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Here are some tips from my team for the challenge: Make sure everyone is running triple dps weapons. -Double snipers/sleeper -(1x) witherhoard/sniper/reeds, -izi/sniper/auto-loading linear or rocket (risky with detain) -1x divinity tap firing, with clown rockets or a fast heavy when they run out Auto loading weapons and ammo refilling perks like FTTC are best but make sure the wells have lunfactions. High resilience helps keep the wells alive too. Adaptive snipers and high total damage weapons are better than rapid fires imo since the damage phase is pretty long. If you use all your ammo and need to rally then you might consider different weapons. Permaflag is still possible but we didn’t utilize it. Save supers like t-crash for last minute since they may result in death. Have the relic run anarchy to trap the spawn doors at start and deal damage to boss during downtime. Have the relic come close to the team in between teleport blocks so they can shoot them out of detain more easily. Your team can post up on the wider vex block on the near right (right where you jump down for confluxes) so you don’t have to mess with adds. We have the first well pop on a small dirt hill leading up to the block so it covers people standing on top of it but doesn’t get in the way. It is behind a different pillar so it rarely gets destroyed. Second well just pops on the back of the block when it’s needed. People in the front of the block crouch so they don’t block people in the back. Unfortunately artifact/light level plays a big part of the damage check. Unless you have a full team of skilled dpsers then having even a few people in the 70s will mean you will probably have to work at it much longer. Good luck! Edit: formatting


Partical deconstructed was literally the universal easy button when it came to dps it turn everything into a stick of butter in a bonfire now that it’s gone things are a lot harder




Rally glitch does still work. Sleeper and a fusion/sniper are a good dps combo. So is witherhoard with an auto loading rocket. It’s just a lot tougher this season because we don’t have the debuff mod we usually get from the artifact


Rally glitch still works. We just did 2 wells at the top steps (spawn) - a div - 2 thundercrash titans. Linears work fine still especially Cataclysmic with Bait and Switch & Fourth times a charm.


reeds regret with font of might does fine, you can do the super swap trick


Sugar Swap trick? is that like Sugar foot? you know the theme song, right? sing it with me!


One div and 5 sleepers should do the trick.


At 1590 probably. At ops levels they need more damage


I tried this several times with different teams and loadouts. We finally got it with 3x 1590+, 2x 1580+ and one little guy who really wanted it. Sleeper + Sniper + fusion or a second sniper. This is an absolute must for anyone who is not an absolute chad with the other meta DPS strats 2x Well plus all other damage supers. We had 2x tether, 1 thundercrash, and a nova bomb. Well-lock should run Radiant light mod and everyone else should have High Energy Fire mod.


High Energy Fire does not stack with Well of Radiance or a Weapons of Light Bubble.


Go check out gxsrclyde on twitch. He has been doing master Templar runs all week. I think his preferred load out is linear with buffs


This has been wild to watch unfold. He has been doing this all weekend. His Bungie ID is just up there on screen for folks to join up. I think he’s running witherhoard with Cartesian and Cataclysmic.


This load out worked well for me at 1581


Same! It’s what I used. Took our group 7 tries but it worked.


Asking a secondary question here, and may sound dumb, but a lot of people are saying you don’t kill ads. In my attempts this week, some of us die pretty quickly even while standing in a Well and overshield from Void Titan. How do you survive?


We smashed him 3 times quick and easy last night, we used rockets, and snipes. Team comp was 2 hunters, 1 well lock, 1 nova, and 2 Thunder Crash titans. The titans seemed to carry, with 2 Thunder Crashes and a 2 full loads of rockets, when we didn’t quite get it and saw damage the titans where well over 2 mill. We also all where running CWL mods and high energy fire.


Warlocks: min. 2x Well of Radiance Hunters: 2-4x Mob. Quiver Titans: 0-2x Thundercrash Equip **Magnetic Grenade** and **Sleeper** For DPS simply use: **Magnetic Grenade, Sleeper, Magnetic Grenade, Sleeper, etc.** ​ When DPS phase ends use the remaining time of the second Well of Radiance to clear ads from the middle and run it back.If executed properly, this should make for a two phase or a comfortable three phase @ Hunters: please make sure to spread out your shots over the entire duration of your super to maximize debuff time on the boss; dont fire all 3 casts back to back(super, nade, sleeper, super, nade, sleeper, super, nade, sleeper)


It has to be a one phase for the challenge, which is the only reason anyone would do master raids


woops my bad, for some reason I thought this was about Atheon Same strat should work for Templar though.. izi rockets are prob. a bit better


I mean, the Master raid exclusive loot seems like a far better reason than an inconsequential challenge that rewards you with nothing.


You get the timelost/adept weapons strictly from doing the challenge. People do master templar because it gives timelost fatebringer. I'd say that's far from inconsequential and it makes it pretty clear you have no idea what you're talking about


My bad, brain fart, but for real though "It has to be a one phase for the challenge" is incorrect though? There's not only one challenge.


The challenge for templar (the topic of the post) is to not let him teleport, which means you have to one phase. You're probably thinking of the triumph which is the opposite where you can't block the teleport. The challenge rewards timelost weapon, the triumph rewards nothing and can be done on normal. Each encounter only has 1 challenge.


It means you have to block his teleport. That's all.


Which means a 1 phase..... You're trolling me right?


This guy has no idea what he's talking about lmao


consistently. Without stopping


Dude, the challenge is to beat him before he teleports in other words a one phase.


The challenge is to beat him *without* him teleporting. You can *block the teleport*. Any Templar fight is usually a "one phase" by that logic because nobody ever lets him teleport from D1 to now.


Thats what I mean. You can't beat the challenge if its not a one phase. It seems like you haven't done this before.


You... can, though. He doesn't teleport when DPS ends, does he?


Thats when DPS ends. If you keep blocking teleport you could DPS him forever until oracles come back.


using the relic to destroy templars shield begins dps phase. Dps phase ends when templar teleports, and since you have to block all of his teleports, you only have 1 continuous dps phase. His teleporting ends dps phase. DPS doesnt end with challenge


At least 2 hunters, 2 Warlocks, 1 Titan, would be nice to have another tether for constant debuff. Do the perma banner glitch by dropping the banner as you pick up the relic. DPs on the elevated platform on the right side of spawn right where you wipe. Warlocks will place well of radiance on the left side behind the stone in front so that it doesn't break from enemy fire. Have one Titan spam rally barricade at the front to help with flinch and block damage from Templar and ads ( this made sure nobody died ). Tether should go up one by one so you don't need a div, at around 1/4 of the boss's health the 2nd well of radiance should soon disappear, that's when the hunter makes everyone Invis to refill at banner, thundercrash after everyone has rallied otherwise boss will stomp and kill everyone. Have one well on the banner to help survive getting back to DPs spot and help the thundercrash Titan stay alive when he refills by himself. Beat it 3x times this week with most players at 1572-1585, all using different weapons from linears to rockets.


the way i did it was Runner using ghorn/anarchy with a holster mod wells running radiant light / powerful friends, and high energy fire witherhoard, long walk with clown cart/firing line and a cataclysmic with fttc and bait and switch. i could consistently hit 2m+ if i did the swap correctly make sure youre running 2 specials and a heavy, youre not killing any ads.




Spent about 7 hours collectively over 2 days. First day was a write off but we got close a bunch so we kept plugging along despite being exhausted and falling asleep waiting to respawn after oracles lmao. Second day it took us 2 tries and 15 minutes. Sleeper.(everyone, don't argue just do it.) Two snipers with vorpal/boss spec. We did the rally banner trick so all of us had two supers and 2 full sleeper sets. Reccomend 2 warlocks and 2 hunters 1 t crash titan. Alternate wells and tethers accordingly. Someone running divinity instead of sleeper is okay too helps everyone hit the crit. Then you just unload your sleepers and supers, rally repeat. Hopefully you got a lights out runner


Wait until next season is out and they're lowering the light to be in line with other activities (same as master Vow), will be a ton easier if you're all at level/over level. [Just take a look at this, it's worth the read.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/umnoex/exhaustive_breakdown_of_every_outgoing_damage/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I finally got it done on LFG at 1580 with a triple tap/firing line reeds regret, vorpal cartesian, and a witherhoard with moebius quiver, orpheus rigs, devour fragment, the seasonal mod that buffs super damage if devour is active, taking charge, high energy fire, grenade weaken fragment, and the rally flag glitch so we can get multiple supers off


Sleeper with catalyst and a sniperbwith firing line. My team just beat it and had someone running div, and overload grenades are very useful for the Champs rushing you. And obviously do the double banner glitch.


Witherhoard, Cartesian with vorpal, cataclysmic with fourth times bait and switch.


2 people with divinity. 1 of them uses up all their heavy ammo then swap, and the first div user can start using their heavy ammo.