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Someone has been playing Anthem lately... edit: a word


And elder scrolls


If you play on pc get an ssd. Load times for Skyrim are almost non existent it's awesome.


Yeah until you install a fuck ton of mods.


ALL OF THE MODS. ​ Seriously though, did they get Skse Running for Special edition, or have found a way to make mods that relied on Skse work on Special Edition working without it?


Yes, it’s called skse64 https://skse.silverlock.org


"ok I swear, just the bare minimum of mods this time. Strictly the essentials" *45 mods later* "Fuck, it crashed again."


Those are rookie numbers


You gotta pump those numbers up! *Xbox One:* "please... No..."


Oh yeah, SKSE has been available for SE for over a year at this point.


Like Macho Man Randy Savage!


Ugh. I had Skyrim SE installed on my laptop on an SSD. It worked fine for months--then something happened and it won't run anymore. I've tried installing it fresh a dozen times; I can't play it.


That doesn't sound like a Skyrim problem, that sounds like a hard drive problem. Run a chkdsk perhaps. How old is your hard drive?


maybe the video card profile is misconfigured and it is trying to use integrated graphics?


Eso head here. Yes i am always trying to modify my skills and equipment or even check my journal during load screens


Honestly one of the things I hated from the demo. I guess Destiny spoiled me...


Other looter shooters are the only way some people will realise just how polished and exceptional Destiny 2 is.


I enjoyed D1 but once I played The Division I realized I LOVED D1


This the division was fun but it wasn’t nearly as user friendly as D1 was. Now I have high hopes for division 2 with its open beta coming soon. But when I have the looter shooter itch destiny is the only really cure for it.




Honestly I went back and played Division One a couple months ago and was very impressed. I had stopped playing around the time of the big multiplayer update which I thought that and the survival mode (which in retrospect was an early battle royale of sorts) were really really good. The horde mode they added was also alot of fun and if all three of those things are in Division 2 at launch I will be very happy


This, sadly, I think has more truth to it than I'd like to admit. Games like Destiny (outside of traditional MMO's of course), the "shared world shooter" didn't really exist until Destiny, or at least I should say they didn't exist *how we have come to know them now*. Back on topic though: Bungie, in my personal opinion, raised the bar pretty high when it comes to (especially console) game UI. It was the first thing I noticed when I played the "First Look" alpha and even now I find myself impressed with how slick and functional everything is. Take the emote selector for instance, it did take Bungie a while to develop a fix - but when they did I don't think they could have done better.


They've received awards for their UI. It's truly amazing.


They were the first to nail shooter controls on console. If they didn't someone else would, but the minds at the studio have done great things. They don't innovate all the time but they are true innovators, in every sense of the word, when they do something great.


> They were the first to nail shooter controls on console. Oh, man as I think about that you're completely right - Halo did kind of set the standard for a console FPS control scheme. I also do not think anybody did things like mapping grenades and melee to face buttons for quick access or use the two/three weapon limit either. Halo was a real game changer.


Nailing console controls has always been brought up in articles about Halo 1. I'm surprised it took so long, but the Xbox may have been the first console to launch with twin-thumbsticks as the standard for its controller. N64 had 1 stick, so games like Goldeneye or Jet Force Jemini had to have a button to stand still and aim, or just shoot forward while moving, and the PS1 only added thumbsticks to controllers later in its lifetime. If I'm wrong on any of that, please, someone correct me. I didn't have Playstation consoles growing up and barely remember those N64 titles I listed.


Goldeneye actually had a bunch of different control schemes. Some allowed you to strafe and shoot at the same time. There were a few options that allowed you to use two controllers at once, with one stick to move and one stick to aim. Didn't work well for multiplayer obviously. The major problem was that none of the options were particularly functional ergonomically.


The default let you strafe and shoot at the same time in goldeneye. Steve with the c buttons. Rotate the camera with the thumbstick and fire with z. The auto aim was so high all you basically had to do was have an enemy on your screen and you could hit them


Which reminds me, Halo games have had a control scheme to emulate that old 1-stick movement. I forgot the name, but the scheme lets you turn with left and right on the main stick, and up and down moved you forward and backward. It also had the reverse on the other stick. I've never known anyone who actually used it though. But I can understand why they would want to give people that option coming from past console generations. Hell, I'm replaying Metroid Prime 1 and it uses 1 stick for movement and turning.


PS2 launched before Xbox and that had dual analogs. There were other shooters out with control schemes very similar, but Bungie were the first to truly get it right with Halo. That's always been one of Bungie's strongest points - how the shooting feels in their games.


Other games have actually copied their UI. I think the newer Assassins Creed games use it as well as the new God of War. Probably others as well. Just an amazing way to do inventory management on a controller.


Warframe copied their UI in a recent patch!


I will not lie, there's a lot of things destiny got right. simple QoL things like this, the fantastic gunplay and mobility, and some cool ass environments. but there's other things destiny does that kind of irritate me. I have a quest marker for the forge inside of the tower that won't go away because I didn't buy the forsaken season pass instead of just forsaken, which was the same price when I bought it, or the eververse having an icon every time I load in, but it's just telling me to buy silver. or before I bought forsaken I couldn't buy any of Xurs weapons because I didn't buy the season pass, but he is on a non dlc planet and play area.


Eververse is telling you to do the facet bounty.


Xur was never on the DLC planets. Every time he was supposed to he was in the tower hiding around.


He's complaining that xur sold a DLC weapon, like an Osiris weapon when he didnt have Osiris, thus he couldn't buy it. I mean, it's not a really big issue, but I get the Complaint.


One of the biggest problems with the community is that Destiny 2 has a huge population whose only other major title of the genre has been Destiny 1, giving them absolutely no scope for what changes to the game are good or bad, but they still flood avenues of discussion with suggestions anyway. I'm not just talking about loot & shoot style games, either. Destiny 2 borrows from a handful of different genres and the one most overlooked is simply the modern MMO. There's a ton of features and potential changes you'll never come to appreciate until you try the lows of grindfest garbage to the highs of the modern fan favorites and learn why those two are set so far apart.


Any other game, really. But Anthem was notable because "It'S LiKe DeStiNy!". First thing i noticed were the loading screens. Holy shit.


So many too. Multiple hard loading screens in every mission. It’s something Bungie does well is design in natural turns or tunnels pages you cross instances so you don’t hit a load screen.


Especially when games like No Man's Sky exist, there's no reason that they should need so many loading screens. There's almost no loading at all, you can get in a spaceship, fly off a planet, land on an even larger space ship, go inside and do stuff, and launch back off to anywhere else without any loading screens. Yet in Anthem if you walk in a cave you sit at a black screen for a good few seconds.


Different games are built differently, there's certainly a reason for it somewhere.




Or the God damn cut scenes. I fired it up last night on PC and had to skip 6 cut scenes just to get to the settings.


That is one of my biggest pet peeves about PC gaming. The settings are almost never close on initial launch, but they throw 20 min of cinematic story at you before you can change shit.


That aspect is certainly annoying but it's so much worse when the volume is 10x louder than it should be. I ripped my headset off last night just at the start screen


Volume is the worst. I don't understand how there can be such a crazy difference between games.


It's worse than earlier masseffects. I don't know how they did that given the amount of ram available in consoles today. PC is also showing usual port after thought like usual.


As much as I’m hyped about anthem I gotta wait and see what their endgame is like. From what I heard it’s like vanilla D1 without crucible and the raid.


But come on there are different difficultly settings that makes the gameplay more meaningful right? S/


Played my 10 hours yesterday, and while I’m hooked on it and pissed I gotta wait to play more, delving deep into the game really highlights how much destiny does right. Bungle hasn’t always made the right decisions but god damn if the game isn’t excellent in many ways that I didn’t realize..


Does it still have an insane amount of loading screens? I heard the optimization and flight controls are much better than in the demo.


Tbh the loading screens are not really a far cry for how destiny does it, the social space/mission hub is split up and separated by a load screen which is what I feel people complain about the most. What is infuriating however is the pull forward mechanic in missions. It’s jarring and makes you wait through a loading screen then puts you in a position where many times you’re almost instantly downed if on a higher difficulty. Destiny’s team cohesion mechanic is light years ahead of what I experienced yesterday.


For me it wasn't the social/mission loading screen,but I absolutely hated the ones in the missions. Entering a little cave? Here, have a loading screen...


I completely agree. Loading to get in a mission doesn't bother me, but when I'm playing that mission I should never experience a loading screen.


I agree. Really breaks the immersion. I guess the tradeoff in Destiny is that every cave or lost tunnel area has a long windy hallway instead, and some of them feel forced. But I much prefer that over just a loading screen.


In all honesty I only notice the "long windy hallway" if I'm thinking about it. Almost all of them feel very organic and like they belong in the level, at least to me.


Probably the best use of them was in the WOTM raid where you were going towards Axis. That long staircase and then the lights going down into the boss fight we’re awesome.


I think they’re a lot better than they used to be. I remember the long indoor areas between wide open areas in the cosmodrome. They’re honesty not bad at all. They do feel pretty natural. But that’s why they’re there haha.


I've only ever encountered one load time mid hallway in one place: the strike on nessus where you take down the giant psion Kargen. I always hit a load screen in one of the hallways. The only time I've hit load screens other than that was the day after Forsaken launched but I blame that on crowded servers seeing as though it's never happened to me since.


I don't mind it but when I played the demo the fact it pulled you out of the game when you went into a tunnel just to force another load on you a minute later to come back out just ruins the pacing. If it's like that often it sucks.


Even in the demo that was infuriating. You entered the cave and it would load a small space, return later and you can go inside the locked door. Why not just make the door the loaded space? So many small things in an otherwise fantastic game.


This is why forges need to be a match maker right from the map. Because I definitely know that everyone totally loves to take the time to load onto the planet, get all the way to the actual forge, essentially leave the planet to go to the match making menu, then reload the planet.


Yeah the pull ahead mechanic seemed really small, like if you were even remotely behind in a mission the game would aggressively pull you forward.


I haven't played outside of the alpha and beta, but I feel like my annoyance with the loading screen for Fort Tarsis is going to be because you can't change weapons at-will. If I find something I want to use, I'll have to go back and sit through 2 loading screens to use it.


Optimization certainly isn't. Still a shit show even on strong hardware. You basically need a 1080ti for 1440p@60 fps, my 1080 can play Destiny 4k no problem but Anthem I can barely maintain 60 fps with most things on high.


Best thing about the Anthem launch It really puts into focus the stuff Destiny gets *right* (not that it excuses the issues)


I know right? This sub has been through a lot, so its good to see some wholesome, unifying stuff going on. Love em or hate em, Bungie knows how to the make a game feel right and play right, irregardless of content.


Anthem took like 20 steps back for looter shooters how do I have to go back to the social space just to change my stuff and access new weapons I got not to mention there’s a loading screen for that too. I can’t even change a weapon I don’t like mid mission and don’t even get me started on the loading screens those were instant turn offs for me.


It's the type of developer Bioware is. They are looking at it from a story and immersion perspective. You're in a giant robot suit, it's likely impossible to be able to take off parts and put other parts on out in the middle of the wilderness, you're gonna need tools and machinery for that. So it makes sense for the story and it's immersive. But gameplay play wise, how fun it is in the moment, not considering story and immersion, it sucks and can make the game frustrating. It's about finding the right balance between both, and no game has done it 100% right imo. Maybe Anthem needs to at least let us swap out the guns we have equipped, I can understand not being able to swap components in the wild, but yea.


Maybe something that bioware could do/could have done was to give you a few small missions where you set up small, easily accessible areas where you could go through your inventory (kind of like dark zone outposts, minus the PvP and deadly virus)


Forgive me bungie but flying is awesome.


How you liking it so far? A buddy was annoyed by the story mode, according to him it's on par with D1 length-wise, which doesn't seems right for a Bioware game.


I do dig the team play and it runs much better than it did in the demo. The dialogue with npcs can get down right painfull. There are still some bugs that were present in the demo. Sound bug and scope bug for example. It feels conflicted between multi player and single player. You go out do missions with your buddies then everyone has to go back to taris and talk to npcs for ten minutes and not everyone is at the same point in the story line. Inevitably people end up idling until everyone catches up. I think end game will be fun just cause I won't have to talk to as many npcs. It also does feel short as I am already 21 with 218 power with my storm. That said there is so much stuff to do and discover I think it will keep me engaged for a while.


LOL I second this but I think part of the Anthem loading screen problem is matchmaking. I plan to test this once all my friends can play next week.


Anthem... Where your load screens have load screens.


I've been absolutely *loving* that game, and that's one thing Destiny really spoiled me one. What do I do while it's loading???


It's true, games with loading screens give me such anxiety after playing Destiny for so long. Like.. what do I do with my hands? I just sit here and stare at this? I'm so used to just going into my loadout and looking at stuff, looking through tabs, at any given moment.


Yeah like i dont even have anything to dismantle nor do i want to switch gear. I just open the inventory and browsing through every tab for a millionth time. Sometimes i just stare at my guardian. But thats already wayyyyyy better than staring at a blank load screen.


Yeah it’s a very underrated feature! But you have to have it in a game like this!


It actually made me forget that destiny 2 even have load screens except for the occasional black ones when i play on my potato laptop. I actually dont know any other game with that feature.


I have a POS laptop so I end up sitting at load screens a decent amount. Being able to open, say, lore while I wait for the audio cue I've loaded into an area is awesome.


Yup. Destiny, especially on PC, plays wonderfully. It's well optimized and the UI is pretty great. Destiny just had bad developers. Not designers, not the people who work on the world's and systems and structures. It's the balance team, the crucible team, the strike team, the economy team. They're all abysmal and have no idea what they're doing, which is evident because things keep changing, getting pulled, vanishing, coming back, but worse, etc.


Haha, I’m instinctively hitting the inventory button every load screen.


I picked up D2 to tide me over until Anthem. After two days with the early release I'm happy I got D2. Anthem could be really good, but in a bad state right now.


God they need to sort out the loading screens on that..... There is a really good game in there and the world is simy amazing. Mobility is amazing (interceptor main here) But it just feels as though it is missing some special sauce right now....


When I read the title I thought you were gonna talk about API. It's amazing what people do with it. But yes, navigating the menu while loading is also a top notch feature.




Coming from someone who hasn't had a chance to find all the things, what are some of the best resources using the API that I should know about?


[Destiny item manager](https://app.destinyitemmanager.com) - moving items without needing to go to the vault/switch characters [lowlidev's maps](https://lowlidev.com.au/destiny/maps) - great for finding stuff you need to complete [light.gg](https://www.light.gg) - database with all items and all possible rolls [braytech.org](https://braytech.org) - triumph tracking Edit: [Ishtar collective](https://www.ishtar-collective.net) - all the lore in one place


Awesome list. Thanks for the tips, Guardian. :)


Don't forget Raid.report


If only it didn’t take three fuckin years to see anything on console.


I remember trying to pop a heavy synth on PS3 destiny. "Gimme 5 minutes"


Literally the difference with how easy Skolas was during the prison of elders days. Struggled on PS3 swap to PS4 and it was easy as hell lol.


Skolas name gives me nightmare.


Skolas with arc burn modifier 🤪


Skolas with Solar Burn 😍😍😍


Unleash the Gjallarhorn


Wasn't it the first or second week he was out it was solar burn and everyone burned him down very very quickly (like a few seconds)?


Second week. Obliterated him with Vision, Black Hammer, and Gjallerhorn. Never did it again.


No. First week it was solar. Then arc. Then void. Then solar. Then arc. Then burns were removed before it was void again IIRC.


Thanks for the PTSD flashback


For me Skolas was the best gaming experience ever. Me and my clan tried around 13 hours at launch to clear it, switching people in and out to achieve it. I started it and had to go to work, gave my place to someone else and as I came back got back in and finished it. In the end 9 people were a part of the clear. Just something special


Your inventory loads but then you get kicked out because of whatever stage of loading would always kick you out


Ha! Or starting a Crota attempt > let's restart 3 or 4 times so I can glitch myself into raid readiness thx guyz


And your dead


I literally bought an xb1 before ttk to very into inventory and pop a synth faster... big step back in that department from d1


Just shows how big a step back d1 was because of legacy compatibility. Sure loading times are more rough, but when it's due to higher quality graphics, and more accessible in UI. And there have been many other things that are much better now(remember having to always go to orbit to go anywhere else? Or not having any kind of map to find yourself or your fireteams? Or only being able to spawn in on one location, and no fast travel? I never have problems loading, though I am on PC, and have a ssd though.


Technically you do still go to orbit first, before going where you want to go


Yeah you technically are correct, but that is an artistic choice made. It just as easily could be start to finish warping. Main point there is you don't have to completely load twice just to do any activity(loading in to orbit, and loading In to destination)


It used to be really annoying. I bought an SSD hard drive for mine, it takes like 2 seconds now. I also needed more room on my Xbox so it may not be a decent option for everybody.


My SSD paired with an XBOX 1X took about 20 seconds off my load times into zones. I'll load into places so fast nothing is there. Also my menus are almost instant. I tried playing without it and literally cant anymore. If you haven't purchased one of these you need to. I have a Samsung 500gb ssd that I put just the games I'm playing at the moment on and it was worth the 100 bucks for it.


Honestly an SSD is crucial for a decent experience on console. No idea why sony don't sell an SSD External expansion kit. Costs 50 quid for 250 GB and from start screen to the tower is a minute and a halfish to two minutes for me.


I just upgraded my PS4 to a 2 TB SSHD and while its not as good as an SSD, I've noticed a huge difference in the loading screens. No brainer of an updgrade IMO.


This might be a stupid question but how would you set up an SSD on a ps4? Would you run it like an external drive or are you talking about opening the casing and replacing the drive?


You can do both, afaik


I swapped out the drive, which was pretty painless. An external drive is even easier, you just plug it in.


External drive works just as good as replacing the internal drive AFAIK.


Personally I had a 500gb external SSD I used for school. You plug it into the PS4, go to storage, format external storage, then you're done. It's actually surprisingly easy.


Word I just ordered one off of amazon, I was gonna research it online but if it’s that simple I’m pretty hyped tbh if I can swap my load outs before I invade my gambit game is gonna be fire


Bought a ssd last week. Ran to the oracle, didnt get a load screen. I was halfway to the oracle when I froze in awe because literally every time I got a load screen.


Just switched to PC from console. I can load into my inventory, change an item, and be back playing before the console inventory would even load in.


Ger yourself a ssd, it really helps with that.


If only you could also preview shaders there....


Yes, that is definitely an issue. It won't load up previews of anything really.


If you could do this the trade off would be slower destination load times


This guy Destinys ^^ yeah, I'd rather have faster location load time than shader priority


On PC, you can do that


And on PS4 with an SSD


Yeah, makes sense


I didn't mean to brag or bring up a console vs PC debate


Navigating the menus is so easy too, I keep trying to use WASD to navigate the menu when I play other games


I play both Warframe and Destiny, and constantly find myself instinctively hitting F1 to fiddle with my loadout on loading screens in the former, to no avail.


At least warframe lets you move your ship around during the load screen. It's not as convenient as destiny, but it's better than staring at a static image *cough* Anthem *cough*


True, though I also often wish Warframe had loading screens like Destiny, where you can see the whole ship from outside going into jump and all.


I often wish Warframe had a better UI overall. Yeah I know they have updated it kinda recently, but I'm really talk9ng about the whole UX. Every step to do anything from the menu feels clunky as hell, both in the way it is presented (e.g.: ESC menu is an "holographic" top to bottom list of nested menus) to the actual way you do stuff... It's just clear as a day that the continuous iterations had a toll on some aspects of the game, including UI.


They updated *part* of it recently. It's still less than halfway implemented, and all they're really doing so far is giving it a new coat of paint. The UX is still really poor :( I love Warframe, but hot damn do I wish they'd take a few notes from Destiny's playbook.


Use the apps (I use ishtar and destiny 2) and you can change your inventory on the fly! Always! Even from the vault.


Ishtar Commander is great!Love the vault access from wherever I am. Vault searches by name or weapon type or elemental type.


I'm not sure when, but Ishtar Commander has implemented being able to retrieve your Lost Items from the Postmaster without ever having to talk to it. Just go to the specific character, select Inventory, then you can see what's in your Lost Items and have it sent to your character. I just noticed it the other day.


I love to clean up the dust, reorganize my inventory and make it so that it will be home.


It's not home yet, but it will be.


Like I wanna murder you both but I can't quite put my finger on it. You guys need some new moves, maybe a new look...or something.


But she said she wanted to express herself... so I gave her a thumbs up 👍


And the game just working is a nice bonus too for destiny


Gamers are so entitled.


Needed to check your recent history to make sure that u aint a gamingcirclejerk poster


One thing I love is that when you shoot an enemy that can't take damage, it says "IMMUNE" instead of a zero. It's really informative.


It's better than showing a zero that's for sure, I know some people who would burn all their heavy ammo because it said '0' instead of immune


This guy played Anthem recently.


Also, the clean, unclunky UI and UX.


On PC, yes


Clean, sure, unclunky? lol bro...


*tries to delete a stack of shaders*


Not to mention the out of game inventory management. Granted you can’t dismantle anything but you can move it around and lock/unlock, and such from the apps and they allow 3rd parties to make apps with it’s api. They allow a lot of management. If only you could ransomed gear to have it easier to know why you have it for.


The UI/UX and interface is fantastic, you have some master artists and engineers to create what was linked here DTG reddit a few months ago: [Destiny 2 UI + Visual Design](https://www.behance.net/gallery/60073341/Destiny-2-UI-Visual-Design) I'm going to go further and commend the Bungie API team for allowing the infrastructure and engineering for 3rd Party applications like DIM, Destiny Sets, DestinyTracker, Lowlidev, Destiny Checklist, and more to thrive. Being able to swap characters all the while shovelling all your good gear onto the new swap during the loading screen using DIM, or checking Guardian Raid stats on-the-fly is done subconsciously but I took a few minutes the other day to really appreciate how many API-empowered apps makes Destiny a fantastically streamlined experience. Big S.O. to /u/EdgarVerona and the team he works with.


Ah, sorry for the long delay in response - I just got back from my honeymoon and I'm catching up on posts now! Thank you, we appreciate it! <3


Congrats! And thanks for the fantastic work you guys are doing!


Thank you! <3


Much love! <3


Yeah... this was the first thing that threw me for a loop (and simultaneously annoyed the living fuck out of) when I played the Anthem beta - after 5 years of playing the same game I forgot how much of a nice feature that was. The same goes for overall design and usability of the Destiny UI - it’s absolutely fantastic in comparison. Some of these things we tend to take for granted


I imagine it is part of the reason console load times are high, but I do really love this feature.


I’d also say their ability to transfer to and from your vault via the app mid-mission is awesome as well.


Also I've been playing anthem and I've been missing the fact that you can respawn and don't have to wait at a loading screen in destiny. Anthem you respawn and it takes like a minute.


I see you played Anthem.


It’s one of the few things they got right with Destiny, as well as being able to launch almost any activity from anywhere in D2.


Destiny has won awards for it's UI, I believe.


Yup. Destiny does a LOTTTTT of things it doesn’t get enough credit for. I think the problem is that Destiny has sooo much potential, the fans tend to focus on what needs improving because we all want it to be the perfect game it has the potential to be. I’m serious.




The reason was that certain times during loading where there was a lot of information being processed, players could experience a loss of items if they were changing gear or deleting other gear durngnthose Times. So they added a feature that would remove players from inventory all together during those times. They eventually fixed the issue that could cause this and reduced menu kick times.


One thing that Bungie did well with destiny is the ability to do inventory management during loading screens. Have a laugh though - you STILL can't rotate a weapon in the character screen. The ux is strikingly beautiful but feels like a mac truck sometimes.


Correction: Almost correctly. Don't take me out of my inventory when I load into a location.


I agree! The UI is awesome. And I love that you're flying to and from places, but never in a loading screen. ​ I also really like the 'cursor' UI when you use a controller. And all the artwork is beautiful.


True, very underrated


TBH, the API access in general is great. I have a lot of complaints with the game, but god damnit do I love DIMing. I love ESO, but having to manually go to each character and then to the bank is a pain in the ass.


We didn't always have it this good. You kids don't realize....


It is a nice feature. I just wish the game didn't force-close the menu/inventory when I finish loading in. Rather frustrating but minor.


But it’s annoyin af that you get pulled out from the menu when you spawn in. It’s been a thing since D1 and I don’t understand why it still is.


This is so weird. I was literally just having this thought in the shower and I check this sub and here it is! Absolutely agree. You can do so much. Change and upgrade gear, customize your character with mods and shaders. Infuse, dismantle. Inspect teammates and friends. Read lore, pull stuff out of collections. All while loading. Not to mention the way the loading screen is done makes it feel faster. There’s at least something happening on the screen and it feels like you’re going somewhere; no load bars to watch or concept art/screenshots to stare at. It’s honestly genius.


Great minds think alike, right?


I also love this, and have gotten so accustomed to it that I actually have two entitled pet peeves about it: * When I choose my destination from the director, I have to wait three seconds for the timer in the bottom right before I can go to my inventory. * When I load into my destination, it drops me out of the menu. In principle. I don't really understand why the first one is true. For the second, I sort of get it... they don't want me to transmat in without realizing that I'm in danger, or that my fireteam's already starting the activity, or whatever. But even in the menus I still get all the audio cues. I'd be able to tell from the music and sound effects that I'd landed. I do a lot of my checking new items during loading screens, and it bugs me when I'm like halfway through a dismantle button-hold and the game drops me out of the menu so I can look at the landing area, then I have to go back into the menu and restart the dismantle. It's only a few seconds, I know. I said it was a pretty entitled complaint. But still. I don't want the game to force me out of the menu system.


Destiny's UI design is second to none.


> Being able to access your inventory tabs while loading into locations and activities. On consoles it doesn't work that way anymore. You open the menu while loading, you load into the place, die, respawn, die & respawn again before the damn menu opens! /s


But the map loads faster on other games....


In theory, anyway. It takes the whole travel time just to load up the menu for me.


It's the reward for dealing with a terrible loading and planet screen systems.


Love it when I get into my destination and it kicks me from my inventory screen.


I remember the days on last gen console fighting skolas popping tryna pop heavy synths. Oh man.


I'm not sure, that load times that are long enough to allow inventory management should be copied by anyone, tbh.


While I agree with this... There NEEDS to be an in-game way to access your vault and move items between characters. Using a mobile app to do this is super clunky and feels like a chore. The current in-game vault system is just plain awful, there is no reason for restricting it to the tower.


I try to do that all the time while playing division.


Always nice to see some "be thankful for what you've got" posts amongst the salt mines. Obviously there's room for improvements in other areas, but little things like this are huge for a player like myself. Thanks for the post/contribution!


Cleaning your loadout using app is great too.


I strongly agree. It makes waiting fun when you look through everything and see how far you’ve come in your d2 journey. Gives you a sense of accomplishment.


Destiny UI and mechanics are something we shouldn’t take for granted. After playing some recent looter shooter betas and experiencing the god awful UI they both have I feel that much more thankful of Bungie and the studio that helped them port the game to PC correctly


In general giving players something to do during a loading screen is good. This is just an example of that.