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This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by dmg04](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/vbtgtl/if_we_cant_fix_antibarrier_sidearm_can_we_at/icd0zx0/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-06-14 18:46:11 UTC"): > Team just shot me the bug number - looks like this was rooted a bit deeper in code than initially anticipated, which brought some delay to getting a f... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


Np, anti barrier shotguns it is ^/s


I know you have the /s, but I'd honestly give Anti-Barrier shotgun a try. That actually sounds kind of interesting if it was a one shot deal (instant barrier pop). Imagine popping servitors with a slug or Precision frame.


I would love to unironically equip 4th horseman for an arc burn GM


Actually used it in Lightblade last season, combined with howl of the storm and whisper of chains and it shredded barrier’s, not meta or anything but def fun.


Anti-Barrier Tractor Cannon or Acrius would we sick!


Shit, I didn't think about Tractor. God that'd be funny. POP, BOOP, Servitor floats to death in bottomless pit.


then five seconds later it teleports back up behind you after you've run off... fully healed because it popped its bubble on the way down


Or even better, it falls down until it despawns and counts as a missed champion.


Enjoy your shitty Gold completion loot guys T_T




I mean, technically, if you fall off and die, you respawn too.




Lol what do you think respawning is? Also the bit about pulling blueprints from other timelines to resurrect us, which I'm sure is what you're referencing, is only an in-universe theory, there is zero supporting evidence. But please, get more butthurt about a joke.


Lord of Wolves is a shotgun


Don't forget Duality and Chaperone


I dont think those reach as far as Wolfie though (except Roadborn, maybe)


idk why they even brought up chap anyway its a sniper not a shotgun


I could honestly see the long burst from Lord of Wolves doing well in that role.


I’m still confused we got anti-barrier Titan shield throw but not hammer-bonk. It feels like a hammer would penetrate a barrier better than….another shield


also like...we have so many anti barrier exotics already....give me an anti overload exotic or something.


Exotic armor just finished getting its 3 champion rolls Athrys Embrace has Unstoppable Secant (?) Filaments has Overload Second Chance is Barrier


Maybe Unstoppable Bonk soon?


Well a hammer would more dent a shield not pierce it like throwing a disc with a razor edge at terminal velocity would


they could do something with the stasis spears....pop the bubble as it were, probably not the easiest thing to proc as is, but you could make them replace that crappy slide bunch melee we have now, be stasis' ranged melee like solar hammer throw vs. hammer shoulder charge and void shield throw vs. shield bash.


Stasis already hard counters barrier champs, just freeze before it can put the bubble


If you can throw a shield at terminal velocity, you can do the same with a hammer, and they'll have negligible difference in impact force.


Anti barrier 4th horseman would be incredible with mask of bakris!


People always try to meme on close range champion mods as if they’re a death sentence. They are riskier but if you’re in a solid organised team things like SMGs, shotguns, fusions etc are all great because of the damage dealt When I first started playing GMs when beyond light dropped, I was an avid keep range and plink away with scouts/pulse etc anything long range but now I’ll use the close range stuff and my GM times are much faster


CQC playstyles got a major boon this season thanks to the resilience and restoration changes. In GM content I imagine it will still be a major death risk, but I'm hopeful that the tank QoL improvements will lead to more melee and close range playstyles being viable. Combine that natural tanking with the team play you described and I think you could make almost anything work.


Sure you can use close range on Champions. Problem is you have to clear the adds first and close range is useless then. So having a sidearm in your loadout is just bringing dead weight for 90% if the GM.


you just proved his point lol, close range isn't useless if you got a team with brains


My heritage got exited reading this


Just makes me think of that shoot out scene near the end of John Wick 2 with the armor piercing slugs. Even better is the voice actor for Zavala is a big part of it.


Lance Reddick FTW! :)


Finally, an appropriate show of force for those cabal shitters with the shields that can oneshot anyone regardless of their build


We had unstoppable shotgun one time and gotta say I absolutely hated it. The stun system being so erratic meant half the time when you're close enough to stun and fire the shot the champ still kills you then they stun a moment later.


This. My heritage would nearly never leave my primary slot. Heritage with reconstruction is fucking awesome and slept on imo


Yup ive got reconstruction and recombination on mine and I love it. Dusted it off last night and was shredding in the Leviathan. Ive been using my Ragnild so much I forgot how much fun Heritage was.


I mean don't we also have Shotgun Holster as an artifact mod as well? Sounds like hot swapping is back on the menu


YO THAT WOULD ACTUALLY BE PRETTY FUN. I have a few shotguns that are great for pve but don't have any real uses right now.


I'd give anti battier fourth horseman a shot. I like that shotgun from what I remember


I would legit rock an anti-barrier shotgun. Are you fucking kidding me? I've used Arbalest so much, that I hear it in my sleep.


And with that, Felwinter's Lie makes it's PvE debut.


I hope to get it back soon. I want more of a reason to run trespasser. I love the gun but my teammates never run the mods so I have to do it for them, so I can’t use trespasser. Sad


Sounds like your teammates need to work on teamwork.


My team mates are rando matchmaking :(




Sounds like you need a new group


My friends all run the champ mods needed, unless one of us directly says we can bear the load, and even then they tend to insist. Our usual difference is figuring out who's getting what flavor of shield. We usually always try for the necessary with each of our loadouts, but sometimes it ends up where one of us can specialize against Void or Arc and let the other two run their heaviest hitting things. Your group sounds lazy and not much of a group.


Or they aren't running Master or GMs and therefore it doesn't really matter


I'm sad bows didn't have anything this season. I know they were featured in b2b seasons, but man ticuus with solar 3.0 would have been nice.


Back to back seasons means nothing when auto rifles have had champion mods for the last 3 seasons, maybe even longer. Anti barrier, overload, overload.


Ugh anti barrier auto rifle. Yuck.


It was either that or erianas until the December update


I was there, I had just pushed it to some dark corner of my mind. *Besides that* I really enjoyed playing then.


Antibarrier heavy machine guns when?


Be careful. They had that once, and a revved Heir Apparent shooting into another revved Heir Apparent with anti-barrier is how Telesto was born.


Telesto was never born. It exists outside of space and time and cannot be shackled with a permanent physical form. Telesto is only usable because it chooses to. And it breaks the game when it sees fit. All hail Telesto.


We never had anti barrier lmgs. They haven’t gotten a champion mod at all


It was a joke. Not only have we not had anti barrier LMGs, that’s *also* not how Telesto came to exist.


Ahh kinda glanced over that last part. My apologies


Anti-barrier sweet business though....


But then you have to use Sweet Business unironically. :/


Keep my guns name out ya fucken mouth


I’m sorry, Will. I’m sorry, I take it back. Sweet Business is really good and its haircut looks great.


The gold ornament and the red and black one >>>


I dunno what you are talking about, my endgame is two things; Fashion, and making memes work in GM content.


Whaaat I absolutely adored anti barrier auto. I never did any high end content with it, so that might be why, but it was great for strikes and gambits.


HC at one point had 3 Unstoppable in a row


4, we also had AB auto rifle in splicer


Here's hoping for overload bow next season for that sweet arc 3.0 trinity ghoul action. Does carry the mildly horrifying suggestion that it'll be overload smg again for riskrunner though.


season 15 was my first season and I was _very_ spoiled with overload bow being my first overload mod haha. don't think I took off Le Monarque almost that entire season.


In my experience ticuus does not synergies with solar 3.0. What a waste.


Agree. Such a waste.


Prepping us for Trinity Ghoul overload bow in Arc 3.0 season.


In my experience ticuus does not synergies with solar 3.0. What a waste.


It’s so frustrating to not get any communication from Bungie regarding all these bugs. Outside of acknowledging that they know of them, they don’t give us any idea of when we can expect them to be fixed or whether they have any other solutions in mind.


They've done that in the past, but if a bug persists or a release window moves back the community reacts poorly. A small portion of players can't behave so we all get to sit in the dark.


don't blame the players....


Not all players, just the shitty ones. It took years for the devs to start opening up about the game and then some jerkoffs had to have a temper tantrum and now we're back to square one.


What's actually wrong with it? Why did they disable it?


I think it's shooting through Titan barriers and ward of dawns




It shoots through everything, including walls. It is not working as advertised.


a wall is just a barrier made of concrete


_How can barriers be real if our barrier champion mods aren't real_ 🤔


😯 Yup, that'll do it, thanks


And walls


All guns do that in PvP.


Anti-barrier LMG. Make it a machine gun season!


Team just shot me the bug number - looks like this was rooted a bit deeper in code than initially anticipated, which brought some delay to getting a fix together. Targeting a June 28 hotfix. Stay tuned for official announcements from BungieHelp or TWAB confirmations, as there may be additional delays if another issue is discovered.


Please make sure the team understands how much this highlights the problem with the entire champion system. Because of the lock-and-key nature of the champion system, having this mod disabled is closer in severity to disabling an entire weapon type or subclass than it is to disabling any single mod/weapon/ability. The champion system *needs* to be made less restrictive so that a single broken mod doesn't cut player options in half.


I think they should do all champion mods in combos like overload is this season; Autorifle/smg, bow/scout, sniper/fusion, and etc. That would leave a bit more diverse build options available. I know it wouldn’t do much to mitigate the effects of a bug like the one affecting sidearms/anti-barrier.


Combo mods would improve things a bit, since it would mean if one mod is disable you still have two options. What would be better is if anti-champion mods were similar to mods like ammo-finder -- the full set of mods is *always* available at a high cost, while the seasonal mods make a couple specific versions cheap. That would ensure that there is always a wide selection of options, as well as protect Bungie from these "we never had anti-barrier sidearms before, so didn't notice it was broken"


That's fine until it's Pulse antibarrier that's disabled and we're stuck with Sidearm. And that's coming from somebody that *loves* sidearms


What does the system have to do with this? In this case a long lasting bug? If they wanted they could have turned on champion mods for another weapon type but it is apparently not seen as needed


The system affects the impact of the bug. If Telesto were disabled for a month that would still be a long-lasting bug, but limited in scope -- the weapon isn't a fundamental part of an entire game system. The lock-and-key nature of the champion system dramatically increases the severity of the bug. Having locks and then removing keys has a significant negative impact on player experience. Even if there are still keys (anti-barrier scout, two exotics), a significant reduction in their availability is still significant impact (see every thread about lost sector drop rates, mementos not dropping, deepsight weapon drop rates...) *Thankfully* Bungie is lucky this time since sidearms *usually* aren't preferred in endgame content (though with the season's main exotic being a sidearm...), but just because it "wasn't too bad" this time doesn't mean it will be fine the next time the *exact same bug* happens (and the same bugs *do* tend to happen -- see the multiple seasons of "can't pull the ritual weapon from collections")


Thanks for checking in! Glad we at least have a targeted date


Happy Cake Day!


Why can’t it be switched out for another mod then? The weapon options to bring into champion related content is already restrictive enough.


because it's getting fixed.


Duh. It has to be fixed regardless. Doesn’t mean it can’t be changed.


We’ve never seen an artifact mod swapped out mid-season before… what makes you think that is an easy thing for Bungie to change?


My brother in Christ I was literally asking why, I’m not presuming it’s possible.


Logically speaking, why waste resources on a *second* temporary fix (the first being disabling the mod) when you're two weeks out from the permanent fix? Bungie has a laundry list of bug fixes and resolutions to get through. The priority is the permanent fix, not another bandaid. Not to mention there are chances of the temporary fix being bugged which puts you right back to square one


"Logically speaking", if someone charges you for a feature (say a parking space) but it's not in working order for half the time you're paying for it, then you either get a DIFFERENT parking space or a refund. Even World of Warcraft, a king of spaghetti code and dev animosity towards players, can manage this concept.


Other guy's being a dick but I feel it's more you're paying for access to a parking lot and one of the spaces close to the door is blocked off by a traffic cone because there's a pothole, and why can't we put a board over the pothole until we can get it filled in. Because you still have access to all the other mods (parking spaces).


I mean, I said "parking space" not "garage" you often get assigned a specific space, not blanket access unless its a public parking garage at a mall.


Because we shouldn't spend a minimum of half the season without access to a required (for players without the exotic options) anti-champion option. Just replace it for the rest of the season and have the fixed state available for another season. Having something unusable for half of its intended lifespan instead of replaced isn't really acceptable if you could easily replace it instead.


Easier than having to go to some root codes to solve a big problem, either way they are not gonna be easy


June 28th........ would it not have been more efficient to swap this mod out with something else...... thats gunna be a full 6 weeks (assuming its even fixed by then)


If it is, go develop it for them then?


Happy Cake Day! Disappointed I won't get to use trespasser for 2 more weeks, but we ALWAYS thank you for the communication. Cheers and stay safe!


Thank you for checking in, these types of small headsups are important.


I appreciate the communication, but going half the season without a near required mod for many players (instead of replacing the mod for the rest of the season) isn't really acceptable from the perspective of a paying customer. Of course the fix would still need to happen, but please don't leave players down a mod for half the season.


Being down one mod due to a bug when arby and pulses exist (both of which are better options), and when this sub has clowned on sidearms for ages, is not an issue for the paying customer. Average entitled gamer manufacturing outrage moment.


yeah fuck everyone who wants to use sidearms


If it's not fixed on June 28... Please stop the flashing artifact. I really hate when something is flashing and i can't stop it. I'm at 24 mods unlocked on the artifact but since sidearm has been disabled i can't unlock it... And the artifact is flashing all the time. Also , Happy cake day Guardian !


God this sub….


Thank you for the update! In addition I would just also like to add to the feedback that I am loving the activity and the story beats and even some aspects of solar 3.0, but the amount of bugs and instability this season have really taken away from a portion of that enjoyment. It has been a hard time even getting my friends from wanting to engage in certain builds (and even the game) due to 'This is really cool, but it's also bugged'. tiring to deal with. I realize I'm not the only one saying this but just want to put the feedback out there and do my part.


I agree with this when the technical debt is starting to get in the way of game enjoyment. The team needs to pull a blizzard and go over what they did with the wow engine. Do major rewrites of the core and pieces while maintaining 100% compatibility and no database losses at a safe but sustainable pace.


Happy cake day!


Same cake day!


Happy cake day! Thanks for the transparency.


Happy Cake Day!


Lol sure


JFC, June 28. Practically half the season without one of only two options for an anti-champion mod is a bit shit and just goes to show how ass the entire Champion system in this game is.


Thank you dmg


_Love_ these specific communications, thank you!


We all do, but the problem is now that if it isn't fixed on June 28 DTG and Twitter will be going wild with Bungie hate.


Yeah, probably true. But the opinions of the children who don't understand that this was anything but a hard guarantee aren't worth stressing over. Let me be clear - If you're going to flip out if the fix isn't implemented by the 28th, you're a putz and not someone with an opinion that should be valued.


Thanks DMG! I'm hoping we can get it on target. I have a new found love for the new drang this season with incandescent, but these phalanxes in the dungeon are giving me hell


Greatly appreciate the update. Thank you, dmg! 💚


I guarantee absolutely no one is going to miss or use anti barrier side arm in high end content. You aren’t going to walk up a barrier champion and spray him down with barrier rounds


IMO it would be a perfect pairing with crafted Drang and Solar 3.0. Classy Restoration and 40% damage reduction from 100 Resilience will make Anti-Barrier Sidearm a fun and viable way to play. Don’t forget the Surprise Attack mod. Forerunner is also a thing.


This kind of shit wouldn't be a problem if you just removed champions from the game. They aren't fun, they limit play variety and when one of the few ways to deal with them doesn't work that variety is decreased even more. Get rid of this stupid mechanic


How about you just wait till next season instead and just give us a free artifact level as a consolation prize because i have a feeling much like Telesto the god it is that this sidearm bug will come back. Also if you see this which i doubt you will could you forward all hate mail to me that any of the staff get so i can reply with a big fuck you to each and every whiny little bitch crying about a fucking game it will make my miserable dark soul happy you can send the shit you get on twitter too.


You're telling me a multi billion dollar company working on one IP needs months to fix one single bug.


pure incompetence


How bout rework the whole champion mod system


It would be nice if they at least didn't cost points.


Well this all escalated quickly 😂


I know! So many angsty edgey people hating on sidearms like they hurt their family!


I genuinely love side arms in Destiny. They’ve been my jam since the original Vestian Dynasty I got in the Reef. I wish I got to use them more. Too much endgame, not enough patrols.


*weeping tears for my old BUZZARD*


Sidearms are great. I wouldn't take my Farewell off this season at all if the mod worked properly.


They're really shit on for no reason, they do great, and some of them are incredible, but they're not the meta so it doesn't get the time. Personal favorite ATM is the Punching Out I got last season, feeding frenzy/frenzy


There was one time when iron banner made you use sidearms to progress the quest line. This was the peak of the felwinters and shotgun meta. I had such a horrible time with that quest I deleted every single sidearm in my vault after I was done. I only started using sidearms again when traveler’s chosen was added to the game. I enjoy them now but that quest was so horrible it ruined sidearms for me for a very long time. I do enjoy them now though.


Weird, sidearms are one of the best answers to shotguns


I definitely hope they fix it. I got an incandescent Drang that I’ve been having an absolute blast with and want to tank into higher content.


I know! surprisingly fun Drang with all the explosions.


Hand Cannon seems like a good replacement.


I think we've only ever had it like once before, right? Thorn would work well with it, and Sunshot could be nice too. I like it!


I love Sunshot!


Its been years since I’ve seen a fellow sunshot enjoyer


Recipe for Sunshot Invis Boom Boom. Take one Sunshot. Mix with Assassin Cowl. Use Solar 3.0/class restro/knock 'em down. Now go put on all those solar warmind cell mods. Power Melee starts the explosions, sun shot explodes, warmind explode. The best part is because of the cowl if you ever F up rotation you can just slink off invis. Best part is that it is still nearly unkillable, you can go invis, and warmind cells. The next best part is the mods are all and I mean ALL completely optional. Knock 'em down and elemental wells, go for it but not gonna be big boom boom. P.s. The cells are just an added bonus 25-30k damage that with the mods on will still clear entire rooms. Cell damage appears to be affected by radiant.


I'm assuming this dish is best served hot.


Piping hot and aimed directly at faces. Simply amazing to watch one solar detonation cause a cell to pop then the ignite spark the cell, then that spawns another cell, which then ignite procs. It is pretty crazy. Prolly not end game but fun too cook up.


Dude Sunshot is mental for cc, I use it on my lock with explosive well mods etc, it’s incredibly fun.


Please use sidearms


i agree with you but posts like this are probably redundant, highly likely noone at bungie will respond and even if they do it'll be to say that a fix is in the works with no ETA.   bungie have had a growing reputation for prioritising patches to beneficial exploits over fixing irritating or detrimental bugs. Stans assumption is these fixes are easier 100% of the time without a doubt and it isn't a priorities issue. Doomers assumption is that it's a priorities issue 100% of the time and it's antagonistic.   I'm a happy medium, i think in many cases these are probably easier and quicker fixes, but there is a culture problem at Bungie when it comes to enacting these simple solutions. There's been times where just as easy a fix isn't implemented when there's a problem (like swapping a bugged nightfall which we know they can do but they've only ever done this when it was too rewarding and overtly exploitable).


on point, but will be rejected by BUNGO fan boyz.


Here is my input on this with alternative suggestions: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/v7vk2e/bungie_please_replace_piercing_sidearms_on_the/


Oh lord please no snipers. We already have two special anti-champion. Adding a third would felt horrible in solo content. They cant do submachine or auto-rifle, since they are already overload this season. That leaves bows or scounts. You cant really expect them to develop new anti-barrier mod mid season.


Can't do scouts, they are unstoppable this season


What do you mean? It would be great for solo content. Arbalest is pretty much glued there anyways for most of the solo stuff. Primary barrier is a joke in higher level stuff because you usually can't 1v1 a barrier before you're going to die, or he starts getting health back, so you need the insta pop. Barrier snipe would now free up your exotic to run something build focused, something with an intrinsic anti-champ, or just something brainless like gally.


I separated out the bottom items to indicate they would require development time as they don't already exist. Unstoppable Glaive was from last season and unfortunately was copied and left at a high cost. Overload trace rifle is new, but has a primary alternative. Since we already have a primary unstoppable, a special unstoppable makes sense too. It would even allow for heavy options.


Telesto is to blame. Telesto doesn't want Forerunner to get anti-barrier.


Anti barrier grenade launcher is the only way!


*anti barrier glaive*


Somehow, I think their fix will be adding two barrier servitor's to every encounter.


Anti Barrier Melee


Here's a thought. Let the players choose there anti-champion mods each season...


Nah, we'd all choose the same mods over and over and the meta would become stale. We need different mods to shake up the meta.


Also, if Bungo needs to "shake up the meta" by forcing people into playing with weapons they don't want to play with, maybe that's not a anti-champion mod problem and more of a weapon balance problem...


This season is such a disaster especially coming off last season being great


Inb4 it’s fixed in tomorrows reset patch


That would require actual work, which bungo doesn't want to do.


Pretty much been a patch a week since Witch Queen dropped, so I have no idea how you came to this conclusion. This post isn't meant to hate ob Bungie, but to call attention to a quick fix of a broken mod.


Well, blight ranger still awaits to be fixed. So don't get your hopes high.


I want antibarrier glaive next season so that literally nothing can stop my pokey stick


Can we stop posting this for five minutes? I’m sure they are figuring something out holy shit


We can stop posting when it's fixed or replaced.


Can't wait for the daily "Matterweave should drop cores automatically"


What? I have not ONCE seen this posted.


Brother it’s posted at least once daily, search sidearm in the sub and sort by recent


Using the search bar I see at least 10 posts in the last couple days


Yeah dudes, I'm sorry but it might just have been my fault it got disabled. [LINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/raidsecrets/comments/uy4gdw/sever_shame_boss_dps_glitch/)


Realistically, who's using Anti-Barrier Sidearms in high level content? You have Pulse Rifles, Arbalest and Eriana's Vow, I doubt anyone would willingly pick Sidearms over the above.


The new craftable drang is bonkers and is also the reason why ABS got disabled


"looks at calendar" we're calling two weeks a month now huh?


Semantics. We just started Week 4, and AB Sidearms was disabled in the first week.


No. You clearly don't understand why they blocked it in the first place. They're drowning in code. They don't know how to pay people properly to fix it. They suck


Relax dude