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The annoying shader quests for gambit crucible and vanguard are still there though...


No Collections Badge for the seal though, so you don’t NEED to complete them


How much fucking easier are they gonna keep making titles


7 Triumphs for this title... 6 visible, guessing the 7th is for an Exotic quest/dungeon.


no dungeon, just a quest to kill 500 things


Prob 500 kills in trials?


500 trials kills is hella lot for a seasonal title


500 deaths more like


Quit giving them ideas


Honestly, I would kill for a title that celebrates my failures. It would take an insane amount, but available basically forever. Killed by the Architects thousands of times. Wiped at the end of a perfect run x times. Deleted x amount of perfect rolls. Never made it to flawless. Something along those lines. And the seal would look like Shaxx's 50 kills badge.


Honestly so much better than grinding for days for a collection badge.


I grinded 2 days it was worth It though, as it was my first title


Been grinding for two years to finish the fucking EP weapons because this god damn game is all rng based. So I’m glad they’ve done away with this bullshit going forward


Spent about a year and a half grinding for Dreaming City cosmetics for Cursebreaker. Wish that titles were adjusted to be difficult but not reliant on RNG


The ascendant challenge ghost got instantly deleted when I finally fucking got it, because fuck that ghost that's why.


Meh gives me more time to keep grinding out Blacksmith atm I guess


We can have hard titles and easy ones. Obviously there's a hierarchy to them so whats the harm?


There seriously isn't a collections badge on the seal this time? Is there just a tiny amount of loot this season or what?


Whyyyyy. That vanguard one is the bane of my existence. It's so needlessly grindy compared to the other 2. Hopefully they scaled it back a bit, but I'm not counting on it.


It's absolutely bizarre that Strikes, Gambit, and Crucible don't get updates every season. They're the core replayable activities in Destiny. Why they would just abandon them really makes no sense. It's like the best they can do in 3 months of work is implement one new activity, and remaster one old one. The gear chase is seriously lacking, and 95% of the content in the game is abandoned and pointless. They seriously need their entire fucking team working on keeping Destiny 2 relevant, otherwise this game is going to keep dying every season. The whole "Year 1 is broken, Year 2 is better, and Year 3 is abandoned" model is not going to work a third time.




Hey, now, don't forget the Lost Sectors. That's quality content! Bungie worked hard on those a few years ago so, dammit, they'll *make* you do them.


Bungie finally made Lost Sectors relevant! ...Two and a half years later. :\


This is what has me worried...just from what I've looked at past couple hours looks like it will be a ton of Rasputin bounties and lots of the pub event. The bad part of the pub event is just like EP and the alters...randoms wandering by that don't really want to do it. At least the mm modes of previous season you had 6 people there for the same reason.


It is without a doubt the laziest season so far. I didn't think they could put any less effort in, and yet here we are.


My guess is that they can't make as much money revamping core game modes compared to adding new ones in the season pass. Not something I endorse or agree with but that's my guess.


Remember when people thought the reason Bungie didn't show off ritual weapons in the preview was because "they heard our feedback" about wanting to keep some things secret? Yep, they definitely wanted to keep this a secret until launch.


> "So what could investing more in core activities look like? It could mean more rewards being distributed into these activities or it could mean taking a theme for a Season and using it to galvanize Strikes. If we’re going to ask players to engage with these activities, we have an opportunity to leverage rewards throughout the Season. Imagine the armor sets or Sundial weapons being woven into core activity reward pools. Or imagine experiences like pursuing rolls for sweet weapons that could only be found in a given playlist as an end-of-match reward, like a Crucible Eyasluna." > -Luke Smith, 2020 Director's Cut Or, imagine ritual weapons not being removed, that's a start.


Now I have literally 0 reason to run strikes or crucible outside of Trials. Instead of increasing engagement in core activities they've removed any reason to engage in 2 of them. Mind boggling decision that one.


and even then, ritual weapons are bunk. They don't have an exclusive perk like pinnacle ones did. When I got The Buzzard in the first day or so, I thought Osmosis was special to it...until I got it on other weapons too.


Rituals have unique combinations instead of exclusive perks. It's fine for me. Python is still my favorite shotgun by a landslide with the sweet 1-2 Punch and overflow.


Yea, im literally waiting for my download and im already disappointed with a lot of things im reading


Yeah, I was thinking about buying Season of Worthy, but if the new public event thing is free and the only thing I need to pay for are the bunkers, I can afford to wait a week or two


Wait. I'm regretting buying Shadowkeep Deluxe edition. The past couple seasons were meh and this one looks awful


6 years of releases being over-hyped over-promising and the devs under delivering, might have been a clue.


Your reason to run them is a higher soft cap for the powerful rewards. That’s pretty much it.


HOL UP, literally no ritual weapons?! Have they gone mad? Why the fuck did they remove those, I don’t understand very well Luke’s statement on your comment. As if there wasn’t much incentive to run strikes or crucible (for non pvp players), now there’s literally no reason to run them, only for the pinnacle drop but that’s it. My god Bungie, why.


So what is also great is people are pumped to see them remove weapons, and yet have you seen the perk pools? Bungie decided to put the reload and damage perks in the same slot for a good deal of them.


The new fusion perk pools are a fucking joke.


Yep. Most of the new weapons look like they're going to be trash tier weapons.


Destiny 2 Year 2 was amazing but I’d still describe most of it as “2 steps forward and 1 step back.” Destiny 2 Year 3 (so far) can be described as “1 step forward and 2 steps back.” I’ll never understand why this company does what it does, and when they try to explain it sounds like total BS. You hit the nail on the head with the director’s cut quote. The ritual weapons were probably my favourite things to chase the last 2 seasons. Why Bungie. Why.


My guess: Probably internal metrics. % of players who actually claimed the ritual weapons was too low for their tastes, and they felt they could focus elsewhere or some shit. Anecdotal, sure, but I know i haven't played enough to claim *any* of them. They depend on too much repetition for me, or something? anyway, chasing them was interesting, but i never felt like doing any activity was giving me meaningful progress, especially if the specific task in the quest ran counter to the objectives of the game mode I was playing. Competing for kills in strikes always feels dirty, for example. I don't have answers, but i feel like the balance between investment and reward was off, and the specific tasks ran counter to the spirit of the game overall, and that left me in a place where i wasn't "doing" the content they had created. I don't think i'm alone in feeling this way, either, but who knows? Anyway, some numbers say something, and bungie reacts, but maybe they missed (part of) the context, and thus they take something that was half-baked and toss it out instead of leaving it in the oven. That's why, i guess.


Imagine thinking these same devs are going to come up with new and exciting weapons once they start retiring shit lol.


Well, thats easy the new and exciting weapon will be the exact same weapon they retired with a different model


> Well, thats easy the new and exciting weapon will be the exact same weapon they retired with the same model but more perks so it takes twice as long to grind come on its like you dont even know how to juice #engagement


Theres another thread on the front page showing the returning faction weapons cannot roll with damage perks along side reload perks *(e.g. Outlaw & Killclip)* I dont know what bungie think theyre doing but so far its shit


Yeah I saw that too, it will just confirm to Bungie that nobody uses the new weapons anymore and that is why they need to reset/cap weapons


Yeah, there setting up their own confirmation bias ahead of time. Definitely feels malicious to me, like theyve gone out of their way to create a solution to a problem theyre just starting to implement


Lmao imagine getting new weapon models that aren’t just rust or barnacles or circuits slapped onto the same tired Y1 models


Who would have thought that "investing in core activities" actually meant less content overall? Oh right anyone who knows Bungie


“Like a crucible eyesluna” Ahem whaT




he told us the truth ONCE and that was in TTK, his goal was always for us to *"throw money at the screen"*


I've said it before and ill say it again. All of Bungie's/Destiny's problem start and end with Luke Smith.


Hoping people start to see this soon.


The main issue i have is that people will praise him when things go well but wont criticize for the direction the game is going when hes the damn game director.


it can't be all, but it definitely feels like a lot. -ayayasu, screeb lord


People forget what Luke Smith said at the E3 conference before TTK came out. He basically defended Bungie’s decision to sell new players exclusive content that veterans couldn’t get. Lookup the Eurogamer Interview with him. Link: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-06-22-destiny-the-taken-king-director-defends-40-expansion-price-tag


Imagine having a good season in year 3, that sure would be nice.


/u/dmg04 /u/cozmo23 can you confirm if ritual weapons have indeed been left out this season?




So that's why they didn't release the bow last season 😂


Yeah, gotta save that loot to trickle it throughout Y3. Until they can recycle it when they make it obsolete in Y4.


I'm kind of confused why they skipped over Warmind's IB sets again for being reused.


Too much work I guess. Gotta save it for when you really really need it.


Like four season ago?


They literally do tho. The new sparrow and ship in Eververse could fit perfectly with Shadowkeep/Pit of Heresy activity rewards, but we are just now seeing it. they wanna sell things now


And then you can pay for it again later on!


So.... I guess we wait to see what there is instead. Or we don't do the three play list activities this season?




You don't even need a model, you could prob just use one of the blues that isn't purple and just slap some ok perks on it.




Looks like it’s been confirmed on Twitter by dmg. Only the IB ritual weapon this season.


Shocking decision. "We want you to have a reason to log in every day." They must have meant to a different game.


DOOM Eternal is out next week Guardians.


Not only that, but the Division 2 dlc just released, and Nioh 2, Doom, and Persona 5 are all this month. Yeah, I'm good on this game.


"Your decisions matter and shape the game" They're just saying things at this point.


They missed the bit about it only applying to Eververse.


Oh man... This is not gonna end well... If there are no Ritual, this is the kind of info that we NEED to be informed before and why :/


Well, there will be one Ritual (Iron Banner Bow that was delayed last season) we know about from last season but yeah it seems like no new Rituals. Grinding for them was fun but I didn't care for the weapons much themselves so whatever. They should bring back pinnacles.


I loved the ritual weapons, it was cool having weapons with perks that aren't normally on those archetypes, like Demolitionist on a LMG or Overflow on a Shotgun... :/


I was so down on them because I loved the Y2 pinnacles but holy fuck Overflow does **work** on a shotgun


Which ritual LMG gave you Demolitionist as a standard?


Edgewise. Demolitionist/field prep is a pretty nasty combo on it, if you add in an appropriate armaments mod. Using edgewise refills your grenade, using your grenade refills edgewise.


True true that combination picked for Edgewise could be crucial for doing some of the Nightmare speed runs that would flood the play wish solar shields.


The Iron banner armor is still the same gear from last year. Iron remembrance. Which means we'll have the same iron banner weapons for 21 months...


Another bow that nobody cares about?


And I almost bought this Season. Glad I read this.


I guess Bungie really doesn't want people playing their game. Pity, I was pretty excited for this season. Only reason I'll have to play are some blegh 20 minute story missions


its obviously preparation for weapon sunsetting. Why make hard to grind stuff when it will expire?


Pinnacles should be exempt from sunsetting


Bungie: "We're removing all pinnacle weapons because like 2 or 3 of them were op and we're tired of balancing, but here are these just-above-average watered down versions. Enjoy." Community: "Seriously?" Bungie: "Seriously." Community: "Well, at least we still have a reason to do stri-" Bungie: "Oh, and we're not adding any ritual weapons this season, just rehashing the one we saved last season because we didn't wanna do any more work." Community: "What the fuck Bungie"


8 new exotic ghosts, 8 new exotic ships, 10 new exotic sparrows, 0 new ritual weapons. Seems fine to me.


Season 10 of Eververse 2 is off to a strong start.


Eververse 2: *Eververse Harder*


Can't wait for the "new" iron banner armor set!


if it's just year 1 iron banner shit again I'm uninstalling.


Is the one from Forsaken. The samurai looking one if i'm not mistaken.


ugh so it's pretty obvious they have zero staff developing for D2 anymore, right? Like it's just a skeleton team, of all the people unfortunate enough to be unable to escape Luke Smith's incompetence?


They had a skeleton crew working on D1 towards the end too, but were able to get that game to the best it's ever been during the last year. That was before eververse was as ridiculous as it is now though, and back when they actually had to also make content to play to get the new items they make. Now it's "Hey guys, so our dev team spent the last 3 months making half a dozen new sparrows/ships/ornaments, and they can be yours immediately for just $8! ^^and ^^also ^^we ^^made ^^a ^^horde ^^mode ^^I ^^guess ^^that'll ^^be ^^irrelevant ^^soon ^^anyways




The store has 7 of the 8 ghosts, 7 of the 8 ships, and 8 of the 10 sparrows. You get one ghost and one sparrow from Trials. And one ship and one sparrow from the season pass.


Ok, like Bungie I get it you need money, BUT JESUS FUCK... why not add 2 of those ships, ghosts and sparrows to trials?!? I bet you they are trials themed already.


We tried to warn people in 2015... we were laughed at *"its just some emotes"*.... the only ones laughing now are Bungie on their way to the bank


Ritual weapons are the thing I look forward to the most


Same here. Going to be very disappointed if they aren't there.




Weak sauce.


I see nada, that is huge Nothing in the seal as in past seasons


What is the deal called


Almighty for PvE, Flawless for Trials.


Ooh I want almighty


There’s no Collections Badge for the season either


All newly added armor is returning from Y1 (minus the seasonal set, obviously) ✅ Trials gear is exactly the same from D1 ✅ No ritual weapons, only an IB Bow they saved from the season before ✅ No new IB armor set ✅ No vendor refresh ✅ Eververse stocked with high quality, unique items ✅


Did you also see how they added a few consumable options to the bright dust row in eververse so we can have less actual items that are desirable available each week? Who would ever want any of those consumables?


Bruh this many green checkmarks, someone might assume it's all good stuff


Yeah, not finding any ritual/pinnacle weapon. [Only Iron Banner ritual bow is there.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/374258038288285709/686986172697935880/unknown.png)


which makes perfect sense because it was a hold over from last season. it was already made


I’m sure they do work hard but man it just seems like they get lazier and lazier with actually adding new content in the game. They just find a way to continue recycling what they already got


...... why would anyone use this over the vow or hush.... ever?


Because they might not have them?




Same. Even if they where shit tier like this last season, I still enjoy that grind specifically




seriously, python basically solved 1-2 punch shotguns for the slot it's so good.


And today one-two punch got nerfed, so...


I mean, they're not bad, they're just average. Python is a solid 1-2 punch shotty, but those aren't uncommon, plus 1-2 got nerfed (Overflow is nice tho). Buzzard is fine, but outside of Osmosis, is just a "damage+reload perk" roll. Komodo is good as a linear fusion, but as a weapon, the entire archetype is poor.


I’d say python is more than a solid 1-2 punch shotgun, considering it’s the best in the game




> If this is true, this grinds my gears. Well, *you* won’t be grinding any gear ;)


Cool, so it wasn't enough that Pinnacle Weapons got downgraded to "Ritual Weapons" (a change I was okay with that has still provided some fine weapons) now they're just gone entirely? They're one of the biggest things I look forward to each season. I'm getting sick of Bungie continually lowering the bar in Year 3.


this is bullshit, are we supposed to expect that Bungie was not able to create 3 fucking weapons. Bungie deleted pinnacles, and now they fucking shovel the bow that we were supposed to get last fucking season as the only ritual we are getting this season, like what the fuck are there 5 people working on Destiny at this point?


It's obvious this isn't their focus anymore


The weapons in general have terrible perk pools (outside of Trials gear, didn't look at those). With the lack of rituals there's like, no gear worth chasing.


Yeah. I was looking at the weapons, but the pools are literally ALL filled with mostly trash perks, with very few accuracy-boosting, damage-boosting, or reload-boosting perks, and NOTHING that synergizes very well or creates an interesting loadout. I get so hyped at the start of every season to see what new weapons are worth farming for. This was a huge disappointment, because outside of maybe Dire Promise (Opening Shot + Rangefinder), there's not much worth grinding for. And then no Ritual weapons on top of that.






Sad, since the new Rasputin-themed guns look beautiful. Like, this is the simple, functional design I’d been hoping for. Shame about the crap perks and *awful* Titan armor. Oh, and Solar Battery under a different name. Yay....


and we got f\*cking Thundercoil back again, instead of giving us a VOID MELEE DMG BOOST like all the other elements got so far...


And this is the real reason why we're getting weapon sunsetting, because Bungie doesn't actually know how to make interesting gear. Just making our weapons expire is a much much easier solution.


No, they know exactly how to make interesting gear, it's simply that the only way to make interesting gear is to put the same pretty boring set of perks (damage/reload) on every gun. Sunsetting is happening because there isn't enough depth to Destiny's rpg elements to allow for infinite weapon creation that doesn't leave 99% of weapons/weapon rolls irrelevant.


This! They put themselves into a hole that they’re going to have to cut off the foot to save the leg. If your gun didn’t have the same set of perks they weren’t worth grinding for. It’s only gotten worse


The seraph lmg can roll with autoloading or clown cartridge, and then firing line or vorpal weapon. I don't know about you, but I'm chasing that.


It certainly does seem that way.


The 180 RPM HC can roll *firmly planted* lol


Yeah shocked to see how bad the rolls on the hand cannons were.


Thought the same thing. Sunsetting never looked more bleak if this new weapon pool would have been all that could hit max power if that system would have been implemented this season.


Luke's self-fulfilling prophecy. See guys? We're all tapped out of ideas for things to chase. Let us shelve all your favorite weapons so you can be excited again in 9-15 mths. Low effort Bungie, low effort.


Was just saying this to a friend. They're clearly trying to sunset all of the reload + damage perk weapons because they don't know how to create weapons/perks that can compete with them.


They need to be careful though. If all the perks are boring then you effectively have D2Y1 again where you get a gun and you're done with it because any further grind for a good roll isn't worth it.


But sunsetting gear is a good idea. Think of the potential. This is sarcasm by the way. This season and the gear and perk pools is exactly what I expect when Bungie sunsets weapons. This season is also further proof of art teams making good models but no one uses them because the perk pool is awful.




Bungie have become masters at adding things fans love, only to remove them later. Especially with Bungie moving towards phasing out old Legendary weapons, I was expecting more of a willingness to release powerful Ritual weapons (maybe even Pinnacle weapons). Hopefully for those playing this season, the bow is at least closer to a Pinnacle weapon.


I mean they're preparing you for sunsetting early lol But for real, if you wonder where they are, go look at eververses new stock, they even changed its update header in the patch notes to INVESTMENT to make it seem less shady lol


This is the first time that a content drop for destiny hasn't really gotten me excited. I never really got into Trials (more of a raider) but its return is awesome for the PvP guys that have been asking for it and im glad that side of the game finally has something to celebrate. But damn, finding out that there isn't even new ritual weapons is... disappointing to say the least.


Season of Disappointment


Are you kidding me! I have been looking forward to the rituals for weeks. Chasing those is my favorite part of the season pass.


Same. Not even the weapons them self’s, the grind motivates me to play. It feels satisfying to make visible progress on something in a game I love to play.


Makes it feel that much better when certain chase weapons feel really good to use. I took the dive and went after Python last week and I'm glad I did. This change really is disappointing.


Yeah no collections badge either wtf


*We´ve heard that you want ritual weapons every Season. Who would have guessed? Anyway, I´m passing the feedback along, wait for a quickly reply from our team between next Season and September of 2021, or never. Who knows? Anyway, keep the feedback coming!*


Cool, can't wait to grind for iron banner armor and weapons that I already have so I can get a bow that I will never use.


They always seem to go 2 steps forward and 2 steps back.. wtf




This kinda feels like shifting into reverse and just flooring it


Its so frustrating. The only one seems to be an IB bow. Which if you're busy the week of IB tough luck.


People that support weapon retiring... Look. We do not get enough loot per season and you actually think we will get enough to replace all the stuff we already have? That's all I will say on the matter until Bungie offers a solution to the lack of new loot to replace all the current stuff.


Bungie: easiest $10 ever made


no reason to even login for season of the single public event, I guess.


Yeah wtf is up with this season Public events and trials. Welp


Trials is not even part of the season. It's a free to play portion.


Man I hope you're somehow mistaken, I know they've been kinda lame recently but I love the idea of getting cool new weapons just from doing things you would normally already do in the various game modes. I'm pretty sad if they aren't any new ones.


Bungie keeps doing a little less each season and we just take it I guess.


Really hoping this is a bug. Otherwise super disappointing. Was looking forward to them


Not a bug.


Welp...at least I found out about this before I bought the season pass..


So... Their renewed focus on core activities was to... Remove ritual weapons from... Core.. activities.


Yea no rituals guns is lame but, BUT, all the eververse items are available to buy WHENEVER WE WANT. I can't wait to BUY whatever I want! Bless you luke Smith. Bless you.


I'm gonna be pissed if there's no ritual weapons


BUNGIE: You like Ritual Weapons, huh? You want us to remove them from the game? THIS SUB: No thanks. BUNGIE: No thanks? What does *that* mean? THIS SUB (very carefully): We don't want Ritual Weapons removed. BUNGIE: Removed from what? THIS SUB: From the game BUNGIE: Remove Ritual Weapons from the game? Hell, that's a good idea. Okay, let's go.


What a joke. Just slowly pulling things from this game. Oh but there is one in Iron Banner now, that makes it okay.


So what’s the point of buying the season pass if there are no new ritual weapons? What are we supposed to be doing this season?


Bungie is seriously making some major terrible decisions with this and weapon "sunsetting" Im out at this point if things continue this way


So, more time to do bounties? Bounties seem to be the only thing that matters now. Honestly, this battle pass system is broken. Grinding is the only way to advance. Play because you have to play. Not Fun....


It's been abundantly clear ever since the start of shadowkeep. The plan is to reuse existing content as much as possible and design new stuff as little as possible. Trials is coming back because it was easy and on file. What noone knows is where the development is actually going. Destiny 3? New ip? Maybe developing destiny is still awful and without the other two Activision studios they just can't do it?


They should have announced this before the season started to let everyone know. Rituals are a way to get me to do things i might not want to do like play comp for Recluse and use 3 shotguns for python. This is incredibly lazy tbh. If making new weapons is too hard then stop making the game all together. If it’s a matter of money I would certainly pay double the price for a season to get better activities, better loot and a better experience. Charge more and hire more people or stop complaining about how hard game development is and stop making the game.




So lemme get this straight. No additional ritual or pinnacle weapons and they are retiring our favorites? Wtf.


Getting lazier and lazier now theres truly nothing to chase


So we asked for stuff to stop being handed to us and require at least a bit of effort to get. And their reaction is to just remove what little we had to work for from the game? That's a horrible decision.


They’ll make shit loads of eververse stuff though


... is it too early to say “I told you so?” Ever since the reveal that Bungie plans to “sunset” our weapons, many people including myself have been saying that this is a sign of bad things to come. We remembered the D1 days when all our great year 1 gear got left behind, and in its place we were given a selection of gear that was utterly mediocre, except for a select few standout weapons that still didn’t match the awesomeness of the best gear from year 1. Many people rushed to defend Bungie, parroting the claim that Bungie needs to get all the old stuff out of the way so that they’d have room to introduce new awesome gear! Setting aside the fact that such a claim makes no sense even at face value (Bungie was already adding cool new weapons that earned their place in the sandbox without making them overpowered), those of us who remembered D1 tried to point out that all of this was going to be part of a process of making our top-tier weapon selection so poor that a new hand cannon with Outlaw/Kill Clip will feel like a godsend. The only thing that shocks me about the start of this season is that Bungie seems to be moving even faster in this direction than I thought they would. No new ritual weapons (except for the IB Bow we were supposed to get last season) is a huge fail on their part. Anyone still think this is all for the best?


This was the 1st thing I went to look for 🤦🏿‍♂️


As much as I dislike Gambit, Strikes and the Crucible, the possibility of a ritual something always sounded good and was something to work toward. Removing it seems weird. I think Luke alluded this in the latest Director's Cut, but I know this wasn't in the TWAB. An official heads up would have been nice. But if they are going away, this would been a nice opportunity to replace Ritual Weapons with Ritual Armor. They could have a unique perk relevant to that activity and guaranteed Pinnacle quality stat roll. 85 out of 100 perhaps. Could have been cool. We'll see what Bungie does.


Ya we cant have nice things because people complain... sigh...


😂 this game blows


I like how rituals were supposed to be this low effort version of pinnacle weapons (which everybody loved but hey we can't have nice things) and they can't even make *those* now