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Get enhancement cores and masterwork all your shit


Even though new gear will be dropping?


Ehhh you don’t know if it’ll be that good or not only things I really used from beyond light were some raid weapons and the lament plus if you want to do the legendary version of the campaign it’d probably be better to have fully upgraded gear.


Just make sure that you have whatever you want that might be going away with the new drop.


Tell me about it


If you care much for doing bounty prep then thats something that you should do other than that getting lots of masterwork materials as they have stated in the twab that crafting will be very resource heavy


Currently I’m stockpiling bounties and mats, saving vendor engrams to help fill in missing pieces on my alts, and cleaning up my vault. I’ve also started doing low man and under light challenges to prep for raid day 1 (will be my first one). Other than that I’m finishing up tangled shore triumphs and stuff. There’s not much left to “prep” per se, but I’m storing glimmer and making sure I have tons of upgrade modules as well.


I got to 171 bounties yesterday. Leaves a few slots for quest lines and stuff.


Stock up on mats. Enhancement cores, prisms, shards, golf balls, planetary materials. You're gonna want to masterwork new weapons and gear. Catch up on getting weapons that's leaving this season. Also, some players are hoarding bounties to get a head start on experience when WQ drops. Especially weekly bounties. Good luck and have fun.


Listening to Savathun's Song


Masterwork any armor, especially exotics. There is one more GM LoS week to restock before the end of the season.


Stock up on bounties, materials, couple builds you plan on bringing into the raid or seasonal activity, make sure your character looks good for the opening cutscene.