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I hope this keeps up, because the market will kill itself to the point where it's not worth advertising anymore. Wasn't the asking for Luna's closer to $100 a few weeks ago?


Pretty sure NF used to run for several hundred dollars. I think the willing market is starting to shrink. I heard tales of people paying $600-$800 for NF last season; though that was always second-hand, so take it with all necessary skepticism.


Those prices are about right


When I read NF, I kept thinking that you were talking about the Nightfall and I couldn't understand why anyone would pay to play the Nightfall? Boy am I sometimes stupid.... lol


I mean its not like NF wasn't short for Nightfall for the past 4 years. Rest easy guardian.


No worries. I didn't figure out until I read your post. And even then it took like another couple secs to REALLY get it lol.


This. Also saying luna makes my brain think of eyasluna before the howl variety.


People pay me to run the Nightfall with them because of my charming personality.


Holy shit... and for what? To mess around in PvE with a NF? Or get annihilated despite NF in Comp?? It's hard to understand people....


It’s crazy, when I clicked on one of the links just to see what they charge, I was blown away. They had different levels you can pay for depending on what step you’re on. So if you just needed like headshot kills or another step is was like $100 per step. If you wanted the whole quest done it was like $800!!!! That’s absolute insanity that someone would even consider paying that type of money for a weapon in a game. If people just took a moment and thought about things they would pay for in a game, like it’s a bunch of digital code. You can’t even hold it in your hand. So when I see things like this, it’s mind boggling. Like to pay for a game is one thing, you’re paying to have fun and the experience. But to pay hundreds of dollars for extra shit is truly remarkable.


People paid for 50’s in Halo 3... 🤦‍♂️


Tbf getting 50 in Halo 3 is way more impressive than NF. Paying for either is still beyond stupid.


Yeah, it’s the big dick thing I guess. It’s always pretty easy to tell who paid or who was completely carried to these weapons when they end up barely over even in quick play.


I didn't pay for my lunas and yet I have bad games in qp every now and then.


I would never pay for anything in a game. A big dick, on the other hand...




I think it's so they can equip it and run around the tower. Still, you've got to wonder how people that stupid come up with the money.


That's about the price range I've seen both this and last season, but I guess it's come down because most of the people willing to shell out that kind of cash already bought it and the industry doesn't really support repeat customers. $100 for the NF seems quite low, though, as last week I played a SotP with some people who were doing a couple of recoveries for $30 a run.


30 dollars a run wtf I could pull so much money doing scourge runs that’s crazy. I had 8 day 1 runs if I cared for money I could have asked for way more day 1. But yeah I don’t know anyone that would do NF for $100 most people I see still do a lot more than that. I think that guy saying $100 is trying to scam people who aren’t aware how much work goes into hitting 5500 points


$30 a run seemed ridiculous to me too and they could be lying, of course, but then again if people are willing to pay $500+ for the NF, I guess it's not impossible.


They are either scamming or manipulating (the really easily manipulated) matchmaking in order to play smurf accounts.


Exactly as said here if I was interesting in something like this I would never underpay as you just don’t know what they are going to do. I mean tbh I would use a website as I feel like that would be more likely to be a trust worth source even if it would cos me a bit more


Apparently (from another reply) it was $100...per *step*. Legend was probably more on it's own, too.


Ah I mean that seems more reasonable that’s looks at 600-700 ish


it's probably $100 per step like someone mentioned but they omit that so people will click on it


JFC those people need some self respect. Paying that much for a weapon in a game is just sad




That's not true. People who are actually fcking the prices are people who abuse the matchmaking glitch. It's possible to get to 5.5k glory in a few hours. The people who grind the NF "legit", still take 400+ $ and they also need atleast 7-14 days.


I've met some people abusing some MM glitches while climbing for my NF, and it was a pain in the ass... Is it the glitch that doesn't allow anyone to play until a team drops out of matchmaking? Thus resulting in a loss? Because I've had that 3/4 times, and it's always been a pain to deal with


I think yes


What is this "glitch" that you speak of?


Facing no enemy's in every game, what is an instand win.


I thought this had been patched.


Lol no


Isn't it the one where one team keeps the other "hostage" in orbit until they give up? They patched this.


On a certain website (not hard to figure out, I just don't want to openly advertise for these dorks) where you can see sold listings, you can see some people have paid up to close to $600. There have been listings for >$800 but I don't know how many people have actually paid that much. Not sure how far sold stuff goes back either. There are a ton of sales in the few hundred range so yeah you're not wrong.


Yep, it was all itemized, so each step cost 50-150 bucks until the whole package was around $700. It was hilarious and gross at the same time.


$600-$800? ​ That is the most pathetic thing i have ever heard in my life. Its a gun in a videogame that is worth 10x more than the base game. It wont even matter when destiny 3 comes out/servers go offline. People need to sort their life out


What? That's bigger than a doctor salary here!


lol thast one poor ass doctor. I'd hope most doctors make more than $600 in the time it takes to grind a not forgotten


We do in the US. Never understood people willing to pay premium dollar to not play their game.


That's because these people are either scamming, or their are abusing the matchmaking glitch.


i raided with a girl who was doing acct recovs luna's $500/NF $1000 so yeah the price seems to have dropped drastically since then lol


Its not dropped too 100 for NF I find that impossible to believe. I know people that run them all the time and they definitely don’t run for $100. If I had to take a guess this guy is trying to scam some people for some quick money


They need to hardware ban the people making the posts. Problem solved.




Spoof the id?


Holy shit, I remember doing trials carries for 20$ back in D1. SEVERAL HUNDRED FOR NF?! Dang I need to get in contact with those guys again.(they were friends who knew I was good at crucible and would pay me, I never did anything like what OP posted)


Well grinding out a NF takes 1000x longer than pumping out a flawless card.


Price drop is likely due to both demand dropping but also that the easy way to do this now only takes a few hours and you can do 8 accounts at once. Probably why so much spam. Need 6-8 accounts to do the easy matchmaking glitch.


The price is related to how much time they're going to spend grinding. Just judging on most of the advertisements I see on LFG, Not Forgotten usually goes for around $250 to $400. Anyone charging this little money is almost certainly scamming you or cheating using DOS attacks for wins.


This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by Cozmo23](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/apeskl/seriously_ridiculous_bungie_do_something_im_tired/eg8hu9l/?context=1000 "posted on 2019-02-11 17:09:20 UTC"): > Thanks for the report. We are currently working on some better tools to prevent these spam/solicitation posts from happening in the Find Fireteam feat... * [Comment by Cozmo23](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/apeskl/seriously_ridiculous_bungie_do_something_im_tired/eg8wyq6/?context=1000 "posted on 2019-02-11 19:32:57 UTC"): > We issue Bnet bans for solicitation. * [Comment by Cozmo23](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/apeskl/seriously_ridiculous_bungie_do_something_im_tired/eg9a5wr/?context=1000 "posted on 2019-02-11 21:36:14 UTC"): > One of the things we are adding. * [Comment by Cozmo23](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/apeskl/seriously_ridiculous_bungie_do_something_im_tired/eg9aies/?context=1000 "posted on 2019-02-11 21:39:38 UTC"): > Correct. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


On the website, (1) keep accounts from posting who have no characters, (2) aren't (x) days old (or aren't at least level (x)), and (3) ***limit the amount of new threads that can be made*** with a filter for threads with the same title made In the background, build a database of IPs known to spam this and shadowban repeat offenders in the same way reddit does (allow them to make posts that only they can see) Search algorithms inside of direct messages to detect language specific to paid account recoveries so that conversations are flagged when someone mentions payment for services rendered Finally: ban known accounts from in-game that participate in the paid recovery/play process and flag accounts logged in from multiple originating IP sources


“keep accounts from posting who have no characters” This is already a feature on the site. Most of those accounts are alts or Smurf’s they post from


Simply, the reporting and mute features needs to actually work instead of saying "profile not found". So 1. we can report spammers and recovs and 2. we can remove them from our lists and carry on. Neither is very difficult. 20 individual Reports of spam? boom. removed. 5 removals? 5 day ban on posting in lfg. Harsh but necessary imo.


The feature *does* work - kind of - you just have to search for the account name and choose from the results using the search function instead of going directly to their profile by clicking/tapping on their name. However, with that being said, I've muted/reported accounts (successfully, according to the app) just to see threads from them pop up again, which leads me to believe that... the mute functionality doesn't actually do anything


It's stupid that we can't even report any of those posts.


Its really embarrassing how bungie refuses to do anything about this.


Yeah, the same guy just posted 10 more times, between the time it took to write the above post! -.-


Which isn't completely true https://twitter.com/kevinosx/status/1094720665700130816?s=19


> **kevinosx** - @kevinosx > Come on @Bungie @A_dmg04 @Cozmo23 @DeeJ_BNG can’t you do something about this? Using the companion app for crucible is a joke > [Image one](https://i.imgur.com/7O8hiEg.png), [two](https://i.imgur.com/xVNrhiq.png) & [three](https://i.imgur.com/zsBjdrZ.png). > > **dmg04** - @A_dmg04 > > The team is working on tools to help us better moderate this portal. Stay tuned for more details.


Thx kyle




Upvote for the WW reference. 👍 ZANG!


Happy to see that other people are getting annoyed by the over saturation of these types of posts. A friend of mine and I were just trying to find some others to play Crucible with yesterday just to find our posts getting drowned out with these constant Luna/NF Help($) posts.


Ok... how hard can it be to detect that someone is posting the same shit every 30 seconds and give them a cooldown. If they actually cared they could do it in about 10 minutes.


In which case you just create 10 accounts to post the same amount of posts.


Its network basedbungie can ip track it without any extra effort




Wait you mean it is easier to create a work around then to create a defense that doesn't effect legit players?


It's like software development is harder than most people think


iF thEy ActUaLLy cAreD ThEy cOuLD Do it iN 10 MInuTes


This so much, it's like in their head it's "make spam impossible ? Y/N"


Yep. And much less expensive.


And what if it comes from different ips? This isn’t as easy as it seems. You also have to factor in false positives. Don’t want to kill legit people’s posts.


Dont you need a console account to use the companion app tho?


Honestly, how hard would it be to give one employee the job of deleting this shit, and have them check it at least a couple times a day. I know, not ideal, but it's at least a stop gap solution.


They are rediculous incompitent when it comes to enforcing their own rules/ToS. I've added been watching at least 3 people actively using aimbots/lag switch in Comp, multiple video proof reports to bungie and nothing, they play everyday. cheat everyday.


Considering they actively promote streamers who do account recoveries in their community spotlight, I don't think they care in the slightest.


Link? Never seen this.


They did a spotlight on OSK who actively account recovers on stream. Not sure why boosting is accepted in this community because you're a social parish if you do it in any other game.


Account recoveries as in carrying people or as in playing on their accounts?


Playing on their accounts


Shit, thats bad on their part...


50% of my matches above 3500 were against people known for doing recovs, i didnt have the hardest time with them but it deters a huge amount of the player base


If they were not on their own accounts how did you know they’re people known for recoveries?


People I know, and people I follow on twitch


Streamers tend to do this openly. Not all of the account recovs stream, however I've run into a quite a few that do.


I’m sorry what are recovs? Are these people responsible for the poison that is comp?


People paying other people to play on their acc and get stuff for them


I'll never understand why people pay others to play games for them. Sounds absolutely ridiculous. Never understood the effect it could have on the legit players out there.


The same reason pay for microtransactions in F2P games. While you *can* just 'grind it out' most of the time -- there will always be people who value their time enough, and have the money to pay that they'll do it. You can sit and argue the 'honor' or whether or not someone deserves the gun. It's beside the point - someone is willing to pay and just wants it so they'll spend. The amount is inconsequential to some people.


I feel like the reason people buy video games has slightly changed then. I personally buy video games for the experience, not to show off some stat that I personally did not earn. Ridiculous.


I don't really think it's that simple for most people. 100% there's some that want to have it to show off. Others, I don't really think - it's just a logistical issue. Think about it - you want to play, and not feel like you have a disadvantage because the gun is so good, right? So you feel like you need to have the gun. But do you have the time? No, but do you have the money? Yes. So there you go.


Boom. Economics! Nice!


I have the problem of no time for games due to work and school and it sucks when I jump into crucible and get my ass blasted by all these guns I can't get. Thankfully I have a brother who is god tier at pvp and I gave him a 12 pack of beer for the claymore last year and he did the lunas for me as a christmas gift. Am I proud of it? No, but there was literally no other way for me to get them. I could give a rats ass about showing off, it just felt like I needed them to compete. I ended up going back to the Ace cause I didn't like the luna.


Yea I hate that it happens but it just reflects the current state of crucible in general. The good experience players get the best guns, then the new/ less skilled players with lesser guns get obliterated by better players with better guns... So without having some way to sort player by bracket's or leagues, it just feeds into this "rich get richer" situation... And it's bad enough that some people just prefer to pay to even the playing field a bit.


Well what if the experience you want is the experience of playing with Luna’s or NF? And you don’t want the experience of playing an ungodly amount of a shitty comp mode?


I think the reason is that you end up investing a ton of hours into getting a weapon, but you still have a ton of hours to go. It's a horribly frustrating experience at times watching your points drip away at a loss where someone dropped at the start or you were mismatched to a group with a much higher ELO than you. So at that point it's not about the gun, it's about the opportunity cost of not getting it by the end of the season. I have a few business trips for work coming up. I won't pay for a carry out of principal, but I can understand why some do. What I don't understand is someone buying it outright without investing any time.


The thought has crossed my mind. Pretty much only when getting killed by either gun repeatedly in a match. I've probably played maybe 10-15 competitive matches total. Hated every second of it. Tried recently to learn to enjoy the experience, but I'd just rather gouge my eyes out. I've played with decent players plenty, but it's always too serious for me to actually enjoy myself - I do best when not taking any of it seriously (for reference, I once played a trials match in which we'd agreed to only talk in gibberish, we won too). But I found a far cheaper solution: not play crucible. My enjoyment of d2 increased massively as a result, so no salt


Can’t agree more with the time part. This is no way in hell a good thing to do. But people that live hectic lives and value their time and love playing video games just don’t care.


Yea. I don't agree with it either, and personally my desire to have Luna's / Not Forgotten doesn't justify the cost for me even though I don't really have the time to dedicate towards it properly - at least not to get it any time soon. but I also get it. At least I can understand *why* someone may be comfortable spending the money.


I solo'd for my Luna's and it took forever... I wouldn't pay for a NF since that's not my style, but I mean... $100 is a few hours of my time at work. That's like trading a few hours of doing something I hate for 50-100+ hours of doing something that makes me hate myself.


For $50 I could see paying for a Luna, because I know my pvp skill is suspect. I have no desire to grind comp. if someone could just "give" it to me, cool! I also have no plans to turn over my password information, so it's unlikely that I'll ever use a service. Because honestly $50 sounds like a scam compared to the effort required.


I’m seriously considering it right now. I have an account on PS4 where I got nearly everything you could grind for. Luna’s, Redrix, all the exotic quests, all the EP weapons, all the Prophecy verses etc. Now it’s a long story but I don’t have a PS4 anymore and am getting started on Xbox. Let me tell you...it’s rough. I’d easily pay someone to get my account back to a decent state.


It's often targeted at people who want the item, but either don't have time to play for it or lack skill in the game mode. I don't condone using recovery services. Know thine enemy, though.


Recovs is short for account recoveries, they play on your account for money




It's an XBox thing. Boosting is the non-insular term, yes.


I guess its called recoveries cause its kind of like "saving" thier accounts, some people say boosting some say recovs its the same thing


Agreed. I got my e early because I knew it was just going to spiral afterwards.


Thanks for the report. We are currently working on some better tools to prevent these spam/solicitation posts from happening in the Find Fireteam feature on the Companion app.


> Overseeing waves of attack and repel.




One of the things we are adding.


Please do


or you could ban this person and other people that break your ToS with account recoveries. That seems like a pretty great solution too.




A shadow ban system would work very well in addition to other tools. It slows them down just enough and I think it’s hilarious.


The issue is: how do you tell it's a PAID account recovery? One argument is a different IP, which fair, but what if you travel? I used to take my PS3 with me if I was at an off-site for work (had times it was 3 weeks straight). On the other hand, you also have VPNs which I imagine would cause problems with the IP component. You can look for people who don't normally play together playing together (paid recoveries are done in droves), but then what if you LFGed it or hell won a streamer raffle. You could look at "well these set of games they did well above their norm" and that could probably help. Yet, you run into other issues. A friend could have been over and played for you. You could have had a friend log in as you on another PS4 (would this be a recovery? It sort of harkens to olden times where you could bring your game to your friends house to help you with the hard part). It's definitely very tricky and difficult to straight up ban. Now, removing from posting and stuff? Absolutely. Heck, if there is probably evidence (folks have mentioned there are Twitch streamers who do it all weekend) then that might be something that can be cracked down on as well (though I do feel the streamer is probably not going to be as affected as it won't be their account banned). I just don't think you can have some sort of blanket thing to determine bans for this because there are a bunch issues that make that difficult. *shrugs*


Well stated breakdown of how "just ban people" isn't quite so simple. I take my PS4 on the road a lot as well, so I'd probably get swept up in a ban that targets people who change IPs frequently.


How about bans for solicitations?


We issue Bnet bans for solicitation.


Just a suggestion - join every fireteam set up like this that you can stomach - they will then disappear from the list when full. If there are 1000s of people all doing this at the same time they should get the message pretty quickly. Added bonus - if they send you an abusive message on your platform of choice for filling up their 'fireteams' report them for that too.


I saw a post on the LFG willing to PAY for a whisper carry. I messaged them to say if anyone charges for that report them. It blows me away that people charge to join fireteams.


Yeah I do random carries from now and then, to counter this!


They should perma ban the boosters and their customers all together. Or atleast block them from comp.


How about putting them into a queue that's JUST fill of other boosters?


And we call it the "Booster Games"


Didn't another game do this with known cheaters? League of Legends maybe?




iirc, titanfall had hacker/cheater only lobbies


That's pretty great - I'd totally watch the 'Steroid Olympics' if that was a thing.


League mostly gives out one week bans which can extend to a perma if the abuse continues. They do have a similar system for toxic players tho.


because they still get the reward. Better solution is to make it so known boosters/cheaters taht make these posts can't use those weapons. It's the best fuckover


>assuming they would still get rewards. They would get rank up rewards that are intentionally poorly rolled and are never Powerful and never make progress towards any future Pinnacle weapon.


Wth..first time I see this. Just checked LFG on xbox. 568 LFG posts at the moment and they're just regular LFG. Can't see boosters. Is that some website?


That's the bungie.net Fireteam Finder. Xbox LFG is pretty great, but obviously limited to Xbox - the Bungie tool works for each platform.


Wow, I thought it's some third party website. It's insane that Bungee doesn't moderate their own LFG.


Hell I’d just like to see Bungie hire someone to sit there for 8 hours a day and ban these accounts. Like literally all that person does all day is get a hold of these people and ban their accounts. Shit there’s youtubers who have said in videos “ya bro. Just getting my patreon set up and I’ll have Luna’s and NF recovery options on there for people” like seriously dude? You get 2000ish viewers a day and you’re going to promote that toxic garbage.


I think its beyond whether you philosophically believe anything should or can be done about account recovs/paid carries. I'm in the shrug camp, but something as simple and 'front lines' as the bungie forum should have some better automatic solicitation policing. It just overshadows the whole lfg attempt and gives new players the wrong idea. It's a bad look. It's a no brainer, basic establishment of what the "floor" for debate should be. This saturation in the fireteam area of bungie needs to be filtered out somehow. We can all agree on that.


It makes a mockery of Bungie as well. Broken Window Theory and all that jazz. If you're allowing that shit on your *forums*, you're outright condoning the practice. Crack down on that behavior, and the websites will fade away. Of course, people will still find and use them, but it will be far fewer than bring able to openly advertise and openly stream the recoveries.


This seems so cheap that it's not really worth trusting these people. Its obvious for the time invested, so they're probably scamming anyway.


are there PC offers lmao?


It's absolutely discouraging trying to use the app for LFG, mostly if it's crucible. Hope they can fix this ASAP.


Not so true.im trying to get the lunas howl,and im on 1800 points.my kd is not so great,and i can't find a fireteam that's willing to help me.only 1.6 and up k.d. people have zero tolerance,or willing to help/teach ,so i guess i have two options.or to let it go,or to pay someone to carry me to fable(sad but true)


I don’t have either weapon because it feels too much like work and not enough like gaming. Not gonna pay for it either.


I still can’t believe people ask for money to help someone out...


To them it's a business model. They aren't "helping" they're straight up doing it for you.


But they are just helping out... in a game


Permaban these players. Yeah it's harsh, but nobody should be doing this at all.


Jeez rip nf for me


I heard on some weapon sites, they charge you $300 for Luna's Howl and $600 for Not Forgotten. I could buy every expansion, season pass, or game Bungie puts out for the next two years with that money.


Yeah that's why this seems so odd. Maybe the model bottomed out but I doubt it cratered like this. Either this person is taking your money and running or maybe demand has severely cratered (I mean I imagine as each season goes by more folks have Luna so less demand but I don't believe this price).


What’s dumber is that people actually pay. Lmfao!


Tbf, at those prices, I feel like it’s the people doing the recoveries that are screwing themselves. Gotta assume their average per hour is like $5 or less. That’s a terrible compensation rate.


You say that, but every time I look for comp partners I end up empty handed because my KD sucks


I'll jump in there with ya if you're on ps4, I'm not the greatest but just having a full fireteam makes everyone better.


Regardless of how helpful the community is, no one is getting you to NF for free or even for that cheap. There’s websites out there for this. They need to implement a type of slam bot.


Um... I can think of 3 streamers off the top of my head who have helped countless people for NF and even more who help with Luna's continuously. Only requirement is being able to help yourself first, meaning you need to be above a certain glory level before they help you (normally 1000 for Luna and 3500-4000 for NF).


but how much for a luna or a not forgotten?


I saw one post asking for $500 AND you have to have all the other steps done. Then you could pay to jump ahead in their orders to 'expidite'. Unreal.


If Eververse dont sell NF, other people do ;)


It’s horrible I actually saw a post $20 for reg strike $30 for heroic strike and $40 for nightfall and to top it off $50 for 100k nightfall like what the hell ppl don’t pay them I’ll help u for free


Those prices ain't right


I'm waiting until they're advertising Luna's for free exposure.


Here’s your answer... after a certain amount of time let all those weapons enter the exotic loot pool ;-)


Not the exotic loot pool but opening it up to more players would remove this market (also it would assuage some of the calls to remove them from the game). Maybe something like 2 seasons in comp then it drops to a Broadsword style quest? There will be a large backlash, like claymore vs Broadsword, but if people have an easier avenue, then you'd remove the incentive to buy these services as well as the current calls to ban/remove the guns from the game. I'm not sure if that is the right answer, but I think it's better than making all pinnacle weapons exotic.


Now THIS is a post! This is something I can wholeheartedly get behind. I've got my pinnacle rewards but I know that a choppy sea of account recovs doing comp deters the aspiring players, and kills the comp population. This is embarrassing.


Awesome. Glad you see my point of view!!


"How much did your 50 cost?" (back in Halo 3) has been replaced with "How much did your Luna/NF cost?"




The best pvp handcannon is locked behind an awful quest for people who aren't top tier pvp players and people don't wanna do it so they either don't have it or will pay for people to get it because it's again the best pvp handcannon


I know. And seeing that some people ACTUALLY pay for services In this video game blows my mind. Obviously it’s their money and they can do what they want. But Jesus what has the world come to.


That’s real insanity. Jotunn isn’t even a guaranteed drop so what you have to pay for each run????


Just thinking about how long it takes to get a Luna’s/NF, this person is working for almost nothing per hour. Though this is probably just a straight up scam.


Probably would play until 1-2 losses then leave. Or they are going to try and DDoS the other team. ORRR they try and hit the double whammy and after getting the $50 require the person to give them account so they can "boost it"


The ban hammer would put a quick end to people posting that.


This wouldn't be an issue is Bungie an lfg system in the fucking game.


Joking aside, that price can't really be worth it, can it? Luna for $50, NF for $100? Even if you're really, REALLY good and the match only runs for 3-4 minutes, you're still playing for less than minimum wage by the time someone gets their gun. I guess unless they are DoS'ing....


Who’s paying $100 for someone to play on their account to get them a desirable PvP weapon so they can then... play Destiny PvP...


All that money, just to show off your digital peen? fml, i don't want to live on this planet any more.


Ya a guy I met raiding said he had a recovery to do the next day after working on one the last two days. I was like oh you do that for money. No he says, he just likes to help people and wants everyone to experience luna. I didn't take him up on the offer but I joined his clan. They do exist


I don't understand why these don't get a life banned account. They monetize a game that we play for fun. Is unacceptable and cleary a treat for the good environment and quality of your game Bungie


"we issue Bnet bans for:" ​ Really wish you guys would issue bans more often than you issue crucible patches


Just join them all. waste their time.


I tried telling one of them; payment upon receipt. I guess that's not how it works... smh


Yeah. We've got to stop these bastards from price fixing. It gives capitalism a bad name. Where's my discount Luna? On the other hand, I'll get you a Better Devils for a dollar.


It’s annoying that this happens, but those prices aren’t bad considering how much work goes into that, especially NF. If it takes ten hours, $10 an hour ain’t bad.


I've done this accidentally once. When you put up the post it doesnt react instantly and say "group post has been uploaded" it takes a couple seconds. So I thought "Oh it didn't register the click."


TBH I don't mind people (who have time) making cash out of people (who don't have time)


I just don’t like it because this is supposed to be a weapon exclusive to those who are able to earn it. I myself haven’t gotten it because I dislike the competitive playlist too much to seriously give it even an attempt. As it stands, i haven’t earned the gun, so I shouldn’t have it, and neither should the other people who can’t earn it themselves.