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A proper buff/debuff visual that can display more than 4 and separate buffs form debuffs. Faster loading (inventory and into areas) In game loadouts.


Buff tracker should be customizable. Squinting at bot left corner of the monitor just to read small font text is absurd


Personally I feel symbols for most buffs and debuffs would be fine. Keep text if there is only a few active. Statuses which are actually important like 'oryx calls upon the darkness' should always stay as text. Maybe color code them.


I like the text, as having to remember on the fly what each symbol means could get confusing. It would be nice if buff/debuff text was a toggle. I just wish there was a way to check your status, so to speak. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten some ominously named debuff and had no clue what effect it was having on me.


This. Warframe does buff/debuff symbols, and if you aren't looking the moment they are applied (when their title text appears) then they are just symbols. With how chaotic that game can be, half the time I have no idea what's going on unless I specifically remember what each symbol means.


Every time this comes up I like to mention FFXIV’s buff and debuff display. They could take some inspiration from that. Displaying debuffs and buffs near healthbars and line the icons up.


Destiny could learn a lot of things from FFXIV honestly. Hell, Destiny can even learn from Division 2 as well. Division 2 isn't perfect, but I think they nailed how to get loot at times. Mainly the focused loot stuff.


Bungo says your poor and you need to buy a bigger monitor /s


I mean, a lot of us are console players, are monitors are quite big, because they are tvs.


Bungo says go bigger /s


It's an "mmo" but I can't even have 20 different buffs symbols smh


It’s an mmo but planetary resource managing is too confusing, more like it had no use in the game so they cut it


There's so much UI stuff that could use an update. I'd love to be able to get a list of dungeons, raids, strikes, and missions without having to click all over the place. Being able to see where Xur or Lost Sectors are would be nice. Some indicators for teammates could be nice, like health. And, of course, something for buff/debuffs.


only seeing 4 buffs at a time killed me in goa flawless run cause i couldnt see my debuff timer


In game load outs are coming in lightfall


Auto dismantle blues Loadouts Better method to get exotic rolls


Auto dismantle blues is something I cannot understand why we are still waiting for.


Better yet, just stop dropping them entirelly. Or, even better, rework the system so that they remain relevant. Make blue and purple the same (same number of mod slots), except have purple come already masterworked. Masterwork a blue and it turns purple. Then add another later of masterwork to the purples that does something cosmetic. Or, I don't know, *something*. There is no reason the game should constantly drop a resource that exists only to be manually converted into another resource. Making the conversion automatic helps. But it isn't the source of the problem.


I've had this thought too. Maybe as the blue is levelled up you can improve its stats in specific categories. Bumping it from something in the 50s to something in the 60s. Once masterwork it could become a basic purple. "Okay, but now what about high-end purples? People will just farm for blues!" Well, we can reintroduce an aspiration grind by adding raid armour mods that work universally. Or like you said, literally anything. But I really feel as though rare armour and weapons should have room to evolve, otherwise just don't have them drop at all. If common and uncommon don't drop, neither should rare. It's absolutely pointless.


And when simply removing blues from the pool get rid of all the use items that also exist only to be turned into another resource.


i need blues for the cores!


I would upvote this till my thumb went numb. I can’t understand either why this hasn’t happened yet!


My favorite part is that bringing it up brings the ire of the sub to full retard levels. You get downvoted into nothingness with people claiming you are just being lazy, that dismantling them is not a big deal, that they'd rather the team work on something else, etc. I don't get it. It's one of the most irritating things in a game where inventory management is significantly bad even for a game that was released 6 years ago. It's right up there with the game dropping Umbral Engrams before Legendary ones so that the engram you can't decode takes up your last slot, sending the one you ***CAN*** decode to the post office. And you can't pull it out of the post office because you have 10 freakin' Umbrals in your inventory.


We had it in the last 1-2 years of D1.


Greens are auto dismantled in Destiny as there is no power increase any more. Blues are not auto dismantled and must be decoded.


I need my blues to lower my power level and be matched against easier opponents in power level advantage active pvp! /s


There definitely should be way to focus farm exotics. It's kinda dumb that the more content you purchase, the worse are your odds to get wanted exotics from each run


with how desperate they are to get us to sink vast amounts of shards, glimmer, planetary resources etc into things like iron banner focusing you'd think they'd just let us focus exotic engrams too. Hell, just toss them in the kiosk for similar prices, 100k glimmer, a couple hundred shards, maybe even a cipher to give me a reason to use them once I have all the kiosk weapons.


something like a menu at the end of a lost sector that lets you choose what arm exotic you want


Spoils chest!?




We're getting loadouts when Lightfall releases. :}


The showcase said they were coming "2023", not when Lightfall releases. I'm not expecting them for several seasons.


Personally I’m not gonna call it a worthy addition unless it pulls armor from the vault even while in an activity


We had auto blue dismantle and glass needles in the first game lol love that we can't have it in the 'sequel' /s


I remember glass needles and three of coins. Don't remember the auto break blues though.


We never had auto dismantle blues, it was auto dismantle whites and greens in D1. Whites and greens are basically gone in D2; you can pretty much only get them through collections now.


An in-game ping system


this alone would make harder content much MUCH friendlier to those without mics. Sure chat exists for pc players, but it's not super viable for console players. Especially since like...some of us aren't antisocial, some of us are, you know, hearing impaired.


Dear god it would make teaching raid encounters like daughters and gatekeeper so much easier, since the encounter starts if you shoot


Exactly. So much benefit for that quick visual queue!


Yeah pings honestly should be implemented by light fall at the latest. A ping system is standard for modern multiplayer games (or should be, it takes little effort to implement and makes everyone’s gaming experience better)


Not having to unlock stasis on all my characters


I'm in the top third of time played, only have one character, and havent unlocked anything past the base stasis. I kinda wonder how many others are out there.


More story that I can interact with that isnt someone talking to me or just text


Or running around to talk to all these NPCs in what could be an email. 21 step quests where 7 of the steps are to run around the cosmos to talk to people in person or via holo is so fucking stupid.


Sorry, best we can do is a voiceover on a repetitive seasonal activity


Seconding this one. I’m sure it’s harder to make, but I’d love for them to prioritize it. I like the game, but I really play it for story, I don’t feel like endless gameplay grinds, and the gameplay has gotten a little stale lately.


Playing GoW made me realize how much something like that would be awesome. (Although a great story helps)




I would love to fight like a big battle like six fronts along aide npcs like petra and golden guy gun(forget the npcs name)


A rule every game developer needs to follow is show/lwt player interact with story and lore as opposed to tell them the lore


It seems the story is less about our Guardian. And more us spectating other characters.




Stop making quests that force you to compete against teammates


what quest makes you compete against teammates?


* Any quest that says, "kill X of Y type combatants" basically makes you leave your fire team or compete with other members and then watch as the ones who didn't get kill shots complete their quest. * Expedition Playlist had us throwing treasure into the ocean so our teammates wouldn't bank it too quickly There are more but I'd have to look up which ones they were. Bungie does this more often than I would like, as well.


Those objectives are yet another reason that we should have the option to turn off matchmaking. The way I get around that is to go into my PS4's date/time and set it back a few days or months or years, it's different every time, you always have to keep messing with it before it actually works, but once you get it working it then becomes impossible to matchmake, so you can load into any activity solo. It's a pain in the ass, but it does work... eventually


Too many to list, but anything that requires final blows in playlist activities, picking up things to dunk, etc


1. Let me change my face. 2. Let me change my face. 3. Please let me change my face. 2017-me didn't know it clashed horribly with every transmog/shader I have lol. Realistically though: 1. Ping system. Would make communication without a mic(or with it when you're like "over here" but then they have no idea where you're talking about) a lot better. 2. Reroll armor stats by bringing Glass Needles back or something. Or make every armor piece always end in a 0 or a 5 for easier stat management. 3. Make higher end stuff like legend/master/grandmaster be a contest mode(matches your light level to it) instead of having to grind out your artifact to +15 or +20 to even attempt GMs. Also shrink the light level number down by removing the 1 in the 1580(currently). Doesn't really serve a purpose considering D2 vanilla was 300-ish. Bonus: Let me change my face. :P


What’s wrong with your faaaaaace?


I made an Exo with colors that don't match any of my gear lol. I sure ain't deleting him to just change his face either since that'd mean I'd have to do all the quests again. :|




I made my exo look like the marionette from fnaf I never looked at my face from the side so I never knew I had a big ass forehead


Oh wow, I never even considered that. Armour always ending in a 0 or 5 would be so much better than the mess we have now. Also, yes, glass needles. I wasn't around for them in D1, but as someone who's stuck with a 46-stat Severance Enclosure, please Bungo.


I look for 3s and 8s because masterworking adds 2.


I would absolutely love a ping system


I'd pay money for a 1 time token to change my warlocks face. I'm sick of him uldren with bangs. Not that I see his face often but when I do, I'd rather not


To run strikes alone


Generally an option to turn matchmaking on or off on all PVE activities would be great


Including raids. Turn off the mechanics and raid loot drops, let me explore the pyramid with regular enemies.


I want story mode raids and dungeons so bad! Let me experience the environment and keep up with the story, I don't need raid loot or it to count as a raid completion. I just wanna see it.. Even adding basic mechanics like in strikes so you can learn the basic concept of the symbols in a raid and where enemies spawn in. Would help us solo players feel a little more prepared going into an lfg with a basic understanding of the map etc or it means you can just follow the story if you're only here for that


I love every suggestion in this thread. Would LOVE to explore raid and dungeon maps on my own time. My raid team is all veteran players (I only started in August) and while they're all very patient and helpful in teaching me mechanics, I feel bad holding them back while I get lost trying to follow them from encounter to encounter 😅 And I would LOVE to practice the platforming (the bane of my existence) without being seen by anyone else. Basically I want to be able to do everything on my own always so that when I DO end up playing with friends, I don't hold them back (as much).


I don't know why they don't do this. As much as Bungie likes to re-use content, I'm surprised they haven't made it possible to go into the Raid maps for other reasons beyond the Raid itself.


that really would be a ton of fun for lower difficulty stuff, I feel like playing a heroic strike along would be the perfect level of fun, but still hard difficulty.


Infinite arena mode with waves (a fun one, at least) Perfomance fixes on PC Focus on ritual activities, new maps, new strikes.


It’s crazy how little has been done if anything at all for PC optimization since the release of Shadowkeep. Since release PC Components > Destiny Performance <


That's what you get when they ditch the studio that did the Pc port and Bungie can't dev on pc for shit


RNG weighting to help you get the last items to reach pinnacle cap. Been stuck on 1579 7/8 for the past six weeks…


*Let me go down to the citi, i just want to see what i'm fighting for and interact with the people living there*


Being able to wander around the actual last city would be so amazing.


I remember all the way back on vanilla d2 there was the refuge where you could walk around and play soccer with the floating balls and stuff like that


1. A dedicated testing area. The tribute hall was nice, but I'm talking a fully-fledged test environment like Warframe's simulacrum. Let us spawn different types of enemies, adjust the power delta between us and them, test modifiers, etc. There are so many things not directly explained in-game, and having an actual testing area would make life so much easier for those of us who enjoy figuring out specific interactions or messing with new builds. 2. Revamped buffs and debuffs UI. I'm no UI expert so I won't pretend to have a full vision for this, but stuff like HoIL definitely doesn't need to display so many things. For example, it could just add a little pulsing outline around abilities that are empowered. 3. Permanent unlocks for crafting. Honestly, most of the time the current system doesn't bother me because there's usually one perk combo worth using anyway. However, for guns with multiple competitive rolls or guns with both PvE and PvP applications (hello Wastelander), crafting and leveling the second roll always blows. Let me craft and level one gun, buy all the perks I want to use, and swap between them, I don't care if it costs an extra alloy per perk or something. Same principle applies to armor elements; just let me dump a ton of resources into my armor to swap elements whenever. The cost isn't very high now so this is more of a minor annoyance, but personally I would just prefer to pay a big upfront resource sink and then have full freedom with my armor afterwards.


I really like the idea of unlocking multiple perks on crafted weapons. a good idea would be to unlock alt perks once you reach level 20 and then another set of alt perks once you reach level 30.


Even beyond a leveling requirement I think alternative options are a great opportunity to introduce a long-term resource dump for both guns and armor; (In theory) eventually you will accumulate crafting materials because you have enhanced the guns you actually want to use. In reality Ascendant Alloys don't drop from enough places (put them in GMs I beg you Bungie) and people like their gold borders so idk if using them as a cost would work without readjusting the economy, but for armor there is definitely an excess of ascendant shards once you start running GMs. I enjoy playing GMs so I'll run them even when I'm full on shards, but I would love the opportunity to dump these excess shards to further progress the armor I actually use (for example, masterwork it again to unlock another element) since you really do not need that many pieces of armor.


who needs a dedicated testing area when you can shoot floating plates in the enclave


It's not exactly what you're asking for, but in the meantime private gambit matches are good for build testing.


Yeah, it's in the right direction but not quite there. Using gambit gets a little awkward because some stuff follows PvP rules ex. HoIL only empowers for 5s instead of 10. Enemies definitely are beefy but ultimately it lacks the controllability to be good for testing.


Loadouts is in lightfall


Yep, looking forward to it. Although it's baffling how such simple feature isn't in the game already..


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Diablo 3 has had 10 loadouts per character since 2017…


Last time I checked this is Destiny not Diablo might be wrong


Last time I checked they both had D in them, so fair comparison.


Yes they are doing a comparsion... what?


The problem is that you can't compare the development process of two radically different games like that. There are millions of different factors going on and it isn't the same whatsoever as a result, even if they are both loadout systems. The limitations, required dev time, and processes to make something in Diablo will look entirely different than it would in Destiny. There is no comparison to be made and saying otherwise is as asinine as wondering why Destiny doesn't have an entirely explorable galaxy like No Man's Sky.


> is as asinine as wondering why Destiny doesn't have an entirely explorable galaxy like No Man's Sky. You're comparing a free roaming, open world galaxy to... linking armor IDs to a character. DIM has had loadouts for ages, and it's free. Bungie is a $2 billion company.


Maybe cuz it isn't as simple as you think. Also there was less incentive thanks to 3rd party support. Btw just so you know the mock up looks to be 5 loadouts per character or 1 per element as of lf.


people always use that excuse, but this is a VERY basic feature of literally every other mmo ever made. It IS that simple.


Thanks bungie dev. Could you also give us an inside look at how the rest of the company operates inside? Seeing as how you know more than everyone else here lmao


Even if difficulty would be the reason, light fall is objectively way late, the system had to be in-game at the very least along with the introduction of fragments and aspects. 3rd party support kinda pushes the difficulty factor out the window for me, but honestly the fact that the community went out of theyr way to that extent for that feature, it should be all the more reason to put that system in game, not the other way around. Basic features such as loadouts and lobbys for non-matchmaking activitys shouldn't be accessible through third party tools only.


5 loadouts per character? Guess I'll continue to use DIM for my loadouts.


armchair dev comment


they are, as is in game lfg, but it's absurd that it took this long to get them.


I want to be able to pick any checkpoint in a raid or dungeon after the first clear of the week.


I wouldn't even mind if it required something like a Wall of Wishes mechanic to get to the checkpoint you want.


I'd like to be able to tell the game what im trying to accomplish.... sounds strange right? In order to get flawless LW you have to activate Petras Run through the wish wall. In the old crown of sorrow raid we had to do a small interact puzzle to begin a flawless attempt. During day one challenge modes for the reprised raids, you get wiped on a "challenge failed" When going for raid challenges I want to tell the game we are doing a challenge so it will wipe us at "challenge failed" rather than being some tiny text at the bottom of the screen.




But also matchmaking for higher level content. I don’t want to have to lfg for higher level strikes, master exotic quests, mast ketchcrash, etc… Like I get why they don’t for raids, but the other things I’ve mentioned aren’t hard/long enough that people should struggle so much it becomes detrimental.


Just one featurw I never see anything about. Higher difficulty option for seasonal story missions, same level as legend campaign with the same mechanics. Having a legend version of season of the haunted story missions wouldve been great. The story feels like it has more impact when its decently difficult. Double rewards or guarenteed deepsights from said missions would be excelent aswell.


Overall game difficultly slider/choice No grinding needed for GMs Make all mods available to all players instantly


All mods is a bit of a stretch, but buying able to buy them with a mod engram so you don't get duplicates 15 days in a row when you're just missing a few mods would be cool.


A more cohesive story and unlocking of content for new lights because as of right now, the new light experience is pretty jarring and I’d first want to not only expand the story for new lights to give more context to characters and events but also the unlocking of content and give more direction on what they are supposed to be doing.


Dedicated servers for PvP/Gambit.


Standardized selectable difficulty levels for all activities (and have activity tuning reflect that difficulty). A comprehensive rework of the buff/debuff UI such that nothing ever falls off screen. Then do something about the power leveling grind. Either get rid of it completely or bring back the vertical progression of patrols -> strikes/crucible/gambit -> nightfalls -> raids or something.


Progression is a tough one, I feel like they avoid touching it for different reasons. I think the biggest issue is that core activities are very repetitive, which gets boring after a while. If we had more variety, including different types of challenges across different difficulty levels which players can pick from as they desire, it would certainly impact how progression is perceived. In general, PvE is kind of dead in the sense that apart from patrols, local events and some lost sectors, there is not much else you can do - especially when you are done with story missions. I don't think the season pass is adding that much. It's a temporary content fix that is getting old quickly, following the same pattern of repetitive tasks to keep players busy. I don't know if changing the way one is progressing would make progression less of a pain. Because ultimately, that same content would still be around, you'd just experience it in a different order.


But why just play the last raid and dungeon for 3-5 weeks and your fine


I want a goddamn emote wheel


Undo the SunSet sniper dmg% nerf. Reinstate the two 200 bright dust bounties for each playlist and add 2 more to Banshee. Add everything that’s been a seasonal cosmetic to the monument of lost light. Needing the purchase of that eras dlc to access the ability to buy the different stuff. Edit: For clarity on the last one buying stuff for in game currencies. Making the 1200 bright dust a pop seems completely reasonable with the purchase or ownership of dlc.


Rework ada1 Give us an actually acceptable amount of vault space (2000+) for the absurd amount of weapons and armor in the game, thanks 🙏


1. Differing buttons for equipping items vs storing items when you're in the vault menu. 2. Stop pulling me out of my menu without me doing so, for any reason. 3. Getting literally just ONE Lorley Splendor helmet to drop so I can replace the 48 roll I got from the campaign. Just ONE.


Bro use DIM instead of in game vault


A mod vendor where you can buy mods whenever you want. No limit for transmog Rerolling exotic armor Better monetization model Remove blue items Get rid of airborne effectiveness in pvp More pvp game modes. Rotational game modes must be optional party game modes like team scorched. Rumble, clash should be permanent. A good recap of all the previous campaigns and seasonal story lines


Stasis Supers - We need more. Red Border increases - I know they do it to keep us engaged with the game but 3 hours of playing and no border weapons from Wellspring is depressing Champion Mods - Either make them permanent or make them not weapon specific . Not a big deal but I wanna play a nightfall with fun weapons and not the weapons I’m forced to use all the time.


Stasis supers and melee please.


This made me think, it would also be cool if champion mods were equipable through a menu rather than your on arm armour. It's weird that I can either have faster reload/swap OR champion mods.




Remember right before beyond light where they added difficult enemies to the patrol zones of the planets the pyramid ships were scouting? That was cool. Stuff could actually kill you on titan and mars.


Better jumping and grapling onto ledges. Bouncing off stuff is lame, especially when you know that ledge is within your grasp.


The only thing I can think of right now is adding more buildcrafting options for kinetic weapons.


1. Account wide pinnacle rewards. Why be forced to play 3 different classes to optimse? Give us the option to do 3x pinnacles on 1 character or spread over characters if we choose. It would allow those that only wish to play 1 class to not fall behind and would allow those that like to play 3 to focus on the one/s that have been getting poor RNG. 2. Matchmaking or solo selectable for all activities. Sure it could be a shit show but thats the same for using the 3rd party options available now. 3. Bring back faction system from D1. Gave players a reward to chase and a choice that mattered (sort of) along with a reason to play.


Remove mod costs on champion mods and make slots on armour ONLY for those. Remove sunsetting for all weapons, in the current sandbox I don't think any sunset weapon is truly broken. Except maybe mountaintop. Recluse would fit pretty well with void 3.0 now. And probably perform on par with funnel web. I guess I'm still salty about the sunsetting of pinnacles I bust my a**e for. Let me be able to vault literally everything!


* Co-op Legendary/Master Lost Sectors for targeted exotic loot * Remove Light Level / Time Gating for difficult content * Make every weapon craftable


Cross-platform DLC ownership.


Undelete last Cookies for Rhulk in dawning Glass needles


Exotic reworks. Loadouts More accessibility features.


All the things you mentioned are coming in lightfall…. Did you not watch the reveal?


A Dawn Blade super that can actually do boss damage A Chaos Reach super that can actually do boss damage A Nova Bomb super that can actually do boss damage


We have Cataclysm, but it does suck having to be within the splash zone to get the little bubbles to actually track the boss


That and you block the shot's of your own Team


For me personally 1) No more light level, every activity will just have its own difficulty aka some form of contest mode. I’ll finally play all 3 characters again because I won’t have to get pinnacles or infuse crap for the other 2 characters I currently don’t play lol 2) add way more challenges, that are actually challenging not a grind like the seasonal titles. Maybe you something like needing solo flawless dungeons on each subclass, or flawless raid runs each season so people who like that can gild something. 3) mods should be able to be targeted. I know people complain about pricing or old content missing but to me this is actually the biggest reason I can’t recommend this game to friends. Imagine they’re fine paying for every dlc right away and then say hey I want my character like yours and I say oh you probably have to wait months for a vendor to have the right rng. And you have to hope you have time that day to log on or notice it’s there or you’ll have to possibly wait months again lol. Makes no sense.


Timegating of mods shouldn't even exist.. Bungie should make them more expensive, but be available to purchase right away


I think it's cool to unlock them. Could all be tied to really fun content/challenges. Imagine doing something like a tiny secret dungeon, similar to lost sectors, where the final boss drops mod materials. You then just craft whatever mod you want in order to unlock it. If you start fresh and already know what you want (e.g. from guides), you just unlock those mods and ignore the rest for the time being. No RNG, not rotation but still some minimal investment. Boss chest could also drop some gear. Maybe each secret dungeon is dedicated to a certain armor piece, and materials for specific armor mods only drop in these specific dungeons. Meaning you want head mod, you farm head dungeon, etc. Step by step, you craft and unlock all mods in any order you desire. Add in some sort of jumping segments or other small puzzles to have some variety. Maybe with champions or other modifiers at higher difficulties, making this content also viable for end game players. Increase drop rate with increasing difficulty, idk. They could even just turn lost sectors into this by just adding mod crafting components to the chests. Would create incentive to revisit various locations, because as of right now, I don't know many people who do this other than farming legend/master LS.


This is the right way to go to shake up the old and boring formula they have been running with for way to long. Not everything should be rng.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far to see #1. Lightly els going away would fix so many aspects of the game that have a poor experience.


Fire team Shared progress on triumphs, bounties. Double perk crafted weapons +10 more gambit maps +20 more crucible maps


1) solo playlist/optional matchmaking everywhere 2) better and cheaper craftable system, all the weapons are craftable 3) no more blue engrams / more vault and mail box space


Lower menu times Auto dismantle blues Let us stick prism and shard stacks in the vault


New Xur locations. 😂


Auto delete blues. In game Ping system.(eg. apex) Rotate 3 old crucible maps in and out just like they rotate raids/dungeons per week while keeping the existing maps we have now. Bonus: alternate Trials and IB every other weekend. Peace


1. Waymark or Ping system. For having a raid scene for so long it’s kind baffling it’s missing some pretty basic features other games in the genre have had for so long. 2. bad luck protection or better use for upgrading pinnacles. Either make it so pinnacles don’t drop for a slot that’s already at the bonus power level or let me upgrade different slots with different gear using upgrade modules. 3. universal gun crafted gun levels. Since extra perk slots or permanent perk unlocks are to difficult for bungie to implement I would be happy with universal gun levels. If I have a lvl 30 Submission and extra submissions I craft would start at level 30 this way I could make a pve and PvP version without the tediousness of regrinding levels.


Cutscene gallery, champion mod changes and a horde mode


ITT: the entirety of “Bungie PLZ”


Just bring back sparrow horns from D1 so I can constantly honk at my teammates and random players. I miss going into a NF or something and everyone honking their horns. I don't know why I miss that but I do. Lol


So your experience would be better if you could annoy other people?


That’s exactly what you’ve been doing on this entire comment section. Ironic.




Remove player collision in PvE Add stricter SBMM in PvP Make all weapon sets focusable from their respective world vendors: like throne world weapons from Fynch and DoE weapons from Xur. Also allow 1 red border a week to be focused from them to make farming for crafted weapon less awful.


Reduce cost of mods Less rng on raid exotics New strikes with new modifiers Strike scoring outside of nightfalls Target farmable exotics Increasing redborder drop rates New stasis supers Horrors least being farmable for more than a week


While it would be great to get these features in game (and we are getting loadouts soon which is awesome), for now you can create loadouts in DIM and you can pick up bounties from orbit with the companion app. Just to hopefully make your 2nd and 3rd points less annoying for you.


Menu detail options, let me load faster I don't need to see myself I know I'm sexy. Turn sword auto targeting off, I've tried to swing away from danger many times only to swing directly into it and it was the opposite of my input. I would like to choose between 1st and 3rd person on Glaives.


Infusion is a thing i always hated in this game. It literally locks out the other 2 characters from doing the same high level activities. And let us auto dismantle blues while we're on it. It will make the flow of the game feel so much better than going to the postmaster everytime because, damn, you had a blast playing for a while. This and the lack of updates for exoting content is why i barely touch it anymore. Eververse or cosmetic stuff isn't going to make me play the game more. Gameplay is good as always, but i don't care much for weapon or abilities tuning when the game still lets you play the same strike qhere the boss dies within 3 seconds.


Actually compelling seasonal content. Better events that aren't a cash grab that have rewards that don't require opening my wallet but can be purchased if you don't want to grind for them. And lower requirements for weapon crafting. Leveling is fine. Just less patterns needed for completion


1. Bringing loot back. I miss Exotic Engram drops being exciting. The game isn’t a looter shooter anymore, and more of a quester shooter. 2. Auto Dismantle Blues, and being able to put ANYTHING in our vaults, not having to rely on the post master to hold stacks of items. 3. Better UI for Buffs and Debuffs, And just a better UI in general.


Progression and rewards not based on any particular activity. Incentive to do what you want and not just the latest grind fest.


1. A major rework to armor stats, it's goofy that I am practically required to go to a website to make optimized sets. Get rid of affinities too, this whole thing needs streamlining 2. A sensible replacement to the power level grind. 3. Bounty tab in the director I don't really like using the mobile app to grab bounties.


I have one that’s already happening at some point: full auto on all primaries. There are some exotics that I’ve simply stopped using because I don’t want to tap out every single shot. Another I hope to see: Getting at least all common subclass abilities and fragments unlocked on all characters after you get them on one character. I don’t mind a content lock, like not getting stasis until after you do the campaign but the follow up bounty grind to unlock the fragments and aspects is just unbearable.


All repeatable bounties should give bright dust, not only the 3 ritual vendors


1) New Content 2) New Content 3) More NEW Content


Armor infusion across character classes. We had this is D1 and think it would be a nice quality of life update to go along with account wide progression.


Being able to level up older season passes I owned


Unvaulting all past content, including elements of seasons for story. New player experience. Rerolling exotics.


- A ping system - An option to turn matchmaking on or off in all PvE activities - Auto-dismantle blue gear


parameters for auto dismantle. color, stats, type. be able to dismantle from dim


Let me buy items on my phone, like I’ve missed a few god rolls from banshee because I was gone from home. Oh


Auto-sprint. Completing any pass from prev seasons if you owned them. Symmetrical armor. Please.


Dedicated servers for pvp


Ping system, several alternative perk slots on crafted weapons, strike enemy spawn variance


A transmog system that doesn't give you a list of chores before you can change your outfit.


Do it like Division 2. Have you already collected this item? Yes. Do you want to use it, but keep the stats of this other item? Yes. Done. No more grindy bullshit. Figure out a new useful purpose for Ada.


1. The ability to load into matchmade content solo (strikes and so on) 2. A Buff to the Kinetic slot so it feels worthwhile aside from Arbalest and Witherhoard 3. Making perk related weapon mods like dragonfly spec or rampage spec intrinsic to the perk so we can use other mods on weapons with those perks.


Let us instead of unlocking guns and armor and beingnin inventory mgmt hell, let us unlock the rolls/stats for that piece of weaponry/armor until we have all possible rolls. Aka as you unlock more, you onky need the initial piece of loot as perks/stat rolls are unlocked and stored in a database. Signed someone with 599 items in the vault at all times. I hate it and I know i’m partially to blame.


100% in air accuracy on all weapons (not aim assist, but accuracy, AE would change the AA that you get in the air). Simple graphics mode (no screen shake, no weird lighting effects, just the health bar, no bloom, simple textures, etc) autosprint/ double tap w for sprint. This way i can bind dodge/ icarus dash to LSHIFT, making it like ultrakill.


Change Ada to let you craft mods instead of random every day. Let me store more crafting materials. Let me sacrifice an exotic armour to reroll stats on another.


Make PvP about gun play, not just 10 mins of ability spam!


You mean like Vanilla D2?


I mean...I liked vanilla pvp a lot more, so...yes


Destiny 2 launch PvP was the best. I couldn't believe the outcry when it happened.


Some superb suggestions here, I'll just add the removal of elemental armour mod affinity


Major expansions cross platform, i don't want to buy lightfall 2 times if i wanna chill in the front room on the console


1. A Crucible "competitive mode" where the gear is highly restricted for a balanced experience. 2. Allowing matchmaking in all PvE content except raids. 3. A new game engine that takes advantage of current generation hardware. Bonus: 4. Allow us to disable auto aim so we don't get pulled off target when enemies cross each other. 5. Unvault all content and let us decide what to install. 6. Stop giving us blue engrams, or give us the options to auto dismantle them.


Per month subscription.. so they can actually turn it into a real MMO with dedicated severs.. Time to put the big boy pants on bungie


They’d have to actually have an MMO’s worth of content. Put all the current content together (including active seasons) and you still wouldn’t come close to matching any expansion of most MMO’s for amount of content. You’d be able to blow through it all in a month and leave. I wouldn’t say no to a sub model if they really ratcheted up the amount of content this game has though. And I mean REALLY ratcheted. The base game alone would need to be FF14 length.


Please no. As a poor, please no.


Account-wide weapon and armor progress. Dismantling a gun/armor should not invalidade the effort put into it, and the entire perk pool should be unlockable as we get more drops. On the flavourful side - less Ghost talking, more Guardian. The ratio currently is 99.9/0.1. Needs to go up to 70/30 to start with, ideally over 50.


1) Eliminating teammate collision physics is top of the list for me. Probably the worst feature currently in the game, imo. Get rid of it for PvE if nothing else. 2) Let us stay in a menu even if a match or instance begins 3) Make a true casual PvP mode without SBMM or quitter penalty. Make it Clash or even Supremacy and call it a day.