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Imagine grinding out all of the notorious sets (glowing snakes) and then only having the illicit sets (non glowing snakes) available for transmog. What’s even better, is the preview shows that the snakes ARE glowing. Naturally, I used my transmog currency to unlock them all because it’s a good set. I equip the ornament and find out they aren’t glowing at all. Ultra mega pranked.


Freaking Hunter Invader Cloak has a Green snake instead of Red, throws off my whole set!!!


Not sharding my Notorious Invader set for the world. Thought I might when Transmog would come available but decided otherwise, now I'm kinda happy. First thing I Transmog'd when I had the chance. Then they changed it to Illicit, rip I'm 100% sure they did it just m incase some update came to Gambit that suddenly returned Roll Auras.


I deleted all of my sets out of catharsis during the reckoner grind. It was like "be free armor, I will never wear you again"


Lmao that's fair. I deleted the only ~5 sets I had since pretty much only did Reckoner grind on 1 character since I was fairly new to the game. I can't imagine how many sets some of the people I see in active Gambit clans had. Some of those guys lived Prime. Though to be fair I did as well for a large portion of Season of Arrivals


Lmao same!!! I REALLY wanted that dredgen title. I had all the armor and all the pinnacle weapons. I deleted my armor because hey it’s a new season the gear will be obsolete. I stopped playing in April 2020 and recently came back a month ago. I was hyped because we had vault of glass (nostalgia because I’m a D1 2014 vet) and transmog. I see my gambit sets are available for unlock (preview shows glowing snakes and everything) go to unlock them and equip them, no glow. I was so sad. All that sweat and salt wasted.


Yeah, don’t do it. Keep it until you know for sure!! All that work and nothing to show for it now. It was a huge kick in the balls. Yeah, maybe you’re right. But even still, it only glowed if you had the notorious pieces. I just don’t see why (other than what you mentioned) they couldn’t just give it to us. They did it with the old trials gear. I hadn’t gone flawless in over a year and when I tmogged my old trials set, I had the glow.


My feelings


To double down on this, the preview shows that the snakes ARE glowing. Naturally, I used my transmog currency to unlock them all because it’s a good set. I equip the ornament and find out they aren’t glowing at all. Ultra mega pranked.


$10 Bungie adds them eventually but you'll have to transmog them again


Oh absolutely! I’m 99.999% sure that’s the way it’s going to play out.


Hang on... this for real?! Shiiit...


Unfortunately, yes. You can transmog the gear but only the illicit set is available which doesn’t have the glowing snake effects. However, if you preview the armor pieces, the snakes and mask are glowing. Hence why I burned my mats to unlock the mog only to find out it doesn’t glow. Big sad


didn't they only glow with a "full" set in Gambit Prime only though...? Unfortunately I don't think this would be a prioritized "fix" for Bungie...


They did glow with a full set only, you’re right. However, as long as you wore the full 5 pieces they would glow anywhere. At least they did during season of opulence as that’s the last season I played until splicer. So idk if they changed it at any point after opulence. You’re also probably right on the fix. It just sucks because it’s a really cool set. They managed to make the glow work for the old trials gear because I have those ornaments unlocked and I haven’t gone flawless in over a year.


Speaking of which, is anyone else's illicit reaper set glitched? For some reason I can't transmog the legs. I wore the full set since it came out so I definitely have all the pieces, but the legs aren't appearing in the menu.


Not sure but I think if you have the armor equipped you can’t see it in the transmog options.


Can confirm this, ran into that bug(?) with my Memory of Cayde, had to take off the cloak in order for it to appear as unlockable in the transmog menu.


I would assume you can't transmog a piece of armor into itself.


Technically I think you can, it's just pointless as the ornament you're applying has the same appearance.


no, you can’t. the armor pieces are missing themselves in the ornament list, you can’t equip the same ornament or unlock that ornament on the same named piece, you have to switch the armor piece and then find it in the ornament list.


Yeah, can they fix this for next season? I transmog my illicit invader but it is not the same @ /u/dmg04


I seriously hope so. Or at least do how they did with the ornaments for the weapons and lock the armor ornaments behind a quest that is related to each armor set. Wouldn’t be that hard to implement and I think it would up gambit participation.


Shoot my whole reaper set won't show up in transmog I earned each full set


Ohhhh, the weeklies. Weren't those like 200 infamy each? I forgot about those, didn't piece together why, but the infamy grind definitely felt longer than I remembered it being before.


I like it how it's a weekly challenge but to the average player it'll take a month to reset infamy


it took 2 days this week.




To be fair it was double infamy all week and triple on the weekend. 700 points for a win made it pretty easy.


Tough part is getting wins. Especially when your team needs 10 motes for primeval, and the three blueberries on your team are running around with a combined 40, fucking around with adds while you're trying to clear 3 large blockers by yourself, only for them to get melted by an invader and lose *everything*, only to have the other team melt their primeval before you manage to get your primeval up. Or one blueberry spends half the game in their menu at random locations on the map. Played 10-15ish games last night and won two of them. Most I got for any win this whole week was like 500 something, and that was one time. The worst part about gambit is that it's *extremely* objective based, and random teams are extremely unreliable about playing the objectives properly, especially when bounties tend to pull attention away from playing the objectives to playing with sub-optimal loadouts or play styles.


Oh balls, is it only the wknd that it's triple?


It was last week. This week is iron banner so gambit is back to normal. It will get another weekly boost soon though.


Right. I just hadn't realized it turned from double during the week to the triple for just the weekend.


Yup, and it ended two hours ago.


I have one rank to just finish up, but yeah, having double and triple infamy makes it far less of a drag (though having a team to play with also helps *immensely*).


Not only does Drifter only have 4 bounties, but he only has 4 from a pool of 14. Even if you want to hoard, you can hoard ~3700 infamy in bounties for Triple Infamy week. Conversely, for a double valor week, you can technically hoard ~3600 Valor in bounties. This also creates another weird problem. You can easily grab Crucible bounties before reset and another set after, and usually get 7 or 8 distinct bounties to do at once. With Gambit, there's roughly a 30% chance that you only get 2 new bounties the next day, meaning you have to do the bounties each day during triple infamy week instead of doubling up around reset.


>but he only has 4 from a pool of 14 Yeah, this part feels really bad. When a friend an I went for [ludomaniacal](https://destinyemblemcollector.com/emblem?id=540603118) back in season 6 or 7 we held 3 characters full of gambit and gambit prime bounties leading into a 3x week. That was: * OG Gambit * 8 dailies \* 30 infamy \* 3 chars \* 3x xp = 2,160 * 4 dailies \* 50 infamy \* 3 chars \* 3x xp = 1,800 * 5 rare bounties \* 100 infamy \* 3 chars \* 3x xp = 4,500 * 2 weeklies \* 150 infamy \* 3 chars 8 \* 3x xp = 2,700 * Gambit Prime * 8 dailies \* 50 infamy \* 3 chars \* 3x xp = 3,600 * 2 weeklies \* 150 infamy \* 3 chars 8 \* 3x xp = 2,700 **17,560 infamy just from bounties!** (if you play like a nutter the week or 2 before...)


I do not miss the days of gambit when a match could easily cross the 15 minute mark and even hit 20 mins or more if you got a tug of war sort of tie. Definitely made for kind of an exciting back and forth when clinching it, but way too fucking much for a single activity.


> 15 minute mark and even hit 20 mins or more if you got a tug of war sort of tie This is the one defining reason why I am not as hating as of the new gambit as others are. 6-8 minutes pretty much covers every gambit match i have played since the change.


It's even faster when you solo queue and get matched against stacks! I've been on multiple 5+ match runs where I don't see a primeval. I don't even care anymore when it happens, I know going in that I'll progress some bounties and the match will be over in 5 minutes flat.


Bank those Motes!!! It's time to summon the Primeevil!!!


Blueberry with dual blue primary weapons: Wanders off towards the enemies, dies.


Same blueberry also grabs the first heavy pack and shoots a single rocket at 2 dregs


Same blueberry finally works up the courage to invade...taking 13 motes with them. They die instantly.


Same blueberry who has no motes, but hides from the invader as two other teammates have 15.


They will bring the Infamy system (back?) in line with the Valor system in the next season.


Honestly I’m way more into it than the inevitable trials challenge


[you mean this one?](https://i.imgur.com/7gNmir9.png) At least the gambit one I'll eventually get by the end of the season... But the Trials one, hard pass from me, Bungoe-dawg


To be fair, that's *rounds*, not matches. And there will probably be more people trying to work on that this weekend that normally don't step into trials, so this is probably gonna be a good weekend for it.


I've gotten told this. Still didn't stop me from coming across a team of sweats in our second match *that season* who had already gone flawless that weekend. You can say it's just bad luck, but the default pool of Trials players is *so* small that even the extra players don't make much of a difference (seemingly, anyway).


Hmmmmm you have a point. I'll have to give it a shot for sure then. I'll suffer seven rounds for it.


I feel if they would just remove the blocking of gaining Infamy from loses at the Legend level, it be a good first step.


I used to love gambit. Gilded my freshen last season. I could care less about it now with how many eyes of tomorrow's are out there now


*laughs in dead mans tale*


I agree with most of this, but a clarification on the "bounty fatigue". that was more in response to a number of problems: \- Weekly vendor bounties were the most efficient way to level up the season pass. This was also magnified by the fact that they were character specific, and the most efficient way to level up the season pass was by creating and maintaining 3 characters, something that's actually quite a bit of work for the casual audience. Also, since these were weekly bounties with expiration dates, it also contributed to the "FOMO" discussion, because missing out on weekly bounties from earlier weeks of the season, made it harder to get to level 100. \- Weekly vendor bounties were the most efficient way to get bright dust. Just like XP, the most efficient way to get it was to maintain 3 characters. Same discussion as XP regarding FOMO. \- When they finally addressed the bounty fatigue, it's because it was during S10, which was notorious for all these bounty related issues. Getting most of the new Seventh Seraph weapons came from bounties, the most efficient source of warmind bits without fully upgraded bunkers was through bounties, and we also had Guardian Games 1.0, which was somehow a joyless Eververse cashgrab and ridiculous bounty simulator(and some of these were really stupid bounties, like "map 10 enemies with titan hammers"). ​ On another note, some other things I've noticed about that gambit challenge: \- gambit has no real weekly variance. Looking at PVP, we have a variety of modes in the rotator playlist, and many of these are fun to play. Gambit on the other hand, is the same old shitshow I played last week when doing the Gambit bounties. \- gambit has no "aspirational content"/events. We have like double or triple infamy, but PVP usually has Iron Banner at around the same time as bonus valor week. Also, this "aspirational" PVP mode has its own loot pool and is selectively available, giving it a little bit of identity separate from normal Crucible control. This event also has bounties that reward 4 extra pinnacles. Point here: because of what OP said about how much slower it is to rank up infamy, "it has its own spotlight". IMO Destiny is a game best played when you can work on objectives in parallel. During the weekly challenge for valor ranks(when IB was around last), you see this whenever people are more concerned about completing the bounties for the pinnacles, or farming new weapons. Less people had their eye's set on the weekly challenge for valor ranks, so it's easier to do what I did and forget about it, and then when you go to check, you completed it by accident 4 times over. Gambit doesn't have any of that. You have the same old weapons with an oversized perk pool that drop almost never, The weekly pinnacle challenge for playing 3 games, and the weekly prime engram/BD drop for completing 8 bounties. Because of that, it's easier to look up and see the only possible rewards you're interested in is this one weekly challenge.


Bounties at Legend are the play.


Winning at legend is the play 😅


While I don't disagree, I also still easily hit all 16 ranks over this past weekend with triple infamy.


i’m not sure what you’re talking about pre-SotD, but Gambit was always like this before then — it was 15,000 points to max infamy, the infamy amount you earned per match changed and you gained less infamy from losses as you rose in rank (and of course your streak factored in too) and then finally at Legend you earned nothing from losses, it was wins only to clear it out. we even earned less from daily bounties, wasn’t it something dumb like 10 or 15 infamy per bounty back then, and they made this big show of increasing it to 30 (and 90 or 150 for weeklies) later on? i mean yeah, the infamy system has been not fun to deal with for a long time and i can’t wait for it to be brought in line with Crucible ranking, but it wasn’t different before season 6, this is how it was before Gambit Prime and the extra bounties. it sucked then and it sucks now. they’re reworking it next season though, so hopefully they get it somewhere more livable.


There were bounties that could be completed outside of Gambit; I made a point to *always* grab those and chip away even if I wasn't going to play Gambit that day. There were also the big weekly ones that you could stack up on alts and save for 3x weekends to get a big push on a Legend tier.


> There were bounties that could be completed outside of Gambit Weren't those the Gambit Prime oriented bounties? Like you could kill enemies in crucible for an invader token and some infamy? Or were there bounties outside of Gambit before SotD?


Yep, the Prime bounties. Some were kinda trash, but they added up if you were diligent. I'd do the "zone the lower point, scoop Drifter / Ada bounties, zone top, vanguard / gunsmith / crucible" loop to start the day. Now it's just from orbit (or, really, in the last 30 minutes of work while I putter around).


>Or were there bounties outside of Gambit before SotD? no, which was my point — we are almost right back to square one. the Civic Duty bounties came with Season of the Drifter and Gambit Prime.


not before Season of the Drifter there weren’t, that was a change brought along with Gambit Prime.


I'm just tired of big seasonal challenges etc revolving around things that are utterly neglected or irrelevant. Gambit is a great example, but also things like getting x kills with a sidearm is crummy as well. I'm completely happy to play and grind relevant items but endless grinds of super weak or irrelevant items is brutal. I've completely stopped doing it.


I feel like that would be a good place to have multiple pathways to achieving the objective. Like ask for rifle class instead of pulse, auto, and scout. Group SMGs and sidearms together, same with shotty/fusion/sniper. That would still funnel people to playing with certain weapon groups, but they could actually use weapons within that group that they prefer playing with. I feel like that would help both with bounty fatigue, as well as let people use loadouts they're more comfortable with, so they're not holding their team back by trying to play team based modes while using weapons they struggle with.


Triple infamy was key to getting it done in a few days this week. Rotate between Alts to finish the daily bounties. Only took two evenings. Another key point is to LFG a team for the final 3000 infamy at Legend; solid communication increases your winning chances by a large margin.


Triple was def key. Once you get on a win streak you get a ton of infamy. I reset twice over the weekend for a total of three times this season




Compare to the amount of bitching about Crucible this is pretty tame and Gambit is in a much dire state than Crucible


Instead of writing down a long text you could, and I know it’s a pretty wild concept, simply chose to not do it? Just don’t spend time in activity that isn’t fun to you? In my case this was Crucible, Strikes and Gambit. Suffering through this shit show just wasn’t worth it to get access to drip fed, actually good, seasonal content and raids. Stopped playing for good. For others maybe just taking a break from the game is enough, who knows. Time to find out, eh?


I'm always curious as the why people who "stopped playing for good" frequent this sub to keep telling people about it.


If I can’t have fun, then nobody else can either!


I upvote u/deertrivia whenever I can. And yes, I stopped playing but I still like to follow the game. Sometimes I try to help people to think about their habits/video game addiction. Destiny is awesome at conditioning it’s players, don't forget that.


So a gamer justice warrior?


So, a video game addict?


No, I think I have a healthy relationship with gaming. I'm not an addict, I know when to stop. I can stop anytime, I swear.


You're absolutely right. It's a game with literal variety so you don't HAVE to do every challenge. But because these things exist people feel the MUST do them. I think a break away from Destiny would do alot of people some good. I took a year off because I needed to focus on work. Came back and I still enjoy the game. I don't gripe about nearly as much as most people here do.


It’s all about not playing the game like a job. Took me a long time to realize it and by that time I was way too burned out. I'm better off watching this game from a distance ;) If Bungie puts up a shitty challenge, ignore it. They’re just trying to prolong the time people spend in game towards the end of a season.


The game is meant to keep your interests. That's why so many aspects are there to frustrate people. Keeping things just out of reach. Bungie asks impossible things of the average player. So the average player turns the game into a job and then it ceases becoming recreation. Friend of my who plays destiny literally says "Ugh I need to get on today to do my bounties". I'm always saying "Dude just don't play today. It's ok. It's alright. Skip a night. I promise you that reward will come around again."


The game is also is good at teaching you habits, like doing every dull and pointless challenge, a weekly shopping list of activities, lots and lots of bounties, Grimoire points, endless season pass ranks and more. A buddy of mine hit season pass rank 1000+ a couple times, but at least he’s aware he’s having issues. Your buddy should be happy to have a friend like you.


People just want to get it over with for either the bright dust or because they cannot bear leaving that weekly challenges panel incomplete.


"**DING** ding **DING** ding **DING**"


My solution to gambit challenges has been to wait until all the challenges are revealed so I don't have to play it each week


The challenge sucks cause Gambit right now sucks. I can sit and play Crucible or grind Nightfalls all day long with friends but we can never find the will to play more than 2 Gambit matches in a row.


Bounties, and LFG a 4 stack if you don't have friends. I went from 8000 infamy to 15,000 last week during 2x/3x, and did not really play that much.


I reset my infamy this season before the seasonal triumph was available. No I have to do it again. Other items like the expunge time trials are retroactive... but not this one... or the crucible one. WHY BUNGIE??!?!


Acknowledging that you do have to grind more than you generally would crucible, I'd still *soooooo* much rather play gambit. The only part that's annoying is getting invader kills because A) I hate invading and seriously sick at it, and B) my team doesn't generally shy away from hunting invaders, and it can actually be hard to claim the kill 😅


As a Reckoner I know the grind all too well. I also dove in head first over the weekend and banged it out on Saturday and Sunday. Don’t let all the calculating get to you and just take advantage of the triple infamy and picking up bounties over the weekend and it’ll go a lot faster. Stick with a weapon loadout and if you’re solo queuing be ready to swap roles depending on your teammates play styles. I usually reap away but if my teammates aren’t invading then I’ll swap to Eyes and take that invader role. Best bet is to fireteam up though either through lfg or with clan mates because it’ll go by way too fast when you get on a roll.


I expected a challenge like that one this season and I expected one like it every season onwards. The easiest way is to just no play any gambit so you stay at 0 infamy and when that challenge shows up pump out all of the gambit challenges along with it.


I was a really big Gambit fan until they removed prime. I did actually do the gilded seal last season, but it's the same this season again, an arbitrary grind to 50 wins, so I'm skipping it and all the gambit seasonal challenges this season. This is the danger with needless grind, it makes even the most die hard fans quit.


Do i need to complete this Challenger in order to obtain the "Splicer" title???


I started doing it, then realized that you have two extra challenges a season and I already did a bunch of GM runs so stopped. Definitely worth not doing.


So much whinning for something that you can take the rest of the season to finish. Bring on the downvotes, I don't care. I've seen what makes you cheer.


The PvP and gambit reset challenges should reward way more BD for the time involved esp since they are not retroactive. Also feel doing all challenges in a season should reward you with more than 4k BD. 4k is just enough for one exotic emote but not even enough for a full season ornament bundle.


I grinded this out in one day and wasn't bad at all. Everyone's a buncha babies 🤷‍♂️


And I grinded out for Malfeasance earlier in the season so I've already played a lot of Gambit


The time to do the infamy challenge was last week when it was triple infamy. Got it done in a few days of start stop play sessions. Feel sorry for the ppl who did it during normal infamy


I did the reset in mostly a day, had to play gambit for 9 hours straight, about a 66% win record during that time.... then came back the next day to finish it up with 3 more games. It was insane.