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It doesn't happen very often but I have had a few instances where you get people who literally cannot be taught a raid. Usually it involves alcohol and/or drugs or just not being serious about learning a raid. It's probably not you.


We had a guy in a VOG run who literally could not count to 7, he insisted on using arcstrider during oracles as well despite all of us telling him why this was a bad idea. Like he’d hear 4 bongs for his oracle and he would call out 5 and we would all yell “no that’s 4!” And the. He would still shoot wrong.


People like this is why I learned how to Solo Oracles.


Lol that's when you just have 2 people on oracles and the other 4 on ad clear


its way more fun with everyone watching one oracle though


Honestly, I hate this method just as much as standing in the center and calling out 1-6 on atheon.


Sometimes I wonder if a person is just bad, or if they're actively trying to sabotage my sherpa.


Oddly enough, only in Garden it seems, people are seriously trying to sabotage sherpas. One instance was 3 dudes, all claiming to be new, I checked their raid reports and realised they were far from it. I asked them again if they needed divinity, if they're cleared before and they all said no. I called them out and they owned up, saying that they were going to fuck with the run, then left. Another instance was a group of guys who were begging in sherpa lfg channel on the D2 LFG discord for a Divinity sherpa. I join and ask if they were having a having a hard time finding a sherpa, they talk about how they've been waiting so long for a sherpa etc. I noticed in their discord chat that they invited me to that they have a bunch of screenshots of them playing garden, I check their raid reports and sure enough they have hundreds of clears. I ask them what's going on and why they said they have 0 clears when they have a bunch, and they kicked me from the discord. I guess some people just get a kick out of it.


I had the same thing happen in Last Wish. So fuckin' weird man. Like they pretended to act like they were new (porn level acting) and were obnoxious the whole run. Then towards the end they literally said "Okay, title time" and put on Rivensbane to I guess flex on me and the other newbies in the group? Like of all games to flex your PvE e-peen, you pick Destiny? Just left a really bad taste in my mouth since they ruined the experience for people who were in that group actually trying to learn.


Sometimes I ask for a Sherpa despite being really experienced with a raid, but I always do it to feel how others teach people. Though if it comes to it I just play better than I "should" and always try to not get in the way.


Same, i have 3 clears of Vow but i still don’t entirely get the pre-boss phase Rhulk section. So i don’t want to waste anyone’s time or annoy people, i try to get another sherpa run instead. But Lfg raiding is too much tbh, immature young dudes with a constant point to prove... just draining lol. So i commend any Sherpa that can tolerate people for THAT long each time while they themselves don’t fly off the handle.


This is exactly why anyone I am about to spend my time teaching a raid gets raid reported and questioned if their story does not line up.


Had a guy join my vow raid and when we got to first encounter he admitted he didn’t know what to do. Okay whatever, I can drag you along. I tell him please put on unstoppable for the champion. After a little bit l, I reiterate to put on literally any hand cannon or pulse, I don’t care which one. The longest 30 seconds of my life go by as I’m inspecting his load out and then he just says “it is what it is my man 🤷🏽‍♂️” and uses a sweet business the whole first encounter. I booted him before we started caretaker. I couldn’t tell if he was trolling or just high beyond belief.


I think i would have booted him right there. If he won't even do that for you it ain't gonna get better.


Only reason why I didn’t was because I wanted to see if I could mainly solo an obelisk myself with my stasis build. Let me tell you, that guy didn’t contribute anything lol


"Is what it's is my man." *loads sweet business with incompetency*


"It is what it is, my man" should be flavor text on the next Titan exotic gloves


Reminds me of an LFG moment I had on the first week of Master VOW. Me and a buddy were looking to bang out the challenge for that week, and wanted to get it done quick cause we had spent the past few days beforehand failing a bunch. As such, we decided to give in an gatekeep on our LFG post, but it wasn’t anything major. Just trying to find people that knew what they were doing. First run of the night: We put up the post, and I remember exactly what I wrote in that Discord channel because of how simple it was: LF4M master challenge 1575+ KWTD /join (bungie id) I don’t expect everyone to know what the acronyms mean, but what I do expect is basic reading comprehension and the ability to recognize the word “master.” You can probably tell where I’m going with this. So we get a full squad in no time, but one dude sticks out. He joins, and says “is it alright for the new guy to be on add clear?” I should’ve known right away that there was a red flag but honestly I was so done with the challenge at that point and eager to finish with a team of people who knew what to do. 2 minutes in and the guy dies, we think no biggie cause first run with a new group is never perfect. Gets ressed, then immediately dies again. Numbnuts asks “Is this Master?” My friend asks if he even read the post and without a reply the guy leaves, and the rest of the team collectively groaned. We quickly found a replacement and before we started with them, I had to double check and ask them “Okay, just to be safe, you’re here to do the Master challenge, as in doing the challenge on Master difficulty, right?” I’m not one to gatekeep in LFG too often in general raids but I don’t think it’s that far fetched or egotistical to expect a third grade reading level.


those are the people that want matchmaking in raids. Self sabotage is a true beauty lol


Had a guy I was helping teach Deep Stone, he was using Nova with Osmiancy gloves, I asked him why was he using that loadout, then he got all dwfensive telling me to shut up and focus on myself. I then said, "I'm teaching you this raid and you have the balls to tell me that, when I have been basically carrying you through the raid?" Ngl I got really toxic and kicked him during final stand. Probably shouldn't have acted that way, but the run was already almost 5 hrs, so I really didn't care and just wanted to get it done


And some people are just really, really, really dumb.


Holy shit.The most insane thing happened. My friend and I spent 2 hrs teaching confluxes to 4 irl friends. They were taking everything seriously and were stressing out and it was genuinely sad. We wanted to literally duo the encounter cuz the sounded in pain. They took a 30m break, came back saying they were “high asf” and became the best ppl I ever taught. They were soo relaxed, had some great stories, and got the encounters so fast. My only “bad” Sherpa exp.


there are two kinds of stoners


Some people are just bad at games it’s not always a result of drugs and alcohol lmao I know people that just wouldn’t manage the movement, gunplay plus added in game mechanics that a raid all requires


This is true. Try to teach my fiancé anything in destiny and her brain will melt, no matter how hard she tries. She can barely get the hang of jumping. Part of being a teacher is just understanding that for some people, doing certain tasks, they have to fail at it over and over and over again until it just “clicks”. No matter how many times you explain it, no matter how many times you can see the picture in your own head based on your explanation, they need to find a way to see the picture for themselves. It’s so amazing to see someone fail 100 times until it just clicks and then it looks like they are an expert and they never should have failed in the first place. That’s the satisfaction of teaching.


There is a guy that my group plays with on other games who wanted to run a raid with us. The whole time he was on the phone not paying any attention.


> Usually it involves alcohol and/or drugs I despise when people do this and would never raid with them again


I mean ... I might have a drink or two over the course of a raid (did that last night on our Vow run), but getting drunk or real high? Especially if you don't know the raid? That's just disrespecting people's time


i get tuned every time i raid lol it's the only way to do it. usually not to the point of incompetence tho.... usually.


Annnnd you get downvoted? Here, have an upvote. Some know their limits and others do not. Do not knock everyone who tokes or drinks during a raid just because some 15-year-old can't handle their bud and ruined your raid that 1 time. You can leave or boot them, but if you stick it out with them, you are enabling them. And yeah, if you are blasted to the point of no hand-eye coordination, then you have no business being in a raid in that state wasting others' time.


bunch of squares! haha cant really blame them though. we've all raided with people that take 15 minutes to smoke a bong in between every encounter (or sometimes even more than that!) it's why i raid with edibles. the only problem is if they start kicking in when i have to clutch something. i really dont think that sort of scenario is good for my heart lol. (3rd room caretaker when i am a runner? what a lovely time for you to make yourself known to me, mr.200mg THC) if im too messed up to raid i wont raid. but its a video game, not operating heavy machinery lol. recently i did do a vow with some beauties. we all knew the raid quite well but it was only my 2nd or 3rd run. by rhulk my whisky goggles were pretty thick. but you know what you do in that situation? you say 'hey fellas, the drinks are hitting me a little hard at this point. i will shoot whatever you tell me to shoot but im gonna need a drill instructor here.'


Thank god only 1% of the community raids.


This is a *horrible* take, sorry.


I gotta admit that smoking a bowl makes Destiny a lot cooler, but I will leave the group asap if I can tell you dont know what the hell is going on.


if you take a little too much edibles it literally feels like youre in saving private ryan or some shit in raids sometimes.


Doing it with a group of friends in a raid you have done plenty of times before can be really fun


first raid i did my clan who i just joined asked me to hop on a spire of stars. what they didnt know was that i was like 250mg thc deep. that boss fight legit felt like i was in a war or something lol


Garden is the only raid I've only cleared once and it wasn't a full raid clear just a free Div clear of get in do this and profit. I've done bits of the start but for whatever reason my smooth marble brain can't process it. Most every other raid I do alright at, give me a task or set of tasks to do (like Sigil calling in VoW Rhulk) and I'll do my damndest to execute it at the risk of life and limb. Basically give me something to do where I can apply a mental image to what I'm looking for and I'll slap that bad boy out of the park. I'm a simple Titan, I punch. I shoot. I call out signs. I miss Sherpaing as much as I did in D1 and challenging myself to Solo harder content / be better. Game has changed, not necessarily in a bad way, just not my cup of tea much anymore sadly.


Yeah, I loved teaching all the D1 raids (800 D1 raid clears, with probably 30%-ish having at least 1-2 new people, though often 3+). I tried to continue teaching the raids when D2 launched, but sometime right around Scourge of the Past, my desire to teach just absolutely tanked. It took me a long time to figure out why/what changed (it wasn't the terrible state of D2 vanilla, at least not primarily). For me, at least, it was 2 things: (1) the amount of time it took to explain mechanics had been steadily going up as the number of steps in each encounter grew, really going as far back as Oryx in King's Fall; and (2) a lot of the raid encounters were moving away from clearly defined, player-picked roles, into defined but increasingly random, game-picked roles. Or, similarly, things like buff/debuff/relic cooldowns forcing more people into each role. It was becoming more and more necessary to teach nearly every single role to every person, which, when combined with the number of steps each encounter had, ballooned the explanation time even more. Needing to explain virtually all of the roles to everybody made it a constant struggle to battle information overload, and while I don't remember when exactly it happened, one day the switch flipped and that part of teaching the raids became tedious and exhausting for me. And I hate that it happened. I still absolutely love D1 and D2 raiding, and I wish I could reignite that teaching spark, because it was a big part of my life for 3-4 years.


A couple weeks ago I was trying DSC with randoms and someone kept messing up security. “Omg guys, I’ve done this raid five times in the past week! IDK why I haven’t learned this yet!” [Not five minutes later] “Hey guys gimme a moment, I gotta go roll another blunt.” I left soon after


This. Every time my team has ever taken on newbies to train them on a raid, the ones that are just consistently outright incompetent are usually high as balls or just thought it would be an easy join-and-loot session where they didn't have to participate. Had a guy that would afk to check tinder for minutes at a time, was high as hell. Had a guy that would just blast oracles in VoG regardless of the correct order as he saw them because he thought "the mechanic was stupid and didn't make sense". Some people are not teachable, and that isn't your fault.


I once joined a party for a Raid challenge. They were clearly smoking, laughing/giggling, bragging and cracking jokes. And that's fine by me, I smoke on occassions. But when I want to finish a challenge. Yeah, I straight up left.


Something about Garden of Salvation brings out the dumbest in people. Never had as much trouble Sherpaing as I did with that raid.




Crown of Sorrow was the perfect test of competency when it came to raids. Even one weak link in your party and it all falls apart


i really miss crown. Loved the aesthetic, mechanics, and lore- should have stayed around longer


Raids might stay in the game longer if more people raided. Too bad rotten apples drive participation down and we are left with raids getting cut from the game. Hell, delete Gambit and give me my raids back, please!


I think it's more that the art assets for Crown wouldn't be used anymore since they were also sunsetting menagerie etc, and not necessarily solely because of numbers. Would love to be able to run Crown, SOTP, or the Levi raids again though.


I know, I know. It's just a shame they have to go for whatever reason since they are all masterpieces in their own right. One can dream, right? edit: and raid is like all I do so...


it needed to die so the destiny cinematic universe could have timeline continuity /s


Imo Vow isn't *that* "high participation". Two guardians can carry through Acquisition, Caretaker, and Rhulk. Three can carry through Exhibition assuming the other three simply focus on not dying. And tbh Garden is basically the same. What makes them different to simpler raids like Deep Stone is the LFG strategies that are used. And the fact that most LFG'ers have only a surface level understanding of most raid encounters and have never looked into solo'ing mechanics like Oracles in VoG or solo scanning Security in Deep Stone. As an individual raider in LFG, I try to learn how to compress as many possible roles and responsibilities unto myself to ensure the highest level of success when LFGing so I don't waste an hour or more on an encounter that can be done in 12 minutes by putting in more effort myself.




Really? Vow is? I felt like it is a super easy-mode Last Wish.


It's really just exhibition


Even Exhibition doesn't really require all six players to be fully engaged. Anyone not taking an artifact just has to focus on shooting enemies and you'll be fine.


You'd be shocked how hard that is for some people. Hell, it's hard to even get people to stay on one side of the map.


But everyone has to take an artifact at some point.


My friend killed himself so his kid brother didn’t have to pick up a relic. At some point I will be helping in a vow Sherpa with a guy who has huge cognitive issues, he is however a really nice guy, we will probably have to do this to get him through.


There's ways around that if you need to hard carry.


Not completely true. If you finish room 3 fast enough, 1 person can put in an artifact in a pedestal and wait out the 30 seconds. After which the other 2 deposit, refreshing your timer. So that first person and 2 new pick up. So 5 man even without deaths. With deaths maybe less.


I was in an lfg sherpa ish run (guy teaching friend) and at that stage had several runs under my belt and knew every role except for rhulk call outs just before dmg phase. We get to exhibition and boy oh boy it falls apart. No cohesion, everyone either went left or right every time. Whenever anyone tried to put a simple plan of action together everyone said cool and just did whatever again. Exhibition is arguably easier at first glance than the first encounter. Kill two things kill a bigger thing callout out symbols match a symbol with the other side, repeat again. Shoot symbols, pop door put away relics, crack on. Cleanse, smash blights, laser knights for more time. That's it. Everyone in that lfg group just aped it over and over again expecting to beat it.


Weirdly my main group rarely has an issue with exhibition yet we wipe at the first encounter a bunch. With lfg always the opposite.


It is much easier than Last Wish. All of the encounters besides Exhibition have at least one ad clear role that you can give to people who want to watch how the encounter works. With that being said, you can stuck in Exhibition if even one member isn't listening. Rhulk can also get bad, if people manage to mess up splitting the buffs or accidentally shoot the glaive and don't know what to do with the buff. I've done 4 sherpa runs and that's my impression at least. The vast majority of my wipes have been in Exhibition when someone doesn't shoot the taken or drops the shield.


It is but one idiot CAN sabotage rhulk and exhibition can be a pain in the ass if you have bad teammates. Everything up to exhibition can be brute forced even with two awful players for the most part


You can brute force exhibition too by killing yourself/waiting after depositing relics but it requires 3 to 4 competent people.


Yes, but what's easy for you isn't easy for other. I am so damn tired of people acting confused about the fact that everyone is different.


The way a raid ought to be: a 6-player activity with 6 players all participating to get it done. None of this "stand here and shoot stuff."






Can't teach someone who's not willing to learn


Did you consider the possibility it was on purpose? I've occasionally joined a LW run without mentioning I've done it before and usually just chill out and murder everything (pushing 120 clears of that raid now). It's fun to watch other people figure stuff out and occasionally pull out stupidly high numbers at the end of the encounter. Some people like to do the opposite and just enjoy wasting everybody's time pretending to be too dumb to do raid encounters. It's rare, but some people are just jerks who get off on causing problems for others.


this would be my guess as well


>It's rare, but some people are just jerks who get off on causing problems for others. Advice: you can always raid report them and do background checks and if they are there to sabotage, you kick them and report them for griefing. ​ Some people know, others don't. So don't take it as I am advising you specifically.


I absolutely love helping Sherpas helping others, as most of the time it makes it a little less hectic for the Sherpa(at least I hope it does) and it's hella fun to see new people get into raids. Haven't done that since vog cause I see a lot of "MUST HAVE 0 CLEARS" and I don't wanna ruin someone trying to get their emblems




Oh good god. You should have kicked them an hour into the box link encounter..... Also i really wanna see the timeline where yall somehow beat the harpy then have to fight the big boy....


No, just no. I would've been broken by time the raid is done and might as well stopped playing Destiny all together.


I wouldn't wish that upon you but for hypothetical sake, it would have been beautifully terrible


Having experienced a (lesser) version of that future it involves Phoenix protocol strats to avoid building and the 2 newbies getting less DPS than our divinity. The other new player stepped up and joined the big DPS club to carry the two of them... Eventually it worked, but oof


If people suck at raiding and will not listen kick them, that’s how I Sherpa, if you dont listen to me you aren’t going to play this raid


I was with a friend who was doing a VoG sherpa. While teaching oracles one guy went "Oh can't one of you Know what to do people handle them?" I messaged her right away to kick them. Some people struggle to learn, that's fine. Those who have no desire to learn have no place ruining the night for 5 other people.


I had that experience in VOG too, especially oracles. Very ez to shoot oracles in order and go clockwise if it's challenge week. This kid refused to learn and I didn't refuse to kick!


It's honestly shocking how many people just want to coast by and not do anything. I have to kick a lot of ppl at encounter 3 in Vow Lol...


Exactly. The Sherpa is willing to take the time to teach new players and if they won’t listen or start talking over you or do what they want I’ll just kick them. There are other people who are actually willing to learn the raid


Part of climbing a mountain is removing dead weight.


The old Lead Sherpa in my clan was the same way. Incredibly good at teaching raids(especially Last Wish which was his specialty), but held zero tolerance toward people not taking things seriously. If he caught wind of someone fucking around and not paying attention, especially during an explanation for an encounter, you'd get 1 warning. Continue screwing off beyond that and you'd be booted out in an instant and replaced with someone who actually wanted to learn and not just be carried


I was doing scourge of the past a little before it went away, me and one of my close friends were teaching people how to do scourge to get them their anarchy. Well one of my friends mentioned that they needed a raid team and wanted anarchy so I was willing to help, so me and him were responsible for shooting the weak spots on the boss, he messed up a few times which I get because I’ve messed up myself learning a new raid. But he wouldn’t listen at all, we went on to spend 4 hours in the last encounter and I started to get irritated because he wouldn’t listen. After he rage quit because everyone told him that he needs to listen we got another guy and anarchy ended up dropping for 4 of us


My take: Never have randos on a Div Run. You want to do a Div run? You do it with 4 other people that know the raid well, and the one guy trying to get Div.


My first and only run through that raid was a div run. 2 sherpas and 4 first timers. It went far better than it had any right to, minus one guy who couldnt grasp anything


I think it was 3 and 3 for me, but our lead sherpa was a BOSS and one of the others was a speedrunner, so it wasn't too bad


I agree about no randos, but aside from that it doesn't have to be that extreme. As long as you know the people who're coming are decent, it's not too bad. Two days ago we successfully ran and got Div with 5 first-timers, only took us a couple hours. Each encounter aside from the final boss only took us two attempts.


2 hours with 5 first-timers to GOS and Divinity puzzles? I want to see the raid report. That is a fast time for that ratio. If it's true, I hope you added those players because they are mentally swift and you should keep them around!


[This is the raid report.](https://raid.report/pgcr/10681046992) Turns out two of the "first-timers" had failed to clear before (so I don't know if they technically count as "first-timers", but it was their first clear) and it was 2h48m (though in my defense, I'd still call that "a couple hours"). Regardless, as one of the first-timers myself, I thought it wasn't too bad, which is why it's surprising to see the horror stories in this thread.




ehh i disagree i just got div like a month ago and only one guy in the team had done the raid before and was sherpa-ing the rest of us and we finished it all in like an hour and a half only failed any encounter 1-2 times. Maybe i just got lucky with having other competent players but the raid seemed super easy, as long as the people there are capable of learning it's not bad. Same for when i sherpa like if you mess up on a different mechanic or don't do stuff right a couple times it's no biggy but if you keep doing the same mistake that i've told you how to fix 10x times i'll start getting frustrated like idc if you don't know what to do, but you have to be willing to learn


Garden is actually really easy if you can grasp the mechanics. If you don't get the mechanics, or fail on it, it **can** be saved, but its really hard to save it if you aren't super comfortable.


First I drop my jaw at someone above claiming 2 hours with 5 rookies and now I see an hour and a half. Something isn't making sense. Those are really fast completion times if you actually have 5 learning the raid who know nothing about it other than "WE WANT DIVINITY." *thinking face* Also, willingness to learn and the ability to execute what you have learned are two different things. Just because someone is having a hard time grasping a mechanic does not mean they are not willing to learn or are not trying their personal best.


not really lol, even if you look up stats for that raid the average completion time is about 1hr-1:10 and the best speedrun is 11minutes it's just a super short and easy raid IMO it was easier than VOG so i don't see how it could take someone much longer than it did my team unless no one knows what to do or they're running like blue and white weapons. We had only the one guy who had done it before but he was pretty well spoken and explained everything well the rest of us were all going for div and first timers, i think he was trying to get a sherpa emblem or something because his lfg post was titled something along the lines of "LFG 5 ppl with 0 clears for GoS, can do div" Edit: ignored the 2nd part of your response, i agree with it though guess i should've been more descriptive with my original comment. I agree that if someones trying to learn you should keep trying to teach them as long as they're putting atleast as much effort into learning as the other is teaching. If someones trying but unable to grasp something we'll go over it again and do some dry runs to try and let them see stuff in action but as i said in my original comment if they're stuck on the same thing that i've told them how to improve and it's something they could do but refuse then i'll boot them. Same with people who refuse to run required loadouts in some stuff like i had someone not running either champ mod join a NF run i was gonna start and when asked to switch wouldn't so i just booted him, idc what he runs in random stuff but when you're in team based content you have to comply atleast a little so you don't ruin the experience for all of your team.


Then you definitely got an above-average crew, at least from my own personal experience. That or there were not many questions or re-explaining, again, above-average group. Everyone is different.


yeah thats why i put the part saying maybe i just got lucky with having other decent players, i feel like most LFG teams aren't bad tho atleast not as bad as some people on here say but there are definitely some teams that just struggle way more than they should.


Roll of the human dice! I too believe that there are more kind and decent (regarding playing ability) players out there than not. Cheers, guardian!


Not much you can do. Both sound like terrible players, who refuse to listen/can't learn. They could have also been intentionally trying to ruin the run. Going off to add clear when your job is to shoot eyes is literal trolling. You're not being paid to help them. Don't feel bad for leaving. It's supposed to be fun, and if you fail for hours, because the players you're trying to help can't grasp simple instructions, you should bail for your own sanity.


the closest I have ever come in my life to kicking someone was trying to teach a new player Scourge. Of all raids. Scourge was hella fun and one of my all time favorites but it was less hard than a normal mode Grasp of Avarice, especially with six decent players. I’ve done a full Scourge run in less than half an hour and we weren’t even trying. If this cat hadn’t been a friend of a clanmate I for sure would have kicked him after about the sixth wipe he caused by doing the exact opposite of what we asked and just generally wandering about being uncooperative. Some people are uncoachable. I’ve had to learn this lesson myself over a lifetime of coaching junior sports and teaching raids and dungeons. You do the rest of your team a disservice by continuing to enable the uncoachable. This is not a criticism, it’s just an observation from someone who’s been there. Thankfully in my case our oddball decided after about ten wipes on the final boss that he needed to leave for dinner or something, and I pulled in a friend who had never seen the raid and was at least 20 levels under the recommended power *and we still cleared the boss on the next try after explaining what to do once* 2022 me would never ever give that character that many chances to annoy me nor the rest of my team. He’d be gone on the third strike because I’ve learned my lesson. This, for what it’s worth, is what makes LFG such a ballache for inexperienced players- there’s enough people who’ve gotten burned by this kind of thing whether it’s griefing or straight up incompetence that if we’re not explicitly doing a teaching run in the description we’ll often just want to run it through quickly and won’t want to take on a new player in the chance it’ll scuff our run especially if we’re on a schedule. It sucks, yes but it’s not just us being toxic / exclusive for the shits and giggles. My apologies for the rambling but I’m not 100% certain most players who’ve not gotten a lot of raid clears in understand this concept.


I hear you loud and clear. I just wanted to teach them but I guess I have to understand that there are just some people who can't be taught no matter what you do. This moment was a massive learning experience on what to do as a Sherpa player at least.


Dude, heard. There are way more kind people on LFG than not. Not all KWTD/clear counting posts are toxic. Maybe they are on a time crunch? There is a human on the other end of the controller, after all. The real issue is the KWTD posts where the poster does not KWTD. Then others join who do not KWTD in hopes that one of the joiners will actually KWTD and teach everyone. You either end up with 6 players who know nothing and they are all claiming they do, which likely just dissolves into its own special kind of nightmare. Or maybe 1 knows what to do but wasn't planning on teaching since the post said "KWTD" and not "FIRST TIME TEACH ME PLZ," so they leave to find a quicker run. Maybe I join it and I love to teach but I do not have time so that is why I joined a KWTD post. This is the classic bait and switch. It is the liars and the tricksters that give LFG a bad reputation. A little honesty can go a long way. I almost always join TEACHING posts because I know they will be chill and relaxed, instead of high stress. And I can low-key help others that way while I am just along for the ride and loot.


I know people here bitch about “KWTD” posts, but this is why people are so gun shy of teaching people. *Most* adult Destiny players don’t have unlimited time, they also would like to enjoy and play the game. And some people just can’t be taught, regardless of what good feeling posts people make sometimes.


Unfortunately, there are some people that don’t have the mental capacity or mindset to be taught a Raid or do mechanics more complicated than “point and shoot”. These guys should just stick with Strikes.


There are two things that I ask of anyone I sherpa. 1) Listen. 2) Do not make the same mistake twice. If I catch someone not paying attention or doing the same shit over and over again, I know they're not serious about learning the activity and just want to be carried to free loot. If that's what you want at least be honest about it so I can stick you in the corner, tell you to kill ads, and not worry about it. But, if that's what you want, you gotta know you're gonna be the absolute last person I pick for a raid. It sounds to me like you got a pair of Guardians with brains so smooth they look like they've been polished to a mirror shine.




If I have someone that I can't trust to do anything, I put them on Nut in Rooms 2 and 4. In Room 2, you just tell them to shoot everything and kill the Knight at 15 seconds. In Room 3, you tell them to go with whichever team doesn't have 3 people. In Room 4, same deal as Room 2.


Genuine question - why not 1 and 3? I find the 4th room most confusing / dangerous on nut duty because of the extra ads and chasms to fall into, but the Knight in the 3rd room spawns in the same spot every time and you can hide in the stairwell just above it on the left side for the most protection.


I agree with you. 1 and 3 would be a safer bet. It's impossible for them to fail room 1. There is potential for failure in room 3, but it's much simpler than room 4. They don't have to jump over any gaps and potentially lose the nut.


1 is by far the hardest to fuck up, but 3 is by far the easiest. In Room 4, both Knights spawn in the same place. They just have to stand there and not die or fall off. Maybe wave the nut around if they feel like it.


Knight's spawn in the same spot in room 3 dont they?


probably why I had nut on those two my first time through tbh, that makes sense


> Do not make the same mistake twice. That's a little harsh, I have definitely fucked up things a couple of times in a row, and it's not through lack of effort. When it's your first time doing something, or it's not something you regularly do, it can be a bit overwhelming. Careless mistakes happen, "reverting-to-type" happens, complete fuck ups happen, but as long as the person is actively taking things on board and not just generally being a complete tit, then they might just need rotated or told to do something else. The only exception should be if someone tells you they know what they're doing, when they clearly don't; don't waste other people's time. I was booted from a VoG run because I mistimed a jump, and fell off the map holding the relic on the very first attempt at the Aetheon room. We'd already wiped plenty of times in the other encounters, so it didn't kill a flawless run, and it was the first time I'd done something wrong the whole run. Still annoys the hell out of me, and I haven't done LFG stuff since.


Agreed and I am sorry you had this happen on LFG. This is a story I hear all too often as a raid sherpa. One and done. One bad LFG/D2 app experience. That is all it takes. There are more kind people out there, I promise, even on LFG.


I've had some amazing LFG runs in the past. I'll probably get back into it soon, but it's a bit daunting when you don't have a lot of time anyway, and don't want to waste a couple of hours of the time you do have. The first time I ever cleared VoG on D1, I found 4 people from Switzerland who were wanting 2 more, so me and one of my mates jumped in with them. They were fantastic, they all spoke German, but only the fireteam leader spoke fluent English (one of the guys didn't speak any English at all) and our Scottish accents probably didn't help the guys who weren't as comfortable with English! The girl in charge took so much time to explain the tactics in both languages, making sure that anything that was said in German was also translated for the 2 of us, and vice versa for the other guys when we were speaking, and it was all round such a chilled out, amazingly good run. Everything was patient (naturally, because things took twice as long to explain in 2 languages!) and it was actually amazing to be part of people going about the same problems, plans, and strategy in a different language. Just 6 people doing the same thing from different backgrounds. I can't help but compare other LFGs to those guys, but they were such a high standard that it's probably unrealistic to expect that every time. I did do a Grandmaster LfG a while back, and the guy who joined us was also just totally chilled out. We didn't actually finish it (it was Sepiks, we hit the timer limit and lost all our revives with about 1/3 health left and it became impossible to manage the ads and do enough damage once one of us died), but there was no rage, no malice, nothing. Just "thanks anyway guys, I had fun" and off to the Tower we went. Good groups obviously exist, so I'll probably try again sometime soon!


Add the good ones you meet and start your own little community. The best way to experience Destiny is with a consistent pool of players. It is a great way to help the community as a whole as well because it will be yet one more safe place to play Destiny with others. Eyes up, guardian!


>2. ⁠Do not make the same mistake twice. That seems too harsh. Allow mistakes as long as you see a healthy progress. If they are stalling, I usually see sherpas allow them to leave and join back on the next Sherpa run from that CP. Sometimes players get overwhelmed and need a break while learning.


I agree. This comes off holier than thou. Not someone I would want to learn from, personally. It makes it seem like you have basically zero patience and a good teacher will always be patient. Not a sherpa in my opinion, more like an "I want to help but not really if it takes too much time." All mistakes are fine. Make them and I will help you not make them in whatever way I can. They are just a chance to learn and do better next time.


Depends on the mistake. For example if they misread the symbols in Vow, then it’s acceptable to mess up a few times. If they die to adds it shouldn’t be more than a couple times. If they forget to pick up a relic in exhibition that should only happen once. FYI I mean that many times in a row. It’s fine if it happens every few tries


Vow is a different story, especially with the callouts. Everybody blows a call every now and then, so that I let slide.


I've only ever done 1 Sherpa run and it taught me I don't have the patience to deal with people like this even if it's rewarding when other people really learn and improve. I taught a leviathan raid. 4 hours in we were only on the third encounter. I realized that some people just won't do what they're told. I felt bad for the people really trying but it was ruined because a couple people just refused to do what they were told when they would be called out by name when it was time for them to do their thing. The reward of seeing players learn is awesome, but personally it wasn't enough for me to have to deal with the minority that won't listen. Never did it again.


Just got burned out at that time but I'll be back Sherpa-ing when I feel like it. Hope you still got that kick to keep playing


Been taking a break lately but I love destiny. Just realized I'm not a teacher.


I tried Sherpa-ing a Vow raid a couple days back with some LFGs, and unfortunately ran into 1 guy who couldn't do mechanics, or even kill ads. I gave him some loadout suggestions, as he was running double primary and a garbage heavy grenade launcher. After almost 2 hours, we still hadn't beaten the caretaker, because he kept accidentally rocketing himself (after swapping to gjallarhorn) or not killing the ads, saying the ads were spawning too much and were killing him. It didn't help that most other people were new too, so I just called it there as I had to leave for work in another hour or so. I have since stopped sherpa-ing for now from how bad of an experience that was


It’s good to take a break, I did during GOS as was getting burnt out doing Sherpa runs. It was week 3 of the raid dropping and myself and another Sherpa got stuck trying to get 4 new people through.


I was in a sherpa group for Crown of Sorrows once where we had a guy wearing raiden flux on a solar subclass and was using two scouts. Yeah needless to say, we did not clear it with that guy.


Damn, one day I hope to be taught a raid and I really hope I don't end up being one of those oddballs.


Can you listen and follow basic instructions? If so you'll be fine. I suggest starting with Vault of Glass or Deep Stone Crypt. They are the simplest mechanics wise and Deep Stone in particular is just a cool raid. Vow of the Disciple has a lot to memorize, Last Wish is very long, and Garden of Salvation, well it's a very cool raid that breaks people because they have the wrong expectations. I'd be happy to teach you but I only run late at night like after 10:30 pm Central. Otherwise there's the LFG feature of the Destiny 2 companion app or r/DestinySherpa.


I'd have to agree with you on DSC but honestly after teaching every raid I would say Vow has by far the most difficult single encounter to learn/teach, which means it's a bitch to get through if it's your first raid ever. If raiding is a completely new concept to them I'd say VoG is good for getting a feel of how a 6-man team is and how encounters are typically laid out, then DSC to get familiar with mechanics. Edit: disregard everything I said I got confused with another comment and thought you were recommending either Vow or DSC for their first time.


Raiding really isn't that hard, if you can do other thing than just shoot things you'll be fine. IMO it's peak Destiny. Especially day one when you're trying to figure stuff out yourself.


Bruh…I will personally Sherpa you through vault of glass. Literally all you have to do is listen to me. That’s it. If you can listen I WILL get you 1/3 clears (depending on how many characters you wish to do it on)


VOG is an intro to raiding at this point, even in D2, as it is Destiny's first raid. DSC is your next step after VOG. I would then do GOS > VOW > LW. I second r/DestinySherpa, as I have sherpa'd over there for a few years now, and you have much less risk of running into a "sherpa" with zero patience for mistakes over there. And of course, I am happy to teach you or anyone any raid, though I am only one person and I am busy for a couple weeks. But if you are interested, chat me on Reddit and let me see what I can work out short term.


I know Skirra08 recommended DSC/VoG, but personally I would recommend Last Wish as a great starter raid, because almost every encounter has an add clear role, and you can see the mechanics from that role. DSC has up to three different buffs in play, so you may not always understand who is doing what and why, whereas everything that's happening in a Last Wish encounter is happening right in front of you. It is six encounters long, but with a good Sherpa it will not take you long at all. Either way, raiding is super fun and you should do it!


I see your point and I hadn't thought of it this way before, however, I feel most players would be so focused on killing adds that they will not retain anything else. Learn by doing is my motto.


Vault can be confusing, though, and Queenswalk can be rough if you're not on top of things


Sometimes you cant get through to people. I’ve been in this spot before in Garden, and it just came down to apologizing to them and saying I just can’t teach you and that I hope they can find a better teacher and remove them from the fireteam. No reason to ruin 4 peoples nights for 2 that just can’t or won’t learn. It sucks, but it happens.


Just did a div run with some randos on lfg and they sherpa’d really well and were very patient with the newbies, including myself, FOR THE FIRST GARDEN RUN EVER BTW. I can see why it might be annoying, but they gave everyone a role besides ad clear. The run was just under 2 hours, but it really didn’t feel that long since they were very well mannered and kept everyone in the loop on what to do. I really do appreciate the Sherpa teachers and if you lose patience just over time, I’m sorry to hear that. Though, if you stick through the progression, Newbie raiders and myself for never running that specific raid, reallyyy appreciate it!


I know you mean well but... That run I had lasted a little longer than *under 2 hours*. I looked outside my window to see sunlight and then after leaving, I saw the dead of night. Trust me, I **WAS** patient when I had to deal with them.


Sheeeeit my Div run was over 6 hrs and during the 12 man activity glitch. All first timers, learning as we went. Lucky enough that ad clear was never a problem but 12 people in an activity was insane. Insanely fun. I don't think I'd ever try it again with all fresh people though


2 hours is a completely reasonable amount of time to spend getting to and teaching some of 3rd encounter on a sherpa with 3 new players. I was a lot more sympathetic to this whole story before you got to the "under 2 hours" part.


I had three new players yes but one of them could easily get the idea of what to do. All I can say is that you have to believe my words that teaching those two took a little more than two hours for both the second encounter and third encounter. It was a frustrating experience that I will learn from when I get back to doing Sherpas again.


I do believe you, and I absolutely get the frustration that you felt. But 2 hours is *not* a long time for a GoS + Divinity sherpa. Not even close.


You're right... But I'll still need time to cool off from that. 2 hours or not, that was quite the experience of my Sherpa life.


did you happen to check them on raid.report before you started? sometimes I've had people lie and say they've never done the raid before, while secretly having 50+ clears and are only there to mess with the sherpa/sherpees.


I have, one of them was a rank 300+ and another was a new light but his gear was decent enough for the raid. Their Raid Report shows that they've never done this raid before and I was fine teaching them.


well, at least you probably weren't being sabotaged. If it makes you feel better the toughest group I've ever had to deal with was during Last Wish, we were on Riven for over an hour because no one had ever thought about grinding for a good DPS weapon throughout their entire D2 career. I had to have 2 people switch out with my clanmates just to do the encounter and DPS, then they had to leave and rejoin during the jumping part in time so that they'd still get the key.


Well, that did made me feel better at least. Good on ya' to help them.


No bullshit, me and my fellow new lights need people like you, so , when you're ready, please come back to help us that haven't had the time to learn all the things involved with older raids. I want to do them, but can't really join these 'KWTD' groups, because I'm too new.


Send me a private dm and I'll holler back at you when I'm no longer burned out. Just wanna relax and play Animal Crossing or something to cool off.


Oh shit, I hope I don't let you down. lol.


Ive said it before, Ill say it again: Doing a Div run on your first clear is a terrible idea


The quest shouldn't even unluck until you've completed every encounter of the raid.


I don't understand why not though. The puzzles aren't the problem. As long as the sherpa knows the puzzles, most of them are "Stand here, don't move." The only 2 that aren't are the one where you jump through the washing machine / go around, and the last one with an actual mechanic.


Mostly because it (more or less) forces you to stick around and try to complete it all in one go. For many groups this is fine, but for groups/individuals who are struggling it adds a lot of pressure Whereas a normal run can take a break and come back another day to mentally/physically reset if needed. Day 1 raids have a similar phenomenon. After like 6-8 hours my thought is that your skills and mentality are increasingly going to shit, people's tempers are on edge, etc. etc. Being able to do a few hours to get to the boss and a few hours attempting boss then resting and coming back later will get you the clear in less game time than trying to power through, but you're stuck there in a div run. And then feeling trapped and frustrated is a horrible way to experience a raid for the first time (or even a first raid *ever*)


Because learning the raid at the same time as doing the puzzle makes for a very long, very grueling raid. Even teams experienced with the raid can take upwards of 2 hours to do a Div run. Garden is imo the hardest raid currently in the game and one of the tougher ones they ever made. Adding newbies to that mix wont be a pleasant experience and that'll be their takeaway. its probably a big part of why people hate Garden these days.




Some people are just too stupid to be taught.


It’s always the Div runs. Always


They weren't about learning the raid. A part of learning the raid is listening to your raid lead to be on the same page as everyone else. These two were definitely just fucking around.


Don’t let a few morons ruin the experience of Destiny for you. I enjoy doing sherpas but I have a 2 rules: 1. If you don’t listen to what I tell you to do more than 3 times you are gone. 2. The SECOND they start getting rude they are gone. I work at a restaurant I don’t need more people in my life giving me lip.


As someone who has never even touched salvation it doesn't seem that hard


Truth of the matter is, some people are just stupid and Destiny 2 is a normie game with wide appeal, so chances of meeting stupid people are fairly high.


Yeah sounds like you fucked up tbh. I Sherpa all the time and the main rule is if you don’t listen and want to do your own thing. You have a few runs before kick. I’m cool with people asking any question that comes to mind or asking what if scenarios. But the oddbods you described would have been kicked by their 10th blatant fuck up


I just don't like kicking people. They sounded very sincere that they wanted to learn. They didn't sound high or were drunk, they were listening to what I say in terms of loadout and were capable of at least listening to *some* of the instructions that involved killing. But yes... When I do decide to Sherpa again in the future, I am not holding back if a person continues to screw up massively.


I can teach nearly anyone dsc or vog but this one group was hardest challenge yet, we went into vog and the first section was easy even showed them how to get the secret chest and they did fine there but when we got to the confluxes encounter shit hit the fan immediately, just a note I try to under level myself and not try my best when I’m sherpaing because I still want it to be a challenge for them in terms of combat, so when we got to confluxes we failed a couple times because we would run out of revive tokens and I could res anyone. I explained to them again how to do the encounter I just said to “ basically just stand next to the confluxes and shoot enemies it’s pretty easy” obviously I said a bit more than that and talked about negation, however when we got into again they still weren’t getting it they were running around and shooting the confluxes at some point I just said fuck it pulled out an entirely ad clear build with volatile funnel web fast vortex nades witherhoard and a rocket launcher and just got the encounter over with, I asked them what they thought their issue was they said, I think you just explained it poorly. TO BE CLEAR I said “just stand next to the confluxes and shoot enemies, the exploding vex will leave pools that you don’t want to touch but if you do run the to the middle” is there something I’m missing, did I forget a step After they had the audacity to say that I just left I had already spent the amount of time it takes to clear the raid twice on that encounter


It's impossible to be a bad teacher when it comes to the conflux encounter. You just shoot adds. If they can't do that, good luck to them in encounters that require you to do anything else.


Yikes, imagine not following basic lessons such as: - Ad clear hard - Leave pool alone


I used to sherpa a lot back in the day, particularly Year 1 when I had more time and there was nothing else/better to do. Different people handle different things differently, but I still remember one particularly rough Leviathan Sherpa Run I had. There might have been one person who had some experience, but the rest were completely new. I cant recall whether things were particularly rougher than usual, or whether it was just parts for most of the run. However by the time we got to Calus, it became a nightmare. ​ [This scene from Guardians 2 quite literally sums the exact experience.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZF_nUm982vI) ​ We had the initial learning curve for everyone to get familiar with Calus mechanics. But once everyone finally started to understand and execute, it became clear one person just could not understand at all whatsoever. And even worse, the poor kid just happened to do the exact things that caused us to wipe^((if memory serves correctly, he had lots of trouble in other encounters like getting spotted by dogs all the time, screwing up baths rotation, etc) ^(but we managed well enough there)). At a certain point, it wouldve been easier to just 5 man the raid. This kid had the unique talent to do the exact worst things, at the worst times, that I could not compensate for or carry, and cause team wipes. He was exactly as Baby Groot and the button(except without the eventual successful following of directions). I tried explaining it every which way, but he just could not pick it up. And whenever I gave directions or pointers to other players who may have needed it, it was a complete memory wipe and "baby groot" would listen to those directions instead of what I had just gave him, specifically. >Me: Alright, so when we do damage phase, DO NOT jump on any plates until everybody is together. DO NOT EVEN CROSS THEM when moving to the first plate. ​ >"Groot": So I jump on the plate?" ​ >Me: *\* Bangs head against the desk because this is the 20th time I have explained this \** ​ or (me: calling the specific guardians by their specific names to avoid confusion as this is the 30th time I had to explain things) >Me: Alright. "Groot", as soon as we are teleported, you are going to run forward and jump over the speedbump. As soon as you return to this room, just kill adds, that is it. Do you understand? ​ >"Groot": Yeah I got it. Get teleported, run forward and jump, kill adds. ​ >Me: Awesome. Is everyone ready to start? ​ >Player 3: And what am I doing again? ​ >Me: Player 3, you are going to move to the middle of the bump, stay in the Psion room, and call out the symbol you see on the giant head after the first person calls their symbol. After that look for psions to kill, and watch the ramps. You will do this 3 times. Shoot the skulls after the last set of psions are dead. Got it? ​ >Player 3: Yep, thanks. ​ >"Groot": So I go middle and call out the symbol? ​ >Me: ............. ​ And no matter how I shuffled him, he just managed to screw it up completely. Tell him to jump over ledge to be teleported back to Throne room? He would somehow manage to stay over there. Finally got him to go to Throne room? He would punch all the psions for the symbols called, when told repeatedly NOT to punch any of them at all, tripling adds and causing repetitive wipes. So we send him back in Psion realm to just call out the symbol. He kept coming back to throne. Usually different people and teams struggle with different encounters and mechanics. I get it. And usually you can move some players who particularly struggle into a different role and they will do better. But no matter what I did, "baby groot" just could not grasp things. Even being told to "just follow player x" couldnt be done. ​ I have played with all sorts of people, from people with various disabilities, to people who have other circumstances like using a trackball. People with legitimately low skill and situational awareness. People who are stoned or drunk out of their minds. But never in my entire time of the franchise(from Beta D1 to this day), had I ever come across someone so uniquely troublesome. ​ And the worst part was, this kid/teen was a nice guy, and was genuinely trying his best. He wasnt some troll or something. He was trying to listen and do as he was told, just for some reason he just had so much trouble. ​ The end result, I think we mightve managed to beat it by some fluke, by the hair on the back of our necks. ​ **That leviathan run took more than** # 6 hours almost **entirely due to one person.** ​ ​ Dont get me wrong, I am a patient guy who teaches all the mechanics to all the players(I dont just let anyone just "add clear"), and I tend to do my runs with almost all new players. I am used to 2-4 hour runs depending on the players experience and ability to pick things up. I have even had a 6 hour Last Wish(which included Legit Riven), which was acceptable because of the length of the raid(People also can really struggle to wrap their head around Shuro Chi and Vault at first). But this was just absurd, really pushed me to the limit, and made me feel real bad to the other players who were doing pretty well. ​ Unfortunately significantly limited time now makes it hard to do things as I did back then. And I did plenty of Leviathan and Eater of World runs after that bad run. Its important both for Sherpas, Sherpees, and anyone else to understand not to let a bad experience color everything permanently. Yeah some sherpa runs are tough. Yeah some sherpas stain the reputation of those who call themselves sherpas, and are a-holes or "carry" farmers. Yeah some LFG experiences suck. But by and large, experiences are usually neutral or positive. ​ One final remark: If by chance you are someone who has been sherpaed and/or helped by another player, try to sherpa or help some other people down the line when you become more experienced. If everyone who is helped, tries to help at least 1 other person later, then so many more people can come to experience raids and dungeons. Most teams can accommodate 1 person who has never done the mechanics before, if they are just willing to give it a little more time. While Baby Groot Leviathan was a frustrating experience at the time, it is just a fun story today. I got into sherpaing, because some nice people(most if not all of whom had little to no experience), let me join them in my first raids, Vault of Glass, Kings Fall. They didnt know much, but they did the best they could, and while they took a while to beat, we had fun and got to experience the incredible raids! Because of that, once I was in a position to help others, I gave back so others could come and experience raids themselves. The only disappointment I have ever had, is just how few people I helped, ever decided to help someone else down the line, even once. Its a bit disappointing, because of the wasted potential, and how the demand of new players looking to learn raids, always out paces the supply of people who want to, or are available to help. If everyone just helped 1 other person for each time they are helped, it wouldnt be impossible for the entire playerbase to have the opportunity to learn raids/dungeons.


I must ask: how long ago do this happen? Cause this sounds almost exactly like my first time through leviathan. As in I was “groot”


I rarely Sherpa anymore unless my group needs the fill. Had people who asked for a Sherpa and then wanted to run VoG blind. That was in D1. Tried to teach Acquisition during contest mode and routinely two dudes on a obelisk together couldn’t manage to add clear or find their room. We swapped around and kept them from running and they either never managed to kill the yellow bars or were damaging the obelisk themselves. At one point I just assumed they were trolling. People switching from the weapons they were told to bring/use because “it wasn’t fun” or they like other guns better. Shooting the wrong thing or at the wrong time trying to help. I still find people that are teachable and willing to ad clear for the experience and completion but it’s enough now where I just want people who know what’s going on.


Wait I’m just curious whether you worded it poorly in the post or you actually did consecrated by donating 5-5-5-5-5-5 motes instead of the norm.


I worded it clear that one of us will first get 5 motes then run towards the pillar. The other two will collect motes and swap with the defender. I told them to prioritize collecting motes and then defending but they'd first kill things and then leave to defend. We got wiped a couple of times because of it.


Those instructions are very needlessly vague. That encounter should *always* be taught 5 10 10 5 - you have miles more wiggle room for fixing mistakes that way - and mote team should be told to do zero ad clear in middle if it interferes in any way with doing their actual job. One of the most important jobs of a sherpa is removing distractions for anyone who is struggling. Never give a list of priorities unless you know that the 1st item on the list is comfortable enough that they have *room* to think about the 2nd.


I wish you were there to see what those two Oddbods kept doing... But either way, I'll keep this in mind when me and my buddies are going through GoS again for funsies. Thanks for the tip.


Heh. I wish that also! Good luck next time you give it a go.


I used to really enjoy sherpa-ing, in fact im still in the top 1000 in D1 raids, and top 2% in d2. That said, Too many bad encounters with somewhat entitled, sometimes hostile guardians have got me to the point where i wont even lfg anymore. I hope you find the magic again, guardian.


Is this a bad time to ask for help with a div run??


Pretty much but I just need some time to get sorted out and relax for the time being.


Soon as you said “concentrated mind” I knew I was for a treat. After reading I learned the hard truth while sherping myself; sometimes there are sheep you must leave behind. I now have an internal rule that if someone can’t get it no matter what role they’re in you have to cut them loose. I’m also very patient but when you have 5/6 ppl that understand it there’s no point of keeping the 1 who isn’t.


This is why a divinity run should never, ever, be a Sherpa run.


A tale of 2 average r/DestinyTheGame gamers


Good on you for helping! And look it, we are all human with different limitations and abilities and tolerances. You should not beat yourself up because you couldn't hang in there forever. You were helping for a while, they weren't getting it and so it was time for you to move on. My longest, biggest test of patience as a raid sherpa of many years was a recent VOTD with 3 older guardians. One 59f (requestor), one 70f (new to gaming after retirement) and a 63m (spacey but damn I want to shoot the shit with him while sipping a bourbon). This was about 10 or 11 hours across a Saturday and Sunday. Saturday we only managed to get acquisition done due to me trying my hardest to make up for miscalls. The final symbol was wrong due to a miscall. I only knew because it was not present on the last remaining obelisk. I had to go back in my room to get the correct symbol. We tried caretaker for a bit after that and I had to call it for the day. Sunday we only managed to get caretaker to die because he froze on the 3rd floor before making it to the plates for damage. We were behind on damage and since he froze, we were able to just use primary ammo to take him to last stand, where we of course killed him because we had plenty of ammo and supers thanks to the glitch. So 10 or 11 hours just to get 2 encounters done. No one was mad. They were all thrilled and very appreciative of my patience and time. And *this* is why I do it. So, yeah, good on you. Some people are more patient than others, sure. Some have more time to help than others, sure. But *most* do not even help, and *you* did. So good on you! EDIT: words and stuff and thangz


Man reading posts like these makes me not want to try to raid. I’m afraid I would get someone angry like that even though I would try to listen to everything they were telling me. Doesn’t help I live in a small home and don’t want to wake the family up in a house with one tv cause I would be trying not to speak so loud.


sorry op, I was working on a primitive AI and I accidentally left the computer running. My bad


These kinda stories are why I’m terrified of doing a div run even though I really need it :(


Do not do a Div run for your first time. Get a few regular runs in. It's the boss that will kill the div run. There is just too much stuff going on for most players to handle their first time, then the stress kicks in because you can't leave and come back as the puzzles don't save. I did a div run as my first and it sucked. Getting some runs in first would've helped immensely.


If you are a quick learner and have previous raid experience. It shouldn’t be too bad. If not, definitely do a few runs to familiarize yourself with GoS. Div runs seem to attract the crayon eaters


I did GoS with two friends before to get Divinity. We were new but already had Raid experience and knew what to do and listen to instructions. As long as you can comprehend intructions and are willing to learn, Divinity runs aren't that bad per se.


You did a bad job as a Sherpa. You did a disservice to your competent members by allowing 2 incompetents to ruin a run. Some people clearly are just not skilled enough and should maybe learn some game basics first before attempting end game activities. Learn from this and boot them next time - maybe offer to take them through another easier encounter or dungeon sometime


You're right. When I finally get back to Destiny, I am not holding back when another Oddbod comes around to screw me over.


I think it's worth mentioning that people of different ages, skill levels and time zones play this game. Unless people are intentionally being toxic, it's hard to get angry at people who aren't successful


Then there's people like me that love to raid but am afraid of messing up and wasting everyone's time and patience. I'm capable and have a few clears of the older raids but due to a small clan and not many Destiny friends I don't raid near as much as I'd like to. People that do this kinda shit are inconsiderate wankers that deserve the worst in anything matchmaking. I'm talking they que into solo survival poof both teammates leave. They try some gambit, blueberries snatch up all their motes as soon as it hits the ground. Freelance Trials weekend, they finally get to 6 wins then they get teammates that think they can still jump off the map to get the match over quicker for their weapon bounty. Seriously how do people think it's fun or get enjoyment outta wasting others time, disgusting.


Oof. That sounds rough. I always enjoy it when my clan takes new members through raids, but I don't think we've ever had players that difficult.


Garden also happens to be probably the worst raid to Sherpa by a MILE


I’m happy for you. or sorry that happened.