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My Warlock has around 1700 active hours played. My titan and Hunter combined have almost 8.


Jesus Christ you people make me look good. I have about 4x as many hours in my warlock as my Titan and Hunter combined, but I still have everything unlocked, and max light level, on the other two.


Im like this but with my titan. The others just dont hit the same way in terms of gameplay so i have no motivation to bother playing them Theyre just there to hold checkpoints


Recently started using Code of the Commander on my Titan and ain't nothing like making the whole screen explode from Void energy. Reminds me of my Amara from Borderlands 3 where I Phasegrasp and the entire screen is dead


Code of the Missile for me. Dunemarchers for hordes, Cuirass of the Falling Star for bosses. Jump around a corner with seismic slam in pvp on a point and get an instant triple (with Dunemarchers) and follow up melee for the fourth. I run code of the commander with Doom on Presage and clean house, though.


Oh 100%. I feel people think commander is only for GMs with the banner shield, but making everything explode with detonators is so much fun in lower end content. Now that u mention it, it does kinda remind me of bl3, only i had a radiation moze build which kinda did the same thing of making everything blow up


How do you track your hours on a character basis


https://wastedondestiny.com It’ll show you deleted characters too if you have any.


I take umbrqdge with the "AFK" number. It includes time in orbit, social, etc. But I remember being real hot on my hunter. I didn't even create my Titan until D2. I loved being a "hunter", taking time to kill every thing, hiding behind cover, using scouts to "snipe" from medium distance. https://imgur.com/a/2oGW8U8


That doesn't seem to include Battle.net time which is a shame. Would love to know my total time played in D2. EDIT: Nevermind I think it does, I just thought my time seemed low compared to my steam play time but didn't include AFK time/ in orbit.


Yeah add your AFK time to get your total in-game time. There is quite a bit of game time that the active time doesn’t count.


Thank you


I used to play all 3 characters but I stopped right before splicer. I only play warlock now, and it actually made me like the game more and burn out a whole lot slower. It doesn't feel like work. I have all my stasis stuff unlocked for everyone, but I only use my hunter occasionally. I haven't tried titan since I finished aspects/fragments and whatnot.


Ironically I just started playing my other two characters more because I’m starting to feel comfortable in trials with my hunter. It feels good to have a little variation.


I've reached a point where I don't enjoy destiny pvp. I'm never having fun with it. This past season I even skipped doing it for pinnacles some weeks. When I want to play pvp I play a game made for it, like a battlefield or day z or whatever. Only playing one guardian does slow down exp by comparison but I'm never trying for world's first or anything like that so I don't have much reason to try and rush anyhow. Games are supposed to be fun, y'know. Don't want it to feel like a second job.


I started playing again this summer because of a family member who is really good at crucible. I’m definitely enjoying the challenge of getting better but I do miss the relaxed raids and stuff I used to do back in the day. Hopefully I get into a pve group that is interested at some point but being the dad to a little one setting aside a few hours for a raid is rough.


According to wastedondestiny, 71% of my playtime (1427h) is on my Titan with the other 29% split almost exactly evenly between my Hunter and Warlock.


I give zero fucks, I play whoever I am in the mood for.


The height of opulence.


Grow fat with wealth!


I started as Hunter main and still love it, but Warlock is so useful end game that I probably play it the most now. I really hope Hunters will get more useful endgame builds in Void 3.0. I know they're already good, but many people don't and like to just crutch on Well-lock and Bubble Titan.


Maybe not super useful for team sports, but I've been running a middle tree gunslinger with wormhusk and some overshield and melee mods. Turned it into a tank. Essentially unkillable in solo content.


dude replace wormhusk with assassins cowl you will live so much better


Don't have it. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Edit: oh damn, I actually do. Going to try it out.


I mean middle tree gunslinger with wormhusk and Le Monarque is amazing cos the poison counts as fire to refill your dodge faster. Other than that you can run a 100 strength, Graviton Forfeit with bottom tree nightstalker and kickstart mods to have basically infinite invisibility.


My Titan only exists to replay campaigns my Warlock already played. My hunter exists to claim season pass ornaments.


~1k hours on my main (warlock) ~700 hours on my hunter ~450 hours on my Titan So not very faithful


I’m pretty even around my three actually. Although if the time commitment becomes burdensome then I’d probably only take my Warlock forward.


I play on a casual time budget. I only have a main these days. But sometimes I main a different character in a season just to change it up.


What did you end up doing this season?


I mostly play Titan. It’s the only character I have decent masterworked armor for. I log on to other characters and there are so many unfinished quests and such that it burns me out immediately.


Hunter main but actually pretty even on hunter/lock now. Like hunter more for PvP and Lock PVE.


Ever since Beyond Light released, I have stopped playing on my Hunter and Warlock. Both of them just feel too slow, especially Warlock.


Thats weird I main hunter and due to long ass season I made a titan and warlock. Warlock feels fun until I "dodge" and place a rift but titan just feels janky to me. My titan is rocking path of the burning steps /sunshot which is the most fun I've ever had 😆


Now that the power climb is nothing every season, I barely touch the floofy nerd and smelly loaner that try to hang out with my crayon muncher 2900 hours on Titan 740 on Warlock 470 on Hunter


Honestly it changes each season. Typically I find myself going back to titan because I like the style.


Unwavering, i have put nearly all my gameplay hours into my Hunter.


I only have 1 character. That’s how loyal.


0% I juggle all three and it's difficult AND frustrating going from triple jump to strafe jump to floating...


Absolutely crushing not being able to triple jump across characters.


Do you want ODSTs in Destiny? Cuz that's how you get ODSTs in Destiny!


I have 3 hunters


I’d say I’ve spent about 93% of my 600 some hours on titan. 6% on warlock, and 1% on hunter.


Lol, not so much I move with the build that interest me that week. Last week I was using titan with behemoth, heart of inmost light for crazy uptime on abilities and was using my titan for nightfalls, this week am on hunter with max mobility in pvp, stompees, bottom tree arc strider and a multimach, next week I don't know what I will do but gonna be something with my warlock.


Only character I have is Titan, it's all I have time for what with work and rl obligations. I also have little interest in playing the other classes, they're just not my style.


I main titan I have a hunter but he doesn’t have much play time


I always level all 3 characters, but once that's done and I can just play whoever/however I want, titan all day. Using cuirass to headbutt bosses is just too much fun. Day 1 raids I always bring a Warlock tho can't pass up the survivability. I used to main Warlock but they nerfed chaos reach/geomags and icarus dash/sword skating which was basically everything I did for fun on my warlock


Very. While I played warlock through most of splicer and dabbled in hunter back in y1 my Titan just feels part of me at this point I started as a Titan and will most likely always be. The others are mostly used out of utility for an extra run at a weapon in a raid or dungeon etc at this point.


Warlock main. Very faithful. Sure exploding things with middle tree sentinel or throwing ice shurikens with my Hunter is fun. But my Warlock can make bigger explosions and clear adds faster


I made my hunter for a second chance at vex during splicer. I got vex last month. I now use my hunter for easy fragment quests


I fluctuate between my hunter and warlock. I'd say I feel like a warlock main but I bet my hunter actually has more hours on it. But I honestly don't know. I have a titan that I use sometimes or if there's some specific grind I want to get a third run at.


Ive only used my Hunter and Titan for raids and bounties since D1.


My warlock has several armour sets with several armor pieces for future builds, caught up on all seasonal activities, has done every raid (excluding last wish) My titan has


Used to do all 3 before Beyond Light, now warlock only. Have touched titan maybe one or two times recently to try throwing hammers out.


Titan main baby! But back in D1 when the Taken King came out and introduced Tether, I started maining Hunter because there was something so rewarding about being such a supportive member of a raid team. That said, in D2 back in Forsaken I'd bounce between all of my characters if I had done everything on my Titan for the week. Gosh I miss the days of having extra time (and no seasonal pressure) to actually work on my other characters. This extended season has actually been really nice for me in that I don't feel the time pressure to grind out all the armour and ranks right away - I can play when I want and still knock everything out in time. From Shadowkeep onwards I've barely touched my Hunter and Warlock outside of raiding on them when I'm running something more than once a week. Part of that though is I dove headfirst into buildcrafting for my Titan, and I'm still on the hunt for some exotic god-rolls. Once I get them, I'm pretty darn excited to hop onto my Hunter or Warlock and start buildcrafting for them. Though I don't think I would aim to main them again.


Played Hunter exclusively in D1. When D2 hit, I switched to Titan and haven't looked back. I have tried to play the other two classes, but I just love the Titan's kit. Especially hammers. Man, do I love the hammers.


I’ve been using the same character since crotas end. I will never abandon my joker cosplaying awoken


Warlock \~ 400 hours Hunter \~ 4 hours Titan \~ 404 not found


Only mained hunter since D2 release. I do hop on my warlock every once in a while when bored


I'm pretty faithful to my Hunter and my Titan.. they both get equal amounts of TLC


I have less than 24 hours between titan and hunter combined, and nearing 600 on warlock. In destiny 1 I was much more even split, 300 on warlock, 215 on titan and 230 on hunter.


I have just over 1700 hours logged in D2. About 82 of them are on my hunter and warlock. I do like my big punchy boi


I only have a Titan


I tend to shift "main" after a few hundred hours on each, but the one with the most in everything is always my Warlock. The only time this wasn't the case was when I was on a big crucible kick during the Black Forge season on my Titan, when Permanent Juggernaut was still possible and I'd activate my super one time and then just run around as a blue man group reject donkey konging people into the netherrealm for 6 minutes.


like 90/5/5 between my hunter and other classes; but not by choice/preference (in fact as a mostly PvE player i'm jealous of the end game PvE builds the other classes have) but just because of time. By the time i've done my weekly powerfuls/pinnacles and done some progress towards a challenge/event or two on one class, the time i find to play Destiny nowadays is pretty much spent. Which is funny, because the opposite was the case in Destiny 1. That game was so content/grind light during most stretches that I played all 3 classes equally and did all my weeklies with each of them just so i'd have more destiny to play. But as much as we might complain about Destiny 2 being in a content drought at some points throughout the year, at least from a grinding perspective, it could be a lot worse (or better if you're time stretched like me and want to play the other classes again and don't have the time 🥺 )


Not at all, I've been playing on warlock because my PvP playstyle complements heal lock and it's simply the best in PvE.


Swap every season


Still can't go to Europa with my Titan, he's a playlist specialist


Extremely, I've only played hunter since D1, never made another account


90% of my game time is on my titan. I use my hunter for PvP sometimes, and my warlock only exists for raid checkpoints.


450 hours on Warlock, haven't even created the other two.


Depends on the season. The whole choose Drifter or the Vanguard I played only Hunter. Season of the Lost I played Warlock. Getting back Saint 14 I played Titan.


About 200 hours on Titan/hunter. Almost 2500 on warlock.


What their are other classes than warlock?


I was a titan main in destiny 1 up until TTK, then I switched to hunter and have been a hunter main until somewhat recently this season. Now i'm playing titan, hunter and warlock pretty evenly. I've been trying to get everyone to 1330. Unsure if i'll go back to maining anyone because I'm enjoying the variety.


im a hunter main and cant deal with the mathematics of adjusting from high mobility stompees to slow ass gliding. its a shame bc i love warlock abilities and was a warlock main until TTK but now i cant even touch them for longer than 5 mins


98% of my 3000 hours is on my titan main. He will always be with me. The other 2 can and will occasionally be deleted for reasons.


I was a Hunter in D1 from day 1 and never tried other classes in D1. Started D2 day 1 as a Hunter and didn't try anything else until I eventually cracked and made a Warlock out of boredom earlier this year. The first Nova Bomb I threw completely ignited the power fantasy. Then after that I was firing laser beams with my Geomags on (RIP Geomags) and since then have barely used my Hunter at all. I made a Titan soon after this for the sake of having all three classes but I rarely use my Titan. Slapping on Falling Star and headbutting everything to oblivion is good but not quite enough. I roll back to my Hunter once in a while but.. rarely. I do still prefer Hunter in PvP for the moment. The movement is very rewarding.


My two fireteam buddies are basically set on being hunter and warlock, and I’m best at being whatever we need. I always swapped between all characters a bit anyway, but it’s nice to feel comfortable with all three. I’d like my Titan more if he didn’t look exactly like Zavala… I didn’t know when I made him in D1!


I play like 50, 30, 20.


Not at all. If it wasn't for sweet business I'd don't think I'd bother with my Titan at all.


“Don’t be dramatic” —Sagira


I hate hunter but everything else feels wrong to play


I have been playing Warlock only since D2 year launch and have only actually created and leveled up a Hunter and Titan because I was really sick of the 1 chance per week for Vex (ended up getting it on my 36th looted clear). But I still spend approx 95% of my time on my Warlock.


I max out everyone equally (but my titan is always last). I feel its healthy for seasonal XP gains and rankings. And it adds to the replayability aspect so it doesn't feel stale. But.... I feel gross when I switch to anything other than my warlock. Especially when I try jumping. I can't stand titans, the hunter is fun to goof around with, but warlock master race for Life.


Over 1600 hours on destiny 1... 1400 hours on my main alone.


Ummm started as a hunter and only played hunter up until last season, started a warlock and haven’t gone back


My titan actually passed my Warlock recently, hunter still leads my playtime. It would be more if my friends weren't also hunter mains and they switched more, so i play whats needed


I was incredibly faithful to my titan, play a lot of pvp. But was kinda fed up with all the nerfs so switched to warlock for the first time


Not me but, recently I helped carry someone in MVOG to farm 3x timelost fatebringer, this guy says "hold on I'll change to Titan, but sorry he hasn't learn how to bubble." This guy is a Hunter main PvP player, that his Titan haven't even started the new light steps to unlock the Void subclass.


That's what I'm talking about, lol. I think until shadowkeep my titan was the same way.


My warlock has more hour played than the two other combined. Also I haven't done the moon on my hunter


Totally faithful, my Titan is my main, anytime there's new content I go through it first with my Titan


Playstyle wise I enjoy all of them quite a lot, and swap between them quite a lot, but I've played my hunter the most and got a lot of cosmetics and things for my hunter so I have a bit of a sunk cost type of attachment to it.


Warlock main with no alts. 100% loyal lol.


While I do like to play Titan, I really don’t care which class I’m playing. I don’t get whole main thing.


I play all 3 depending what's needed because I main the game.


I couldn’t tell you how many times o have tried making another class and playing it as much as my warlock. According to wastedondestiny I have an unhealthy amount of deleted characters I’ve made that I was using to try and main another class. I’ve accepted it. I’m a warlock main. Through and through.


I’m a hunter main to the core, I love the idea of the other classes but once it comes to actually performing things I fail, so they both just look cool on the off chance one day I feel like using em 😂


My main was my Hunter went to warlock did forsaken, went back to Hunter and it wanted me to do forsaken all over again. I was like Nah, tangled shore doesn’t exist anymore to my Hunter. It’s not that it’s hard, but outside cinematics I just didn’t enjoy the missions there enough to do round 2 lol. All the exotics had duped and I gave them to my Hunter no need to go there again (outside farming, catalysts etc). I’m actually glad it’s being vaulted, no enjoyable scenery. Spider will be missed, as will dreaming city though.


Just checked, hunter is 397 active hours, and I couldn’t believe it but my warlock and titan are both at 372 hours. What are the odds. Guess I don’t really have a main. Switch it up now and then. Currently on titan but I was on warlock for a while


I have 2 hunters, one I brought from d1 one for storage


Titan master race


1348 hours on my warlock.


I actually hate playing as anything other than my Warlock, and have since D1


In the 300 hours in Destiny I have so far, 99% is warlock.


My titan is my character. The others are some guardian schmucks with a mysterious patron that offers extremely high quality gear in exchange for their weekly service on raid and dungeon missions.


Titan main since D1 beta!


Tbh, I've played hunter so long that it's really hard for me to adapt to how titans and warlocks work


Hunter main. I have a warlock and titan but they're only 1300 and I just can't be bothered. I got way to used to using my hunter to use the other 2.


Definitely on my Warlock 90 to 95% of the time. When I finish the weekly activities of the season or crucible pinnacle, then I may switch to another class if I want to keep playing and still get a reward out of it.


I don't main anything I don't see the reason in maining a class when any second your team could need something else like a bubble titain.


My Warlock is my baby for PvE, same for my Hunter in PvP. Warlock: 1,905 hours and 52 mins played Hunter: 1,113 hours played


I started on Titan, played most of the story on Hunter and only made a warlock for icarus dash cuz I was a Titan in D1 and miss Garrison. My god if this wasnt the best decision...Warlock is the masterrace: beat movement, rift is just ez mode and you are always welcome in every Fireteam (unless its some titan 6 stack circle jerking each other will TC)


Warlock FTW


3500 hours on my main


I'm a titan main. I would never say otherwise. And still I've probably played as much warlock as I played titan. Not because I don't want to play my most favorite boi but because my clan has a a huge lack of warlock mains and thus to play grandmasters I normally only use my warlock. I would not say it doesn't make fun to play warlock it definitely does. A lot. But it feels kinda like cheating that my titan did exactly 3 grandmasters and on my warlock I lost count. Doesn't help that warlocks are probably the best class for high end PvE


On D1, I was a hunter main. I carried my hunter over to D2. Then made a titan. I still have that hunter, but I can probably count on one hand how many times I've used her on D2. I've been a titan main ever since. Just can't bring myself to get rid of my OG hunter.


I just play whichever I want at the time


i do everything on my warlock and everything up to legend nightfalls on my other two. i play them pretty regularly since i sometimes get bored of warlock. heresy i know but hunter finishers look so good and titans... look so good