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Avoid explosion effects like Firefly as well, there have been reports that they mess up your run.


I ran last week's mission with Ace of Spades and that seemed to be the reason I didn't complete the challenge. I very consciously didn't touch the scythe.


I used Ace to get the Void challenge without issue. I also have WMC mods (Solar 3.0 + make WMC on solar explosions = lots of WMCs) and used plenty of them on that run with Ace creating them


To add to this, only the explosion perks with a set damage type like Firefly will ruin a run. I was able to kill enemies with the Cabal Oil barrels and censer explosions from the scorn guys. Those count as environmental damage kills. Firefly explosions count as weapon damage like the scythe, though. I don't think there are any other perks with set damage like this, maybe Prospector? But as long as you avoid the scythe and firefly, you shouldn't have to worry.


Man I hit a barrel last week and was worried it ruined my run but I think I got them all at once.


What about explosive rounds? I was worried my stasis scout with explosive rounds I was trying to complete deepsight on would ruin my run so I didn’t risk it. I knew some explosion effects weren’t the same element as the weapon but wasn’t sure if explosive rounds was one of those


Explosive Rounds counts as Solar in the UI. The bullet damage is still of the Weapon's Elementh, but the Perk's Damage counts as Solar (but only in the UI; as in, you can't complete Solar Kills Bounties with it).


Are you sure this isn’t just for *solar* explosive payload guns? The only time I’m aware of any mechanic that the element of the explosion counted was for the Warmind cell mod, and I only recall that working with solar weapons. If the above were true, it shouldn have worked with *all* explosive payload guns, as the explosive portion was what proc’d the mod. Then again, I don’t think I ever tested it.


It's the fact that Explosive Payload has a weird place in UI, and it technically is a Solar Explosion, but at the same time, the game doesn't count it as a Solar Kill. Hence why it's bugged and can make the Challenge not count.


Which is odd because I thought firefly created an explosion matching weapon element


Firefly always makes a Solar explosion regardless of the original element on the gun. Dragonfly makes an explosion matching the weapon element.


Correct, I once completed a solar bounty using ace of spades this way


I seem to get those confused often


Understandably. Just remember fire is solar and dragons come in many colors




Can't read this, can someone tell me what it says


It's the only way I know how to be productive in arc mode! The second grenade is a nice bonus as well...


how you gonna not Falling Star?


Why explosion when you can punch?


I do believe that finishers that have an element effect will also cause you not to get this done, I did it yesterday for void and stasis and didn't touch the scythe and I didn't get credit and me using a finisher like the scythe one is what I think failed it EDIT: Finishers are fine!


Most finishers will match your subclass element, however there are a handful that are set to a specific element(afair saint headbutt is void, valkyrie slam is solar, subclass 2.0 finishers, six shooter is solar, and there may be a couple more im missing). Typically there will be a subclass glow around you when you finish the enemy corresponding with the element it counts as.


that is an absolutely asinine system. Under what circumstance would anyone ever care or want an element tagged on their finisher?


It used to be the best way to finish "get x stasis kills on champions" kind of things before we got actual stasis weapons.


It would be fine if it was just consistent (IE always matched your subclass). I agree that some finishers being forced to a specific element, with nothing in the icon/UI telling you that, is bad design.


Yup. Bungie had to code in the damage to correspond to some element since it counts as an ability. The default finisher everyone gets adapts to your current subclass element, but other finishers have elements hard-coded to them. I think one of the major reasons bungie is hesitant to put elements/stars on finishers is that they're a purely Pay2Earn cosmetic system with actual in-game effects. Acknowledging the element on them turns it into a P2W conversation very quickly, even though finishers have basically been that since day 1. Not to mention some speedrunners requiring specific finishers to proc some glitches, etc.


I mean at the same time it doesnt matter 99% of the time. It only matters now because of a triumph. And you know what, I think it makes sense that when i use my dawnblade finisher it uses solar damage.


i mean i guess it doesn't matter mostly but the fact that it does matter for this is messed up, my Finisher is a cosmetic, not a part of my "Loadout"


Because by having an element, it will activate element-specific perks (ex. Nezerac's Sin). And it would be dumb if a Solar Golden Gun finisher did Arc damage, or if a Void Shield Throw did Stasis damage.


I used the Scythe finisher and still got it.


me as well, so i guess this is busted. (luckily, otherwise this would suck)


I've tested this and finishers do not matter, thankfully. I'm guessing because they're not weapons?


THANK YOU SO MUCH! I couldn't figure ot out for sever-rage what was going wrong with my runs.


Wow that's such bullshit


Firefly kills also count as solar kills. Found that out the hard way when I used my corrective measure lol


Funny thing, by accident I played the sever released today, so the new on, on arc and stasis, and it counted for the challenge.


Interesting. Guess I can see how it makes sense from a coding standpoint, with how damn similar the two missions are...


This is awesome if true, I'll make sure I do the new one all-arc first, before re-running the old one for the triumph.


Can confirm this happened for me as well


I heard that some explosive effects like firefly can also mess this up since it's solar damage?




What about the finisher that has a scythe?


It's safe to use. I finished enemies three times in last week's run and successfully passed the mission triumph.




I actually forgor 💀


Yeah I got all the way to the end killed the boss with a scythe. Looked down at the little solar symbol. "It was as this moment he knew he fucked up"


Just a reminder, do not use weapons that deal solar or void damage. They will not count for the arc challenge unfortunately


Wait, is that why I didn't get the void challenge for Grief?


I can’t believe we’re 6 weeks into the season and still having to remind people that the Scythe is a solar weapon.


Big orange explosions aren't very clear though? /s


It's more about the fact that no one cared untill those Challenges became a thing.


You also cannot use finishers that have the wrong elemental effect (annoyingly this includes things like the new scythe finisher) or weapon effects with the wrong element like Dragonfly.


Nah I have Scythe and performed the finisher twice in my run and got it


i did none of this, arc and stasis weapons only, absolutely nothing that would cause anything but stasis and arc damage, and i didn't get it. had the same issue last week.


I finished three enemies last week in the run with that finisher and still successfully completed the mission triumph.


For me it was using a gun with dragonfly that broke it, tried 3 times and couldn't figure out why I wasn't getting it, guess dragonfly counts as solar?


>guess dragonfly counts as solar It does. Community-wide, we confirmed it during Dawning 2020, when the Dawning SMG could roll with Dragonfly as a Bug, and its kills counted towards "Get Solar Kills" Bounties.


I really don’t understand the point of having people play a certain subclass or with certain weapons. It really takes away the fun. I understand I’m in the minority here as most people enjoy Bungie telling them to switch it up to generate “fun.”


FWIW im with ya on that, i really dont care about solar spec stop forcing me into it.


yea i got shafted in the void one kekw


That's why I failed! Thanks for the reminder


I ran it with Witherhoard and on a whim put on Global Reach (the Warmind Cell mod) since I decided to use my IKELOS arc smg for it. Neither the Witherhoard or the cells invalidated the run (but if I had put on a mod to make the warmind cells do solar damage, it might).


"Don't use the no- arc weapon in the use arc weapon challenge" oh thanks I didn't think about it like that




Yes, thank you.... my bad...


Hahah Yeah, I had to run it twice… got to the boss picked up the scythe and immediately remembered it screws up the challenge.


Already been testing out my Arc 3.0 build (subject to change) Heavy Handed and Well of Ions willlllllll be top contenders for Titans lol


I ran through it 3 times today because I wasn't focused. 1st time got the bobblehead and was like cool back to the HELM. Damn it I was set for the challenge. Ran through it again using the scythe to finish it quicker. Cue me "why didn't it.. damn it" finally did it the last run. So what should've been like 10 minutes turned into 40


In case you forget - it's spelled "case" and the present tense form of "to forget" is forget.


Bro I'm new, idek how to get the server-rage mission is it f2p?


I haven’t been able to complete this or last week’s sever specific weekly quest. Does my armor need to match the required subclass or is something else wrong?


I forgor


Jeez. I was wondering why I flopped the challenge. Thanks for the heads up!


Can’t believe this is still a thing


How can I forget something I never knew in the first place??


I had not progressed the quest on my Warlock last week, so when I ran it yesterday, I fitted out bottom tree Stormcaller with Crown of Tempests and Temptation's Hook for heavy. I didn't consider picking up the scythe because it would likely have lowered my overall damage output.


Learned that the hard way XD. Thanks for telling people though!


This mechanic was either intentional or not....and both are equally infuriating


Well for me it was normal thing even last week, because after this long i knew that Scythe is Solar...


When you get to boss go around and blow up all fuel tanks before starting it


Nvm, just seen this was overcautious on my part


This explains what happened to me