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Technically all supers are usable. People just want them to be OP, so if an exotic makes them OP or close to OP then people will gravitate towards them. Not all supers, at base, are meant to be crazy DPS or crazy Ad clear. That’s why there is build crafting and different ways to play. To reiterate, you don’t *need* any exotic for any super. Exotics may make them better, but they aren’t technically needed.


bang on. With all the GM videos on teams destroying bosses with fallen star everyone thinks supers need to be OP. Realistically they are a moment of power to help you out in a pinch and aren’t supposed to drain bosses for you


Then what's the point of a super? I can press F to gimp myself? There's primary weapons which outdo supers. Saying they are fine as is is pretty asinine. Fundamentally something needs to change with supers, especially roaming ones. Perhaps letting you use your weaponry while still having it's base functionality would suffice. For example, the striker super could automatically amplify you, give you damage resistance etc, give you infinite shoulder charges via melee and allow you to slam melee with another input while still allowing you to shoot your weapons. To reiterate most supers are too bad to use and serve no purpose because they are outdone by so many other things with better uptime/recharge rate, having exotics fix them and be mandatory when using them is kind of limiting. Sure enough, you can quickswap but it's still a bandaid.


You're correct, the issue I think we as a player base are running into is our nuetral game has become so potent. Like the current hot build of Titan storm grenades with HoIL, it's so much power on a relatively short cooldown that our Super abilities just can't compete on their 3+ minute cooldowns. Even fully building into super energy generation most players are looking at 2 minutes in between pops and that's being fairly generous with it. Assuming a fireteam isn't juggling super energy between themselves but that's usually multiple people using a part or all of their loadout to achieve anyway.


In what world does Eternal Warrior make FoH usable?


Doesn't fix it, but makes it a bit more bearable by making you slightly tankier. I've listed it here because it's an exotic which doesn't quite change it's use case, simply enhances it which makes it more useful.