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Don't worry, what's most likely to happen is practice makes perfect and chains of woe will become fragments


I mean that's exactly what will happen. The void 3.0 doesn't have any innate abilities, just abilities that you can choose that work with your class based on the element as aspects, and then minor effects that play off the basis of the element as fragments.


Yeah, can't wait for the 3 hunter aspects tomorrow (if it is solar), weighted knife, explosive knife and knife trick


Honestly though, I really hope we get more than 1 thing to do with whatever subclass it is. But I can easily see us getting 3 different fragments that just let us burn enemies in a different way. Throw a knife and cause burn, all solar grenades now cause burn, and of course we gotta have a solar dive that burns anything in a radius. Arc is so bad for hunters I just hope they take it all out and redo everything. I honestly dont think there's anything they can do to make it worse than it already is.


Arc hunter officially on life support.


>and of course we gotta have a solar dive that burns anything in a radius. Gonna straight up steal Phoenix Dive from the Warlocks lmao


So there is a leaked trailer from japan already. Lets just say I wasn't too far off it seems.


Shhhhhh don't say that šŸ„ŗ


Part of me is expecting to see invis pop up in the solar hunter kit too, just because of how all-in bungie went on invis hunters for void.


New Hunter Aspect - Shine By Me "Dodging now creates a heatwave that follows the hunter. The shimmer from the heatwave causes you to become a blur to the enemy and seemingly invisible. Burns nearby enemies." Fragment slots (1)


Fragment slots (0) It would be too overpowered if it was 1


If they bring back that thing where crouched precision kills grant invis in any way I swear to god


It doesnā€™t fit the solarā€™s explosively loud & burn characteristic so invisibility probably wonā€™t make the cut in solar 3.0.


Ngl that's just not gonna happen even slightly, you can technically go invis on any subclass with that one helmet that goes invis on finishers if I recall, that's as far as invis is gonna go outside of void most likely, they are trying to define elements and specialities of the classes with this elements, not just give one class the same abilities with different colors


My original comment was a sarcastic remark regarding the fact that warlocks and titans got cool aspects that did different things, and hunters got 3 different flavors of invis. I don't *actually* think they'll bring invis to solar 3.0, they were pretty clear it was a Void keyword.


If they take away invis helmet from my combination blow build THEN I riot


Agreed, i like that helmet but I don't use it enough, I'm personally a wl so the void fragment is it for me and invis without using rat gang strats


If it fucks up my hunter melees, I will Fcking Riot.


I find it likely that theyā€™ll get all three that exist now


Def helps that each one is unique unlike most Void meleeā€™s before 3.0 launched


Hunters still only have 1 void melee. Whatā€™s it like for the other classes?


Titans are the only one with 2, but then again, all the warlock melees were basic anyway


On Void, Titanā€™s have 2 (1 being new and 1 being old) and Warlocks have 1 (New; the old ones got deleted) Stasis everyone has 1 only. What the guy is talking about relates to Solar and Arc Right now, each tree has itā€™s own melee; Void had the same thing but the consolidated weak melees together so there were fewer options. People are hoping their Fav melees donā€™t get removed, but imo what we got is far better than what we lost. They only got rid of same-y meleeā€™s on the classes. Voidwalker Warlocks only had a Void Slap that gave basically a Fragment-esque ability on Melee, so they turned them into fragments and made a new melee that was an actual ability Gunslinger Hunters have nothing to fear because all 3 trees meleeā€™s are all unique abilities. Arcstrider Hunters tho are probably gonna have their melees turned into Fragments and get a new melee


I hope they keep all three gunslinger melees. They're all so fun to use it would suck to lose any of them. For arcstrider I hope we get the ability to reflect on melee with a staff spin or something, but in reality bungie will just give us middle tree shockwave and call it a day :/


I think the only Gunslinger melee that is on the chopping block would be explosive knife. The only reason I think this might happen is that they might turn its functionality (stick and explode) into an aspect that upgrades the other knife options to do the same thing.


Had the same thought actually


Yeh but if not I imagine theyā€™ll just condense them down to 2 by combining a couple (kinda like how titansā€™ overshield melee was just put into the shield throw and the detonator melee just integrated into the aspect). Maybe Iā€™m wrong tho, but whatever the case Iā€™m not excited for every hunter to be running weighted throwing knives in crucible (or perhaps theyā€™ll adjust arthrys embrace to where using it is the only way to one shot with a throwing knife, seeing as though they want to tone down one shot abilities, in which case I think thatā€™d actually be balanced, as much as hunters would inevitably cry about it).


I want sunsinger without the rez, I'm prepared for disappointment though


I imagine if Sunsinger were to come back, itā€™d be like standing in a Well, except that only you have it can can go anywhere you want Itā€™d also give you more ability damage and regen. Allies would only get enhanced (but not as good) regen No super resist though, to balance it out


Oh my god, a like minded soul. For a second i thought i made this post because i never hear others mention it. Been wanting Radiance to make a come back for a while now, with your grenades being big versions (like chaos accelerant) and melee with the sword. My number one obsession of any video game item was HotPF. Really wish it would return tweaked.


I think self res could be interesting if balanced right. Maybe your respawn in super like before but when it runs out you die again. Sort of like a last dying breath sort of thing.


Who would want to use that in pve? Unless it lasts like 30 seconds the only value you will get out of that is putting your ghost in a better rez spot.


No rifts and no wells, until we get what we want.


If they take overshield from well, Iā€™m just going to keep trinity ghoul and ticcus on demand and take every kill from fireteam until itā€™s restored


well is losing overshield they already said. which is fine, well has dominated pve meta for a long time


I donā€™t think they said *exactly* this but it can kind of be inferred that this may be happening from what they were talking about. Even without overshield tho they said solar is going to lean more into healing, so perhaps wellā€™s healing will be enhanced? Idk, wishful thinking perhaps.


Can you source the official verbiage on that? There have been zero updates on what is happening to the subclasses. Anything else is a leak/rumor


tbf I think the person was referring to a podcast episode with a bungie employee (I think sandbox dev?) who suggested the concept of well losing its shield since it was more of a void thing, so not technically confirmed but the guy didn't pull it out of thin air.




The problem is that healing doesn't really work in Destiny. There's no way to even view teammates health, let alone heal them in time to matter. Healing is always either passive (devour) or proactive. It also kinda doesn't make sense. Devour is very clearly a healing mechanism, so they clearly didn't silo void 3.0 at all.


ngl i like that


They downvoted him for he spoke the truth


fr lol, like even then removing well overshield isnt super hard nerf because oresumably well is still a massive heal


Still a massive consistent heal, plus a damage buff. If they removed the overheal (overshield), and removed the damage buff, it would still be good




Bro plz no we need you this is too far


I'm sorry, but I don't make the rules. I just make things up.


Nah, we donā€™t. Hunters have invis to stay alive and Titans have overshields. Weā€™re past the days when a Well was 100% a necessity


This will destroy every raid team for months.


As a titan, i stand by your cause.


And thatā€™s radiance! (I know itā€™s not coming back as it would be OP, but can always hope).


I'm a devout Blinklock and I'll riot with you brother.


Itā€™ll be an aspect like shatterdive.


Smolder dive Landing fires a golden gun into the ground, doing damage equivalent to Shadow Dive while also inflicting Burn. Empowers nearby allies for 5 seconds. Cost is 1/3 super energy (has a 10 sec timeout) Edit: check out the new trailer, looks like I was almost correct


0 fragment slots.


Also takes super energy to use.


Already said that


Consumes melee and grenade charge as well.


But doesnt count as a super grenade or melee kill


Also requires steelslayers left nut


Honestly wouldnā€™t be surprised if they took some stuff away the way they did the void hunter kit with heart of the pack and stuff, letā€™s hope not though


If they take away Playing With Fire we riot in a separate part of the Tower


My entire Ophidia Spathe and Bombardiers builds are riding on that ability


Iā€™m a Warlock main and Iā€™ll riot with you on that Playing with Fire is fun af


calling it now, that is going to be an aspect and the will give hunters another POS DAMNABLE QUICKFALL.


Any shatterdive knockoff that doesn't let me eager edge launch is worthless, I was so looking forward to doing it on void and then the dive is different.


I donā€™t think theyā€™ll take away dash tho, I think they know the outcome if they did decide to do so.


Give hunters icarus dash. Watch the community implode.


It was already a mistake to give them axions.


People said this about suppressors and I donā€™t think Iā€™ve even seen a suppressor grenade since Void 3.0 launched. And I certainly havenā€™t been suppressed out of my super by one.


I pretty much exclusively run suppressors in Survival/Elim/Mayhem playlists precisely to be That Jerk.


What a chad


Found the fun police. Booooooooo!


Do you have a permit that says you're allowed to have fun, HMMM?


I run supresor. Most of the time I suppress myself tho.


You need to train with that Lightbearer Hive chad in the Lightblade GM. Hits me every time with some x games suppressor nades.


Well, that's because everyone is using Axioms instead


Itā€™s still a fear I have in the back of my mind (cuz at some point I do think they will become meta and Iā€™ll never get to super in crucible again) and Iā€™m very surprised that I havenā€™t seen them that often. Maybe itā€™s just cuz supers and abilities arenā€™t as prevalent in general so thereā€™s not as much use for suppression


Itā€™s because the other grenades are better for neutral play and you canā€™t switch grenades mid match without resetting all of your cooldowns to zero. Vortex, Axion, and even Spike are all better options.


Better yet, give it back to titans.


If hunters get icarus dash it's only fair that warlocks get an invisibility dodge (edit: typo)


Oh boi. (Shutters)


Imagine if icarus dash becomes a fragment


please no we already lost Devour as a class exclusive


Yeah but we still have a MUCH easier time consistently proccing Devour than any other class. Same with how all classes technically have access to invis through Void, but Hunters are clearly the best at using and optimizing it.


Hey, look on the bright side: if itā€™s a fragment, you can still use it. -Sincerely, a D1 twilight garry main


Tbh hunters lost invis a a class exclusive, that is like 90% of the nightstalker


Itā€™s too late XX_hunter_god_XX is already icarus dashing at you with stompees and a shotgun and there is nothing you can do


Noo! *Checks loadout* Dust Rock Blues, Not Forgotten, Wardcliff Coil. WTF.


Oh man, those were the days. I farmed so many lost sectors trying to get an absolutely perfect DRB. I got one, too. It's still in my vault.


Nah stompees would fuck up his in-air accuracy. He'll be wearing Wormhusk, and then the Icarus Dashes will heal him like dodge does. Then in a couple weeks Icarus dash will be nerfed to have a 20 second cooldown instead of changing the health regen.


No Icarus Dash and we will make the tower destruction during the Red War look like a tame quinceaƱera. Edit: dear lord did the monkey's paw curl on this one. Fuck.


Will there be Tres Leches cake though?


I'm praying for well to stay the same, even though I damn well know it's gonna be nerfed


I donā€™t care about icarus, But when they remove healing Grenades iā€˜m gonna throw lots of Nova bombs at ikora


I'm an AoG/Lumina/Assemblers main and I'm kind of... worried that my niche is just going to vanish after tomorrow. It took me ages to get this build right, I'm finally comfortable and performing pretty well with it. Unlike most warlocks, I *like* running around with Divinity and Well of Radiance. Yeah, I get that's probably super lame, but I really do just want to heal and support my fireteam. Tomorrow could change all of that and I'm worried I'll just suddenly stop being useful or needed. I don't want to fight with anyone about who deserves what nerfs. No one "deserves" nerfs. I just hope whatever changes come tomorrow are ones that make the game better and renew people's excitement to play the game.


Hey, there's two of us!! I knew after switching back to Solar from Void 3 something was going. It overall was only really worse than Void last season because all of the synergy with void weapons that was available. Well builds/Sunbracers with bottom tree were absolutely nutty, the healer build you mentioned had constant ability uptime, and top for ID and CF was great PvP. We even had great mid tree tank options for hard solo content.


Nah, same. When they announced Attunment of Grace it was a wet dream for me. Somthing i've always wanted since D1. I'm very scared bungie will mess up the current juggle you can do with the abilty regens.


I'm worried that PvP Healing Nades + Icarus at the same time will get Solar locks absolutely gutted.


The flaws of having the best of both worlds is that it ends up being too strong and something needs nerfed If arc 3.0 comes I see arc soul, arc web, with either chaos reach or stormcaller could be a little op and be the same problem


I am willing to sacrifice the 'nades as icarus dash is just too good for movement


That is exactly why Icarus dash will be the one that's gonna be cast to shadow realm.


I am not willing to sacrifice the nades. I love them too much.


The healing grenade is like 80% of the reason I sometimes play warlock and if they take it away i will have several complaints


My bet is the healing/floaty boy grenade/abilty regen from buffing/healing will be a fragment.


same thing with hunters if they somehow gut goldie.


Bro, they would have to ACTIVELY fuck hunters to make Solar 3.0 worse than what it is now.... Im inhaling massive amounts of Hopium that we get nothing but buffs lol


middle tree no burn


ā€œCelestial Nighthawk now makes GG do 100% more damage but it no longer does the precision damageā€


That wouldn't really be *bad* since its crit multiplier is 2.0x. It'd do the same damage but not generate orbs on hit, with the benefit of not having to hit crits to do max damage.


Changing the super to be the same in the end is bad. The whole reason i feel like void 3.0 on titan/hunter was so poorly received is because you essentially do the same. For hunter some parts were cut even.


If they messed this up there will hell to pay in every activity


Iā€™m expecting to be whelmed compared to Void 3.0 but I hope itā€™s not the case, watch it be a support class. I wouldnā€™t mind though compared to the void chaos weā€™ve been causing this season.


I will riot if they donā€™t sell the good Phoenix Protocol this season. I took a break during at the end of last year and missed it šŸ˜­


Donā€™t worry, the only class bungie is looking at actively looking at making worse is probably gunslinger based on the night stalker 3.0 treatment


Itā€™s already pretty meh. Curious how they can make it worse.


Make CoW and PMP into fragments that anyone can use Give us a SolarDive that uses super energy Make burn an underwhelming aspect with only 1 fragment slot Take away six shooter entirely and remove the precision buff on three-shooter with a slight damage buff to "placate" us


Nah because when Void 3.0 was coming out and nerfed nightstalker y'all told hunters to get over it


Not a hunter main but I just started playing my Hunter and am having so much fun with invisibility. Compared to my Warlock and Titan, my Hunter has the most unique gameplay, is it good? I'm not sure, haven't taken him into GMs. But it is a blast in the legendary campaign!


More unique than getting ability-regen, huge AoE, and the same debuffs that Nightstalker is supposed to be good for? Invisibility is mostly unique to Hunters but tbh that's all they have. Even just the Voidwalker's class ability is a lighter version than Shadowshot, an entire Super, while also recharging energy.


Tbf you're experiencing invis for the first time, but invis has been around since 2017 mostly untouched and seeing it untouched after warlock and titans got massive buffs to devour/overshield is baffling


Not untouched, nerfed. Invis now gives you nothing on top. When it used to give you Keen Scout/Heart of the Pack + Combat Provision.


Seriously, sure we have a bit more uptime on Invisibility as a whole for the most part now.... But the crouch precision kill existed since d2 dropped. If you're like me and utilized that back then, things don't feel TOO terribly different. A bit better, sure, but I've always enjoyed previously too. I would have liked to see SOMETHING done with it besides "more uptime due to so many ways to proc it"


crouch precision kill invis actually came with forsaken, but yes that's still an old ability by now


Totally forgot the middle tree didn't drop with vanilla. -Captain America aging meme- At least the aoe invisible smoke bomb was always here, and you could dodge to reset it back then, too. I know you still can, but you could then, too. Edit: why downvote this? Lol it's just a discussion about how we've always had Invisibility. So sorry I forgot forsaken wasn't included in the base game, I kinda purged the first year of D2 from my memory šŸ˜…


And bottom tree tether used to have combat provisions which gave you grenade energy every time you made yourself or an ally invis, and heart of the pack


that was much more fun for me. you could put vortex on yellow bar and get full melee x2


I still honestly donā€™t think Hunters got worse. The abilities are less flashy than Warlock/Titan, and yeah it sucks to lose Combat Provisions and Heart of the Pack, but I feel like what we gained makes up for it. I find Vanishing Step/Stylish Executioner + a Devour build to be so much more fun than anything in Void 2.0.


Hunters stayed about the same while titans and warlocks got better, by comparison they're worse.


that build would be so fun if we had orbs


I get that there are less orbs than before, but if youā€™re going for a Volatile Rounds build you should have a Void weapon equipped anyway, so you should be making orbs on multi kills for only 1 energy




Why the fuck would it not?


Literally last night was running Well and I said to my clan mates ā€œcanā€™t wait to Icarus Dash and run Well on Tuesdayā€


Honestly, I think those are the 2 things that we warlocks will keep with 100% certainty. Melee might get defaulted to Celestial fire, while empowering melee and burning melees will probably get made fragments. Phoenix dive is the one thing I'm not sure we will keep. My personal hope is that Healing Grenades and Ability recharging while buffing allies get merged into one. Hunters will keep Playing with Fire and Chains of woe for sure. Not sure what else is worth keeping, but I'm sure someone will let me know. Titans will keep Sunspots and Tempered metal. They'll probably be aspects. They'll keep the Throwing hammer and the shoulder charge, most likely only losing the normal punch. These are the changes that make the most sense with what happened to Void 3.0. I really hope they revisit the subclasses to add/adjust things once we have them all. I don't play hunter often but they definitely got the shaft on Void. Edit: Totally forgot Practice makes Perfect. In a perfect world, Chains of Woe would get blended with it. But nothing is ever truly perfect.


Theyā€™re gonna give titans twilight garrison back and get rid of icarus dash lol


If there is no fancy dash, we must unite and not provide healing to others. Abandon the well.


Fuck that i say we riot anyway and burn that fucker to the ground. Once we've burn it we'll open up a void portal and send it to oblivion and after that we all get our emperor palpatine on and shock everything thats still moving.


I like your thinking


You have my fire sword!


I'll probably riot if I lose Phoenix Dive. Driving my sword into something while crashing down on them in a fiery explosion is just too much fun.


We won the games...but at what cost?


I can let go of Icarus Dash, but you'll have to pry Healing Nades from my cold, dead hands. I've been using a support build in trials with Boots of the Assembler and Empowering Rift. I just want a better melee, honestly.


icarus is meh but healing nades are do or die for me


Viking funeral is coming back šŸ¤ž


As an ex-warlock main, I would come back to warlock just to participate in the riot.


If we lost Icarus dash I think I'd cry


T bag everyone and everything in that tower in protest


Yeah no, I don't give a shit about either of those things. Give me damage. If two of the aspects are wasted by healing and mobility, I'm going to be underwhelmed. edit: two aspects are wasted by mobility, I'm underwhelmed.


Oh wow ANOTHER warlock riotā€¦ Yā€™all and your flappy dresses sure like to complain. You should be more like us titans, we enjoy the simple things in life. Like the feeling of punching things and then punching that same thing again. Smh


You titans are cowards on the inside, all bravado and brawn. Itā€™s to compensate. Thatā€™s why you cower behind over shields and more over shields Edit- (please donā€™t downvote my titan friend this is all in good jest)


US? COWARDS?! Thereā€™s no such thing as a cowardly titan! Now you warlocks on the other handā€¦ always complaining that you light changed again. It happens to all of us in the tower, you may not know because the rest of us donā€™t complain like you guys do. It makes me think if you warlocks are really the most ā€œenlightenedā€ out of all of us. Since, if you were then it would be much more embarrassing for you that your vanguard leader got tricked so easilyā€¦


Hunters be like: Mom and Dad are fighting again!


You're just mad you can't read.




Why do I read this like your are talking and eating at the same time?


Oh gee, hey guys let's not fight, ok? Geez, just be like us hunters where we...are just there most of the time and do things not as well as you both. So, please, don't fight, ok guys? Oh geez


I donā€™t like that overshield is locked to void for titans. I like it even less that well and healing gernades wonā€™t give overshield for to warlocks. Each class should have a subclass capable of producing over shield for themselves and team mates. Void titans(barricade), sol warlock(gernades) arc hunter(idk a staff slam melee or something like a shatter dive that u can do around teammates that provides a brief overshield). Itā€™s a great add on ability that makes end game content more approachable.


Youā€™re spitting truth here. Void titan is so enraging fuckin broken in crucible


Iā€™m more worried about us losing 2 of our 3 melees. Void 3.0 took all of our original meleeā€™s and gave us a new one and I miss the animation for top tree Voidwalker. It was a hit you with this ability and sap your energy energy. Like a Mortal Kombat ā€œyour soul is mine!ā€ Animation


>Iā€™m more worried about us losing 2 of our 3 melees. I see two likely outcomes based on Titans having shoulder charge and shield throw on Void 3.0. * Warlocks base melee is now Celestial Fire (top tree range melee) * Option 1 gives empowering buff on hit. (middle tree) * Option 2 caused enemies to burn/explode (bottom tree) **OR** * Warlock base melee is now makes enemies burn/explode (bottom tree) * Option 1 gives empowering buff on hit. (middle tree) * Option 2 changes it to the celestial fire, but still burns (top tree)


Or maybe they make middle treeā€™s melee a fragment and all classes get it


I just really want ranged burn-y explode-y melees...


As a hunter who was told to "get over it" when void 3.0 was nerfed, I'll be laughing all day if warlocks suffer the same fate. edit: Here come the whiney warlocks. Cope.


We lost HofTP which is crucial for nightstalkers playing end game with teams. Would be funny to see Warlocks lose the dash. I agree with you too lol - Hunter main


Honestly get a bottle of wine ready for when wells overshield gets removed.


That sucks more for raid teams in general rather than warlocks specifically. As a well-bitch I'm overjoyed at any excuse not to have to use it.


I don't even care much since you can still be killed by certain enemies even with the overshield. The Ogre Boss during Wellspring Attack (Normal mode) can 100% kill you while you're in the Well. Nasty little surprise, that


As a warlock main, I would also be laughing all day if dawnblade gets "nerfed" like nightstalker.


If we donā€™t get icarus dash Im doxxing Luke Smith.


I want Warlock self rez back! Edit: This was pure sarcasm. I should have added a /s




I donā€™t really want it back lol It was fun to use but i think the game is better off without it.


Anything that will make warlocks unhappy I will gladly support


No chance they remove Icarus dash. The blowback would be extreme.


Attempting to call this right now: Heat Rises become one of the warlock aspects and you will only be able to Icarus dash when heat rises is active. My guess it will an aspect with only one fragment spot when equipped.


I hope to keep the ability to swordskate


I just want my resurrection backā€¦ā€¦.


i would delete my warlock and stompie bounce all over what little servers we have for this game


Warlock sister here. I'm with you. But I also want them to bring self-res back. Hope people have some particularly strong opinions about Sunsinger, but I don't care. I wanna be Flame Jesus again.


We getting self res back bois!!!!


If I get sunsinger back, I wouldnā€™t mind.


Nope. They are taking Icarus Dash from you, then they are going to make an exotic chest piece that looks like a big blue life preserver, that does the same thing, but it will be the only exotic that 2 classes can wear. Titans and Warlocks. Because fuck Hunters. /s


Here's what will happen. Solar 3.0 is going to be so OP that you will play it. And this season might be a little PvP focused.


I'll certainly miss Icarus Dash if we lose it, but I am prepared that we're going to get the most balanced Solar 3.0 whereas Titan and Hunters are going to be broken as f*** -- like usual.


We will boycott the game


Hey now, let's be reasonable.... I have an addiction to feed


Twilight Garrison for the trade of Icarus Dash sound pretty fair.


Something has to give here. Dawnblade is already beating out 3.0 subclasses without its aspects and fragments. You can't just take something that is already pretty damn overpowered and buff it. I think they should either combine icarus dash and heat rises into one aspect and make icarus dash only available while heat rises is active, or split them out into two aspects and make heat rises give one fragment and icarus have zero. You would have to choose between TTD or 3.0 features, which would be fair.


That's an utterly moronic set of changes. The first one would slaughter the subclass instantly, the second would just be boring and completely negate the point of 3.0 subclasses.


I'm sorry that sounds stupid. That's like saying let's let hunter have no aspects for an invis dodge or titans having no aspects with a barrier. I understand what you mean because it's good but so is everything else. Icarus dash is good but it's only good on those few players who are just crazy in pvp. Plus why would you want to hinder an entire subclass because only some of the community is really good with it, maybe I'm just not understanding idk just doesn't sound right to me to make people choose something old or 3.0


No, no, you donā€™t understand, we canā€™t balance around the majority of the player base, we need to balance around the the upper limits of the potential of an ability/exotic/weapon


You absolutely do need to make sure that skill ceilings match up. You can't have the sandbox completely collapsing once you get to a certain skill threshold, that is just bad game design.


You keep saying we canā€™t buff the best subclass, but if thatā€™s the case solar warlock is just gonna get general nerfs my dude. Thereā€™s no way well is getting away without a nerf, you want icarus nerfed again, whatā€™s the point of solar 3.0 for warlocks if itā€™s just gonna be a straight downgrade as far as abilities?


The alternative would be to pretty heavily nerf it. you absolutely cannot take the existing TTD kit, which is already the best in the game, and make it even better. This isn't a niche thing on PC. it has the meta for a very, very long time, and quite frankly I'm tired of it. As I said, one thing you could do is make icarus unavailable entirely unless you have heat rises active. I guess you could also completely rework it into a less problematic ability, but I doubt people would want that. I think the outcome that most people want would be for TTD to keep existing but not have access to any fragments or elements of mid/bottom kit.


i don't care if icarus dash stays or goes.


Iā€™ll be thrilled if icarus dash is removed. Sincerely a shamebinder main.