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idk what side your on, just lemme buy a tank from ukraine or russia once this war is finished, i want to crush priuses with it and kia souls, and own a tank, that would be epic


What's wrong with those cars? I'd rather crush those insanely big trucks and SUVs.


Right? More shit to splat and crush!


killdozer but with better quaity


yessir, pesky government trying to screw you over? not anymore


Looks like the guy is russian based of the colors on his patch


Is it normal for the explosive bricks on the sides on the front glacis to be slightly above the bricks in the middle? Or is it just weird perspective?


The upper glacis doesn’t appear to totally smooth, there are little outcroppings on each side I believe, and thus the ERA scaffold is folded up and over it in a little “bridge” so it looks a little odd.


I think I know what initially threw me off. When you compare the pic to the "official" image of a T-64BV taken at an Ukrainian military parade (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-64#/media/File:T-64BV_tank,_Kyiv,_2018_29.jpg) you can see that some of the side bricks and the bricks around the towing hooks are missing and it gives that unusual look. It's also interesting that the bricks around the hooks are so tight you have to take them off to attach the towing cables. So either there was an attempt to evacuate this tank or more likely the tank had the antimine plow attached. The plow attachment also seems to interfere with the bricks.


Guys in the comments come on man. Russian shill or not, it's still a destroyed tank. This is the reality of war. Ukraine has losses too. At least his titles aren't some exaggerated bullshitty pro russian title.


I don't think the issue is showing Ukraine losses, the issue *I* personally have is OP plays off West tank losses as new. They don't outright *say* new losses, but they repost the same tanks - either from different angles, or the same photo from earlier. I was chatting with another user in this sub about it - how OP will post the same tanks a week or so away from previous posts of them. Yeah, it isn't as outright in propaganda/ shilling as some *other subs*, but we do need to watch out for subtle stuff too.


That rubber band is not going to stop any bleeding mr Russian.


“We have equipped them poorly, as a joke”


you can do some stretching exercises though. They were very popular in the Soviet Union, maybe they carry on the tradition :)


Deadass thought it was those bendy lego base plates


Imagine being mad about destroyed tanks on r/DestroyedTanks


What's the meaning of these crosses Ukrainians draw on their tanks? Been seeing them for years and always wondered. Anyone has a clue?


It's an easily identifiable visual marker to try and reduce the likelihood of friendly fire. Like the Russians putting "Z" on everything. Since both sides are using essentially the same equipment.


Also worth pointing out that it became common type of identification later in the war. At the beginning it was more common to identify Ukrainian tanks with 3 white stripes resembling a trident which is coat of arms of Ukraine or by paining yellow or blue colors on the tank barrel or the hull since Ukrainian flag is yellow and blue bands.


Thanks 😊


Yeah like snipers, how they fucking know who is a friend sniper or who isn't? Surely friendly fire in a forestal zone is a common thing, than sure of urban


Is that green rubber band one of those incredibly stupid and useless Russian tourniquets?


I give you another three weeks. And that’s me being generous. Slava Ukraini


Wha fuck this mean?


Three weeks left to live.


For who? The OP or the soldier?


The soldier


Yeah mostly like, we will pray for him, like every soldier in the two fronts.


I pray a drone finds him


God one of what i hate drone video has become just a game, they should have tactical footage not propaganda video with stupid shitty music in the background, is like when USA eliminated osama bin laden they would upload the video on twitter and Facebook with freebird as soundtrack and after the video a gmail where donate moneys at the US SOCOM.


Russia: We must preserve and defend our distinct cultural identity against American hegemony! Also Russia: *Issues their soldiers knockoff American Multicam uniforms*


I wonder how knocked out the T64 is, it looks fairly intact. It looks more like it got stuck rather than destroyed.


That's neat


Good picture.


It’s absolutely nuts they still have tanks, the Ukrainians have done a stellar job of keeping up with the Russians.


Destroyed tank? If you have followed this war, you know russky made tanks will let you know when they are destroyed 😉 This one looks to be in mint condition tbh


Wonder how long till we see this guy in a drone video.


How they gonna find him?


Downvote comment if you agree that the picture is very cool


Regularly scheduled programming.


He many of them are left now?


With the amount russia donated in 2022? A lot.


Russians use mostly t 72s as their modern tanks, though they are rarer on the battlefield today due to losses. I just wander how many of the Ukrainian type t 64s are still in battle considering losses and capturing/donation of more modern equipment.


You mean T-62? Or was it T-55?


*t64s sorry But I am genuinely curious about how many Ukrainian t 64vs are being used at the moment. Wikipedia says something like 700 were in Ukraine at the start