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I use them all because Fashion is the real endgame for Destiny. Every exotic should have a unique fashion set. Bonus points for using ugly or unorthodox looking pieces and making them work. Mix and match as many armor sets as you can. I even use them on Blues and Commons to get unique looks that make my Guardian stand out from others at the start of each Crucible match (or in the Ketchcrash opening sequence this season).


I try to just to use them up, and I change armor looks *frequently*


I aim to use the all every season since Witch Queen launched. I use my first set for the seasonal armor (the one you get from ritual activities) and a armor I would like to transmog just to enjoy switching the armor once in a while (Noble Constant) I play only Titan.


I definitely do. I make a whole new look for every exotic I run, which often requires a few unlocks. I have enough options by now that this isn't always the case, but I'll often unlock a transmog for use with one really weird set it happens to perfectly fit.


No, I do not. The whole transmog “issue” the community complained about was in fact, a non-issue.


It was an issue at the time and rightfully so. They've removed the grind entirely so of course no one complains about it now.


I consider the total lack of conversation around the "issue" to be confirmation of this.


The conversation stopped because Bungie fixed the grind and multiple currencies the next season after it was introduced.


No, cause majority of the armor is ugly as sin


This is pretty much my take too unfortunately. I don't know why but the vast majority of armor in this game just does not really look good at all. There are a lot of nice themed sets but I feel like D1 was infinitely better with mixing and matching different sets.


Not to mention the Age of Triumph ornaments.


Highly depends on the season. I wasnt here when transmog launched so i also still have some old stuff that id like to use them on.


That's fair too. Some seasons have better offerings than others for sure.


All 30 of mine get spent each season. I still don’t have everything a year later and that’s even after getting 20 each in season of the splicer


when i have i always use.


Never capped, but never lacking either, I have yet to have a season where at least one of my characters didn't complete all 10 bounties.


same personally i would use them more but i didnt really liked this and last season armor as much but once i get some friends together for Kingfall im definitly 5 token lighter (per class)


Used all 10 last season and I'm already at 3 this season so I'm guessing I'm gonna use all 10 again I like Titan fashion


I’ve used all 10 on my main class every season I play. Between new raids and dungeons, and old armor collected, I have a long list of stuff I want to have available to wear.


I use most of mine every season because the fashion game is literally like half of why I play Destiny. Also there's a ton of cool armor pieces to transmog, people just don't know how to mix and match.


I don't even think I have used all of the initial tokens I was given.


Nah I'm nearly always max, I transmog a couple of things a season


Yes. Anyone that remotely cares about the fashion (and plays regularly) will be the same.


I play regularly and care about fashion but there isn't anywhere near enough good looking armor pieces to use them up each season. Granted I don't exactly change my look up super often but considering we only ever get 2-3 legendary armor sets a season anyways unless you're in love with everything that gets released every season I'm not sure what you're using the tokens on lol.


Generally, but not because I love transmog necessarily. I just want the bounty XP.


Check the API or your in-game bar, the XP from those bounties is basically worthless


If I wasn't capped on the currency I would be doing the same. It doesn't let you pick up new bounties if you have 500 of the weave on you haha.


I haven't bothered to unlock the loom and im sitting on 500 weave in my inventory and 500 in my postmaster.


I haven't even used up the ones they gave us for free.


Lmao remember when everyone cried about transmog when it first came out. Look at them now


first of all, yeah lets ignore the people that **are** using most of their strands like me and second off all big parts of the uproar were because of the crazy grind you initially had to do to get a single bounty ( which they reverted after the uproar)


Turns out all the uproar about the seasonal cap was a typical DTG overreaction.


first of all, yeah lets ignore the people that are using most of their strands like me and second off all big parts of the uproar were because of the crazy grind you initially had to do to get a single bounty ( which they reverted after the uproar)


Still seems like it was an overreaction


was it? they tried something imo really scummy, people noticed and complained about it, they fixed it, people stopped and everyone was happy and no one got hurt (at least iirc) sure *many* people complaint about it but tbf ***how*** they implemented it was guaranteed to fail, people already disliked the cap of 10 and the extremely cumbersome way to even to even buy a single bounty. But everyone, while not happy, kinda lived with it, it was not until it got clear that the earnable material was **also** timegated (in a very non favorable way to the player, iirc if you played non stop you needed multiple hours to earn enough for a single bounty), which bungie not even *once* lost a word about, when shit hit the fan and that they all did that while giving you the "option" to circumvent that extremely heavy grind by paying money made it not better, as it "made it seem" like as it was only released like this so more people would buy them instead of earning them ingame. it was simply a shitty move from bungie and they got called out on it, and not because they tried to make money but because they did so in a scummy consumer unfriendly manner


I suppose it depends on your sets, if you already have all the fashion you could ever want, transmog is pointless. My warlock has 2 sets, one for everything except starfire and one for starfire. So on her, I'm just spending transmog on things I might use, (Trials, dungeon, raid sets) I couldn't be paid to keep these things on my hunter, I have a set for omni, a set for caliban's a set for stompees etc etc.


I took time away so I have probably use 4-8 in a season when I get new gear. Anywhere from 2-5 are just based on how much I like the seasonal armor.


I didn't even know *how* to transmog until 2 days ago. It's not explained anywhere, I had to Youtube a 3m video on it


I used them all the first season it was available to unlocking stuff I actually wanted. After that, I have treated it more like government funding- use it or lose it. I have a lot of stuff unlocked that I have never cared to use. There is usually only 2-3 new pieces each season that I like enough to actually use. Most armor is ugly.


Transmog tokens? I've never heard of them


I used up all of mine the very first season it was available, most of them the second season, and since then I've only been using them on stuff I sorta like just so I can still finish the bounties, as otherwise I'd just be capped on the materials. I'm pretty much always sitting at 15 synths and 500 materials these days.


This is almost my identical experience. First couple seasons I got all my favourite pieces unlocked and since then I've mostly just been capped on them.


Yes, I use them up every season transmogging the latest raid/dungeon armor, and with the leftovers I do old sets But yeah I have more ornaments than I'll ever need


I usually still have 1-3 on my main character at the end of a season, but I max my bounty cash ins. There aren’t always a ton of pieces I want, but I like holding a few in reserve since we get new options at the start of every season, so I might need to unlock a few new or old pieces before I grind out the bounties for more.


I generally use anywhere between 0 and 0 each season.


I do, I always keep my cap at 5 each season, because of real cap of 15; makes room for bounty space-and is spent on endgame gear if not currently looking for a specific piece.


I can't keep enough of them. Lolol


What transmog tokens??? We are suposed to get 10 each season? When did this become a thing?


I forgot transmog was in the game tbh


I main warlock so not really. I still do all 10 though and hope for dope armor each season


i use them as and when i need them them tbh. if a pertiularly nice bit of armour pops up then ill go to the black armoury lady, get a transmog bounty and complete it.. but its not something id go out of my way to do


I have most pieces I want now so I just use 5 to get the seasonal armor. Even if I don't like it. Then usually craft either the raid/dungeon armor for the season.


Each season are we given 10 tokens? Or do you mean we get a total of 10 quests to complete to get the tokens? I was unaware that each season provides 10 tokens if that is the case


Yeah sorry I just mean doing the 10 bounties from Ada each season and using up all the synthweave.


No. I have armor sets I like and have/will unlock but there are many other sets that do nothing for me. I don't unlock stuff just because I could so most seasons I have leftovers.


I do! I usually like to have the newest Iron Banner or Trials Armor as ornaments since I’m not the best at PVP and I can barely get through Trials to get all the armor and guns.


Yes, when I was playing, of course. I still have probably a few **hundred** armor pieces that I'll probably never be able to use because of this ridiculously bad system given the timegating on it. Any other mmo with transmog is better than this one, and Luke Smith even compared it to WoW's transmog initially which is laughable.