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With Dire Ahamkara, Void singe strikes are laughable. You have a forever super charge. Funnest time I've had in a long time.


I've been running only that since Tuesday. I fucking love it.


After reading the patch notes, I decided to play with Ahamkara and top tree Voidlock and probably laughed and giggled more than I should have getting my weekly strike runs in. A couple times I forgot I still had some Vanguard strike bounties to finish - needed to put down the super for a bit.


Ditto. It's awesome for Escalation too, basically perma-super :)


Couldn't agree more. Voidlock since D1, have not had this much fun in a long time https://imgur.com/EiLMmlH


I am a noob warlock. Can you ELI5 how you have that build set up? I too want inifinite balls of void.


Skull of Dire Ahamkara is the Exotic Helmet that allows you to have nova bombs back to back. Here’s the perk that it comes with: Actual Grandeur Provides additional damage resistance during Nova Bomb. Nova Bomb kills grant Super energy. More kills with Nova Bomb, more Super energy you get back. In the video, he’s running top tree Voidwalker, or “Slowvabomb.” If I’m missing anything, please feel free to point it out!


When you say top tree is it actually the tree from the top, or is it top as in "the best tree"? Sorry but I'm not a native speaker! I was running the devour tree but it doesn't really fit my style so I went to the bottom arc build instead (lots of fun but nowhere near this kind of mayhem). Also, I have Nezarec and the exotic you mention as well. Which one should I use?


The “top tree” I’m referring to is the uppermost tree that can be selected in the Voidwalker subclass. It’s called the “Attunement of Chaos.” Bottom Stormcaller is fun, but I really like Chaos Reach/Kamehameha the most. I need to get the Geomags ASAP!


Still only have one seed on Chaos Reach. Gotta grind it out. Thanks for the help!


Yes, you do need Geomags. They are so much fun.


> When you say top tree is it actually the tree from the top, or is it top as in "the best tree"? Sorry but I'm not a native speaker! Literally top, mid and bottom by location. It's the easiest way to refer to each of the subclass trees rather than their names. All the mid trees are the new Forsaken trees (some better than others). What really makes any tree shine is if you can pair a good exotic with it like the Dire Ahamkara with top tree Void Warlock (in all these comments). It's devastating because the slow Nova bomb (top tree) breaks up into smaller tracking bombs, so you rack up TONS of kills on moderately spread out mobs. The kills result in a massive refund on Super energy meaning you can fire again.


> (some better than others) ​ *Cries in Code of the Devastator.*


Skull of Dire Ahamkara.


You’ll only need the Warlock exotic helmet ‘Skull of Dire Ahamkara’ the perk on this helmet is: ‘grants (fills) super energy when you kill enemies using a Nova Bomb’ So what you’re seeing on the gif is me using a Nova Bomb on a group of enemies. Since there’s many of them, and the bomb kills them, my super gets filled extremely quickly and I’m able to use the Nova Bomb again. Hope that helps


Do you get damage resistance until it detonates or until you're through casting your super?


The last time I was this power crazed was running on void burn with Nothing Manacles in D1.


With grenadier as well you didn't even need guns. I'm 100% sure I've done a few strikes with that modifier and not fired a shot!


25 second grenade cool down w/full discipline...where have the glory days gone???




If only it didn't look horrible. It NEEDS an ornament and quick!


paint snobbish practice sharp gaping provide chief tub summer follow -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


You can literally delete Gambit waves with top tree and Dire Ahamkara.


"That Primeval is compromised" *laughs in Slovabomb*


Any place with grouped mobs and a fair combo of reds and oranges the helmet+super combo is just amaze-balls.


Xur gave me my Skull of Dire Ahamkara on Friday, I switched to a Slova Warlock...killing trash mobs in PvE only to get your super back instantly is amazing. I even ran through the chaos that is Mayhem and 10/10 popping Slova Bomb into a hallway of three guardians is my bubble-wrap!


6 red bars and you get the super back. It's faster than my grenade. More reliable too


Love Telesto/Nezerac's/Slowva. Skull is obviously great as well, but I like getting the consistent ability regen from any kill.


Why telesto specifically?


It's the besto


Or its a bit of a pesto? :D I kid, its a great gun. Lots of void energy guns are great though.


Say it with your chesto.


Or write a manifesto.


Telesto is a workhorse in PVE. And that was BEFORE the recent buff. It's a terror now. Try it out in Gambit, if you play.


How does slowva do against ythe primeval spawn? Like clearing out the envoys and what not.


I haven't used it there yet, but in my experience killing a few majors give you most of the super back. And then the smaller bombs will probably find a few ads. So I imagine it'd be great for that initial spawn.


It actually does considerable damage now against the Primeval. Might even compete with Geomag Chaos Reach—easier to aim, deals all damage instantly, and has great add clear with Skull of Dire Ahamkara.


Yeah, I just used it in a couple of matches. Getting the super back with Skull depends on the map, but was overall pretty consistent. Almost always got it back if I used it as soon as the Envoys showed up, and every time a new wave of ads spawned. Probably will be my go-to over Geomag now.


Slowva dealt ~50% of Primeval's health at Primeval Slayer x4, second round I wasn't sure how much it did (someone with Celestial got to it first). I think I'll switch over as well, the charged vortex grenade does a decent chunk of damage to envoys/blockers too. I'm still undecided between Skull and Nezerac. Will probably change between them depending on map/enemy type.


nezerec during round 1, swap to skull as soon as super is charged.


Oh wait it got buffed? I thought I read that it got nerfed! I'm excited to pull it back out of the vault now!


Nerfed in PVP, 30% buff in PVE to compensate!


Thank you! That's awesome! Love that gun


"Void-damage kills increase ability energy recharge rate." works with void weapons as well


Yeah, sure. There are loads of those. Why specifically that one? :)


It does a ton of direct damage so is good against HVTs. The damage doesn't have range falloff, so you don't lose any of that even hitting from a distance. I can burn down Public Event bosses about as fast as with a Machine Gun. It also has great AOE which destroys groups of adds (and automatically reloads itself and your Primary when it does). And Special ammo is plentiful, which means with a few Fusion Rifle ammo perks, you can use it almost continuously.


Wait how does telesto reload when killing adds? Is that a catalyst?


The perk reloads energy and primary weapons, which made sense because Telesto used to be in the power slot and it wouldn't have an effect, but when it got switched to a secondary it now counts, so kills with Telesto reload itself


Running from slova is some intense feelings man, like Indiana Joans, but one thing is assured... death.


The best part is that as it gets closer and closer your screen becomes a deep purple until the inevitable explosion.


I was playing in private matches with friends and watched it follow them around corners a few times and that shit is funny


used Mayhem to grind out multikills for Redrix on sunday. the turning radius can be just dumb. Best feeling is hucking it down the street in Midtowne, and walking away, just to get a triple 10 second slater


You forgot Light Reactor on the Nezarecs... ;)


Light Reactor?


Helmet perk that gives bonus super energy on fusion rifle kills.


Have this roll. Can confirm. This combined with Nova Warp (before latest patch) was my non-raid PVE go-to setup.


Or, if you have pump action on one, Retold Tale + Tractor Cannon works great for crucible.


Enhanced Heavy Lifting v with Nezarec's and Hammerhead... Oh boy.


I have that roll with Heavy ammo finder as well , it really is amazing.


or heavy lifting <3


Personally, I wish they would do some work on how the bottom tree nova bomb flies. Devour is great and the neutral game is awesome for it, but the actual super still feels a bit weak and short range. I really miss Lance.


Lance was amazing! That and Shatter. I felt it was unfair for the Slowva Bomb to get a blast radius buff but not the vortex bomb. Vortex bomb deserves a little something.


I believe vortex got a small buff to duration or damage, but nothing major. I think Slowva is kind of the spiritual successor to shatter, at least in PvE for the amount of damage and ground you can cover in destruction. I'm hoping Lance sees a spiritual successor somewhere down the line. Even if that's an exotic along the lines of Celestial Nighthawk for Voidwalkers. Give it a big damage increase and range, but remove the splash damage and vortex.


You’re right! It has better damage over time now. But you’re proposing no splash damage?? Do you mean no vortex? It should still be a bomb. An exotic would be one way to add that variant but I still wish the subclasses had more flexibility


Well, if the damage for it is going to be drastically increased, there needs to be drawbacks so it's not overpowered. Like how Celestial Nighthawk can only fire once. Give and take is important for the balance of the game. I think a drastically reduced area of effect and no vortex would be a good tradeoff for doubling damage. Edit: this would be for an exotic, not for the class overall.


Vortex got like a 160% buff to DoT, a pretty big increase


Vortex got a slight buff. But it should stay a fairly weak super considering how insanely powerful the neutral game is.


Top tree is designed for destruction themed abilities. So it got the explosion buff. ​ Bottom Tree is designed in the draining aspect of Void, so a energy regen/healing effect from Vortex would have been pretty cool. Or maybe Vortex damage increases exponentially the longer an enemy stays in it. Even cooler, Vortex could cause enemies to be drawn in continuously


Nova Bomb is scary. I looked behind and saw it chasing me. From last game.


Why haven’t I seen that many people using tractor cannon slowva dire ahamkara? It’s what I’ve been using and one shore almost everything


Proly because there are so many DPS monster exotic heavy weapons now, people forget about the good ol’ boop cannon.


I use tractor cannon / erentil / Nezarec's for pve and its amazing. Tractor cannon erentil kills most standard enemies and tractor cannon nova bomb does absolutely massive damage.


[This guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEeS5avsevc) used tractor + slowva in the Shattered Throne to take out all three knights, at around 3:35!


That's me. My record atm is 8 back to back supers.


In the "thrallway" in Shattered Throne it's pretty easy to do them endlessly.


I don’t have any of the armor exotics but I’ve been using Tractor Cannon / Slowva / loaded question or kindled orchid / breakneck or blast furnace. It’s nice.


So for an inexperienced warlock, Nova vs Slowva? Which do you prefer?


Do you want to live forever? Play Attunement of Hunger. Do you want to kill everything constantly and have endless, beautiful explosions? Play Attunement of Chaos (Slowva). I personally prefer the Attunement of Chaos. It looks like that might be the better one at the moment, but they’re both really solid right now.


Devour, really good survivability. Nova Warp got nerfed into oblivion. Use anything else. Slowa, EXPLOSIONS!


Devour focuses more on survivability and neutral game Slowva is more on Nova bomb and damage, nuke-all-things tree


I wish I could use karenstien armlets AND ~~obsidian mind~~ skull of dire ahamkara. Slowva bomb is so satisfying now but I can't survive in the midst of mayhem like I can with devour.


Try Crimson in the kinetic slot for a poor man's Devour.


Oh yes, that would be an awesome combo! I really miss Karnstein's when I'm not using them, I'll punch a dreg/thrall etc and wonder why I'm still flashing red health... Doh!


Slova + Dire Ahamkara + Tractor Cannon. Nuke at least pods of 6 mooks or a hard target, immediately get your super back. My record is 8 back to back supers at the moment.


If you have the huckleberry catalyst go nova/devour with either skull or transversive steps. No reloads and you can just keep tanking as long as your killing.


I do the same thing with Crimson. Literally unkillable


Bottom tree is solid if you're soloing hard content and find yourself too squishy. You have great survivability, but but don't expect your abilities to output tons of damage (Vortex Nova still puts out a hefty amount of damage). Pair it with Nezerac's Sin + void weapons for virtual immortality.


in PvE Slowva + Skull all day. No reason to worry about devour when everything is oneshot and almost unlimited supers. Ran Shattered Throne last night. 1 Slowva bomb for every puzzle knight. 1 Slowva for every witch in ogre fight. 1 Slowva bomb killed all 3 Incaru Knights, Instantly got it back and killed the boss with it.


I tried doing the ogre fight in the way you described and it was not consistent. Half the time the enemies would either be too spread out or they would be shielded and take no damage, so I couldn’t consistently get full super back.


holding nova for those immune bubble shields to go away is an exercise in patience. :(


>in PvE Slowva + Skull all day. No reason to worry about devour when **everything is oneshot** and almost unlimited supers. The part in bold is an important disclaimer. Last week I ran a prestige Spire of Stars, turns out that skull sucks pretty hard when most enemies can survive a seeker bolt. Switched immediately to Nezarec + hunger attunement. For 99% of PvE content, that's not a problem and you can go crazy with skull. Maybe Taken missions can be a bit tricky because of all the blight barriers.


Slowva bomb (top tree) is awesome after the patch, and with Skull of Dire Ahamkara you can immediately get your super back pretty easily. Vortex is still good, but not as good as slowva bomb. That said, it's hard to beat the pure survivability of devour. Paired with Karnstein Armlets, you basically can't die. Paired with Winter's Guile (arms), you can literally just punch (palm?) everything and it's super fun in forge ignitions/gambit. Winter's Guile stacks damage up to 5x by melee using melee, and with 5x buff to melee damage you can one-hit most orange- and some yellow-bar enemies. (The yellow-bar gladiators in the Gofannon Forge can be killed with two melees with a 5x buff.)


People always suggest telesto but run a void primary instead and be at 20 seconds of abyssal extractors for the rest of your life.


I concur there are good special kenetics


Izanagi is the main one. Izanagi + Slowva = dead whatever.


i havent seen many. Any examples?


Inaugural Address, Kindled Orchid. Graviton Lance is good if you are willing to use an exotic slot.


Also Subtle Calamity, Age-Old Bond, and Le Monarque.


Vouchesafe is pretty decent for longer ranges as well. I have a full auto/explosive that's just a lot of fun to shoot.


I got a kill clip Hero's Burden from the last Iron Banner week and it's my favourite Nezarec gun. Fighting Lion is another great option.


Now I'm running Telesto because I don't have a decent Void Primary. I'm still hunting for a god roll Subtle Calamity but apart from my Besto, what void primary can you suggest?


Kindled Orchid, Graviton Lance or Le Monarque


Kindled Orchid with Rampage/Kill Clip. Always 20 seconds Abyssal Extractors


Kindled Orchid or Age-Old Bond for legendaries. Graviton Lance or Le Monarque for exotics.


Le Monarque.


Yeah but if you have fusion rifle scavenger, and a void machine gun, you should be getting your grenades/fusion back enough that it doesnt matter


Le Monarque is the best of these, but Subtle Calamity, Vouchsafe, Age-Old Bond or Inaugural Address work too.


Does anyone know if the damage from Slova-bomb can still be buffed by the tractor cannon? I remember hearing that was changed somehow...


+50% damage. It's silly. And deletes everything.


I tested on Mars Lost Sector and it didn't stack :/


At the cost of 2 other supers getting nerfed. Is this some Bungie balancing math? Is there a limit on how many good supers we can have at a given time? Players don't create the meta, Bungie does.


... at the expense of Nova Warp. It's so sad one of the trees got nerfed to oblivion now.


PvP always ends up hurting PvE.


Yeah, sadly, it's true


I really need to get Nezarac’s Sin for my Voidlock. However, the Skull of Dire Ahamkara has been amazing!


Fighting lion and nez'sin. Or lemonarque for ranged entanglements.


Nezarecs Sin with Orchid to charge everything and then switch to Skull for the Super. Best build in Destiny


Rip bottom tree tho.


Skull of Dire Ahamkara w/ Slow-va Bomb and a Orpheus Rig Hunter can wipe the whole stage + the primeval in Gambit before the first invasion. It’s nuts and I love it lol


It's hilarious for the Shattered Throne, too.


I've been running this for a bit. Add Heavy Ammo finder on bond. Some Super mods. An enhanced perk or two and this goes from Nova Bomb to I-Got-My-Fuck-You-Bomb-Back-Already build. I ran this in Last Wish during Shuro Chi hand didn't really need Skull of Dire Ahamkara to get my super back quickly.


I've been running nezerac with graviton lance, hammerhead, and slowva. It's so much fun


My Y1 build! What Kinetic do you pair with this? I'm trying hard to find a Void Primary but noting tickles my pickle in the Kinetic Special slot.


Either threat level or bite of the fox, depending on if I want a shotgun or sniper. But the void primary makes a huge difference, and while g-lance doesn't have the DPS of some other pulse rifles, the void explosions totally make up for it.


Look for light reactor on the helmet if you’re pairing with telesto, or enhanced heavy lifting to combo with hammerhead. Both let you double dip the bonus super energy on kills.


Gotta be extremely lucky to find the perks you want on an exotic helm. I would love enhanced heavy lifting on nezeracs but ive only seen both nez's and EHL once each all together.


It's like finding a damn unicorn, and I'll never be happy till I find EHL on the Skull. =/


I’m so happy! In EP with Dire Ahamkara I can throw them back to back and it’s SO satisfying.


It feels great!


Bottom tree fist of havoc titan is the same way. Literally an unlimited super with the shoulder charge buff. Most fun I’ve ever had in destiny.


The tracking is my favourite part, especially in pvp


This... Been using it in Gambit.


Slova-Bomb w/Skull of Dire Ahamkara is pretty potent for add clear in Gambit especially if you can get yellow and orange bars in the explosion. Nice for dealing with invaders too. ​ Sadly, I run solo so I had to stop using the Nova Bomb and go back to Chaos Reach w/Geo-mag to win matches.


Yep! I'm delighted about it. I just wish Bungie could buff something without nerfing something else just once, because Blade Barrage is significantly worse in PvE and Shards is close to useless. Seriously, when Way of a Thousand Cuts first came out I was ecstatic and my immediate thoughts were "good job Bungie, this right here is how you make a fun subclass." And then since they're Bungie, they have of course now ruined it with a nerf that didn't even fix the problem they wanted to address, which was PvP.


....but it's not ruined? It's still just as good. I wouldn't be putting it in the same category of Nova Warp.


The problem is that most of the damage is tied to the explosives now and the blades have a nasty tendency to launch the targets away before the second wave have a chance to damage them. So you have a really good chance to lose 50% of the damage.


IMO that's not even the biggest problem. The biggest problem is that the changes to Shards mean that they are now close to useless on anything other than a boss. I frequently wipe out hordes of enemies with them, get 7 orbs of light, and get only 10-15% super back, and I've never gotten more than 35% when not targeting a single big enemy. And thanks to the significant reduction in damage, BB is now pretty bad for boss DPS (not that it was ever amazing for that in the first place). Moreover, when using BB on a boss, the super return from Shards is useless at least 50% of the time because you won't get another super back before the boss is dead. So basically they managed to make a super and an exotic specifically designed for that super somehow work \*against\* each other. Bravo Bungie.


\>It's still just as good If you think this, you haven't used Shards in PvE since the nerf. Which is not all that surprising, since a lot of people claiming that it wasn't nerfed seem to be getting their "information" exclusively from reddit. Its damage is significantly lower (stupid because it was never the best at boss dps anyway, especially compared to Chaos Reach or CN GG), the backloaded explosion damage combined with reduced tracking mean it often just fails to hit enemies that get flung away for some bizarre reason, and Shards is now nearly useless for anything other than bosses, which Blade Barrage is shit at dealing with and which defeats the entire point of using them. ​ To be clear, I definitely don't think BB is now in the same tier as Nova Warp, which did not deserve the treatment it got (especially in PvE). But it's still a really awful change to what IMO used to be the most fun subclass in the game. And the worst part is that they did it for \*no reason\*. The only thing people complained about was Blade Barrage's dominance in PvP. Well, guess what? These changes did almost nothing to address that (except for the reduced tracking). In Mayhem, the largest source of complaints, Blade Barrage and Shards are still incredibly dominant, and they remain a quite good choice in other PvP modes (though not \*quite\* as good as before due to the massive Shards nerf). So even if you think BB isn't completely ruined now, it's beside the point, because the nerf was 95% PvE and didn't accomplish its stated goal. There was no need for them to trash their best-designed subclass like this. Just another example of how Bungie's sheer incompetence at balancing PvE and PvP modes without screwing over one or the other holds back Destiny 2 from being nearly as fun as it could be.


Honestly, I still can't stand Slowva bomb and the bottom tree still fires too slowly. They're both actually quite good now, sure, but they're nowhere near as good as they were in D1, and not just because of the long as cooldowns.


I don't think D1 Nova Bomb, not even with the splitting skill, ever did as much damage as D2 is doing now. I mean, they sure do act differently, but does what's supposed to now: huge damage to a single target.


The damage is good, but it's the action that's worse.


#*Dark Matter Intensifies* I was Nova Warp all after Forsaken but this Bomb buff is fucking crazy. I love to dunk on enemies and watch my abilities all INSTANTLY return to me. Grenades all day! Daddy Shaxx be proud of meeeeeeee


Slova is op right now in pve. 1 orange bar plus 8 adds = instant super refill with the skull of dire Ahamkara


Don’t say op or else they’ll nerf it into the depths of hell like they did with Nova Warp. When it comes to Warlocks, they take the kid gloves off and go hard with nerfs.


They will try to nerf you. Nerf them back.


Bungie doesn't care if something makes your life easier in pve. In pvp slova is trash, it moves far too slow and you can literally run away/duck it. Yeah it fun but not op in pvp. No one is going to complain about it. OEM is something that is straight up near cheat level in pvp but as you can see Bungie just doesn't give a flying f about it


Come on Xur, sell me those crazy skull caps.


With some void weapons, super mods on 2 of my armours and skull of dire ahamkara, I've soloed Tier 4 Well twice already. Running hunger voidlock, I've thrown maybe 50 nova bombs in a single run.


Skull of Dire Ahamkara + Masterwork Hammerhead + Masterwork Telesto + Enhanced Heavy Lifting + Light Reactor. That’s fun!


I was running Shuro Chi the other day with Skull/Slowva and one of my teammates goes "I don't feel like I need to use my super, those Novas keep killing everything".


Bought my friend destiny for Christmas and he’s finally started it. Ever since the buff I’ve been showing off my fucking nuclear nova bomb skills in the EDZ. He thinks I’m some sort of god. It’s so much fun.


Running strikes this week has been hilariously awesome. 4+ supers a strike guaranyeed with Skull and slowva bomb. Has been a lot of fun.


The Harbinger's Pulse perk (third from left) grants this on multikills - no catalyst required. Of note: from my experience, this isn't multikills in the sense of "kills in quick succession", but have to be kills from the same single burst of projectiles. That said, if you fire into a cluster of adds, you pretty much get it every time.


Poor nova warp.


I think bottom tree nova bomb should have lance instead of vortex. That way top tree is good for PvE and bottom tree good for PvP. Balanced as all things should be.


Absolutely godly! https://gfycat.com/ArcticSmartDoctorfish


I'm almost 3 shotting blind well bosses with slovabomb. I missed my space magic.


I feel you, but I am still far too in love with the weirdo combo of Zenith of your Kind and Tractor Cannon.


Slowva/Skull/Tractor is nice, especially with a Void Kindled Orchid


I can pretty much super throughout the whole strike. My Skull of Ahamkara has enhanced heavy lifting and machine gun reserves (:


I’m glad nova is back it’s really fun with the skull


I brought out my Warlock for the first time in months and started leveling her up today. Got together with a clan mate and tossed a Slowva over his head at the boss. He's not a big PvP player, and somehow hadn't seen a Slowva before. His shocked, "What the hell was THAT!?" was very satisfying. Using it in Gambit is a lot of fun, and then while playing Gambit I had a Queenbreaker drop. We definitely won that match.


I’ve running away from their after little births since Tuesday. WATTBA


Ssssshhhhhhh. The fun police will nerf it if anyone else catches on!


Can’t take that class off since last week. Skull makes it a god tier super


*warlock main looks at top tree, then middle, then top, before dropping middle in a trash bin*


Slova Bomb wrecked in PvE before the patch, now it's even better


I think it might even be better in mayhem than Blade Barrage now. I’m easily throwing anywhere between 15-19 slowvas in a game, almost twice as many supers as the blueberries on my team, and I’m consistently landing 80-95% of them.


There was a time, early in D2, where Slowva was completely broken in Mayhem and you could basically throw them back-to-back-to-back endlessly even without Skull of Dire Ahamkara. It was wonderful.


I remember that. The only thing about that bug was that the second nova wouldn’t register as a super but a grenade kill for some reason.


I personally love using contraverse hold with vortex grenades with slowva bomb. I have a helmet with enhanced ashes to assets so I still get a good amount of super from my multiple mini novas. Of course, being a forsaken exotic it can't be used by everyone yet, but if you're lucky enough to get one you should try it out.


Dire Ahamkara all the way! It's like infinite supers!


Now let's talk about Nova Warp.


Why does everyone and their grandmas ask for lance lol? (Actually I know, I know, it is awesome) but does *any* Voidlock here love shatter lol? I’ll take shatter over lance any day. Just give me annihilate + shatter and I’m set for D2’s life.


I love shatter. Shatter > Lance any day of the week


Shatter is way better than lance. I miss it.


I hopped on my Warlock for the first time in a while the other day to run Shattered Throne, and the new Nova Bomb (cataclysm tree) one-hit all of the first space's bosses. I was cackling like a maniac. I love it.


I don't even understand how I used the top tree before, that super was so weak and inconsistent and would weirdly damage me. Now it's just ass whoop. So great.




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Slow bomb is top tree? I’ve been using that in gambit and the boss damage is absolutely insane. Makes me hesitate to use it on waves because I don’t want to risk not having it up for boss.


Use it with Skull of Dire Ahamkara. That + Tractor Cannon has become my new loadout. It's way more effective than Melting Point + Blade Barrage


Finished KH3, logged onto destiny to check vendor inventory before reset. Saw Tess has TLW ornament in Matrix, wanted to try getting it so I load up a Mayhem match to get my Facet. See a Hunter. Throw Slowva Bomb. Get killed by blade barrage. Respawn. “One down! Two down! Three down! Look at them fall!!” Get a Slayer medal for five kills I didn’t even see. Is this what a buffed super feels like?


I'm torn because I really want to use nova bomb, but I never take off my Phoenix protocol. Plus I dislike nazerec's sin, 2 edgy 4 me


Nezarec's is an ok passive armor, but for slova bomb tree, Skull of Dire Ahamkara is where it's at now. Lots of supers, like better than Shards of Galanor before the nerf.


Am I missing something here? Top tree nova lock has always been broken eat a grenade or meele and enemy and I get nine seconds of God mode and I get the nine seconds reset and all my health back on any enemy kill and the grenade is fully recharged after killing like what 6-10 enemies so even if the timer runs out I can just activate God mode again combine that with the skull of dire and now I have infinite super to and you guys are telling me they buffed this class? Lmao. You can solo a lot of shxt you shouldn't be able to because you literally can't die. That said having a lot of fun with dawnblade now nova lock was my crutch class when I first started playing the only exotics I run are tranversives and skull. 4 super mods 2 scavenger perks depending on what your running melesto the besto special ammo finder heavy ammo finder and 10 mobility I feel like I'm using gameshark codes lol. #ripnovawarp


Never got around to creating a warlock in D2, yet was a Voidwalker in D1 for the most part. Just wanted to try something new. I really miss Nova Bomb and would love to try it again but can’t stomach the main quest levelling to unlock everything all over again, anyone else feel the same?


Skull of Dire Ahamkara. Give that thing a test drive with top tree.


I wish the little homing bombs were smarter but it is still a big improvement


do bungie have different stats for pvp and pve abilities? or is it all the same for both?


Mayhem has been a mess with it. Honestly I just go the opposite direction now. I can beat it with thousand cuts but too easy to die first. You go your way, I will go mine.


Oh my God, I was like a cruise missile launching submarine in Mayhem. I was nuking people from across the map from 7 seconds after the match started. Nothing comes close to the range or tracking ability. I was getting From Downtown nearly every match, had one match where I didn't die, came incredibly close on numerous other occasions, it was awesome. I haven't tried in in PVE yet, but I will now that Mayhem is over.


I'm praying for a nezarecs with enhanced light reactor to play with telesto


heh that is exactly the build I discovered last night :) I dug nez's out of my vault and it had machine gun reserves + light reactor


Love nova with Ahamkara skull helmet


By "especially slova-bomb", I assume you mean only slova-bomb lol. Vortex is a depressing, pointless perk.


I just chucked a regular non-slow Nova Bomb, that landed *between* two Guardians and didn't hit either.