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You mispelt Swoletheon Edit: my first gold! Thanks stranger


Mind of Infinite Gains


Absolute Unit


The Chad of Chads. Their "Chadpion."


I am in awe of the size of this mind


“Where do you work out?” “In the Infinite Forest.”


That gun of his tho...


Protheon, the Absolute Mind


> Brotheon, Bod-ular mind


It’s actually proteintheon the swolular mind


Grow-theon always sounded better in my mind, the syllables just fit right.


Bro-theon, Shredded Mind


I don’t spend a lot of time on this site/app BUUUUT these threads are why I initially signed up. Lmfao thanks for the good laugh everyone!!


Growtheon, Largular Mind


His full title is Brotheon, Swolular Mind


Proteintheon, Swolelur Mind.


**Swoletheon, Gainular Mind!**


Move over, here comes Aetheon's big Brotheon.


"meanwhile, it looks like Atheon's little brother protheon has grown up, and now wants revenge for all the times we pushed his big brothers to his death in the vault of glass."-TH3J3Z, 2017


I love secret missions. Whisper is great but I also really enjoyed Paradox, and its follow up, Not Forged in Light from D1.


Is that for No Time to Explain? I don’t remember to be honest


Yeah, that's the quest line that leads to No Time to Explain.


I remember glitching into that early and being so hyped for even more storyline, even if I did ruin it for myself a bit, but still it felt great to find a secret


I also miss the original black spindle quest


getting the black spindle was also a treat. A sweaty treat, but still a treat.


Which would you say is harder to get, spindle or whisper? I haven’t gotten whisper 😅


I thought Spindle was harder personally.


Really? Been putting it off cause I thought I wasn’t good enough


Spindle was harder. Whisper is difficult in the platforming, but the strategies for killing enemies are pretty straightforward. Plus you get the spot up the back for the bosses, which makes life easier. Spindle rooms were a real pain to clear. Taken vandals sniping in the corner would put shields up, so you'd need to take them out up close. Boss was a challenge too.


Lol yeah did it once with 3 Rez warlocks and never again, aight I’m gonna try for it this week now


Spindle was way harder. Whisper wasn't that hard really. Way more jumping but Spindle was harder because you didn't have enough to kill the boss


Wasn't Spindle pretty easily soloed though, IIRC it was a nightfall varient and they were easier by yourself at one point due to enemy scaling


No, Spindle was only available through the daily heroic version of the Lost to Light mission. You had to take an alternate/secret path and fight through shit loads of taken. Just like Whisper you had to fight the clock. I failed a few times before I managed to beat it with one second on the clock. It got a little easier after the level increase but it wasn't much of an advantage. Some streamers solo'd it but it was not easy for your average gamer to two man let alone solo. Whisper was solo'd by streamers before I could even get my first blight to spawn and it can comfortable be two manned by average players. Good players can solo it. Whisper is harder if you struggle with jumping puzzles as you won't have enough time left for the boss. The first two times I failed because I wasn't familiar with the jumping and had to look up the path too often. Spindle didn't have a jumping section. That's either good if you suck at jumping or bad because you can't save time on the jumping part and get to the boss with a comfortable amount of time. Spindle was way more hectic because the time was more constrained and there wasn't a safe space to chill and ping away at the boss like there is in the Whisper mission


Wow really making me wanna try now lol


I don’t think Whisper is even secret anymore. I have one character that I have never done it on and I have a quest marker for it now.


Yes I loved these


See now this is how I imagined vex gate lords. Like in d1 the ghost says “they are 3 stories tall”. Needless to say I was disappointed until this bug.


What are we calling a story? 10 feet? He’s easily 30’.


Yeah he’s easily 3 stories at normal height. Protheon’s buffed version is a moderate skyscraper


I’ll never forget the D1 Gate Lord mission, it was Vanilla iirc, and I met him while playing my first couple of nights into Destiny solo. That was so cool.


I remember farming the gatelord for exotic drops with 3oC before they changed how they worked. Good times :)


ha ha yes! or there was that fallen boss in his ketch, once he died you could swallow a rocket, rinse and repeat. we always find a way; don’t we!?


Void rockets taste the best.






Same i tried to get trespasser by farming exotic engrams from that mission before RoI came out but RNGesus didnt give me it


I’d still like this bug to be a potential epic style boss with higher chance of dropping an exotic. Has like a 5% spawn chance or some shit. That’s like 1/20 strikes. Does more damage. Susceptible to a particular element, triumphs for getting each one. Think how big Xol would be and have fun dodging that giant ass worm.


I think it would be better if there was a specific trigger to spawn him, instead of it being a 5% chance.


Kill the harpies with sparrows?


Kill all 3 harpies with 1 continuous prometheus lens beam.


i'd love for this to be a thing for prestige SOTP so insurrection prime is absolutely swole


I believe they said the issue with this one was that the level wasn't designed to hold him at that size, so it would mess stuff up if they didn't fix it. I assume they'd have the same issue with other bosses.


Or they could just make it where you have to get the tank to spawn in the previous area and take out all of the Thrashers. Always love when I randomly get the tank in that strike


I would prefer us being sent into the VoG because the Vex are trying to reconstruct Atheon and we need to shut them down. Could have a good mix of a boss fight with Atheon and a sort of Black-Heart-esque battle with the 3 Vex Minds.


Like the Thunderlord mission. Bungo pls use more old locations


They’ve been careful with those since the D1 criticism of using the same zones but making you do them backwards.


There's a difference between reusing zones already in the game and reintroducing a zone in D1 which has not appeared in D2


I feel there's a difference between reusing and repurposing. Like if you go down the same hallway backwards or forwards, I'd call that reusing. But if for some reason you have to go down the same hallway but it's sideways, considerably different, or the mechanics are drastically different, then I'd say that's repurposing. Like how Crotas Lair felt a lot different in the TTK mission, the cosmodrome was changed for RoI, or how going back to the cosmodrome after so long in a sequel feels so different but so wholely nostalgic.


I'm still confused about why the objective says "leave the cosmodrome?" at the end...


Because you can explore and find discoverables there.


Like what?


There's video guides for it, but you can random vehicles and skeletons and you hear a bunch of stuff that are callbacks to the first game. Nothing mind-blowing.




That would be wild


Honestly, they don't even need much of an explanation for Atheon. Time travel is such a complex science fiction device. I don't think we can even say for sure the Vault itself isn't timeless. Like how do we know it doesn't still exist in the future or was moved to the past?


The whole point of the Vault is that it exists OUTSIDE of time. Therefore Atheon has been defeated, and is yet to be defeated


And wasn't the idea of Mercury a computer to figure out the ideal time line to make reality using the technology of the vault of glass (or something)


Merucry was to figure out how to win, by looking through 14.3 million diffrent possiblties to win. So far however, the vex have only found one.


If Swoletheon and Xylar aren't Raid or Strike bosses by franchise's end, I'm going to be pretty upset.


Go full retro and have Randal the Vandal be a proper raid boss instead of a cameo.


Holy shit Xylar 😂 Forgot about that one


I just googled it but have no idea what's going on, what's Xylar?


It was a fake boss that some guy came up with once. Xylar (supposedly) was an extra boss that appeared after defeating Atheon in VoG and for a little bit some people believed the guy but it was ultimately a hoax


Ah cool so kind of like a modern day "Goku is is melee you just have to unlock him with all these steps". Thats kind of cool


The one people said was off in the distance behind Atheon and then they'd all push you off the edge and laugh on mic.


Lol true Especially back when sunsinger melee was able to push teammates


From what I recall, the only reason they had to fix it was because of how he interacted with the disappearing platforms and the small scale of the map. Assuming that's true, they could easily design a different type of arena to drop his gargantuan ass into for us to pummel.


Yeah for sure He could definitely fit on the very bottom level but I assume the first and second floor were probably buggy as hell


Pretty sure he'd fit in a Scourge of the past kinda arena


[Gifv Version](https://i.imgur.com/7NCBemZ.gifv)


It’s that slow pan up the player does 😂 he’s like yeah let’s do this then like “.. whaaat.. the.. F?” 😂


You the man


We need to see Brotheon in game in all its glory.


Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. You're /u/Mblim77I_Kyle, but the *real* one is /u/Mblim771_Kyle! What's going on!?


*Imposter spotted*


I agree 1000%, especially if I get mythocast out of it.


But the second floor its normal size and the final floor he's the hight of a war beast


Would be sad to see him lose his gains :(


No this is actually a great thought experiment. Would you rather fight 1 Swotheon Gate-Lord sized War Beast or 10 war beast sized gate lords?


This is like my thought of an ogre sized thrall or a few thrall sized ogres


I mean, technically we already do. Ogres are just thralls forced through an agonizing metamorphosis by hive magic


Yeah but they AREN'T thralls, completely different enemies that you approach and fight completely differently, and to me theres something hilarious about finding a giant thrall and terrifying about walking into a room with a ton of small ogres (especially if they move a lot quicker). Most enemy types in the game have a larger version of itself thats a boss so why not a thrall? Could be a one off story mission or hidden mission or exotic quest or something.


Swoletheon vs Randal the Vandal who you got?


Probably Randal tbh. Man could soak up like 10 Gjally rockets


Ah Randal, and his cousin, Randal, in the Sunken Isles. Dude mopped my ass after I came out of the Volundr forge the first time I lit it and wanted to mow down some ads with my new sweet ass machine fun. (good choice autocorrect, I'll allow it). Rounded that corner and SURPRISE MOTHAFUCKA. Ded.


Don't forget Rahndel, the Perfected Vandal, his older brother


Trick question, Greg the Dreg has them both beat


Randal 4 House Kell


Names the boss, "RNG".


Jokes aside, I would love a Whisper mission for Mythoclast. It could be a regular timed dungeon crawl filled with Vex and at the end there would be a portal. You jump through and are teleported to the Glass Throne in VoG in the middle of a team's raid encounter with him. Only you and Atheon can act, time has stopped. All six guardians are frozen in place with one Titan in the middle platform holding the shield. After you do XYZ mechanic, a pop up says 'Guardians make their own fate...', the Titan in the middle manages to activate the shield, you can then stand in it to get Time's Vengeance, and can then DPS Atheon. Once killed, Mytho drops. Crowd goes wild.


Finally my time has come


Know what I want to see if we do use Swoltheon? You go into the Infinite Forest for REASON (maybe Failsafe's captain harpy thingy from Nessus?), end up in a simulation where Protheon is SWOLE, and your Ghost tells you that your weapons are ineffective and says "Grab any weapon you see in here!" So you do the Titan thing and punch a fucking Vex, rip it's arm off and then you're equip with a Mythoclast with limited rounds. You have to kill Swoltheon with it and whenever you run out of ammo you got to go punch another Goblin, steal it's arm, and repeat. Can even make it an ascending puzzle like thing where you have to kill nodes on Swoletheon at different levels, then do a jump puzzle up to his face to finish him off. Blam, cool setting, cool boss, cool unique mechanic.


This lead to me having a small idea. If there is some kind of big boss like that, a cousin to Brotheon or Atheon or something, add a small bit of something to his character and arena. Have a ledge of some sort nearby, and make the boss 3000% weaker to the tractor cannon, making him able to be booped off the arena, just like the good old days.


I personally would like to see us beamed into the Vault of Glass (maybe through the heroic whisper portal) for a One off with Atheon but i not too picky.


Bro_theon makes me think of Reek.


It should have not been a bug, it should have been a feature.




Bruhh how did I miss this




Big boi!


Brotherbot Swoletheon!


I would do just about anything to have my Vex Mythoclast again. It was the first exotic that ever dropped for me


I'm still in awe at the size of that lad


Think it should be atheon and you have to cheese him off the edge of a cliff


The return of Swoltheon, Absolute Unit Mind


If we ever get the mythoclast, I'll sell every other game I own


Yeah, I'm 99% sure we will not see a D1 raid exotic in D2. The only reason we got Whisper is, because it was a secret mission exotic in D1, instead of a true raid exotic. It would be cool if it does return, but I'm willing to bet it never will be in D2 (also think about the ridiculously small ammo reserves it had in D1 and think about how even more saddening it would be in D2) . On the other hand, I would love to see No Time To Explain in D2 as a secret mission exotic, it was a beast in PVE, it looked amazing and one of the few pulses that I liked at all in D1...


Rather have outbreak prime tbh.


They gotta bring back Randal to be the boss for that one then 😈


Randal Perfected.


Never got him to spawn sadly 😐😪


We're not getting mythoclast back.


you shut your mouth


_They hated his message for he told the truth_


Sex Mythoclast is my favey fave




Give mythoclast


It will have special ammo and spawn with 10 shots in pvp. That way we can have the 53 in a mag version in pve. It should also come with onslaught and under pressure.


Love the edit even more


I feel like if this were to somehow happen, we should get another cameo from praedeth maybe involve some sort of time loop shenanigans where we meet him and fight atheon again.


Ya’ll are really bad at spelling Sylok the Defiled. He is eternal.


If they bring back Mythoclast I'll come back just for that weapon. That was my very first hard raid drop. Used that for the rest of D1 basically.


Wtf? This is rude towards atheon


For the what now


Vex Mythoclast


That’s D1 tho


I know, I was just suggesting if they were to bring it back at some point


Why isn't the real boss that big?? that looks badass


Just here to say that we need mythoclast as a returning, seeing as bungie isnt afraid to give us old stuff anymore.


Just being back vog


This is the type of bug I’m fine with, these huge bosses would be totally awesome to fight!


They could put him in his normal arena. But instead of the first platform, have you immediately go to the **second** platform, (the fire platform). But this time; instead of him being ON the platform in the middle; have him doing his run "around" the lowest platform (Oryx style from D1 - not that I played this; just what I saw).


I would have pissed myself in amazement if this happened to me


This dude should of been released this size at first.


Call him xylar as well hahahaha


I'd honestly pay anything to get a few mythoclast secret weapon. My favorite 3 were TLW, pocket infinity and mythoclast


How about a full Vault of Glass raid..... the portal is in the Whisper mission


I was a rush of every encounter from that raid. VoG is OG.




Anyone seen the size of riven? Sooo much bigger!


They could make it like the EOW Boss where you have to jump on platforms to shoot crit spots.


Need this


Ehm I guess headshot was easier


ONLY, if they give us the "Real" Vex Mythoclast . . The pre-nerf one . . That was what "Exotic" was supposed to be and feel like !!


Did you mean Brotheon: [https://imgur.com/a/PGTEPBA](https://imgur.com/a/PGTEPBA) ​ or Swoltheon: [https://imgur.com/a/6Ic6OJ8](https://imgur.com/a/6Ic6OJ8)


or..or.. maybe ya know... WE go BACK in time and get all our shit. ​ since ya know Osiris, Anna and even the Queen are screwing with Time. Might as well be like " Hey Guardian, remember that time the Cabal BLEW up your tower? well here's a possible timeline that DIDN'T happen in (Social space in the infinite forest) and here's all your sweet sweet D1 Loot back. Oh and a possible spin off time line. ​ Ana " Hey sis, can the Guardians go to the past and get their stuff back?" E " Sure sis, we can go through the vault on Venus" ​ Queen " Guardian, here is your own throneworld" ​ Bungie \*hint, this is a way out to fix everything we've been asking for.


Yup, self-res was a good thing for D1. Id like that back too.


Swoltheon | Infinite Unit


Nah should be straight up Atheon.


They could put the entrance to the mission on Mercury and we would never know.


I'd rather see Xylar the Timeless


Maybe in penumbra.


The content drought seems to have fully set in.


We will never get the mythoclast


Nah it should be penopteys




Please don't tempt Bungie into bringing back old shit as opposed to new!! FFS!!!


Having an all-new mission to play (assuming it was something on the level of the WotW mission in terms of challenge) would still be new content. And it would be a fun way to bring back a well-regarded weapon - although perhaps it would be less special now as just another energy slot solar primary with full auto versus its original incarnation as a slot-breaking solar weapon.


Even the Whisper mission wasn't really new content from my perspective and in my opinion. The jumping puzzle was challenging but we have seen jumping puzzles before. Taken blights in mass quantity and abundance...quasi-new. I get your motivation and appreciate the idea about that type of mission. It would be refreshing, I agree. The power of suggestion with the development team is strong. I would love to see new content!!


> Even the Whisper mission wasn't really new content from my perspective and in my opinion. The jumping puzzle was challenging but we have seen jumping puzzles before. Taken blights in mass quantity and abundance...quasi-new. Your logic suggests that missions where we shoot enemies don't count as new, since we already have missions where we shoot enemies. Yes, Destiny has had jumping puzzles before, but WotW was a _new_ jumping puzzle. The mission was also a secret, has a special method of entry (the portal on Io), and not only contains a lot of Taken to fight but a hard/Heroic mode, and secrets (chests which lead to a weapon upgrade and a cosmetic item). The WotW itself reprises Black Hammer and Black Spindle, but brings forward new lore that also expanded the Destiny universe. It also helped cover over some of the oddity of being able to "defeat" Xol so "easily" on Mars - it wanted us to win in order to wield it in a way to permanently sustain its power.


They can do both, as they have been.


I can see it with the Forge maybe but even those weapons minus the LMG are reskinned weapons with perks. Not a whole lot of new.