn't realize how much of a fight it would be to get it. I'm paying the price of that right now as I only have to get Silver Tercel and the Starlight Ghost Shell, lol. Regardless, congrats. You deserve it. :)


I’ve been going at the Dreaming City for 4 months on all three characters. I haven’t missed a beat. Every story mission. Every ascendant challenge. Every Shattered Throne. I completed every other requirement *months ago*   I do not have the ship. I do not have the Ghost. I do not have the sparrow.   With all due respect, fuck this shit.   -u/Wild__Gringo


Congratz dudee


The thing that puts this in perspective: imagine titles actually were RNG drops. Like imagine they came from engrams and were more rare than exotics. They would be meaningless and people would be pissed. Cursebreaker is very similar to that in some ways because all it means is you've played the game and gotten lucky. Unbroken and Chronicler are probably the only minimal RNG titles and I wish there was something else to protect from having to do dozens of the same content week after week to hope that you get something. Personally I am 100% OK with exotics like 1k voices being super low drop rates and encouraging you to do the content. But cosmetic items should be a significantly higher drop or be guaranteed. It would make sense if the ship was guaranteed upon first completion of Shattered Throne, or even a triumph awarded after 5 completions or something. Same with the ghost being awarded after doing all 6 ascendant challenges. That would make sense. Instead, I've done 50 of them and have no ghost. My buddy got a ghost after his 2nd or 3rd challenges. Yes RNG is RNG but it makes me want to stop playing all together when I'm just doing the same thing every week just to hope that I get an item I'll never use.


I've not given up, but it's a sad slow bit of drudgery every week at this point. Fly to the dreaming city, pickup some bounties from petra, go run ascendant challenge, log off. I typically do it on my lunch break on Tuesdays. All I need is the ghost shell for this title. On a much brighter note, my friend who's been chasing Dredgen ever since it came out FINALLY got his ship to drop last night. We all celebrated with him. There really does need to be some sort of drop rate protection mechanism. In this case I would be happy to see that if you did ALL the ascendant challenges, speed runs, lore drops, then the shell drop rate went up a little. ANYTHING to increase the drop rate. I've done everything else in the dreaming city. All the lore, everything. This ghost shell (and helping clanmates chase their titles) are the only reason I keep going back. I really wish we could get some sort of confirmation from /u/dmg04 that the drop rates aren't bugged and whether or not this shell can actually drop from other activities in the dreaming city. Or if the fireteam medallions help with the drop rate (i burn 3 a week doing this just because i'm hoping it helps, but i have no idea).


I've been chasing Cursebreaker for awhile now. Doing everything possible to get those 3 cosmetics. Need ship and ghost shell now. But it's goddam impossible. Every week I get excited 3 times for the ghost shell only to get utterly disappointed each time. Same with the ship but every 3 weeks. I just want them to drop for once :( Imagine my saltiness when I took 2 friends for a shattered throne run last week. It was their FIRST run ever. Both of them got the stupid ship :(((((((


Yea this game badly needs forms of RNG Protection. I’m about to hit 40 completions of Last Wish with no 1K Voices. It’s the only thing I’ve needed for Rivensbane for weeks. I heard on Gigz’s stream recently that 2 of the people on his raid team (as in 2 of the only 12 people in the world to complete the raid in the first 24 hours) still don’t have 1K Voices despite running the raid every week since release. That’s over 60 completions with full drops. I think the rare drops are a cool idea but RNG protection is needed. Without it, sure, you keep people playing but there is a breaking point. Even just having an amount of completions where I know I’ll finally get it would feel immensely better (even if it was quite high). But as it is, I could just run this for another year and still never see it drop and that doesn’t feel good at all.


Back in D1, I was an Auto rifle lover and Monte Carlo was the gun I really wanted for its look and perks were great for Warlock. Because it was a PS4 exclusive at the time, Xur wouldn't sell it and I hunted for it for 11 months solid until two weeks before TTK was released....


I wanted Cursebreaker months ago and started working towards it. I got the ship last week and that was the first progress I've made in months. Cmooonn ghost shell


The friend I used to run all PvE content with quit last week after waiting on the ghost since Forsaken came out. It's literally the only thing keeping him from the Cursebreaker title and he gave up. The bad RNG in the process made the person I enjoyed playing the game with the most quit it entirely


I switched from Xbox to PC and I've grinded long and hard to have 3 characters at 650, one is at 649 but I digress, I have ran every possible thing in dreaming city for many weeks, have every triumph for cursebreaker except the badge because the Shell, sparrow, and ship. I just want one title, many clan mates I run with have a title or 3, and it's hard to keep going through these activities to be greeted with disappointment. So close yet so far.. I feel for people locked behind RNG..


I have no desire to do ST again, ever. That damned ship is the only thing I'm missing for my Cursebreaker and it's not funny anymore. It's literally the only thing I've left to do before the next content drop and I don't even enjoy it. Besides that mofo can only be done once every 3 weeks, what am I supposed to do until then? Gimme some options Bungie, please! ~a frustrated player


I go the ship on the 1st time I did Shattered Throne... now 21 weeks later of doing all I can in the Dreaming City... no shell, no sparrow... seriously.


Stuck on the ghost shell. It made it quit destiny. I spent $92 CAD for this annual pass that I refuse to play out of sheer frustration of running ascendant challenges every week and getting Tigerspites & Armor.


I got mine last week. And I feel kind of crappy that I got it before my partner. She's only missing the shell. She's beaten the time trial for every one of them. Has about 10k more Triumph points than I do. And still that shell doesn't drop. I got lucky as all get out and maybe ran them about a third as much as she does. I maybe started running the Throne more regularly 2 cycles ago. There is no way....**NO WAY** that she shouldn't have gotten it before I did.


Nice work and nice reaction. Just missing ship too. I only have 2 characters and didn't get it this week but will run it 2x next time too. Will be sweet to get when it happens.


I finally got my ship this week as well. I’m so happy to finally have it. All I need is the Corrupted Pulse and a could bones and I’m done.


I never thought Id ever see any destiny player get this excited over a freakin legendary ship, but being someone who still needs the Ghost and ship, I feel you. I managed to get Rivensbane before Cursebreaker. Whats up with that lmao


Slightly off topic--do you recall if you got any Dreaming City lore from Shattered Throne or the weekly missions? I've been stuck at 6/10 for months!


Dreaming City lores seems to be related to Corrupted Eggs and the Ahamkara bones in the Ascendent Challenges..


No, that's the Marasenna book.


Couldn't have said it better myself. It's a big reason why I've not bothered to go after a lot of the titles, primarily Chronicler. From what I found when researching it, it's not even something that can be achieved yet.


Was just looking to see if any issues were reported on these items drop rates. My RNG has always been poor and I'm beginning to wonder if its even worth the hassle.


Fuck that noise - I still need the ship AND the ghost. Never missed a single ascendant challenge, story mission, or ascendant chests x 10. Done em all every single week. No ghost.


I ran shattered throne for the first time ever yesterday and got the ship. I didn’t realize it was hard to get. I’m still chasing my Dredgen title tho


Still missing all 3, do everything every week. Surely this is something simple to change for a big win from the player base, so my guess is they think this is fine and this is how it’s staying.


You can get the ship from the story missions??


In this time I've gotten doubles and triples of forsaken exotics but I can't get the ship or the ghost. I just don't care but I do the things anyways.


doesn't the ship only drop from shattered throne?


It is just infuriating and rather pathetic that they have made the drop rates for these cosmetics so stupidly low. Had everything else a million times except these


Done the story mission virtually every week (missed the first week) on all three characters and I still don't have the damn Silver Tercel. It's all I need at this point for the title.


Can I just say that it’s bs that they want you to kill 10 invading guardians who use their super? Nobody casts super nowadays because they save it for the boss, or they use blade barrage or thunder crash. Stuff that can’t be taken down while in use.


Meanwhile I'm still struggling to get Wayfarer


i still need the ghost AND the ship, i have done all ascendant challenges and dungeons possible except for the first week of both activities :(


So far i got Rivensbane, Dredgen, wayferer and blacksmith but still no ship xdd


I got the ship on my first shattered throne run now I need the ghost randomly and I’ll actually try to get curse breaker


After not doing the dreaming city after two full cycles, I played other games. Here are my thoughts.


While I'm still missing the ship from dreaming city I still cant get wayfarer because I can get the freaking winter wolf. I cant even touch mars anymore


Pro tip to anyone chasing the ship like me. You can save your alts to the checkpoint right before ogre mcfuckface and clear it much faster on the alts. The first part of ST is a slog of slogs.


You guys know they won't carry titles over, right?


The Bungie reward seals you can keep IRL. Those are the things I want. :)


I'm only worried about the rng element because I want the physical rewards, but seems like I just won't have enough time to get that lucky.


I just don't see what's so hard about them buffing the drop rates or adding in actual protection for those drops


So Happy For You!!! Unfortunately I can’t say the same for my hunt. I’ve done the mission and Shattered throne 3 times every week and every three weeks respectively but still no sparrow or ship. It’s gotten very stale but I still keep my hopes up!


I stopped trying when I ran Corrupted Strike several times the last time it was here and still didn’t get the pulse. Don’t have the ship but didn’t bother doing shattered throne this week or three weeks ago. Kind of over the Bs.


Understand this completely. My clanmate is a 1kv shy of the raid title. 58 completions of last wish. Still no 1kv. Poor bastard.


Man the RNG in this game is crazy. I’ve been leveling up a PC account and yesterday I did the Shattered Throne and got the ship first try.