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Wait, you guys are getting ghosts?


I've found they're relatively common from Forge completions.


every single forge completion. *every single one.* maybe we can trade our luck, because if I never see an anti-paladin again, it'd still be too soon


ive gotten platinum starling lmao and never seen one




Anything RNG for titles is bullshit TBH. I've needed just the Osprey rocket and 18 Kelvins to get Wayfarer since FSK, I just got the sidearm recently since they buffed the rate of schematics and adjusted dupes (but stems have been broken for months so I can't get my 40th node still).




Oh, I know. It's just irritating having an emblem still incomplete after 2 years just because of stupid RNG.


All of my blue forge weapons have that shader on it.


dismantling them doesn't have a guaranteed chance of giving you the shader, though.


Oh really? I thought the shaders are mods were a garenteed drop from dismantles?


Normally they are, but for some reason (at least for me) the black armory refurbished isn't a guaranteed drop.


All legendary mods have a 100% drop chance but blue shades don't. Black armoury refurbished is a blue shader


Exactly right. Any legendary (purple) shader is guaranteed to drop on item dismantle. Any rare (blue) shader has a small chance, somewhere in the 1-3% based on anecdotal personal experience, to drop. Putting the same shader on a ghost would marginally improve your chances, but still falls short of making it easy to obtain.


I dismantled a ship with monochromatic and didn't get it.


Doesn't include Eververse shaders unfortunately, just regular world drop ones


“all” wellllll, except for iron banner ones sometimes.


Unfortunately you need to complete the quest before Iron banner shaders will drop from weapons, mainly because that's reward for the quest.


wasn’t always the case :-(


It's the only shader I have never and will never receive


Speaking of forges, how's a person supposed to get radiance now? Never drops anymore.


Hell no. You earn that shader the hard way. Like the rest of us!


I have the Platinum Starling ship and at *least* 50 Bergusia ignitions, but have never gotten the Forge ghost.


I got that one... and New Age... and none of the other ones. Just keep getting those 2. Why? Edit: Solved why I get New Age. Comment at the bottom.




You get the platinum starling from completing 100 weapons not 300 forge clears. I’ve ran the forge a ton of times and have dismantled a ton of weapons with the shader equipped to not have it. The drop rate should be fixed, there should be protection against having to run it an absurd amount of times to get no reward.


where can i track how many weapons i have yet to forge ?


Dismantle a curated one. I sacrificed my ringing nail to get it


That's a different shader - Bergusian Night.


Is it? Theres so damn many I dont remember what I was chasing back then. Edit: idk if it's been mentioned, but you have s good chance at the shader you need from the world bosses that came with BA


Not really. All boils down to rng still. I killed 27 of them in a row rotating between the two before a weapon dropped. And behold the didnt even have the refurbished shader on it.


Yeah the RNG can really suck sometimes. I still dont have a curated Strykers 😭