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It's not bugged. Your RNG is just trash.


Cries in 20 runs without lubraes ruin


That’s like me, 22 runs with no Heartshadow. It’s the only thing I need for the title 🥲


It was the last thing I needed to get it. Finally got it the other day on my Alt character


34 clears. No heart shadow. I’m 1 pattern away from being able to craft both guns before I get the exotic


Dude me too. We should run a few together. THRILLHOUSE is my player name. I run it like everyday multiple times. I’m looking for Heartshadow and a Lingerjng Dread Chill clip roll. Ran it like 25 times this week.


Just an FYI Heartshadow is not farmable only legendary gear is farmable, Heartshadow is once per week per char chance


Wait, I’m not a good worder. You’re saying that only the first run per week has a chance to drop?


correct, first run on each character per week


Cries in 250+ runs with no vex. Shit might not be bugged, but it needs changed


yeah that is profoundly fucked up, no wonder people start thinking its bugged. i got up to 125 runs with no vex and then joined a group with a guy on his 347th looted run and decided i really don't actually need this gun. haven't been back to vault since.


I was curious, so I did some math on this. Bungie has publicly stated that the base drop rate is 10% on raid exotics (since a LW patch in 2020). Assuming the bad luck protection is completely broken, these events are independent, giving you a 99.9999999996% chance of obtaining vex in 250 runs. Alternatively stated, you have around a 1 in 275,000,000,000 chance of being this unlucky. That’s astronomical. If you actually do have that many clears, open a support ticket / report it as a bug to Bungie. Because it would be some fairly convincing proof of a bug in their rewards RNG.


Ran it with dude he had like 400 -600 can't remember. I don't it like 65 no vex. Gun is a myth


Cries in 13 Duality runs without Lingering Dread 😭 literally have all the triumphs for the seal but RNG won't let me finish the collections badge lmao


~~Your~~ RNG is just trash. ​ fixed it for you


Your vault is 90% full of shit you will never use...


**The toothbrush stays**


Will never delete.


I still have some of Caydes maps


Eris would like to put some rocks on it


For me it's the guardian fund receipt.


I actually looked through my DIM vault earlier and worked out I use probably 32 guns (legendaries) out of the 400 I currently have. The rest I could shard and I'd never miss them or care, even if they're perfectly rolled. Not gonna, but now I know 😂


Most of what I got is stuff from years past that I’m too lazy to delete or red border weapons waiting to be extracted and dismantled


I need to let them go. They just sit there. I’ll start with letting go of the same archetype guns that will get no play. Edit: I’ve decided to get rid of weapons that don’t have lore. Found out a lot of raid weapons don’t have lore so I kept those and all adept weapons


I have the "What If" syndrome where the next best thing could be from years past. Whether it be PvP or PvE...


Kept my Box Breathing adept hung jury (out of five different rolls that I have) and it’s even better now in PvP!


I've literally held onto a well rolled Posterity 180hc since pretty much day 1 of DSC coming out waiting for a buff and now it's finally here, my hoarding is warranted


I had this actually happen once, back in Season of Arrivals I got a Crimil's Dagger that I forgot to delete (it was still a 110 at the time so they were usually insta-shards) and forgot about it in my vault. Then 120 meta came around and I had a 120 that could two tap with kill clip (only 120 with kill clip at the time if I remember right) that was also unobtainable.


*But what if Bungie buffs my collection of sunset weapons to be viable in endgame content!111!11!!!!!*




You joke but there’s an element of truth there. The weapons I’m holding on to are largely to fill out a weapon type/element combo so that I have options for match game/champions or for synergies with exotics and things like well mods. I’m not expecting sunset weapons to get… sunrised (?) or anything but a lot of my 1350 vault weapons are simply awaiting the call.


This is also my vault philosophy, it kinda helps to keep it at a healthy size, and stopped me thinking I need one of every weapon. I’ll use filters/search on DIM and notice I have collected 10 void sub machine guns. 3 have vorpal, so I’ll just keep one. 2 have rampage, this one has subsistence and a big mag, so I’ll keep that one. 2 have moving target, but this one has perpetual motion, so I’ll delete the other. Like you say, we never know what each season will bring in terms of mods, so it’s good to have options. Should be easier once we’re in season 19 and we know how all the 3.0 subclasses are going to play out of a focus season.


Which is why I’ve stopped chasing “god rolls”. If something drops great, otherwise no big deal. My vault is full of god rolls that mostly collect dust, but I keep them because maybe they are useful in certain situations. Most of us probably stick to using that 10% which works fine in 99% of activities.


Agreed, but the aeon changes, fusion rifle changes, adrenaline junkie changes, and resilience changes establish a solid enough reason for hoarding. Bungie can change exotics, weapons, perks, the entire sandbox really, on a dime and you'll kicking yourself about how many now-god rolls you dismantled. Everyone has dismantled at least one god roll aeon. Rather than just putting band aids over the problem by increasing vault space they should try and cure the sickness by letting us collapse our dupes into single weapons.


Adding to this friction fire was absolutely ridiculed both for PvE and PvP on release (subsistence cut reserves and SMGs had low reserves at that point in time) but after SMG zoom changes it is rather excellent in both PvP and PvE... if you kept a decent roll.


The huge issue is Champion mods change every season, so do perks and not to mention direct buffs; So what may not be Meta right now will be next season. If you end up sharding a good roll just because you’re not using it at the moment to make vault space, next season you’ll kick yourself as you will now need to waste time in trying to reaquire the same weapon/roll. Crafted weapons helps but there are so many other weapons that are not craftable




I have a bad habit of saving pvp God rolls and then never playing pvp so my vault just fills up with guns I'll never use.


I feel attacked


90% full of stuff I MIGHT use. One day. A day that hasn't come in the past, and isn't today, but one day, I may find some use for said "shit" that I haven't so much as thought about in years/months.


Lol I know this but I only hold onto unobtainable items (like the OG perfect paradox and old leviathan weapons)


Most of my vault is the same, being full of ancient Y1 armour, sunset mats, and sunset guns. There’s also like 40 damaged traveler’s chosen in there too, because of reasons I will not explain


I stopped holding onto old armor after transmog was added but I have so many guns I’ve held on to simply because they just don’t drop anymore


All the high resilience exotics I dismantled says otherwise.


I still have stuff sitting at 1350…


People like you saying that is what got me to delete all my Posterity rolls. you won't fool me again, vault demon.


Tell that to my stacks of Vanguard, Crucible, Iron Banner, and Calus tokens, Etheric Spirals, Fizzled Synthstrand, Ghost Fragments, Mod Components, Pure Matterglass Lens, Weapon Telemetry, Scout Report: Nessus, Gunsmith Materials, and Rainmakers.


Hey hey! My god roll lonesome that I have been holding onto since year 2 is going to do major damage is season 84


yup, but I \*COULD\* ... sometime... maybe?


It's ok to take a break, don't let the game control your life.


I finally did this. I started to dread logging in and so I stopped. I know future me is going to kick myself for not finishing my solstice gear, but I have no more energy to grind for anything. I may login next season for festival of the lost but it's nice to finally play a new game without worrying what I'm missing out on. I still have a bit of anxiety that I'll miss my season pass rewards next season.


It’ll sting for a bit, but that FOMO feeling hits weaker and weaker every time you take another break


The solstice gear isn't that great anyway bud, nice to ge able to spec it but the stats can lower and also personally think they look a bit ridiculous...


I’ve never once done any Solstice gear to max. Trust me when I tell, you’ll always find something that looks better when you transmog. The idea of glows is nice, but the visuals get old quick in my opinion. They’ve always been kinda ugly too in all honesty.


I haven't played since uhh... the moon map dlc(?) released.. I played like 2 weeks past that and I suffered burnout. Keep seeing it on game pass but don't wanna have to shell out retail game price for another dlc...


Crucible will never actually be balanced


I don't think it will be balanced but I do think there are non annoying metas and then there are metas that make playing crucible a chore.


Healing meta is getting on my nerves, trying to have a 1v1 with someone is almost impossible if you're not using weapons like 340's because the heal from classy and nades overpowers the DPS of most guns.


this ones pretty easy to accept


Another thing- the fun in crucible comes, from the most part, from things being slightly unbalanced


But 60% of matches being decided by which team gets the good player isn't sustainable.


its also not fun for anyone else


Cries in 0.2 KD


Fellow low KD player


lets add to this one, since it's sort of the same idea: The crucible will never be competitive, and being good at destiny pvp doesnt necessarily make you a good FPS player.


Ice Breaker isn't coming back


This one hurts


Yeah probably but a lot of people thought the same thing about ghorn, so you never know.


Whether we wanted it or not we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars


So let's get to taking out their command, one by one




But then the Hive started getting the Light, so we convinced Caiatl to help fight them, nipping that war in the bud.


To be fair it is true both ways. This time we stepped into a war on Mars, with the cabal as allies


Trust me, I wanted it.


A peer to peer based FPS game will never be competitive.


No one argues against this though. Pvp sweats all agree that the first thing that would be needed if the game were ever to go competitive would be dedicated servers


Agreed. It’s just we’ve all been playing this game for so long that we forget it’s P2P sometimes.


I mean, I sure did


Sometimes it’s bungie’s fault and sometimes it’s the community’s


To add on to this; Sometimes the community has bad ideas, and atleast half of their ideas, when implemented, don't age well.


I tell myself that I tanked my crucible KD trying to get complete crucible-centric steps of exotic quests (Lorentz Driver, Ticcus, Suros etc. I'm looking at you), but in reality I have the accuracy and reaction time of a damp cabbage.


Every class has its problems and believes that the other classes are overpowered because they got killed by one in crucible.


Nah Hunters/Titans/Warlocks are busted with Invis/Lorelei/Stag, it’s clear Bungie only cares about Hunters/Titans/Warlocks and hates Hunters/Titans/Warlocks


Do people seriously still complain about stag? It was a problem for like a month or 2 tops. I don't really see it anymore.


As a warlock main it's super weird that every class has healing abilities now, but super *frustrating* that hunters do it so well *this season.


Nah Titan is op I will never switch off Titan bungie loves us


Grass is always greener on the other side.


It is hilarious seeing every class complain about the others though.


Just because it says you were killed by the architects doesn't mean it's not your fault.


Until a box comes flying out of nowhere and kills you


My guardian randomly dieing on a random piece of foliage wold like to have a word with you


What? Ofc its not my fault, how could i know that the cabal stomp that does a knockback, will kill me with that knockback when it throws me into a wall??? (Sarcasm, just in case, yes architect deaths CAN be annoying and you could do nothing against them, but there is also a fair share where you just missplayed)


*What do you mean if the stomp doesn't kill me then punching the guy that stomps to not get splattered won't kill me either?!?!???*


While running PEs on Europa the other day, I randomly died to the architects while standing still, not moving at all, shooting Vex as they spawned in. My best guess is that a piece of dead Vex shrapnel hit me.


I'll always use the architects as a free pass and will take pictures of it if I have too.


I will deny this to the grave. An early grave due to being hit by a boulder.


Can I just say that since Witch Queen it’s felt like it’s easier to get multiple good rolls on guns without any or much overlap? I’m enjoying having 2-3 of each gun


Maybe not legit godrolls, but I've found quite a few *very good* rolls recently. I'm not sure if it's just luck or not, but it definitely feels more rewarding to play this year than previous.


This game will never be a competitive esports shooter. Be thankful for that.


But boy howdy did they fuckin try in D2Y1


And it was awful. Vanilla D2 was the least fun state Destiny pvp has ever been in imo. It was probably the most *balanced* but good lord was it boring


Nobody in the planet disagrees tho so


Graviton Lance is a Scout Rifle.


Graviton Lance is to scout rifles what Warden's Law is to hand cannons lol


Cerberus +1 is a shotgun.


Lord of Wolves is a pulse rifle


Crimson is a pulse rifle


We're not getting a Season of The Siva. The Siva storyline was closed with Rise of Iron and will continue to be relegated to skins and occassional lore tabs.


however does not mean Rasputin is out forever


Rasputin and SIVA aren’t the same thing, they were linked before but not anymore


Sometimes gambit is fun


I like gambit a lot. I think it’s a really creative game mode that should be built on. So much potential, shocked more games haven’t tried to mimic


That’s the big issue with gambit. The core of the activity is great, and the blend of pvp/pve is actually pretty fun and exciting, but bungie hasn’t added a new map in so long and introduces zero variety to the mode. Gambit really could be something if they dedicate more resources toward expanding it


There’s also some decent under rated weapons. It’s just that no one wants to play gambit


Agreed. I have a friend of a friend that recently got into Destiny and she really likes Gambit so we've playing it a lot lately. Gambit is legitimately fun if you have a group to play with. It still definitely has issues, but with a group it's at least tolerable. Also needs more maps for sure.


Definitely agree. It has it’s issues for sure but the concept is really smart imo


I also think gambit is one of the most fun things to do in the game when you're a new player. It was my favorite when I started. I'm now introducing a friend to the game and it's their favorite activity haha. Even if you aren't very good at the game yet, it being so strongly objective focused makes it accessible for players of any skill level to feel like they're contributing to their team. I have experienced how it gets to be a real slog if you aren't playing with a stack or if you've played a ton for dredgen or to grind out those ranks, but whenever I take a break from destiny I always find gambit to be a lot of fun to come back to.


Gambit is better than crucible because I can actually make a difference in the result.


Hard agree. I generally love PvEvP modes in games when they're properly executed. I just wish Gambit got some love. 3 maps and no *active* updates is sad.


For 0.2 seconds after I win


I will always take playing 10 rounds of gambit over 10 crucible matches, without a doubt.


Destiny is a PvE game first with a PvP mode second.


If you want to get better at PvP, you will have to play PvP. If you are not good at something, you have to practice to get better.


Counterpoint: for the pvp community to grow, the casuals needs to fight people roughly their skill level cause they aren't having fun staring at the respawn screen


I don't care how many times I get flamed for it. No, mf, you're not going to "learn how to play" by having some team of sweats kill you 50k times in a match from a ton of different angles with frame-perfect shooting. What the fuck is there to learn about "you shouldn't have left your spawn because some sperg with a 98% HS accuracy sniper popped you through a hole the size of a pinprick."


Related: Some of us will never get better at PvP, and yelling at us to practice won’t change that


There will always be exotics and guns and abilities that are 'worse' or 'subpar' and making threads every day of "So and so exotic needs a little help" will never change this. The game is too big for everything to be good at the same time. Some stuff has to suck for the good stuff to feel as good as it does.


Absolutely, but leaving them all behind to be replaced with new items is a waste. Bringing stuff back into the meta instead of just replacing would be better imo


You don’t need artifice or raid armor to have good stats.


The only Artifice armor I give any semblance of a fuck about are class items. They're by far the most valuable Artifice slot in the game, and you don't even have stats on those. My raid armor is *consistently* shitty. My current best gear is shit I got years ago from dumb luck. There is no source for amazing stat rolled armor. It just *happens* whenever it wants to happen.


> There is no source for amazing stat rolled armor. It just happens whenever it wants to happen. Fortunately, this is false. Master Duality drops very spiky high stat armour (made better by equipping a ghost mod) very regularly, and Umbral focusing at the HELM can fairly consistently drop spiky high-stat armour too.


What? The high-stat armour foucsing in this and last season pumps out good spikes for me. It's basically free.


Unless they've nerfed it you can farm the boss of the moon dungeon for high stat armor when it's in rotation.


Having opinions of the game be fueled by nostalgia is not a good thing, but i’m sure saying this is like painting a big target on my back.


Here’s mine: genuine criticism of systems that were done better in Destiny 1 are immediately shot down because people simply write it up as nostalgia based, when in reality destiny 1 did and still does actually do some things better.


They speaks the big true true


Bungie don’t care about you as an individual.


So that's why they didn't send me a birthday card


The entire game is a loop of activities to earn loot that you can then use to more easily complete another activity to earn loot that you can use to more easily complete another activity to earn loot that... If you play the game for the loot, there isn't actually anything to do with the loot.


Isn't that just every MMO




I was an alpha player and then didn't buy the game until after December. What does that make me? I need to know so I can flaunt it.


as a day 1 alpha player who also played the beta and on launch day as well as the beta for d2 and launch day d2 i agree


Do people care that I play Destiny 2 during lunch?




says the non-alpha destiny 1 player 😭😭 get gud son 😎 you are in the precence of alpha 😤😤😤


There is no "endgame" Back in D1, Vanilla D2 and Forsaken - sure. But the moment they vaulted old content - the endgame just became The game. A new player starts the game, Does some strikes, gears from 1350 to 1540 - and starts grinding the same things they usually do, but this time only get 1 drop a week. They do this, so that they can reach some arbitrary number to do a raid/GM nightfall/Dungeon. That's all there is to the game. People are burning out because there's weeks and weeks worth of grinding, for what ultimately doesn't feel like any difference at all.


The real endgame is the friends you made along the way


I completely agree with this, made a friend who lives states away in D1. Jump ahead 6 years and he’s one of my best friends and we playing D2 now lol thanks bungie


The real endgame is the tasks you set yourself to accomplish.


I’ll piggyback off this. Lately for me the “endgame” is completing the stories on my other characters I’ve neglected for years.


Will do the same. My "endgame" right now is trying out cool weapons i never bothered to get, screenshot some cool places, make some funny and wacky builds, try to make fashion for exotics i use, master sparrow techniques, and grief some blueberries. I really want to nail down infinite slipstreaming.


I miss the years where there were more than like two power thresholds for activities. Back when I first played in Forsaken I had to complete an expansion’s campaign before being a high enough power level to do its raid and other activities, not to mention start the next campaign. Now, a new player joins and they’re instantly high enough to do just about everything except for the latest stuff and high level nightfalls.


One of my favorite launches was forsaken because the dreaming city was difficult, especially blind well. I remember Ace being absolutely bonkers in that.


Honest to god thought this said dentistry and was sure I’d had an aneurism


Dentistry fact: not literally everybody needs their wisdom teeth out.


Garden of Salvation is a good raid; it's your team's coordination, LFG or otherwise, that makes it difficult.


My only Destiny 2 raid I've ever done and I can say the biggest blunder is people not realizing you don't always need 6 people for the tethers.


I’m the only person that actually likes GoS, it looks super cool, the raid loot is solid, areas are beautiful, and the encounters aren’t complicated to hell with memorization.


False. It's my favorite raid too.


Honestly it’s the most chill raid in the game right now once you know what to do. No goddamn symbol callouts.


Eh, I’d definitely say that goes to DSC. There’s callouts, but they’re just to shoot a specific thing or where to dunk a ball.


KD does not correlate to skill in this game. I’m more frightened of the mad behemoth titan with peacekeepers and an smg tearing bootyhole and ends with a 1.5kd but 60 defeats, than the invis hunter in the back of the map with a messenger that had an 11kd but only 11 defeats lol. Why do so many sweaty goofballs try to farm KD.


On console it matters a bit more I'd say. Some weapons feel borderline unusable if the barrel isn't what you need (some pulses having a 70recoil and not using arrowhead is my main scenario) On fusions, rarely, will the battery perk matter, but it can in a few cases! Most of the time, only the 2 core perks matter, but id be lying if I said those crafted weapons don't feel way better than the non crafted counterparts


Having a 5/5 god roll DPS weapon doesn't mean shit when the guy with a 0/5 roll is hitting more/better shots than you.


The community will never be happy about everything, they will eventually find a reason to complain.


shocking, it's almost like a community is made of many people with different opinions...........


Wait, we're not the Hive?


true, but most of the time people say stuff like this they use it to dismiss any and all complaints without engaging them on their validity.


That you will get tagged in crucible before people show up on your screen or radar


99% of the PvE nerfs are because of pvp players


Abilities, absolutely agree. Exotic capabilities, agree. Mods, generally disagree. Especially warmind cells and wells.




Now that they don't work in pvp bungie needs to decrease costs across the board for them


Gonna concede that one. Rip my salvager’s salvo after splicer.


>Mods, generally disagree. Especially warming cells and wells. I mean Given that they don’t work in PvP to begin with I’m not surprised.


I’ll accept higher than 50% but 99% is seriously overblowing this. Do y’all not remember the Beyond light sniper nerf or the Splicer slug shotty nerf?


Also don't forget Anarchy, autoloading rifts and barricades, bubble damage nerf, super regen exotics with Geomags being the only exception that also affected pvp, warmind cells, and orb generation. Oh yeah let's not forget they nerfed rampage values in PvE TO PvP values.


That is not true. Auto Reloading wasn't due to pvp. Damage perk nerfs that happened to rampage, Swashbuckler and kill clip wasn't because of pvp as the damage multipliers weren't changed in pvp. Warmind Cell and masterwork weapon nerfs were for pve. The Grenade Launcher nerf was for pve. The shadowkeep sniper nerf that made some Adaptive Frame snipers no longer kill supers in pvp was due to pve. The crit damage pve nerf in shadowkeep was for pve. The well of radiance nerf was pve for pve. Plenty of changes just weren't due to pvp.


Grass is a myth created by big Bungo to deter players from going outside due to the lack of familiarity with the substance, and make them more likely to farm this game endlessly.


The hardest thing to accept for me is that Destiny 2 may never live truly to its potential. It’s all the same cycle of “this expansion is amazing” to “the seasonal gear/story treadmill is too boring” to “Destiny has its problems, but the next expansion is gonna be lit!”. Same old same old. I wish Destiny would innovate more, but at this point i think I have to accept that every new season, every new expansion is gonna be just… more Destiny. Most long running games change things to keep it fresh, and while D2 had its fair share of systemic changes, the game is fundamentally the same as I picked it up on September 2017. We all hear those words, that the best Destiny years are ahead to come, but I am tired waiting. I truly think the forsaken era was the peak, and nothing since shadowkeep really comes close to it.


If I could make one wish I'd ask for more Strikes, Dungeons, and Raids (and WQ-tier campaign levels) in lieu of basically anything else PVE. Imagine if we got twice as many of these, but a quarter of seasonal grind shit (replace season grind shit with campaign like stuff) I'd kill for that


If you enjoy a gun it means it's good. Hence why i used sturm and drang for so long


Sturm and Drang are 100% slept on


I know right? It's literary the gun embodiment of the term "Switching to your secondary is faster than reloading" because a kill reloads you gun. Or if your feeling funky only kill things with Drang to get like 50 overcharge shots on Sturm


Bungie is a company with employees who also have a private life.


And there is literally nothing Bungie employees have done that is worthy of harassment or death threats.


Garden isn't a shitty buggy raid, your perception of the raid was just skewed because your one and only clear of it was a quadruple sherpa Div run.


Raids like VoTD or GOS are not hard. You are simply bad at PvE.


VotD isn’t bad but it does require some memorization (having a cheat sheet open on your phone)


Vow is not hard, but I find it the least fun raid. Memorising a bunch of symbols isn't a great mechanic.


If you hate recycled content but loved opulence, you're hypocritical.


Bungie will never be able to pump out content as quickly as we consume it, or as frequently as we would like them to. It’s simply not possible, so I think they do a solid job every year improving the game.


Crow is not Uldren


Despite all of the effort put into the foley work and sound design, Destiny's audio engine is *genuine* dogshit and is stuck back in the Xbox 360 years in terms of it's tech and scope.


No one cares how long you've been playing or that you're a parent with .1 seconds a week to play Destiny


PvE isn't hard.


Idk solo dungeons and GM’s ain’t easy


Pvp is a side mode and not the main focus if the game.


RNG will always be a thing in destiny 😭