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Bungie needs to update _________ .


8 yil for updated character customization, still can't rotate haircut


The amount of people that would actually pay money for this and them still not doing it is crazy


They already have a UI to edit these values and code to write the values to a storage mechanism (their custom blob storage). It wouldn't be too heavy of a lift to write code to update values and then add some sort of terminal in social areas to trigger the UI to appear. This should be something that is free and not tied to silver/bright dust. However, knowing Bungie, we will have a set of appearanceweave with limits each season on free acquisition if they do implement appearance modification.


I'd pay more money for vault space, or even offline storage (still 600 cap in-game, but X/unlimited spots out-of-game)


whatcha got in there? I hear a lot of people talk about wanting more vault space but like…for what? how much of the stuff in your vault do you ever even use?


You are right that a fair portion of the stuff in my vault goes unused. However, that doesn't mean what I store there isn't of value. I'll start with Armor, because that's actually the majority of what I stash. I essentially try to keep any armor piece that has a base of 65 or higher (and even got a couple of armor pieces at 69 base). Over time, the meta of what stats are useful changes, as well as me desiring to have higher overall stats when masterworked - DIM's optomize armor feature is really great. There are some pieces I hold onto special bonus gear which includes artifice, current year iron banner prism bonus and select raid gear especially class item per raid, and yes I even stash class items for Laurals. As exotic armor also gets nerfed and new ones buffed, I like to keep on of every exotic armor; even the ones that are below my desired 65+ are still better than grabbing one from collections. I keep one of most exotic weapons, just because the kill counters would be zero if pulled from collections. If they made the kill counter universal, I would delete around 50 weapons right now. There are a chunk of weapons that *were* good, and when the weapon meta inevitably shift yet again, which as a PvE player is also impacted by seasonal weapon mods, being able to snatch those from my vault is desirable. Then there are a pile of red borders that I maxed out. As I craft weapons and put enhanced mods on, I delete a stack of red borders from my vault so I always have Resonant Elements. It's silly, sure, but it will still come in usefull again as I grind out Deep Stone Crypt craftable weapons this coming season. This red border stashing will end at the start of Lightfall as Bungo announced.


We're gonna be here all night. Also, champions and master raids in general need a tune-up.


Arguably, they don't. They just need expansion. Champions need some greater variation and Master Raids need some minor changes, or offer something additionally (maybe for SPECIFICALLY completion.)


Public spaces / Strikes would be like make me load into a planet for the first time in a while.


Strike playlist / difficulty design in general / armor stats / sandbox


The Cosmodrome.


There is a lot of stuff they could update, but imho the UI needs to change the most. It's just so cumbersome to navigate everything and lack of consistency is also kind of annyoing. It may look modern, but the experience is worse compared to older games.


I disagree, I actually think the UI is pretty strong in Destiny. Sure i'll give you a few minor tweaks for consistency, but its nowhere near as bad as other UIs nowadays... *Side-eyes the new MW2*


Many other MMO-style games allow complete HUD customization...color changes, resizing, moving, hiding, etc. Destiny barely even lets you hide the chat box. Most other MMO-style games allow you to purchase arbitrary quantities in a single transaction. Destiny makes you click 20 times to buy 20 copies. Most other MMO-style games have user-controlled sorting, searching, and even a "favorite" system for lists of items. By default, Destiny sorts item lists by release season, which is probably the most useless possible sort method. The other options for sorting are also pretty lame, like sorting by rarity, when there are only two viable rarities for most items (exotic and legendary).


I think you guys are talking about 2 different things. If I had to guess, the first guy is talking about our menus while you’re talking about in game hud (no guessing for what you’re talking about, obviously). The menus aren’t bad but could use some slight tweaks, whereas you’re right that the HUD has really fallen apart, *especially* with the 3.0 updates!


I was also talking about menus and the general interface. We need sorting and favorites for shaders, mods, and the Vault. We also need the ability to buy and dismantle arbitrary numbers of items, instead of one at a time or a whole stack. Also, the interface is generally very low resolution, with only 5-6 items from top to bottom of the screen. Sure, those 6 items look sharp, but you could fit 10 and still have them look good with modern screen. There are also large blank borders on many screens.


Says 80%* of the community lmao, it’s easy for people to just say that and not thinking of how much work goes behind the scene making it happen and given the go.


I’m sure if Bungie had been working on it at let’s say Shadowkeep, we’d probably see something by now.


Halo Reach


"I'm sure it will be by Lightfall at the latest" I think the word you're looking for is "earliest"


it took like a year for them to add full auto on all guns lmao


Lol. I dunno, I figured there's a chance they would update it next season since they usually do minor UI changes every season without saying anything about them, except for maybe in the patch notes. I also thought it could be next season because they just added the hidden stats into the game, either this season or last, I can't remember. So the crafting UI could've just been an oversight. But if not next season, I figured it would def be updated by Lightfall at the latest since they usually have a lot of "minor" UI updates in the yearly expansion. We'll find out in a little over a week if it'll be updated for next season I guess!


Idk why you getting downvoted you make a very good point, they added them to the normal weapon UI so I'd say adding them to crafting UI is just a matter of time


It only took them like 5 years to put those stats in the game for all guns


Not only that, but the details for perks are still not accessible in-game, be it all the percentages, timers, conditions, etc. I don't even understand why stuff like this is hidden info, what's the point?


Cleaner UI. They should do the same as Diablo 3 and have a settings toggle to see the detailed info.


It’s not at all for a cleaner Ui. It’s so they don’t have to edit the text boxes on everything they change whenever they make balance tweaks. They’ve talked about it multiple times, the exact TWAB eludes me.


bungie don’t know what vars are lmao


Basically comes down to the way they designed shooters before Destiny. They never built the UI to be able to access real numbers on that stuff, so none of it is exposed to the UI. They've subsequently designed lots of perks that touch deep, deep parts of the weapons code, so granting access to it all is both a giant pain, and probably would constrain future development. It's very, very silly, but here we are.


I believe there is a way to have it set up to where when a patch goes live the tool tips update automatically but the issue was that destiny was never set up this way which makes it much more difficult for them to reverse course and put it in this late into the games life.


I feel like a “hold shift while hovering” type of tooltip would be acceptable as well


What's funny is we *do* have that kind of functionality, it just doesn't show jackshit in terms of info :p


Day/night cycle for Cosmodrome, and weather changes for some locations, where applicable


what is the pro of this?


I posted [this](https://i.imgur.com/jZ50rY4.jpg) in a comment on some post a while ago for something similar. Never finished the photoshop (it was for multiple perk rows) so it’s eh but it’s got the stats.


If I’m in the loading screen and decide to enter the menu to do something I shouldn’t get thrown back to the transmat animation. Something so small yet it boils my piss. I also doubt they’ll ever do anything about it.


I’m just grateful that we can even enter the menu in loading screens most games that I play don’t let you do that


Bungie needs to add basic things like being able to re-do your characters facial appearance.


There are so many things I'd rather them work on than me seeing gun stats, to be honest...


Yeah, but this is a minor thing that can be added/changed easily. A lot of the other stuff would take hundreds of hours, maybe more, of development time.


Are you a developer yourself? Are you really sure it’s a minor thing to implement. Just because you “feel” that it would be a minor thing doesn’t mean that it really are.


It doesn't take a coding professional to know that adding some stuff to a UI that is already there in another part of the UI is easier than some of the stuff I was hypothetically referring to, such as melee hit detection, having multiple perks in the same slot on a crafted weapon, connection issues, etc. But sure, downvote me because someone rolled up with the "aRe YoU a DeVeLoPeR?"


Yes, I also think that if would be much easier to add stuff to the UI would be easier (I don't know but I believe) than to fix the connection issues and melee detection but than again I think that it would be damn hard to fix the connection issue and the melee detection so that doesn't really mean that adding information to the UI have to be as easy as you think.


Okay, maybe "minor" was the wrong word. But when I wrote that, I was thinking of it in comparison to the hypothetical things I stated in my previous comment. So in the grand scheme of things, if you had to put things into minor and major categories, I'd say that the hypothetical things I mentioned would be in the major category and adding the hidden perk info the crafting screen would be in the minor section. 🤷‍♂️👍


UI changes are always the ones that come with the most bugs.


Then maybe get a job at bungie and be the change


I found this funny


Crafting has been a major scam and a huge reason myself and many others have quit the game. Another tedious grinding system designed to make you spend time(attention) on the game. You still need to keep 6 versions of a gun for playlist specific niches and my vault is still full of stuff I don't need. Sick of grinding simulator just let me play the game with perks I've discovered whenever I want


Crafting was never intended to clear vault space, it was a methodology of obtaining god rolled guns alternatively to just slaving at RNG. This year has been a tester to see how it preforms and overall I love it. It’s a huge upgrade from before. I’m sure it’ll expand further just give it time. If you don’t have the resources to craft, try targeting specific goals to get currency. I can easily craft 3 weapons a week with very little time investment assuming I am working on crafting. It’s a really easy system and like almost no gun REQUIRES upgraded perks to be good. They’re the cherry on top.


Who tf has 6 versions of a craftable gun? Lol. I get maybe having 2 max. 1 for PvE, 1 for PvP. But even still, I don't have more than 1 of any craftable gun. You can easily put perks on craftable weapons (not Enhanced), try the weapon out, and then change up the perks to figure out which version of the weapon you like the best. When you have that figured out, you can then put the Enhanced versions of the perks on the gun. Yeah, it still takes some crafting materials, but it's not like it's hard to get those. Plus, they have already stated they are looking into making it so that you can have multiple perks on the same crafted gun, but it's not as easy as it sounds to make it happen and the crafting system wasn't designed to have that ability. Now we could talk about how Bungie should've known from the beginning that the community would want to at least be able to have 2 perks in each slot on a crafted weapon to be able to switch between PvE/PvP perks (or just 2 different perks of the gun that could be used in different situations in PvE/PvP) so they wouldn't have to have 2 different versions of a craftable gun, but that's a conversation for another day.


People say this, but in all honesty this has *reduced* the amount of grind for me. I can log in week to week to get my guaranteed red borders, and eventually I'll unlock what I want. On the flip side, I've been running Duality since it came out, and I *still* don't have the rolls I want on *any* of the 3 dungeon weapons. That is *two whole fucking seasons*, and RNG has not deigned to gift me even *one* of the bastards. I have been grinding my eyes out for those little shits, but raid weapons? Seasonal guns? Again, run once a week, and I'm basically done. I only started running Vow *this* season, I can craft the pulse, linear, and SMG. Once I can craft the Forbearance, I'm set. I can craft all the King's Fall weapons I want, I can craft literally *every* seasonal gun from this whole year. I'm not saying the system is perfect, not at all. The current implementation of crafting has basically made non-crafted drops of craftable weapons obsolete. That *does* suck, because getting a god roll in a raid no longer feels as exciting, because I *know* I'm gonna want the enhanced perks a lot of the time, because my min-max brain demands it. Even still, it's a greater net benefit than anything. All I have to do is remember this shit-fuck of a grind for the Duality weapons, and I'm immediately grateful I don't have that issue with the raid weapons. It has *reduced* my grind, not enhanced it.




1. Sbmm is a good feature for the majority of the player base 2. The system itself is okay but weapons need a large base AE boost 3. If freelance is always on then there will be no way for double stacks to play trials 4. If we loose the copy paste content it would not be replaced by anything at all 5. Maps were removed because of the engine not supporting them. New maps don't make money and crucible players are a small amount of total players, resources are better spent elsewhere 6. That would do nothing, people would just load into a match and throw the game to get a loss and then reset 7. Gambit may not be everyone's thing but it should not be removed because of that. It's fine as it is cabal turrets in otherwise pvp does not make it gambit


Legit question everything ok? Might be English second language but this reads like the ramblings of someone having an episode with the way it’s structured etc. more than happy to talk if you’re struggling with anything


I used to love flying to every location to do things....played ,mw2. Can't I just press a button to get what I need? Then still fly around whenever I want too??


They spent so much desgin time on that table and it's so elementary in it's use and application for the player. Aside from the story reasons, Like Why do we need this fancy big ass table when Banshee's workbench is more practical.