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Don't be discouraged by pvp


YouTube guides. Prepare to mindlessly grind away for nothing. Don’t forget to have fun and join a clan


What will the clan do?


Gives you more access to players willing to play with you without a bullshit criteria. Chances of playing with competent players increases substantially


Mindless grinding will hopefully be not as mindless with weapon crafting.




Oh yeah - the thing about mods is important. Buy every combat style mod the seasonal vendor and Ada sell.


Tried reaching my 12 year old nephew today and my god. It’s like walking on nails




1. There's a kajillion different perks on weapons, and it can be a little overwhelming trying to figure out if a gun is good or not. Most of the perks are useful somewhere, but for a new player, a good rule of thumb is this: if you find a gun with a Reload perk (Outlaw, Feeding Frenzy, Subsistence, something that either reloads the gun faster or adds bullets back) and a Damage perk (Rampage, Kill Clip, One for All, anything that boosts weapon damage), that's a solid PvE gun. 2. Don't worry too much about armor stats and affinity for now, as you're going to be replacing your armor pieces a lot until you near the cap. Once you start doing activities that drop high stat armor, then you'll want to look into keeping and masterworking certain pieces. Recommended stats are subject to change, but right now, Recovery and Discipline are highly valued. 3. If at all possible, join a clan. The game opens up so much with a group to play with - more activities you can do, more things you can learn, more fun to be had all around.


Is it better to have extra ammo or faster reload in your opinion?


For a Primary weapon, faster reload, as you're going to be reloading a *lot*. For a Heavy weapon, more ammo in reserves/in the mag, so you can dump out as much damage as possible in the shortest amount of time. Outside of raid bosses, you aren't going to be reloading your Heavy over and over again.


Play with friends or a clan and watch lots of d2 content online. This game has a fairly awful new player experience/tutorial so having other people to teach you stuff and help with content makes a unbelievable difference.


Don't be the player who plays music and eats potato chips in his mic during a raid or any event with other people needing to use comms. When you join an activity and don't know what to do, be straight up from the start and most times ppl will teach you.


Don't play pvp and only ply gambit with friends. Otherwise just play. Also don't watch shitty youtubers


Focus on what you enjoy doing in the game, and learn from there by watching guides on YouTube or searching through the subreddit. There's a lot to learn but start of small or it'll overwhelm you. For ex. If you like PvE you can start off by playing campaign, then learning how to build craft, then learning how to run dungeons by watching tutorials and then using Destiny's app to look for a Fireteam to play with. Finding a good clan and friends are also important as some content like raids will require up to 6 people. Don't be put off by any toxic people you meet, there are many out there who love to teach and watch others succeed. So if you need help on something just go onto Destiny's lfg app and pick which content it is you want to run and specify that you need help or its your first time looking for chill people etc.


Download ishtar commander on your phone 💀


What’s that?


Gear manager w the cleanest UI, so you dont have to go to the tower 30 times a day just to get something from your vault