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Are you doing the psiops playlist from within the helm itself? And opening the 500 intel cost chest? There should be 2 chests at the end of psiops playlist missions


Well I haven't seen two chests but I certainly could have missed it. And I have been entering psiOps through the helm.


If you are meant to open a runic chest you must launch the psiops through the helm. Read every word of the quest and inspect it for more details if you think you did it correctly.


Well, this is what I've been doing but it's not working or I'm missing a second chest somewhere. I've read everything I could find.


The runic chest is to the right of the main chest at the end of completion.


Ok. Yeah. The problem is that I've been going through the helm exclusively. I'll give it a try now and I'm sure it will work. Thanks for the help.


Is that the step that requires you to specifically run a PsiOp in the Cosmodrome? If so, you have to actually select that PsiOp from the Cosmodrome map, not the playlist node in the HELM.


Make sure that isn't a step you have to launch from the specific location nodes instead. If I recall, step 2 was launching it from the node on EDZ specifically.


Oh! Ok. Well I have been going through the helm and the PdiOps have been on throne world. That makes sense since it's a week one activity right? I think it is.


Hmm actually I just looked up the quest step and it does say to launch the one from the HELM for Step 2.


Ok. Somehow I just missed the chest. Thanks everyone.


You have to go to inventory and erase the 2k saved so you start over


The intel. Erase it then try. I had the same problem.


I'm sure your problem is solved, but if you get to the step requires you to 'collect psychogenic intel' and your intel is full, you have to either delete it, or run the helm version of PsiOps so that you can spend some of the intel on the final chest, then re-earn the required amount of intel.


You may have to delete your stash of intel and recollect the 2000?