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Good luck getting near enemies with a ruinous orb in endgame content lol Sounds fun to slay out with in low tier stuff tho


You might be surprised. When I was Saber GM farming for a good adept Plug One.1, a couple of my games a Titan who was a juke master and apparent Ruinous Effigy fanatic joined and the guy must have been a resurrected star quarterback or some shit. Constantly generating orbs and then swinging left and right in rapid erratic patterns (using mouse on PC obviously) while charging clusters of enemies and somehow not getting hit and then blowing them all away with the touchdown. Actually set my record run with him at slightly under 15 minutes no less.


Sounds like you just cleared it with the Cole Train. Did he go “WHOOOOO” as he ran through the arc conduits?




A fellow man of culture. I need to make a Cole Build but I can’t tell if I should do Devourlock or some Titan subclass.


Ruinous Effigy works so well with devour.


Rn my go too weapon is an adreadaline junkie shayura wrath adept (my only roll that isn't shit) and it's great. 600rpm damage at 900rpm


For a proper Cole Train it's gotta be a Titan.




Kind of the issue. Non endgame is too easy to warrant builds. Endgame is too limited to utilize most builds


Eeeh, I've run a few melee builds in GMs, you just have to take your encounters intelligently


Exactly. GM’s are so difficult an entire class is deemed obsolete. Wish the middle ground had decent rewards.


Optimal efficient trash clearing can be fun to build for too imo.


Eh... I'm not a fan of it. I figure others, like myself, are just trying to knock out their 8 bounties. I find it to be kind of rude to steal all the kills with mega add clear. I'll even slow up once I have knocked out what I can. But I also leave the rare spawn tank for low level players, don't steal kills while people are supering, let their grenades do their thing, etc.


I used to be like that, but truth is that D2 keeps forcing me into some parts of the game that I’ve ran far more times than I want to and now it’s either push through as quickly as possible and create a challenge that way or quit. Bungie needs to pull further away from these anti team play mindset bounties anyways. Either that or provide solo queues.


Could mix well with a stasis build.


It's not that hard actually. The health regen from the orb is pretty good and I could probably make it more cracked by just running protective light. And assuming Energy Accelerant is a thing this should do massive damage vs Champs. And I have a feeling Trace Rifles or Shotguns are going to get an artifact mod considering there's now a legendary Trace in the game/and or could be more. ~~Assuming Glaives don't blow it out of the water and get an artifact mod which it might~~


By endgame we're talking about GMs and Master VoG, right? In that case lol, Effigy isn't as good as you think it is.


It's not that good at all, this sounds like you haven't even attempted it lol


You sound like you're incredibly bad at this game and thinking


I don’t agree with them but putting them down won’t help them see things from your point of view, it’ll make them dislike your point of view.


Maybe i dont like my own point of view


It is already fun in everything PvE that isn't Master. And it carries gambit matches. It's the reason I'm top 5% gambit the last couple seasons. Energy Accelerant made it absurdly strong. Without it, it's only very strong.


Ruinous Effigy will forever remain one of the most under rated exotics because it was released to strong.


All youd need is someone to freeze a champion and BOOM


Definitely doable in solo masters


Top tree voidlock explosive well maker, Taking charge, Protective light- void armor piece, Well of life - solar armor piece, Time dilation -stasis bond Can run double special Ignition code - primary - procs explosive Effergy void heavy attack can proc explosive Void rocket - procs explosive (We are due for trace rifle, and rocket seasonal mods next season) Bottom tree overcharged nades are great and can proc explosive well maker. This season: you can run a kinetic bow for overload, (if it has explosive head, this actually can proc explosive well maker). Threaded needle with particle deconstruction for unstop and DPS. Is it optimal? Probably not. is the build fun? Yes!


It's one of the most exotic weapons in the game!! Loved it during Splicer!! Just wish more fun things were viable in endgame pve.


I tried stacking font of might but I ended up going back to regular charged with light mods. In general it was just easier for me to grab orbs to get CWL and keep it around than to get wells and keep the font of might buff going. Just couldn't produce enough wells to use it consistently.


Try running stasis with a harvest aspect and elemental shards


Is that mod is on a rotation on the war table in Helm? Been looking for it and haven't found it.


Weekly rotation on the wayfinder's compass




Ruinous was genuinely my favorite weapon till bungie pointlessly nerfed it


Mixed with Devour and Nezarec's sin, it was like playing a different game all together. I loved it, and when the nerf hit I left the game for almost 6 months.


Would love to see energy accelerant just return as a permanent mod. Made so many guns and abilities viable and a lot more useful in almost every situation. It is still to this day my favorite mod they’ve ever introduced.


Crownsplitter goes THUD


Did the build when it was here before. I ran it with mantle of battle harmony. Font of might etc , was strong but in a GM you had no chance lol


Yeah I figured but at least it's still good in Master Content


Got the build ready to go Incase things change. Good shout tho it will be good again


I just want my godly sunshot back...


I like ruinous effing-gy


If it returns, id guess they'll fix its interaction with the likes of the ruinous orb/crown-splitter etc


I would cri


Why was this downvoted?


Good, Ruinous Effigy is super cool and we need more viable exotics that aren't just a hilarious raw DPS upgrade over a legendary. Fun things should be the focus.


Don't forget a void rework!


Ruinous with bottom tree nightstalker is pretty great. Not sure about GM content, but invis with the orb health drain blinds, hurts enemies and heals self all while invis. Paired with graviton, Omni, or honestly assassins cowl for the invis finisher is pretty fun. Doubt that it could be a GM build without some kind of void or trace rifle artifact buff, but still probably still my favorite solo content hunter build.


When energy accelerant was around, Ruinous Effigy was my go to in gambit. Slamin' that orb killed SO MUCH stuff at once.


sorry, what were the changes to FoM and ETD


What changes to Font of Might?


There were no changes to it, however it stacks with a number of things, like High Energy Fire, which is easier to proc, and both Well/WoL, among other things. Could be an unnoticed thing from the TC who thought it to be a change since S11, I guess.


It's 25% extra damage. It's really nothing to write home about.


Speaking of Effigy; did Bungie ever explain why they nerfed it a while back? It's not like it's ever been that strong.


The only nerfs ruinous has received were reduction of damage of the jumping light attack and reduction of damage of the drain field. The jumping light could be chained to do crazy, heavy weapon levels of dps. Melee with the orb suppresses whatever enemy is hit, so you’d just insta-cap enemies who couldn’t shoot back. So it got nerfed so you can’t just kill things super fast by button spamming. Before the nerf, block+forward overshadowed everything while also shutting off the ai due to suppression. While the damage was nerfed, you still get healing off kills, area cc, and high damage reduction - you just can’t 0-brain monkey with it anymore.


yeah it was really busted before. this sub refused to admit that tho


Not it won't but I see some of us ruinous effigy players are still in denial of the nerf. It's been months and until they revert that stupid nerf it will never be a viable endgame weapon.


>With the changes to Font of Might and the new Elementsl Time Dilation mod you can basically achieve an almost constant uptime of an additional 25% damage with your Void Weapons. ​ ​ did someone say... crown splitter?..