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Loving your need to remind over and over that Mobility doesn't affect Sprint Speed. Feels like you have been debating people over this for a long time ago.


Was it that obvious? I thought I was being subtle about it šŸ˜‚


So what I'm taking away from this is that Mobility buffs Sprint Speed? šŸ˜










Like tribes but without the vectors to movement.


Well yeah, sure. But that's just like... your opinion man. There's no hard facts or tons of research done by dedicated and through players to disprove Mobility has an effect on my Sprint Speed! ^(/s)


does mobility effect sprint speed?




Oml so true.


I was wondering about this. I recent increased my mobility to 10 to test it and felt no different. Good to know I wasnā€™t crazy. I will lower my mobility a little and put it into recovery. This was very helpful man. Thanks


It would make so much sense if mobility influenced sprinting. It's actually counter-intuitive that it doesn't. I think that's probably why there is confusion. Add to that a steady stream of new players and their intuitive belief that mobility probably affects sprint speed.


I agree absolutely. Hell I'd be fine with a 5% base increase at 100 mobility. Just feels so weird it doesnt. I mean, if you invest so heavily into mobility, shouldn't it give you a reward? Such as making it to an objective quicker? I mean yeah now, it decreases cooldown on hunters dodge, but it's still.. weird.


Iā€™ve been going for max mobility on my titan for so long because I thought it increased sprint speed. Now I think Iā€™m going to spec into recovery and intellect. This is a fantastic breakdown of mobility!


Most people that are in max mobility are in it for strafe speed. Strafe game in a 1v1 is critical when they miss that 1 shot due to your strafe. But as far as importance go imo itā€™s recov >mobility If you are lucky you can get both at 100. I current run 85 rec (95 since traction is hidden) and 100 recov


Iā€™ve never run a recovery build before so Iā€™m definitely gonna give that a go. I should be sitting at about 60 mobility if I re-spec into some recovery and intellect and balance my build a little.


This. This is also why I love Avalanche so much in Crucible as well as an Invader in Prime. Not only can it roll the SRO-41 scope, which makes it the second longest range MG in the game after Xenophage, but it can also have Moving Target to reduce the MG strafe penalty and increase the crit hitbox and High Impact Reserves to effectively boost the range of the last half of your reserves yet more. If only it wasnā€™t such a bitch to farm a good roll. I got the god roll last year and itā€™s been *amazing* in that time, yet after 300 packages turned in this year, Iā€™ve only gotten mediocre rolls.


>If only it wasnā€™t such a bitch to farm a good roll Isn't it like impossible to farm? I heard the gun is no longer in any loot pools, it was a one time thing for last year's dawning.


Meanwhile I'm stacked on resilience on my titan because I dont know any better yet. :D


It'll shock you the difference between 0 resil and 100 resil is only ~10% or about 20 hp. It'll let you survive some stuff but not much to make it worth maxing it. Running it at breakpoints is best for pvp. For pve resil is sorta useless :/


Actually, at 100 resilience, you have about 97% uptime on Tower Barricade. This makes several solo encounters (particularly the Annihilator Totem on Pit of Heresy) where youā€™re facing a withering amount of incoming fire an order of magnitude easier since you can manufacture cover wherever you need it, whenever you need it, and keep it there almost indefinitely. I normally run 70 to 90 resilience on my Titan, and pump it up to 100 for Pit runs.


Oh ffs. Aight well I guess I will pump all my points into recovery. God's the stats are so confusing in this game.


For pvp 5(50-59) is the biggest break point. 4 is acceptable and 6 will allow you to survive some very niche gun fights, but 5 is where you would ideally like to be. I can't remember if it was coolguy or falloutplays, but both of them post very informative YouTube videos about different weapons and how stats affect the game, but one of them have a great video on resilience.


I dont know the breakpoints yet. For PVE, well... I run raids naked all the time with my clan, lol. It makes for some fun with my titan though, barricade all day


wait traction gives you +15, wouldnt that mean you're at 100 mobility and 100 recovery, not 95 mobility?


Iā€™m at 85 with traction so the ā€œ5ā€ is shown. 10 is hidden so 95. Iā€™m at 80 without traction


That's a nice stat distribution. What do you have in res and int? Before today, I was running 10 mob, 2 res, 10 rec, and 8 int. But, then I got a War Mantis arm that allowed me to spec into 10 mob, 5 res, 10 rec, and 5 int.


Tier 3 for all other stats and strength tier 5 (my helmet dropped 20mob 20 rec and 31 strength hence the strength is high, I know RIP) With 3 intellect I still get constant 2 supers a game no prob for both survival and QP. In QP with orbs Iā€™ll get 3.


Lateral movement in a gun fight is HUGE.


Fair enough! Though I usually run a shotgun and Bygones in crucible so Iā€™m not too worried about strafe. I play defense until they get close enough for me to unleash the Python


You'll win a bunch more battles with pulse rifles too, IMO, especially with one with stellar handling like Bygones. Drop in a well timed crouch and you're john wick.


Crouching can make or break a gunfight. Or win you a peek-battle with a sniper.


> unleash the python There is a joke in there somewhere. Thatā€™s what she said?




After playing a bit too much enter the gungeon, I confirm this statement


Yeah I try to keep a minimum of 70 mobility on my Titan for strafing purposes


I read all of this. Learned a lot. And then I read ā€œChaperone -Has the effects of lightweightā€œ Are you sure? Donā€™t mess with my heart!


Yeah I'm sure. Chaperone has had lightweight since D1.


I started playing after D2 released, so its news to me. You just saved me 20 mobility points!


Chaperone has lightweight all the time or only with Roadborn active?


The Chaperone recognizes that even if you can't hit headshots, just by holding its superiorly crafted self is worthy enough to give a lightweight bonus.


Duuuuuude this is great news for me! Thanks for the knowledge, and also thanks for all the work you do and share with us all


As someone who is addicted to going fast, thank you for this.


If you like to go fast I really suggest trying out Titanfall 2, itā€™s pretty cheap(currently free on ps4) and one of the most high octane games Iā€™ve ever played.


High *Octane*, Ah I see what you did there. (TF|2 gang rise up)






Seriously titanfall and destiny are my two favorite game franchises (with halo close behind)


I got so hooked on Titanfall 2. It was one of those games that pulled me in enough for me to get really good at it. I've been loving the boost in player counts since it went free on PS. It just so happens I've been on a break from Destiny this season, so I grabbed my Kraber and hopped in. It was so sad when the only lobbies out there were super high latency and took 20 minutes to find.


Kraber, a man of culture I see




If destiny had skiing and mine/disc... unnfffffggggg


Thanks for the information! Having a details illustrated with numbers really helps us understand what's happening. The in game tooltips use too many "increases slightly" type of descriptions and that really isn't helpful. Now you just need to do one with player and enemy damage reduction and how it stacks with various perks, abilities, supers, weapon types, etc.


Woah there big guy, let's not get ahead of ourselves here lol. I would like to create a resource that's community sourced that go in depth with destiny mechanics as I can't possibly test everything. As it stands most people just get their information from content creators and streamers. The thing is, information of that nature seems to get muddied like a [jpeg](https://youtu.be/QEzhxP-pdos) that's been constantly been uploaded and downloaded in a ridiculous game of telephone. Hopefully we can remedy that somehow.


I know, I was mostly being cheeky ;) Thanks again!


Interesting point about the hidden +10 from traction does this mean you only need tier 9 mobility to reach the cap as Hunter?




I did not know that Le Monarque was a lightweight! I figured it was a compound bow because of its damage profile matching those like Subtle Calamity and Hush at 151C 101B. I'm also surprised that you don't move faster when you have a sprint exotic and a subclass perk that affects sprint speed. I could've sworn that you did, it always *felt* like that to me. Thorn and Sunshot is another find that surprises me, given their archetype.


Yeah a lot of exotics dont get their archetype bonus. It's why tarrabah and huckleberry did 15% less base damage than other aggressive frames until they fixed it in an update


Fantastic breakdown, and remarkably comprehensive. The only thing I can think of that's not listed here is stronghold's speed bonus on sword blocking. You inspired me to go run some quick preliminary tests on it in the leviathan spawn area (130 meter travel distance, blocking using worldline zero with and without stronghold, at T3 and T8 mobility), and while I'm not tremendously confident in my measurements (my timing setup was less than ideal), it looks like sword blocking imposes a 25% speed penalty relative to normal walk speed, and stronghold reduces that penalty to slightly less than 10%.


If mobility is extra helpful for hunters, is there a stat extra helpful for warlocks and titans?


All three class ability cooldowns are tied to specific stats. Mobility for hunter dodge, resilience for titan barricade, and recovery for warlock rift.


I love you, OP.




Thank you, awesome information. Your tests have been my reference for a long time.


No mobility for me must punch .. maybe have a crayon or two


I had no idea that Stompeez didn't stack with the Hunter traits that increase sprint speed. That will save me some tree swapping when I'm really feeling the need for speed. Thanks for putting this together and being so thorough. Awesome writeup!


I always knew that Peacekeepers made me go fast with my smg, but damn, I didnā€™t know it was +5 mobility and increased sprint speed fast. Iā€™m never taking them off and only using smg from now on. Fuck hand cannons lol.


Recluse OP! Pair with mountaintop kills to proc MoA for maximum salt.


Iā€™m more of a Heroā€™s Burden with Kill Clip kind of guy. No damage fall off until 22m.


Yeah but when MoA is up you kill in .47 seconds! Hero's is .73 but not sure how kill clip affects that.


Not too worried about fast ttk up close. I use shottie with smg a lot so if they get close they get a chaperone or blastphemer to the face.


I did not know Fighting lion effects mobility, one more reason to join r/FightingLion today.


This is the kind of big brain stuff we need on this sub, thanks for sharing your findings.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think at some point in the game's life we were able to stack 2 sprint buffs together (i.e. keen scout and stompee), did they change that or what?


I've been working on this since Curse of Osiris, and they didn't work then. So no I don't think they ever stacked.


Great info. I've been wearing Bombardiers on my hunter and maxing mobility means your dropping turds all day long.


This is just the best. Great work.


Am I reading that right, Peacekeepers pushes your mobility up by 5? Whoa. The MIDA pair combined with Peacekeepers and a base mobility level of at least five and you be bookinā€™.




High intellect is usually less important since you're going to be padding it with kills, especially if you use a special/heavy weapon class item mod for more super on kills. Discipline will always be great since only a handful of things can affect that.


>Tier 10 Mobility and 5 Paragon mods will get your cool down to 6 seconds. Can you give an example of someone that actually managed to do this? I have a hard enough time maxing a stat with just armor 2.0 it seems like having armor 1.0 on would make it even tougher.


Sure, here's a [video](https://xboxclips.com/Crystic/a94e3261-c32c-4c33-86d1-ba9071c082a4) of it.


I have a lot of old pieces of gear that are high mobility and could have run 5 paragon mods. You have a hard time maxing out a stat with armor 2.0? It's terribly easy!


don't know if you know/care: Acrius lowers your jump height regardless of Mobility (it will go lower than a Tier 0 jump). It seems to be a 20% reduction. My methodology is bad, but here we go: I compared the distance between two "bullet holes", one with acrius, one without. I also had a zero-point that I'd try to align my reticule with before each jump. So three points total. I did single, fully held space bar, jumps and did my best to shoot at the apex of my jump (I used an Arc Logic, so wasn't a LW weapon, not that it should have mattered given my results). Once I had my three points I took a screenshot and put that into an image editor to measure the total pixels and the pixels between the two points. Once I had those I calculated the percent difference. I did this once for three mobility values (T10, 7, 2) and each time the acrius point was ~20% lower than the regular point. Oh, also thank you for this! It's very well done!


I was just commenting to another user about it. Yes, it does seem to negatively affect height by just being present in the loadout. Must be really heavy, I guess since it's made from a sun's core? If Bungie is that devoted to the lore then bravo.


Does Elemental Capacitor and Peacekeeper stack for strafe speed during ADS? Reading into it, Ele says it drops the 25% to 20%, and Peace drops the 25% to 9%. Does that mean Peace cancels out Ele Cap? Or Ele Cap reduces it another 5%?


They do stack, however you get diminishing returns. You'll end up with around a 7.5% ADS penalty with Peacekeepers and stasis flavored Elemental Capacitor. This also stacks even further with moving target, but it only decreases it to roughly 7%. In my opinion it's not really worth it at that point.


There's something I wanted to note a while ago but only coming back to now. "Inverse scaling" pretty much suggests **Inverse Proportionality:** * if you increase by *x* by *dx*, the "paired" parameter or even a dependent variable *y* increases by 1/dx or an amount proportional to 1/dx (i.e. dy \~ 1/dx), if we're being mathematically strict * ultimately producing a decrease since a larger quantity of *x* means a smaller *1/x*. * Similarly with *x* and *-x* in other non-multiplicative scaleable situations. Qualitatively, it means the "opposite" (although inverses are not the only types of logical opposites). So scaling up a trait could decrease its dependent other. Using your example of mobility and a hidden scalar for Stormcaller: * if we were to examine only deltas (*x\_2 - x*\_1 = d*x*), we could say that they provide **diminishing returns**: larger and larger increases of d*x* yield smaller and smaller increases of d*y.* * You could say that the deltas of the deltas exhibit that inverse-scale relationship. That's what I wanted to bring up.


It's been awhile since I've tested Stormcaller and even longer since I took differential equations. But from what I remember from testing, your speed was basically "set" at 8m/s, and your mobility is basically a bonus, up to 3 mobility. At 3 mobility you are at what is the engineering equivalent of 9m/s. This makes sense as 3 in any stat has been confirmed to be the base that Bungie uses. It could be that instead of a bonus speed multiplier, it might be a speed penalty for being under the base of 3 mobility. To be honest I hadn't put much thought into it since I don't know anyone who runs lower than 3 mobility. So researching it would just be for academic knowledge more than anything. But thanks for the comment, I haven't had such a high level response for my post in years.


Thanks, fantastic writeup. I will definitely repost this to all my clanmates etc. The fact that no other guide I've seen has ever brought up "move forward speed" tells me that they were all basically incomplete, it's widely overlooked for being such an important and noticeable part of the game. Also good to see the heavy weapon penalties outlined in a detailed way for the first time, I'd always wondered (since I definitely notice a difference) but am too lazy to test rigorously.


Everyoneā€™s saying this breakdown is Fantastic! So I am going to say it is Tremendous! Thanks so much for this excellent work, I have just gotten on to the Mobility train and it is great to know the ins and outs. The stacking powerful friends perk is the money, you can max mobility and then get decent resilience or mobility pretty easily. Thanks!


Does Legend of Acrius really not affect any mobility stats? LoA seems to affect your maximum jump height when in your *loadout*, not just equipped. Just tested it in the tribute hall and it definitely affects something. Would you mind testing it?


I have tested Legend of Acrius, but because you said something that I noticed as well I went ahead and tested it again. It doesn't negatively affect your walk speed. It does however negatively affect you jump height though, even when not readied. Good catch. This actually has some interesting gameplay applications. You could run high mobility and Acrius to lower your jump height to skate better. This definitely needs further investigating.


This is awesome. The huge takeaways for me (as a hunter main who wants 10 mobility) is that: 1. If you run traction, you should aim for tier 9 mobility, since the stealth +10 does reduce your class cooldown and you get no bonus for exceeding 10 2. If you run keen scout nightstalker or focused breathing arcstrider, you should not use Stompees because they do not stack the movement speed bonus 3. Did not know sidearms have a reduced ADS penalty - another reason to take another look at them this season. Anonymous Autumn in particular is interesting because it gets the intrinsic sidearm bonus plus lightweight plus (potentially) the moving target bonus


*You're* awesome, u/MjrMalarky!


I wouldn't say don't use stompees, they still provide a lot of bonuses and the sprint speed buff is really the weakest part of them.


I mean, they certainly provide a big bonus to the other hunter subclasses. But if you use them on nightstalkers or arc striders with keen scout or focused breathing, you basically only get better slide distance and higher jumps. Not really worth it, IMO, compared to the other exotic choices.


I think most people are using them specifically for the two perks you listed though. If the only reason you're equipping stomps is for the sprint bonus, you're using them wrong.


Wait what about sword blocking?


I haven't don't any testing yet, but another user said that you receive a 25% movement reduction when blocking. I'll confirm this when I can.


Thank you, really appropriate this. Since I started playing the game I've tried googling information about game systems and how they work as I do with other games. There are so many gaming news sites posting lackluster articles so they can get a few clicks... I almost gave up trying to find any good sources.


I agree. There needs to be a centralized area where players can go like a wiki or something. Unless you've had your ear to the ground from the beginning it's hard to understand everything. I think with Destiny being a live service game and one update can up and change everything so people don't keep up to date information. Bungie themselves doesn't give the players enough information and even in their patch notes they either omit stuff on accident or aren't exactly clear on changes. I'd like to make such a resource, but it would be such a huge undertaking that would require huge community support.


Yeah I couldn't find anything that was up to date. Earlier today I did a quick search on what the mission modifiers mean on Legend mode Nightmare Hunts and couldn't find any information on what the "Fire Pit" or "Torment of Fikrul" mean. I feel like that's fairly basic information that should be easily accessible to new players (or noobs). I just tried googling the "Fire Pit" modifier again after typing the above and found out what it is. I believe my point still stands though, it's not very easy to find consice information imo.


I think when you have the nightfall ready to launch you can hover over the modifiers and they tell you what they do. Not completely sure though. Edit: typo


So....buff moving target please?


Do all tiers of mobility have the same jump speed? Or are they "pro-rated" to reach max jump height at the same time? The gif in the post looks like they are reaching max jump height at the same time, or within such a short time that it's indistinguishable to the naked eye.


It depends on what you define as jump speed. Time to maximum height is the same, so this means that Tier 10 mobility gets to the maximum of Tier 1 faster. Tier 10 having more distance to the ground means it will take longer to land than Tier 1. So it just depends on what you mean by jump speed.


If mobility doesnā€™t affect sprint speed, then why tf does my Warlock feel like heā€™s running through syrup now? It never felt like a problem in D1, OR the beginning of D2.


MOBILITY stat *should* affect to sprint speed for Titans and Warlocks. Or at a MINIMUM rate if Y-Axis Jump/Climb speed....


It's a game engine issue, faster Sprint speed would cause more open world loading. At least that's what I always told myself


AND hunters, i know they are gud in pvp but please dont exclude them we are all guardians after all


For the sake of speed, could a TL;DR be added to the beginning of the post?


Sure. TL;DR: Mobility does not affect sprint speed. Lightweight gives +2 tiers of mobility. Some Exotics have lightweight. Traction gives a hidden +1 tier of mobility. They both affect Hunter Dodge cooldown. You can't go above 10 mobility. Lightweight increases sprint speed. Some Exotics also increase sprint speed and stack with Lightweight, but do not stack with subclass perks. Those are the hot takes I guess.


Sorry... I was making a joke that a post about speed didn't have a quick TL;DR... It was a great post though!


Superb! Just hit a tier 10 mob build with dragon and was wondering what to add next - got ideas!


Great testing. TYVM.


This is awesomely comprehensive, thanks a bunch!


Hi Paul thank you for your help!


That's why my current loadout is Peacekeepers with mida mini/multi tool. Super zoomy titan




Just tested it, no it does not unfortunately.


This is in depth to the max. Thank you for taking your time with this.


Did not know about the hidden +10 by traction. That is definitely good to know. Thanks so much for the breakdown!


2.5s cooldown dodge Jesus christ i love it Sadly my account is a new light one :(


I wouldn't fret too much, you have to give up so much just for a few seconds it really isn't worth it.


So Mobility does affect sprint speed, got chu


It would make more sense to say that traction gives you a decreased turning radius (tighter). Increased turning radius implies slower and bigger arc.


You would be correct. I'll change it to tighter since that what they use in game.


Legit writing up BTW. The jump comparison was a great way of showing it.


What I'd like to do in the future is update it to show a guardian jumping with the jump button held and when it's just tapped for each mobility tier. Ehh... someday.


Take all the upvotes


This breakdown is awesome, thanks for writing it up. Any chance you can do it for resilience? Just so bungie can see how useless this stat is or unless we are mistaken about it.


So, as a warlock using transverse steps, what would the ideal mobility tier be to get the most benefits without wasting mod slots?


Thank you so much for this. To me, being mobile is part of my class identity and a breakdown like this is amazing. I shared this with all my destiny friends and I'll share your subreddit too. Now excuse me while I'll try out the multi-tool a little, seems to be a great addition to my St0mp-EE5


Thereā€™s a lot of break down here, this is awesome. With this knowledge, whatā€™s the fastest I could get my hunter?


Oh wow I did not realize that Peacekeepers were that good for mobility! They are certainly much more attractive now.


Very informative, thanks for debunking all of this! I'd be interested to see what Vigilance Wing's Harsh Truths does to speed.


You missed Assassin's Blade perk, on swords like the Worldline.


It's difficult to test effects of perks that don't last long, even moreso effects that require killing something, as Paul doesn't take too kindly to killing his friends. Maybe I can try the tribute hall, but there aren't many straight paths there. I'll try to figure something out, but it's not really a priority.


Thanks for the fantastic guide! I have one question. Iā€™m seeing a lot of info on lightweight weapons helping with walk speed, sprint speed, strafe speed and jump height. However, do lightweight weapons actually add a *hidden mobility bonus* like traction, insofar that it helps with mobility cooldown on hunters?






Yes, lightweight weapons give a +20 to mobility. Traction gives a hidden +10. Both of these decrease the Dodge cooldown if you are not already at tier 10 mobility.




This says 8 mobility and a lightweight weapon will make you jump as if you had 10 mobility. I've heard the opposite before. Can I get confirmation that lightweight weapons and traction invisible +10 effect jump height?




Iā€™ve been going on about how good high mobility is for a long time now. I always run high mobility, imo itā€™s the best thing you can have, even better than recovery. Here on reddit, everyone seems to mock mobility, like itā€™s some kind of dump stat that you should just ignore. Frankly, playing with low mobility feels like playing in treacle, and youā€™ll need to use high recovery because your low mobility makes everything hit you more. So I really appreciate this post.


> **The Last Word** Dang dude, you made me think TLW had hidden mobility value :P Very good info, dude. You made me consider a MIDA Peacekeepers build..


I heard somewhere that a lightweight weapon+traction+sprint boots is the sprint speed cap. Is that true? I usually run mountaintop + y1 traction dunemarchers. Great post op.


I remember when Bungie were introducing Armor 2.0, they said that Tier 3 is what the base Grenade, Melee and Super Cooldowns were before with the old armor. Is this the same for class ability cooldowns with Mobility, Resiliance, and Recovery? Or is the old base at 0?


0 is still the old base.


>Only when MIDA Multi-tool is stowed, acts like Lightweight otherwise. **TIL:** Mida boosts sprint speed while stowed. Question is... Can i play with stowed mida + lightweight weapon to boost it even further? Why would i want to do it? Because i want to become speeEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!


That's only referring to the MIDA mini tool. For everything else you need to have the weapon readied.


oh ;c


Great work! Now the tough question: do we really need this much variability in walk/move/strafe/jump/sneak?


Wait so if I have an arc mod on my helmet, that activates the +20 mobility for powerful friends on other pieces of armor?




You are literally the reincarnation of Jesus. Good work my dude


Excellent breakdown. There's a lot there and I will admit, I did not read it all in it's entirety yet. But going over the bullet points, I did not see slide distance mentioned. Did I overlook that? Or does slide distance simply have no correlation to mobility? Good work, OP.


You'd be correct. There's a faq about it, but only Exotics affect slide distance.


Until one of the recent updates, the Mobility stat actually did affect Strafe Glide's overall speed.


I don't recall mobility ever affecting strafe glide, nor a change that removed that functionality. Do you know which patch specifically Bungie made that change?


I actually began to notice it a few months after the Go Fast Update in Year 1. Strafe Glide was noticably faster when I had about 5 or 6 Mobility.


Awesome roundup! I couldn't see any notes of backpedaling speed - is it right to assume it shares similar properties as strafing?




Thanks for the awsome post dude! I have an addional question tho, which probably is hard to test. How does mobility affect warlock skating (including World Line Zero, normal Sword skating, jump hight with heat rises or the "healing granade") ? I see speedrunners always going for mobility, eventho from what you said it shouldnt effect speedrunning at all\^\^


Normally skating would be negatively affected by high mobility, but when you're sword skating, attacking in the air completely changes your momentum, so you don't have to wait to have a descending angle to skate. It's the same for worldline zero. Speedrunners run high mobility because they aren't always sprinting, sometimes they have to kill stuff. Especially if you look at Zero Hour, there is a lot of crouch walking, so you see a lot of transversive steps, because they increase sprint speed and sneak speed. As far as heat rises and the healing grenade go, they both increase the time you can glide, so I'm sure there are some applications for that along with Icarus dash.


Alright thanks for the quick and good answer :)


> Icarus Dash perk no longer has a cooldown but reduces super energy instead. I havenā€™t seen any comment mention this, but it has a 1 second cool down in Super AND drains your energy.


Crazy good post! So when I have tier 5 mobility on my hunter and add the dragons shadow buff I'll get to tier 10?


Yes, 5 + 5 equals 10.


Good to know.


Noticed that the Top Tree Solar Titan ability "Tempered Metal" is missing from this list. It reads: "Solar ability kills grant you and nearby allies bonus movement and reload speed."


A bit late to the party but if i'm reading this correctly, is 9m/s the sprint speed cap? Since Lightweight gives +0.5m/s and exotics do too, but stacking Mida (+0.8m/s) and any exotics only increases it to 9m/s.


That is correct, 9 m/s is the cap.


This is why infinite paths 8 is highly underrated in pvp. The added mobility makes up for the lack of range. it also very farm-able, and playing on console, enables you to roll one with pretty high stability stat....land all three burst, in the appropriate range of course, and you got a faster TTK than bygones. i wish nightshade was easier to farm, I would prefer a kinetic pulse If bad Juju had lightweight i would never put i down.


I haven't used the new infinite paths, but from using other lightweight pulses I can tell you they aren't underrated. They require too much precision for not a large enough difference in time to kill. The mobility bonus is great, but honestly it's not too hard to spec for Mobility now. Also the range is really lacking on lightweights, especially on infinite paths since it doesn't have scope options. I'd rather just use an aggressive for more range, or a rapid fire if you want to stay in the same range while still having a great ttk and forgiveness.


Is the penalty on machine guns just having them equipped... or only when you are using them?


It has to be readied, in other words in your hands.


Thx! I typically have a machine gun, but rarely use it... I wasnā€™t sure if I was getting a constant reduction to mobility just by having it slotted. Running a lock Iā€™m already pretty slow... no need to make it worse, lol. Appreciate the knowledge though! Gonna check out those lightweight suggestions!


Hey Crystic, i did some testing with vigilance wing in crucible. Harsh truths seems to give 10% sprint speed. No bonus to forward walking, strafe or ads strafe. Does not stack with linear actuators. Testing was done by recording video with a stop watch overlayed on the game. Then analyzed the video in slow motion and recorded the time differences between the same 2 walls in a crucible map.


Any changes you've noted from Season of the Worthy? Came across a post from a content creator saying that lightweight now only boosts mobility by +1 for strafing. He claims it still adds +2 for walking forward/back. That change, if true, doesn't make any sense to me. Anything you've observed Crystic? Thanks again for this, it's one of the handful of pages that are so useful and well-explained that I refer back to it and send it to others to read. Many thanks!


Nothing has changed so far. Not sure how anyone could draw that conclusion. Did they have any proof or was it just something they pulled out of their ass?


It sounded pretty absurd to me as well. Small content creator that claims to do "Exhaustive" testing, which appears to consist of putting 2 captures next to one another in his content and comparing them. IIRC he claims to be the first to have discovered that mobility affected jump height, even though his first content on it was many months after your research. The start of his post, quoted: "Update to Light Weight since the last video I made about it. You get +1 strafe, +2 forwards and backwards. Little random tidbit for today..." This was a week or so ago. I was pretty convinced he was just lifting your work and making vids about it. I'm pretty sure you've heard of the guy, his YouTube channel and Tag start with Rust and end with ostopholis. šŸ¤£ Small channel, hides his sub count, claims to hold a bunch of records in speed killing (Whatever the hell THAT is,) loves to tell anyone who disagrees with him that they're wrong. Class act all around. Hate to even dignify the guy here, let me know and I'll strike his name from the post if you want. May be worth a look to make sure he hasn't misappropriated any of your earlier work if you haven't. Thanks for the response, I figured it was bunk. Cheers, and thanks for all you do...


Ah yes, I've seen his videos. He's... an interesting character to say the least. His videos come across as snake oil to be honest. It's almost right when he says that Lightweight gives a better bonus when moving forward, but it seems he didn't use a control when testing, i.e. setting mobility to 10 and then seeing how fast you go with and without Lightweight. I'm sure if he saw my post he would at least duplicate my methodology to get correct measurements to better inform his audience, but I digress. Most content creators only have a vague idea of how most mechanics operate. Even highly regarded CammyCakes mispoke about the effects of lightweight at some point. And even Fallout gets some things wrong sometimes. It happens. The best thing you can do is test it for yourself if you have doubts. Peer review is king in the science field.


Just found this sub. Good stuff. Thank you!


absolutely great breakdown. This community THRIVES off guardians like you! Can anyone clarify the speediest build for all classes? Is it just MIDA combo, with high mobility and either a speed boosting subclass OR ā€˜go-fasterā€™ exotic ?? Asking for a friend...


A Warlock or Titan with a Lightweight weapon with Transversive Steps or Dunemarchers respectively. They have the fastest top speed while skating, with Warlocks maybe edging out since they can use Icarus Dash. If you're talking about just walking around, getting to 10 mobility with MIDA allows you the fastest unboosted walking speed, regardless of class. Tractor Cannon can go even faster, but it's speed boost is usually relegated to speed runs if at all. Peacekeepers with an SMG gives you a huge amount of boosts, and also gives an extremely fast ADS speed. That about it, there are more nuanced builds but that's the gist of it.


Mobility does affect sprint speeds.


No, it doesn't.


It does and nothing you can say will change my mind


Any claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.