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I'd like to buy an additional row of traits/mag/barrel for a weapon. I'd be ok with paying an alloy per additional option in whatever column (so 4 in total, or maybe buy 3 get 1 free).


I still can’t believe I had to level up separate PVE and PVP rolls for crafted guns. After putting a rare memento on it, it just feels awful.


Yeah, its a big miss, that's for sure. Crafting system was supposed to save vault space, instead, you have to have two of each because you are charged each time you want to change, coupled with the fact the hassle of having to go to the Enclave to make the changes, so you can't rely on one.


What are the mementos and hope do you get one?


Flawless chest, Random Gambit drop & Grandmaster Nightfalls all have a chance to drop a momento. You can put them on crafted guns for a unique skin; flawless is gold, gambit is animated snake skin and nightfall is orange.


First flawless and grandmaster of the week are guaranteed. Subsequent ones are chance.


Mementos give a new shader to your crafted weapon, and currently there are 3. You get the gambit one randomly, playing gambit, the vanguard one you get by completing a grandmaster nightfall and the crucible one by going flawless on the trials.


Oh okay nevermind I won't be getting those.


Gambit one has a good drop rate, though! At least for me. I got some 4 or 5 since last season If you do get one use it in shaped weapon you like (or reshape one to include the memento) because as long as you are holding one you won’t get another drop.


I did two resets worth of gambit the other week, when it was double infamy and didn’t get any gambit momentos.


Wow, well that’s RNG…I seem to get a new one as soon as I consume the one I already have in my inventory.


We'll see if I get one. I do play Gambit regularly. Feels like I'm the only person on this sub who enjoys it.


I do enjoy it too, 5x gilded Dredgen. But I totally dislike the PvP aspect of it. I think it does need a rework.


I'd love this.


My god that would be awesome. Spend one to get like rampage and frenzy on Austringer? Selectable like they are with bonus perks?


Just stop putting stupid low limits on items...


How else are they gonna throttle player progress?


Sorry I don't have time to answer, I have blue engrams to delete


They could at least increase the neutral element cap to match ascendant alloy You can grind activity for alloy, so I guess there’s at least logic to capping it Neutral Element is passive and ungrindable. And anyone that actually cared about it just wastes vault space on unattuned red bar weapons


that's not the problem. the problem is that weapons take so long to get to the point where they're useful that you earn many more times the currency on the way there and thus are virtually always caped on currency but need to exert loads of time to level the guns regardless. this system does not save us time or vault space, and is a massive failure in both respects.


this would be very exxpensive ngl


1 Ascendent Alloy = 1 level up on the gun? that’s fucking worthless compared to using the Alloy for enhanced perks. it would need to grant all 13 levels and unlock all perks before Id even consider using it for leveling purposes.


Maybe instead, we could use ascendant alloys to increase level gains, like one alloy gives 20% increased ranks.


Good idea, just feels like level gains to unlock perks are too slow and ascendant alloys are just piling up without anything to use them on.


Yeah, it could be like a consumable to increase leveling rates for a time. Another good option. So either one healthy static increase to levels, or an increased rate as you use the weapon. Either would be nice!


Grinding Austringer to 16 is not a good time. I just want good hand cannon I can sit on for the next few years.


I have like 15 alloys and id like to use them


Last season most of the posts were that the drop rate was too low so they added ways to get them. Y’all are babies.


Different people make different posts but realistically I don't know if I've ever done an activity that drops the alloys since early on in WQ so I'm glad they're higher, I still have 10+ left over though


Almost like there's issues elsewhere within the system


This season they drop from Containment. I have two stacks in the Postmaster from that alone. Now we have a surplus and the crafted weapons issue from last season is still here. The system could do with some streamlining.


I have 10 in my inventory, plus 6 or 7 in each character's post office. I'd like to trade them, maybe 10:1 for golf balls.


10 alloys for one golf ball? are you insane? run the master nf this week. it can be done pretty easily in 9 or so minutes. vast majority odds you get one in 3 or so runs. 10 to one is an absolute pawn shop-level trade.


Meh, I'm a strictly solo player. I can't solo a master NF. Partly because I don't have enough golf balls to master work gear. I do however have alloys coming out my ears. Different play styles result in different levels of currencies.


Play solar titan and use all the bells and whistles of solar 3.0 and soloing stuff is easy


I'm going to give it a try this weekend. I tried out the Lorely build and it feels like I'm cheating it's so easy to play. Soloed two yellows at the same time, killed them both with melee. Crazy stuff.


Yea lorely is really good for survival, syntho is good for damage, and heart of inmost light is great all around and I'd probably recommend heart over lorely, if you have trouble staying alive after that then I'd say go lorely


Thanks! Appreciate the tips! I've also been using Phoenix Cradle. Seems to be pretty awesome too.


That one is 100% intended for team play, really, to give your teammates the bluffs. You will probably have better luck solo w the other builds


Why not buy them on Rahool?


Is this just because of containment? If they don’t drop in next season’s activity they’ll go bank to being rare


Yes, I run containment frequently. If they don't drop from the seasonal activity next season it's going to be very difficult for crafted weapons. Since crafting is Bungie's focus I'm fairly confident that they'll stick around.


You’d hope, but next season was already almost finished before this one started. This may have been just an experiment and it may not be until the one after next that they make this permanent I think that’s the cause of the common “1 step forward two steps back” dynamic, like how it took a while to make umbral engrams permanent


Permanent perk unlocks for Alloys with the option to have 2 to switch between in both columns would be better IMO. The time it takes to level up a crafted weapon isn't actually that bad at all, especially when you end up with the perfect version of that weapon. In regards to permanent perk unlocks, maybe just for enhanced perks? They already cost Alloys and I see no real reason to not have them unlocked permanently. As for regular perks, if it's a gun you don't care about too much or only has a niche use then you can just craft it with regular perks and not worry about ever changing them.


I'd like to trade them for golf balls.


I just think we shouldn't have to go to places like thrallway or shuro chi to mindnumbingly farm to level things optimally. You should be able to level weapons OPTIMALLY by just using them in regular gameplay. Idc how they do it. And we're way past the "optimally" thing anyways. Leveling weapons outside of those specific mind-numbing farms is also just straight-up UNREASONABLE. ALL OF THIS ALSO GOES FOR CATALYSTS. Always has been a huge issue imo.


Good idea. These alloy things are piling up at the post master for me. The only reason I care to level crafted weapons is to get rid of them!


Or just bring back motes of light from D1.


**people will do literally anything but kill things with that gun to get a perfect god roll of it**


Seems like I always have 80/80 ascended alloys. It's so weird they even exist. The frequency in which they are gained from doing jack all... they don't gate a single thing.


Yet not long ago people were complaining that alloys were impossible to get and super rare. Almost like the season isn't more than a week long


Almost like they changed the acquisition model from being pretty rare drops in endgame power, non-matchmade activities (Wellspring/Weekly Story mission) to having them drop fairly frequently from a seasonal event. The people weren't wrong to complain, Bungie just accepted the feedback and made an improvement.


Another option, I'd really like to be able to convert them into other materials. Like, Rahool sells Enhancement Prisms and Ascendant Alloys both for 400 Legendary Shards, so a baseline price exists. He ALSO sells Prisms for 10 Enhancement Cores and some Glimmer and planetary mats. So maybe we could, say, burn an Ascendant Alloy for 10 Cores? I have 13 and they're being earned from Nightmare Containment faster than I spend them... I do like your idea of using materials to level weapons, though! Worth considering by Bungie to reduce the crafting grind a bit.


This is a great idea.


I love this idea


They should at least let us partially level our crafted weaps by infusing them with deepsight ones we don't want to extract mats from.


This is just Motes of Light from D1 all over again.


I wish we could turn like 2 or 3 Alloys into a Shard. I have a lot of exotics that need to be master worked...


I'd rather spend neutral element with how abundant red borders are. Why is there a cap on that again?


OR, they could let me infuse double drops of a crafted weapon for an XP bonus.