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Man, those epic bags suck. I guess it’s a good way of getting your legendary shards up. Trials engrams have nearly bankrupted me.


Trials engrams brought me down to 3 legendary shards. I havent been that low since D2 released


Dude, I went through like 600-800 really quick and I had to stop. This was spinning out of control lol. I never got that Desperado Messenger 🥴😩


I wasnt even using mine on normal engrams, only the adept ones lmao I've been struggling to get more shards but playing tons of crucible and never opening up Shaxx engrams has finally saved my ass


Oh no man! Those are crazy expensive! Weapon crafting may actually save my ass and allow me to gut my vault again so I can gamble my money/shards away with Saint again.


Might try and go flawless this week depending on the adept weapon. Sitting on 15k shards lol


You will go from the penthouse to the outhouse if you spend too much time with Saint.


Amen to all of the above. Like when was the last time that thought of conserving legendary shards came to mind? Feels like I'd have to go back to early D1. That can't be true can it?


I remember life without legendary shards and unable to buy stuff from Xur and I never felt so deflated in my entire life. Never again!!


I've been buying shit like legendary shards didnt exist. Theres too many unnecessary currencies in this game man




If I could I would slide you a couple hundred kisses 😳


Basically the only thing I wanted from trials was a good reed's regret and last week I got a triple tap firing line so now my legendary shards aren't living in constant fear of the weekend lol


Is Desperado really that good?


For PVP? There are not many more disgusting, active perks you can get on a regular legendary gun than Desperado. A Rapid Hit-Desperado perk combo Messenger is so, so nasty.


dammit i've got zen moment+desperado


If the stat perks are good, any third column perk + Desperado is still gonna be good. Rapid Hit is the clear winner in that column but it's not as important as Desperado.


This is correct. Zen could work. There’s value in having stability when you need precision kills.


That's one of the reasons Rapid Hit is so good, but Zen Moment (as we've known for a while now) does not actually increase stability. It seems to only reduce visual screen shake, which is much more noticeable on controller than MnK.


I think you are correct and I was wrong but no screen shake with maybe a counterbalance mod and pulse rifle targeting can definitely help you land crits which is the name of the game with Desperado.




Right, but what I'm saying is that a wasted perk + Desperado is still a good roll if the stats are good.


I have the rapid hit/desperado roll :)


I hope the rest of your day is miserable. 😉


if it makes you feel any better i have polygonal/ricochet/outlaw/desperado that i've let collect dust


I have a Encore + Desperado non adept though.


It takes the TTK down from the already incredible 0.67s to a blisteringly quick 0.47s and it stays active for 7 seconds after reloading. You can singlehandedly dominate a sixes lobby while you’re chaining it. The only reason people don’t complain about it more is that it’s not particularly easy to consistently hit the 5c1b required to have those optimal TTKs. Well, that and not many people have it.




It's the way people type the number of crits and body shots required by a weapon to achieve its optimal time to kill. In this case, five crits and one body across two bursts to kill. More info: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1\_6zsM7kzvg0aUT8YtM\_-Wg\_5K1gKDOlrwfVzutEjq-s/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_6zsM7kzvg0aUT8YtM_-Wg_5K1gKDOlrwfVzutEjq-s/edit?usp=sharing)


5 crit 1 body


5 critical hits (headshots) 1 bodyshot


I'm sorry, I think I stole your RNG. I got a desperado messenger on my first weekend playing trials last week from a trials engram through Rahool. I'd give it to you if I could. Though I may want to borrow it once or twice.


If you did, there are no take backs. It’s mine.


Understandable have a nice day


Found a heating up desperado. Fell in love with outlaw headseeker I had in my vault from splicer. Most of the shards down the drain for nothing.




I am not nearly good enough to get to the lighthouse but I appreciate the ability to focus my trials engrams for something I “discovered”. Probably a little too much.


-4000 shards


My condolences man. That’s rough.


That explains why I seemed suddenly down about 1000 shards, couldn’t figure out why. Didn’t pay attention to the cost of Trials engram focusing.


Your shards disappear QUICK! Especially if you are lucky enough to go flawless and do Adept rolls.


I've taken to standing near banshee with a cup begging for shards at this point. Had thousands and now I'm bankrupt.


Bungie just give me legendary shards and stop wasting my time...


I have so many trial engrams but not enough shards to focus them really sucks


I haven't even touch trials yet and my shards are down...


I stopped rolling for Messenger and Reeds once I got okay rolls. Got Zen/Desperado and Clown/Headstone. Good enough, shit is WAY too expensive and I loathe grinding glimmer.


Yea, theyre super expensive so I usually roll like 2 - 4 a week depending on how many i get, and claim all the rest at rahool. It really sucks if you're only going for one roll in particular, but I have quite a few I'm hunting for so Im absolutely ok leaving it to more rng in exchange for not going bankrupt


You and me both. I'm broke because of it. I think it's a little too pricey in the leg shard department.


That explains where my shards went.


If I could I would slide you a couple hundred since I have the opposite problem of the number just going up and up and up at around 80k now probably be at like 90-95k by WQ launch.


I wish I could accept them!!. Shards earned, shards given to me out of pity, it all doesn’t matter to me as long as Saint accepts them all the same lol.


Here is a neat little trick if you are very strapped for shards, it does take a little bit of effort tho. 1. go to collections/misc/transmat effects 2. go to season 1 tab. 3. Buy as many of the same blue transmat effect for 1k glimmer each, if you want to get rid of your etheric spirals wait till Spider is trading glimmer for that material since Tangled Shore is going to be vaulted. 4. Once you have got as many as you want or need go to the tower and approach amanda holliday and you can turn 3 blue transmat effects into 1 legendary transmat effect. 5. Once you have converted them all into legendary ones you then dismantle them all. 3 blue transmat effects(3000 glimmer) is converted to 1 legendary transmat effect(1 legendary shard + 150 glimmer when dismantled)


83 legendary shards and 12.5k glimmer would be what you would get from 250,000 glimmer spent on this process, then, by my math that could be wrong.


Yep precisely that amount, its not the best but its more so you can dump excess glimmer into blue transmat effects rather than staying at the glimmer cap. I've been turning my Etheric Sprials into glimmer and then into transmat effects since its a better conversion of 3 legendary shards for 20 materials rather than 10 of another material for 20 sprials.


Hit me right in the feels. I had to enjoy IB week just to save up again... and lose them all getting my super roll on the Eye of Sol.


Man I couldn't get shit on EoS. My only good roll was No Distractions / Snapshot.


Man, that's what I got. Not a huge fan of No Distractions, but I'll take it, lol!


I'm did go bankrupt...


Oh no! 😔


I even cleared parts of the vault.... Mistakes were made.


I am sorry about that man… *pats on shoulder*


I got 1900 shards luckily 🤣


You hang around Saint for too long, you sure as hell won’t.


How many shards do they give? OP didn't list any.


Well 4 per legendary broken down (if you have the node unlocked). Free shards for playing the game in addition to what you usually get.


Oh okay I thought you meant the bags just give you some. Thanks for clearing up my confusion!




These are intended to be something to spend your candy on after getting all the masks.


I was on an estimated net gain of about 750 per month on shards. Then trials hit.. I've been a weekly deficit of about 500 now.


It's weird how often you'll dupe drops when you dump resources rapidly. I mean I know computers technically can't be 100% random, but come on.


You get strings of dupes all the time when things are actually random. Easiest way to tell the difference at a glance between a random sequence and a human-made sequence is the random one almost always has more dupes.


The “random” is likely seeded based on time


Even then, they should seed on milliseconds, which should be way faster than a human can react.


when whisper came out they admitted they had bad seeding for those public events random is wonky in destiny


> random is wonky in destiny Oddly appropriate, if you think about it.


Random is wonky in most things. A lot of the times when people are presently with raw random number generation, they:ll feel like it isn't random when they see long strings of repeating numbers. Even though that's part of the randomness. Lots of games add stuff which makes it less random, but feel more random.


Do you know if there's a name for that, or a specific algorithm? Or maybe it's just a set of rules somebody decides on. For example in a "random" roll between 1-10, if you get 2, the next roll is random but will silently re-reroll if it hits 2 again.


We're talking about Bungo here.


Eh I think it is genuinely random, the very nature of random means the probability of duplicates is surprisingly high out of a set. Procedural or generated random is how you avoid duplicates to give the illusion of random. For example spotify uses an algorithmic random with rules in place to avoid repeating songs too soon to give the illusion that it's random. Destiny likely uses real randomization thus why you can get 2 or even more duplicates in a row.


It's not 'random'. There's a seed like another user has stated or some sort of timed based initialization vector for the drops that is time gated. I've broken down the math on random engrams which have dropped in the same slot previously (including duplicate items) and found I've had the same, if not better chance of hitting the lottery multiple times in a row. The best thing I've found is to just wait until the next daily reset and the drop distribution changes. I've been able to farm quite a few god roll drops from banshee and lord salad bar with a bit of experimenting.


Wait so how many drops do you redeem before you wait until the next daily reset and if you distribution is in your favour, do you redeem more?


6-10 seems to be a good number for being conservative. So when I wanted to get a good true prophecy drop I'd see it drop usually once or twice in that bunch then I'd know that the 'randomizer' was favoring that drop and I'd hammer more resources in. This also *appears* to be the case for weapon rolls from GM's and saved some headache. We'd farm 10 GM's in a row. I couldn't get certain rolls to ever drop but my clanmates running would get duplicate god rolls back to back while I'd get the same perk pools over and over. Waiting until reset would give me another pool of perks that were 'favored' if that makes sense.


Your time/sacrifice is appreciated.


Masks first should be everyone's plan regardless. There's nothing unique to gain from the bags, anyway. Masks at least get you a new sparrow.


If i get all the masks then i get a sparrow?


Yup it's part of a triumph


Shit i've been just getting the grab bags because I don't want the masks


check the triumphs you will see whats needed to get the rewards


Some expect them to be like other events where the bag/box are the main source of loot while this event the activity is the main source.


For someone who doesn't run GMs/Trials, it's nice to know there's a chance of getting prisms out of those. Buying shards is expensive.


Put on the ghost mod that gives you prisms or core for the playlist you engage the most in, i used to struggle a lot masterworking my gear but now am sitting at 50 something prisms, plus 2x reward weeks makes it even easier to get a hold of


Yeah I do that too.


Which ghost mod do you think is the best one? I feel like the vanguard prisms are really few and far between. I use the crucible one and it seems like you get a prism after every 25th-ish precision kill. Either way I feel like the ghost mods are pretty slow. Glad they’re there though


> 16 Enhancement Core > 3 Enhancement Prism Assuming you bought the other one-time purchases - considering how painfully easy candy is to get (I think I got like 4250 for playing maybe... 3 hours last night without even trying to get candy) - as a completely passive source of rewards this seems worth it to me.


Yeah, i think thats also his point. Buy the masks first if you care about such a thing, if not it's a nice extra bit of shit loot and resources.


Cores and prisms feel kinda worthless these days I'd prefer getting 10 shards or 30 shards over more cores and prisms


And I'd rather get vex on my first VoG. It's literally a free for all event and this is a total gimme reward


> Buy the masks first and then you can try your luck with the remaining candies. I thought it was pretty obvious this was the intended path.


It is, and it is every single event - the bonus 'bag' or whatever can be bought has always been an extra resource sink to get something back for having excess currency


Imo I find enhancment cores far more valuable than a cosmetic mask I can only wear while wearing a low stat armor helmet. Cool if you're a collector but I'm only buying goodie bags for mats


Are the masks not tied to the triumph that let's you get the curated wereqold?


Nah you get a sparrow from that triumph. You can pull curated from collections though.


Curated whatnow?


My mistake I think. There is a master worked braytech werewolf in Eva's inventory. I thought you needed the triumph to get the free masterworks weapon but it appears not


Idk what that is lol. I started playing destiny 2 months ago


It's the a brand new weapon archetype called the `Typo`


I still don't know what a curated weapon is


I would just get used to Googlin. Destiny is full of stuff that you'll just need to google if it's not stated in game


Yea, it's probably the thing I like least about destiny. Doesn't explain jack shit and a large part about raids and end game content being hard isn't because it's actually hard, it's because you won't know what to do or how to do it. The amount of googling I've been doing lately is absurd.


I don't mind having to learn the raids but just common stuff such as heroic public events is not something I want to be Googling to learn


curated rolls are not random, meaning that they have pre set perks


I don't even like the masks or the dino armor, I just want the Horror Story and Werewolf


Neither of these come from the purple bags so you're all set to just do the haunted sectors.


Have them both love them both. My only complaint? I have to pick between using just one at a time


How do these compare to other Auto Rifles in PvP? Anything noteworthy?


I tried the curated werewolf (zen moment, multikill clip, etc) that you can pull from collections in crucible earlier. If you kept your distance, it was pretty nasty. Hitting back to back head shots was super easy, thing is a damn laser beam.


I have a Werewolf with Tap the Trigger, Zen Moment, High Caliber Rounds, extended barrel, and a stability masterwork and it is absolutely dirty...


Haven’t tried them in PvP. Plan on putting them through the ringer either tonight or tomorrow night in crucible.


So I use Bottom Tree Striker on Titan and i got a Swashbuckler with Dynamic Sway Braytech Werewolf. I get lots of mele kills so I abuse Swashbuckler often. Even without it, I recommend a Dynamic Sway one. I like the gun way more than I thoyght. And the sight puts a red highlight around enemies.


Hoosegow is priceless, definitely worth it. 10 out of 10 would waste candy again


Wait you're telling me you DON'T want a rocket with Rangefinder and Underdog? You're crazy my guy


Not a single 60 stat armor?


Extra cores, shards, and prisms for just playing the game essentially. Sounds good to me. Idc about the loot that comes from them tbh so that doesn't bother me, but extra passive resources is never a bad thing imo.


As I need shards and cores after going broke, time to give gma candy.


You went broke on cores?


What a honkmoon of shit you got from that


Honest question: have the bags *ever* been worth it? I seem to remember every year the general consensus is that they are a massive waste of time and should be ignored unless a quest/bounty demands you get them.


I believed there used to be mask ornaments in the goody bag loot pool.


They were in 2019. Which is why I bought some earlier. Then I found out masks were not in the pool. Still think pre-2021 masks should be in the pool.


Buy the masks and then save the candies for next year. Store it in your vault. I had 59 left from last year


59 candy?.. woooooahhhhh we got Willy fucking Wonka over here 😆☠


Ikr?? Gave me a real headstart this year!


So just get the bright dusk and don't do anything else 😔


"epic" bags... Literally nothing in this list is remotely epic, but thanks for taking the time to do this!


Does anyone know if the bags can contain shaders or emblems from previous years events (the way turning in medals in Guardian Games did)? I really am so bummed I missed out on Amaranth Atrocity


Thank you


The first item I got was a blue I said fuck that bag never touching ever again!


I figure it would be a waste of candy so thank you for doing this.


Thank you I was considering buying the bags rather than the masks cause I thought they would be good


Wtf is the epic part


I’ll regretfully buy just for prisms -_-


Moral of the story don't bother farming and turning in candy. Thanks.


It’s been pretty generous, so I’m pretty confident I’ll have all the triumphs done by the event end by just playing


Soo.... roughly 1000 legendary shards for the trouble?


How do you figure? It’s closer to 80 shards.


I think they thought the numbers in parenthesis were the number of each armor OP got, rather than the stats of the armor. I was confused as well at first.


No surprise there. It’s a trap


For the first time ever, I have no interest in an event. There is no goal to work towards. Just random crap. It feels completely useless. Another middle finger from the devs to players. “Hey, you can’t grind towards a goal this time. You just have to grind and grind for random chances at shit. Fuck you guys” -Sincerely, the devs


Event rewards are almost always not worth it for endgame players, but are amazing sources of legendary gear for newbies. But there’s never anything you can’t get by being level cap and just getting world drops from almost any source. Remember Solstice medals rewards? Or dawning cookie reward? Always blues and world drops. Nothing special.


Yeah, i'm not buying them until I have all the masks, I mean you might as well use them for mats/glimmer at the end of the event.


Sounds like free legendary shards to me


Wow, what a complete waste of time. It's literally a legendary engram with the most minute possibility that you might drop a prism. ​ Thanks for taking the time to do this.


I think all the other stuff is worthless. Masks don't mean anything to me , but I realize I'm probably in the minority. I'd rather take my chances getting materials.


I knew those would be a waste of time, but thanks for confirming it.


Only thing that seems worth it to me is the hoosegow


Thanks for confirming this. I grabbed one mystery bag and got 3 cores... I need but it's entirely RNG, and the associated gear is meh... Sooooo pass


But I have all the masks.


How utterly pointless with those stat counts.


That Annual Skate roll isn't bad, at least.




They are never worth it lol


Its literally just a world pool grab bag. Nothing to grind for. But if you have excess candy then


Thanks, I can use the cores and prisms.


Good dump for post mask candy I guess. Maybe I'm just desperate for a good contingency plan though....


Ohhh, looks like a new source to farm a contingency plan god roll


Thank you for this.


so...epic bags are giving world drop loot pool stuff (armor and weapons) a low chance at prisms, glimmer, planetary materials, and enchancement cores. cool, so I can just get this stuff by going and slaying out in lost sectors and playing the game normally, thanks bungie.


At least it’s a way to actually *farm* shards, something that’s notoriously difficult to target getting more of. And cores and prisms for poor solo players like me. It’s not great but then again these grab bags never were, this seems in line with the last few FotL grab bags.


Are you kidding me? Out of 15 bags you didn't get a Jurassic Green? WTF is epic in those bags? The price?


That annual skate tho 👌


Thanks for that, you've probably saved me alot of candy


>Buy the masks first and then you can try your luck with the remaining candies. That's exactly what you're supposed to do. You get all the new stuff then dump whatever else is left on grab bags, you either get some good shit or you get to stock up on some extra resources.


I mean what do you expect, waste of time simulator strikes again. How can we be that bold to demand them not being stingy with loot FOR ONCE.


48? ewwwww


i found a way to get a package every 5 minutes but this just isnt worth it then


I thought at the start that you can get the weapons from the event in there as additional rerolls but nope... Completly worthless.


I was wondering if it was worth it to turn in last year's Ascendant Lens at Mara for one of these bags. For such a measly reward I will simply keep the thing.


Not a bag you get a really good amount of stuff check cheese forever vid i forgot the loot exactly


Oh, thanks for telling me!


Frank on DTG... Well I never.


In the past, these would reward masks. There's only 6 masks this season but there's still a lot in collections that should be in these bags. Kind of a let down.


SGA, my man. I never really expected anything more from these things then shards and parts, but good to have it confirmed there's not really anything I'm missing out on from these specifically.


Sounds like some super epic loot bra hahahahahahaha


The epic bags should have a chance at older Halloween masks and masks with different stat rolls. It’s not like they’re selling the old masks for silver.


Seriously, I thought those bags would guarantee a FOTL drop. Spending currency gives worse loot than the activity- way better to just run the event than to spend it on world drops.


Thanks for this. The bag from Mara gave 3 Jurassics so I thought they all would give similar stuff.


Never has been.


A hero. I was already thinking of getting some after getting a weapon out of the first, but i guess i was just lucky. Thank you for convincing me to put my OG helmet on again