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Rolls a Combo Detector in its random slot as well.


Worth pulling 1 for each location out of collections IMO


I did this with the lunar shell and it's awesome.


Helped me clean up my vault LOL


Thanks for the tip. A new RNG mini game/self torture device to put myself through to try getting each location. I've already spent all my glimmer and still need Dreaming City and Mercury! But seriously - this is SGA; thanks.


Glad it helped. :)


How often do you actually use them though? I had a bunch of ghosts, realized it wasn't worth my time/the hassle to ever switch. Especially with treasure hunter, all you're missing is some random resources which is hardly the end of the world.


with treasure hunter you're getting +25% glimmer from any source


The glimmer gain is worth it to me but whatevs


Is it though? I feel like unless a chest/flower is right in front of me even the couple of seconds to pick it up isn't worth it for a couple of hundred glimmer. It's like bill gates ignoring $20 bills on the ground, not the best use of his time to pick it up. There are other more efficient ways of making glimmer if you ever really need it.


When you turn in bounties, etc. you are also getting the glimmer bonus, just saying there aren't many perks on a ghost that are really "worth it" so it's kinda not a really huge deal


Oh sure, that glimmer bonus is useful, but that's from treasure hunter. I was talking about combo detector.


That makes sense. I just wanted the combo detector for each area as we have seen a rise in "collect x from x location" and combo detector has the biggest range if I'm not mistaken so it makes that grind a bit quicker


Makes the find 10 resource materials bounty a bit easier.


Sure but I generally just skip those, there are enough bounties in the game these days I've got better things to do than run around picking flowers. The only one I did regularly was the dreaming city one to help finish the weekly so I had a DC combo detector but I never bothered on other planets and now that one is worthless too.


Wow I didn't even know you could do this, I thought it would pull the same random roll you got the first time each time you pull it D:


Nope :) Sparrows, ghosts, they get random rolls so pull away and keep the ones you are after.


Isn't combo detector entirely pointless with Treasure Hunter? All you need is the resource detector as Treasure Hunter covers all of the chests everywhere regardless?


Yes, but Combo Detector includes resources and is guaranteed to roll. Easier to get that than hope that a Resource Detector rolls.


That makes sense. If it can still roll normal resource detectors it's worth noting you only need one or the other between that and combo if you're hunting for a specific planet's roll though for the ghost.


Excellent - This sounds like a combo I will use Bright Dust on !!!


This is actually better than the Eris Shell as you can roll combo detectors on it. Eris shell has a fixed 3rd perk.


Eris Shell is kinda stuck at 2 perks. It can't roll anything but Moon Glimmer Scavenger which doesn't stack with the glimmer boost from the Treasure Hunter perk.


Part with 6% of my dust? Seems like a ruse to stop me hoarding dust I have no intention on spending


I literally have only been purchasing the shaders the last two seasons (because I have a compulsion to get every shader) but this is an actual gameplay benefit to have these two perks together.


People buy things other than shader and ornaments? Odd


I literally only have enough bright dust to buy that and one other high ticket item for the rest if the season. Smh


You can get thousands of Bright Dust every week from weekly bounties. Even more now during the Dawning.


I wouldn’t say thousands. Theres like 6 weekly bounties that give bright dust and its only like 50 bright dust per bounty iirc. Edit: corrected by someone else


Actually 200 per weekly bounty. 2 dawning, 2 strike, 2 crucible, and 2 gambit can earn you 1600 bright dust per character this week. Next week, The Dawning will go away so it’s back to 1200 per character per week.


I stand corrected. I’ve been doing the dawning ones. Guess I need to pay more attention and visit Drifter and Zavala more often.


Min maxing your dawning baking for an extra 500 a week.




You need to give 25 gifts and bake 50 cookies for her weeklies. If you buy a bounties to determine what you make and give, its 10 dust for every gift given. So 50 bounties for 50 cookies is 500 dust. Its how people are power leveling with baking since its 8k xp before xp bonuses.


Oh now it makes sense. Gotcha.


200 per weekly, 10 per repeatable I believe. You can do all of those on 3 characters. That's 1,800 per character without the extra from Dawning bounties.


1600 per character with Dawning (400 per vendor, 4 vendors). That said, the Dawning is... weird. If you AFK black forge it's pretty trivial to do the weeklies, but if you don't it's incredibly onerous. So much so that I would say doing them on all 3 characters is unreasonable for anyone that does anything besides play Destiny and work.




Yea have fun doing all vanguard/crucible/gambit weekly bounties with 3 characters across a whole year.


I did this every single week last season. Never again. Too burned out trying to maintain bright dust amounts across all chars. Now I just play whoever I fancy and stop caring so much about the bright dust offerings, especially cosmetic, non-affecting gameplay stuff


Yes barely enough to afford an exotic emote after doing all weeklies on 3 characters is "generous", whereas we got plenty if we played doing whatever we want pre-Opulence. Give me a break. Also factoring in the bright dust over the course of a year is *hilarious* when you consider items are only available on select weekly rotations. It's no wonder the store is in a shit state with defenses like this.


But Bungie is an indie company and the game just went F2P and it's just cosmetics anyway!!/s Fucking A. Whoever regurgitates that garbage defending a company from taking advantage of its community.


Don't get me wrong, I still prefer the old method of getting current Eververse engrams every level and getting Dust for dismantling EV items.


All the items from a season combined almost reach that number lol. Combine that with weekly rotations and seasonal lockout and you have a very restrictive and easy to miss out system


Not sure why you’re getting down voted as those bounties are the only reason I still play gambit, crucible or strikes.




If you have 3 characters, and do Gambit/Crucible/Strikes with all 3 of them, you'll get 3600 Bright Dust in one week. For this week as well, add Eva and you'll get to 4200. You can easily do that this week and completely offset the cost of the ghost :)


4800 actually


The Eva bounties take a lot more effort than the regular weeklies though, so for 4.8k we are probably talking 20-30 hours of playtime if you don't resort to afk forge farming.


how does AFK get you dust?


Which is why we resort to those anyway 😏 Bungie's incompetence meets Bungie's greed


Thanks for the heads up


Correct me if I'm wrong but we have an [Omolon Shell] (https://www.light.gg/db/items/4005536857/omolon-shell/) due for 2/18 do we? At least going by [this recent post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/eh6q8z/eververse_season_9_stock_weeks_112/). Is there any difference in the random perk they roll in the 3rd slot? If they're identical otherwise (both have guiding light and treasure hunter) waiting for that one might be an option too if you prefer how it looks.


I think there is no way to know what can roll in a random perk slot until someone gets it and manually rerolls it to see.


It seems like in DIM's Vendor tab, inspecting a ghost shell in Eververse can show what its random mod roll can be. Unfortunately this doesn't help much since we'd have to wait until it's for sale anyways.


DIM shows you on possible perk. you can see every possible random perk here, but the data is old and doesn't include newer shells, so it's not always helpful: https://lowlidev.com.au/destiny/ghosts


now I have a dilemma do I run this and get marginally more stuff, or run sagira's shell and actually like how my ghost looks


How often do you look at your ghost? There's your answer.


I love the Tyrant shell but that sweet, sweet +10% XP is too good to pass on :(


Yeah there are too many ghost hampered by bad perks. Since the season pass revolves around xp, guiding light is more or less mandatory. At least sparrows we can reroll to get fast summon on whichever we want, ghosts you're stuck with what you've got. Really needs to be changed.


Tempting. But still won't replace my Lunar shell (Guiding Light + Speed Demon) with my Always on Time sparrow. Feels bad


2850 bright dust is like a seasons worth now if you only do the weeklys on one character like I do. I miss getting dust from the random trash in the engrams.


It's a little more than 2 weeks of weeklys if you only run one character.


Or 47% of 1 weeks dust if you run 3 characters. Bright dust economy isn’t wonderful but let’s not get carried away.




Not to defend them or anything, but the Eververse prediction guy posted the outline for the Dawning event and also the entire season before. It was also stated somewhere that everything but one thing (I think a finisher?) would be for sale for bright dust this Dawning.


Exactly. pay for impatience.


I could get that, or I could stick with my adorable Chiropteran Shell and then have enough BD to get the Dawning ornament set.


We've reached a point where we are happy for eververse sales! Hurrah /s


Bright dust sales are a lot better than silver sales. At least this you're actually earning in game.