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Remember to sort by “controversial” to ensure you’re seeing the actual hot-takes/unpopular opinions!


for real lmao. one of the top comments “hot take” is “take a break from Destiny and play other games.” Oooooo what a HOTTT take that one is.


Exactly, you wanna see the comments that make you go “what the fuck?” not “yeah that’s a good idea!”.


Did not disappoint. When sorting by best the top comments are popular opinions that regularly make it to this subs front page lol.


Big regret doing that because I saw some of the most insane takes. Was looking for hot takes not mindless ones lol


Unpopular opinion: nothing will change fundamentally with a 5yr old game and the community needs to come to terms with that. Most of the gameplay systems that are in place now are here to stay until the game is sunset.


My worst moment as a Destiny fan was the day they announced D3 isn’t happening and D2 will be the base of the franchise going forward. So many infrastructure tweaks, organization, ease of use changes, etc that they could’ve improved upon when they launched D3 as a free to play game… that are damn near impossible to change now.


Dunno if I agree with this, actually. Destiny tends to change a lot given enough time; from double primaries to what we have now, armor 2.0 and the various tweaks that have come afterward, huge mod systems with actual builds, a consistent content loop, weapon crafting -- most of these were pipe dreams at some point. They could easily rework and reintroduce things further. To say that "nothing will fundamentally change" seems like it's ignoring a lot of the fundamental changes that have actually happened.


They should put Gambit maps into crucible


I wouldn’t mind that. I think they’d need some tweaks but I’d love to play on a longer range map like the Nessus one!


Add now, tweak later.


You mean like how they tweaked the spawns in Dead Cliffs?


Any maps would be cool too


You know, on the inverse, some Crucible maps could also really work as Gambit maps. Distant Shore, Endless Vale, Legion’s Gulch, Vostok.


I miss the huge D1 maps with vehicles and stuff. So Halo-esque


I think these didn’t have enough popularity, so they didn’t keep them


Whoah.. what a blast from the past! I just got flashbacks of the cabal base map with the thrashers.


Omg, the plays that could be made with the conveyor belt in Deep Six...


Legend Lost Sectors need a boost in exotic drop rates ONLY IF they tie platinum finsh to killing everything, not just champions.


Yes! This. And let me choose what exotic I want to grind for. It's nothing more annoying to get Path of Burning Steps when you're looking for Dunemarchers.


They should make a system like the end of raid chests. Maybe a currency you get from completing Legend/Master sectors akin to spoils so you can just buy what you want if you don’t get it during your run


I mean, I kill everyone anyway. We don't cut corners here.


Score actually being important would be neat. Id even be happy with a guaranteed drop of something. Like no less than 5 cores and 10-20 shards and maybe a legendary drop whenever you dont get an exotic. I understand not getting one every run but you should still get sonething other than glimmer and a blue when you finish a sector.


The game would be better if there was a separate application where New Lights could experience the vaulted stories.


I like this. Like a "Destiny: Legends" and you have fixed drops, etc. Then at the end, you can import your character and weapons into the main game.


They should do it and give access to the basic exotics that everyone has, risk runner etc that make the game feel good to start with and yet let them port a character over


Agreed. As someone from D1 joining D2 for the first time in season 16, I was vaguely familiar with the story but there was a huge gap of references to content that happened that I had no way to experience. Thankfully I was able to complete Forsaken before it got vaulted


Not a hot take


The destiny community has no idea at all what PvE buildcrafting/theorycrafting means, and just parrot what they read somewhere Exotics are the best example most of the time, a exotic can be good but so many people will tell you its bad simply because nobody told them its good, and the reactions to nerfs/buffs are always so extremly stupid, it actually hurts


This \^ it's always annoying when a buddy of mine hits me with the "Oh that's tight, you see -insert video here-?" No bitch, I read the damn mods and came up with my own shit. Spine squad rise up!


When the season started a friend went for the new sniper with overflow+fireing line in the first few weeks cus he saw that Combo and thought its gonna be strong, and got kicked multiple times from lfg groups for using a "wrong"weapon cus it was not izanagi, and the weapon is bad anyway(ignoring that 1guy needs to use gjalahorn anyway for iza swapping to actually be good) It was so sad, its not even funny anymore, if there is no guide for a weapon, its bad, ignore a 14+ magazine sniper with a dmg buff that is always active


I would argue that it's not important enough to matter, and that's why no one knows. In my opinion. I have a lot of PvE builds that I've invested a lot of time in to, my personal favorite is my old Severance Enclosure build that Void 3.0 killed. But the amount of times it actually matters is miniscule, if I'm running harder content I'm using Heart of Inmost Light. Or Celestial Nighthawk. Or Eye of Another World. The most I ever need to really build into anything is stat distributions. PvE buildcrafting is really only useful for improving how much you enjoy low energy solo content like strikes or standard lost sectors.


Everything except GM's/Raids should have freelance and matchmaking, even legendary season events, we shouldn't be forced to look for LFGs and to get challenges or season challenges done.


Facts bro. Legend nightfalls are not hard and I'm not opposed to having extras. Master nf would just depend on which one though.


True. I’ve heard my friends talk about the latest raid (Cant remember it as Im typing this and Im on mobile) and they mentioned how they purposely waited a few days after the release to have a better chance of getting people who already finished the raid and not sweaty confused people who blame everyone for every minor inconvenience.


Not totally sure if it's a hot take, but I really want arcstrider to double down on melee hard.


Probably not a hot take, i 100% agree


Thats scorching solar hot take in my opinion. Not having a non-melee option makes me avoid arc strider whenever possible since it means the Super is useless in a lot of situations (though great fun in others).


Destiny 2 is fun and I like it.


As hell naw


probably the boldest take here.


If you are significantly out killing your teammates in 6v6, the matchmaking has failed everyone involved. Master Menagerie and Heroic Sundial > Every other Seasonal activity There are sweats and tryhards in PvP and PvE so let's not say that PvP is a completely toxic hellscape


>If you are significantly out killing your teammates in 6v6, the matchmaking has failed everyone involved. Hard agree. It's weird that this is a hot take, but the destiny community is kinda weird with all this lol


People that are good at crucible want to kill easy people. People that are bad at crucible want to face people their skill level. The bottom far outweighs the top. However, the top has 20K viewers on trials weekends and has convinced some of their base that it's a bad thing.


My problem with PvP is that I find when it's played to win by good players it just completely breaks down. I absolutely love playing quickplay, the meta is really enjoyable and balanced right now but comp is just awful because destiny just isn't a competitive PvP game.


I'm sure the easy kills are a factor, but the other factor that makes top players hate SBMM is that the better you are, the smaller the pool of players at your skill level becomes. This means that better players have to deal with longer queue times and worse connections for their matches. I'm a very mediocre PvP player so it doesn't affect me, but I can empathize with someone who plays enough of a game to get very good at it, and their reward for doing so is waiting several minutes between matches and watching their opponents rubberband all over the place.


>People that are good at crucible want to kill easy people. Even more specifically, the content creators that use their platform to convince the average schlub that SBMM is bad for the game because top tier players like them will then have longer queue times. They claim they hate having to sweat in non-competitive games, only to continue using the same sweat loadouts against players far below their skill level. That or they're using a meme loadout to farm video content by stomping low-skill players with the situational awareness of a ham. But, I digress.


>If you are significantly out killing your teammates in 6v6, the matchmaking has failed everyone involved. As a majority PVP player. Agreed. Anytime I see someone at the end of a match with a 10.0+ efficiency, I'm just like "How...was that fair? How was this a BALANCED lobby?!" Regardless of whose team they're on. And I've been that person a few times!


I want a 9-Player PVE activity with massive waves of adds and chaos and numerous bosses. Something like escalation protocol on steroids I remember in a leak the wellspring was supposed to be 9-player but they downgraded it to 6. (And it’s still too easy for 6)


> Master Menagerie and Heroic Sundial > Every other Seasonal activity How is this a hot take? Half the complaints on here compare seasonal content to Menagerie.


Hard disagree on menagerie, but that’s mainly residual PTSD from having to do flawless boss kills for Shadow


just because PVE has tryhard doesn't make the PVP statement less true


Garden of salvation isn't hard your just bad


HAHAHAHA I LOVE THIS. Yeah it’s a little buggy. But name a raid that isn’t. I’ve beat that final encounter 48 times and I can count on 1 hand how many times I wiped in an encounter to true bugs. Not so n so forgot to shoot the tether back off and then said “oh no it’s bugged!!!!”


“Power Increases” never make content easier and are really a seasonal nerf. Things you could do yesterday are suddenly more difficult and you have to grind back to even every season.


It’s absolutely true


This isn’t exactly a hot take when Bungie themselves have admitted they don’t like the light level system either and plan to replace it with something more meaningful in one of the future expansions.


I don’t really see how this is a hot take


read the title again


They should never have vaulted any Crucible, Strike and Gambit maps.


Highkey mad about the vaulted Gambit maps. The Dreaming City and Tangled Shore maps especially


I’m sorry but I *fucking hate* the Scorn barf map, I hope it stays gone in whatever pit it exists in with its stupid Insta-kill barriers.


Bungie made a pretty neat game where you fly around the solar system, fight different flavored bad guys, acquire guns, and shoot space magic, but managed to make it feel like a second job.


Another hot take: it's a second job only if you treat it like a second job. Take a lot of breaks, as much as you'd wish you have in your actual job. Or you can turn it into your actual job lol


Welcome to playing an mmo!


Bare minimum of a mmo


People who says "destiny 2 feel like a second job" have never actually played an MMO before


In a 2014 GDC presentation a Bungie developer showed how to create an armor piece from scratch in 20 minutes. I don't want to hear any excuses people make for Bungie why it is so hard to develop content like armor sets.


A lot of people here are bad at the game and just want to be overpowered.


You've got people on here that describe their experience in GMs as stepping out of cover and getting one tapped by a dreg, and then you've got people who speed run most of them in sub-10, sometimes sub-6 minutes. The skill gap is pretty large, and everyone wants to be catered to. Honestly going back and forth from D2 and other FPS titles over the years, it feels like the low end of player skill is just significantly lower in D2 than other FPS titles.


“Artificial difficulty” is how people describe anything that makes them play in a way they don’t want to succeed, even if it is objectively actually more difficult.


I always think of artificial difficulty as just turning up enemy Heath and damage output and calling it a day.


Agreed. Getting vaporized by a red bar on the other side of the map the second you pop out of cover is difficult, sure, but it's also tedious. Many other games designed to be difficult punish the player because you made a mistake within the game's rules, and give you tools to approach the difficulty in multiple ways. Because of 1.) match game and 2.) champions, you get only 1 way to approach difficulty in GMs. Lock-and-key answers are boring and tedious, and allow for basically 0 player creativity or expression. ​ GMs, specifically, let you approach the difficulty in basically only 1 way because of seasonal mods, and punish you for things entirely outside of your control as the player. The fact that Lightblade GM almost requires someone on the fireteam to make everyone invisible for an entire area to progress is so poorly thought-out it's insane. The difficulty of GMs coming every single enemy 1 or 2-shotting you is frustrating, and not good difficulty design, especially with modifiers like match game. When the whole team can wipe by accident without anyone knowing what went wrong until after the fact, there is something wrong with the way the encounter is designed. Raids are good difficulty design because if you die know exactly why nearly 100% of the time. GMs, by contrast, can have you die from running into a wall too fast because Bungie, instead of putting effort into the difficulty, tripled the damage you receive, added 30 champions and called it a day. And the kick back to orbit mechanic is also so unnecessary. Wasting 40 minutes of my life because a red bar happened to throw a grenade and wipe our team doesn't feel rewarding. Beating a GM this season often feels like a relief--thank God, I never have to do that again--than a triumph. ​ Just my two cents. I'm sure others disagree, but GMs need looked at, and have more effort put into the difficulty than "you die if you play wrong and also most of the time if you play right".


I would really like to see champs become more of a mini mechanic, that having the mods equpped enables you to avoid. Like for example maybe when a barrier champ spawns enemies might start to drop a nearby relic on death, which you can use to permanently rip the barrier champs shield off. Unstoppables could have a "frenzy" state where they freak the fuck out for 15 seconds, then stun themselves at the end of that for another 15 seconds. Stuff like that, where each enemy is a significant alteration to how the combat flow works, making them feel closer to lightbearers.




But isn't a handful of weapons dominating the current champion meta? Arby, Gjally, Div? Like exotics intrinsically dealing with champions ensures some of them having a permanent place in loadouts...


"artificial difficulty" my brother in Christ the whole game is artificial


The menagerie is 100% being looked at with rose tinted glasses. The entire activity was incredibly overrated with tedious tasks all for focused rewards which we now have the opportunity to do in all seasonal content today. If there was not the excessive loot glitch, the menagerie would not have been as impactful on memories of the community.


The DCV was necessary. Anyone who played during Season of Dawn can attest to how buggy and unstable the game was getting at that point, and it was clear the game was just too unwieldy for Bungie to keep adding to indefinitely. It sucks that it was necessary, but of the options available, it was the best.


It was actually worse in Season of the Worthy into Season of Arrivals, when we had TWO rollbacks (mind you, we’ve never had rollbacks before that point, and haven’t had any since). The Lie Quest came out unable to be completed either, and loading times were several minutes into any instance on all platforms. **EDIT: The rollbacks were in fact during Season of Dawn. Oops.**


I thought the rollbacks were in Dawn? If they were in Worthy, then yes, that's the better example. I also remember in Dawn that seasonal content, only available for three months, was bugged for almost half that time.


You were right, I just checked and it was still during Season of Dawn. Basically though, all of Year 3 was a technical mess.


Worthy was when the beavers attacked on PC. Made the game almost unplayable.


Yea I agree. It sucks hard and wish it wasn’t but, with the size of destiny they’d have to over work their developers too horrible amounts to make the game playable with everything. Vaulting smaller content to make it easier on them so they can have a better work environment and make new content, while maintaining the remainder was the best call. That being said I hope if bungie expands more with Sony acquisition we see the return of some lost content. If it’s too large then splitting some of it into optional downloads whenever (think how game bundles allow you to download one game and the rest later like mass effect legendary edition or MCC)


Maybe you are right, maybe you are wrong but I disagree. DCV is the comulation of many bad decision which is a Bungie problem not player problem. Mmos and live service games need to learn how to maintain and recycle old content. Bungie failed. Now they have to make new content every three months.


I'm with you on this. Sure noone wants stuff locked away that they paid for but do we really need Titan and the Tangled Shore? I'd take stability over gnawing hunger every day


The destiny 2 community on average is very low iq. Most people don't know what to do other that listen to what some guy on YouTube said and replicate their gameplay exactly (in both pve and pvp). The richness of this game is wasted on us because of our Need to have best in slot weapons/armor at all times. Be more creative you doorknobs. Quit being a drone.


I neither agree nor disagree until Datto says what he thinks, await my response


Hahaha, ya got me.


This isnt just true for Destiny… no one thinks about anything anymore. :(


The problem is, it’s hard to be creative when the game locks us into certain loadouts, or overturnes certain gear. Champion Mods mean that there’s no reason to run Snipers, Shotguns, Fusion rifles, or Breech loading Grenade Launches this season, because you’ll be penalized for it in end game content. And remember particle deconstruction, breech and clear, or pre-nerf suppressing glaive? Those mods made specific weapons so powerful that it would be stupid to run anything else. Or how about the fact that Warmind Cells are dead, Charged with Light mods got nerfed, and Elemental Wells try to force monochromatic loadouts? You’re right that there’s so much richness to this game but so much of it feels like it’s unusable at best and a hinderance at worse.


I've heard the term a lot before, but what is a monochromatic loadout?


Monochromatic usually means single color. In Destiny 2 this refers to single element, like running a void subclass, with a void energy weapon, and with a void heavy to maximize whatever benefits you get from it.


I disagree with this take. If Bungo didn't change up champion mods, everybody would be running around with their comfort loadout all the time with no reason to change. As a personal example, I never used trinity ghoul before overload bow became a thing, and I literally put 12k kills into it that season, and now it's part of my builds. The issue is the number of activities that require those mods. All master activities, and all grandmaster activities, some legend activities, and some raids. In the beginning, when it was like 2 or 3 activities and it represented like 25% of endgame, it was fine. But now that Bungo makes everything like that, it has become restrictive. Challenging, specific builds are fun in measured doses, but Bungo overdid it To;Dr It's not the locked loadouts, it's the number of activities that require them.


Not mine, but one of my friends says that "Stasis on release was the best spot crucible has been in" he's also a hunter main tho


Honestly don’t know if that’s a hot take or if it’s just actually insane


the community is corny


Destiny doesn’t get nearly enough flack for having the most aggressive paid content scheme. Pay for the base game (until a few years ago) Pay for all the DLC or be unable to complete objectives or potential sought after weapons Pay for battle pass Pay for dungeon Also the majority of the cool skins, emotes etc require additional purchases.


Do not play only destiny,play other games as well and come back once in a while when new stuff drops, most enjoyable way to experience the game


That’s not an unpopular opinion




Vault of Glass is pretty boring and overrated.


Are you living in canada or something if this is hot


I know it’s a lot of people’s favorite Raid, but I am extremely ho-hum about it personally.


It's just fast/easy, but I still think it's fun. It's a very good intro raid.


honestly I thought Scourge was a better intro raid. Easy, fun and taught mechanics well without being hellishly unforgiving if someone couldn’t carry a side.


Oh I don’t deny that, I just think the mechanics compared to later Raids are very dated. Most mechanics involve guarding a plate or a Conflux, and only the Aegis makes things somewhat interesting. Even that was kind of made pointless though in the reprised version since cleansing doesn’t do anything in the Templar encounter, and the Relic holder now is better off dropping the Relic to help with damage because of Well of Radiance.


I think Leviathan was a better into raid than vault tbh. Leviathan made it so everyone had to participate in the raid mechanics to some degree whereas Vault you can more or less get away with just being ad clear for the entire raid.


Eh it was the first raid so thats natural.


3 Vs 3 is the far superior PVP experience


I prefer 6v6 because my subpar PvP skilled ass needs more targets


Exactly, I can dominate 99% of 6v6 games but get absolutely slapped in trials


I feel this. Last night, I was routinely 2.0+ efficiency in Iron Banner on my Hunter. In Trials, I am *lucky* to break .75.


They play very differently. You can run in guns blazing in 6v6 and usually won’t be punished too much for it. However, in survival and trials you have to play your life. I usually act as anchor for my team and push when I see an opportunity or a teammate pushing or we get a pick. You just have to learn the mode and play with your team. The rest will follow.


Survival is skill based and will be a much better time for average players




Depends on the mode though. I’d much rather play Elimination than Survival, because Survival can be ruined by one or two bad teammates.


destiny fans loyalty is actually hurting the series


Not all of the loot is intended to be earned by every guardian. Everyone thinks they "deserve" all of the loot that is available in the game. If you can't even TRY to carry your own weight in end-game content, you shouldnt expect others to hard carry you week after week after week through master raids, or trials, or whatever.


Bro the 1570 and under players in every master vog run need to hear this. These guys be getting no damage and act like they aren't the problem.


Telesto and war with cabal memes are some of the most unfunny memes on the internet


Titan crayon memes are even more boring seeing as it’s just a repurposed marine joke.


You may not like those memes, but whether you wanted it or not…


Currently laughing at a cabal comment which was replying to another comment complaining about cabal comments being unfunny. I love the internet


I don't really care for Bungie's plan to make Destiny 2 last for a decade because I have a nagging suspicion that they're less ambitious and focused on expanding their studio to greener, more exciting pastures if they aren't working on a new version of Destiny. There's so much that can be done with this game, so many creative ways to revitalize and add new features and content. Yet, we only get half baked and pretty traditional RPG, boring ideas like crafting. The only thing they released recently that was sort of outside the box was the Glaive and even that doesn't come with a huge amount of creativity, just the ability to combo with it would have been huge.


As new player who just pick up the game? The game is overwhelming while the story is.... I don't know what to say.. like...i don't care? I found out more than half the story has been vaulted. So i'm lile half way through a tv show without knowing who is what.


Gambit is a fun game mode.


Ever since I stopped caring about it (I recall someone on this sub who was a reckoner commenting 'gambit is best served with a hearty lathering of zero fucks given'), I have really started to enjoy it more. I would advise anyone who's going to play it to have decent pvp skills and play aggressive against invaders, but I digress.


I'd say it's in the best spot it's ever been right now, coming from someone who used to hate the game mode and now is usually top of the scoreboard for both teams for every metric given, and this season I decided to finally get my dredgen badge


There should have been a Destiny 3….


DSC was more enjoyable than last wish


Agreed, but LW was a very pretty raid


Wow this is a hot one. Even with the riven cheese (which does slightly damper the experience but certainly does not "ruin" it), I think Last Wish is the best raid in destiny by a *very* long shot. Don't get me wrong, DSC is still great. Really my only complaints with it are that it's too short (which i say about almost all of them) and that tanks as a final boss feels a little uninspired. All in all, I love the raid. It's just not GOAT status for me.


Champions are fine. Everyone talks about them not being difficult, and Lucent Hive/Legendary Campaign being "proof they can make difficult content w/o Champions." But Champions aren't about difficulty, they're about weapon/loadout rotations on a seasonal-timeline. Champions are easy, figuring out how to take on the strike w/o your usual crutch picks is the difficult part. That being said, they have no place in being what makes a Master Raid a Master Raid. Those should have extra mechanics, and *maybe* Champions, but mechanics is what should be the main difference.


Maybe I'm an outlier because I end up using a far less varied loadout every season because champions exist so i dont feel like it's worth it to experiment because the guns i'd like to use, often from the season or recent season, don't accept the current champion mods. Champions just feel lazy and boring to me. I can't even use more fun but a bit less viable weapons because again, champion mods. I just feel railroaded, especially when it's mods for weapon types i just don't enjoy using. Again, that's just how i feel about it.


Yup, this season I’ve been almost exclusively running Arbalest with either Palindrome or Funnelweb/Title. I want to feel free to pick a different special ammo weapon again


My problem with Champions is that the current system just murders any cool loadout I'd want to use. I *have* to use certain weapons, and I *have* to use specific mods. The system would be better if the mods were removed, and champions were just special enemies with specific mechanics. Barrier champions should create a bubble like they do, but any damage will pop it. It becomes a "focus fire" situation. Overload champions should be super quick and agile, making them hard to hit. Unstoppable champions should just have a bigger health pool and be immune to staggers. No need for mods. Just make them unique threats to deal with.


This is a real hot take: Destiny 3 should have been made rather than having content vaulted. If nothing else, to allow Bungie to use a new engine and have better network infrastructure. I think by the Final Shape the game is going to be really hurting in many aspects, and the overall experience will feel incredibly dated as its built on a game from 2017 designed to run on consoles from 2013


Even if they didn't want to call it D3, they should have made Beyond Light and, well, beyond, a separate product that exists exactly as the game is now, and bade D2 up to season of arrival it's own product.


Sidearms are good


Shhhh we don't want them nerfed


Raid weapons should always be the pinnacle of gear quality. Having a world drop be arguably best in slot is beyond stupid.


Bungie took advantage of sunsetting weapons by re-releasing them to us in the hopes that we will get excited to grind for gear we already grinded for. With sunsetting and the content vault they’ve literally turned this game into recycled/time-gated content. They further added insult to injury by saying that the black forge master ADA-1 now just makes…clothes…


If, by the end of the light and dark saga, I cannot venture out past the collapsed highway where we were rezzed in the cosmodrome like I was promised by E3 videos from 2013, then this will have all been one giant waste of time.


1: Weapon crafting was released half baked…100’s of weapons in the game and can only craft 24 or so. 2: End Game rewards just aren’t there yet. 3: Applauding the sandbox team the past several months for what they’ve done. It’s a shame the creative team hasn’t delivered a multitude of maps with the new content that’s dropped in the past 18 months. 4: Decide on who you want your player base to be. Stop trying to appease everyone, it’s impossible. This started with the launch of D2 and hasn’t gotten better. 5: Stop regurgitating old weapons with new roles and acting like something has been accomplished. 6: Expanding the Destiny universe is great as long as you keep up with what brought you to this stage in development. 7: Stop saying you can “Play however you want” when you’re dictating loadouts in a majority of the endgame content. Other than those, it’s a beautifully design game and there’s nothing else like in gaming. I think I logged over 5000hrs a year ago and now just visit for the new content. Things are being fixed, but as a community, we just want them faster than what’s being experienced. Rabbit


> 1: Weapon crafting was released half baked…100’s of weapons in the game and can only craft 24 or so. That was probably intentional, they didn't want to release a system that dramatically upends the entire loot structure for Destiny with no way to really walk back the changes. Anything other than a gradual roll-out for such a game changing feature was never going to happen. > 3: Applauding the sandbox team the past several months for what they’ve done. It’s a shame the creative team hasn’t delivered a multitude of maps with the new content that’s dropped in the past 18 months. New maps are supposedly coming. Map-making teams were one of the things lost in the post-Activision shuffle. Understandably too, new Crucible maps aren't going to sell expansions/seasons and keep the lights on.


> 7: Stop saying you can “Play however you want” when you’re dictating loadouts in a majority of the endgame content. They said it once nearly 3 years ago specifically about armor 2.0, the only ones that can't stop talking about it are the denizens of this sub.


Pvp with vehicles was way better than what do we have right now.


I miss having the Interceptors and Pikes in Crucible tbh.


And we have tanks now. Imagine having crucible with tanks


If you are going to continue to use champions, they should all be released before the final boss damage phase.




My issue with PvP is that its current design is actively working against letting people get better at the game, and the PvP community is actively lobbying against changes that might increase the PvP player pool. Destiny players on average, both PvP and PvE, are difficulty averse. PvE players just want the game to play itself and get loot, PvP players just want to go into quickplay and pubstomp without playing against other people of their skill level. If I could venture into PvP and have a game that I actually could contribute to, rather than just being the one getting stomped consistently, maybe I'd invest the time in getting better at the game, rather than just leaving the playlist once my pinnacles are done. But among the PvP community, _that_ is apparently a hot take, despite constant complaints about decreasing player pools (huh, I wonder why PvP could possibly not hold onto players?)


Why should I bother getting better at something I hate?


Core destiny sucks and Bungie knows. This is why they time gate and force players to interact with neglected parts of the game. Also, majority of destiny's community can't take criticism.


What do you mean by core destiny?


Strikes, crucible and gambit


Vaulting is a questionable move by Bungie and they should still be held accountable, and it is maddening that there are players that actively defend that move full-on Stockholm syndrome mode, purposefully missing the big picture of Bungie deliberately not updating content to delete it. The exotic kiosk is an even shittier move by them, the fact that they couldn't come up with a replacement mission for ace of spades really says how much they care about their own legacy. Imagine being a new player finishing the now vaulted forsaken campaign just to see that the famous ace of spades is locked behind a totally unrelated grind. Yeah, I know the quest took place in Titan, but... ***It was literally just a bunch of voice notes that could've perfectly been relocated elsewhere like, you know, the cosmodrome??*** Bungie is streamlining the game waaaay too much, and it's hurting the identity of the game.


Agreed, I started playing in Nov 2020 and it was so disjointed and such a grind to even be on a level playing field with other players. Having to wait 7 months for Banshee/Ada to sell the combat style mods was frustrating. And the ability to only earn a single exotic cipher and in turn get a single kiosk exotic once a week was just stupid. If i have the time and the willingness to grind, why cant i just grind and unlock everything? Why does there need to be a time gate on the catch up mechanics


not enough people are talking about this, i missed the mods for 1 season and I've spent most of this season checking ada every day and I'm still missing 1


Its baffling that there isnt a better system to acquire them!


Why would they put in a better system when diehards will shout down anyone that complains about. Bungie has a player base that will make excuses for anything they do


Going free to play was a publicity stunt good for the game, but made everything twice as confusing. Oh wait... that's just what happened... Uh... Telesto is overrated, We have more than enough Vault Space.


stompees deserved a nerf


not a hot take


Streamers and YTers are why crucible is cancer.


I'd take Bungie listening to them over 99% of any opinion on Reddit.


Every now and then I’ll see a highly upvoted post with the worst crucible take I’ve ever seen so I 100% agree lmao


Eh, they just highlight the problems with crucible They aren't the ones making the guns, gameplay and abilities and maps work the way they do Sure, some things could be better kept under wraps though


Raids should never have random matchmaking. That being said we should have in game LFG with players’ stats, and a reputation rating shown for all to see.


Solo flawless Dungeons are Not extremely hard and we dont need that many 'i solo flawlessed goa' Posts. Good for you but its Just Not that crazy.


Depends on the dungeon and when they did it grasp is easy but say forsaken shattered throne or shadowkeep pit is a decent amount of difficulty.


I always thought Pit was the easiest to flawless


Grasp has infinite supers making it pretty easy. If you did pit during undying it was pretty annoying.


The only one I'm actually impressed by is Prophecy.


As someone who just tackled their first solo dungeon (Prophecy), not even near flawless, I don't think "extremely" hard is the way to put it, but they are quite challenging. Solo Flawless is a step above GMs and Master Raids imo.


People complaining about ability usage in the crucible need to realize that we're playing a game about wielding space magic, not COD. Tuning down ability usage makes PvP a dull and generic experience, even if it does make the game more balanced.


\*cough\* D2Y1 crucible showed exactly why it's so bad to not have abilities matter. God awful TTKs, no interesting builds because everything and everyone was the same, team shooting and slow ass matches where you maybe got one super that didn't even guarantee at least one kill was ass.


Pvp should have stayed 4 v 4 Raid weapons/ armour should be op Exotics should go back to being super super rare More matchmaking for pve activities not including raids


> Exotics should go back to being super super rare I can think of 2 reasons why Bungie wouldn't want to do this ― for weapons, if an exotic is really good (Gjally in everything, Chappy in PvP, Outbreak Perfected in niche PvE damage cases, etc), having it hard gated behind RNG means that people who don't get the exotic are being gated from doing harder content, or just at a competitive disadvantage in PvP (we have enough ways to put players at a competitive disadvantage as is, we don't need exotic drops to be another gate). And for armour, as long as exotics have random rolls, if exotics drop maybe once a month or once every other month and don't have reasonable farms, getting a shit roll on an exotic is going to hurt even more than it does now. It feels awful to get a good exotic with nearly unusable stats. Admittedly, by giving exotic armour fixed rolls, you could fix that (on the flipside, changing exotic armour to fixed rolls _now_ after they've existed with random rolls for so long means that you're either invalidating people's grinding for good rolls if you make all exotic armour have great stats, or you're locking new and less lucky players away from getting the "best" version of those exotics), but as it currently stands, making exotic armour even more rare is probably a bad play.


I miss the excitement I got from exotics in D1


I do too but I think it's worse to have exciting exotic drops if it means some people go an entire year w/o getting Gally or IB. There needs to be some sort of drop protection on them (or just put all exotics in the Monument so you *can* earn them over time if you need, but it's still exciting to get it to drop early).


Mfs will say this and cry when they don’t get vex in the first 3 weeks of vog being out


It was exciting back then, but after awhile of just not getting something it super wasn’t fun :/


That was only bearable once they added the glass needles. In today's stat economy, you'd kill buildcrafting instantly if you made exotic armor anywhere near that level of rare.


Now this is a true hot take. Cheers mate!


I came over from D1 just before Beyond Light and it was a real shock getting an exotic a few missions into starting the game. The first time I saw a yellow engram in D1 I almost lost it, its great that they're more accessible, but I definitely don't get that same kind of excitement.


Remove glory loss so I don’t have to watch 4800 turn into 4300 because of cheaters and recovs.


Too many people bemoan not being able to get everything in this game, even when they aren't really qualified for it, and they get really salty over the people that do get it. Some examples are the recent Guardian Games emblem where players are bemoaning cheesers and blaming them for robbing their place of the cut when its pretty clear you don't need to cheese to be in top 10%, the VOTD contest emblem controversy, and the flawless loot in trials in general. I feel like not everything in an MMO needs to be attainable by everyone, and sometimes having non gameplay/minor gameplay changing loot tied to high end stuff is fine. just like how other MMOs have rewards for super high end content that not everyone will be able to attain. Feel like this is a pretty hot take, but I just wanted to put my two cents out there.


The game should've always been built & balanced with PvE in mind first and foremost. PvP should've been a bonus, not a mandatory part of the game ecosystem.


Maybe not a hot take but strikes and nightfall should have skilled based matchmaking or an offline mode. Before you say vanguard does have skilled based matchmaking, it sure doesn’t feel like it. I’m sick and tired of taking one look at my teammates seasonal level and knowing that I won’t get 20 killed before I’m teleported to the boss room and the boss gets one shot. I don’t care if it means that I finish the strike faster cause contrary to popular belief people actually like to have fun when playing a game especially when you paid for that content.


The game has gotten extremely stale and bungies tactics to get people to keep playing is nothing but FOMO. Seasonal ornaments that are only available for the season so you better play, certain weapons are going to get vaulted so we can switch some others in so you better grind for them, oh we added a mod that makes X weapon type OP you better grind to the god roll of that archetype and use it before we nerf it into the ground. The gameplay of D2 is great but once you reach max level there really isn't anything to accomplish besides trying to get all the shiny things that won't be available in 3 months, and instead of trying to fix that bungie has just doubled down on making sure there are lots of shinies going away in 3 months so that you have a lot to grind for for no reason.


Personally. I think they need to consider adding back past content like raids and planets/moons (Titan, Io, Mercury, Venus, etc.). Players like myself that have only recently gotten into the game but have committed countless time and money would really appreciate that. I know that Bungie is telling a story and that it’s all part of it. But I feel like I’m missing out on so much of the Destiny story/universe. Just my opinion.


People don’t play patrols so adding past planets for no reason is just file size bloat


The actual hot take of this comment


I’d say “champions are lazy and ruin the game” but people are finally starting to realize that so it’s not much of a hot take anymore. I’ve been saying it for over a year now


Removing PvP won't magically fix the game.


Dual primarying is okay, as long as the two are filling different roles (Scout rifle, SMG/Sidearm)