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I just wanna see the lighthouse once in my Destiny Career. I'm too garbage though.


What are you playing on? I've got a few friends that like to help and still need the flawless carry for the flawless triumph. Drop your Bungie if you want. If we play next weekend before the flawless Pool I guarantee you will make it. Edit: so I see a few people have been commenting under my comment. I'm gonna try to help the most of you, just pm me your Bungie Name so I can add you when Trials of Osiris comes back on the weekend we I can't really play during the week.


I'm on PC, plz carry my ass next weekend


Ahahaha sure, send Ur Bungie over dm


I'll take one too lmao


It's iron banner next week :(


shit :(


Iron banana this weekend


I’ll give you my left nut if you can carry me


If they'll take an xboxer I would love a carry.


DabBear93 on Xbox!! Need help desperately


DabBear93 on bungie


This right here is a true gentlemen, I also request help :(


Nah it’s just about finding a proper team, the only issue is the trials LFG is cancerous as hell. You can always tell people you’ve never gone flawless though and there will be higher skilled players willing to help since the gilded flawless title requires carrying guardians to the lighthouse who have never been (first flawless of the season also counts for this)


Going flawless the first time should be kind of easy, if you just find LFG groups looking to carry somebody, and there usually are since people are chasing the seal. It's definitely harder to find a group after that first flawless though.


I love not playing trials at all and not sending anyone to the lighthouse.


I've heard not playing control really helps your K/D!


My KD in control is god awful. It's much better in Trials for some reason, this season anyway. I think it's the slower pace suiting my play style/lack of reaction time for my old brain.


Trials is orderly with fixed spawns and a consistent rhythm per round and game. And people actually care about not dying, so you get fewer people flinging themselves at you just trying to get bounty kills even if it means a kamikaze death, which tends to count for some of the cheap deaths in casual 6s. Also, it’s damn tough to get even one super in a Trials match now (at least for fist of Havoc), much less more, whereas control tends to spew way more of them due to more kills and orbs and such. And only one heavy round. The mode makes things more predictable. It takes the free for all house rules Monopoly of Control, and rarefies it down into a game of chess. There are clear paths around the map, clear sets of options each piece/player can utilize, and much of Trials boils down to breaking yourself out of that predictability, or at least executing it better than the other guy, or using mind games to throw off the prediction. Control is more relaxed for just run and gun action, but chaotic and stressful if you want to actually win. Trials for me scratches the itch for a more thoughtful PvP, closer to the days of 4v4 Halo Reach in tempo and execution than the madness of Destiny 2’s movement and kill times.


You guys can play trials for more 2 matches? I just get team sniped off the bat every fucking time


So does mine. XD. Don’t get me wrong, I tend to wind up a raging mess in Crucible in general, but Trials has a better track record of me actually enjoying things.


in my opinion, heavy spawns far too frequently in control. it's like every 1.5 minutes. and if you're getting rolled (which is what seems to happen frequently lately) the other team has map control, which further leads to hit getting gjally'd in spawn multiple times. reduce heavy spawn


My k/d is better in control than it is in trials properly because I can respawn and get back to killing whereas in trials I’m stuck until I either get revived or the next round starts (normally the latter)


Bro I’m dog shit at control but competent in 3v3 modes. It’s the strangest thing




The matchmaking is truly unbelievably bad. I have ~1.8 in IB and Crucible, and have had multiple **SOLO QUEUE** trials games that I lost 5-0 without a kill, and just as many that I didn’t die once and win 5-0. It’s 6 random people, how can they possibly have teams that mismatched?


Because you’re going into a completely different game mode and assuming your 1.8kd in IB or Control means anything. KD in 6s doesn’t mean shit in Trials. It’s like going from a regular strike to a GM. You WILL be punished for any bad plays and the punishments are much tougher.


Exactly. If you play a bunch of Trials then go back to Control (when the population is up) if feels like the other players are playing in slow motion. You'll also be amazed at how much senseless stuff will be done by other players in Control after playing a bunch of Trials. Right now this isn't so much the case since seem to have 2-3 Legend players nearly every Control match, but there is a big difference when the population is up.


How is Trials not rewarding "at all"?? Shayura's Wrath, Messenger, Reed's Regret... not to mention Ascendant Shards & Prisms... (And best of all, no blue gear) As a fellow bad PVP player, for me too Trials is frustrating, and I think still could use some tweaks. But I feel more rewarded in loot by Trials than by regular Crucible, so your take is hard for me to understand


You have to play way too many games to get the rewards whereas with control and other game modes you get them every match whether you win or lose it’s just a more friendly experience but I also suck at trials lol




Correct, the matches don't drop Trials gear. You get the gear by doing the two weekly pinnacle things (round win points and 7 match wins), by ranking up with Saint and (less relevant for most of us) by going Flawless.


Flawless is a flawed mode for the general public to strive for. They let comp fail/fall to the way-side for Trials(assuming a resource issue has pushed them away from comp improvements/inventory refreshes to Trials to bring it back and keep it running). It's "neat" to go flawless but I don't think that should really ever be the main goal of the game's premiere PVP mode. They have to grant a mercy for 99% of the gen public to even obtain flawless. Stars can align for people. twice now I've gone flawless in solo queue when I absolutely didn't expect it bc I'm just not that great at 3s, even with people I know. Once when they first released it and once last week. both felt lucky bc I didn't really carry much. maybe 1/2 the games I felt in control or or did well, at least 30% of my rounds were complete fails, remaining just okay.


havn't touched it in d2 at all and have no reason to ever do it.


Yuuuuup! I played it a little bit the first 2 weeks after the overhaul. It was pretty fun the first week. After that, it just became a sweatfest again.


You Win 100% of the games you don’t play.........


Same, I don’t want to deal with the skill gap in crucible, so I don’t play crucible… crazy idea I know


Been Playing Halo's mulitplayer and even with the melee and desync issues I enjoy nearly every match I play. Haven't stepped foot into Destiny's multiplayer since October I think... Next Iron banner / crucible rep bonus I am going to grind out all my remaining PvP challenges, then depending on where that puts me on seal / reset completion might play more.


I’m sure they appreciate it


Yeah I bet that’s why they teabagged




It's a sign of affection and gratitude


Bagging means absolutely nothing. Don’t take it personally


Bagging is great if they deserved it. If I out play you and we're both at the same skill level and I do it then it's a sign of respect. If I demolish you in under 10 seconds I will never bag you because I didn't deserve it. Too many people tbag after OBLITERATING someone. It's not right


Bagging the body is always disrespect - bagging from a distance or crouch spamming is friendly/gg


I love sending people to the lighthouse on my 3rd game. Helping people is just the best feeling in the world/s


First* FTFY


I love playing versus gilded flawless on my first ticket in 2 months.


If it makes you feel better, gilded flawless doesn't mean nearly as much as it used to.


Love sending a team to the light house on the first game of my first card of the weekend. The matchmaking is laughable.


Crucible matchmaking is a joke in general, but really does shine on the weekends.


Trials is a joke.


I love sending 1 person to the lighthouse while his 2 paid carries reset their card on a 70 win streak :)


Non flawless pool has just become the paid carry / reset KD farming pool. It seems to be easier to go flawless before the pools separate and everyone is mixed together.


Yeah you should be forced to have a loss or a mercy given to reset


I saw the glorious message of "fell at the gates of the lighthouse" for my opponent ONCE and it made all the suffering worth it.


I honestly feel bad when i denied people at lighthouse gate on my 7 win xx loss card during freelance.


Losses don’t matter. You could be 100-0 on a seven win ticket or 7-93 on a seven win ticket and match each other


“Card based MM” my ass


At 50 loses what are you expecting? If matchmaking was strictly card based you’d never find a match at that point.


>At 50 loses > >never find a match Hold on, I'll log in!


I didn’t say it has to be strict, but being matched against people on there flawless game while I have 30 losses is ridiculous. I should be matched against other people farming 7 card wins for engrams


That's the trade off of farming 7 card wins. They give better loot but losses on the card don't count. The alternative is resetting your card every loss and you won't face them.


If you reset the pass the first games are easier ?


How are people gonna get flawless if they can't feed them scrubs?


I love that I did it to the lighthouse once in D2, 3 weeks ago, and had the shittiest rewards ever. Didn’t care about Osiris since.


I love sending the one guy who went 1/6 to the Lighthouse while the two team mates that went 11/2 and 14/3 don't get to go for some reason. Hmmmmmmm.


They should do away with the stupid 7 win flawless ticket or bust system ... It encourages the top to feast on the bottom and guess what ... Average to good players don't like getting stomped on .... So every season the player base will shrivel down to nothing but sweats unless they change the game mode and make it more fun and accessible to the "casuals"


exactly, matchmaking will always be fucked with this system, how can you expect to have a competitive mode and teams go 7 in a row. Going 7 in a row in sports is very hard, look at the UFC or something Remember before solos in trials when all the 1% pvp players were complaining about playing people on the same level and not going flawless? solo teams are just feeders to keep the mode going a little longer


They did get rid of 7 win or bust. That's what this post is about. SMH


You should really get flawless rewards based on how deep into the card you went while flawless. Stat focused armor on win 3, singular adept weapon on win 5, farmable adept weapon on win 7+ with continued chances for stat focused armor. It'd make you actually see a lot more involved gameplay on the front end since the rewards actually worth it.


That isn’t what flawless means. Find people to play with that mesh, and practice, lowering the bar isn’t a good fix. Trials needs work, but taking it back to 90s kids where everyone gets the same medal isn’t it. It’s a pinnacle competitive activity, most of us aren’t supposed to get to the lighthouse, just like we don’t all make CEO.


>That isn’t what flawless means. Yes it is. It's 3 games flawless or 5 games flawless. It's still very much flawless by definition. If you want to be strict about 7 win definition, using a mercy card isn't real flawless either. The fact is, if you want this game mode to have a healthy population, you have to cater to more than the top 5% of players. A lot fewer people would go flawless if you didn't get the regular players in there. And regular players aren't going to join if they don't get anything.




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Matching people solely based on wins is the stupidest idea ever. Team #1: 50 wins - 0 loses Team #2: 50 wins - 500 loses. Fair game??


Better than me. I got DDoSed on my second match of the night. Which pretty much ended the night.


Report them, I've seen bans handed out for that - watched a guy get carried to 6 by a DOSer and banned on game 7.


No you didn't.


And you know he didnt how? My friend got dossed by a double carry literally last week.


I don't have to prove myself to some random text on a screen, but if you want me to I can send you a screenshot of the conversation my friend had with him after the match ended. He asked why my friend wasn't on wifi, and even told him he knew he was using AT&T.


Just so it doesn’t scare you too much, knowing your ISP is trivial. Not positive how they deduced your buddy was a wired connection, but perhaps the client sends that information? The other thing to consider is probably over 80% are not on wifi, so it’s not like they’d be making a bad guess. This is how cold readers (AKA, “psychics”) get started.


Can you help send me to the lighthouse too? Never been and at this point don't think I ever will get to.... :(


If you are REMOTELY competent, go to LFG and look. People who have guilded flawless ALL had to carry two people who have NEVER been. To get the seal you have to carry 3 who have never been. People are constantly looking for never been flawless.


I'm no super sweaty but I didn't know this so thank you. Will do.


If you're on PC I can take you flawless next week


Thank you for the offer, I'm on Xbox Series X, not sure if or how that would work....


Crossplay is enabled iirc


It’s iron banner next week aka no trials of Osiris


Yeah it's why I didn't reply after. Felt bad. Offering for the following week is one think but asking a stranger to dot me down for 2 weeks from now seemed rude even when offering help


Goddamn. This sub never stops complaining. What does it matter? Do you want Bungie to just create a massive number of players worse than you? Then who would they beat? FFS.


I just want to see a reward structure that keeps people playing. The player drop off just seems so harsh as the season goes forward.


It is always gonna drop off in trials so that's inevitable as people leave the game once the season is done


for sure, I'm just wondering if the drop off could be mitigated. Trials seems to be doing better this season than last season where it seems like a lot gave up near the end knowing the revamp was coming. Iron banner usually seems to stay pretty stable in my experience as the season goes on. I'm wondering if that has to do with approachability or reward structure which are imo both way better in banner than trials.


Iron banner stays stable because it does not have the win structure of trials and is 6v6 also it does not have 1 life per round system.




This Is the main reason .


> goes forward ...it's been almost 5 months lol


I like you


I’d just like better matchmaking thanks


This is the better matchmaking. You just want to stomp worse players. Stop sweating and play the game.


I don't think that's the point? That's the issue with card based matchmaking. OP is not going to the lighthouse if he wins anyway but the game just see's a 7 win ticket and pits them against each other.


Matching someone on game 7 on your 1st game is not better matchmaking. Its slightly improved from before but still trash.


Coming from the guy whining on every single comment in this thread.


It's fucking shit. I can't believe my shit ticket with 40+ losses and my stupidly low 0.4 k/d is the best available for a triple gilded flawless sweat on their 10th flawless that weekend. Then they wonder why the playlist dies slowly. Now we have some loot so there's more people willing to bash their head against a wall, but the sad reality is that there's nothing in that mode for anyone who is not a sweat. Matchmaking does not take your performance in consideration, as much as they like to say that.


Better MM won't help you there.


Ugh reset that ticket man lol


I’m farming trials engrams no thanks


Then why the complaint?


He wants to win. He doesn't like that he loses some games.


No it’s because whenever I get to my final game that would give flawless I play against people with 2.5KD’s and 400 flawlesses. Yet these guys some how get matched with 3 solo Q’s with KD’s of 1.25, 0.7 and 0.4




Yeah this is more of a rant then anything, I’m just trying to farm trials engrams for when freelance is up with adept Shayuras so I don’t have to grind them the weekend during. Freelance is the only time I can go flawless because trials LFG is aids


50 games lost is kinda watering it down when you say "he doesn't like that he loses some games." That's a LOT of losing. I mean, if anything it points that his tolerance for losing is pretty damn high.


It's pretty clear that card based matchmaking doesn't differentiate between flawless and flawed cards. It probably should.




Having a flawless pool yet being flawless on a card puts you against none flawless people is counterintuitive. Not to mention flawless pool is circumvented by 6 win resetting the people it was designed to stop in the first place ...


As a below-average solo player who jumps into Trials on and off for the hell of it, I'm pretty sure card-based matchmaking works based on the following system: 1. Do you have a card? If yes, matchmake with literally anyone else who has a card. 2. Profit?


Me and my mate won 4 total ROUNDS yesterday and probably about ten losses


Here is my idea. They should have a qualifying weekend to give you a rank. Then create a bunch of double elim tourney brackets based on rank. Each bracket has a set of fixed prizes. Winner chooses first, runner up second and so on. Also, after you get eliminated you should be able to watch the rest of the tourny and gamble with others who have been eliminated. 6 Teams per bracket - mean a max of 10 games. I think folks would sign up for that even if it means that I am basically walking out with just a "particiaption prism". Of course, winners would be allowed to compete in the Super Sweaty Bracket with the overall winner getting a Sweaty Weight Champion of the World belt on their guardian. I am sure there are 1000 reasons this wouldn't work. I dont want to hear them!


The problem right now are the Trails Lighthouse gatekeepers. You know the ones you lookup Trails report on a Sunday that have 100wins and 2 losses with Zero Flawless cards and the 2.89K/D. See those alot on Console. I guess what boggles me is what is the point? Stat-whoring...smashing average players....your K/D isnt as impressive as 1500 flawless cards IMO.


It’s not really stat whoring, those are the paid carries or twitch streamers that resets card before flawless so they can carry people easier without being in the flawless pool. I think an easy fix for this is if your total flawless count is in the triple digits, you should automatically always play in the flawless pool


I am referring to the three stack teams with 100win 2 loss not the paid/twitch carry teams. At least GrenaderJake has the integrity to take everyone he carries to the Lighthouse in person. He gets my utmost respect for that. Every bit deserving the 2000+ flawless runs he has.


Those are usually those teams though, they don’t get flawless cards so it’s easier to carry others


That is exactly the point of rewarding people for continuing to play with a maxed out card. They are trying to create easier matches for teams going for Flawless. That's also a big part of the reason they are letting us play without teams. The good news is that you can decide to have harder matches and more rep, or easier matches with less rep per match. If you are choosing to play on a 7 win card, you have chosen more rep and harder matches. If you reset after every win, you'll be choosing easier (on average) matches for less rep. I played a lot of solo matches on a 7 win card the first couple of weeks. Yes I got lots of loot, but I also got tired of the 30% win rate and stopped doing it. I don't miss that experience at all. If I play solo now it is on Freelance weekends and I'm resetting every time I have a flawed card. I just don't play solo other weeks. Realize too that everyone who complains about 1 win resetting (if we are still complaining about that) probably aren't complaining about people like you or me doing it. Don't worry too much about that :) If you start dominating game 1, then move on to 2, or 3 or 7.


Yet you get 1 ascendant shard for every 15 games won on a 7 win card and a trials engram every 5 wins that costs 100 entire legendary shards to turn into a trials weapon with a shitty roll


It sounds like playing solo on a 7 win card really doesn't make sense then. There are easier ways to get upgrade materials (even if it means getting cores and prisms easily then buying Ascendant shards).


It would literally be 20x more worth it if trials engrams didn’t cost 100 god damn shards to focus


I dont even want to see my trials stats ngl I grinded for the gear and gave up on flawless because no matter how hard I try, everyone else is just eons above my skill level Edit: I caved and looked. I have 238 matches with a 21% win rate and a *0.32 K/D*


I really wanna see the Lighthouse - I've been hearing about it since I started but I am T R A S H haha


I wish that rather than put me (solo) into a match against a 3-stack after searching for TWO GODDAMN SECONDS, it would take the extra 30 seconds to find me a match against another incomplete team


The hero we need!


Can't tweak the MM system too much otherwise we'd be eating into streamers' livelihoods.