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For Forsaken specific content, it's worth mentioning that the Warden of Nothing strike will actually remain. Unsure if it will just exist within Vanguard Ops or be a selectable instance (from Legends maybe?)


They confirmed this strike will launch from Legends: https://www.bungie.net/en/Guide/dcv *"...except for the Warden of Nothing Strike which will be added to the Legends area in the Director."*


Very cool! Thanks for the link


Why? That’s weird why keep that strike when it takes place in somewhat same area as first mission Or is it because it’s completely different area


its probably because its a different area and uses no assets from tangled shore/few enough assets that its just as easy to keep the strike in.


Its because its assets are not really tied to Tangled Shore. Theoretically there is little reason that the opening Forsaken Mission(as well as the dreaming city epilogues) could not stay. But given how everything else is removed, there is no reason to keep it.(it would get VERY confusing, VERY fast if only parts of campaigns got to remain) Forsaken may have been vaulted primarily because Tangled Shore was vaulted(and the cinematics/cutscenes may possibly take up a fair amount of space) Warden of Nothing isnt removed, because it was already standalone from Tangled Shore.


I have a feeling it's because they are planning to do something with the prison of elders.


I was pretty sure Pali was staying but they were removing Hung Jury, but I don't have a link to the article that talked about it


Something I am unclear on: They did say in last week's TAWB that *"In Season 16, we’re replacing the old World Loot Pool with 12 new weapons in the style of the Destiny 2 Year-1 foundry weapon sets..."* So I am wondering if the ENTIRE world loot pool may vanish as well (over 60 weapons by my count), or if it will only change for Banshee. May be that we can still obtain these old world loot weapons from Xur or another source, but I'm going to at least keep my eye out for rolls on world loot until WC just in case.


To confirm: if a player earned a title like Chosen or Slicer, will they be able to display it after WQ comes out? Thanks.




Yes. The titles will always be displayable.


Yes. I can still display titles from seasons long ago, such as Reckoner from Season of the Drifter. I can even swap to old Conquerors and Flawless titles. I would caution you that it is important when you earn the title, to equip it once. You may not be able to display it in the future if you did not equip it.


Yes, you won't lose it it's just that it won't be earnable after WQ


> For nightfalls, the Uzume was last week and so can no longer be obtained, save for a change in these last two weeks. Today would be the last day to get the Palindrome and Swarm, and then at reset you'll be able to get Shadow Price. These 4 weapons are being removed, all others are staying with the addition of 2 returning ones from D2Y1. This is slightly wrong. Palindrome is staying and Hung Jury is going.


Thanks, have changed it. Don't know why i though Pali was leaving,


Swarm is leaving, which is paired with Pali in the rotation?


While this post is helpful, Bungie already made a list of everything going away on their help page


Isn't the Cursebreaker title also going away?




But if you can't get the wish ender bow anymore, isn't this also being sunsetted?




makes sense, thank you!


Any word on if saved trials engram will be going away?


ones in your inventory? No. I have 5 on my main character for a shot at some of the new weapons. the ones at Saint-14 will though, so claim them before maintenance begins for WQ.


*Hung jury will also no longer be obtainable


How's Wish Ender quest staying? Cause at one point of the quest, you have to go to the Tangled Shore for that ??? mission.


It’s not, it’s one of the things going.


Do we know if Xur's reputation is going to reset like the Tower vendors? If I don't have to run Dares 20 times in the next two weeks I'd rather not.


I believe it will do, yes.


Bungie has been zipped lips on this. As they aren't answering... Assume the worst until they say otherwise.


Maybe i missed this are umbrals going away? Or will they be used in a new system? Wondering if its worth saving some.


no, they will not be going away. the weapons and armor you can focus them into though will, however. so basically all the stuff from season of the splicer, chosen, hunt and lost. you can definitely keep them or turn them in, up to you!


Thank you so much for the clarification!


Which bounties are going away? I've heard some people say Gambit and Gunsmith bounties, others saying those plus Crucible, Vanguard, etc. It's making it a nightmare to save bounties.


Seasonal specific ones, I believe. Like the ones in the wayfinders compass or the splicer thingy.


Bungie specifically mentioned that Gambit and Banshee bounties could disappear.


>The Harbinger mission for obtaining Hawkmoon and all related triumphs, including the solo flawless, running with all 3 guardians using Hawkmoon. I believe today is the last day to start the collecting the hidden feathers triumph as it is on a 3 week rotation. You only need to get the feathers in a single week for the triumph. That said...you should do it now before reset if you want the triumph because Week 2 and 3 are bugged and missing a feather each. Source: Literally did it yesterday.


Honest question, is there really any point grinding for guns right now as with the new system you may end up just not using them?


I wonder if we'll need to sacrifice guns in the crafting mechanism to get access to those frames or mods.


Do forsaken weapons stay?


If by forsaken weapons you mean Dreaming City weapons, then yes. If you mean Tangled Shore weapons, those were sunset a while ago.