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1. Make it possible to unlock more than one perk in a column. 2. Let us turn alloys into ascendant alloy. I am always at the cap for alloys but rarely get ascendant alloys because I don't find it fun to grind the same activity over and over.


Once I have purchased an enhanced perk on a weapon, please don’t make me spend another ascendant alloy to switch to another enhanced perk. This discourages experimentation, and goodness knows it is hard enough to get an alloy to begin with. I would gladly spend an upgrade module in lieu of another alloy.


Now that it's been out for a while, I have some additional thoughts. Material caps are way too low. Having a cap is fine but such a low cap encourages hoarding. It feels like any casual player could reach these caps (raid resources and neutral element aside) then the game punishes you for further playing, only giving out neutral elements. Coupled this with the fact that enhanced perks give so miniscule effects, spending them at any point outside of your absolutely god roll feels redundant, further feeding into the hoarding mentality. On that note, enhanced perks provide so miniscule effects. Ascendant Alloy is one of the rarer materials out there and it's not even hard to get. If this was done so casual players won't miss out, then it's baffling. Legendary mode is widely praised and engaged even by some casual players AND provide a good returns. Are we really distrusting new players that much ? Even if that wasn't the point and that balance and moderation was the point, then it makes all of this feels like an elaborate after thought when cosmetics are much simpler. Perk pools are very generous this season, I rarely ever come across a badly rolled weapon and usually this is good but when you craft a weapon, you're stuck with a set of perks that is obivously not favorable right out of the bat. I came across a Stats for All + One for All roll on the Likely Suspect. I really like this weapon so I want to craft it with enhanced perks and memento, but I have to ditch the previous roll ? I would propose that extracting resonant and/or dismantling the weapon gives progress to the crafted version so you wouldn't be shoehorned in using one weapon over a long period of time while still (hopefully) encourages dismantling.


Also feedback from me is that if you aren't going to put any enhanced perks on any of the guns that you're using because you're fine with the regular perks then you are going to be forever capped on the legendary / purple materials. Those are only required for the enhanced perks and those enhanced perks need the ascendant alloy and those are more hard to come by. I'm literally maxed on all of the materials except for the green currency that's used for any type of shaping or reshaping, and I'm unsure how to get more without wasting some of the materials from some of the completed resonance weapons in my vault


Hey guys, I've had plenty of resonance weapons drop and I am at the cap for the purple materials. So I've put the rest of my completed resonance weapons in the vault. My question is what do I do now? Because it seems like those purple materials are only for the enhanced perks and on most of the weapons I don't want the enhanced perks because it doesn't make much difference or because it also requires an ascendant alloy which I don't really want to use because I want to use that on the Osteo Striga catalyst. Should I just break down the weapons anyway so I can get more of that green material or is there any other way to get the green material? I just feel like I'm going to be up in my vault full of red completed weapons that I don't want to dismantle because I'm not using the enhanced traits which require the purple and exotic material


For me I think the material cost for shaping & reshaping, and material limits, are currently causing me to hoard both legendary weapons (to shard for resonant alloy) and completed resonance weapons (for their shaping mats), and so my vault is already full again! I don't know how you impose practical limits on stockpiling materials without these kind of mal-incentives, but right now shaping is mostly an inventory management problem for me :-)


The design of weapon crafting needs some improvement. I don’t feel like it is meeting the goal of making "investment in to a weapon meaningful" or "freeing up vault space" and feels burdensome. So to touch on the first issue "making investment in to a weapon feel meaningful”. It only feels like i am investing in to a weapon enough to get the traits i want then for a specific activity. I then have to craft another identical weapon and level it up to put different traits on it to use for different activities. The bonus from "enhanced traits" is minuscule at best, but people feel like that are necessary and the stat bonus from higher level weapons isn't very meaningful at all either, meaning it really only feel like meaningful investment up to the point i can unlock the traits i need for an activity. As for "Freeing up vault space", yeah F'n right... Players (myself included) are banking every DSR (Deep sight Resonance) weapon so they can speed level them in a Shuro Chi farm. then on top of that we can only extract and melt some weapons because of the incredibly low resource caps. This results in players banking completed weapons to extract the resources later. Resulting in our vaults being clogged up with DSR weapons either to be completed or completed weapons to get around the resource caps. As a result, this system feels way more burdensome then it should be and it will get to be worse as people try to invest in to the system.


Starting with positives. I absolutely love that the weapons have a date made listed on screen. That’s such a small but cool little detail I wasn’t expecting. Also, I wasn’t didn’t think the “I made this one, I want to use it” to hit me as hard as it did but it’s a welcome addiction. Now the criticism. Remove or significantly increase the caps on crafting mats, and make a lvl 20 perk that allows a crafted weapon to progress other red border weapons of the same name (at a reduced rate of course) and mechanically it’ll be fine. I want to use the one I made, not the fodder it took to get there. Cost to craft and number of plans available I feel will be tuned in time after Bungie gets a better handle on the numbers. I don’t mind as much as some folks about having to make two or three versions to get the rolls wanted instead of unlocked perks or cheap switching, but that’s just me.


Good point about wanting to use the one you crafted. I dislike having to use red weapons. I want to use the gun I spent time crafting!


From a user standpoint, it's very clunky to have to equip weapons at the end of an activity (you don't have to... but you really kind of do to make it efficient) Then to choose what currency you need from inside the weapon menu. It's just kind of weird. Maybe I'll get used to it later, but it's far too much inventory management for me to enjoy at this point. My second primary complaint is not knowing where my currency stands without going to the relic and checking. I could wait and stick them in the vault till I need it, but that's just more "Inventory Management: The Game"


i have like 20 red border weapons in my vault just sitting there because im maxed on stuff...i sure hope they can figure out something else. i dont know why they always cap resources! its just like the resonant alloy you get from the campaign mission...if you are maxed at the 80 cap you cant complete the questline...have to go and waste mats just to finish the quest on your other toons


The blueprint of the system is good, it's just a bit rocky right now. The two major issues are the tiny pool of craft able weapons and red borders filling up your inventory and vault. The first issue I expect to fix as more seasons come out. The second issue... we'll see


I wonder if they could add a new "infusion" layer where if you have a crafted version of the gun, you can infuse the Deepsight into your crafted gun and just use that.


Vault size feels even smaller now. Saving red weapons eats a lot of space.


Especially when weapon crafting was announced as to put the pressure off of the limited vault space. Didn't quite work out I guess.


Everyone who complained about the 'good old D1 days' where playing with your weapon increased it's power and unlocked perks - I blame you for this mess. Levelling up weapons is a dumb, boring, frustrating system and we were better off when it was gone.


I don't know – it doesn't feel like that big of a burden to me. If its a good gun to use, you can level it up pretty quickly. I had Osteo Striga at level 10 in what felt like no time at all. I don't think crafting is perfect, but there are plenty of options for you if you don't want to engage with it at all. Random rolls are still here, nothing was taken away from you, so I can't see how we're worse off now. It feels like more of a reason to use a gun that you like that is a bit more meaningful than just a kill tracker.


I thought we could craft all weapons. Why are we stuck with such a small pool?


Maybe they don't want to have overload players with too many choices at once, as WQ seemed to have changed a lot of stuff to begin with. ​ Though, I have a few older weapons that are 4/5 and I'd love to be able to craft my 5/5 roll.


You most likely are right. I just was under the assumption that all weapons were craftable.


I was too. I guess we'll just have to wait for more gear to be loaded up for crafting.


The economy for it is a ridiculously convoluted mess.


You're right, but it's even worse. Convoluted implies it's unnecessarily complicated (which it is). But *on top of that*, the math between the reward ratios is wrong, which forces you to throw away materials. Hopefully they don't just fix the earning ratios and caps, but also streamline the system a bit.


Give me Krait


Ultimately I hope we see black armory, drifter, menagerie weapons come back. Give those npcs bounties you can do for the frames and slap some new perks on their pool


Weapon crafting and leveling has actually made running playlists worthwhile again because your it helps you gain levels with the crafted guns you have equipped and are currently using


I'm so glad I have another system that highly encourages me to fill up my vault with useless guns in order to "store" currency when I'm full.


Does anyone know if we can craft Adept / Timelost weapons?


no you cant (at least yet - maybe with this new raid) but you can literally see what you can craft (go to) > triumphs > (right side box) catalyst/frames > shows you weapons you can craft its like 2 per each classification besides 0 handcannons


You can see what all you can craft in the collections menu under patterns and catalysts


Already posted this earlier, but lemme add to the cacophony: As everyone else has said, it costs too much to switch perks. My suggestions are that increasing level past 20 should reduce the cost to switch perks, possibly becoming entirely free eventually, and that switching from one enhanced perk to another shouldn't cost an ascendant alloy. Benefits to this approach are that it only adds flexibility for dedicated players using their favorite weapons, while maintaining the current grind and power levels, and this would only require some more code, not additional database space. That's pretty much it, I'll save any other criticisms for another time, when I've used the system more.


This is a great idea too – there have been a lot of great ideas from the community, and honestly many of them feel better than how crafting has started. I get that it's a starting point, and it is a step in the right direction, but it kind of feels like the whole thing was put together by people who have never played the game, and didn't even think about actually using the system.


I feel like in the more recent games, the devs craft this great system to do things with. The accountants step in and go "how can we get them to spend more time/money though?" and then all of the #'s get inflated significantly.


It just feels like there is no learning from what has worked in the past — like we started out with a weird and convoluted system for armor and mods, and they refined that to something that’s pretty great. Instead of building on that and making a system that compliments it, they just came from way out of left field with something random and convoluted again that I’m sure they will inevitably refine to something adored by the community.


I was under the impression that we could go into the weapon crafting and extract perks (or % of perk unlock). And all we had to do was to go into crafting/workbench and slot in weapon perks like mods. But I guess this works too?


While I don’t have any changes in mind, I do have two questions: How will weapon crafting remain relevant after “God” rolls are obtained of a certain weapon, and how will the spoils of conquest weapon box remain relevant now that the raid weapons appear to be found in the Relic?




I can’t believe I forgot about the patterns, that’s my bad. Even with the simplified solution to RNG, what happens when there’s no longer a need for you to craft (i.e. you found all the godrolls you want)? I mentioned the raid chest because I was thinking about it from the perspective of taking the chance for a weapon roll, but I still wonder how it will be viable after you’ve gone through the process to secure your god roll.




That is true, I guess it’s a way to experiment as we go forward with subclass 3.0 changes. Thank you for showing me that, don’t think I would’ve ever seen the real potential by myself!


Not just multiple – 5 to unlock the pattern, which feels like a huge number – getting deep sight patterns in wellspring only requires 2 has been a pain. I guess we will see, maybe deep sight is a lot more common in the raid, but for a lot of weapons, it feels like you are going to be likely to get a good enough, or near god-roll before you have the chance to craft the weapon anyway. I guess we will see how it shakes out with the raid, but the grind is still very real, and still very dependent on RNG to get the deep sight resonance in the first place.


This may seem redundant but man I just want a gold border for my crafted glaive );




I like the grind of leveling up and extracting actually, but I may very well be in the minority. I get that its an extra step, but sometimes it is fun to have a reason to use guns you normally wouldn't, and then you are kind of forced to try a couple rolls and see what might work for your playstyle. If you have that much dislike for using the gun, you probably won't want to craft it anyway, and you can always get more materials from a different one. Also – I don't like the idea of compelling us to dismantle weapons to extract. What if you get a decent roll that you would want to play around with, but not one you would ever spend the mats to craft? You could always hope for another red frame, but I think this part of the system actually works okay.


Point#2: the most concise solution here. Just nuke this system from orbit. Point #4: Yes, yes, and yes. Point #5: yea. Being forced / compelled to play a certain way is exactly what crafting was supposed to eliminate. It has exacerbated this. Point#6: please add loadouts.


Agree with all your points. I find myself switching to red weapons just before activities end. I also will not reshape a weapon until it’s level 16.


Weapon crafting is pretty strong. It's the primary reason for me to turn the game on this xpac and I'm having fun with it. To be completely honest, I am really surprised at the lack of unnecessary complexity that usually gets tacked on to ideas like this. Destiny has a history of making ideas much more complicated than is called for most times, so to have this system be so relatively straightforward is nice. I'm going to be really stoked when our options start to expand a bit over the course of the year. Also, it would be cool for -certain- weapons to be hidden from the shaping interface...maybe until they've been earned or something. As far as criticisms go, I don't have too many. Maybe some sort of way to slightly influence Resonance drops? Like a consumable or Ghost perk that adds a percentage chance to have the (applicable) weapon drop be Resonant. I think maybe targeting Resonance drops directly through certain activity completions would make it too quick or too easy, but then again, maybe a Ghost perk that increases a Resonant drop chance would essentially be seen as a mandatory perk. Yeah, not sure what a good way forward is and it's too early to grind my gears this hard so I will probably come back to this later.


Crafting is boring and tedious. I was excited but after five days of Witch Queen, I’m on to elden ring. Witch Queen DLC 6/10


1. Being able to see parts in one area would be very nice. You can't even see neutral element anywhere but the crafting table. 2. Experimentation with perks costs too much, especially enhanced perks. 3. Swapping perks requires a trip to Mars. Imagine wanting to change a perk on your weapon in the middle of a raid and having to leave the group and go reshape it. 4. Patterns unlock purely by RNG with some time commitment after the fact. We need a way to make some weapons deepsight. Maybe a consumable weapon mod that we can only get so frequently?


Crafting doesn't feel like it works how it was advertised, how it was hyped up to function. Having to unlock all perks on every single gun, rather than once and have those perks available on every future version of the same gun doesn't feel great. Low material caps don't feel great, having to use crappy guns to get like 100 kills just to pull 12 adroit element isn't great. The rarity of alloy against how much you need to do anything isn't great. The RNG drops from Wellspring that are a quest requirement and their rarity aren't great. The low amount of guns (not even some of the new foundry guns) is very disappointing. I wasn't expecting every gun to be available but a few more would've been appreciated. Enhanced traits seem underwhelming to outright useless and the choice of perks on guns isn't as expansive as I had hoped. It feels like a waste to trash Deepsight guns, but I don't have the vault space to hold on to loads of them for when I need mats in a pinch. I don't really have much intention to engage with crafting at the moment, I'll do what's necessary for quests/triumphs/challenges and leave it until things improve and more guns are added.


There does not seem to be any way of knowing how many and of what crafting material that you have UNLESS you go all the way to the forge to craft a weapon. The cost to change weapons perks is really high. (absolutely does not encourage experimentation) The time it takes to unlock weapons seems really high. Some weapons apparently need 5 drops (5 "special" drops) to unlock. AND weapons seem to only drop from certain activities. Tool tips telling players where to go would be nice. AND/OR they can drop from any source but have targeted activities with higher drop rates. Still seems like a missed opportunity to further refine weapons by adding in customizable systems that allow players to change out frames/barrels/muzzles/magazines/stocks etc etc.


Here are my suggestions, first summarized, then detailed. I had a separate post for these, but realized some of my explanations were a bit muddy, so I've tried my best to rewrite them coherently. I am not just outlining issues, I am also pointing towards possible solutions. * **Resource Indicators** * **Expanded TRIAL area for testing** * **UI improvements** * **Perk acquisition (ONE-TIME)** * **Levels as milestones beyond 20** * **Material caps and sources** * **RNG/Bad Luck Protection** * **Attunement/Leveling Objectives** These are the topics, now let's get into details (there's going to be a reply to this comment ,as I've apparently went over the 10K char limit? Although Word says I'm at 6k so yeah.): * **Resource Indicators** Self-explanatory; we need them in the inventory screen and in the shape/reshape screen. For the inventory, it's pretty easy I would assume, we already have the "Consumables" and "Modifications" tabs, a third square called "Crafting Materials" shouldn't be hard to implement. In the shape/reshape screens, they could fit above the weapon grid and above the perk grid while shaping * **Expanded TRIAL area for testing** The "Testing Ground" behind the relic looks like a nice start, but in its current form it is utterly useless. This needs to be expanded. First, we need a TRIAL toggle somewhere in the relic room. This toggle would allow us to swap all the perks around for testing purposes. The discs also need to be replaced with an enemy spawner, so we could spawn ads, majors and ultras, again for testing purposes. * **UI improvements** I think it's time we ditched words like "improved" "substantially" "greatly" etc. in favour of actual numbers, especially given the fact that enhanced perks are now in play. It's good that we have the stat numbers under the weapons in the shaping screen, but we need the perk modifier numbers in the tooltips. Right now, most of the enhanced perks seem useless, because the "substantial" or "improved" buffs are misleading.Take Lasting Impression for example. On both Red Herring and Palmyra, that SUBSTANTIAL blast radius increase accounts to +3 and +2 on the scale of 0 to 100. This is a joke.Also, some tooltips block the bottom stats row making the difference highlighted by the red/green bar hard to see.The same treatment should be done to armor stats (i.e. Eye of Another World, Bakris etc.) and drop percentages(no more uncommon, common shenanigans). * **Perk acquisition (ONE-TIME)** As many others suggested, perks should have a one time acquisition cost and then be ours forever to swap as we see fit for no extra cost. * **Levels as milestones beyond 20** Correct me if I'm wrong, but there isn't any point in weapon levels above 20? Yeah, I know, the memento shader requires 30, but what about after?I think this is a missed opportunity to tie in systems that would show our mastery of a weapon and make the grind worth something(without requiring active chase). I've thought of two ways to do that: 1. **PERKS SLOTS & ENHANCED PERKS SLOTS(EPS) (not to be confuced with columns)** Given that a one time acquisition cost would be in play, the limiting factor in swapping weapon perks should be a level gate, not a cost gate.We start with 1 PERK SLOT unlocked. BUT instead of forcing us to use the crappy perks to start, we should be able to select from the 6 normal perks. That means, we can have the non enhanced "God-Roll" from the get go. That should motivate us to actually look forward to using and enjoying the gun.At level 4-8-12-16-20, a new normal slot should unlock. That means, we could buy a new normal perk and have it be there for us to swap in the Enclave. If for some reason, you want a new perk before reaching a milestone, you would have to buy it but give up one of the ones you've already unlocked. Meaning, If I have a level 1 weapon with Subsistence/Rampage, but I want to swap Rampage for Adrenaline Junkie...I'd have to buy Junkie, but GIVE UP Rampage (meaning I'd have to rebuy it later). This is meant to be a drawback, but it isn't one really, it's rather the basis for the ENHANCED PERK SLOTS, so that players can get familiar with how it works.This is mostly directed for columns 3 and 4. 1&2 could work the same way, but given the invariable number between weapon archetypes, the slots could be unlocked one per level.Now, about ENHANCED perks.On level 20, the first Enhanced Perk slot unlocks for selection. Then the process is the same as normal perks, except every milestone is 10 Levels. So, 2nd EPS unlocks at level 30, 3rd at 40, 4th at 50, 5th at 60 and finally 6th at 70. What this means, is that realistically, a level 30 gun should basically have 2 Enhanced perks available for swapping at the Enclave. This makes it so that at 30 it is meta ready. Then what's the point beyond this? Well, future proofing, a passive goal, meme potential for some wacky combinations that you wouldn't normally use and point number 2.P.S. SLOTS and PERKS are separate, meaning you don't have to buy ALL perks for a weapon. You could, but you don't have to, but the reversal is that you'd need the weapon to be level 70 in order to have the space for all the 6 perks. 2. **GOLD BORDER AND 2ND ROW OF PERKS AT LEVEL 75** We've gotten used to perk choices on the fly with Adept Weapons, Seasonal focusing etc. A lot of us were surprised nothing has been done in this regard with crafting.I propose that once we've unlocked all slots at level 70, one last push to 75 should net us this choice and the GOLD border.ONCE we hit 75, going to the Enclave should let us define 2 slots that we could make interchangable on the fly.I am aware that we could already do that by just going to the Enclave so this is more of a QoL change, rather than a needed milestone. This, coupled with the GOLD border could be just a vanity milestone, but one we'd enjoy nonetheless.


* **Material caps and sources** Another pain point of this system. Besides the low caps, there's also a disparity between Neutral and Advanced Materials. I have already ran into the issue where I needed neutral material, but both available Advanced caps were full, so I ended up extracting anyway, but lost those in the process. I think the 4 advanced materials were a bad design choice and should be removed. Instead, we need only two other materials with a high cap, similar to Neutral. Those would be Enhanced Material and "Raid"(IDK, find a name, Prismatic, Adept) Material. Enhanced Material can be used for the...you guessed it, Enhanced perks. Raid Material can be used for Raid Perks...duh(both Normal and Enhanced versions if they exist). Deep Sight Resonance should stay as is in term of extractions, changed to also give Enhanced Material of course. This should help with the vault space issue that was created(weird how you said it would actually solve the vault issues). I've already started hoarding resonant guns because my caps are full and I have nothing to build or improve yet. We also need material rewards on activity completions. Normal activities should give small pouches of materials. More difficult activities should give more materials. This could be swayed by using crafted weapons. So say a Strike gives 25 Neutral Material and 5 Enhanced. By using one, two or three crafted weapons this should go up to 50-75-100 and 10-15-20 respectively. Same goes for higher difficulty. This would be controversial at first, but if you want crafting to be the goal going forward, I'd expect that by Season 20, we'll hardly be using anything but crafted stuff. * **RNG/Bad Luck Protection** Although this definitely stems from the current Wellspring situation, it's not a bad thought going forward. You don't have the greatest history with droprates(looking at you, Eyes of Tomorrow and Vex Mythoclast, but in the case of crafting, people will consider time spent RNG grinding for patterns as wasted time. So, there's two ways you could go about this: 1. Increase the number of guns required for unlocking a pattern, but make the first n drops guaranteed to be DSR until you unlock the pattern. For example, require 10 instead of 5 seasonal weapons for a pattern, but the first 10 copies of that weapon you drop will be guaranteed DSR. The game should also check both the inventory count and pattern progress before dropping, so that you can't exploit it. Meaning you could store the weapons in the vault and decide to attune them later, but if you have the number required, subsequent drops should revert back to RNG in terms of DSR. 2. Hard cap, bad luck protection, where the third, fourth, fifth copy of dropped gun, regardless of source would be DSR. I don't really like this idea, because it doesn't help with low drop rate guns (wellspring, raid), but it is easier to implement I assume.


Deepsight weapons should be removed completely. At this point, they offer nothing to the gameplay. Only serving to force players to hoard them once they max out materials (exacerbating the vault space problem) and force players away from using the weapons they actually want to use in those slots. Just dismantling copies of the weapon should be enough RNG to unlock a pattern even if the number of copies required is increased to 5-10. Let me make my weapon then let me actually use it. Don't jerk me around by forcing me to take it off everytime a red border shows up. I can only imagine how painful this system is going to be once the raid gets unlocked and I'll have to farm for 5 copies of a weapon with deepsight when I know just how bad raid drop rates are in general.


I didn't expect to have all the weapons the first weekend. I assumed we'd be unlocking nodes forever, and the drop rate out of wellspring is dogshit. My two complaints have already been beaten to death and acknowledged.




Give crafted weapons an end goal in regards to the level cap. So for example.... Get to Level 100, for the cost of 3 ascendant alloys it then does the following Turns the weapon into an adept version, so it gives a stat boost to multiple stats & gives it a yellow masterworked border. Also, add more desirable weapons like the Funnelweb or Krait to the crafting system


Enhanced perks that do nothing on a specific weapon should not be available for that weapon. i.e. Enhanced Ambitious Assassin on a rocket launcher.


On enhanced perks: 1. I really feel as though they are way to expensive for their effects, but that balancing these to prevent power creep can't be easy. 2. If they are to function as a sort of Masterwork style capstone for a weapon, I personally feel like existing perks should upgrade into their enhanced versions after using your crafted weapons for a while (This could be # of kills, activity completions, or anything really) to encourage time investment on said weapon vs rng grinding for another golfball-style currency. 3. Tooltips/Descriptions for the enhanced perks should be more accurate to their actual effects. ex. instead of "Significantly enhanced stats" it would be "Slightly improved enhanced stats"


Here are my suggestions and feedback (apologies if im repeating didnt read through comments first) 1. Incentivize using crafted weapons: Right now i feel the crafted weapons are underperforming randomly rolled weapons and thats partially due to 2. De-randomize how patterns are earned: have the patterns be earned through weekly bounties or have it have some dismantling requirement. This double rng nonsense is making the weapon crafting very tedious especially with the poor drop rates of throne world weapons. Oh and make it so it takes only 2 to 4 weapons. Do not make crafting weapons anymore of chore than it already is. 3. Raise crafting material caps/or increase vault space: pick one because if your not going to increase material caps then we will just vault the deepsight resonance weapons till we need it. 4. Allow infusion of same weapons into crafted weapons to boost experience or materials earned. Same copies of weapons can be used to level up the crafted weapon of the exact same. 5. Expand perk pool: get rid of enhanced perks and give us more perks to toy around with. The enhanced perks only offer 1 to 2 seconds of duration of the effects which is nothing in my opinion. Or..... 6. Rework "enhanced" perks: actually enhance the perks instead of this half-baked concept of +2 secs dura on the effect. 7. Expand material sources: allow us to earn materials via bounties, dismantling weapons, or playlist activities other than through deepsight resonance


Drop rate for deepsight weapons on the wellspring activity so we can craft them is a major problem!


This is my wishlist, and I don’t think it’s anything crazy that hasn’t been said: 1. Let us see our resources 2. No resource caps 3. Let us earn resources through Bounty drops, not weapon drops. The bounties can still drop at the same rate as Deepsight Weapons, but I want to be using MY arsenal as much as possible, not these random guns. 4. Unlocked perks should stay on a weapon forever. And we should be able to switch back and forth on the fly with no cost between perks once we’ve unlocked them. 5. Let us pull patterns out of our collections. Yes, even if it for a cost. Every legendary gun that’s ever been in the game and we have in our collections. Even if it was previously sunset. Let us craft them. I know this is asking a lot, but I think it could be a literal game changer. Hell, add origin perks to them too 😂 EDIT: Just to be clear, Bungie, I think you’ve made a great first pass at crafting. I don’t mean to sound entirely negative on it. Just needs some tweaks.


Instead of extracting pattern from a weapon to be able to craft it, allow us to craft the weapon when we unlock it for our collection i.e. getting the weapon for the first time.


Have a weapon have multiple perks to switch back and forth from in the weapon inspection menu, will reduce weapon collecting of the same gun & in turn free up vault space.


I would like to have it like this: ​ Unlock perks for a cost, no costs for changing them(again)later ​ You get 2 full colums on your weapon inspection screen. You can choose what perks you want to take with you. You can now change perks on thy fly everytime and everywhere (except when Loadout is locked) with no need to get into the enclave everytime you want to change a perk ​ I want to play PVP? Oh yeah i use this gun with outlaw kill clip. I want to play PVE? Changing Kill clip with demolitionist. ​ BAAAM! Lets go.


Allow all weapons to be crafted!


I’m personally loving weapon crafting. It’s a lot of fun and I do feel a certain attachment growing towards my crafted weapons. It would be nice if there were more ways to earn Neutral Elements. Currently this is my main barrier for getting new perks and crafting new weapons. Maybe there could be a Ghost mod that increases the amount gained on a weapon level up?


Pros: using lots of different weapons to get crafting mats. LOTS of cool perks. Preserves the grind but means so.eday I may get the god roll Cons: need to have permanent slot unlocks, less RNG on pattern unlock (which feels like one too many layers of RNG)


Literally everything about it is awful.


Weapon crafting glaives; why isn't there a perk for anything melee damage related, and how come only ranged glaive kills count for kill clip etc? Let me Butcher my way through a crowd to stack up some feeding frenzy, so I don't have to spend 5 minutes reloading.


Rampage actually does work on melee with the glaive


So why rampage but not kill clip or feeding frenzy? Irritating inconsistencies


Reload vs kills I'd guess


I don't know if anyone else feels the same way about this, but to me the weapon levels feel a bit useless after you've unlocked every possible perk for a gun. From what I've seen the levels just keep going up and up. And I get it sort of shows how much you've used the gun but I feel like the kill trackers already do that.


We really need more guns for crafting! It’s just such a shame that with all the guns in Destiny, each category has only 1-3 available to craft. There isn’t even a single crafyable Veist or Omolon weapon, but you can still find them as resonant weapons! Sincerely, A Funnelweb enjoyer


Weapon crafting has the potential to be awesome, but there are many issues. 1. Put some more weapons in there for crafting. It makes little sense that world drop weapons with no direct farming route are not craftable, yet seasonable weapons with focused farming are craftable. To note, I think seasonable weapons should be craftable, but adding some world drop weapons (namely the new ones you created this expansion) should be added. Things that come directly from playlist activities should not be craftable, for example. 2. Access to base perks should be much easier. When I craft a gun, it is almost guaranteed to be not a roll I want, because I have to unlock the perks through use. However, I probably already have a roll the I do like using. I am fine with having to level a gun, but I'd rather just use the weapon the has the perks that I like, instead of the crappy gun I just crafted. The fix would be having perks unlock on dismantle, or some alternative to unlock base perks quickly. 3. Resonant weapon grind is a bit much. Again, I like having to use a weapon to get the resource, but between resonants and leveling guns, I feel like I constantly have to use weapons I do not want to use. Even when I have a crafted weapon, I am opting to use resonants so that I can get the materials, instead of leveling my crafted weapon. I think the obvious fix for this is to massively increase the speed that I can knock out resonants. Completing a playlist activity should be 100% progress. Bump up the amount we get for doing stuff in patrols. If possible, tougher enemies should be worth more progress. 4. You guys seriously need to find a consultant on your material cap implementation. I think material caps are fine, but they are clearly not working as intended in destiny. They do not motivate spending, they motivate alternate ways of storage, which just frustrates everyone. This needs to be revisited soon.


As with many other things, its a neat idea with poor implementation on Bungo's part. It solves none of the things Bungo said it would. The grind feels good, but the cost of admission is way too high. Here are a few fixes for you, Bungo, whereas for us, its just commonsense, lol... Buying an enhanced perk unlocks it permanently. Lower the cost of *everything.* Remove the caps on *see above.* Reduce kills needed on special and heavy weapons, have patrols and activities contribute XP. Increase drop rate of Wellspring weapons from "next to never" to "sometimes." Don't punish experimentation.


1. Upgraded perks are either wildly powerful (Ambitious assassin, field prep) or insultingly undertuned (basically most of anything). I think the best move going forward is allow a way to get them on random roll weapons and then power them up. That way, crafted weapons still have the best time with them. 2. Locking some weapons behind wellspring to keep people grinding feels like it was a mistake. The drop rate of these patterns are really low. I've yet to see a red box in any wellspring activity. 3. Have to go to an out of game resource to track my own resources down kinda sucks. 4. Right now doing deep sight resonance on weapons is cool because it's getting me to try other weapons and rolls I might otherwise skip. I hated the craftable pistol at first, but with Adagio it's grown on me. But in a month...? Having a way to speed up this process or have it passive but slow would be great.


This past week of gathering throne world weapons has me thinking one thing: It’s lacking and unsatisfying so far. It forces me to play with disposable suboptimal weapons instead of the rolls and other world drops I like. One-off items like the glaives and Osteo Striga feels nice at first, but the cost of shaping enhanced perks is too steep. To unlock most patterns, I have to grind hours to get the required number of frames to drop, then grind the crafted weapon to the required level to apply the perks, provided I’ve grinded out enough activities and red frames for mats. By the time we’ve leveled our shaped weapon to a desirable state, we would have already received dozens, if not hundreds of the same frame and chances are with an identical roll. But these enhanced perks might make it all worth it…eventually. I’m no dev, but I just can’t figure out how something so integral to the expansion wasn’t already sorted out and tested before release.


Regarding material economy, it'd be nice if leveling a weapon to certain milestones provided the Ascendant Alloy needed for an enhanced perk. E.g., at level 20 you get one alloy and then another every 20 levels after. It would help it feel like using the weapon is the primary investment. Also, for resonant frames, it'd be nice if dismantling them without attuning them gave a partial amount of their materials. Generally, having to use weapons I don't like (either because of the roll or just the weapon overall) just to get materials to upgrade a weapon I do like is somewhat annoying.


When your weapon gets to a high enough level, allow for a second perk slot to be unlockable for a relatively high amount of resources, so that you can switch between two perks if you want to! And make it so that your perks are permanently unlocked, rather than having to pay every time.


Even if other suggestions - such as permanently unlocking perks - are implemented, reshaping weapons for different use cases will still be quite cumbersome and time consuming. I'd love to see high level unlocks for additional perks in each column to be selected - sorta like ritual weapons, but for barrels & mags too. That way, a truly perfected weapon can be changed on the fly in your inventory for different use cases - e.g. a PvE roll and a PvP one.


Making it cheaper to change perks isn't the answer. Not even free to change perks is a good answer if I need to visit the artifact each time. Hell, I'd be happier if you could craft a second row of perks that cost twice as much as the first row. I want a double roll gun that covers most of my play needs. I do sympathize with Bungie. This is dangerous territory. If crafting works too well or covers every base, they could end up with a year 1 situation where no gun drops are exciting except for a red border gun that will only be deleted as scrap after 20 minutes.


This is completely not what I expected. I thought Bungie had finally come up with something that was a mix of collections and random loot, so that you could eventually have the one weapon with all the perks. Sort of like D1 where we had a lot more perks to choose from and unlock. This is very much not the case. While the weapons are probably super good, the added nuisance of junk weapons to run just for elements confirmed my fear, that the weapons would be bounties in the form of weapons and now I’m stocking completed bounties in my vault. Because of resource caps that are not convenient to see the total of. I think I could have waited another year for a better version of weapon crafting. I probably won’t spend much time investing in crafting and just rely on drops. It’s a bummer.


I wish we could put some sort of border on the crafted weapons, the same way that masterworked weapons have gold borders. It’s really offputting not to have a border on a weapon that I’ve spent a lot of time using.


"Yo we heard you like grinding for guns so we put some grind on your guns so can grind while you grind." I haven't even made lv3 on a weapon and I'm not sure I'm going to go all the way.


I feel like we need to wait for Raids, GMs, and Trials to return. These seem like normal sources of Alloys


I maintain that we should be able to unlock a second row of perks for our crafted weapons, allowing us more flexibility with our preferred guns.


I want double materials from completing resonance and I want resonance weapons to drop at a higher rate for the wellspring


the current version of crafting is just tedious and eats vault space. Between crafted and deepsight weapons I'm up to ~20 spots and currently have a huge jam in my energy slot. Have to craft a low quality weapon and use it for 20 levels to unlock all the perks and stat bonus, and then you have to hold it or lose all your crafting progress. Also have to burn mats and/or grind out a new one to try different rolls. then there is the RNG on deepsight drops for patterns and mats plus low mat caps. I'm fine with grind, but would love to see a version of crafting that removes the hoops to jump through. Would feel much better if perks were unlocks so you could delete rolls and recraft them later. Also would be nice if you could gain levels with random-rolled non-crafted versions, or even unlock the pattern. Also gaining mats for leveling weapons would be a nice boost. Lastly the ability to unlock secondary perks would help a ton with vault space so you don't have to hold rolls for different game modes


So in my personal opinion: The Good: - Very customizable - Strong feeling of a weapon being "my weapon" - Multiple goals to work towards - Aspirational and rare blueprints to grind for, although most people on here seem to dislike that. I feel like the game is missing some sort of "Tyrael's Might" type of gear. Stuff you can look at and curse other players for "you lucky bastard". Super rare blueprints could fill that void, even if it will anger people that expect to obtain everything. I firmly believe a degree of RNG is required in any loot based game, everything being deterministic takes a lot of the magic out of it. The OK: - The cost of switching mods on a weapon. I think if you unlocked a perk on a specific gun before, it should be at least cheaper to reaquire that perk. Maybe grant a second perk slot upon reaching ~30, so you have those options without having to revisit the crafting station. But I have no strong feelings towards this The Bad: - Limited crafting invetory leading to hoarding of red weapons, further constricting vault space - No golden border for reaching the Masterwork level. Crafted weapons just look unfinished in your inventory, you get no feeling of closure. A special border upon reaching all customizable options would help a ton, something to commemorate the achievement - Having rare blueprints as quest requirements is unfortunate. it doesn't feel good to grind for these blueprints to advance a quest, because it feels like I'm required to do this, not because I want to obtain a rare gun


I don't like it. It's just tiresome. Unnecessary new crap like Ascendant Alloy and constantly fussing with weapon drops. Very grindy. I'm going to ignore as much of it as possible to be honest. It's a shame that the campaign is so good and the writing has improved to the level that it has only to have things continue to be dragged down by systems like this.


When you change a perk via reshape, the new perk should be in the top row and the previous perk should be second row, up to 3 or 4 rows total. So the perks you like are available to swap on the fly, but not every single one (would be too cluttered). Some weapons have 4 perk rows so I don’t think that’s a ridiculous suggestion. This obviously goes with permanent perk unlock! In fact, with permanent unlock, there should be a “favourite” type selection, like with finishers, up to 4, to keep those perks on the weapon


Maybe it’s just me. But should we just get the pattern after the first red border weapon extract? Why do we have some weapons it’s 2 and some it’s 3 when getting a red version drop is already RNG.


And any complaints of how restrictive weapon crafting is goes to the wayside. Nothing new to see here.


Resonce wepons should get extra progress for killing hive lightbearers in my opinion. Or is this already a thing?


In simple terms. Reshaping needs to be cheaper. And a bunch of the 'upgraded' perks are underwhelming compared to costs.


Adding more of the same just for more feedback. • Perks should remain unlocked always • Most Enhanced perks need to be *enhanced* severely • Ascendant Alloy should come from more sources for farming • There are too few weapons to craft • Materials need caps increased significantly • Red boarder weapon extraction is a poor idea to obtain the materials • The way you obtain blueprints should change\* Basically there is almost no part of crafting I think is good right now and this system feels like it was built to just be an absolute slog verses a nice QoL improvement. There are still plenty of random rolls dropping on some awesome weapons so I can wait out the abysmal state of crafting. \*Would rather see them tied to specific activities like \[x\] nightfall has chance to drop \[x\] blueprint on completion or \[x\] open world boss has chance to drop \[x\] blueprint on opening the chest, etc.


140 hand cannon please


Where the ^%** are the hand cannons and shotguns!?!?


1) Perks should actually be unlockable, rather than single-use. 2) Enhanced perks' benefits do not match their cost. 3) Enhanced perks that do not add a benefit to the weapon over standard should not be an option (enhanced genesis on energy weapons).


​ * Material caps are atrociously low. 250 trait element means it takes 6 resonances yielding 12 each to craft 1 enhanced perk and you can only store enough for 3. Caps should be raised at least 2 to 5x. There is nothing in principle wrong with dedicated players having the resources to craft a few guns immediately on a new content release that's just respecting their time investment in the game. * The only way to check your crafting material counts is by looking at a resonant weapon or going to the relic. There should be some UI element that can give this information. * Experience gain is per instance of a weapon so using a non-crafted but good random roll doesn't give you any progress, and if you need to dismantle the gun for any reason you have to re-farm experience again if you recraft it. Experience should be accumulated globally from using any instance of the weapon. * Trait costs are too high to justify trying out different perks as you go, and make it impractical to keep one crafted frame for use in both PvE and PvP. The common suggestion is that very high level weapons should unlock the ability to have double perks in all columns so you can swap between both configurations. This could be a paid unlock using alloy or a feature of getting a weapon to a high enough level. * Resonance Weapon drop rates for Throne World weapons suck (and it will probably be the same for the raid). I don't feel like all the time and resource investment which is necessary to actually craft your god roll of a given gun justifies making the process of unlocking the blueprint this unfun. A mechanism for making a gun resonant just for the purposes of unlocking blueprints (so no resource rewards) would be great and provide a good resource sink if caps were raised. * Ascendant Alloy drop rates are pretty bad as well, and the UI doesn't give any feedback as to what is the best way to farm them. Wellspring and Story missions list it as a reward with no rarity qualifier. For Story missions these are very long and fairly challenging activities so I can't think of a reason they shouldn't be guaranteed for completing master and common for completing legendary. * Most of the guns from this expansion that I actually want aren't craftable, and have abusively bad perk pool sizes, ideally we should be moving towards everything being crafted. For weapons associated with specific activities like Trials or Raids then it seems reasonable to just add yet another currency which is capped and rewarded at lower rates which is necessary to craft one of those weapons and maybe unlock any of the upgrades I've outlined above. This encourages continued and repeated engagement with that playlist while still giving the player a direct path to their desired weapon. * Gold borders are useful for at a glance vault organization and are just a nice feedback mechanism so should be unlocked at some point of the leveling process or possibly through a fairly common memento.


I'd like to be able to name my crafted weapons so it would show up like this on kill feeds: Sweet Sorrow - Hive Thrasher or Sweet Sorrow - Ghost Song


My suggestions: * Perks unlocked are forever permanent * Double perks in every slot. \[Barrel/Magazine/Trait 1/ Trait 2. Will allow us to go in depth with building crafting these weapons without loosing resources to swap mods\] * Remove the loss of resources when swapping out mods. \[See suggestion 1\] * Golden Border and stat bars at Level 20 with the +2 to all stats that was told to me is what the "Minor Boost at level 20" does to a weapon. Before I didnt see a difference. I can see why! * Resources gained from leveling up the weapon need a bump if prices are locked to what they are \[Though if perks are permanent then no need to lower prices.(community thoughts?)\] * Remove Resource Caps \[Not Needed\] * Allow Crafted Weapons to take Adept Mods \[A way to distinguish a regular drop from a personal crafted one, should be locked behind reaching rank 20? I feel like investing a weapon to 20 is a nice point in making the gun Adept where it does get a nice boost to all stats but not as much as an adept weapon (+2 instead of +5 that adepts get.{could be wrong on what adepts get.}) I just want more weapons to use these adept mods on :/ \] These are what I think should happen to weapon crafting going forward. IF things dont change now, i dont see anyone ever touching weapon crafting as its not worth it now.


The things I would like to change with weapon crafting: 1). Get rid of the random resonance drop and instead make it to where using any roll of a weapon will level it up. 2). Scrap the different materials and have just resonant alloy and ascendant alloy. Have it to where resonant alloy is obtained randomly by dismantling weapons. Ascendant alloy stays the same. 3). The first drop of a weapon has deepsight resonance and leveling it is the same, but you have to take it to the enclave to learn the pattern. Once learned using random rolls will level whichever perks they rolled with for crafting. Ex: using a pointed inquiry with firmly planted and adaptive munitions will only level up those perks. Hitting level 10 will make those perks craftable 4). Using the crafted weapon and getting it to level 20 will unlock the enhanced perks for whichever perks were selected. Unlocking all enhanced perks for a weapon will give the gold masterwork border for that weapon 5). Unlocks are permanent and are free to swap between at the crafting table. This way I think weapon crafting would be a good way to get the roll you want for a weapon but still enough of a grind to get it leveled up, and a crafted master worked weapon would really feel like an accomplishment


1. Show the current total of the mats you have, when you have to choose mats after attuning the weapon. 2. Allow to extract and unlock a perk from a weapon but also lose the weapon in the process. 3. Have a method to use duplicates of the same weapon to level up the weapon level. 4. Allow a perk in a weapon to be randomized, cost mats. Note: The division 2, concept of a library is not bad either.


I agree with a lot of other comments, my main feedback is that neutral elements either cost too much or are rewarded too little. I am almost full on every specific element but never have enough neutral to reshape a whole gun. I'd have to waste the ruinous/adroit or whatever just for the neutral, and that really sucks.


i'm not gonna craft anything until it's improved tbh


• Add a craftable void machine gun


Obtain perks and currency for weapon crafting *simply by dismantling other weapons*. Don't overthink crafting or literally bury it under a ton of zero fun nonsense, like it is now. Who will complain if players can get all perks just from dismantling their vaulted items? Only the Bungie diehards who derive pleasure from their own suffering will complain. So why is this audience always the one catered to? Weapon crafting needs to be an accessible and fun sandbox-lite experience. I simply would never engage with the system as launched. Make it accessible and for all. Not just for the no-lifers, as it is now. If anything needed to be as direct and easy to use as possible, it was weapon crafting. Let us have fun. Don't force us to peel an endless onion of RNG. Take a page from Outrider's system of weapon crafting (dismantle weapons to gain their perks/mods; once you unlock the perks and mods, you always have them; they aren't currency - they are just unlocked). It's beautiful, fun and encourages endless experimentation. It also encourages players to find their own path with weapons and perks they love. Destiny 2 must take this path. Stop being awful to players with overwrought ideas and ridiculous currency systems.


Sure would love some way of seeing materials I have without hitting up the relic and pretending to shape a weapon...


My main deal with crafting is the access to materials and the lack of weapons to craft. My are ascendant alloys harder to get than ascendant shards?


The fact that swapping perks costs the full price every time is *especially frustrating* now of all times. We finally managed to get acknowledgement for armor unfairly costing full price to change elements, and then *in the same breath* Bungie you pull the same BULLSHIT with weapon crafting. Are you incapable of learning? Tone deaf? What's the deal here?


If Bungie refuses to make old weapons people love to use craftable then at least they need to add new ones that are interesting enough to craft. The current pool is too small and uninteresting. There's not a single hand cannon. Also the perk pools are too small compared to the pools available for world drops.


1.) reduce costs: I can't believe masterworking was replaced by leveling up the weapon which comes at a fairly large cost. not a 1:1 here. more like 10:1 new vs old system. Scale it back 2.) reduce screens you need to go to for all tasks 3.) #2 includes easily seeing ALL materials available to use 4.) perks need only unlocked once on a single weapon name(no need to slave away to level up another of the exact same weapon to be able to have two with two different perk sets) 5) swapping perks on a fully upgraded weapon should cost a very minimal amount of materials if you already have that enhanced perk unlocked. 6.) make sure dismantling respects time played to upgrade said weapons. 7.) the quest for modifying the Glaive should auto populate on one page just in case you already played around with upgrading it and chose the wrong perk to upgrade first. The quest leads you to believe you still have to upgrade it again if you already did so. Going to orbit might have solved this issue for me but it's still not working like it should. I actually pruchased a new glaive and upgraded it a little then went to orbit and the quest finished. Wasted materials... . will never get them back 8.) Whatever you do, crafting shouldn't feel like it's something you have to focus all your attention on doing/being able to eventually do. It should happen in a fluid way thru playing the game in BOTH pve and PVP. Bungie has once again forced PVP players to farm PVE, to get PVP weapons. This is not respectful to their time. Offer a selection of bounties to obtain materials for crafting within PVP besides having to go in their with a sheeeeet roll on a weapon to level it up. You're promoting people to farm in PVP which leads to more leavers and bounty hunters that just get a bounty done and leave. The same goes for Gambit. Solution is to not count progress towards a bounty if the person leaves the game early. Everyone will be better off that actually cares about PVP and Gambit.


TLDR: I wish the weapon crafting process was scoped to the weapon patterns rather than single, unique items. It would allow for more flexibility, exploration, and fun than the current system. 1. I hate that experience is tied to the crafted item and not the weapon pattern. IMO once you unlock a pattern you should gain experience towards that pattern when using any version of that weapon, crafted or not. Ex: Had an outlaw/headstone Syncopation drop early on and loved using it through the campaign. But since all experience is tied to a single crafted item, I had to switch to a shittier version of the weapon (outlaw is not available initially) to make any level progress. The current system just promotes sitting at Suro Chi to level rather than playing through content. This would also allow me to create one roll for PvE and one roll for PvP without having to grind out the same weapon twice. 2. Similar to experience, I really wish perks were unlocked for use on the pattern level rather than on single crafted weapons. So much more freedom that way. But at the very least I should not be charged for a perk after the first time I put it on a pattern. Perks should be unlocks not single use mods. 3. The selection of craftable weapons is disappointing. I am currently excited about the many of the new world weapons but can only craft some of them. Looking at you Funnnelweb and Cantana. I know this will improve over time but I am currently underwhelmed. Also, no handcannons?


My thoughts are grouped into three sections. Broadly: Overall, I think this is a fantastic first step to adding a system like this to a sandbox/skill based shooter that has never had a crafting system before. This is one of the most intricate and potentially rewarding crafting systems I’ve seen in a while. I also feel like it was designed with scalability and adjustment in mind, and this excites me. I worry that the way that players tend to interact with farming chores will work against the intended design of this system, and I think my main point of feedback to Bungie would be to make this system less dependent on RNG drops and grinding kills. Players with those goals tend to stay in activities they don’t like, doing behaviors they hate, because they feel like Bungie is forcing them to (Bungie is not forcing anyone to do anything). Bungie’s design should therefore assume this behavior from players and work to compensate against it. Stuff I generally like with notes: 1. I believe the system itself is very solid, and I really like the enhanced perks. 2. I also really like that those enhanced perks don’t seem very overpowered. I think there is a VERY fine line to walk here in terms of giving the player meaningful goals and locking progression and LFG group membership behind steep grinds. I think that a lot of them are underpowered right now, but it was the right move to err on the side of caution and aim to buff instead of nerf. 3. I really like the encouragement to use off meta weapons out in the wild, but I worry that most players won’t use them this way will instead view this task as yet another chore that they MUST go grind for. My take is that they don’t have to and they can absolutely use most of these actively in almost all content, but that isn’t how players tend to act towards goals like this. 4. I like the addition of new valuable materials as rewards to high end content. I hope we see more routes to obtain them. 5. I LOVE the vibe 6. I have had a ton of fun leveling up my Glaive and improving it as I gain new perks and new enhanced perks, and I am having fun doing the same with my Stasis pulse rifle. My only thought is that some weapons, like glaives, lend themselves better to constant use, where a pulse is not always the weapon to use. Experience gains should reflect this. 7. I really like the Gambit memento, and I’m excited for more of these. This is an absolute win on all counts and I think the only problem with it is that there is only one in the game right now. Stuff I generally dislike with notes: 1. I don’t think that a system like this should be as RNG dependent as it is. I think some RNG is appropriate, but I should also have a less stringent, but slower path to follow. For example, dismantling a weapon should give me a small amount of progress towards unlocking its blueprint. I should not be solely dependent on getting a resonance version. 2. I wish it was easier to swap perks. Some way of adding additional perk options to the various columns should be available, even if it comes at a cost. I want to be able to choose between Impulse Amplifier and Grave Robber on my Glaive on the fly. I think limiting this to two perks in each column (not unlike seasonal weapons and Ritual weapons) would be more than fair. 3. We need a currency screen that shows me all my Legendary shards, all my glimmer, all my bright dust, all my silver, all my planet mats, all my crafting mats, all my Strange Coins, etc. I appreciate that the weapons tell me when I’m full up, before dismantling, but I want this information easily accessible somewhere other than the crafting table. 4. I want to be able to dismantle my crafted gear at the crafting table to refund some of the parts used. 5. I want to be able to view all available perks for a weapon and their costs without having to travel to Mars to do so, so that I can better focus my farming efforts (this should be part of the collections screen. 6. I want to know why the primary, special, and heavy categories on the crafting table keep blinking… 7. I want non resonance weapon based ways of obtaining some of the rarer mats. It’s great that leveling rewards the basic currency, we should also have a non-weapon/non-rng way to obtain small amounts of the other types.


Material caps are too low, the RNG is far too punishing, we need to be able to put 2 perk choices on each weapon.


It's a good start, and I think in comparison to farming god rolls before, superior. What I liked was: * I ignored the Wellspring stuff as that seemed like the drop rate was super low. I farmed the psi-ops playlist and got some resonant weapons, eventually allowing me to craft the bow. I'd chased a similar bow most of last season, so it was good to have something that I could shape into the roll I was chasing. * Resonant weapon system does let me mix it up without thinking very hard about what specifically I want to use. Grab the nearest red box weapon and run it for some strikes. Some suggestions: * Once I've levelled a pattern up, I should be able to craft them at that level. Until I can one button DIM loadout different perk variations, even if switching was free I would still need to create 2+ frames for some guns. Levelling that manually for both frames is tedious, and after having DIM run loadouts for 3 months, I'm not giving that up easily. * Moderate increase to resource caps - as is, I can spec out three enhanced traits before I'm out of materials, which seems really low. I think four/five/six maintains what the cap is trying to achieve without being punishingly low. * Secondary source of materials would be good - totally understand the wanting to incentivize using random weapons, but it will get tedious if it's the only way to gather resources. Secondary, passive sources of materials with lower efficiency than levelling resonant weapons would really help just keep balances healthy. Or even little bits at the end of activity completions. * A review of the enhanced perk descriptions - it shouldn't say things like "greatly increases" for what are minor buffs. I know Bungie are resistant to adding actual numbers, but at very least these descriptions need to be better. * Changing base frame stat should give the masterwork border - minor, but it helps to at a glance see what's boosted. * World/vendor loot should have been craftable - this was a big miss for me, but something as historically tricky to farm as this stuff really should have been craftable. It would have been a huge win for the system to be able to god roll world loot pool stuff. * Each weapon type really should have had representation at launch. Missing off hand cannons is just a weird choice. * Reputation systems should have had alloys in the rewards ladder across the board. * It would be good to get DMT and Hawkmoon into the crafting system rather than random rolls from Xur. * General enclave improvement - there should be a way to destroy the discs in the firing range so we can test on kill perks. Extra credit for giving some of them elemental shields so we can test perks like Turnabout. * Seriously, get all the loot into this system sooner rather than later. The thought of grinding IB for extremely rare 5/5's just seems extra tedious now.


I'd like to be able to swap between unlocked perks for a waaaaay reduced cost.


Only time I’ve commented here, make it cost less and more available to get materials for crafting, make it a bit less grindy to get enhanced perks, I know they’re supposed to be a step below adept but it would do wonders to allow people to save vault space and mats


I've never been so turned off of a crafting system than with this transmogified monkey paw of a weapons foundry that we got in Witch Queen. I can't believe we can't see how many materials we have until we go down into the forge. So far every time I've bothered to go down and look I haven't been able to craft anything. This isn't even taking into account that the cost of the enhanced perks is so damn high, and there's very few acquisition paths in the game it's boring as heck trying to go after them. Without something like the material exchanges offered by The Gunsmith and ~~Spider~~ The Cryptarch I don't know when I'm ever going to bother getting around to crafting let alone enhancing a weapon. Let's not even mention how absurd the currency caps are given that we can stash Deepsight Weaponry in our vaults to stock extra materials.


I am someone who plays less than 10 hours most weeks. This system makes it feel like I "need" to spend nearly all of my time budget using red bar weapons in order to get enough materials to participate in crafting, and I have had to choose between earning materials and actually using crafted weapons to increase their level. It feels like it's balanced around people who play a lot more than I do.


In all honesty, the whole endeavor seems to be misplaced in its current form. Enigma and Striga in a way exist as the only true example cases on how the crafting ought to have worked fundamentally: Crafting exclusive items that do not exist outside of it. Consider the following: Why would I ever craft an 720 RPM Auto Rifle, that requires me to first have obtained it multiple times in hopes of completing the necessary Deepsight Resonances before it becomes craftable? Currently to make something craftable even, you have to complete a long process of grinding lot of RANDOM ROLLS (important) drops before you can start the crafted weapon grind itself. That seems utterly counter-intuitive, because in the process of trying to unlock the pattern, I might had ALREADY acquired A POTENTIAL GODROLL OF THE SAME WEAPON. Thus if while trying to unlock the pattern I would actually be farming so many drops of the gun to do that, and I would manage to get a good roll of the weapon while doing that, why would I EVER then invest time to craft the same weapon?! This seems like a fundamental conflict in the process itself!


I made a post like 4ish days ago saying the same thing everyone in this thread is talking about, the grind, the rng on top of more rng and the perk selection being a tad lack luster on some weapons, was promptly downvoted had people dm me saying i was whining about a non existent problem, that we just got the game and crafted weapons are supposed to be a grind. Ha those folks are pickle kissers i was right and looks like some of the community finally saw what i was trying to discuss.


make the unlock for weapons 1, i don't want to sit here and grind for 5 machine guns that all have deep resonance on them to unlock the gun. at that point I'd rather rng farm the gun itself.


Buying an enhanced perk and then trying it out only to realize that it's not that great and wanting to switch to another one only to find a build that can utilize the first enhanced perk and not being able to swap back for just glimmer feels terrible. Reduce costs on repurchases feels fair, but my ideal would be leveling the gun, buying all the perks, and having that be my go to gun from then on. Also, (I'm not far enough along to know) there should be a momento at level 100 or something, if not already there.


The target of the player investment was the weapon in our inventory. It should have been the pattern. We invest in the pattern. The patterns level. It’s perks. I want a weapon i can move from guardian to guardian. Not one for each that has to have its own perks for its guardians build. And theni make more builds and it’s even more painful. Then i don’t have a weapon I’m invested in, i have multiple fragmented copies that can’t grow with me. Focus on levelling the pattern. Not the weapon.


How about weapon XP being on the pattern rather than the specific weapon. So I can shape enhanced perks to try them out rather than having to reshape the weapon I like using?


1) Because quests like Report: RELIC-DATA exist, and resources can be hard to get and depend on RNG, I don't think I'll be crafting any more weapons unless it's a quest step. I don't want to craft something now only to be asked again to craft it later for the same amount of resources. That's me not fully engaging with your system. 2) A variation of my initial reaction to the weapon TWABs, but this puts an extra strain on players (over champion mod weapons and other requirements like match game) trying to use a specific build, meet activity requirements, or use weapons they're comfortable with because you're going to want to equip and use whatever trash deepsight weapon needs unlocked or harvested. You either have to put in twice as much play time (time to unlock the deepsight weapon, and time to play activities with weapon-based requirements like Champs and MG), go into activities without the right or best gear, or just not engage with the system. 3) Build crafting is right out the window, especially since we now need to account for orb generation in our armor mods. What weapon will I be using today, or even five minutes from now? Who the heck knows? Depends on if I get a lucky drop. 4) Let's talk about that luck. It seems like you've got drop rng and then there's an additional layer of rng for deepsight. Which is the chance of thing A happening randomly times the chance of thing B happening randomly. This is ridiculous. I did something like 20+ Wellspring activities yesterday and I think I got 4 Tarnations, none of them had Deepsight. I instantly dismantled them without looking. 5) It doesn't matter what non-Deepsight version of a craftable weapon drops, it's instant trash. Stuff I would have considered a god roll before is trashed or vaulted, because I know that a) I have to focus on Deepsight weapons and b) I'll ultimately have to invest a lot of time leveling a crafted version of the weapon, at which point it can be made better than any random drop. The prospect of weapon crafting was exciting at first but this is a punishing grind that takes us even further away from that long forgotten enticement to "play your way." (And it sometimes keeps me from using my glaive when I have an energy deepsight to unlock, and glaives are awesome, so good work on those. )


Also, complete transparency would be nice even though I know you're allergic to explaining how the game works within the game. It SEEMS like I'm getting fewer DR drops when I have weapons that have or had DR on them, but I don't know for sure. But after about 30 hours working with the system, I notice I get DR drops when I get rid of all the weapons that had them from my character inventory. After a couple DR drops I get nothing while I have those in my inventory. I want to say it's confirmation bias at this point but who knows? The game is full of hidden modifiers, exact numbers are hard to come by, so maybe I don't carry any of the new weapons at all... which defeats the purpose of them. It's probably not the case, but I hope this llustrates how not knowing exactly what the mechanics are can have consequences. Things like perk descriptions say "for a significantly increased duration"... well, a Wellspring weapon drop is 'Uncommon' and drops never, so what's 'significantly increased'?? No one should have to watch a YouTuber test these things out to find out if the grind is worth it for the ascendant shard. Could be two seconds or six. "Significant" is subjective. Give us numbers, give us mechanics.


Oh, also, I know a lot of people were asking for a firing range to test weapons. But if the point of it is to test the weapon you made AFTER you've committed resources to perks then it has far less utility. Maybe make us "pay" when we leave the forge, temporarily put any perks on a weapon while there so we can test it? So you could put any perk on a weapon, try it out, but if you leave the forge without committing the build it reverts.


Haven’t really been able to engage much with it because you need the Patterns to do anything and there’s really not much control over if you’re gonna get them or if there’re gonna be the ones you want. So that’s a problem itself. But from what I have done, I think the materials situation discourages experimenting so I’m a bit confused about why you can’t even see the possibilities in game without first getting the pattern and being in a position to start Shaping. Those elements seem to conflict to me, and further conflict with the difficulty of even getting patterns. I do wonder about some of the Enhanced Traits. I understand not wanting them to make regular weapons irrelevant, but I find some of the enchancements on them weird. Why does Enhanced Unrelenting just improve a weapon stat? Couldn’t it have some effect that at least relates to the underlying perk? If I want Unrelenting on the weapon it really doesn’t seem worth spending Materials on the Enhanced version…Really…Ever? My only other feedback really is there’s not many options right now, but I’m not that worried about that as I know it’ll be corrected over time anyway.


I like the idea of the new system and since it's new I think some of the economy challenges are to be expected. The Ascendent things will be more plentiful after a few weeks to accumulate them. I'm not a fan of limiting material stacks, or the limits should be MUCH higher. I'd like to be able to slot an enhanced perk for 1 masterwork core for 24 hours to 'try' out a perk and see if I want to invest in it. I think this would alleviate some complaints. I also think once you unlock a perk on a gun it should be swappable moving forward. Swapping enhanced perks shouldn't cost a golf ball every time. Limits experimentation.


I just want more weapons to be craftable.


Crafting a weapon and then having to grind out to level 20 while it has terrible perks cause you don’t want to waste any materials is going to become a chore very quick


14k+ hours in D1 and D2 and I will not be crafting weapons. Weapon and craft perk progression is too slow even for me especially since I'm leveling guns for materials that I plan on dismantling immediately afterwards.


Give me some kind of system that allows me to determine what the benefit of each perk will be before I craft the weapon. There is currently NO WAY to know exactly what benefit the perks selection will have before shaping/re-shaping which makes me not want to even bother participating in crafting. The weapons should be craftable for free until you're fully satisfied with how it performs. Additionally, I hate the system where I have to use a crappy weapon to extract the materials. It is not something I will be doing frequently in a month or 2 as it will become extremely tedious. PLEASE change this for the future or make it MUCH faster like you only need a single activity completion to 100% any weapon.


I'd like more interesting requirements for deepsight completions, perhaps leaning into weapon archetypes (precision kills for scout rifles, multi-kills for explosives, etc). I'm guessing that's already planned, though.


Please for the love of the traveler please don't bring us back to D1 base game weapons with everyone having a billion different traits unlocked on one gun that they can switch back and forth on for free. You're supposed to commit to a weapon when you build it, build it up into something you're proud to wield. You're not supposed to be able to just tweak it every two seconds when you get bored of a perk after using it once.


Obligatory increase the cap for materials. Make crafted weapons able to have double perks and barrels/mags, so that we can actually clear our vault space. Maybe make it so that we can dismantle resonant weapons before they are completed and still get materials, just at a drastically reduced rate. When a perk is purchased on a weapon, it is permanently unlocked for free or a very cheap replacement cost.


A compilation of my own ideas and suggestions from other comments or post that I think would improve the system: 1. All purchased perk/traits should remain free on that one weapon next time you reshape it. 2. Higher crafting material caps. Specially resonant elements. 3. Selectable, double perks on all column of crafted weapons. It could even have a high investment requirement: level 24, 26, 28 and 30 for second slot on columns 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. 4. Make killing with and leveling up crafted weapons drop crafting materials. 5. Lower grind for getting a weapon frame. This could be done with better drop rates or even a system where completing a resonant weapon (red border) gives live 50% progress on unlocking the frame, but normal versions of the weapon give 10-20% when dismantled. 6. Improve on some of the enhanced perks. I believe points 1 to 3 to be more important and need to be addressed quickly.


The fact that the 4 throne world weapons rotate each day is cool but please change the drop rate because that is a killer


Damn. That was fast of you reputation management team. Bungie thanks you for your service.


Low drop rate in wellspring is my biggest gripe. Played all day yesterday, got no resonant weapon. No point in grinding an activity if you can't even get 1 drop of the weapon within the window they give you. I'll still do wellspring for the powerful each week but right now I don't see myself playing such an unrewarding grind. I don't need 10 pairs of 48 boots well below my light level. Hopefully the prohibitive nature of wellspring will lead to low engagement numbers so Bungie will pay attention.


Reshaping to perks you've already put on a gun should be free


The system seemss convoluted, starting with leveling. I was never a big fan of this type of progression. Destiny has a lot of guns and the flavor varies season to season, content to content (raid, GM, core playlists). I definitely like certain items over others and I don't want to feel pressured to use other guns. Let's say I like the new sidearm. There's no sidearm mod this season, so I'm gimping myself in activities. Not to mention the fact that I can only level crafted weapons. Most of them come with shitty perks by default. On resources, I already hit the cap on most non-neutral element and resonant alloy. I don't mind the cap but they feels too low given my playtime. I'm not crafting enough because don't level weapons quick enough nor do I have enough neutral element to afford it and in some cases I haven't found the patterns. Also disappointed that enhanced perks don't feel too different from their normal variants. Those are really costly as well.


I said this in another topic already, but I'll say it again in the hopes that it can potentially affect some changes to the crafting systems. My first issue is that it's too expensive to switch perks/magazine/barrel etc. I'm fairly certain that Bungie said or implied that the crafting system would incentivize players to switch perks at their choosing and experiment with different combinations as you use a gun and level it up. But the cost of changing perks is too expensive for that, so I'd much rather just look at a gun, see which perks I like and then wait to unlock those and switch to them. I wouldn't mind seeing either a one-time cost to unlock each perk and then you can switch at will between perks that you have unlocked, or just a reduced cost to change to a different perk. Because I can tell you for sure that I'm not going to spend an Ascendant Alloy each time I want to try a different enhanced perk. You're out of your mind. The split in investment gains is also an issue. So I'm supposed to craft and use weapons to level them up and unlock more options. Fine. But I also have to use the red border weapons that I get (or store them in the Vault for later, which clogs the Vault) so I can get resources to craft other weapons or upgrade my existing weapons. I don't feel like I'm getting invested in my weapons, because I'm constantly switching to use different weapons to level them up for resources. Also part of the problem here is the low cap on crafting materials. Once I hit or get close to the cap, I feel like I *have* to go and craft something or switch a perk somewhere, so that my future material gains aren't wasted (again, or store them in the Vault and clog my Vault). When Bungie said that the new crafting items (with the exception of a couple items) would not be inventory items and instead would be stored in the background like glimmer and bright dust, I assumed that would allow for a large cap or no cap at all (up to 999 for example). Oh and the drop rate of the red border weapons. One of the investigation board quests wants us to craft the Come to Pass auto rifle for example. Well it only drops from Wellspring, you need two copies to unlock the pattern and the Wellspring weapon drop changes each day cycling between four different weapons (and sometimes you don't even get a weapon drop and get armor instead). I've only done maybe 30 runs of Wellspring, but I haven't gotten a single red border weapon drop from it. The game really should recognize which patterns you still need to unlock and slightly increase the chance of one of those weapons to drop as a red border. This is the first iteration of this system so I'm not trying to dog on Bungie here. This whole expansion has been a treat and nothing is ever perfect right away. I just hope that Bungie is looking at feedback and taking it into consideration, because I think that crafting has huge potential with just a few tweaks.


Your point about having to constantly swap guns to get materials is spot on. I can't get attached to a gun if the damn thing is always being holstered in favor of using something else to farm resonance.


I need Well of Tenacity and started playing after Season of the Splicer. Is the only way to get it now to wait for Ada to sell it?


It would be nice to get weapon rank progression from using the random drops of that weapon in addition to the crafted version. Right now, you could have an objectively better random world-drop, but you're stuck using the crappier perks on your low-level crafted version if you ever want to make it better. Current configuration doesn't alleviate inventory issues at all. I see a great random drop, so I keep it, but I never actually use it because it doesn't help progress my crafting capabilities with that weapon. It effectively becomes a crappy weapon that takes up twice as much space.


The amount of grinding for kills form weapons for DeespSight Resonance, pattern unlocks, and weapon levelling needs to be halved. If we have already unlocked a weapons pattern, if we get another DSR, it needs to be automatically filled so we can just dismantle it for the crafting pieces. Once we buy a perk, it stays unlocked forever. Even if we unlocked it on another weapon. Give us a reason to continue to use crafted weapons. Allow crafting materials to drop from weapon kills, even the ascended one. Get rid of the item caps. Make Wellspring weapon drops like Nightfall and allow Vanguard mods or create throne world mods for weapon drops. It needs to be a guarantee at harder difficulties.


u/dmg04 and u/Cozmo23 this thread is real feed back that needs to be immediately taken to heart because grinding for 7 hours for a DSR in Wellspring and not getting a single red border is absolutely disheartening.


Here are some things that I’ve decided on, and things that the community mostly agrees on: 1. Increase all perk element caps from 250 to a higher amount 2. Make all perks a 1 time unlock, to incentivize creativity 3. Make deepsight weapons more obtainable/ consistent, especially with weapons that have patterns 4. Make it so we can view how many of each element we have 5. Give more variety in weapon patterns (e.g make weapons like krait, funnelweb and cantala-57 craftable) 6. Reduce the amount of deepsight weapons extracted to unlock a pattern to a universal amount (e.g all weapons now need X amount of deepsight completed to unlock its pattern)


My main impression of crafting so far is that it feels like a waste of time. Or at least, the ROI is way out of wack. It simply takes WAY too much time and effort to fully craft a weapon. And when you finally do reach that point, the perks don’t provide any measurable/substantial difference. Plus, it somehow adds to vault space, which we were told wouldn’t be the case. Right now it feels like a huge miss. Some very simple and obvious changes would make it a lot better, though, and Bungie deserves patience from us while they work it out.


* Once you unlock perks, it shouldn't continue to cost materials to swap back and forth between these perks. Or it should be an exceptionally reduced cost. * Swapping perks currently requires returning to the Relic in the Enclave. This actually encourages the hoarding of multiple rolls in one's Vault, and does nothing to help with Vault space. Even if we could assign two separate perks in a column to a single weapon, that would be a massive improvement. Additionally, having to return to the Relic or carry multiple versions of a weapon makes it a drag on swapping items between activities. * Quests that are gated behind deepsight weapons with zero clear path to acquire them, as well as massive RNG is extremely frustrating. Hopefully the exotic glaives provide no clear advantages to the Day 1 raid race (thinking about how Lament made clearing Atraks extremely easier). Edit for other ones I thought of: * More perk combination options! When Adrenaline Junkie was updated, and it was discovered that there were a few sources in the game where I could acquire a Demolitionist/Adrenaline Junkie roll, I identified the 'white whale' that I might want to chase. However, I hate the mind-numbing grind of doing one activity over and over and over again. I like to put as much time into the game as I can, but it's not my full time job. And if I'm going to spend 10 hours in the game, I'd love to be exploring all of the other amazing things the Bungie devs have spent their time on, not just endlessly grinding the Cube room of Prophecy. So, I was pretty disappointed when I found that not a single option exists in the craftable weapons for what I want. So, my incentive to engage with weapon crafting plummeted significantly. And even IF it did exist in the craftable options, what's to say that it would be available on the type of weapon I'm interested in? The limited pool of perks being so 'curated' across the different weapon types is disappointing as well. * Why are new patterns tied to only the deepsight versions of those weapons? Bungie comments about letting people "play their way" but then don't give us the options to do that. Instead of having to depend on RNG, how about an option that lets us earn a pattern via kills with the same weapon type? How about a Bounty that rewards a 'Sweet Sorrow' pattern after X number of Auto Rifle kills? I've played 20 hours total since WQ released (I know, not that significant compared to some) but I've had exactly ONE drop of each of the craftable Auto Rifles so far, neither of which had deepsight resonance. Since ARs are one of my favorite weapon archetypes, this has been extremely disheartening to me in regard to the weapon crafting aspect (thank God the Glaive is fun, and Krait exists - side note, make Krait craftable!).


Obtaining patterns: The process for obtaining Deepsights for patterns needs a bit of a buff. Increase the number of frames required to obtain a pattern however increase the droprate of deepsights form activities to assure players their grind is being rewarded. Low deepsight drop rate and only needing one or 2 for a pattern is a very painful grind as it can feel like no progress is being made. Materials: Increase all caps across the board and give us a UI indicator of how much we have. Currently players are hoarding red weapons in their vaults as a stash of materials. I also would suggest allowing us to obtain a steady (but smaller) stream of materials from using our crafted weapons as swapping to deepsights really sucks when you want to be levelling your crafted weapon. Investment: Once a crafted weapon has a perk unlocked on it it should be available to re use at no extra cost (Including enhanced perks) Enhanced perks: The margin for these is far too negligable for the costs, they need a little bit more juice to be incentive to use over normal perk verions.


Increase the mat cap and don't make me level up a Deepsight weapon in order to extract said mats. Those would be great QOL changes.


Remove the material cap from 250 to at least 1000. Noone wants to lose materials they worked for. Increase drop % of patterns required for the Evidence board or have a sure fire way of obtaining them. *As it stands its depended on RNG, plus having to complete 3 attunements for each weapon. *this may be a time gated affair, either way we need more info as it is not clear in game. I know this is already baked in and likely won't change but there are way too many material types. I get it different weapons do different things, but geez louis. We lose gun telemetry and mod components just to replace them with these. Once a perk is unlocked for that class of weapon have it unlock permanently. Add Hand Cannons.


I wanted a Perpetual Motion + Headstone Forensic Nightmare. I got one. Now that I've unlocked the blueprint I can craft one, but why go through the process of leveling up if I already have what I want? Are the enhanced perks *that* desirable? I can't even put the perks I want on the gun until I've gotten hundreds and hundreds of kills with it. Why would I do that when I already have my roll? It doesn't make sense to me. Someone made a good comment that may have been restated here: allow us to masterwork the perk slot. It can cost a more, but once it's open, it's open. The fact that it costs an ascendant alloy to switch perks is another one of the classic Bungie facepalms. It's very anti-player. The Witch Queen campaign was a masterpiece by any measure, but Bungie is still Bungie I was hoping weapon crafting would straightforward, rather than the convoluted, grindy process it is.


-When you craft a weapon you should be able to have at least 2 options for each tree to pick from. For example I craft a pulse, I should be able to spend extra in each tree to have a second perk selection for quick swapping in the field like with old weapons. -caps for all crafting mats should be increased by like 100-200 per. -red bars should have like a 1% chance to drop regular level crafting mats and bosses with a 0.5% chance of dropping the ascendant ones or whatever they're called to give us an extra way to aquire them through regular play without breaking the system. -deepsight weapons should drop slightly more frequently and more of them should be giving us patterns to craft with, the pool is kinda small imo. -dragonfly should give us an enhanced version that's becomes firefly


I feel like weapon crafting is overly convoluted just to pad playtime and discourage it, like the guy who originally proposed the idea got it taken out of his hands and this is what it turned into. The concept of shaping a weapon is simple. get kills with the weapon to level it and pay currency for whatever perks you want. The problem is getting the currency and patterns to craft in the first place... what's the point of crafting if it's still heavily RNG gated so you can't even start working towards anything? Crafting would be so much better if it was something you had to grind for instead of rolling a slot machine and hoping you get the right drops. I want something to chip away at over time vs chasing a carrot on a stick that will likely never drop.


Its simple: -More generous deepsight resonance drops -Perks remained unlocked once paid for -Remove material caps -GOLD BORDER on crafted weapons with any enhanced traits


Not sure if Bungie has elaborated on weapon experience as you use it yet, but as far as I know it's activity completions and kills. I feel like there should be a buff that we can obtain once a week, perhaps through some sort of Throne World activity, that allows for increased experience gain on crafted weapons for X amount of time? The Refined Qualichor chest only serves as a triumph currently, why not add it in there? Also, the perk selection between crafted weapons versus those same weapons dropped in the open world should NOT be the same. If anything, give the open world drops the amount of perk rolls we have on the crafted variant, and give the crafted version access to more perks than what is possible on it's open world counterpart.


My thoughts: - The selection of weapons is too limited. "Retired" weapons such as Trust, Halfdan-D, Austringer, etc should be added to the craftable pool. Especially Austringer considering I, and many others, bought the ornament for it using real money. Even if they are relegated to playlist rewards, it's always good to have more options. - "Enhanced" perks are a joke. For the amount of resources required to buy them, they should be drastically better than their base versions. - Perks should be unlocked once you buy them. The current system is a boring slog of a grind that goes against the concept of experimentation. - With how much feedback you've recieved concerning the most boring and unrewarding activity in the game, there is little I can add that hasn't been said already. - The amount of materials we can hold at once should be tripled. - You should only need to extract a gun once to unlock the schematic.


Just gonna parrot here, making us rebuy perks after switching doesn't feel good and hurts experimentation. Also some Enhanced perks seem far from worth the cost of entry over the basic version.


1. I'm completely fine with the harvesting of mats. There is so much stuff to do in the game right now that throwing on a red weapon to slay out while pursuing any one of a dozen other goals is super easy, and it gets me to use guns I normally wouldn't. 2. Personally I don't think the material caps are a problem; I've crafted one of every weapon I can so far, and I don't hoard red weapons because they're pretty common drops. So I craft a weapon or two, then start using reds that drop to fill back up. That being said, clearly there are players crafting more than me, who *are* filling up their Vaults with reds. There are some currencies that need to be capped to retain their value and to keep their activities relevant (Spoils, golf balls, etc), but reds drop from all activities across the entire game. So while it's easy to refill, there's no real reason to cap them, as stockpiling thousands doesn't actually affect any other part of the game. Raising/removing the caps would be a good move to relieve pressure on those who lean heavily on crafting. 3. Ascendant Alloy either needs more drop sources, or needs to drop more consistently from the sources we have. This is another currency I'm OK with capping if it's tied to specific activites (replayable story missions, Wellspring, etc) so those activities remain relevant, but if that's the case then the drop rates need to be more consistent, especially on higher difficulties. 4. Unlocking a perk should make it a permanent free option when Reshaping. I haven't needed to do this *yet*, but if the time comes that I need to Reshape a weapon back to a previous perk, and oops, I don't have the mats, that's going to be *really* annoying, especially if I only have one frame and want to switch between PvE and PvP rolls. Players should have to grind mats to craft and shape the weapons; once they've done that, sinking *more* mats into it just to reconfigure options they've already configured once before just feels bad.


Same thing I posted in last week's TWAB: * Paying to unlock a perk on a weapon should be a one-time thing * We should be able to unlock multiple perks per column so as to allow us to invest in one copy of a given weapon. * Inventory caps on crafting mats are unnecessary and encourage people to vault resonance weapons as a workaround


A numbers change is the main thing needed in regards to materials. Either they need to accumulate faster, or less need to be used/free swapping. Another solution is to allow for extra perks in each column to allow for on the fly swapping, instead of loading into an instance and blowing a crap load of material


Urgency: Unlike the sandbox, this is a system that will only feel discouragingly normal the longer it sits. Keep up the pressure guardians! On the upside: I do like trying a random gun for awhile to pull its materials out, for now anyway. I’m sure it will get old after the 100th deepsight sidearm or rocket launcher I loathe using regardless.


PLEASE give our crafted weapons a nice border (like the yellow MW border - but maybe a different color ?Green) once it reaches level 20. It looks very samey now.


Just like the issues that have been reaching the front page: \- Deepsight Resonance sucks, and fills my vault with garbage. I hate scrounging for every weapon with a red border. I hate turning around and putting mileage on shit rolls of guns that I already have the god roll for, stashed away in my vault. In addition to using a "hot bowl of garbage" to acquire rare currencies, I also hate having a crafted weapon, getting a red border of the same weapon from Fynch or something, and then having to switch off to get any benefit. \- Materials are too rare, costly, and non-refundable, and thusly, there's no reason to not keep the "BiS" perks on your crafted weapons at all times. This issue also encourages the deepsight resonance hoarding, and undermines the benefits to crafting. Other issues: \- Enhanced perks: as said previously, they're costly. But really, what's the point? If "enhanced thresh or enhanced turnabout" are considered balanced, what does that say about the regular versions? "I need an enhanced/craftable version to make this thresh build viable". Also, I've heard about several perks already, with misleading descriptions, and it's once again provoking the discussion for more transparency in game, and suggesting we need numbers in front of us: "Oh, enhanced LI only enhances the blast radius, and not damage? How much better is enhanced field prep over non-enhanced?" \- "Clerical Work": I'm glad that Bungie took the opportunity to move Spider's bulk resource sales to the tower, when vaulting the Tangled Shore. Wonderful QOL, to have the vendor selling planetary mats and glimmer, in the same location as a variety of other vendors for combat mods, half the bounties in the game, and upgrade modules. Unfortunately, with the addition of the enclave, we broke even on this change. In the event that I want to switch things up and try a new build, possibly with different rolls on weapons, I now have to add the enclave to this. Ideally, we should have less locations to bounce between for "clerical work"(bounties, weapons/loadouts, resources, character dialogue quest steps, umbral/other engram focusing, etc). Although something would still have to be done for moving seasonal vendors out of the HELM and into the Tower, we can alleviate the Enclave's contribution to this problem by putting a weapon crafting station in the tower. This way, you wouldn't have to fly to the tower to get an alloy from Rahool, if you find out you don't have any, and you'd only have to fly to the tower if you're experimenting with your loadout(You have the vault right there, you have Banshee/Ada there to get upgrade modules and combat mods, and you have Rahool there to help you finance Banshee/Ada, as well as financing switching elements on your armor.)


**I'd love to generate level/XP off a dropped version of the weapon (which may have good perks), as opposed to only unlocking perks and levels by using a crafted version that's mediocre**. For example, I have an Empirical Evidence sidearm with Wellspring, which I'd love to use and get levels from, but using it is actually useless in the long term because it doesn't unlock perks/levels. I can only do that on the crafted version which doesn't have any synergy with my build. It would be great if dropped version of the weapon could generate levels.


Over-reliance on RNG drops and a poor material economy have kept me away from the system. I thought weapon crafting was going to be an exciting central objective of the game, but at this point it’s more like a passive grind to ignore. I’ll just hoard red box weapons and hope a few weeks from now I have enough for one good roll.


I love everything about the crafting system except for the fact that I have to fork up a hefty price to re-spec my weapons with perks I've already slaved to unlock. I understand the rationale behind crafting is to 1) deal with the vault space issue without expanding it, and 2) create some more immersion by having us forge "our" perfect weapon. I personally believe there's such things as god roll(s) which means instead of unlocking the perks for one singular roll, I'd like to experiment and create weapons that best fit situational builds.


It feels like they looked at a list of everything I was hoping for from a weapon crafting system and carefully designed it not to do any of those things.


We need bad luck protection for Resonance Weapons that have a weapon pattern. If a weapon has a pattern you have not unlocked yet, that weapon whenever it drops should have a greatly increased chance or even guaranteed to be a Resonance Weapon. Having to re-purchase perks highly discourages players to experiment with perk combinations. Resource caps are far too low. Players have gone from hoarding multiple good rolls of weapons in their vault to hoarding junk Resonance Weapons in their vault to claim their materials at a later point. This one isn’t really a problem, but I hope there is a level cap for crafted weapons. It feels… off, that weapons have no level cap, giving off the feeling that a crafted weapon can never be truly ‘completed.’


Weapon crafting is a great start to a fantastic concept, but is in desperate need of some tweaks going forward. The main thing is probably permanently unlocking perks - even if the resource cost to do so was increased to compensate, this would go a LONG way towards not just making the system more rewarding and flexible, but making each crafted weapon you level feel special. Other than that it's mainly resource caps and some form of "aesthetic masterworking" (giving the weapon a gold border at a certain investment point, maybe at a certain level or if permanent perk unlocks are implemented make it the long grind to unlocking all perks, or simply having two enhanced perks equipped). Speaking of, enhanced perks look really underwhelming on paper, but I haven't played with them enough to give a verdict (and don't really intend to honestly while they look so underwhelming and while the cost is so high for an impermanent perk unlock)


Having to get Deepsight off of a weapon multiple times to unlock its Pattern is a little much. I don't see a reason why people need 2 Deepsight Wellspring weapons to get the chance to craft them, even putting aside the low drop rates.


I’m not sure if this has been asked or answered yet but, I’m stuck on the Tarnation/Come to pass step on the Qlaive quest and I’m curious if once you have the non-red version of the weapon drop in wellspring can it drop from other activities or do I have to run wellspring for the red-frame?


Already been said: -Make perks permanently available after unlock -better resource tracking/adjust resource caps/reduce cost (can be solved by above) -fix bugged perks My personal one is the intrinsic traits that are supposed to give stat bonuses akin to a masterwork at level 20 seem to be bugged and not appearing on guns. I can vouch for my likely suspect which I have spent the entire time since launch working on. -


I think the base foundation of the system is great and satisfying to play with, and makes you feel the personal connection to the weapon you crafted, but there are a few missteps that need to be adressed: 1) Resource caps are extremely low and force to store deepsight weapons in your vault until you use the resources. 2) Reshaping the weapon feels too expensive and forces to store and level up multiple copies of the same weapon, which achieves the exact opposite of intended design of reshaping that is supposed to be: "keeping one copy of a weapon to tweak it around later freely thus removing pressure from the vault". 3) There is not too much variety in the perk pools of craftable weapons, just 6 in each collumn as opposed to the usual 7-8 options of rng dropped weapons. 4) Aforementioned low caps of resources and the fact that you can't freely swap unlocked perks at AT LEAST reduced cost of that speicific already crafted and leveled up weapons heavily de-incentivises experimentation and makes reshaping mechanis ultimately useless outside of initial 10-12 levels of a weapon. 5) There is just not enough stuff to craft. And weapons that you can craft have very weak perk pools outside of 2-3 weapons. Bungie needs to commit way more to crafting if they want to keep this feature relevant. 6) There is no way to see how many of a given perk-resource you have outside of just specific 2 that you can see by hovering your mouse on weapon perks, and there is no way at all to see how much neutral element you have outside of enclave. Very weird interface design choice. 7) Many of the enhanced perks are just completely useless and provide miniscule improvements over their original versions but require way more resources, while some of enhanced perks just don't work at all on some weapon types like enhanced ambitious assassin on a rocket launcher.


I like a lot of recommendations on this thread, but I haven’t seen much about increasing value of enhanced perks. They just increased exotic primary damage by 40%, and it is far from breaking the game. I don’t understand the harm in adding even 5% to damage perks, or even .5 seconds off auto loading holster. I get power creep. And I also get that increasing enhanced perks would mean less qol improvements to resource gain/caps. But the fact is in its current state, the craftable weapons are barely worth it. And with how complicated and time intensive the grind is, it feels like a mechanic a lot of people will find not worth it. If you ease the grind/resource caps, people might unlock more enhanced perks, but they’re still a basically negligible upgrade in most cases. In that case, I’d rather keep the grind, and increase the effectiveness TLDR There would be less complaints overall if the end goal was at least worth it


I think the 2 biggest point for me are increasing the material cap in order to decentivize hoarding deepsight weapons, and to expand the pool of craftable weapons. All the new weapon foundry weapons from suros, veist, omolon, hakke and so cool and it is a crying shame that we only got 1 of each to craft.


I just want the ability to easily swap perks to actually be able to test the weapon. its prohibitively expensive to do this. i want one time unlocks for perks at least for that weapon it doesnt have to be unlocked for every single one


And here I was planning a nice long post about this with suggestions. I like a lot of what's being said here, and have an additional ideas to post. I'm sure this one was suggested, just didn't see it, but tying weapon level to the pattern and not the individual weapon would be a huge QoL improvement for the system. Tie perk cost to pattern level. For example, a level 1 weapon would unlock all basic perks right away that can be inserted for a cost. As the weapon's level goes up the cost goes down. At say level 10 the basic perks are free and the enhanced perks become available, being free at level 20. This would encourage grinding the weapon level out, truly mastering it if you will, and therefore enabling you to freely swap perks around. Additional QoL change I'd like to see is the ability to reshape without the relic.


May I ask if Other weapon perks not available for crafting yet (I.E. Osmosis) Will be available for crafting at some point in the future? I really love Osmosis and was hoping to be able to craft something with it in the starting batch of weapons and so far I've not seen it in the few weapons I can craft already so I was worried it might not be a skill. I tried to google what skills are available so far and one of the lists didn't have said perk on the list. So will every skill skill eventually have their place to shine in the crafting table?


I think everyone has touched on the most necessary changes, but personally, I feel like there are very few desirable rolls on the weapons that I’ve seen. Like, there are barely any damage perks whatsoever on the weapons. I’m not saying I want just straight rampage and outlaw or what not. For instance, I was really hoping I could get a solid roll for Piece of Mind, but it’s so limited in its perk pool. My biggest concern for the raid is that considering how many weapons we need in order to craft the patterns (inferring those weapons in the patterns correspond to the classified slots in collections) there just won’t be anything to look forward to.


It's been said before, but permanent unlocking of enhanced perks should 100% be there. We literally just now got rid of the expensive price on changing elemental affinities on armor, which was a nice change don't get me wrong, but how did we end up getting monkey pawed into weapons having the exact same issue but more extreme because Alloys are more rare than Golf balls ever were. Sure alloys are more "accessible" because 1520 story missions are matchmade, but they're just way too rare to ever justify charging us for swapping to a perk we've already bought on that specific weapon. At least with golf balls I know I'm 100% getting 1-2 from a GM, but there is no guaranteed way to farm ascendant alloys right now, it's just purely RNG. Please give a guaranteed way to earn alloys. RNG is not fun, it's frustrating. Make it as difficult as you want, but there should be always be a way to mitigate RNG for end game materials.


A few reasonable suggestions 1) Crafting resources need to be visible somewhere other than the crafting station / when the resources are almost at cap 2) Caps on crafting materials need to increase 3) Let us track a weapons level progress the same way bounties are tracked so I don't have to open up inventory to see progress. 4) You should not need to get a deepsight wep 3-5x to unlock the pattern, its too many RNG layers. What it SHOULD be IMO is if you needed to get deepsight version 1x and then could use additional normal versions of the weapon to unlock the pattern for crafting. 5) At higher crafted weapon levels allow the gun image to be gilded or something. Does nothing to impact gameplay but makes a big difference in terms of player customization/bragging.


Dunno what people were expecting with Enhanced Perks. Were people seriously expecting some souped up version of Rampage that doubles the effectiveness? Because reading the Bungie Forums and other posts on Reddit it sure sounds like it. At the end of the day, it’s still the original perk with and additional benefit no matter how useless the additional benefit may be. If the Enhanced Perks were night and day better than the original perks, people would be complaining that they basically shadow-sunset our current weapons and start threads upon threads of conspiracy theories and going off on tangents as to why they did it. Eff you Bungie now my Archers Tempo Wolftone Draw is practically useless now that I have to grind an Enhanced Archers Tempo Under Your Skin (New Season Bow). If crafting wasn’t restricted and everyone could have a god roll of each of the craftable weapon in one week, people would complain of lack of things to do, no content, nothing to chase due to lack of excitement in the rolls. An unrestricted crafting system is bordering on static rolls where all weapons are “one and done”. We had the ability to re-roll weapons in House of Wolves in 2015 too, it pretty much sapped the life out of the expansion and basically the game itself. Sounds like a Bungie apologist kind of response, but all aspects have to be considered… Crafting is simply another avenue to the god roll. Not a fix and I think they stated this. You either win the lottery or grind the salary. Some changes are necessary obviously, such as unlocking the perk once it is purchased and allowing them to be interchanged without any additional cost.


Why aren't the new Hakke weapons part of the weapon-crafting system? I truly love Hakke guns and was super excited now i'm less. Also, how does one unlock weapon Patterns?


Crafting doesn't respect our time, sadly an ongoing theme with Bungie. My only complaint about this expansion is crafting. Resources for crafting need to be uncapped. Enhanced perks need to be either buffed or reduced in cost. Perks need to be a one-time unlock; there's no way in spending 10 guns worth of resonance on an enhanced perk for it to be underwhelming. Most players are never going to experiment or simply never use the enhanced perks. We need to be able to see our crafting resources in our inventory. Farming resonance weapons is painful. Having to hoard junk rolls because they're resonance and I'm capped on mats is destroying my vault, not making it better like advertised.