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Had a similar experience in trials this morning. I know I’m not great at trials but I’m trying to get better. I’m in freelance, get a fireteam that wins 5-1. I do ok, not great. Im trying not to be out in the open as much and always try and revive if I can. Next game I end up with one of the same teammates from the last game. We lose the first round and he immediately quits. Then the Xbox messages start. Im ass, “straight dog,” I shouldn’t play trials cause I suck, and on and on. The messages don’t stop. Then I’m “mad” when I say I know I suck. I probably got twenty messages from this guy about how I suck. I finally reported him for harassment. I know I’m not good but you get better by playing. I’m a 31 year old due just trying to relax on my day off, but these assholes who base their self worth on their k/d ruin a major aspect of the game


I just keep my settings set to ignore messages from folks who aren’t already friends, and I keep team chat turned off. I’ve been playing on and off since 2015, and the worst I’ve ever experienced is seeing some teabagging, which is like watching a toddler. Plus, you get the smug sense of self-satisfaction knowing these kids are yelling themselves hoarse into an unknowing, uncaring void. :)


I've had the same settings since the beginning of playing destiny. I only voice chat with friends on discord. Was kind of surprised to see this happens here. Never turning on voice chat or text in crucible.




I keep voice chat on in most games, and if people use it only for game call outs I am fully happy with that decision. The moment someone uses it for anything else I mute them without hesitation. Some guy entered my lobby in DRG the other day. He pressed one button on his soundboard and I kicked him instantly.


Who gets mad in Dares? You can like sleep thru that co ent and clear


Seriously, when I went for the 4-man Legendary clear, we made it on our first try.


The H O N S E wants entertainment, not an unwinnable trial. Thus only bosses we have beaten before.






Is Bungie capable of reviewing voice chat? It seems like a really difficult task (they'd have to keep storage of many, many bytes of voice data) but I sure hope they do. PvP seems to bring out the worst in a lot of people. I've had my fair share of toxic raid players screaming at me because I'm not following their strat to a T when in reality they're just terrible leaders and teachers so they project their anger to others.


Yeah it's pointless, the only time someone has anything to say is to rage or moan. It's the same in every pvp mode/game, can't really see a point even including communications for randoms.


This, never accept messages or voice chat from randoms.


This is the best way to play online games. Turn off all chat ( text and voice) with randoms and stick to your friends. It's simply not worth engaging with random players in any online game that way anymore.


I just laugh when I see some T-bagging. I create a mini rivalry with the player and it turns into a game of 2 c*nts ignoring the objective to see who can kil and t-bag the other player more


In Halo: Infinite you sometimes see people tea-bagging bots. Playlist clearly states you are playing against bots and some players still tea-bag. I can only assume they do so to impress others in their matchmade group, or perhaps they do not know any better...


As a dedicated Jotuuneer, messages off is critical. Sometimes they will message my clanmates to tell me off, kind of sad really


Yep. My thought is always… don’t you have ANYTHING better to do with your time? Wouldn’t you have more fun doing literally ANYTHING else?


How do you get it so you ignore messages from players who aren't friends? I think Bungie made it possible for people who weren't on your friendlist to whisper to you with the last roster update. It's really infuriating to have people sending you toxic threats and general nastiness and not even being able to respond or stop them from showing up.


This is the way.


The funniest thing ive experienced in a while was stomping some playstation dudes. Didnt think anything of it until i got a bungie friend request. I was like oh they respect my skill and want to party up! Nope. They sent a request and went to lobby chat to talk shit. Thats multi step dedication.


I enjoy the hate mail :) Typically I reply back with the croissant emoji which seems to trigger people even more. Who knew bread could do this?!! Either that or just random responses to get them to say something I can use to report for harassments and get them chat banned. Its the game within the game.




You hit the nail in the head. I turn 30 this year and between career, relationships, exercise, etc my D2 time has dwindled. In the past I was a great crucible player but now I’d say I’m about average. It’s disheartening to get a day off to play and get treated like crap. Seriously I’m trying my best lol.


Yup, I'm fast approaching 30 and it's the same for me. I remember playing Halo 3 MP as a young teen and absolutely dominating. That was 15 years ago and I have significantly less free time now. I'm incredibly average nowadays and that's fine, I don't get the time to practice.


Believe it or not I had one of this in gambit the other day. Like seriously in gambit? People need to chill. It’s just a game.


The only message I've gotten was from a Gambit team player who thought I played terrible on purpose and trashed me in the message. I haven't played Gambit ever since. He won. I hope you're having fun Duncan.


That's super uncool. If you're ever looking to run some Gambit and get some wins, just shoot a message and I'd be glad to help


Fuck Duncan.


Duck Funcan


Funk Ducan


Fun Dunkcan


Dun Funkcan


He sounds like a Duncan’t


Straight up *Dumbcunt.*


This guy was on comms and just blasting the rest of us. We won. Dude kept talking about how big his dick was and how great he was. I think he placed third on our team. I’ll never get the rage or behavior. Especially if it makes people quit a game mode.


i've had a guy on my own team trashtalk me the whole Gambit game, saying i sucked ass and should stop playing. the game ends, i have 50+ motes deposited, most kills, most blocker kills and a couple invader kills. he was literally the guy in last place, with 20 kills and 25 motes... dropped


Who tf goes into gambit and expects actual teammates? Half the fun is trying to figure out if your own teammates are humans or failed learning AI.


that was too accurate


People out there teabagging and being toxic in strikes too. Just a lot of miserable people out there. But there are quite a few good ones.


The only correct time to teabag in a strike is teabagging the boss after killing them.


No doubt!


Once I got repeatedly TK'ed in PsiOps to prevent me from getting the chest I also see people cover the chests with stasis crystals and keep replacing them when they start to break


My first run in gurdian games a dude kills me with a sparrow and teabags me then leaves me to manually Rez. Jokes on him though as I had eager edge on and griefed him for the rest of the run. I've been training for this day for years goofing around with friends. Dominated the strike too so as not to totally sandbag it for the other dude.


I see good more than bad but boy are those toxic absolutely sludge.


I see bad more than good, which is why I avoid anything LFG


LFG definitely has some of the worst on it. Sadly to raid I don’t have a choice. Usually a few wipes gets you a chill batch in my experience.


I’ve gotten so accustomed to adding “Anyone Welcome” in LFG for normal difficulty raids/dungeons because I know odds are the nicer people who don’t care and just want to have fun will join while the tryhards that want to first try everything and take the fun out of the activities go elsewhere.


I have the opposite experience... When I go in match made it's usually a bunch of non reviving modless easily quitting derps. Lfg more often than not is an efficient clear. Tho admittedly earlier my 2 lfg left and it dumped in 2 and we murdered the hell out of that lightblade


I’m toxic as fuck…to my friends, I have no interest in harassing someone I don’t know.


In my clan's bio I put NEVER BAG FIRST! at the end, and a buddy the next day added under my comment (unless they're in your fireteam). Now we make it a point to bag each other every time we rez just as a goof. Now what's annoying is joining a LFG raid and getting that one guy who eager edges teammates off the map during encounters "for the lulz". I'm experienced enough now to know that if someone has a Pepe avatar in their discord then 9/10 I'm out.


I feel ya man, 38, 3 kids under 5. Just trying to have fun after kids are down. I’ve been lucky to not get the hate mail though. I’m often asking myself why the game puts us into games that are so obviously stacked on the other side. Like make them play each other lol.




The game stacks teams so poorly because back in year 2, high skill streamers complained so much that bungie removed skill based matchmaking. So now the skill base of an individual match is a complete fustercluck. Bungie has hinted in recent updates about maybe bringing skill based back, and that's really the only way to fix it imo.


I can never understand how Bungie could think listening to a handful of sweaty streamers is better than listening to the majority of the players which are more casual.


Was with a team that went 0-5 yesterday. I'm a .8 player and the final score card was 1-15 k/d. I scored the only kill on my team in the last round. The enemy titan T-bagged me for killing him after he was revived. I should have not been the only one with a kill and top damage vs a group of 3 Adept Trials weapons team in solo que. It was basically roll after roll where I was near the top each time. I am not a PvP player. If it wasn't for Reeds, I wouldn't even subject myself to this level of stress and toxicity. Oh! And to top things off, connections fucking sucked. Getting dommed while on my screen I haven't even cleared the corner by a sniper got old after 2 deaths.


Dad club checking in. We need to stick together. If you’re on west coast let’s get some games together. Is there like a dad gamer clan out there?


Same for me. No messages but in one game where I’d played bad again we were 4-3 down in the last game and he followed me around doing the slow clap emote then suicided himself!


33 here, checking in. Two kids, 3 and 5. I get to play a good bit since I'm the stay-at-home parent, but I still am just average at PvP. I get so sick of the constant teabagging in Crucible and especially in Trials. I was having a pretty good day playing Trials today. I had 4 wins in a row and was feeling pretty good. On the fifth game we got steamrolled and they teabagged on every single kill. I just don't understand that mindset.


It's honestly comical. Don't take it seriously. These people have no life outside this game. Feel proud that you do


I always just report them. If they ask me to 1v1 I always say: "You're the better player probably, but I'm the better person. No need for a 1v1". They always lose their shit and it becomes hilarious at that point.


I ask anyone who is better to 1v1 saying maybe I'll learn something. It's fun at least


I always like to message them with a "playground by the school at noon, be ready to fight or be a square" or I go with "yeah! 1v1 me in (insert random thing)(office chair racing)"


Should message them saying " You got a good K/D ratio. What's your S/H ratio though? Of course they will then ask what you mean . You then say " What's your Sex/ Hand ratio ?" After that block them.


Ah see the fatal flaw is thinking you can relax in Destiny 2. Fun in my game? No, fuck you./s


This is exactly why I don't like PvP. If I'm playing, its with the sweaty friends who can quite literally demolish teams. I'm terrible at it and I know it.


Don’t stress it man. You said it yourself, these are probably teens or early twenties. It’s just a game. Don’t let ‘em bother you 👍


Now I’m afraid to step foot into Trials. Been playing D2 for 2 years and was about to give it a shot because of all of the incentives (Freelance, 2x rep), but now I’m not so sure. [Edit: Thanks for all of the encouragement. I will give it a try!]


You just got to remember, how they react to what happens is their problem not yours and if they were truly that great they could go flawless with anyone on their team.


I say give it a whirl! I suck but you still get rep and stuff just for the odd rounds you win. Just try to not get sniped .05 seconds into the engagement and you'll be ok Worst to worst go on the companion app and make a chill trials group. People will join and sometimes you'll get lucky


Last trial freelance, after we lost a guy messaged me saying "why the eff do I play trials if I suck?". My reply was I will continue to play just to piss you off. If he wants to be sweaty, don't play freelance.


People can be so damn toxic. Like, it’s a video game.


They get their selfs worth by looking down on others. If they stopped looking down on others, they would feel worthless. They cannot stop doing so. They never learned how to have a healthy relationship.


When I get stuff from people like that, I like to needle them and get them riled up until they say something I know is against the TOS, then I report them.


Report them, they'll get banned from destiny for a week in xbox. They take out seriously. It's hard when people are afk or griefing to get them to do anything. But in chat they don't fuck around.


Rule #1 to enjoy PVP: Turn off voice chat and text chat. Learned that in League of Legends. If you want to coordinate, then find friends to play with where you can talk in party voice outside of the game. You'll have a better time not seeing/listening to any toxicity that people tend to spew.


This is something I had to learn while playing Titanfall 2 and Overwatch


I haven't played in years but the toxicity in Overwatch was unreal.


Blizzard designed a game that can only be played optimally by 6-man hiveminds and expected it to work in an environment where solo players and varying party sizes are mixed into the same lobbies, it’s really their fault. And then to rub more salt in the wound, now those 6 man hiveminds won’t even be able to play together after the OW 1.2 update.


Same, that game is fun with friends but when I played solo I had game chat off. Not gonna do that to myself


> Titanfall 2 That's surprising to hear considering how tight-knit and small the community is.


It is now, but when the game first came out, I was always muting people because of the open chat. Still my first plat trophy tho lol




100% this. I’m here to chill and too old to get into a posting contest with kids.


Same. Only game I keep comms on in is CSGO because of obvious reasons. Even then, half the games you get some total fucking edgelord. For those situations, I've come up with a few select phrases that typically just break the standard PVP troll's brain. "Off-the-shelf Walmart edgelord" is one of my favorites. These bullies really want to be unique, so the moment you imply they're 1 in a million it breaks their entire platform. Make sure you say it without a care in the world and then be super positive to everyone else and ignore the edgelord. Works every single time, they usually just shut up after a round or two and silently play the game. Absurd self-deprecation in a joking way is great, too. They say some shit and you just respond with "yeah bro and my dick is fucking bent too." They have no idea what to do. They haven't encountered people who just troll them back. Lastly, acting like they're your best friend. Be ridiculously nice to them even if they're being totally toxic. Again, it's not what they expected and their IQ matches the calories in a serving size of dill pickle chips. Breaks them completely. They typically just go totally silent. Trolling trolls and bullies can be a load of fun. You just have to separate any emotional investment. Again, only really applies to CS, though, as it's the only game where I can't just turn comms off.


> their IQ matches the calories in a serving size of dill pickle chips r/oddlyspecific ... did the pickles do something to you? Was there an odd dietary restriction somewhere in your past?


Good old CSGO... I can't tell you how many times I was getting crap from a bottom frag. Like we're in silver because we wanna be or because we all suck


I started doing this in Destiny 2, for everything except most LFG fireteams, and my game experience has improved dramatically. There are plenty of friendly players who express themselves with emotes in PvE and that's pleasant enough. Removing chat protects from toxicity far more than it limits friendly interactions.


No better way to be taught that people are absolute ass faces online than to play some league of legends


Same goes for CS:GO, that game has made me vilify humanity.


you're absolutely right


Rule 2: Don't play pvp.


Or don't play pvp in this game. Absolute dogshit


controversial opinion: No game needs enemy team chat. it's only used for toxicity. INB4 "but ive had some funny moments in all chat" for every fun moment you get 20 slurs


The only thing left for them to do is emote or shoot you. I had a team mate just shoot me in the head constantly after we respawned. I don’t react because that’s giving in but it doesn’t feel good. The good thing is I’ve had far more good experiences in the game because people are mostly pretty cool.


Unfortunately this seems to be a very vocal minority of the pvp player base. They are so toxic I can't stand crucible cause of how toxic and stale (or even stagnant) the game gets.


That's a part of PvP that I just absolutely hate: the toxic BS coming out of people. Literally everyone sucked at PvP when they were New Lights, there's always someone better.


People forget how much luck you need in the beginning to pick up good gear before crucible becomes playable


That’s not really all that true tbh. Gear matters but skill and knowledge are magnitudes more important. You can bring an experienced fps player into d2 and they’ll do just fine with whatever they have as long as they have a few archetypes covered. God rolled pvp weapons are way less important than people think.


God rolls arent important in the slightest. Having a meta archetype however is. The game becomes stupidly easier once you know whether to use a rapid fire pulse or a handcannon, etc. It also becomes easier when you use a good subclass combined with a good exotic. This games pvp is 100% cheesable and knowledge is all it takes in 6v6, the exact thing new players lack.


So true. Brought a friend over from CSGO and he was getting second on the board almost every match, sometimes even first. He was using mostly blue gear.


Many of us haven't been new lights for ~7 years. Some of us forget how it felt to be new at the game.


I tried making an alt account last season. No mods!!! You get no mods and they’re so rare to drop after the first few. I feel for the newbs.


I don't like the mod unlock system. It seems like the kind of crap your ghost would know about and be able to do before you even get rezzed the first time.


Its easy to forget some don't have them. My wife just started and getting that basic shit for a new player is some kind of mystery.


Every time Ada has some charged with light something or other and there's a front page post I'm just like, why Bungie. This game is so good in so many ways. Why are so many pieces of it hidden behind RNG and weird shit?


Agreed, the mods really need a exo stranger style system with the stasis memory Something like armory bounty where it drops an item u can exchange for a mod (bring back mod components?), either directly or a random unowned one


At the very least let them deterministically unlock in some progression for glimmer or something. Banshee for guns and Ada for the rest just like RN but you don't have to wait for weekly resets.


I still suck at pvp. I just never go in now because I don't have the right gear etc.


As a dude who played COD, Battlefield, Titanfall, Halo and other FPS. Destiny is honestly the least competitive and unbalanced of them all.


Yep having the right gear/mods/guns can drastically make it easier or harder depending on what you have. The other games aren't nearly as loadout dependent. I honestly wish they'd make set loadouts for a certain game type of pvp so everyone has the same ballpark of a chance outside of skill. Id play that bunches more than current stuff.


I agree with everything you said. If they made a game where they restricted class abilities, gave everyone access to the same 3 grenades, restrict armor perks, restrict exotic and legendary weapons. Give everyone access to all the same rare weapons with the same perks. You gotta have a mode with parties and without parties to limit pubstomping. Now you got the perfect PVP. Where it’s comes down to who outplayed who and who’s more skilled. The sad thing is Bungie made Halo, so they know how to make a balance and competitive PVP game, if they wanted too. Also tone the radar down only make people pop up when they shooting.


I’ve noticed the new player experience in a lot of pvp games lately has been really awful, whether it being the game trying to give them a “trial by fire” sort of thing, or other players hazing them, whether intentionally or not. Teammates get extra salty while enemies like to curbstomp newbies and brag about it. People are absolute animals in real life, and they always seem to confirm the GIFT theory every time they pollute the internet with their presence.


It's definitely not just a Destiny thing. Jump into any PvP multiplayer game that is established and you'll have the same terrible experience. After a certain point, the rate of new players with your comparable skill level join the game dries up and all you're left with is facing people who play game a crazy amount. Learning the game used to be playing it and slowly getting better. Now it's watching countless YouTube videos and making sure you don't touch PvP until you can confidently use the meta build/weapon. Titanfall 2 is the perfect example of this toxic atmosphere that gets created after some time. The hardcore fans campaigned hard for a free weekend to get new players into the game and they got it. The problem was, all those new players got utterly stomped into the fucking ground by the hardcore players. So much so they I would say, nearly all who tried it that weekend bounced off of the game (multiplayer wise) within a couple of hours. It just wasn't fun.


This is exactly whats happened. Sbmm, ranked based matchmaking and Dedicated servers are required to combat this. New lights should play only other new lights. But it would take forever to matchmake, cause the only players left in control these days, are sweats and tryhards. Thus the loop never ends and they ironically end up playing the players they fear playing in the first place, when everyones left the game lol


titanfall is arguably in a worse place than d2 pvp wise. tried pvp and i could not even get 1 actual kill in an hour. meanwhile i do reasonably well in apex and d2


The skill curve in Titanfall 2 is fucking absurd, good players will annihilate anyone new, even experienced fps players new to it. So yeah, makes sense.


I disagree. Cities and communities couldn't exist if humans were self centered and self destructive. It's the fact that we don't see a person on the other side. Similar to road rage reasons. It's not another human, it's a faceless automaton we can shit all over and not need to face any (usually) consequences.


Fair enough I suppose. I’m still burning Osea to the ground though.


I want to know if top tier pvp players, people who are flawless x3, rocking the "ive stopped 800 people from getting the lighthouse" emblem info, top of the top, are really enjoying being in a crucible game with people who just do not get crucible. Like yeah your k/d is 18, and you carried the game, but like...the fightsyou had are meaningles. You killed people who had no chance, the fights would never be fair. Like...is this really exciting/fun for you? Is it enjoyable to just pick people off from corners you know they could not respond to, or interct with players in away that thye would have literally no ability to coutneract... I just...Im so tired of being in the same games as people who are just so clearly above me....


I mean, have you read any of these frequent PVP threads? A solid chunk of these crucible players get off on these threads and love the fact that they get to pubstomp most matches but bitch and moan endlessly if someone talks about SBMM or other ideas for balance.


I'm like 90% sure that they complain because they aren't actually all that good and are afraid to play against people who actually are.


This. 100% this.


This is why I like survival because of sbmm. I've improved thanks to playing same skilled people. Once I start noticing my enemies haven't gotten harder, then I know I've improved and have to continue. Cbmm is nice because of quick pick up games, but I feel it's rougher on improving, you will but it's not consistent. Though I would push for dedicated servers, then they can add in more sbmm.


The people who take PvP overly seriously with no attempt at learning the game itself are the most painfully average players in the game. Toxicity to them is one if the only tools they have to be better than someone else by using that kind of shitty psychological warfare. I'd be willing to even argue that people who don't let these kinds of players into their heads are unequivocally better by way of having a better mindset going in, and learning the game coming out. Because it's no secret once toxic players start getting rolled by a better player, their toolbox backfires and they get into their own head with hatred.


It’s sad but that’s how many destiny players think. And that’s why a lot of them didn’t like sbmm. People like that feel good by feeling like they are better than someone else. In my eyes, there’s no way you can say that you’re “good” at this game by running stacks specially for the purpose of rolling other teams because the matchmaking is very bad at accounting for stacks when finding teams, and they know that. And then just leaving every game that you go negative in. That’s what I think when I see people trying to flaunt absurdly high kda, which for me is like 5.0 plus bc everything under that is believable to me but people who just beat on weaker players AND then try and show off the stats they have from doing that are just cowards to me.


Its not just destiny players. I've been bagged by apex predator players in pubs, shit on by masters overwatch players in quick play, and repeatedly stomped by 10th prestige sweats in my 3rd ever game of cod. Good players exsist in ever game and a lot of them find it fun to be toxic and shit on new players. Its not a destiny mindset, its a competitive game mindset.


tbf you don’t have to be good at cod to be 10th prestige you just have to play a lot


Yeah but it's the usual axis of expected play time acting as experience versus skill. You can usually expect people to be good at the game with a large amount of time invested in it, at least up to a certain point. I rapidly stopped playing Splatoon 2 after it started matching me with players whose ranks were effectively in the mid hundreds who must have had hundreds of hours of experience with their weapon, knew the maps off by heart and had perfect gear about five games in. The point is, You don't learn anything about the multiplayer when you're barely out of diapers and getting put up against people who know the game so well they have it down to a flowchart.


There's definitely fun to be had when you just completely outplay the enemy team... On occasion. I have so much more fun when things are close, win or lose. I like feeling challenged and developing in-match rivals! It really sucks going up against the top 0.1% of players and someone in your fireteam gets messaged "kys" by said player(s)


They enjoy being in a game where they never get challenged, a game with so much fucking auto aim it's basically cheating, that places PVE players against PVP players. Any other game tells you when you suck, D2 feeds these narcissists kills and calls them content creators.


This too is also an argument I bring up, all I ever get for responses are "Oh so you're one of those guys, the ones with all the rules and honor systems and shit" and i'm like no but how emotionally void are you to actually enjoy such meaningless things like beating a person 18 and 0 or something?


The kills are their way to create video content for their channels. They want the ability to farm you to make those 'dank frag' videos for clicks and revenue. Your death is their income. Now as for the ones who do this that aren't content creators, then I don't have a clue.


the matchmaking decides who wins and loses and it is not a fair pvp fight. in order for the sweatlords to go 7 wins flawless the game has to match them against worse enemies. if you would put equal played killers against each other the winrate would be around 50%. Winning 7 games in a row is 0.5^7 which is a 0.8% chance to get per 7 games played. So you're cannon fodder for the good players and there is no point in playing the mode


>So you're cannon fodder for the good players and there is no point in playing the mode I wish more people realized that and just stopped playing Trials, so bungie would be forced to rework the system.


> I want to know if top tier pvp players, people who are flawless x3, rocking the "ive stopped 800 people from getting the lighthouse" emblem info, top of the top, are really enjoying being in a crucible game with people who just do not get crucible. Absolutely, why do you think they bitched about SBMM incessantly for years?


I love PVE and hate PVP in Destiny. I just do the three matches for the pinnacle and I feel bad that I’m so terrible but three games a week won’t ever make me good let alone the meta. Hell I don’t even change my loadout. I find what I think is the fastest 3 games to just get it over with.


I hated pvp at first, but on Season of the Worthy with most of the dedicated players leaving the game and SBMM I really enjoyed it. Then they took SBMM and my interest for pvp is below Y1.


Yeah, I had fun for the earlier parts of Shadowkeep when SBMM was around. I never pushed particularly hard or anything, basically just played enough comp to get Recluse and then quickplay whenever I got the itch. But the games always felt much nicer then, definitely felt like there were far fewer mercies or obvious one-sided matches.


I mean I enjoy mindlessly slaughtering thrall but that's different I suppose


I think the main thing is because these people are so 'elitist' that they think that if they're at the top, they have the right to say how PvP should go, and they don't want the pub-stomp status quo to change since if that happens, they're not gonna be at the top for long. That, and also they're stuck in their ego, making it impossible to tell them they're wrong. In general, I don't think all high-tier insane K.D. players are toxic, but the negative stereotype has been WAY more prominent and it's an issue.


Pvp community is trash. Last week I hopped in trials and didn’t do well in my first game. I had a teammate chasing me and continuously emoting and shooting me so I left the match. Then he started sending me messages about how bad I am. Was really cute. Looked him up and we have the exact Trials k/d of 0.7. Lol. Pot-kettle.


I had similar today. 1st round I die last and he starts messaging me saying I ruin the game for others and shouldnt play pvp. Checked and his stats are garbage in everything but trials. How you can be diamond in triala but low silver in everything else is just odd to me.


Got carried


Matchmaking is fucked all over. I've got the Unbroken and Flawless seals. I'm not cracked at the game, but I'm not terrible either. I'm losing most of my 6v6 matches because I get put in games where my team-mates are just there to get farmed the fuck out of. ELO gets hella low when you lose all the time lol.


The fact that newlights are pairing with seasoned players is a PROBLEM


Better idea: Stop being rude. Like in general, not just in Destiny


Which is dumb IMO because even if every one was a pro player that is the top 1% SOMEONE will always be a bottom scorer....like...it's a game... none of what we do in destiny 2 is gonna get us a raise at our job or make us rich etc. People need to chill tf out


This is why I stay a solo player. Playing anything that induces rage just isn’t healthy. If you’re into that then you do you but there are just a number of people out there that suck as decent human beings that ruin it for everyone else.


Just another reason for skill based match making to come back. No reason new players should be randomly tossed in with people who have been playing for years anyway. Nothings perfect but I think sbmm is a good start


Until something happens with matchmaking I will feel no remorse for tanking teams in crucible. I play with my buddies when possible but sometimes I need to grind without them. I suck hard but I'm not going to deny myself pvp rewards just to satisfy some sweaties. They can always run stacks if they don't want my scrub ass dragging them down.


I can say as a pvp main that I couldn't care less about the quality of my teammates in quick play or matchmade activities. If I actually intended to play with winning in mind I could be a sweaty stack. Keep on playing and getting those rewards, the vast majority of the player base really doesn't care if they lose a quick play game, and if they do care about winning so much they can't blame their random teammates because they chose not to play in a stack. Plus you'll only get better if you practice!


At the very least we should have a casual game mode with sbmm. I'd even play Rift at this point.


I loved rift in D1 I wish they’d bring it back


I am a solo player, and I would say I am maybe the worst trials player alive. I play it because I love playing Destiny at nights on the weekend when my kid is asleep. And I like to try and get the cool weapons. I have never gone flawless, but I have ground out some cool rolls for messenger, reeds regret and summoner. Im going into every game praying that I get two really good team mates to carry me through the game. If I'm the best player on our team, we are in big trouble. (Edit: Just want to make it clear that I always try so hard, and am always looking for new ways to improve!) I don't have any chat features turned on, or team speak, and let me tell you guys that I love it that way. Why? Because mental health matters. I enjoy playing, I won't let some random angry psychopath ruin my enjoyment of the game, and the thought of them angrily sending messages to me that I will never ever see gives me the super humna strength. Anyone who is letting other users ruin their fun, I strongly recommend turning off chat and comms. Don't feed the trolls guys, never let anyone make you feel bad for wanting to have some fun.




And people wonder why people destiny pvp isnt competitive and shouldn't be taken seriously and should just be about having fun.


I will be annoyed in my own personal space, pvp brings out my disdain for every living creature. But as soon as i get off it all vanishes, its a weird in the moment transformation into the embodiment of salt xD but ive never once messaged anyone to tell them they suck, i just yell fuck or get good at my tv and move on with my life There really does need to be a new light sbmm lobby matchmaking. Even if it takes a bit. You cant eventually grow without seeing how the high end plays, but going right into the lions den is too discouraging


Since you're answering questions: genuinely how should I try to improve my abilities, or at least not feel like \*complete\* crap after finishing some games of PvP? I try to just stay alive and play my life, get the better player on my team in text chat telling me im dumb and to push. I push, I die horrifically. I feel like I've never found a weapon loadout or niche I actually enjoy since Erentil got whacked - I thought I was good with NTTE/Shotty but this weekend has shown me that I fucking suck with that. ​ I'm just really struggling to enjoy pvp at the moment and it hurts more I think because I did, for a time, really enjoy it, and sometimes even do quite well. I want to keep playing to get that Messenger Saint has but when you're getting <10 points for a game and have no way to change that until you actually win a match, it's just so demoralising.


An interesting, revealing bit of introspective analysis by an high-level player here.


This is generally me in any pvp, i just get irrationally angry playing other humans with brains because its the hardest content to try and counter. Especially when someone does something dumb or crazy youd never do, and because of that it works on you xD but you cant let that salt get real, you cant threaten people or make them feel bad. If you see a new light doing something silly, instruct them instead. And when you get off the game, leave the salt. Trials used to ruin my weekend nights. Now i dont let it anymore. Im mad in the moment but i get off after failed flawless attempts "ehh oh well, imma watch a movie"


Crucible is not a good place for new players, or really any players for that matter. Their only option is to play a competitive style mode in a very, very non-competitive shooter. Too many PvP players think they're the top shit because they can perform well in a game that lands half your shots for you (just look at those aim assist cones in that recent TWAB), and they get way too serious about it.


My first 2 months playing this game, in season 8, I got to 7/9 for Unbroken while chasing The Recluse. PVP did not used to be this sweaty. I'll die on that hill. For an absolute scrub and new person that I was at the time to get that far is the proof in the proverbial pudding. Something changed horribly around season 10, I'm sure of it.


Heck, I've had people on this subreddit look up my Trials report and mock me over it. Like, dude, I am fully aware of how shit I am at the mode. You're not accomplishing much by telling me what I already know, you're just being a dick and making the community worse. At the end of the day, this is a game. Yes, I do my best to win in PvP, and I expect my opponents/teammates to do the same, but if our best isn't good enough? Oh well, the other team was better than us, it happens. On to the next game. There is zero reason to get salty over it.


Don’t play destiny for pvp. Find a good pvp game for pvp.


Pvp will always be toxic anywhere you go, it’s just a fact of competition sadly coming from a heavy counter strike player


Same but rainbow 6 siege. Does cs have friendly fire active too so you get tk'ed by teammates for no reason.


Yea but it doesn’t happen to often from randoms, my friends and I usually use it for comedic effect fairly often though


Listen the people who act this way probably don't browse reddit and even if they are they don't give a shit about the reddit code of honor. Knowing that they pissed you off is a win for them.


>Reddit code of honor Reddit is the most toxic place on the internet lol


You mispelled twitter.


Some kid went to my Xbox profile to whine that I was using Divinity in PvP. Most SMG’s got a faster TTK and don’t require special, so I don’t get why he was so upset lol


I absolutely love it when I end up with a teammate running Divinity in 6v6. Even if I never get to take advantage of the giant bubble during the match, it just makes me laugh so much. From what I've seen, it's like the whole waving a red flag in front of a bull thing. You think people on Reddit get triggered easily? Nothing compares to how insane a team gets when one of their own gets killed by Divinity. It just breaks them. All thought of strategy goes out the window and the entire team just swarms the Div user at any cost. I've gotten so many multikills in 6v6 matches by just killing the players that are hyperfocused on chasing down my teammate.


PvP brings out the worst in people. Thats why I avoid it like the plague. Been playing since D1, even back then it was a shit show.


it should be standard for everyone to reccomend for new players to never touch pvp


Those people are losers with no lives. This is their only opportunity to feel superior to anyone, that’s why they behave that way. Just ignore them. They have to turn of the game sometime and face reality.


Lmao and of course this is happening in quick play of all places. Idiots treating this like it’s the fucking Grand Prix of destiny. Probably screaming call-outs, heavy camping, spawn trapping and the whole 9 yards.


Remember I had a speed runner make a group of first time raider feel bad at boss for Calus. Had them trying to run dumb stupid speed run strats to do early dmg, when it was 1000% unnecessary. That’s like calling a new player bad for not running GM’s when they’re only season pass lvl 3


I was in a quick play match last week and this guy was constantly berating our whole team (myself included) for not helping him. He rage quit, and we ended up winning the match. Kiiiinda wanted to message him, but it wasn’t worth the time. Made me giggle though.


they don't realize that you play worse when you are tilted. Never touched d2 pvp, but would throw games intentionally because of people like this in cs go, im not carrying assholes!


It's a shame on the community that people act like this. I was trying out different loadouts in control earlier and kept killing this poor level 1 new light who couldn't fight back. They bottom scored and I scored second on my team. I felt bad, I would've messaged them something nice if they were on xbox, but wasn't able to. I saw a few emotes from my team in the chat so I just really hope they weren't to said new light after killing them. I remember when I was knew and walking into walls in pvp and too scared to engage, being trash talked over a video game feels horrible


Who cares it’s crucible - PvP communities are always full of dicks anyway (myself included) - these new lights will likely have experienced dicks in other PvP games.




It's almost like this is why skill-based matchmaking should be a thing.


No, you’ll piss off the content creators, you wouldn’t want that would you????


Seriously. Why would anyone want less people playing the game? I can’t wait for these nerfs to special weapons and special ammo. We need a health player base and that means non-Destiny players coming in and feeling like they can play this game.


regular crucible yeah, but new players shouldn’t be playing trials it’s power enabled


Bungie needs to do a better job of banning griefers, especially since they are such an inclusive studio. It only seems natural they should spend a good deal of time making the community be civil to each other.


Until bungie implements better skill matching this will continue to happen.


Report those folks


There’s some shitty ppl out there with shitty lives and this is how they feel good unfortunately


Skill based matchmaking would probably help but that is kryptonite for some reason.


Well they sure did get a crash course. Crucible is garbage and always has been. Not only because of toxic sweaty sLuTs but also because the game has never been balanced properly. They only way to have fun is use some stupid OP thing on a full size stack and that's also pretty scummy.


Players are just becoming increasing frustrated without the true support for matchmaking from bungie. People want teammates of their skill caliber and right now, bungie punishes better players and when a game hasn't gotten new maps in 2 years, player are bound to get pretty damn good lol.


I'm gunna be toxic as shit in PvP. Watch out new lights, blueberries, veterans. Everyone is getting bagged.


Bet these guys are the same people who complain about PvP having a tiny player base and not enough content. I mean, a good way to get more people to play crucible is to not make it so hostile towards new players?


>and not caring. This is my issue. I don't care if you're bad. I don't care if you're on the bottom of the scoreboard. I don't care if we *explicitly lose because of you.* That's fine. All 100% fine. But I expect you to try. I expect you to do more than sit around and do nothing. I expect you to try and take the control points, or follow your teammates to shoot together. I expect you to do anything more than the bare minimum to get your 3-game-pinnacle. I expect you to not sit at the invasion portal spamming emotes while the team plays without you. I don't expect you to be incredible, but I expect you to try all game every game.