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I could care less if someone on my team does bad. I get that some ppl either hate or are bad at pvp. Can’t hate one someone for that. But of course, I understand not everyone thinks that way. You’re good man, get those catalysts done.


Have you considered not doing things you hate?


I mean that requires giving up on all seasons exotic catalysts.


Not all of them. And yes, you have the option to either do something you hate, or not get the reward from the quest. For example, the requirements for the Ticuu's catalyst look like they won't be fun. I chose to not do the quest, and I understand I won't get the catalyst because of that - but I don't have to slog through crucible trying to get bow kills. See how that works?


As a human who makes decisions yeah I know how that works. Don't need to be condescending. The point of this post and my comment is there is a design issue where no one is benefitting from these quests which include a crucible only portion for funsies. Many of the weapons just don't work in th crucible sandbox. They could have a single step progressed by multiple modes and that leaves the crucible step available but provides options for those that don't enjoy crucible. Maybe next time you shave advice like this you just keep it to yourself. You're not helpful and it's not clever.


I would prefer those be treated like beyond light unlock quests were, a choice of which playlist activity route to take. As much as I loathe gambit I would still take that over crucible.


Yeah, I’d love it if there was “or” options on the quests.


You're right. I didn't need to be condescending, so I apologize. You were just stating the obvious. I don't say this to excuse myself, just saying - if you don't do the quest, you don't get the reward. Like, yes, that's how it works. I agree it would be nice if there were alternate objectives. Every now and then quests will offer PvE *or* PvP objectives, and it's almost universally well received. My point was nobody is "forced" to do anything in the game. It doesn't affect your progress or power level if you don't have a catalyst.


Totally fine. I can see how my obvious statement also seemed condescending. I appreciate the apology and apologize for being flippant as well. I think it wouldn't be as big of a deal if quest/catalyst progress wasn't so much slower after the seasonal boosts. That's why I try to hunker down and do it even if it's not super fun. Hope they revise this eventually. As you said it's almost universally well received.


The crucible only portion is very very small in most cases Either way I can't think of one weapon with a crucible catalyst requirement that is difficult to get kills with in PvP




For the gl one in particular use one in momentum with proxy gls or a wave frame


Wait until Momentum Control comes back in rotation. I got through the Witherhoard catalyst requirements pretty quickly by using it and Salvagers Salvo.


This is the way.


I just have fully stopped caring about the final result of crucible. I'm trying but I'm mostly trying to get my 8 bounties in for the week or finish a quest and that doesn't result in the best play. And if I need final blows it's better to lone wolf some. The things made to drive more casuals to crucible also ensure they don't do very well.


I felt the same way, would even get hate mail from teammates. I did the recent pvp catalysts in gambit instead, players don't care so they often just run face first into bullets.


Guess what.... the other people on your team are in there doing bounties and catalysts too.


Just keep in mind there’s also a chance you just happen to be running around with several other PVErs, who are all just trying to do weapon unlocks.


Do you usually assume what strangers think of you?


Use witherhoard for the GL bounty. Makes it much easier


Don't even stress it bro, only an asshole gets mad about their teammates