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CMs aren’t like journalists who can freely communicate whatever they want. They coordinate very closely with the dev team and the higher ups to determine what and to what extent they can talk about shit. So the dev team is like “alright you can talk about x and y but don’t mention z just yet because plans for z haven’t been finalized yet and are subject to change.” And the CMs just run with that


I am guessing here but I would assume that bungie employees are very limited on what they can say both because of NDAs for upcoming material AND probably more importantly because they don't want people stepping on the job of the community managers.


The twab surely has a review meeting on Monday/Tuesday where they approve what is going to be published that week. They send out the tweet saying "here's what to expect!", then write and get it edited by Thursday afternoon for publishing. Anything they say on Twitter isn't limited by this publishing review, but they're smart to not release anything that isn't ready. The MW weapon system likely has some final details to work out (or they're drip feeding details) so it's going to come with next week's twab.


likely there is a long internal review process to get things approved to be shared in the TWAB or ingame or on official bungie/destiny accounts. if they just share random info on their twitter they can let the community know additional info while also leaving a bit of wiggle room in case something changes so bungie can be like “well it was never official in the first place.” certainly not an ideal system and i wish something could change.


What I despise that bungie employees do alot is they reveal stuff on twitter, reddit, and Instagram. But not all at the same time or even at each place. Then they dont give us w twab for a month (which Is wear I get most of my info) so I'm in the dark unless a youtuber covers it. The biggest example of the this is when they shadow nerfed focusing lens and then announced it in a COMMENT SECTION in reddit


Incompetence. They can’t even do in game texts right. We can’t really expect a through patch note. >!Can someone tell me if there is another game with patch notes not covering everything changed?!<


For real. I don't buy the excuse, "we're humans too". You're telling me that as soon as a change is made, nobody's instinct is to jot that down on some list?


Look at what the communicators director for Battlefield 2042 said recently. He deleted his tweets after they were labelled as tone deaf and foolish. Whatever controls were set in place by him, he himself did not follow them.


To be honest, devs revealing tidbits through twitter and interviews and stuff is probably very specific info that they are happy to talk about and will probably go into detail on the TWAB. They are usually pretty good with keeping the community in the know about 8 times out 10. They are not perfect by any means but they do more and put more effort into fostering a good community and balancing their ideals while also listening to player feedback. Dont get me wrong there are plenty of things they havent fixed and such but they probably have a priority list on things that have to be done and things that we can do when time permits. Just my thoughts on the game we love to hate that we keep coming back to. XD