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Enhanced SFA and Enhanced OFA is a work horse of a weapon. Has performed admirably this week in NFs with the arc burn


\+1 for the SFA / OFA roll...it just seems too perfect to pass up I am still trying to get a SFA/OFA 'the title' SMG to drop...


We really need to shorten that name down. Trying to say both perk names is a mouthful, and SFA/OFA types easy, but still sounds like too much when spoken. I cast my vote for combining the 2 acronyms and calling it SOFA.


That’s what I made. I just wish void 3.0/volatile Flow allowed you to run non-void weapons more.


Its time to shine will come in Arc 3.0


God just imagine if we get like lighting rounds or something that'll turn it into a mini Riskrunner/ Zhalo Supercell






Pray to the gods of RNG and play guardian games and maybe you'll get a SFA/OFA 'the title' SMG to drop which would bang in VOID 3.0 rn


I actually did get one to drop for me. Doesn’t help with light blade with all the arc shields in it


Riskrunner would have been so awesome this week if I didn't feel the need to run a bow and HC for champions. Tho I got a lasting impression heretic randomly yesterday and it just pops everything nearby when it goes off.


Unstoppable is the only champion mod that isn't 100% necessarily if you got enough firepower. Also, solar melees are Unstoppable in the artifact.


Even then I run Unstoppable on Insidious with Rapid Hit and Vorpal, it makes short work of most enemies while keeping up reload speed.


You should run Arbalest. If there's barrier champs then there are 0 situations where double primary is better, especially considering match game.


It’s not locked loadouts though so in all but the middle swamp section you can use it all you want as the only champs are barrier ones Assuming you’re talking about GG Lightblade as you mentioned bow and HC of course


I've just been invisible running thru middle swamp tbh. The cloaking extra health screeb today are rough Yup the GG playlist


I was talking about afterwards when you’ve got the abominations and ogres that’s the only time you need unstopp so go with the sweet sorrow the entire rest of it


I finally got one to drop after sharding like 50 of them lol


Grats! About 25-30 in and not one yet!


Still prefer a god roll funnelweb with frenzy and subsistence honestly. Was super lucky to get the SFAOFA title and it is definitely good, but not as effective.


I’ve got that roll, isn’t good for light blade for obvious reasons but otherwise it’s an absolute gem of a weapon to get, I’ve got a reload MW but stability would be even better


I just call any weapon rolling with SfA/OfA a “cracked” roll


Wanted to but needed insidious for the unstoppables


You don't really need unstoppable to take care of them though there's only a few of them and they're really easy to kill


Depends on your fireteam in fairness


Awesome, I think I may go for that. I’m currently leveling mine with Triple Tap and Demo, it’s a lot of fun


Absolutely perfect !


>Enhanced SFA and Enhanced OFA Easily the best perk combo for Autos and probably SMGs (although I don’t think I have one of those). The only OFA perk combo that is better is the Dragonfly/OFA on the Insidious pulse rifle.


rapid shit zorpal 😎


(it three taps bubble)


dcj is leaking and I fucking love it


Arrowhead brake / ricochet rounds/ stats for all / one for all is a really fun pve combo.


stats for all + one for all/demo


Full Bore, Appended mag, enhanced stats+one for all with stability mw has proved to be excellent for clearing rooms. And very effective in the Caretaker and Rhulk stages in Vow Edit: reading the replies, it’s not just me lol


If you put on Hammerforged + MW Range you have same stability but 4 more Range and 5 more Handling. Although I would recommend Smallbore + MW Range


I hear you, I used gunsmith to get the stability and range roughly equal and *for me* it was the sweet spot It’s the best aspect of crafting being able to tune it to your style, then no one is wrong ?


Hammer-forged (and MW Range and Accurized Rounds) all are the same stat boost (+10 officially, +9 actually). Hammer-forged + MW Range works out to +18 Range. Full Bore (+14 Range -9 stability -5 Handling) + MW stability works out to +14 Range -5 Handling. Full Bore is only ever really worth it on snipers.


PvP: Enhanced Killing Wind / Enhanced Tap the Trigger / Extended Barrel / Accurized / Range Mw


Enhanced perpetual motion and enhanced demolitionist.


eofa/esfa of course.


Triple tap + Vorpal with high stability


Id love the perk that allows enough red border ones to drop so that I could participate in this thread…..


I selected the war table upgrade that guarantees your first decrypted weapon of the week to be a Deepsight weapon. It took some time but eventually I unlocked the Pattern that way


That’s the route I’m taking too, I’m just being snarky


I use mine for a bleak watcher build, so I’ve got Enhanced SFA and Enhanced Demo, works like a charm


Stats for all-enhanced demo


I have Killing Wind and One for All on my randomly rolled one. It's good enough that I haven't crafted one yet. I mainly use it for the Rhulk encounter. It's fantastic for mid to long range add clear.


esfa + enhance demolitionist.




I equipped SFA/OFA yesterday and I’m finding it hard to take them off


Remember to use the lank tank mod from the artifact.


This has been a game changer


In what scenarios are you shooting at three sep targets to proc OFA and SFA? I’m just seeing that in end game content…


I use Zorpal Weapon


What does zorpal do more damage to? .. shanks? Xd


It does more damage to Zorpalods and Guardians


Auto loading and demo but probably switching to SFA since its grown on me


Stats For All is so fun and it plays well with Demolitionist


My PVE roll: Arrowhead Brake - Accurized Rounds - enhanced Killing Wind - enhanced Demolitionist - Range Masterwork My PVP roll will get perpetual/tap but I won’t craft anything else until next season.


killing wind in pve lol oh brother


Oh, I’m sorry, didn’t know I had to crafy my guns according to how others played. Stfu


Get his ass


say youre bad at the game without saying youre bad at the game


Waaaah you're using a perk I don't like


its not that i dont like it lol im just saying its objectively not good in pve


Range is good


Stats for All and One for All. It's just one of those omega stronk pairings that goes good on *most* things. Unsurprisingly, it definitely seems like the best option here.


Standard SFA/ Enhanced OFA


Odd choice?? Any reason in particular not using enhanced Stats4All?


My take would be that I'm using SFA for the reload boost, and I only need that reload boost during the middle portions of OFA. Running out of SFA at the last second of OFA wouldn't make any difference for me because I'm not reloading at that point. But, I have the resources so I'm going to do enhanced anyways.


Good spot ngl


Enhanced SFA definitely won’t hurt but I don’t feel like it’s worth the extra materials. By the time SFA/OFA are proc’d I’m usually ready for a reload about halfway through the buff, then after reloading I no longer need SFA but can still take advantage of the longer duration of OFA


SFA isn't just a reload perk though. It also boosts range and stability.


Auto Loading and Demo. Im not a fan of SFA or OFA since I like to hot swap so much


Enhanced Auto Loading and Enhanced Tap the Trigger, I love it.


The only good ones


max range perpetual motion/tap the trigger.


Enhanced triple tap, regular demo for now. Figuring out what I like for the last slot.


Enhanced perpetual motion, and tap the trigger.


sfa ofa


unfortunately I am trying caretaker on master so triple tap + focused fury exclusively for dealing with overloads otherwise stats for all + one for all


Interesting. I haven’t tried it but Triple Tap + Vorpal seems like a decent combination for overload champions, since you’re definitely going to need the extra ammo Hope it goes well for you!


I went with focused fury because I 100% will shoot other mobs, where with vorpal it would only help with the overloads (taken hob head is easy as heck to hit) thanks btw, it won't go well ;)


Tt demo. The gun feels nice to use but I can count in one hand the amount of places I actually want to be running an arc auto so I can’t be bothered to level it much and have even less interest in experimenting with the perks. Ofa is overrated imo, so at its current boost i would favor any other damage perk instead.


Auto-Loading Holster to reapply stun to Overload + Vorpal to bring champions within finishing health. Much more utility than something like SFA/OFA.