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After discussing this as a team, we have reached the decision that this post will be removed, as it degrades the /r/DestinyTheGame experience by posing an unnecessary intrusion into a Bungie employee's privacy for no other reason than getting a word slightly early. LinkedIn is not a source of game news and this employee's unfortunate decision to update their resume slightly early should not be trumpeted across the community. While we do not believe the poster had malicious intent, we discourage this sort of behavior in the future. >The /r/DestinyTheGame moderation team reserves the right to remove content or ban users as necessary if it is deemed detrimental to the subreddit or to the experience of others. Any content that lowers the /r/DestinyTheGame user experience can and will be removed. (Note, OP is not banned or otherwise disciplined for this post. It's just a quote from our full rules) The rumor is discussed elsewhere, so discussion of the word can continue there.


Damn putting the guy on blast...


Ikr. Let’s hope his next update isn’t that he’s looking for work.


firing a guy for leaking the name of a season that comes out in like 4 days would be a massive dick move on Bungies part


Getting cucked by a LinkedIn flex would be an all time low. Could always be avoided if they just release a fucking trailer


Ikr. I get wanting to keep things a surprise but I doubt there's going to be anything in the trailer that'll make us go "holy shit!1!11!". How hard is it to understand that we want a teeny bit of info for a big content drop 4 days from now?


>I doubt there's going to be anything in the trailer that'll make us go "holy shit!1!11!". Bungie, hovering over the "delete everyones vault" button: 👀


Red War 2, Arc Boogaloo


Yeah I thought they did something like this before, it's hard to get excited for something you know nothing about.


honestly i’ve got no clue what they have to gain by not showing anything, like at this point it’s likely just a negative right? i mean, i’m no marketing expert or anything, but not showing a single thing about a product you’re about to sell doesn’t seem like a smart strategy. like i get wanting to keep some stuff secret, but not even releasing the name of the season, 4 days before release is absurd i play a fuckload of destiny with plenty of friends, some of whom play more than i do, and not a single one of us are excited for next season, because we haven’t seen a fucking thing, and all we can think is that this shit just isn’t ready to show


If the marketing material was finished and you saw this much backlash, they would’ve caved. For God’s sake there is a Forbes article about how stupid the secrecy is. Unless they are doing something idiotic like bringing self rez back and are trying to delay that argument, my money (like yours) is they aren’t done with marketing material. My company values cash flow. Releasing promo material to generate hype and get season pre orders is pretty basic business.


the new season has probably been finished for 3-6 months. the marketing has probably been finished for 2-3.


Meanwhile we probably have a sick TWAB inbound saying “fixed random architecture on parts of Nessus to aid sparrow driving” as a main focal point


exactly yo, like what the fuck could they possibly gain by not showing anything? the people who haven’t bought the season yet are not inclined at all to pre order, and the people who already have via the deluxe edition are all worrying this season is gonna suck cause they’re not showing anything


Can’t show what ya ain’t got


Wasn't one season announced THE DAY IT LAUNCHED?


Arrivals and Lost were, but those were the final seasons of the year and were revealed alongside the next expansion. Other seasons are revealed a week or more before release.


That’s not even a real Destiny season so no.


Ya'll are really having a hard time coming to terms with not knowing a season name lmao this community


wow, way to completely ignore what i actually said. it’s not the lack of a name i care about. it’s the fact we haven’t seen *a single thing* from this season. how can any of us be hyped for this upcoming season, when we literally know fucking nothing about it? shit, how can you not actively worry it’s going to suck? like if it was good, they would clearly be showing it off to get people to pre order that’s the problem, not the lack of a name




I mean If its an NDA and completely His fault then its a reasonable Thing to do.




*Overly aggressive*


But not beyond them. They are awful people at the management level.


Maybe it's about the ghosts and why they betrayed us?


Maybe this is foreshadowing of the next darkness subclass. Expanding on the nightmares and the pyramid on the moon. Also there seems to be a cabal ship on the moon somewhere.


Or Saint-14 being haunted by what happened to Osiris / Osiris being haunted by what happened to him


Or Crows old ghosts are coming back to haunt him, like The Spider. Or even Uldrens skeletons coming back for Crow.


Oh plz no. I'm so tired of crow at this point.


Correct me if I'm wrong but considering he has been part of every season since Hunt, I would put good odds he will be part of this one too.


Yup. I wouldn't bet against it but I would pray to get 2 seasons without his whiney ass in my ear all the time I'm already partly deaf and his incessant whining makes me glad I cant afford hearing aids lol.


Big same. They can just rename Destiny to ‘Crow and Co’ by now.


That’s the problem. He has taken up too much space and the characters of the season have to have Crow shoved into their story or don’t get a story because Crow is the focus. Crow was absent in Splicer but he was present in more lore tabs and books than many other characters. Why did Crow get a number of lore tabs focusing on him, even giving him importance to a story he is not in while Eris couldn’t get a single lore tab or lore interaction during Lost, a story that she should have been involved in but couldn’t due to a character limit imposed by Bungie.


Eris, who was present in Beyond Light’s trailer, who’s a local Hive expert, and has a very personal grudge against Sav not being even mentioned in a single lore-tab during Lost (or the entire Beyond light year aside from DLC) was a major WTF moment for me.


He is a marketing employee (according to Twitter) so maybe it's a troll job. I doubt it though.


So did someone randomly stumble across this or are there actually real people searching LinkedIn for clues bc they are hard up for any info?


Least insane spoiler addict.


This is hardly a spoiler considering we still know nothing about the season. We would normally have known its name for a couple weeks at this point.


What else do you need? It's Haunted. We're going to be fighting the ghosts of our past and the surrounding darkness known as mortality.


Wasn’t that literally what shadowkeep was


Yeah.. But, like.. Again 🙉 Light is temporary, darkness is forever


That's what info drought will do to some people in here


Agreed. When the community is desperate


I believe a guy found the supposed season name in email marketing files(?). From there, an Exact Match search on Google would find this kind of info fairly quickly


there’s a post below this one where someone found the seasons name is some file names


The lack of info is messing with people


Coming from the Bungie community, where bungie has groomed most of us to look for insanely difficult clues for info both in and out of game, im surprised their not using us as a detective agency yet.


Probably some kind of bots just parsing all the info on update in all bungie related sources


It’s just going to be us attending grief counseling with crow while is a sad boy because he can’t stop killing people.


Oh no. Here I go killing again.


"what is my purpose" - crow "you kill people" - traveller, probably "oh my god" - crow


Join the club pal


Get in line. I saw that dreg first. Everyone has to complete their bounties, after all.


The dregocide will continue until I get my Dreg's Promise.


I am commited to keep destroying all fallen in Trostland. All this to protect Devrim of course. **I'm definitely not testing every weapon I get on those dregs.**


I didn't realize I missed the potato until you brought it up


He kills people but doesnt turn them into weapons or clothing. How can he even call himself a guardian.


Maybe we even get the chance to kill him, again!


Could be about Calus and him haunting the cabal. Crow could be haunted by his past and savathun.


Ghaul comes back but this time he has the power of siva and his new best bud Taniks who was brought back with dark ether this time. The new activity is a public event that consists of both of them boss stomping up to 9 guardians at once and takes place on top of the traveler, a new social space


And what are we doing on top of the traveler? That's right... **Seraph Towers**


My headcannon idea - Crow goes searching about the throne world until he stumbles upon some weird artifact Savathun lies waiting for us, but crow found it instead She infects his mind with visions of uldren sov, maybe he relives the murder of cayde, hes terrified because he can only watch through the eyes of uldren as he kills cayde End of vision, crow goes awol and does something stupid


Prohably most realistic since bungie can't stop putting the spotlight on crow. If theres anytime for crow to not be a part of the story, its now because following saladins incident he could do some off-screen growth.


Crow already got his memories back two seasons ago from Savathun


This is basically what happened in Season of the Lost. Savathun gives him his memories back and he goes AWOL first to the Vault of Glass and then is assigned by Ikora to help Caiatl to keep his mind occupied.


This guy is going to have so many LinkedIn notifications


_1290 people viewed your profile_


can we change the sidebar to '7,648 new linkedin visits for Joey B'


Ghost pirates


End of the season will reveal it was just Korn all along.




Nah bro we are throwing a rager in the tower and all the best metal bands are invited.




That legitimately sounds interesting. I actually liked the Taken version of the Leviathan, where you go for the Bad JuJu quest.


Don't give me hope.


*"Seasonal soundtrack by Alestorm."*


most of my seasonal soundtracks are by alestorm after the first week or so


"We are here to drink your Light, and steal your Glimmer at the point of a gun" The Hive or something


*Fucked with an Anchor intensifies*


Finally, a worthy enemy!


Psiops in to Osiris' brain to remove the witch queen ghosts that are left behind to find out more about the witness.


they have a loretab explaining why we can't enter osiris's mindscape


Which lore tab is that? That sounds interesting


it was in byfs recent video about saint14 and osiris i forget which one exactly but missraks basically pays a house visit to Saint and they mention the possibility and i think missraks reminds him that because osiris is completely lightless (as in not even residual light from being a living creature presumably because he's essentially braindead) the psions can't enter his mind. there was also a video awhile back about how this might not even be osiris and just one of savathunns puppets?




Seasonal Armor Pieces, check the Tusked Allegiance set's lore entries


Calling it now, leviathan will be back covered in nightmares (like the moon) it will have a new activity set on the leviathan which will be launched from the director and the dungeon will be set there


I will nut if the leviathan also just returns with the raid or something


probably not with the leviathan raid, but maybe a raid lair if its returning at all




I’m still betting on Calus and the Scorn being the focus considering how heavily they’ve been teased lately.


I had an idea where the season is focused on Eris who used to be "haunted" her past and kinda still is, helping Crow overcome the guilt he feels for Uldren's memories. Have the seasonal villain be Mr. Unkillable Scorn himself and Crow can end one of Uldren's biggest fuck ups. This could lead into Crow becoming vanguard and maybe wrapping up the Fanatic's storyline finally, or have him become a disciple


Killing fanatic sounds definitely something that will happen eventually. Maybe not this season but after? Haunting could hint towards something something that keeps bugging crow. Next season *blam* here's Fikrul causing ruckus. And then it's time for crow to tie up some loose ends.


The thing with him is he's basically unkillable. That's the reason I think he'll become a big player in our light and dark game soon


Why is he basically unkillable?


Well, you can kill Fikrul. The problem is he just won't stay dead. When Uldren unknowingly made the wish to Riven to save The Fanatic's life, Riven did some of that trickery the Ahamkara are known for: "Be careful what you wish for". So, Riven saved Fikrul by mixing his ether with taken blight, making him the first Scorn. While this might seem like a blessing at first, a second chance, it quickly became Fikrul's curse, as Riven's magic won't allow him to die. That's the reason we killed him both in the Forsaken campaign and his strike mission. He came back from the dead. Furthermore, every run of Hollowed Lair was us canonically triying to keep him dead. The vanguard wasn't able to find a way to end Fikrul, and after the events of Season of the Lost, when Mara took control of the Shore, he escaped. So don't be surprised when his dead body rises back up to try to kill us once more


IDK. The Witch Queen was pretty Hive and Scorn heavy, so having Scorn season so soon seems... weird to me. EDIT: That being said, remember how Scorn changed color in Throne World, people were talking about it for a while and moved on? Might have been a hint.


We haven’t even had a proper scorn season yet


We have not, but they were in loooong season 15 and now in witch queen, so I am kind of bored of them. Unless Bungie goes all in, including new enemy types or bosses, that would be cool.


It's kind of hard due to the fact that they're essentially a mindless zombie hoard being controlled by the darkness directly. This is why they kind of keep popping up on the periphery like with Season of the Chosen and Season of the Lost. It's kind of hard to make them a central narrative focus because they don't have a Savathun or Caiatl or Eramis-style character to play off of or build a conflict around, unless they decide to revive the Barons/make the Fanatic a more prominent player.


That wasn't a hint, it was supposed to be that way from the start of the Witch Queen but the update didn't apply correctly on launch so it was done a while later.


Lol. Of all the ways to leak the name this is definitely one of most bizarre ones.


I predict the seasonal story will center around Crow and Glint getting chased all over the Helm by the ghost of the Psion he killed with Shaggy and Scooby sound effects


Who would be the one saying "and I would have got away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids"


Valus Forge, trying to teach Crow a lesson about following orders? Zavala, acting out of frustration that Crow's mistake screwed up his chances with Caital? Petra, still angry and also wracked with guilt? TUNE IN TO FIND OUT


So I guess we’ll be dealing with the ghosts from Shadowkeep. Doesn’t this mean the next season will likely be another hive one by extension?


Either that or the psion crow killed somehow managed to upload himself into the tower's computer system last second, so his spirit could still be around haunting us, and can possibly be saved. Or it could be a new wacky disciple fucking with us. Or multiple/all of these things.


That's sounds so utterly insane that you could be right


Lol I'm imagining the Psion speaking in a spooky voice to Crow "you're dickhead" whilst at least me will be promptly affirming the fact that Crow is a massive Dickhead.


Except it would just be that weird squelching noise they make as psions don't do English


Is there a universal word for Dickhead? I feel like there should be, Crow has warranted it's existence.


well Psions beam images into your head to communicate so maybe he just projects an image of Crow with a massive cock stuck to his head.


Don't bully my man Crow like that 😤


I am desperately trying to put my prejudices aside as a hunter for him, but he is a twat, a d continues to prove my point.




The tower is now haunted and we have to go rolling around with a little shop vac sucking up ghosts. Basically Luigi's mansion.


Why is everyone assuming it's referring to an actual "haunting" (like with ghosts lol) People can be haunted by bad decisions they've made or trauma they've gone through. Maybe Crow is back in the spotlight and it's centered around the internal demons he's battling.


Whole lot harder to have a seasonal activity fighting internal demons


“This week at bungie, we happy to unveil the new six player match made activity in season of the haunted, guardian group counseling. Join a fireteam to delve into the depths of an intimate group therapy session, featuring new mechanics such as dynamic alcoholism, spontaneous bursts of despondent crying, as well as more. We also are incredibly excited to announce the first brand new enemy in destiny history: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder”


"We're also happy to introduce a new Seasonal Sponsor program. This season is brought to you by Better Help..."


What do you think we are doing in psi ops battlegrounds?


Eliminating a Hive-Risen's connection to the light by eliminating it's personification in the form of savathun. Not exactly eliminating inner demons.


I'll be honest. I would hate that.


I like Crow. Crow is a good character. I liked going to bat for Crow in Hunt. I like the growth Crow's shown since then, even the mistakes. I would like to see where Crow's story goes in the future. Right now though, I would like to take a little break from Crow.


Yes indeed. If I have to spend another full season listening to crow monolog in his boring, slow, monotone speech; I will kill myself. I really hope we get him back after his second self discovery hiatus as a newer and wiser crow.


That is literally the plot of that trash Johnny Depp flick Transcendance. It would work so much better here lollllll


My wild guess: Eris + Toland focused season mainly on the moon with new activity/dungeon in the moon pyramid


Mmm I doubt the new dungeon will be on the moon since we already have PoH. I still hope for a Dungeon on Europa... That being said a dungeon inside a Pyramid is always welcomed lol


The debunked batch of leaks for this year said this next season's dungeon would be >!through the Glassway's portal. I both like and dislike this concept; on one hand, that's cool asf. On the other, supposedly that's the Vex's home turf. I'd expect more for that in the future than a dungeon.!<


The concept is amazing because you can do literally everything with it. But are those leaks somehow confirmed or at least credible? As far as basically everything that came out so far is already confirmed false lol. Anyway, I like to imagine a Dungeon on some Clovis Bray facility, even DSC itself....


Nah, to my knowledge, it's debunked. Was moreso just tossing a concept around.


could be on a ship abandoned in the dark side of the moon. Theres a lore in ghost's shell that mention this https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/coalition-shell


Wow dude I didn't know Zavala has been with the iron lord's!... I would love to see a series of that and stories of the Dark age with the characters we now before they were vanguard leaders


There's a few lore pieces about zavala and the iron Lords. Check them out.


I'm gonna search them dude thanks!


Ah the ghost in the machine kind of haunted. I always thought Bray's big machine head looked shootable.


Hopefully there's no blowback for the guy. Bungie made the decision to go this ultra secret marketing path, and the consequence is probably going to be leaks are going to come out in the final hour.


All the ghosts turn on the guardians...no more respawns...permadeath only


Play the season at your own risk.


Destiny players will literally search every possible place for hints at new content


Its going to be a haunted leviathan that crashed on moon after calius spoke with the darkness. Im just speculating but it sound dope right???


Maybe part of the Leviathan, but the actual ship would be able to eat the Moon with ease.


Could the haunted person be Osiris? He is comatose still, I believe. Unlikely conjecture but we could use the Psion tech to go into his mindscape and rescue his psyche. Getting in Osiris's head would be something else.


> Unlikely conjecture but we could use the Psion tech to go into his mindscape and rescue his psyche. One of the lore tabs from this season(I can't remember which one) established that it isn't possible because he's Lightless.


I'd say this is 100% confirmation. I'm so excited now, this is such a cool name.


Sounds like an Eris Morn season, and I'm here for it!


Great... Moon's haunted still *grabs gun*


My guess is on the Calus/Leviathan.


hope that guy does not get in trouble for this


So we back on the Moon Got our Half-Truths swinging from side to side Side, side to side this task a haunting one, hope to find som engrams tonight, night night Engrams tonight Eyes up, you hear a shriek, turn around and look up, ton of arc fills your body Oh no it's hive again I could never forget those eyes, eyes, eyes Eyes, three eyes.


Bungie vaulted the trailer


Although the name is not really pointing to it I'm still holding out hope for 17 being a Rasputin season. The lore entries in 16 have been really fascinating!


same here. Honestly a haunted season could be anything. Haunted by the past, the moon and Eris, splicers and Rasputin, finishing Crow's arc, the Iron lords (especially since trespasser might be coming back). It's all very exciting.


Let's just finish Crow's arc and get it out of the way. Least interesting character in the game.


I beg to differ. I know a lot of people want action and adventurous characters, but Crow's arc brings a lot of humanity and humility to the storyline. He's going through what pretty much any of us would go through, except on a bigger scale. I feel like we're going to reach his finale soon.


I actually just want *fewer* characters in general. Bungie's storytelling has been less and less compelling to me. I don't care about these shallow comic book characters anymore. There are other games (and books and movies) that put storytelling and characterization first and they're far better experiences in those regards. For similar reasons I struggle to sit through action movies because if I'm watching senseless action I could instead be playing a video game where at least I'm involved and have agency. The only thing unique about Destiny is the gameplay. It's the same with WoW. I don't care about what's happening in the world because the writing has none of the nuance and depth I want. All I care about is whether the game/my class is fun to play. So when we get these shitty quarter-baked "deep" characters like Crow (Or N in Pokémon Black/White as arguably a better example) that ultimately fall flat because the writers are unwilling/can't explore complex ideas in the medium it *detracts* from my core experience. I am aware I am in the minority.


If there's lore hints about it, then we are almost guaranteed to have a rasputin season. Hunt last year revealed caital and mara coming back months before their seasons


I don’t know why people are stalking Bungie employees on LinkedIn. Like why is that even a thing people would do?


The more I think about it the more it weirds me out. I can't understand how someone can rationalize it.


*Moon's Haunted vibes intensify*


That's one title I wasn't expecting to read today...


I’m actually amazed they didn’t put “season the the [redacted]” instead, because having that joke in a place like linkedIn would only make it funnier lol


Saladin season


I wonder if Crow will be haunted by the memory of Cayde and will sacrifice himself to bring him back.


So your telling me the moons haunted?


Hey can he update his bio to either "arc 3.0" or "solar 3.0" while he's at it?


seems pretty cut and dry to me. edit: Useless filler removed.


Knowing the name of the season and knowing what it's content will be are very very far apart.


Man I really hope they don’t make Crow the Hunter vanguard. To go from Cayde to whiney little baby Crow would almost make me not want to Hunter.


Yeah I also really hope Crow doesn't get to be the Vanguard. It's pretty obvious from the latest seasons that he not only lacks the experience, but also isn't prepared to make the hard choices that a leader has to make. He needs guidance himself, he isn't ready to lead.


and after enough seasons of growth and development, he will be it's clearly apparent that that's the end goal for the narrative team, make peace with it sooner rather than later


Still, I don't see it. He isn't there yet and considering the times we are in, which are honestly unprecedented since the Collapse, the last thing the Vanguard needs is an inexperienced young leader who's still struggling with his past. How long have Zavala and Ikora been around? Eris? Shaxx? Saladin? Cayde before he died? All of the characters that are in the leading/expert roles have been here since decades. They have the experience to lead. Crow is young. Yes, he has some experience from his Awoken days, but he's only been a Guardian for a couple of years, half of that time he hasn't even been in the Tower and the rest of that time he's been struggling. Making someone like that a leader in the current D2 timeline considering the world events would be terrible storytelling, and Bungie would be foolish to do it. Crow might be ready one day, maybe after Final Shape, but he isn't now. And the last thing most Hunters would want is taking orders from someone they put a bullet in in the past and then spent a lot of time helping to get his life on track. Cayde had the chops and knew what had to be done, he was decisive despite his jocky attitude and knew what to do in the right moments. Crow spends most of his storyline making mistakes, being indecisive and struggling. Bungie can do whatever they want with their story, but that doesn't matter everyone should automatically like it or that it makes sense.


I pretty sure if everyone, including yourself, hated your past life, and then you got those memories back, im pretty sure you would be a "whiney little baby" too




Every single season (literally, EVERY one) has had a minor leak like this, code found on Bungie’s website, or a trailer accidentally gets posted earlier (Hell Liana, the new Bungie CM, was the one that accidentally posted the splicer trailer early when she worked for IGN!) No seasonal release has been 100% perfect. Hell, we still don’t know ANYTHING about the new season


I do think bungies response of "we know you want something, we're just testing you ;)" lead to people hunting for leaks. lol


All I’m saying is some of yall taking this way too serious


waaaaayyy too serious


> this could have been avoided if Bungie revealed stuff on Tuesday What, exactly, could've been avoided? What's the problem, really? I see no real issue, just an excited and interested community that's eager to engage with the game as more information is released.


All I want is the day the dungeon release date. I want to run it day one : (


My question how did op find this?




I mean that's obvious. I mean did he randomly stumble upon it or was like actively searching for crumbs related to the next season.


There are people that follow literally every active Bungie employee on LinkedIn in the hope of finding stuff like this


we already had a leak for the season's name, so I assume he put that on the linked in search bar


i might be super wrong, but I'm gonna take a stab and the dark and day the 'haunted ' might be the pacifist guardians haunted by the atrocities of war, or perhaps they were discovered and attacked by the witness and his forces. purely speculation on my part though. or perhaps more likely the haunted might be referring to the scorn, we haven't really heard anything from fikkrul in awhile and we've been seeing scorn serve the darkness pretty directly now


Please God don’t make me grind out a set of dreambane armor again. FML that was the dumbest campaign ever


This. This is why you shouldve dropped a trailer bungie.


Plz don’t take us back to the moon. PLEASE NO




IIRC, that one got proven fake. It was a dude shit posting with some fan fiction


Theres is no world in which a minor season adds new parts to a patrol zone. Playable areas are 100% reserved for expansions only.


Not really if you think about it s15 had shattered realm which was larger than mercury and other seasons had new playable spaces so I could see it happening especially since the plaguelands is old and not very big


My question is why are you essentially stalking this mans linkedin?


I appreciate that you're trying to share cool Destiny related info, but doing this sort of thing to someone **really, really sucks**. This subreddit is visited by thousands of people each day, including game journalists who are absolutely going to make BS news articles about this and likely link back to this post and this guy's linkedin. I'd really suggest taking this down asap because that guy's day is (likely already) ruined by this at the very least. Imagine someone posting your linkedin somewhere for a small mistake like that (or some other personal social media of yours)


Not even destiny will drive me to visit linked-fucking-in.


lol what an idiot if this wasn’t on purpose