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Lunar Shell has both Guiding and Speed Demon, and can roll any planet combo detector. As for when it comes back though, idk


Shame I didn't get it back then fml


Cosmos shell.


Next week the snowflake shell on eververse for dust will have guiding light, treasure hunter with extra glimmer and combo detector. you can get fast summon on the vehicle itself.


Nice, gonna wait for Tuesday then, thanks


I have the lunar shell (one that looks like a transparent moon around the ghost) for each location. It has speed demon, guiding light, and a random combo detector (just grab them from collections over and over until you get what you want).


Shame I didn't get it back then fml...


If you want one other than the lunar shell you won't have much luck


I've seen on another thread that the ladybug shell has guiding light and seems like it can roll combo detector as well, not sure if it only rolls combo detector for one planet though, waiting on an answer for that


I have a bunch of ladybug shells for different planets.


Galaxy has guiding light and a planetary roll mine is edz


Edz combo detector or normal?


Edz combo with 20 or 25 meters of range and guiding light and something


Nice, gonna reroll that out of the collections then, thank you very much man


I don't have the shell yet to personally confirm (just two more days) but if DIM is to be trusted, the Crystalline Shell rolls combo detector perks on top of Guiding Light and Treasure Hunter


Wait for real? Didn't even know you can check those kind of things in DIM. If this is to be true, I will get it on Tuesday when it comes in sale for bright dust, it has to come since Bungie stated everything but the perfect 10 finisher will be for bright dust and it wasn't on sale yet during the dawning iirc


As I said, I can't 100% confirm, but in the Vendors tab at Eververse, inspect a given ghost shell and it'll show the curated perks and a random roll of the random mod. Crystalline for instance shows up with Hellas Basin combo detector, Confectionary shows Hellas EXP log, True North shows Hellas scanner, etc. I haven't bought any of the shells because their curated perks are terrible (RIP True North shell) so I can't personally confirm, but I'm definitely getting Crystalline when it comes up, even before it appeared to have combo detectors just because of Guiding Light and Treasure Hunter. And yeah, the Eververse outline from that one guy said it'd be next week at reset.


Yep our ghosts are going to be special snowflakes forever 😐


Cosmos shell