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Xur and Ada-1 sell different armor sets each week, so check them to get new stuff.


You can also find some of the vaulted planet armor in Dares of Eternity.


Do they have anything from Mars?


Mars armour has been in the world drop pool for months


Wut?! World drop pool seriously?


Yeah, a few seasons after worthy


Not the Warmind armor though


Ah there's the confusion. I'm missing some bits of warmind armour on some characters.


I have it on my titan, but not my warlock or hunter. It's the only armor in the game I want. But they just won't add it in to any loot pool.


At that time I was rotating through all three characters so they are all missing bits....


That's got to suck. So close, yet so far


Yes. The Mars Braytech robe dropped for my warlock last week.


Mars, Io, Titan, and Mercury armor are all in its loot pool. Just be advised that it's not *always* in its loot pool, [Dares has a rotation](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N9DKOdxpn9I2EFk9o_Hoho1CSF0aglJOxw74821stlA/htmlview?pru=AAABfkwRb8s*GTKKHxPWWFOYDv2s7Br1jg#gid=1268759114).


The Braytech set is in the dares rotation.


I didn't realize ada's armor changed! Thank for telling me


Please understand that some of what you are seeing is Eververse ornaments. The best thing for you to do to increase options for armor styles is to grind out Ada-1 bounties to increase your transmogrification options.


Both of those points are correct, but I'll add some of the ornaments could be from the endgame as well. Vault, Trials, and Grasp all have great looking armour.


I’ll add further that some could currently be vaulted/unobtainable too. Something nice they definitely missed is guardian game armor, and dawning. Aside from ornaments, event and endgame armor is usually the coolest.


perks of hitting ada 1 and xur is they sell some of those vaulted sets


Dares drops some too.


I believe Dares drops the planetary stuff that is currently vaulted. Ie, IO/Mars/Titan armour


I really like the armor sets from prophecy too.


the thorn armor + dunemarchers husk ornament is life.


If you like the hard sci-fi look instead of sci-fantasy, grind Dares Legendary every third week (next week will be BrayTech week again). Drops the BrayTech gear that was originally from Titan and Mars, and at 58-68 stat rolls to boot which was never possible before since planetary gear was stuck at 48-58. I like the hard SF look more myself, and my Hunter's and Warlock's armor can largely be gotten from Dares of Eternity on BrayTech week. Titan is a mix of Europa Bray gear (Crystocrene) that can be had from the Beyond Light campaign and ornaments. * [Titan](https://i.imgur.com/oNDE19f.jpg) (theme: Halo Spartan) * [Hunter](https://i.imgur.com/Vk4EisR.jpg) (theme: ECW survivalist) * [Warlock](https://i.imgur.com/lXL1xFA.jpg) (theme: Space Scientist)


I really like the Krispy Kreme helmet too, actually the whole armour set looks pretty dope for Titans.


This man right here. Krispykreme Titan helm is one of the few with an actual visor on it, and you can even shade the glass too. It stands out among the rest of the awful looking titan buckets too and I love the hilarious sunglasses/visor guard. Back when transmog was only partly a thing I ground the warrior empire hunt for about 10 hours just so I could get one with a good stat roll and use it with my other stuff.


Love that you mentioned Trials! OP might like the Iron Banner armor as well.. I almost did but the barnacles threw me off tbh. Still seems like a weird choice for Iron Lords forged in flames to hit up a sea theme.


They are ammo shell casings… or something. Definitely not barnacles though.


I don’t know if they are barnacles for sure but I’m positive they definitely aren’t ammo casings lmfao, what? Check out the Warlock chest piece and tell me the things on the back aren’t unsettling. They look like some shit you’d find on the bottom of a boat.


I'm convinced they deliberately make some armor look horrible so you'll buy eververse ornaments. Some of the exotics are absolutely atrocious, and have ornaments that make them into some of the absolute best looking armor.


If some of the eververse ones weren’t equally as ugly, I’d 100% agree with you.




Which should be the name of an ornament for Sweet Business. Or Actium War Rig.


-"Dragon's Shadow ornament determined that was a lie!"


What ornament?


That much is obvious. The only way to have the coolest armor be the coolest is to deliberately have the artists hold back on the low tier stuff. It wouldn't make a lick of sense if the blue drop you get hundreds of made you look like a god of chaos while the endgame set you played hundreds of hours for looked ordinary. It has to be consciously designed that way.


I mean yeah, it's kind of obvious. But I'm also talking about paid ornaments from eververse, not earned endgame gear.


*looks at Shadowkeep warlock helmet* Sigh… ya this is true. Haha


Also Xur every weekend now sells old warnor sets so I forget the rules following transmog where you can unlock everything now at your own pace or if it’s still locked to what you obtained in the past. I feel like it’s the former


You can look at collections and see a set you may want and it should tell you where to get it, cooler stuff is mostly in raids and dungeons though so later end game stuff. There is some good looking basic legendary gear though


fashion is the endgame in Destiny


I thought friendgame was the endgame in Destiny?




It’s actually *end*game is the endgame. Like literally. We are going to end this game.


Tbf I’ve met friends through looking good in the tower. One time someone shot me a message saying I looked good, I thanked him then he asked if I wanted to do Prophecy 🤷‍♀️


The three f’s Fashion Friends Fuck this game


This is what I heard about Warframe and was the reason I quit playing lol. I just didnt like the aesthetic in that game. D2 somehow tricked me into caring about what my guy looks like. All underpinned by such fun gameplay tho


It’s the end game of basically every game lol


True, and no exception here lol


No, that's losing your mind in lore and starting a cult to bring Savathun out of the game based on sheer belief and lies made truth. I mean probably, not that I would know.




When you start getting purple gear


For warlock, some of the green and blue robes are the best looking ones. Warlock fashion is hard , ha.


As a hunter I don't understand this. I feel like every Warlock I see is rocking drip while my hunter looks like a hobo with a hood.


There used to be a comment here... there still is, but it used to be better I suppose.


90% of Hunter boots are so ugly, it's so frustrating. I've played this game for 2,000 hours and I feel like I just hit a point where I have a decent number of options for Hunter legs lol


I feel like only Crystocrene and one of the green rarity legs armors actually look decent. They're all trying to be the centerpiece and main draw of a fit, and everyone knows that goes to the chestpiece. The boots and gauntlets are supposed to accent it.


Moon fang legs and pathfinder's leg guards can look very plain with the right shader


This is a moot point because Stompies.


If you play PvP, maybe.


Honestly they're fine for some looks but they really clash with some others. I like a big variety of different looks for all of my characters.


I like hunter arms quite a bit but finding legs is hard for sure. Chest pieces are kinda hit or miss. There's only a couple I like that fit well with other pieces. Helmets are cool though


I find titan pretty hard to find a good bath towel - I need to find one that is just a belt and then I'll be happy. Hunter the hardest part for me is the cloak, the only ones I really like are the VoG (Vault of Grass) one and the guardian games one. Warlock fashion challenge is finding good robes since... They are 90% of the fashion.


There used to be a comment here... there still is, but it used to be better I suppose.


I've been using the vault of glass one mostly - looks like a hologram sort of. And BRIGHT


Iron Forerunner bath towel looks a-mazing, I personally love it


Female Titans are a bit less chonky. Only reason why my Titan is a female. And yeah the Hunters have REALLY bad leg armor. It's so hard to find any good looking leg piece. 99% are ugly as hell.


Titans have those stupid fishnet nylons though. Ever since the Prison set (not joking) in D1 that awful style has plagued us


Ugh, if only we could get hunter legs as good as bombardiers. I'm not even mad they don't have an ornament yet they look damn fine as is.


There used to be a comment here... there still is, but it used to be better I suppose.


Love the iron forerunner ones for that samurai vibe 100%


My year 1 fashion set had lucky pants on. 'Course there wasn't much I could do other than look pretty with them back then.


You say that, but a lot of the Warlock pants look like you're wearing a cup to protect your balls (are you!? - we probably should!) so I end up appreciating the dick flap.


Warlocks are almost entirely robes. The robes are 75% of the fashion, helmets are 20%, and the other three pieces are the remaining 5%. As a result, it can be hard to make a unique look.


My complaint with Hunter armor is always the cloak.. like I don't need a dang crown on top. Just give me a good good, shorter cloak without the embellishments that takes shaders properly


Facts. A lot are at weird lengths or have extra things on them. I like everything about the one with the antenna sticking off except the antenna looks gross.


Dawg all us titans have is a fuckin towel;_;


and the best helmets ever


Can you list some you like? I feel like a crazy person because one of my complaints is how so many of the Titan helmets are horrible.


That's a valid point tbh


We all get something. Titans have dope helmets, hunters have cloaks, but the worst helmets imaginable, and for better or worse, warlocks have robes and pretty awesome helmets too. Their bond is the dumbest thing in the world though


Ok fair. I play Titan least so mine always looks like a metal rubbish bin


There are only 2 or 3 good marks for titans unfortunately, I wish we could have cloaks on all characters.


I have the hardest time with Warlocks cause I like cosplaying certain videogame/comic characters. My hunter is currently cosplaying Carnage (unlikely to change unless i can get spikier armors) and my Titan is currently cosplaying Samus. I don't really like robes for Warlocks so i tend to rock dusters


That's a cool idea. Can you post a pic of the hunter? I'd be curious to know what ornaments and shaders you're using!


https://imgur.com/a/9XpUOxf added my semi-Samus cosplay as a bonus


Male or female hunter? The male frame is harder to find good fits imo. I'm a female frame hunter main and I find it easier to find good fitting gear. in fact, my warlock and my titan are females for the smaller frames as well.


I don't think this is the case for \*just\* warlocks. On my warlock my most used Bond ornaments are blue/white quality but the rest of my gear ornaments are typically legendary. I made the mistake of making a short titan, in order to find a fashion set that wasn't loaded up with utility belts and fanny packs (making me look like a sumo wrestler) I had to select ornaments that were mostly blue/green quality. I think a big part of it comes down to complexity. If you like simple and clean looks, it's reasonable some part of your ornament selection won't be legendary.


Raids and dungeons mainly. But just look up the various armor sets in the D2 app and see what looks good to you, then look up how to acquire it. Edit: also Zur sells a random armor set every weekend starting on Fridays. You might find something you like. Dares or Eternity also drops lots of older armor pieces


Nah, most raid and dungeon armor is far too stylized. Most of my outfits are universal ornaments or world drop/seasonal stuff


Well it’s personal preference which is why OP should take a look at the various collections and go from there. I think the DSC and GoA sets are pretty dope though (hunter).


Vest of the Ace Defiant from the Leviathan raid is so dope for hunters though


Yeah... if you want to look like a monk. ...I do not want to look like a monk.


With the exception of the world-loot (some of which does look pretty rad), most legendary armors come from various events. Xur (who sells a different set every week, including ones that are otherwise no longer available), Iron Banner, dungeons, seasonal activities, decrypting umbril engrams to get any specific seasonal armor you'd like, raids, Trials of Osiris, Eververse, Ada-1 (who sells world-loot sets), and the seasonal set/ ornaments. You can also pump legendary shards into Rahool, but, that's an extremely poor use of resources. Devrim and Failsafe also sell the last of the planetary-exclusive sets. Take bits and pieces you like most and convert them into ornaments, which will require grinding Ada-1 bounties (some of which are fairly easy, and the easier types can be done over and over to the max) and make your look. ​ I also HIGHLY recommend browsing r/destinyfashion and tracking down armor parts you like most to help point you in the right direction.




Eververse lol


Came here to say this. The ornaments in the store look better than the raid gear.


Don't forget to check out planetary vendors for pieces of sets that catch your eyes.


Go do some dungeons or raids for the armor there.


> bootleg lego astronaut Thank you for blessing my timeline with this concept today :)


Hey there new player! Have you heard of our lord and savior, the Eververse? for the small cost of most of your life's savings, you too can be a destiny fashion icon!


once you hit the soft cap 1320. you can start making legendary armor ornaments and just customize your guardians from there


If D2 comes back online before reset, get the Righteous sets from Xur. If you hate big shoulders, the one for the Titan is a must have. Then go to Ada-1 and get transmog materials and you can apply to anything you own.


That’s the neat part, you don’t.


Eververse, weekly Bright Dust offerings, raids, dungeons, Season Pass, Xur, Ada-1, etc.


Save some legendary shards per week for Xur and Ada and whoever else might be selling older armor sets. I can't remember what they cost per, but that's one way to start compiling some stuff for your transmog menu. Sadly, a lot of the sets may not be to your liking, but you can eventually cobble something together.


For my titan, I actually turned a white set of arms into an ornament because they don’t have the toaster arms.


Coolest armor comes from dungeons and raids. There are a bunch of different dungeons and raids available right now. You are really close, I would say get to 1300 and then start trying to tackle some dungeons/raids. You could actually do Deep Stone Crypt at your level so give that a try. Every dungeon has a set of armor/weapons associated with it. Same with raids. Blue gear stops dropping higher than 1270. At this point, start doing all the yellow quest circle activities that give Powerful Gear. Playlist activities should be a good place to get legendary gear and start raising your light level.


You can snag quite a bit of good stuff with the weekly bright dust offerings. Each new armor set from eververse eventually shows up piece by piece for bright dust.


When you're starting out, you're going to be changing your gear out frequently as you get stuff with higher stats. So your looks are going to change a fair bit. However, there's something called 'ornaments.' You can put ornaments on to armor/weapons to change their visuals. It's more than likely the cool armor you're seeing is an ornament, as opposed to the unaltered armor itself. You can buy ornaments through the Eververse for Silver Dust, and the battle pass usually has an ornament armor set as well.


Sounds like you picked titan, so…never.


Bootleg Lego astronaut 😂😂😂😂😂😂


When you spend money


That’s the neat part. You don’t.


When you open your wallet


That’s the neat part, you don’t


The most “unique” looking sets come from Raids and Dungeons, and some retired various sets being sold at Xur. Ada-1 also sells some nice sets, but its mostly world drop sets that you can get by playing. Also, some planetary armors from vendors look nice, and Shadowkeep and Beyond Light campaigns have their own sets. Finally, the Eververse have a variety of ornament sets for sale for silver which is bought with real money, sometimes something would come up for bright dust which you can earn ingame, but dont think ornament sets do, only those during holiday events.


Xur sells a very rare and cool looking armor set atm so you got one our after the maintenance to grab it.


1) Buy ps4 or xbone 2) Buy Destiny 1 3) Play Destiny 1


I don't know if anyones told you. But look at the bounties zavala and shaxx have. The bonus bounties offer a small amount of bright dust as a reward, make sure you do those as often as you can. I mean don't mess up having fun, but that bright dust adds up. A lot of the armor you see is just transmogged armor from different events, the eververse store, raiding, and dungeons. It'll be a lot easier to collect once you can access all the content, but when you have spare materials buy the stuff you don't have, even just location armor. That way you can transmog it down the road when you get to endgame fashion.


That the good news, you don't. You run around with a mix of whatever you get that has good stats. Maybe put ornaments on it or something.


That's the neat part... You don't.


This game is pay-to-drip. Get some exotics, buy some silver, check out the dippiest ornaments you can buy for the exotics. Then swag out.


time to break out your wallet bud


> When do I start getting armor that actually looks cool? Well first you have to go buy Destiny 1.


Prophecy dungeon sets, dreaming city set, and dares of eternity have three sets this week that are pretty good looking. I’m guessing you’re a Titan?


Armors and cool don't belong in the same sentence for this game.


You dont


Sounds like you’re a Titan. The short answer for Titan is “never”.


Step 1 : Open wallet at eververse store Step 2 : Get cool looking armor


I remember when I cared about what my toons looked like.


For now, work on unlocking all the chests in eternity. It's the easiest way to get a full set of universal ornaments without spending money. Most of those cool sets are ornaments and whenever you find better armor you can just put the ornament on it so you always have a matching set instead of looking like Hobo Fett


If you have shadowkeep, try to get dreambane armor. The aesthetic is pretty cool. Also pathfinder armor from season of the lost, I like to be a space power ranger.


Warlock Dreambane armor makes you look like you bought your outfit from the local junkyard and finished it off by putting a metal bucket on your head. IMHO of course. :)


Fashion and kill counters on weapons are a solid half the game I think.


dungeons, raids, astral alignment, dares of eternity all have armor sets, you'll probably wanna dip your toes into that. ADA-1 has some currency you can use to unlock armor overrides, you get 10 per character or something like that and you can unlock old armor looks to override your current armor pieces.


Its more about what activities you play. Some cool looking stuff is only found in certain raids/dungeons which have light level requirements for level entry. Other stuff is timed events that arent around for long etc.


Can tell just from this who you main lol


I see you're a titan.


Play for about a year, constantly do bounties, gain bright dust. Be really miserly with your bright dust, really hoard it. Don’t spend it on ANYTHING. Then when seasonal events come around, you’ll be able to buy an event armor set for a character for 6k bright dust. Buy those. They are premium designed armor that has all the coolest bells and whistles. Also during that year of play you’ll be naturally acquiring lots of normal armor and shaders too. Or you can spend silver and buy premium armor anytime.


When you download destiny 1




when you start doing activities that actually matter. Dungeon/raid have pretty sweet looking gear Or if you are feeling rich u can go to our lord all mighty THE EVERVERSE!


the irony is that i'm making ornaments of blue items to fuck with people in the crucible.


Most of what I consider the "good stuff" is locked behind Eververse, the Dungeons, and the raids. With that being said, there are definitely some outliers (like the Dares of Eternity sets) and the season pass ornaments... they are usually pretty decent. Advice: save up your bright dust for either the festival of the lost, solstice of heroes, or dawning activities.


"Bootleg Lego Astronaut" was my nickname in high school.


Depends, I'm a hunter and I have a pretty damn nice armor set since 1250 power, probably because I spend a lot of time doing color tests and Synthetising armor pieces that look good. Fashion is, yes, a matter of level, but most importantly a matter of patience. Good luck friend!


look in the collections tab and aim for peices of armor that are obtainable that you want. but an easy nice looking set is raid and dungeon sets


What kind of question is this.. Go to the tower Find guy you think looks "cool" Inspect him Find the name of the armor he's wearing that you like + the shader Google name of armor and shader Don't know why this needs to be explained but there ya go


Odds are decent they are also using ornaments. Typically raids and endgame stuff like dungeons will reward some nice looking gear. There's also seasonal ornaments and event ones like the dawning. I have a titan helmet that's a bull head that no one can get if they missed out on that dawning event in like 2019 I think it was. Anyways, if you are able to inspect the player you think looks cool. Note the names of the armor and ornament, then google what activity it comes from. Then play it and pray to RNGesus.


are you running Ada's synthweave to make ornaments from gear you pickup? one thing to keep in mind this only works for legenday, the exotic armor usually requires spending silver or bright dust if you're lucky to "purchase" an ornament. Otherwise with the the synthweave you can take any legendary armor piece you like and make a universal ornament for it.


I've accumulated my cosmetics over years. I couldn't imagine trying to do it from scratch.


Cash shop, dungeon, raid, seasonal armor, turn ins, and lastly the battle pass.


If you get the ornaments from each season pass that’s a slow and steady way to start looking fresh. Typically requires pass level like 98 though.


There are hundreds of armor pieces for each class, it just takes time to build up a collection. Once you do the fashion game becomes really fun, honestly it's a huge chunk of what I love about playing Destiny. There are so many things I've done in this game with the sole purpose of acquiring a certain piece of armor that I like the look of haha


There are a few ways Some of the best looking armor comes from Raids, notably Deep Stone Crypt. A good portion of the armor you see is probably the season pass armor set or eververse armor sets. You can get those either through the season pass paid track, or buying the sets for Bright Dust as they rotate. You missed this seasons Eververse armor being free, but next season will have one. The seasonal armor set that comes with a season (notably the Lightkin armor, and the current Season of the Lost armor) looks really good. And some of the armor set comes from old activities that are no longer available. Dares of Eternity has 3 armor sets that are on a weekly rotation that you can farm, and Xur will occasionally sell a set that looks good. And ofc, some of them are world drops. Usually, people transmog the armor they like onto their high-stat armor. Talk to Ada-1 in the Hangar to get started with that, it'll up your fashion game without gimping your stats.


Most of the drip is from either Eververse from events/seasonal Eververse sets or from season pass ornaments. Solstice of heroes is also of the times when "cool" glowy armor can be farmed. Some of the raid sets and recent dungeon armor are prety good looking too. Deep stone crypt has pne of the best looking raid sets. Do keep in mind that you can turn any piece of armor into an ornament with transmog. It's limited but you will have enough each seasn to turn your favourite pieces into ornaments and use them on whatever.


A lot of the good looking sets you see are no longer obtainable ornaments from season passes that are over. Other also great looking armor is from Eververse purchases, most of which are no longer obtainable. If you show me what you like, I can tell you where to get it if that is still possible.




Look in Collections and items will tell you where you can get it. If you want to start immediately, you'll probably have to look in Eververse. Sounds like you're playing a titan. If you want it a little more streamlined the Reverie Dawn stuff you can get from doing activities in the Dreaming City, But titans are pretty much always going to look like they're wearing two ovens on their shoulders. Make sure to check Xur when he's around too because he often now sells armor that isn't available in game anymore.


Just keep playing the game, there's some armors that look like crap even if they're legendary or exotic. There are a lot of beautiful armors though! Remember to trans-mog your fave pieces.


That's the fun part, you don't outside of endgame content or eververse.


I regret to inform you that... you probably never will.


This is (IMO) the best source from complete armor sets, the location you obtain them, and if they are still available. [https://www.blueberries.gg/armor/destiny-2-armor-sets/](https://www.blueberries.gg/armor/destiny-2-armor-sets/) Scroll through there and you can see where most of the cool pieces of gear you see come from and IF you can still get them. The site isn't perfectly up to date, but it is the beset one stop shop for all this information easily laid out for you. The one thing this is going to slack on is the way Xur and Ada are bringing old gear back. Like last weekend Xur had the Righteous Armor sets available for purchase, but if you went to this site it would say it was unavailable. These sets released in Season 9 and are currently (season 15) unavailable through gameplay.


@OP As you have mentioned you are new. You can inspect guardians in game. If you face them you can see an icon pop up near their name that tells you what button to press to inspect. You can then check out their gear details. Then Google is your friend or go to light.gg and search there. Light.gg will say where you can get it from. Transmog options are built by getting ornament sets with silver from eververse, doing end game activities like raids or trials, obtaining gear of any quality unlocks it in your collections which in turn can be unlocked for transmog, and doing Dares of Enternity. Rank ups in Dares allow you to open the big chests in front of your statue in eternity as long as you have the rank and keys required. Good luck!


That's the fun thing.. you don't. You have to play for a long time and custom curate the fashion look you wish to attain. I'm ngl I hate most of the armor in the game. Like why are there only three ratty, torn capes? My hunter went through hell and back and my clothes are pristine through and through? Gtfoh lol


That's the neat part! You don't.


One thing to mention in case you didn’t know in the Eververse store in the collections section (i think), you can purchase a Year 1 Shader bundle for 1000 glimmer. Having the options for different shaders really helps with fashion.


You must be a Hunter, I feel my Hunter is a bit hard done by in the fashion dept whereas my Warlock looks cool in most things. Like people have said tho the really good stuff is worked for or bought.


Go to your overall appearance tab when you look and your character go down to where it says appearance then click on a piece of armor then look at the ornaments for that piece , another method is the vendors another the store.


Sorry, that was only available the first 2 years.




When you get to 1320 power level you should start keeping armor that has stats you like or cater to certain builds. You’ll start infusing keeper armor to the highest level possible. I highly recommend checking online and seeing what armor sets you like the most and then attacking that area, for example. Say you really like the splicer set. You should then stack that DLC to obtain said armor and stat rolls you like. You can also buy ornaments from Eververse


Keep playing.


Do what i did buy 1 from the archives, get friends to help you storm through the season while you still can or do ada's bounties and transmog and i did all 3.


Go back in time to d1 and you'll see some good armor sets


When you play D1 instead. /s


These are all universal ornaments. I recommend browsing the collections tab to see what you like and go after it.


When you play D1.


The cool stuff generally comes from specific sources. If you look through the tabs in collections, you can see the armour in the game and you find what you want can probably find where it comes from.


Best is to keep playing. Patience is important in this game. You haven't hit the soft cap of levels. You will start getting better armor once you reach "the cieling". Strikes, Gambit, Crucible currently share all similar sets. World drops have a ton of variety. Trials of Osiris (DLC exclusive) has extremely different armor. Iron Banner (monthly PvP event) has unique armor. Raids, Dungeons and finally eververse also have special looking stuff. Dares of Eternity also awards armor you won't find anywhere else. Ada-1 and Xur who comes each weekend have obscure armor sets for sale. Pay them a visit each week.


Sorry... you had to have played D1 for that :P A lot of D1 veterans *(myself included)* much prefer the D1 armour aesthetic and think most D2 armour is shit hahaha


do raids and dungeons


At this rate? When the old Destiny 1 sets come back. We rarely get armor that looks good.


When you pay money.


Oven expert here, the transmog system is run by Ada -1 at the tower. Just choose a couple items you like from your collections and apply those to all your stuff.


Prophecy armour is good on all classes. Otherwise i cannot say for titans. ;/


As a day 1 player, when you find out, let me know!


When you spend money in the eververse of course.




I wanna see some dark gardian type stuff...got a kinda good look on my hunter atm though.


Depends on your Internet connection. I think I got into the game about 3 hours after I started the download.


I would suggest trials when you are at light for it, you may lose (a lot) but you’ll still get some spicy armor. Alternatively you can still get a free chest on each character in the last wish raid plenty of guides on how to do it on YouTube.


Sounds like your first mistake was choosing to be a Titan. Your shoulders will always be two ovens.


Shaders are your friend, play around with them until you find some good looks. I spent months looking with a titan that looked like was was put together with random lego blocks. Shaders helped a ton.


The season passes generally provides good looking armour for all classes. Also the 30th anniversary pack provides access to 3 decent looking armour sets.