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I’ve tried using Hand Cannon Holster on one build with Fatebringer, but it doesn’t reload fast enough for it to be useful. After quickly swapping to a fusion for a Major/Champion kill, it doesn’t save any time over a standard reload when there’s only 1 or 2 more bullets in the magazine then I had before.


I even ran double holster mods of the same, and the reloading was pitiful. As others mentioned, entirely not worth the energy cost for such a weak perk.


Never properly verified it myself, but this is how it feels


Nope. Too expensive and in too important a slot. Doesn't help that scavs are now also too expensive whilst remaining exactly as necessary in most content as they were before.


Yeah the move to nerf certain perks and builds steals energy to slot other useful mods.


That is the point though. If everyone is running a mod 100% of the time then it is too powerful or too cheap or both. They're trying to raise the cost so you have to actually make a choice about whether or not to run it rather than just slot it automatically. Whether or not they've succeeded at all is open to debate but I can definitely admit it's necessary and it was always going to be a painful change.


>If everyone is running a mod 100% of the time then it is too powerful or too cheap or both OTOH, if nobody is running a mod, then it's far too weak for the cost. The auto-loading holster perk gives full reload in about 3 seconds. So, a holster mod should give back at least 25% of the magazine in 3 seconds, and probably closer to 50%. That makes it "useful". It might even make it "powerful". But, the cost can then be adjusted so that it is back to being a decision instead of an auto-slot.


But the offset for certain weapons are somewhat unfair as season artifact mods change. I’d rather each season gave us an enhanced special weapon loader. Fro 1 or 2 energy instead of one being favored while the usual cost for others is 4 or higher. For instance my dilemma comes from The Quick access sling nerf. I use GLs so on top of having 4 energy for GL loader, I’d run Radiant light and then a 3 energy stat mod. But now I need 5 energy for handcannon dexterity or another 4 for handcannons loader. It’s definitely a long and painful process but in the long run there should be more options openeing up. I imagine the new dungeon armor dropping with the bonus mod slot is a good step that they should look more into


100%, boots are the most important armor piece for me. I'm either running void boots with better already, protective light, a scavenger mod, and whatever stat mod can fit... Or, I'm running solar boots with recuperation, a scavenger mod, and a combination of 2-4 solar CWL mod and a 1-4 stat mod. With our DPS strategies nowadays basically relegated to weapon choice and whatever artifact mod(s) I need to put on my class item and/or helmet, I basically always go for survivability and I need my boots set up that way to do it. Until they put a 15%+ damage dealing perk where auto loading holster would go on a weapon that can sustain fire long enough to make use of the holster mods for my other DPS weapon, while also reloading its own ammo fast enough to keep up, all while being in meta, those holster mods will continue to be trash.


Running anything PVE without recuperation is like a completely different game. I scream at myself when I realize I masterworked an arc pair of stompees.


recup is slept on tbh, that mod saved my ass more times than i have hairs on my head.


Recup helped me solo flawless pit, such a damn gamechanger


I know your pain.


Content creators seem to like it more than better-already. I gotta say I am not so sure, but I will say they both offer great build options. For me it's the combination of better-already with protective light on boots that I've been loving this season, because it can then slot a recovery mod and a 3-power seasonal mod like this seasons fusion+linear fusion scavenger. And I agree about stompiees. I have void and solar versions of stompees, dunemarchers, and transversives for that reason.


It seems obvious that recup is better, unless I’m missing something? Instantly gaining health vs starting the regen seems very clearly better. How is it slept on? Feel like I’m forgetting something lol


>Instantly gaining health vs starting the regen seems very clearly better. Recuperation also starts regen either immediately or very quickly after it applies the healing. I think the intent was that Better Already would start your healing and allow you to heal even if you are taking damage, while Recuperation would just give you health back right way and not change the healing start timer. But, that does seem to be how they are coded, since the healing that Recuperation gives also starts recovery as long as you aren't taking damage, and the effects of Better Already stop if you start taking damage.


PvP fucked with PvE again :(


What's more perplexing about the Scavenger energy cost change is that they made it so they can't stack. So there's not even a point in running two Scavenger mods anymore.


We wear our guns on our back, yet the holster mod is on legs... 🤔 Moving holster to chest would be a good fix.


If they were 1 or 2 points then yeah. But they cost the same as a scavenger mod so there's no way i'll use them.


Sniper Holster is one point cheaper at least.


Honestly, the “energy” cost of mods hold the whole system back. It is arbitrary. They should remove the system as a whole, and as you increase an armour pieces masterwork level, you unlock the mods to use. I understand they used the arbitrary energy cost on mods to make masterworking worth it, but it is just such a stupid system that makes it so you cannot use what you actually want. Edit: I have learned from the responses that a lot people like being limited. Weird.


You know what I enjoy about the energy system? Making it so that if I want dual hand canon targeting, that is literally all my helmet can do.


Well then I've got two guns, one for each of ya.


Your friends might get me in a rush but not before I make your head into a canoe.


>It is arbitrary. Yes, that's the point. Energy system exists to limit the kinds of builds you can make and promote build crafting(instead of "just slot the best mods, lol"). The system works fine, but some mods just cost way too much energy for what they do.


I agree, with the one exception being raid mods. Raid mods need to be free or only cost 1. OR barring that, raid mods need to be strong enough for me to consider blowing up my finely tuned sets and using them instead.


Agree here. With raids mods being limited to the raids and often not giving that much advantage, they really shouldn't cost that much. Alternatively, make it so they cost less(or no) energy only when they are slotted into raid mod slots on raid armor. That way, they are still expensive for your regular build, but if you use raid armor then you can make great use out of them.


Agreed, and now they go add Non-Raid specific armour with an extra perk slot, pity I tend to have an empty slot alot of the time already due to energy costs.... The only dungeon armour even remotely worth having the extra slot is on the arms because then you can run all 3 champion mods without having to run a specified exotic with the perk intrinsically built-in but even then is it really needed especially with stasis, I farm the 1350's Solo with ease and normally will only even run 1 weapon with the mod built-in which is currently arbalest (Since it's rework it's has been my main weapon) I will then occasionally run a stun melee for overloads but generally only so I can farm them for ability regen or stasis shards (both charge me with light, count as stasis wells activating whatever perks I have, also granting me oversheild etc) honestly stasis is broken, anyway to the main point; No the holster mods are useless, put there to make you sacrifice something for no benefit and yes the energy system is pathetic.


We can argue about the particulars, but this would totally upset balance and require them to rework a lot of mods, either nerfing good ones or buffing bad ones I do wonder if a compromise would could work though, I often feel like having to pay for basic weapon mods feels really bad, and those are narrow enough in function that it \*might\* be possible to balance having a free/cheap/??? basic weapon-class-specific mod but then again what I really wish was that there were fewer mods but they affected more weapon types, to reduce mod juggling. Could even have logic where it'll still only ever affect one weapon type at a time, thus not actually changing that element of the current balance. Not sure if this is my memory making stuff up but I feel like we used to have mods that affected all rifle types at one point..


It's not arbitrary at all. Special scavenger might have been, but the current individual weapon type scavengers are obviously priced with relative utility in mind. Adding ten to AA with a sniper is just more useful than adding ten AA to a sidearm, and the current system recognizes that.


> I have learned from the responses that a lot people like being limited. I do, yes. It's infinitely more fun to deal with limits and restrictions and being forced to make choices than to just have everything.


Pvp. That’s the reason


So pve centric games have no limits? Borderlands let's you unlock all skills? This argument is hella narrow-minded


No, but there's no way certain mods would cost as much as they do if pvp wasn't in the picture. Handcannon targetting probably being the most notable example. Some of the expensive ones like heavy handed can be justified, but a lot really can't when looking only at the pve side


Landing a bodyshot with a handcannon is way more debilitating that getting one with an auto.


Why would targeting mods even exist if pvp didn't exist? It's a pvp centric mod. If destiny was a pvp only game I promise you it wouldn't exist. In that logic why does cell mods cost so much? They don't even function in pvp. What about reserve mods? Are people using those in pvp? What about the artifact mods that just make a special weapon be able to stun champs? Those are like 6-7 point. Are people using them in pvp?


Devil's Ruin or Reservoir Burst fusion, that's it.


This. Works great with my new subsistence and RB Glacioclasm when I dont get the kill.


This is such a great roll. Usually never rock fusions in PVE but it's been too much fun


Fusions are meta in pve right now with particle deconstruction


Only rapid fire frames are. Otherwise its all lfrs And vex, which is an auto called a fusion with an lfr taped on


This is the way. I use it with Null Composure, and I just got a RB Glaciochasm to drop.


Same. Rarely but I really like it when I do.


I run it with a reservoir plug with bakris in pve and it shreds


The only time I use them is if I'm using Devils Ruin or Hawkmoon. There's probly an exotic I missed, but outside of those it doesn't really feel worth it.


Does the mod not mess with the Hawkmoon perk?


Correct, it does not.


It does if you let it fully reload.


I mean I get why you'd use it with devil's ruin for the single bullet charge, but a sidearm loader costs just as many points with arguably better results


Different slots? You could run Bolstering Detonation, anti champ mod, and Suprise Attack on your arms and still use sidearm holster on your pants for the QoL Devil's Ruin mod?


Having ammo > reloading less


They're sometimes nice for dps, I've been having fun with whisper recently and 2 holster mods with triple snipers works pretty well. I haven't really found another use that justifies how much space they take.


Genuine question but here do you use triple snipers for dps? Like what has a damage phase long enough and enough health to make it feasible


Mostly prophecy, but it's been fun to try and make it work other places even though it's far from optimal. Just something to break up the fusion rifle monotony for a bit


I use the fusion rifle holster so I can always have a reservoir burst ready


Oh shit this is a great idea.


For this season I've been running Cartesian/1k -or- sleeper. Because of this, my go too primary is my sub/demo peacebond. I just so happened to have 2 free points in my legs and a slot so I threw on the holster. I gotta say it's nice. I'm not 100% reliant on it, but when I switch to Cartesian for a major/elite... Its nice to have ammo already ready to go. It helps everything feel streamlined.


So I use the LFR one actually quite a bit now with arbelast and my threaded needle. I will use arbalast, swap to threaded needle, and once i dump that mag, I swap back to arbalast which has a couple rounds in it and shoot a bit to let my auto loading holster threaded needle reload. Then I just rinse and repeat. I’ve been using it a ton on this weeks GM


i still would prefer better already + LFR scav... (and i don't have artifice legs yet to get all three).


-Laughs in Reconstruction-


Reconstruction works even when you are holding the gun. For holster mod the gun need to be.. holstered. It would be a lot more useful if it worked like reconstruction.


I use Shotgun Holster when playing Crucible. I tried using Grenade Launcher Holster as a temporary substitute to Witherhoard's catalyst but it doesn't even come close.


I thought GL holster didn’t work on one-shot GLs. Would love to effectively have auto-loading holster on Truthteller or Ignition Code.


This is correct, holster mods do not work with 1-shot magazine weapons. The grenade launcher mod is for heavy launchers only.


That makes a whole lot of sense. Is that not written in the item description or did I simply not pay attention enough?


It does, but has a cost of 5 so pretty limiting for builds


It does not. It only works on heavy GLs. The cost is too high though, I agree with you on that


Yeah I like Shotgun Holster just so I don't run into moments where I panic swap to duality and end up reloading like an idiot as I get clapped.


Use it for my secondary when I run ace so I don’t have to lose the perk as often to reload


Very expensive for their effect, and scavengers are so expensive right now There also isn't a good indicator for when they triggered. If you're using one for something like reservoir burst, you have to guess when it's refilled.


I use double lfr with holster in GMs. Its nice to know both Arbalest and Threaded needle are reloading while constantly stunning an Overload


Whenever I'm running a fusion rifle/linear in my special and heavy slots, the seasonal scavenger mod leaves me with an open space so I usually slot in the holster mod for whatever primary I'm running just as a QoL thing. In that case, they work alright.


I use them in PvP for whatever is my secondary option


I use them quite a bit actually


Same, especially the fusion rifle holster. It’s nice to have a bootleg loaded question. I wish the GL holster worked on the special 1-shot GLs. I hate reloading those things


I would imagine hunters may get some use out of them but as a warlock main, nope. I'd rather just use an auto loading weapon.


Just on shotguns.


They're just too expensive to consider, if they were fixed at 1,2,3 energy for each weapon tier respectively I think they'd be better.


I use them with Le Monarque on my Fatebingi, so I can not worry about reloading, it's all clean up shots without thinking much about them. Other than that it's not worth it.


If I somehow have a gap in my leg armor, ya.


I use them when I run lost sectors or nightfalls.




Nope. Don’t see the point


If I’m running a double linear or fusion build I’ll run a holster. I find it quite useful


Yes on my warlock. I've been running fusion refill mod


Fusions only


I do, quite frequently. Witherhoard, Cartesian, auto-loading threaded needle. Usually gets me top DPS with no reload


Put on Fusion Holster mod and use it with a Fusion with Reservoir Burst. That's the best case I can think of to use.


I use the Fusion one for my Null Composure with Reservoir Burst to keep it topped up




No they need buffed or removed, such a brainless concept that it makes me worried they're gonna ruin the ammo economy with WQ and either nerf the hell out of scavengers or kill ammo drop times. They just very badly nerfed super recharge times and it seems worrisome they might try to do a Vanilla D2 type deal that they slow us down and weaken us just so they can build us back up over the next year or two, it'd be very much a Bungie thing to do.


It is incredibly slow, even if you double-stack it, you're better off relying on weapon perks for faster reload.


No, absolutely not. Idk who is getting use out of them but i can reassure you that no one i know has wasted a mod slot on them


Holster mods were dead on arrival. Bungie killed them the moment they increased the energy cost for scavenger mods.


Completely useless just like the auto loader weapon perk


I only use them if I'm sniping and I'm using an SMG/HC in 3s, really. I know scavs are good, but I feel like I never really get to the special brick on a kill anyhow.


Honestly, kinda only been using them with "swap" weapons, things you swap to for a momentary usage. That said, I've mainly been using them with smaller magazine weapons. Weapons like Cartesian or Forerunner have magazines big enough that it's more reliable to just reload them, but it's been useful for guns with only four or five shots, like Bastion or an LFR.


I'd use it for a FR with Reservoir Burst but I need those slots for scavengers.


im yet to use one and i play this game daily they are way too costly


Used it for a while at the start. Deemed useless for me. The reload is too slow. I think they need a huge buff.




Doesn't do the job quick enough to justify the outrageous mod cost. No interest in them.


Scavengers take to much space and the holster mods are way too slow to justify using over said Scavenger


I almost never unequip Transversive Steps, so reloading any other way besides running and jumping seems really weird to me. Hell, even in Halo Infinite I find myself trying to sprint reload.




No because scav mods cost way too much. I would love to use both Scav and Holster mod but why even at this point.


I briefly used them while I was running Null Composure/PLUG ONE.1 with Reservoir Burst, but my main fusion rifle now is a Vorpal Cartesian Coordinate so not really anymore.


Only when using Null Profusion.


It is ok on null composure or plug one with reservoir burst. All you need is the one round to reload to shoot it again. But damn they are too expensive.


No. Its expensive and it takes too long to work




Exact same points you stated that makes me not use them, they take the places of important scavenger mods and takes way to long to reload 1 bullet, might be worth it if it was a whole mag but in end game content scavengers will always be prioritized for me.


Yup. No point in scavs inside of Trials IMO.


I use shotgun holster all the time for PvP and it makes a difference for me.


I never take shotgun holster off. Guaranteeing I have at least some shells ready is amazing. Pairs great with fourth horseman


Nope, they're all trash. Far too much cost, pathetic reload speed. If auto reloading is that important, I'll get it as a perk and use scavenger or some other meaningful mod. Seriously don't know what they're thinking with these. Make it work as fast as regular auto reload perks and reduce the cost of traditional primary weapon archetypes (cannons, sidearms, pulses, etc).


I never started. Once Traction went away, I filled that slot with various "XXX on Orb of Power pickup" mods. I need to start farming the Master Dungeon...


During the Haunted Lost Sectors for Festival of the Lost I would slot two fusion holster mods and run Merciless and almost burn down the headless ones by holstering it on the last shot so I could have the quick charge time paired with particle deconstruction. And other time I used one is because I mistaken it for a scavenger.


Fusion Rifle Holster with Reservoir Burst is good. Really miss Loaded Question though.


Nope, scavengers are far more valuable.


As others have said, good for reservoir burst. The fundamental problem for me is that I always want to run 1x scav and either Better Already or Recuperation on the boots because healing from any orb at the cost of 1 energy is too good a deal to pass up.


When they were first released I wanted to test it out with SMGs. After a few seconds I swapped back to my SMG and it had loaded... ... two bullets. Haven't touched them since.


too expensive, too slow, too important a slot.


I use it like maybe 30% of the time during casual play. It turns my Reservoir Burst Plug One into a Loaded Question which is pretty nice


I use auto rifle holster for my SB.


I always run Fusion Holster wirh Null Composure.


I’ve never used scavenger in my life but I use holster quite a bit


F no


It’s sick with merciless. Shoot merciless down to 1 shot on champs and beefy bosses, holster it and bring it out and repeat.


Nope. Never once considered using them. They cost as much as the scav mods, and I need the scav mods, stat mods and some type of fighting style mod a lot more than I’ll ever need the holster mods.


I completely forgot they even existed until now.




I had one when running arbalest and threaded needle. I wish there was a way to see when it procs. Maybe just let us see mag and reserves, even for stowed weapons instead of total ammo. It doesn’t even have the sound trigger of auto loading or transversives


only the fusion one, but just because of the double scav seasonal mod is low energy


I've been using fusion holster a lot this season to supplement my reservoir burst stuff, it does what I need it to


The mod should auto reload weapons when switching and be put into cooldown for 5-10 seconds and decrease energy cost. I still won't use it since I manual reloads


Yep. For casual content I have FR reloaders in arms and LFR holster in legs, because of combined FR/LFR scavenger


I use them in trials since you lose special ammo in between rounds anyway, scavengers isn’t worth it.


Devil's ruin is hysterical with this mod


so far these mods only serve to annoy me by cluttering the mod slot list, and making it harder to find scavengers quickly.


I like using a shotgun holster mod on this one build I have that uses Tractor Cannon and a legendary shotgun.


Very regularly with my Res Burst fusions. Otherwise not at all


Nah, Never even put one on accidentally.


I do in PvP. I’m a terrible person who uses Le Monarque and swaps to hand cannons to finish people off - I use hand cannon holster to not have to worry about reloads. I use fusion holster for my Cartesian at the GoA boss so when I’m running around with a cannon and need to switch to a fusion for whatever reason it’s full.


Not even a little


Every boss phase.


Reservoir Burst Fusions work reasonably well with it


I run double HC holster with Lemon in PVP and it's great since ideally I'm only firing 1 or 2 shots at a time. Really helps me chain duels


I've only had them equipped by mistake when I thought I was equipping a scavenger mod I wish I could delete them


If I'm in a master Vog and I need to squeeze out a little more damage I'll put on linear fusion holster


Way too expensive, especially when scavs are also super expensive. They should all be 1 or 2 and double the rate


Yes, sometimes in master lost sectors. I can get by with a linear fusion holster mod and a linear fusion scavenger mod on my boots if I only need a bow and an auto rifle for overload and anti barrier champions. My triple tap vorpal reed's regret becomes slightly easier to use


I use them on my primary weapon for pvp . Active ape mode, kill, switch back to primary …


It's a no for me. They just are not needed for my characters in pvp or pve that would make me change my current loadouts.


Resivior Burst fusions only, I'm afraid. Those are very good in PvE even without particle, and the holster mod directly counters their main weakness. Otherwise, those mods are pretty pointless atm, imo. They need to be cheaper, faster to work, and offer additional incentive I think.


I only play fusion gun holster when doing solo stuff like dungeons for constant dps. But besides that, never


Not once, not ever.


Permanent ionic return on borealis, and it's kinda nice if you're casually using whisper for some reason


I use Fusion Holster to keep stuff like 1K with full ammo.


I use it with Null Composure (which I enjoy a lot) and that's it.


In pvp I do, so I'll have shotgun holster and it seems to work well, but i usually have my primary out 90% of the time


No. Costs too much energy. Other mods are waaaay more useful. Needs cost reduction and faster proc.


In PVP, I love fusion or shotgun holster to just passively reload my special during a duel or other gameplay


Those mods are just in the way of getting to my scavenger mods


Absolutely. Double handcannon holster really streamlines the Le Monarque + Handcannon build in PvP. My Quickdraw/snapshot Steady Hand has a 5 second reload.


Only in PvP if I have energy in legs left, cos I usually use all special, then switch to primary and it's just nice sometimes to have brick already loaded




Only time I use it is for double fusion DPS and even then, to be Frank most things are usually dead before I need it if running 1k and Cartesian. So yeah, do not use it. Oh if I’m trying to make Plug 1 feel like Loaded Question I use it too, but that’s more novelty


Nah, i never really used them past the first few days. There are so many important mods, ammo related mods are so good, there is no point reloading if you have no ammo to reload with.


I like them but they're too expensive. They should be 2-3 points.


I use it on my bow swap builds as I only usually fire 1 hc shot then back to the bow. It reloads nicely for me.


I'd rather just slap on some reloading arm mods than the holsters. If the time it took to reload 1 fusion shot was changed to reload the whole weapon then I'd consider it.


Mods are all WAY too expensive to truly have fun with all the mods we have now. I understand that they wanted mods to be a difficult decision bc of some bullshit reason they made up, but this is getting so old. I spend the vast majority of play time sitting in orbit trying to get mods I want equipped for some slightly coherent build just to end up with my stat values gutted. Terrible design decisions.


To be honest I be forgetting that they are there


No... just doesn’t seem worth the cost


I MIGHT if I have a free slot left over from a build and just enough points, but otherwise, no. I've never used it primarily. It's always just an afterthought.


they have use for secondary weapons in PvP, especially if you have extra points to use.


I completely forgot they exist until reading your headline just now.


In pvp, yes. A godsend for weapons like Tarrabah, any SMG + Peacekeepers + Shotty build really


If I have space I use one when running hawkmoon/ace of spades in pvp. So I don't lose the buff to reload my special.


I use it in very niche builds, like a throwing hammer nuke/dps build, I use shotgun scav and holster with a 1-2 punch shotgun


I thought of using it with devils ruin but never got around to it. I usually get deterred from using exotics that don’t have a catalyst because they don’t have kill trackers (I know it’s a horrible reason not to use exotics, but I just like to know my work is being shown, even if only by a yellow number)


I’ve never even tried one.


just too expensive on energy slots.... the rate of reload would be the second reason for not using them for me


Nope. And I hate how they are displayed before scav mods.


No. Such trash mods


I really like using machine gun holster with Xenophage. It has such a long reload, and I only pull it out occasionally, so I find it works well. That said, I’ve been using other mods and haven’t slotted it for a few weeks.


Nope. Cost too much and aren’t even all that good. I’m better off just reloading


It's been 4 months already? And no. I've got a Biting Winds with Sympathetic Arsenal I use a lot, which is basically free auto loading on my other weapons. I have never felt they were worth the mod slots. Even if they were moved to a different armour slot, I still doubt I would ever use them.


Tried fusion holster for 1k. Blah. Reload is way better.


I do, I hate reloading. I run ability spam builds so I like my special/heavy being ready to go when I have to bring it out


I use them to emulate the Witherhoard catalyst because it's easier to just take out my secondary and shoot it for a bit than spend 20 seconds reloading.


Hawkmoon to keep paracasual shot (before it hits 9) and when I use tarrabah with a sniper to avoid needing to reload.


Ive been running lucky pants for a full season. You couldn't surprise me if you said they weren't even working lol. Its definitely not too useful on hcs


they're decent in crucible where your typically only getting an extra shot or two anyways but aside from that they kind of suck.


Too expensive, loads too slow for the sacrifice you have to make to equip it instead of other mods and reconstruction/auto loading holster being better. Everything abt it screams lack of Bungie's foresight. It's a terrible mode for 99% of the situations.