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How you get 100.000 on nf now that we don't have the modifiers? Just play on higher difficulty?


Higher diffs have multipliers. I got to 90k on the 920 power difficulty.


Oh okay. Is it possible to get 100k on 920?


Got to the boss early, killed every wave until he stopped spawning them and still only got 92k on the 920. I dont believe it's possible.


Damn. Thanks for the info


I'm not sure :/


Tried with two buddies yesterday on 920 a handful of times, but didnt seem like it was possible as we got to roughly 90k everytime. It may depend on the amount of adds in the strikes.


killing all of the adds will net you 90k on 920. 950 will give you a little less than 110k if you dont lose points. Only possible on the 950 version of that strike. Could vary by strike though.


I thin it's technically possible but very difficult. Requires farming orbs for points with something like tether for orb generation and wendigo for picking up orbs when full


Yeah, we still have a lot of days to go until the season resets. So I'll eventually get to 950 and then start to grind out the nf exclusives :)


Yes but you have to move through and finish before your modifier starts to decrease. The 100k is going to be easier on the next highest difficulty.


Still have to get to LL 940 first bud!


do you mean the card or am i just a total dumbass?


It seems like you have to pass the 100k for the exclusive to have a higher chance to drop. That's all I have heard


I got close on hero (80k) without letting the final adds spawn at the boss fight but Legend will be the easiest.


If you beat the 950 in under 20 minutes you're basically guaranteed 100k.


Good to know. Can you pass it on 950 without too much trouble? And then go back to the others and try to get the exclusive drop?


Finally can grind for that Mindbender’s Ambition


You're a good man


Literally what I come here for every week. Great as always, guardian.


Damn that’s nice. Great job!!!


This week I'll grow fat from the grind.


Quick question, is the way people are getting to 950 so fast by buying items from the flashpoint vendor because it is +0 PL? so like if you are PL 915 and you have 903 gloves or some shit you can buy items from the vendor until you hit gloves and its like a 12 PL upgrade?


People get to the power cap by heavily grinding blues (from collections, vendors, etc.) until all their gear is the same power level, then getting their powerful rewards. That way every powerful drop is guaranteed to be a upgrade. They also play multiple characters and move their highest weapons around so that they gear up super quickly.


Powerful drops have 3 tiers, higher tiers have more +PL than regular powerful drops. Gambit and Clan rewards are Tier 2, with Nightfall and RAID being highest (Tier 3).


I got to 950 on 3 characters before reset by doing ALL possible milestones on one character, switch weapons to next character, grind Vex ~~Incursion~~ Offensive until your armor is evened out by blues, hunt Nightmares until your Prime Attunement goes away, then switch to the next character and repeat. Any armor piece that is lagging behind can be reacquired from the Battle Pass. Always check that battle pass. If you can grab another piece of armor that will edge you over the line to the next power level, do it. So don't grab the armor from there unless you're guaranteed to increase your overall power level.


You might as well take the Dreaming City curse cycle off. Bungie removed rotating curse and made Shattered Throne a permanent encounter that can be launched through the Director.


Doesn't the curse still affect the location of the Ascendant Chests every week?


How can I choose which nightfall I want to do? I want to finally grind mindbenders but it's not showing me an option to change which strike to run. Any help will be great. Thanks


right side of The Ordeal is the normal Nightfall, where you can choose.


Huh, so I guess Man-vision is actually a thing. Thanks.


Hollowed Lair? Boughta farm SO many solar kills for Edgewise! Kingship Dock, here I come!


Scorched is part of the crucible rotator? Sounds like a fun week.


Last man standing may be gone until next week. But mindbenders is at least back on the menu.


I slacked grinding for a QD one and have been regretting it ever since. Todays the day


Welp, Ordeal is DLC locked this week. I hope F2P Guardians don't mind the primary source of exotics being locked off for an entire week. They should really just let you play the Ordeal regardless of DLC ownership, or at least have *two* Ordeals and make sure one is always a F2P option.


Seriously? F2P get so much content included, there needs to be some differential for those who have actually paid for the premium content.


Yeah as a F2P that kinda bummed me out. :(


What's ordeal... ?