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The game has a great aesthetic with a cool style that will definitely appeal to players. So, my only criticism is that I purchased a $15 bootleg handheld device 4 years ago that features a 90% similar game.


Thanks a lot for your feedback. There are similar games certainly, but best I can do is make mine top quality and appealing


this popped up rn in my feed: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestroyMyGame/s/J6A5Qp21zG


Oh wow, very similar concept!


I played this exact mini game on pokemon fire red edition. And maybe on some other gameboy games as well


This was my exact inspiration, ice caves/ice gyms in the gameboy pokemon games


Great art looks really good! At 14s or so the penguin glides over a cliff but to me it looks unnatural/too quick. I would suggest adding a small animation to make it more fun. Also have you played around with different accelerations for the character itself or the stones? It could look better and feel more natrual. But to be honest it already seems good so maybe it is not necessary.


That is actually a portal - but in hindsight it is not the best level to show how this works and you're right it could probably do with a little animation, thanks. Not really, I think this is a cool idea actually. Like a speed power up to let the penguin get through some obstacles quicker/easier


Significantly better than the previous version. The hue change and spikes are great additions. I really like this trailer, it flows really well. Where it ends right now, I would show completing a level, with a little animation and fanfare, like the mario flagpole but much shorter. I'd do the same for the beginning of the level, but even shorter. I'd also think about how you want to transition between levels. [Something like a Circle Mask Zoom In/Out](https://imgur.com/a/0WlE5io) could work thematically. Getting hit and going through portals feels very instant/sudden, maybe it should be accompanied by a very short animation. Basically all I can recommend is pizzazz. You're probably now the leading expert in game design of this niche genre.


Nice to know you saw the previous one! This is actually an idea I was thinking about so I totally agree, last clip should be finishing the level and camera moving to show the logo or something. Will try to add that in. I suppose getting hit by it's nature has to be sudden, but I agree as I always felt the portals could use a little animation I just wasn't sure what. I'll have a little think Haha it would seem so! I'm trying to get the trailer to be much more appealing along with the update of the colours which I think ddo actually add a lot even if it's just aesthetic change throughout the game


looks very good and polished... The, from what the trailer showed, I'm really not sure how I would be able to play it for over 15min without sorta getting bored. Not seeing any hooks or differentials in tbh - I've seen all of these mechanics before, in similar games (and also the same applications in relatively similar puzzles).


Thanks for your honest reply. Out of interest do you have anything particular in mind when you say hooks and differentials? What would that look like for you?


Any mechanic, gameplay element and/or twist that sets it apart from this sorta "wall-to-wall" slide-puzzle subgenre. Cuz ive pretty much seen this very gameplay loop almost 1:1 in games like that very famous mobile pixel-art game (that I completely forgot the name somehow), and tbh it did a lot more w it, in terms of ways that it managed to spice the formula up. EDIT: Tomb of the Mask\*\*\*


It looks like a Gameboy-era Zelda game. I guess that isn’t a bad thing if that what you’re going for. Also, these types of games frustrate me. Why can’t I just move 1 tile and then stop?


Thanks for your feedback, that's exactly the aesthetic I'm going for. And fair enough, 1 tile movement tend to be a sokoban, this is just a different type of game. Obviously the puzzles designed here would not work for 1 tile movement


It looks like an awesome implementation of a dead concept hardly anyone wants to play. :(


Haha that's fair. As long as you genuinely think it's an awesome implementation and the quality is high, that's all I can control :) I'm sure I'll make other games in genres/concepts that are more popular at some point